当前位置:文档之家› 2020高考英语刷题冲刺双一流系列:(题型突破)专题一动词的时态、语态和主谓一致 讲义

2020高考英语刷题冲刺双一流系列:(题型突破)专题一动词的时态、语态和主谓一致 讲义

2020高考英语刷题冲刺双一流系列:(题型突破)专题一动词的时态、语态和主谓一致 讲义
2020高考英语刷题冲刺双一流系列:(题型突破)专题一动词的时态、语态和主谓一致 讲义


考点1 一般时

一般现在时(do/does式) ★★★

典例1[2019安徽安庆二模改编,61]New year in Chinese people’s eyes means a family reunion. Every year (see) the largest annual mass migration on the planet when one sixth of the world’s population travel home to celebrate with their families.

句意:在中国人眼中,新年意味着家人团聚,每年世界上六分之一的人回家与家人一起庆祝,这是地球上最大规模的年度人口迁移。根据Every year 可知,此处应用一般现在时;再结合句意可知,主语是Every year,此处是拟人化的用法,see 在此处表示"遭受,历经",故用其第三人称单数形式。


典例2[2019河北邢台高三检测,61]An hour of swimming (burn) almost as many calories as an hour of running.



一般过去时(did式) ★★★

典例3[2020河北石家庄摸底考试,61]Translated fiction sales in the United Kingdom (rise) by 5.5 percent last year, with a growing demand for Chinese titles, said Nielsen Book on Wednesday.

句意:Nielsen Book周三表示,去年英国的翻译小说销量增长了5.5%,对中文图书的需求不断增长。根据空后的"last year"可知,此处叙述的是过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时,故填rose。


考点2 进行时

现在进行时(am/is/are+现在分词doing) ★★☆

典例4—Are you still very busy?

—Yes, I (write) a report for the manager but it won’t take long.


am writing

过去进行时(was/were+现在分词doing) ★★☆

典例5[2018北京,4]Susan had quit her well-paid job and (work)as a volunteer in the neighborhood when I visited her last year.


was working

考点3 完成时

现在完成时(have/has+过去分词done) ★★☆

典例6Alibaba’s Freshippo, where customers can shop via Alipay (支付宝)on their smart phones, (come) under the spotlight these days.

句意:这些日子,阿里巴巴的Freshippo成了焦点。顾客能够通过智能手机的支付宝在这里购物。根据句意和时间状语these days可知,此处用现在完成时has come。

has come

过去完成时(had+过去分词done) ★★☆

典例7[2019北京中央民族大学附属中学高三检测,4]The news came as no surprise to me. I (know)for some time that the factory was going to shut down.


had known

典例8[2019江苏七校联考,26]In Beijing, more than 21,100 people (apply) to donate their bodies by the end of 2017, since the city started to promote a body donation campaign in 1999.

句意:自北京1999年开始推行遗体捐献运动以来,到2017年底,北京有超过21 100人已经申请捐献遗体。根据时间状语"by the end of 2017"可知,"申请"这一动作从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到2017年底(指过去的过去),故应用过去完成时。

had applied

典例9[2019天津改编,2]I (hope) to send Peter a gift to congratulate him on his marriage, but I couldn’t manage it.


had hoped

考点4 完成进行时

典例10[2016北京,23]—Excuse me, which movie are you waiting for?

—The new Star Wars.We (wait)here for more than two hours.


have been waiting

考点5 将来时


典例11[2019河北衡水中学高三一调,52]Meanwhile, as the construction goes on, more roads (build) and the metro system will be expanded, which can reduce traffic jams.

句意:同时,随着施工的进行,更多的道路将会被修建,地铁系统将会扩大,这可以减少交通堵塞。根据句意可判断,此处叙述的是将来的情况,要用一般将来时,而且提示动词与主语more roads是被动关系,因此用一般将来时的被动语态。

will be built

过去将来时(should/would do式) ★★☆

典例12[2019 黑龙江哈师大附中高三模拟,68]For a moment I held my breath, not sure how my son (react).

句意:我屏住呼吸了片刻,拿不准儿子会作何反应。题干中的"help my breath"使用了一般过去时,本空所在的从句表示将来的动作,因此这里应用过去将来时。

would react

考点6 被动语态

典例13[2019山东济宁第一中学高三第一次调研,46]South Korea and Japan long ago adopted Confucianism, something that continues today even if it (challenge) by pop culture.

句意:韩国和日本很久之前就采用了儒家思想,即使受到了流行文化的挑战,该思想也一直持续至今。本句中it指代前面的Confucianism,与动词challenge是被动关系,再根据空前的"continues today"可知,此处应用一般现在时的被动语态。

is challenged

考点7 主谓一致


典例14(用一般现在时)What they need most (be) money while what we need most (be) textbooks.


is; are

典例15(用一般现在时)A pair of glasses (be)on the table, but the glasses (be) mine.

glasses前有A pair of修饰,谓语动词用单数形式;glasses单独作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,又因句中有but,表示转折,故用否定形式。

is; aren’t


典例16(用一般现在时)A survey of the opinions of experts shows that three hours of outdoor exercise a week (be) good for one’s health.

three hours of outdoor exercise a week表示整体概念,故从句谓语动词用单数形式。


典例17The family (trap)on the roof by the flood yesterday.

句意:昨天那家人被洪水困在了屋顶。分析句子结构可以看出,句子缺少谓语动词。该句主语是The family,在这里指的是一家人,即所有家庭成员,所以谓语动词用复数形式;主语与trap之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态;根据时间状语yesterday可知应用一般过去时。

were trapped


典例18(用一般现在时)There (be) a dog and three ducks in the yard, in the middle of which (be)two tall trees with great shade.

在there be句式中,be的形式取决于离其最近的名词(短语),由题干中的a dog可知,第一空用is;从句的主语two tall trees with great shade表示复数概念,故第二空用are,此处作表语的介词短语提前,构成了倒装。

is; are

考法1 考查没有明显的标志性词语的时态和语态

典例19[2017全国Ⅰ,67]Fast food (be) full of fat and salt; by eating more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.



考法总结本题属于提示词为动词的语法填空题,首先分析句子结构,判断空处应填谓语动词,然后判断时态,在没有明显的时间标志词时,根据语境确定时态(一般现在时),然后考虑一下主谓一致,Fast food作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故填is。

典例20[2016北京,25]I (read) half of the English novel, and I’ll try to finish it at the weekend.


have read


考法2 考查具有明显的标志性词语的时态和语态

典例21[2019全国Ⅱ,66]I love coming here and seeing my family and all the friends I (make)over the years.

句意:我喜欢来这里看看我的家人和这些年来我交的所有朋友。根据定语从句中的时间状语"over the years"可知,从句的时态应为现在完成时。

have made

考法总结本句中含有明显的时间状语"over the years",所以此处应用现在完成时。

典例22[2019全国Ⅲ,65] Our hosts shared many of their experiences and (recommend) wonderful places to eat, shop, and visit.




难点1 几种易混时态的区别


典例23When I was at college I (speak) three foreign languages but I (forget) all except a few words of each so far.

由When引导的时间状语从句可知,第一空用一般过去时;第二空,根据"so far"可知,应用现在完成时,表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响,强调的是结果。

spoke;have forgotten


典例24[2016江苏,29]Dashan, who (learn) crosstalk, the Chinese comedic tradition, for decades, wants to mix it up with the Western stand-up tradition.

句意:大山数十年来一直在学习相声这种中国喜剧传统,他想把相声与西方的单口喜剧传统结合起来。根据句意及定语从句中的时间状语for decades和主句谓语动词wants可知,本题应用现在完成进行时,表示从过去某时开始,一直持续到现在,并有可能继续下去的动作。

has been learning

本题容易误填has learnt/learned,错误原因是看到for decades就不假思索地用现在完成时,没有体会到"学习"这个动作一直在进行,并可能还会持续下去。


典例25John and I have been friends for eight years.We first (get) to know each other at a party.But we

(see) each other a couple of times before that.


got;had seen

难点2 时态呼应

典例26After driving for thirty miles, she suddenly realized that she (drive) in the wrong direction.

句意:开车开了30英里之后,她突然意识到走错方向了。"that she in the wrong direction"为宾语从句,主句用一般过去时,从句也应采用过去的某种时态。此处从句谓语动作发生在主句谓语动作之前并且一直在进行,所以从句用过去完成进行时。

had been driving

典例27—Have you ever seen Peter recently?

—Yes. He (ask) me how you (get) along with your job these days.

句意:"最近你见过彼得吗?""见过。他问我你近来工作进展怎么样。"由句意和语境可知,第一空应用一般过去时表示过去某个时间所发生的动作;主句时态为一般过去时,按常规而言从句也应用过去的某种时态,但此处是特殊情况,由从句中的时间状语these days可知,从句表示的是现在依然存在的情况,所以第二空应用现在进行时。

asked; are getting

难点3 主动形式表示被动意义

典例28This kind of wool shirt (feel) soft and (sell) well.

句意:这种毛衫摸起来很软,很畅销。第一空,feels表示"摸起来……",后接soft作表语,feels虽为主动形式,但表示被动意义;sell与副词well连用时用主动形式表示被动意义,sell well意为"畅销"。

feels; sells

方法1 分析结构,确定动词考法

典例29[2017浙江6月改编,63]Pahlsson and her husband now think the ring probably (get) swept into a pile of kitchen rubbish and was spread over the garden...

分析句子结构可知,think后为省略了that的宾语从句,从句中的" swept"与"was spread over"并列作谓语,故此处应填get的过去式got。


方法2 先"时间"后"选体",确定时态

典例30When he realized he (walk)into a deep valley,he was too frightened to know what to do.


had walked

方法3 分析句子主谓之间的关系,确定语态(考虑主谓一致)

典例31Later, Nelson (award) the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of his work.

句意:后来纳尔逊被授予总统自由勋章,这是对他工作的肯定。根据句意和句中的时间状语Later可知,这里表示的是过去的动作,提示此处应用一般过去时;Nelson与award为被动关系,应用被动语态;主语为Nelson,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填was awarded。

was awarded

方法4 巧用固定句型中的时态

典例32One day, I (walk) from classroom across campus to catch my bus home, when an old man came down the sidewalk toward me.

句意:一天,我正从教室出来穿过校园去赶回家的公共汽车,这时突然一个老人沿着人行道朝我走来。由句意可知,本句使用了句型"be(was/were) doing sth. when...",表示"正在做某事,这时突然……",when后的并列分句用一般过去时,故本空应用过去进行时,表示过去正在进行的动作。

was walking


1.[2020浙江1月,56]The median(中位数的) age of an American in 1950 (be) 30 — today it is 41...

2.[2020浙江1月,64]However, greater attention should (place) on longevity (长寿).

3.[2019全国Ⅰ,65]In recent years some Inuit people in Nunavut (report) increases in bear sightings around human settlements...

4.[2019浙江6月,56]When every pupil in the school wears the uniform, nobody (have) to worry about fashion(时尚).

5.[2019江苏,33]They are trying to make sure that 5G terminals (install) by 2022 for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

6.[2018全国Ⅲ,69]When the gorillas and I frightened each other, I was just... True to a gorilla’s unaggressive nature, the huge animal (mean) me no real harm.

7.[2018江苏,30]I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan (carry)out in the past two years.

8.[2018北京,1]—Hi, I’m Peter. Are you new here? I haven’t seen you around.

—Hello, Peter. I’m Bob. I just (start) on Monday.

9.[2018浙江11月,56 & 57]You probably (use) caffeine since childhood. Caffeine (be) in your first Coke.

10.[2017丙卷(全国Ⅲ),43]Sarah (tell) that she could be Britain’s new supermodel, earning a million dollars in the next year.

11.[2017天津,8]I (drive) down to London when I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road.

12.[2016江苏,22]More efforts, as reported, (make) in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural reform.

13.[2015湖南,25]I wasn’t able to hide my eagerness when I (ask),"What do you wish me to do now?"

14.[2015重庆,1]—Is Peter coming?

—No, he (change) his mind after a phone call at the last minute.

15.[2015北京,26]In the last few years, China (make) great achievements in environmental protection.

16.[2015福建,30]—Where is Peter? I can’t find him anywhere.

—He went to the library after breakfast and (write)his essay there ever since.

17.[2015北京,30]—Dr. Jackson is not in his office at the moment.

—All right. I (call)him later.

18.[2015福建,26]To my delight, I (choose)from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.


初三英语时态专项练习题(含答案) 时态练习题 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.He______ swimming in the river every day in summer. (go) 2. It________you are right. (seem) 3. Look, the children______ basketball on the playground. ( play ) 4. He______ to the radio when I came in, ( listen ) 5.It is very cold .I think it______ . ( rain ) 6. —I need some paper. —I______ some for you. ( bring ) 7. I can’t find my pen. Who______it ? ( take ) 8.He said that he______back in five minutes . ( come ) 9.I didn’t meet him. He______ when I got the re. ( leave ) 10.I______my bike, so I have to walk to school. ( lose ) 11.He______down and began to read his newspaper. ( sit ) 12.He is very hungry. He_________ anything for three days. ( not eat ) 13.I______with you if I have time . ( go ) 14.We will go to the cinema if it______fine . (be ) 15.I will tell her the news when she______to see me next week. (come) 16. “ When______you______the car ?” “In1998.”(buy) 17.We______good friends since we met at school . (be) 18.What______you______ at five yesterday afternoon ? (do) 19.The bike is nice . How much______it______? (cost) 二、选择最佳答案填空 ()1.We’ll go swimming if the weather______fine tomorrow. A. is B.was C. will be D.is going to be ()2.It______five years since he has left for Beijing. A. was B. has been C.is D.is going to be ()3.Please don’t leave the office until your friend______back. A.came https://www.doczj.com/doc/6c8197742.html,es C.have come D.will come ()4.By the end of last year he______about 1500 English words. A. learns B.learned C.was learning D.had learned ()5.Listen ! Someone______in the next room . A.cried B.crying C.is crying D.has cried ()6.You must tell him the news as soon as you______him. A.see B.sees C.will see D.is seeing ()7.He told me that he______to see us the next day. https://www.doczj.com/doc/6c8197742.html,es B. came C. will come D. would come ()8.We can’t find him anywhere . Perhaps he______home. A. is going B. went C. has come D. would come ()9.The teacher told us that the sun______bigger than the earth. A. is B. was C. has been D.will be ()10.Could you tell me where the railway station______? A. was B. is C. will be D. would be ()11.We______to the Great Wall several times.


高考中需要掌握的各种时态的分析: 一般现在时: 构成: 谓语动词:do/does 系动词:be~is/am/are 被动语态:am/is/are+done 何为现在? 无论过去,现在,还是将来,只要跟现在搭上边,统统都是现在。所以一般过去时和他就没有任何的关系。 一般现在:等于常态 主语现在所具备的个性,能力或特征。 经常性或习惯性的动作。 普遍真理?客观事实?格言警句。 按照规定,时间表或安排要发生的动作。(时刻表) 主语现在所具备的个性,能力或特征 This machine does not work. It has not worked for years. 这台机器不工作了。它已经不工作好几年了。 经常性或习惯性的动作 I do all the cooking for my family. 我们家所有的烹饪都是我来做。 普遍真理?客观事实?格言警句 Columbus proved that the earth is round. 哥伦布证明地球是圆的。 按照规定,时间表或安排要发生的动作 Look at the Timetable.Hurry up!Flight 4026 takes off at 18:20. 你看看时刻表。抓紧点,4026号航班6:20就起飞了。 一般过去等于讲故事 奥义:一般~只需知道动作存在或发生。

何为过去? 只能发生或存在于过去,不能跟现在产生任何关系。如果跟现在产生联系的话,那么它的概念就应该是现在时而不是过去。 构成: 谓语动词:did 被动语态:was/were+done George said that he would come to school to see me the next day,but he didn't. 乔治说他第二天会到学校来看我,但是他没来。 现在完成:用过去的事说现在。 构成: 谓语动词~Have done/Has done 系动词~ Have been /Has been 被动语态~Have been done/Has been done 我们用以下两种方式来说明: 第一:如果一个动作到现在为止,他已经结束了,那么这个动作一定是发生在过去。 第二:如果这个动作在过去发生的某一段时间之内,就结束了,他的动作没有延续到现在,但是它的影响是持续到现在的,于是与现在产生了关联,那就是说这是过去的动作对现在造成了影响。 从以上的描述我们可以总结出关于完成时态的两个要点: 过去的动作对现在造成了影响 过去的动作持续到现在 过去的动作对现在造成的影响或结果 例如:Look!Somebody has cleaned the sofa. Well,it wasn't me,I didn't do it. 看,有人把沙发清洗了。 嗯,不是我弄的,我没做这件事。 过去的动作或状态持续到现在 I remember you were a talented pianist in college.Can you play the piano for me? Sorry,I haven't played the piano for years. 我记得你上大学的时候特别有钢琴天赋。你能为我演奏钢琴吗?


高中英语动词时态和语态专项练习题 1 (200 2 全国高考题)—You haven ' t said a word about my new c,oaBt renda.Do you like it? —I ' m sorry I ______ anything about it sooner.I certainly think it s pretty on A. wasn ' t saying B.don ' t say C.won' t say D.didn ' t say 2. ______________________________________ (2002全国高考题)I wonder why Jenny us recently.We should have heard from her by now. A. hasn ' t written B.doesn 't write C.won' t write D.hadn ' t written 3. (2003北京春季高考题)—When will you come to see me,Dad? —I will go to see you when you ______ the training course. A. will have finished B.will finish C.are finishing D.finish 4. ____________________________________ (2003北京春季高考题)—How long at this job? —Since 1990. A. were you employed B.have you been employed C.had you been employed D.will you be employed 5. __________________________________________________________________ (2003上海春 季高考题)By the end of last year,another new gymnasium _________________ in Beijing. A. ________________________________ would be completed B.was being completed C.has been completed D.had been completed 6. ________________________________ (2002北京高考题)The little girl _ her heart out because she _______________________ her toy bear and believed she wasn ' t ever going to find it. A. had cried; lost B.cried; had lost C.has cried; has lost D.cries; has lost 7. (2002北京高考题)—Excuse me,sir.Would you do me a favor? —Of course.What is it? —I _______ if you could tell me how to fill out this form. A.had wondered B.was wondering C.would wonder D.did wonder 8. ______ (2002上海高考题)He will have learned English for eight years by the time he from the university next year. A.will graduate B.will have graduated C.graduates D.is to graduate 9. ____________________________________________ (2002上海高考题)I feel it is your husband who __________________________________ for the spoiled child. A.is to blame B.is going to blame C.is to be blame D.should blame 10. _____________________________________________________________ He has been writing the composition the whole morning and he still __________________________ . A.has been B.does C.has D.is


英语动词时态专项练习 满分:100分你的得分_________________ 一.用所给词的适当形式填空:(30分) 1. Listen to the little girl. She ___________________(recite) a poem. 2. ________ your sister ___________(study) in this school two years ago? 3. I ________________(not go ) to the city next week. 4. They ______________(attend) a concert at this time yesterday. 5. You needn’t _______________(come) here so early. 6. Do you often go _______________ (climb) mountains? 7. They _______________________ (leave) here tomorrow. 8. I spend two hours _______________(do) my homework every day. 9. While we ________________ (wait) for the bus, a girl ___________ (run) up to us. 10. If it _____________(not rain) tomorrow, we will go to the zoo. 11. I__________ already___________ (see) the film. I __________ (see) it last week. 12. They________________(not make) a model ship when I saw him. 13. I believe that those mountains _______________ (cover ) with trees in a few years’ time. 14. There ________________ (be) a talk on science in our school next Monday. 15. My mother told us that Taiwan _________________ (be) part of China. 16. When he comes back, I ________________(tell) you at once. 17. He needs ________________(go) to see a doctor. 18. ---What are you doing? ---I ___________(write) and he _____________(watch) TV. 19. He turned off the light and then ________________(leave). 20. The boy was made ________________ (stand) there for an hour by his father. 21. The teacher came right away as soon as he _________(hear) the noise. 22. As I ______________ (walk) in the park, it ________________ (begin) to rain. 23. While mother _____________ (put) Cathy to bed, the door bell ____________ (ring). 24. He ___________________(borrow) this story book for two weeks. 25. ____________ you _____________ (find) your science book yet? 26. --- What ________ you _______ (do) at that time? ---We _________________ (watch) TV. 27. The best time _______________(go) to Yunnan is in spring. 28. Can you tell me if it _________(snow) tomorrow? 29. ---Where’s Li Ming ?


2007高考动词时态和语态 1. The flowers were so lovely that they __________ in no time. [2007 全国卷I] A. sold B. had been sold C. were sold D. would sell 2. I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I ________ there several years ago. [2007 全国卷 I] A. are going B. had been C. went D. have been 3. —Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad. —Oh, nothing much. In fact, I ____ of my friends back home. [2007 全国卷II] A. have just thought B. was just thinking C. would just think D. will just be thinking 4. —Tom, you didn’t come to the party last night? —I ____, but I suddenly remembered I had homework to do. [2007 全国卷II] A. had to B. didn’t C. was going to D. wouldn’t 5. —Did you tidy your room? [2007 上海卷] —No, I was going to tidy my room but I ______ visitors. A. had B. have C. have had D. will have 6. With the help of high technology, more and more new substances ______ in the past years. [2007 上海卷] A. discovered B. have discovered C. had been discovered D. have been discovered never have been able to afford to go. 7. They_____ two free tickets to Canada, otherwise they’d [2007 山东卷] A.had got B.got C.have got D.get 8. —Did Peter fix the computer himself? —He ______, because he doesn't know much about computers. [2007 安徽卷] A. has it fixed B. had fixed it C. had it fixed D. fixed it 9. They became friends again that day. Until then, they _____ to each other for nearly two years. [2007 安徽卷] A. didn't speak B. hadn't spoken C. haven' t spoken D. haven' t been speaking 10. —How can I apply for an online course? —Just fill out this form and we _____ what we can do four you. [2007 北京卷] A.see B.are seeing C. have seen D. will see 11. I got caught in the rain and my suit____.[2007 北京卷] A. has ruined B. had ruined C. has been ruined D. had been ruined 12. —It was really very kind of you to give me a lift home. —Oh, don’t mention it. I _____past your house anyway. [2007 北京卷] A. was coming B. will come C. had come D. have come 13. —I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.[2007 福建卷] —Impossible. She TV with me in my home then. A.watched B.had watched C.would watch D.was watching 14. Danny hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular. [2007 福建卷]


初中英语动词时态专项练习题用括号中动词的适当的形式填空。 1. The boy is happy because he ___________(sell) out all the newspapers. 2.The plan _____________(give) up because of rain. 3.If it __________(not rain) tomorrow, we ____________(go )fishing. Where ____________you____________(be) these days? 5.Where is Tom? He _________(go) to the post office. He said he _________(come) back soon. 6.Mike says he _________(want )to be a worker after he _________ (finish )school. 7.The last bus ____________just ________(leave) when they ________(get) to the bus stop. 8.She _________(not go) to bed until she _______(finish) her work. 9.Light ___________(travel )much faster than sound. 10.I __________(feel) much better after I _______(take) the medicine. 11.”Where ________we________(meet)?”“Let’s meet outside the park gate.” 12.I_________(be) afraid Mr Johnson __________(not visit) out school tomorrow. 13.I _________(lost) my bike ._________you _________(see) it anywhere? 14.________this kind of car __________(produce) in Shanghai? 15.We __________(see) several members of the family since we ________(arrive) 16.I found that the students _________(play) football on the playground. 17.The shop ___________(close) at this time of day. 18.Where ________your watch _________(lose)? 19.________the doctor __________(send) for last night? 20.Three children ___________(take) good care by the nurse. 21.Some children ___________(take ) good care by the nurse. 22.Some new houses _________(build) by the villagers themselves. 23.What language ________(speak) in Australia?


动词时态和语态练习题 1. We _____ with you for the time being. A. will stay B. will be staying C. would stay D. have stayed 2. —Who sings best in your class? —Mary _____. A. is B. does C. do D. sing 3. She _____ her pen in her room now. A. finds B. is finding C. looks for D. is looking for 4. What _____ you _____ tomorrow morning? A. are/going to do B. are/doing C. are/done D. have/done 5. It was not long before the water _____ cold. A. is feeling B. feels C. felt D. was feeling 6. I _____ as soon as you come back. A. went B. have gone C. am going D. shall go 7. The scientist _____ Canada and he will give us a talk when he _____ back. A. has gone to/comes B. has been to/will come C. has gone to/will come D. has been to/comes 8. He found his book this morning, but now he _____ his pen. A. loses B. is missing C. has lost D. lost 9. She ___?_ to her hometown several times. A. has been B. has gone C. went D. is going 10. It _____ Jane and Mary who helped me the other day. A. is B. was C. are D. were 11. I _____ to bed when the telephone rang. A. have been B. went C. am going D. was going 12. Jane _____ some washing this time yesterday. A. is doing B. had done C. was doing D. did 13. When I got to the school, the first class _____. A. had begun B. began C. is beginning D. has begun 14. Mother promised she _____ me an English-Chinese dictionary.


时态语态 (一)时态 一般现在时表示:1.现在的经常性、习惯性动作 eg: I read English every morning. 2.客观真理、普遍公立、科学事实eg: The sun rises in the east. 3.现有的兴趣、爱好或能力eg: He likes playing football. 4.现存的性质、特征或状态eg: The situation is encouraging. 5.介绍故事剧情、新闻标题eg: Workers face tough times abroad. 6.按时刻表或按规定计划、安排将要放生的动作(常见动词如:come, go, leave, arrive, begin, start, takeoff, return, stop, open, close等)eg: The train leaves at 4:30 . 注意:here, there, now, then 等开头的倒装句要用一般现在时代替现在进行时。如: Look! Here comes the bus. 一般过去时表示:1.过去经常性、习惯性的动作或状态eg: He often cried when he was a boy. 2.过去某时的状态或动作 eg: I went to the bank just now. 3.用于 I didn’t know…或 I forgot…,表示实现不知道或不记得,但现在已经知道或记得的事情。eg: I didn’t know you were here. Sorry, I forgot to bring my book. 注意:表示过去经常发生的动作,也可以用“used to do…”和“ would do” 一般将来时表示:1.现在看来以后要发生的动作或存在的状态eg: Tom will come next week. 2.事物的固有属性或必然趋势eg: Oil will float in water. Fish will die without water. 3.对将来某个动作的安排、计划eg: He is going to speak on TV this evening. 注意:将来时常见表达形式:will/ shall do; be going to do; be to do; be about to do (此形式不能与时间状语连用) 现在进行时表示:1.此时此刻正在发生的动作eg: I’m studying English now. 2.现阶段正在发生的动作eg: We are building our socialism. 3.情况的暂时性eg: I don’t really work here. I am just helping until the secretary arrives. 4.与 always, forever, constantly, continually 连用,表示参上或厌恶等感情色彩,但并非强调动作正在进行eg: He is always helping others. She is always forgetting something. 5.按计划、安排近期发生的动作(只限于come, go, leave, arrive, start, move, sail, fly, travel, stay等动词)eg: A foreigner is coming to visit our school. I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 注意:不宜用进行时的动作:感觉类: look, smell, feel, sound, taste, see, hear 情感类:like, love, prefer, admire, hate, fear 心态类:wish, hope, expect, want, need, believe, thin, understand, agree, know, remember, forget 所有类:have, contain, won, hold, belong to 过去进行时表示:1.过去某一时刻或阶段发生的动作eg: He was watching TV this time yesterday. 2.与 always, forever, constantly, continually 连用,表示赞赏或亚无等感情色彩eg: Comrade Lei Feng was always thinking of others never thinking of himself. 3.过去计划、安排好的将来动作(只限于 come, go, leave, arrive, start, move, sail, fly, travel, stay 等动词)eg: He said he was leaving the next day. I was told the train was starting soon. 注意:过去进行时可用来描绘故事发生的背景,如:The wind was blowing and it was raining hard. 过去将来时表示:1.过去某一时刻后将要发生的过去动作或过去的意图、打算(主要用于宾语从句中)eg: She was sure she would succeed. I thought you would come. 注意:把一般将来时中的助动词变成过去式,便成了过去将来时的表达形式 现在完成时表示:1.现在已完成或刚刚完成且对现在有影响的动作eg: I have finished my homework. 2.表示始于过去持续至今的动作或状态eg: He’s lived here since 2005. I’ve taught English for 15 years. 3.到目前为止的一段时间内,多少次或第几次做某事eg: He’s been to Beijing several times. It’s the third time that I’ve seen the film. 4.将来某时将要做完的动作(仅限于时间和条件状语从句)eg: Don’t get off the bus until it has stopped. 5.发生在过去的,但已成为现在的经历或经验eg: We’ve all played with snow and ice.注意:没有包括“现在”在内或不是截止到“现在”为止的时间状语不能与现在完成时连用。短暂性动词的肯定式不能与时间段连用。“in the pass/ last+时间段”要与现在完成时连用。 have gone to 表示人在去所指地方的路上或已在所指地方;have been to表示人曾到过所指的地方,但现在不在所指地方。 过去完成时表示:1.过去某时间前已发生的动作或情况eg: Marx had learned some English before he came to London. 2.过去某动作前已发生的另一动作eg: The train had left when I got to the station. 3.始于过去持续至过去灵异事件,也许仍将延续下来的动作eg: He said he had been in the Party for 10 years. 4.过去未曾实现的意图、打算或希望(只限于 think, want, plan, mean, intend, hope, expect, suppose, wish, want等动词)eg: I had planned to see you yesterday, but the rain prevented me. 注意:过去完成时必须以过去某一时间为基点,即“过去的过去”。因此只有在和过去某时或某动作相比较时才用到它。 Before,after 本身“前”“后”明显,因此可用一般过去时代替过去完成时。如“He (had) left before I arrived” (二)被动语态 1.被动语态的构成 英语中的及物动词一般都有主动语态和被动语态两种形式。主动语态是无标记的,而被动语态则是有标记的。被动语态由助动词be加动词的过去分词构成。助动词be随着主动的人称、数、时态和语气的不同而变化。被动语态的各种时态形式见下表:


课题 :动词的时态语态 2011年高考真题 1. Planning so far ahead _____ no sense— so many things will have changed by next year. (全国 I. A. made B. is making C. makes D. has made 2. I wasn’t sure if he was really interested or if he ______ polite. (全国卷 I A. was just being B. will just be C. had just been D. would just be 3. When Alice came to, she did not know how long she _____ there. (全国卷 I A. had been lying B. has been lying C. was lying D. has lain 4. Experiments of this kind _____in both the U.S. and Europe well before the Second World War. A. have conducted B. have been conducted C. had conducted D. had been conducted 5. Tom __________ in the library every night over the last three months. (北京卷 A. works B. worked C. has been working D. had been working 6. - Bob has gone to California. - Oh, can you tell me when he _________?(北京卷 A. has left B. left C. is leaving D. would leaving 7. ----That must have been a long trip. ---Yeah, it __________ us a whole week to get there. A. takes B. has taken C. took D. was taking 8. After getting lost in a storm, a member of the navy team _____ four days later. (上海卷 A. rescued B. was rescued C. has rescued D. had been rescued 9. Did you predict that many students ______ up for the dance competition? (上海卷

英语时态语态专练习题含答案 (1)

英语时态语态习题专练 单句填空(共30小题,满分30分) 1.(全国券1改端)When fat and salt__________(remove) from the food,the food tastes as if it is missing something 2. The students have been working hard at their lessons and their efforts___________(reward) with success in the end. 3.(湖南东部六校联考改编)In recent years the Saturday before Christmas___________ (see) the biggest crowds. 4. The house will fall down soon if no one __________(do) some quick repair work. 5. I first met Lily five years ago. She _________(work) as a nurse in a hospital at the time. 6. Around the bus stop_________ (be) old bottles , parts of old bikes and empty soda cans, which were thrown away everywhere. 7. There are lots of problems in the city, but we're happy to see many of them_________(solve) at present. 8.(陕西二检改编) When facing the either-or situation, I smiled and__________( decide) to trust my heart. 9. This glass___________ (break) easily, so please put a “Handle with Care" sticker on the box before you mail it. 10. George promises he__________(do) all the housework by the time his parents are back this evening.

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