当前位置:文档之家› 新概念入门级A第一单元到第五单元教案



Unit 1 Hello!



重点: 1.学会元音字母a和e的短音自然发音[?]、[e]. 以及Aa –Ff的自然发音口诀。


3.能用hi, hello打招呼并且能简单地用yes,no简单地回答问题

4. 初步了解单数。

难点: 1..初步掌握a,an的区别用法。



3. 准备相关单词的图片。



3.背诵L1-A, L2-D



作业 1. 四会单词每个抄写10遍。

2. 抄写L1-A 对话1遍。

3. 完成WB.(每次课完成当天所学)

Lesson 1

Greeting : Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon, What’s your English name? How are you? How old you? Nice to meet you.

Warm up: Hello, hello, how are you? Fine , fine ,thank , thank you. Hello, hello, how are you?

No, no , just so-so.

Present a tion-words and patterns in the text (听说教学活动)

1. Using the story cards, talk about the pictures, look at the pictures and find the animals.

T:Who is the boy? Who is the girl?

T: What animals can you see?(引导学生找到动物,同时板书动物单词)

2. T points at the animals and say them, Ss follow T.

3. Listen , understand. Ss just repeat the animals words.

4. Listen again, Ss repeat the text.

5. Listen and look the pictures

T points to a dog and ask: A ball? S1: No, a dog

T points to a fish and ask: A fish? S2: Yes ,a fish.


Practice -patterns

Look for patterns in the text and say. Then read and act.


1.Read the words in B and do actions.

2.listen and say-B.

3.Write and spell: Ss follow T to write with fingers or hips or feet. (之后老师用


4.Listen , point and say-D(T can make Ss point and say quickly.)

5.Listen and act-C: T greets to Ss one by one, then let Ss greet each other. Production-words

1.Play the game.

2.Let Ss draw a picture with fish , cat ,dog, ball on Bb, PK in teams.

Lesson 2

Greeting: Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon, what’s your English name? How are you? How old you? Nice to meet you.

Warm up: Hello, hello, how are you? Fine ,fine ,thank , thank you. Hello, hello, how are you? No, no , just so-so.

Rev: Guessing game-S1 stands in front of the Bb and face to the other Ss, T shows the voc Pictures to the others, let S1 guess: A dog? The others say: Yes/No.(点二到三个学生如此进行)

Present a tion-words and patterns in the text (听说教学活动)

1.Look at the pictures, let’s meet Max and Pop. (T point to the panda and says “ he is Pop”, T

point to the monkey and says “ he is Max”) let’s say “ hello, Pop/Max”

2.T: Look(做手搭凉棚的动作,指着苹果),what’s this?Ss:an apple.

T板书an apple.( an 用红笔板书)

T:what’s this? Ss: an egg.

T板书an egg.( 同上)

3.T points at the words ,say and do actions, Ss follow T.

4.Listen and understand, Ss just repeat the words.

5.Listen again, repeat and act.

6.Listen, let Ss just act in pairs.

Presentation-words( 词汇教学活动)

1. listen and say-B.

2. T shows “a fish, a dog , an apple,an egg” on Bb . Let Ss find the difference. 然后a, an 用红笔板书。

3. T reads “a”, Ss read “an”, then change to read.


1. T shows pictures. Shows “ a ball”, ask: an apple? S1: No, a ball.

Shows “ an egg”, ask: an egg? S2: Yes, an egg.

(practice like this with fish,cat,dog,ball,apple,egg. )

2. Listen to Part D and repeat. let one S be a teacher: An apple? Other Ss answer.

Then let Ss ask and answer in pairs

3. Matching game(PK in teams): T shows all the words on the Bb, puts all the pictures on the floor. Let Ss stick the pictures on the Bb, match the words ,and read the words

4. Listen, point and say




Warm up: Aa-Ff 的字母口诀操。

Rev: 1. words Apple ball cat dog egg fish

Let Ss see and say the words.


1.write the words apple ,ball, cat, dog, egg, fish on the right of the Bb,

2.Write the letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd , Ee, Ff on the left of the Bb.

3.let Ss match the words and the letters.

4.T: a-apple, b-ball. Let Ss say: c- cat, d-dog, e- egg, f-fish.

5. Mec.Pra.-T: a-a-a Ss: /?/-/?/-/ ?/ apple, pratice the others like this.

6. Listen and say-A

7. Play the game(circle game)-B: T write the Aa-Gg on the Bb, don’t put the letters in

order. The let two Ss come to the Bb and have a PK, T says:

apple, two Ss circle “A a” quickly.

8. Play the game( guessing game)-C

9. Match and say-D: look at it, let Ss match ,then let Ss say.

10. Circle-E: let Ss circle quickly.

11. Match and say-F

12. Chant and clap: Ss chant and clap: A- /?/-apple with T together. OR T chants and

clap: A- /?/, then point to S1: apple.

Unit2 yummy




2. 掌握重点词汇:girl,hat,insect,jelly,kite,green,red.





3. 问题纸条和相应数量的盒子:关于L1-A的问题的纸条放在盒子里。一个盒




过关内容:1.背诵L1-A , L2-A, D


3.认读L1-B 单词。

四会单词:L1:B 单词

作业: 1.自制生词卡片,看谁的卡片做的最好。把自己做的卡片展示给爸爸妈妈看,要一一读给爸爸妈妈听。



4. 完成WB.(每次课完成当天所学)

Lesson 1

Warm up: come on!

Rev: U1重点

Present a tion-words and patterns in the text (听说教学活动)

1.Look at the story pictures .listen for twice.

2.Choose the box. Let Ss choose and answer writes the words on the Bb.

Q1: What’s in Robert’s hand? 2 分

Q2: What’s on Flora’s hat? 5分

Q3:What’s broken? 10分

3.Listen again, let Ss repeat the words.

4.Listen again and act: Let four Ss act, just act.( 鼓励孩子们上台,表演后要带领全班孩子给


5.Listen and repeat the text. Let Ss follow T act.

6.Let Ss say the new words, T writes the words on the Bb.

Presentation-words( 词汇教学活动)

1.match and say: put the words pictures on the floor, let Ss have PK in teams, two Ss stick the

pictures beside the right words and read the words.


2 . Read and clap: T say “girl”, two Ss run to the Bb quickly ,clap ‘girl”and read for three times.(以此反复进行其他单词的练习,不容易读的单词老师要多点)

3. Listen and say-B:

4. Listen and tick, then say.

5. Write an apple ,an egg, an insect on the Bb. T: an –an Ss :an apple T: an-an Ss: an egg

T :an-an Ss: an insect.

Present a tion- patterns (句型教学活动)


1.T eat a jelly , then say: Yummy , Yummy!(做出非常夸张的好吃美味的表情)

2.T draws pu-pu on the Bb, then say: Yuk! Yuk!(做出非常恶心厌恶的表情)

3.T draws some yummy food and yuk food or things on the Bb.


1.Look at the pictures which T have drawn, T point to the pictures, let Ss say and do actions one

by one : Yummy/Yuk.

2.Listen and act-C


1.T shows a book and say: this is my book , my book.(同时用手轻拍自己胸口,表明是我的)

2.T:my book?S1 :Yes.

3.T shows one S’ book :my book? S2: No.

4.T writes “my___ “on the Bb.


1. Relay:

T shows a ball, say: my ball. Ss show one thing and say quickly: my pen/my bag/my pencil…. (如此反复练习)

3.S1 point to itself thing:my___?The others : Yes.

Point to someone’s thing: my__? The others: No.

4.Find the patterns in the text and circle.

5.Listen, then ask and answer-E .:l et Ss work in pairs for 2 mins, T walks around and check

the pair working.




Lesson 2

Warm up: come on!

Rev: 1. words: see and say

2. 老师做表情,学生说:YUMMY OR YUK

3. 让学生出示自己的物品并说:my___

Present a tion-words and patterns in the text (听说教学活动)

1.Look at the story pictures, find “ kite”

2.listen and answer the questions

How many kites can you see in the pictures?

What colour are the kites?

3.T writes “ red , green” on the Bb, then T points to the kites and say: red kite , green kite.

4.T shows a red/green thing: my red/green ____. Then let Ss point and say like this.

5.Listen and act the text.

6.Read and act.

Presentation-words( 词汇教学活动)

1. T draws an apple and say “my red apple”. Then colour the apple red . lead Ss read “red”


Practice –words

1.Point and say: T say the colours, Ss point the things in the classroom quickly and read the


2.Listen and colour. Then say-C: after listening and colouring , let Ss say: my red/green_____

3.Play the game.-E

Ending the lesson:

Listen and chant: 1.chant and clap hands/stamp the feet

2.Relay :Team A读第一,二排,Team B读第三,四排, 老师读第五排。


Lesson 3

Warm up: Gg-Jj 的字母口诀操。

Rev:1. words girl,hat,insect,jelly,kite,see and say the words.


1.write the words girl,hat,insect,jelly,kite, on the right of the Bb,

2.Write the letters Gg - Kk, on the left of the Bb.

3.Let Ss match the words and the letters.

4.T: g-girl, h-bat. Let Ss say out the others like T.

5. Mec.Pra.-T: g-g-g Ss: /g/-/g/-/ g/ girl , pratice the others like this.

6. Listen and say-A: let Ss listen and repeat. Then say team by team.

7. Match-E: T writes Aa-Kk on the Bb, the letters are messy. Asks two Ss to match the

big letters and small letters.

7. Play the game-B: S1 shows one word picture, S2 says g-girl

8. Circle-E: let Ss circle quickly.

9. Play the game-D/E :T writes the all letters on the Bb, T shows one word, let two Ss

have a PK to circle the letter : insect –i.

10. Summary: Aa – apple 至Kk-kite., see and say aloud. Then do letter gym A-K


Unit 3 Look at your red nose

课题:Look at your red nose



2.掌握表达look at...以及学会认读颜色与身体部位。


难点:1.进一步理解a,an 的用法。




3. 准备好一张已经画好卡通人物身体的白纸,没涂颜色,四肢,五官都不画。过关内容:1.背诵L1-A。L2-D。

2.认读L1-B,L2-B. L2-C。


作业:1. L1-A 抄写一遍。

2. L1-B 和L2-B每个单词抄写十遍。并用其中的单词仿写“Look at…..”5个句子。

3. 用a 和an 开头各写4个词。

4. 将所学的歌谣唱给家长听并签字。

5. 完成WB.(每次课完成当天所学)

Lesson 1

Greeting: Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon, What’s your English name? How are you? How old you? Nice to meet you.

Warm up: Nod your head

Rev: 1.Gg-Kk的自然发音。


Present a tion-words and patterns in the text (听说教学活动)

1.look at the story pictures, T circles Kim’ leg and nose, Dan’s leg and mouth, and asks Ss:

What colour ? Ss: red, yellow, blue, green, T write these words on the Bb.

2.T: Look at Kim’s leg , it’s yellow, Kim’s nose is red . Dan’s leg is blue, mouth is green.

(边指边说,同时把leg,nose,mouth 板书在相对应的颜色单词旁边)

3.Listen for twice, let Ss repeat the words on the Bb.

4.T points to colour and say colour words, points to leg, nose, mouth and say words. Let Ss

follow T to do actions and say the words.

5.T acts Kim: Ha ,ha, look at my yellow leg. (write “look at my___” on the Bb). then let Ss find

all the patterns –look at….. and say.

6.Listen and repeat the text.

7.let two Ss act Kim and Dan with listening.

8.Read together.(PK in teams)

Presentation-words( 词汇教学活动)

1.老师在白板上贴出准备好的人物身体画,和彩笔,把彩笔放在地上,说:look at the

beautiful girl, the girl is sad(做伤心的样子): no leg, no mouth, no nose, who can help me?(让学生来画出leg,mouth,nose等,然后给这些部位涂上不同的颜色,大家一起来说出描述,如yellow leg, blue mouth, red nose等。,同时在白板上板书相应的单词)

Practice –words

1.Point and say: T points to the parts of the body in the picture and say , Ss follow T to say.

Then T says one word, let two Ss run to Bb and point to the right part and say the word aloud, (以此类推,每次喊两个学生上来进行PK认读)

2.T points and says “ blue leg”, then let Ss say others like this .

3.let Ss say own things one by one: my red book, my blue pen .

4.Listen and say-B: let Ss listen , point and say

5.PK: Who says more quickly?- (每组选出一个代表PK ,看谁说单词说得更快)

6.Listen .point and say-C:


Play the game: T closes eyes , choose one word picture, guesses: blue? Ss: Yes/No. Then , let one S guesses.

Present a tion- patterns (句型教学活动)

老师让学生们都闭上眼睛,然后迅速把自己的鼻子涂上红色,然后惊奇的说: hello, boys and girls, open your eyes, look at my nose(指着自己的鼻子夸张的说,同时板书look at my ____. ), 让一个学生站起来,指着她的鼻子,说:Look at your nose. 然后,轮流指认其他学生的身体部位或者物品说:Look at your nose。同时板书look at your_____


1.Let Ss say to T one by one : Miss×,look at my book/pen…

2.Let Ss point to the nose, mouth, leg and say: Look at my___

3.Mec,pra-T: look at my nose, S1: Look at your nose. Do it like this with all Ss. Then do it

between any two Ss.

4.Find the patterns: Find “ look at….” in the text and read together.

Lesson 2

Greeting: Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon, What’s your English name? How are you? How old you? Nice to meet you.

Warm up: Nod your head

Rev: 让学生指认自己的身体部位并说:Look at my____-

Present a tion-words and patterns in the text (听说教学活动)

1.Look at the story pictures, T says: this is a pig, his name is Peg. He likes eating(做出贪吃的

样子) look, many oranges , yummy, an orange, so Peg eats , eats, Max and Pop come, stop ,Peg(做出喊叫的样子),but Peg is eating ,oh, he is very full.(做吃饱打饱嗝的样子),oh, Peg.

2.老师在表演时,板书an orange, a pig 在白板上,然后听CD,让学生重复所听到的两个


3.Listen and let one Ss act Peg with listening.

4.Listen and read the text.


1.让学生说说我们学过哪些用“an”的单词,然后一一板书:an apple, an egg, an insect, an

orange. 并大声吟唱:T:an-an. Ss: an apple. 以此类推。

2.板书元音字母:a ,e, i, o , u, 画元音脸谱。


1.Listen and tick, then say-C

2.Listen, read and match. Then say

Let Ss read it together. Then T say and act. Let Ss listen and match, then let one S says and acts.

Ending : Listen and sing-D: listen,sing and dance.

Lesson 3.

Warm up: Ll-Pp的字母口诀操。

Rev: 1. words leg,mouth,nose,orange,pig. Point and say.


1.Let Ss put these words: leg,mouth,nose,orange,pig in order with the beginning of the other


2.Let one Ss says the first letter of these words and writes.

3.T: L-leg. Then let Ss say out others like this.

4.Listen and say-A

5.Let Ss do the letter gym together: Ll-Pp.

6.Circle-B: who can do the most quickly? Then let one S say

7.Match-D: do it and check in 30 seconds

8.Rev: look at my/your…. T points and say. Then let Ss say like this

9.Listen, read and match. Then say-F

Ending: Play the game-C(relay): let Ss say Aa –Pp one by one.

Play the game-E(matching):T shows one word picture, Ss find the first letter

of the word on the Bb

Unit 4 Thank you, Mum!

课题:Thank you,Mum!



2.通过情境游戏,理解、学习短句Thank you, Mum!让孩子学会感恩。

3. 学会单词 boy, sun table , umbrella, king,,queen.

4.进一步掌握“an, a”的用法。





4.L3-F 的五幅图。

过关内容: 1.背诵;L1-A ,L2-A

2. chant:L2-D

3. 认读单词:L1-B

四会单词: a boy, sun ,a table ,an umbrella, king,,queen.

作业:1. 抄写L1-A 一遍

2. L1-B:单词每个抄写10遍

3. 在家帮爸爸或者妈妈做一件事表示感恩。


Lesson 1

Greeting : Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon, What’s your English name? How are you? How old you? Nice to meet you.

Warm up: Daddy mummy

Rev: 1.A-L的自然发音。

2.颜色单词:red , blue , green. Yellow, 指认周边的颜色并说单词。

Present a tion-words and patterns in the text (听说教学活动)

1.Look at the story pictures, asks: who’s the woman ? Who is the boy?

2.Can you find the sun, the umbrella, the table? (边说边表演动作让孩子理解单词的意思)

3.学生指认出来后,老师板书sun, umbrella. table, 并问:what colour is the umbrella?

Ss: red and green.

4.T says the words, two Ss run to the picture and point and say.

5.Listen and repeat.

6.Act with listening.


新概念英语青少版入门级A Unit 1 hello ! 一、本单元应掌握的知识 1、能听懂、会说、认读单词hi, hello , fish,cat ,dog,ball,apple,egg. 2、能用hi, hello打招呼并且能简单地用yes ,no简单地回答问题 3、能区分a / an的区别 二、课堂练习 1、中英互译 你好()fish ( ) 鸡蛋()ball ( )Apple ( ) 猫()dog ( ) 2、用a / an 填空 ()apple ()fish ( ) cat ( ) ball( ) egg ( ) dog 三、课后作业 1、大声朗读生词并记忆 2、练习打招呼的对话以及用本单元学过的单词与句型与搭档互换角色相互 问答

Unit 2 Yummy 一、本单元应掌握的知识 1、了解一些口语及俚语:yummy, yuk , help ,stop . 2、掌握重点词汇:girl,hat ,insect ,jelly ,kite ,green, red. 二、课堂练习 1、选择题 ()jelly A a B an ( ) hat A a B an ()insect A a B an 2、圈字母组成单词 ①g j l g g i l l j g r g j g l (以g开头的单词) ②h b d h h d d a h h d d h t (以h开头的单词) ③j I e j t j j t l j t l I y (以j开头的单词) 2、读一读 ①Girl hat insect . Girl hat insect . Jelly kite . Jelly kite . Girl hat insect . ②red cat , green hat . Red cat , gren hat . 三课后作业 1、自制生词卡片,看谁的卡片做的最好 2、把自己做的卡片展示给爸爸妈妈看并且要一一读给爸爸妈妈听并解释.


新概念入门级A(unit1—unit8)测试 姓名:__________ 分数:____________ 一、默写26个字母。(26’) 二、连线。(12’) book 球 apple 熊猫 fish 帽子 ball 很高兴认识你! red 绿色 panda 书 hat 苹果 green 鱼 kite 红色 nice to meet you!风筝 Thank you! 对不起! Sorry! 谢谢! 三、判断正误,填yes或no. (12’)

An apple? A ball? A boy? A cat? An insect? An egg? 四、请用正确的冠词a或an填空. (16’) 一只狗()dog 一只风筝()kite 一个女孩()girl 一只甲虫()insect 一顶帽子()hat 一只鸡蛋()egg 一个苹果()apple 一条鱼()fish 五、选择填空. (10’) ( ) ①What’s your name? - ________ A. He is a postman. B. My name is Robert. C. She is Flora. ( ) ②Is ___ a pig? A. he B. she C. it ( ) ③Is it a monkey? ________ , it is a dog. A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. No, he is ( ) ④Where is my T-shirt? - ____________

A. Your T-shirt is on the table. B. Hello! C. Here you are. ( ) ⑤–What color is your pen? - A. Her pencil is blue. B. My pen is green. C. I’m nine 六、划掉错误选项.(20’) ① a an ball ② a an jelly ③ a an table ④ a an red mouth ⑤ a an green kite ⑥ a an small fish ⑦ a an orange ⑧It’s It isn’t an umbrella. ⑨It’s It isn’t a rabbit. ⑩It’s It isn’t a bike. 七.填颜色。(4’) 1. 2. 3. yellow pink


Unit 4 Thank you ,Mum! ●字母: q,r,s,t,u的基本发音以及写法。 ●重点词汇: queen red(第二单元已学) sun table umbrella boy king ●新课标词汇: red(第二单元已学) sun table umbrella boy ●课文重点: 1)、会运用“and”表示A和B(要求背,以及模仿着说): an umbrella and a table;the king and queen 2)、会用英语表达感谢(运用于日常生活的表达): A:Thank you! B:You are welcome! 3)、q,r,s,t,u的基本发音以及大小写书写 i.重点语法: 1)、形容词+and+形容词+名词的搭配表达: a red and green umbrella; a blue and yellow umbrella; 老师拿出一把伞(只有红绿两种颜色):What color is it? It's green and red. It's a green and red umbrella. 2)、名词+and+名词: an umbrella and a table 教案:一周一次 Period1 Step1 Greeting and divide group (5min) Step2 warm up (3min)

if you happy and you know(say hurray)XX, 此处引入Hurray. Step3 Presentation (8min) 天气很好,小男孩boy准备外出参加Pop他们的派对,引出sun,table,umbrella,queen,king. (What can you see) Step4 Practice (35min) sun Drill:①自然拼读②do and say table Drill:①自然拼读②run to the table (touch and say) umbrella(实物) Drill:①自然拼读②call number queen Drill:①自然拼读②catch and say king. Drill:①自然拼读②jump and say Page21. 4 整体整合单词(Point and say/ Jump and say) Period2 Step1. warm up (2min)(happy happy together) Step2. Review key words (5min)(跳房子和闪卡) Step3. Listen and chant (P23) (10min) Drill:①Listen and clap ②Listen and touch the words ③萝卜蹲游戏(一人一个重点单词,教师朗读chant) ④chant Step4. 通过前一步的chant引入今日语法and (10min) T:What’s this?Ss:An umbrella. What color is it? Red and blue. Drill: Ask and answer (替换)


新概念英语青少版入门级 A 期末测试 卷

新概念英语青少版入门级A期末测试卷Name _________ Marks 一.听力部分 I. 圈出听到的单词。(10 ') I. You ( are aren t ) six. 2.( I m I m ) not five. 3. You aren ' t ( eight nine ). 4.( He ' s She ' s ) tall. 5.This is ( his her ) rabbit. 6.This is ( his her ) frog. 7.It ' s ( on under ) the table. 8. He ' s a ( dancer doctor). 9 . It ' s ( behind in front of ) the school bag. 10. She ' s ( fa t hin ). II. 给下列单词编号。(5 ') 2. frog mouse parrot tortoise 3. policema n policewoma n postma n nurse () ()()() 4.a norak T-shirt shirt sweater 5.beh ind in on un der ( )()()() () ()()() III. 选择你所听到的句子(10 ') 1.( )A. You are six. B. You aren 't six. 2.( )A. He s shoB. She ' ostsh 3.( )A. Is he tall? B. I s she tall? 4.( )A. She 's a n uBsShe isn 't a nu rse. 5.( )A. What color is your T-shirt? B. What color is your shirt? 6.( )A. What sits name? B. What shis name? 1. tall little thin fat


Unit 1 Hello! 课题:Hello! 教学目标: 1.学会元音字母a和e的短音自然发音[?]、[e]. 2.能听懂、会说、会认读以下单词:hi,hello,fish,cat,dog,ball,apple,egg. 3.能用hi, hello打招呼并且能简单地用yes,no简单地回答问题 教具准备:1教师准备自然发音的舌头体操在黑板上。 2教师准备DVD及教案。 教学过程: 1.讲授元音字母a、e的短音发音规则,并操练[?]和[e]的相关单词及舌头体操: a.Sad dad and mad Dan ran on the sand. b.My hen lay an egg everyday. 2.视听DVD,学习打招呼,用yes,no简单地回答问题。 3.做游戏。 教师戴上“elephant”头饰做裁判,让全体幼儿也戴好头饰。大家手拉手成一圆圈,边走边念儿歌:“森林里,真热闹,小动物来赛跑,大象伯伯当裁判,点到谁,谁就跑!”念完时教师出示动物字卡,如:“dog”,戴着“dog”头饰的幼儿就绕圈跑一周,跑回自己的位置。游戏反复进行。 4.完成同步练习。 5.将学生分组进行分角色对话,练习口语交流。 作业: 1.大声朗读自然发音、生词并记忆。 2.练习打招呼的对话以及用本单元学过的单词与句型与搭档互换角色相互问答。 教学反思: 一二年级的孩子已经具有了一定的词汇量和口语表达量,但是要开始注重规范书写了。 Unit 2 Yummy! 课题:Yummy! 教学目标: 1.学会元音字母i、o、u的短音自然发音[i]、[?]、[u]. 2.了解一些口语俚语yummy,yuk,help,stop. 3.掌握重点词汇:girl,hat,insect,jelly,kite,green,red. 教具准备:1教师准备自然发音的舌头体操在黑板上。 2教师准备教学果冻、卡片、DVD及教案。 教学过程: 1.讲授元音字母i、o、u的短音发音规则,并操练[i]、[?]、[u]的相关单词及舌头体操: a.A big ship is sailing on the sea. b.Clock on the top of the box. c.The bug jumped up onto the bus. 2.发给每位小朋友一个果冻,教其说"Yummy!"。 视听DVD,学习一些口语俚语:Y ummy!Yuk!Stop!Help!以及一些重点词汇,完成趣味同步练习。 3.根据课文内容分角色表演小对话。


Unit 11 Flora is tall ●重点词汇: tall short big little fat thin ●新课标词汇: tall short big little fat thin ●课文重点: 1)、 he is/she is的用法 eg. He is tall./She isn’t tall 2)、口语表达: Here you are!Thank you! ●重点语法: He’s=he is she’s=she is He isn’t=he is not she isn’t=she is not 教案:一周一次课 Period 1 Step1 :Greeting (2m) Step2: Grouping(3m) Step3: warm up (7min)、 Call number Step4: Review (8min) 复习上个单元所学的数字单词以及重点语法对话 Step5:Presentation (20min) 请两个同学上来,让小朋友们根据他们的身高和体型来形容他们的外貌,由此引出今日需要学习的重点单词 Step6:Practice Tall Drill:touch and say I do you say 复习字母t的发音,掌握单词的发音,意思以及记忆 Short Drill:jump and say 复习字母sh的发音,掌握单词的发音,意思以及记忆 big : Drill:paper scissor stone 掌握字母b的发音,掌握单词的发音,意思以及记忆 little Drill:call number 掌握字母l的发音,掌握单词的发音,意思以及记忆 Fat Drill:high&low voice


新概念英语青少版入门级A期末测试卷 1.Choo选择题(10 ) ()1.How old are you? A. I ' m nine. B. I ' m Max. C. You ' re nine. ()2. What ' s your name? A. I ' m ten. B. I ' m Pop. C.You are Pop. ()3. Are you seve n? A.Yes, I am. B.No, I ' m seven. C.Yes, I 'm not. ()4. Mary a dan cer. A.am B.is C. are ()5.Is she a policewoma n? A.Yes,she is. B.Yes, he is. C.No, he isn 't. ()6.What color is it? A.It ' s a cap. B.It ' s a sweater. C.It 's blue. ()7.Where ' s my book? A.It ' s under the school bag. B. It ' s a book. C.Yes,it is. ()8. Is this a ruler? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it isn ' t. ()9.——Happy birthday!—— ____________ . A. Thank you! B. You ' re great! C. Oops! ()10. -Is it a mon key?, it is a dog. A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn ' t C. No, he is II. Write am, is and are or a, an an用ham, is, ar或 a,an,the 填空(10 ) 1」six. 2. ________ You eight. 3.She _____ a teacher. 4. He a postma n.


Unit 10 I’m ten ●重点词汇: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ●新课标词汇: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ●课文重点: 1)、年龄的表达方式I’m….. e. g: I’m ten.我十岁啦 2)、询问年龄的方式 e. g: How old are you? 3)、口语表达: Be quite! ●重点语法: I’m you’re 教案:一周一次 Period 1 Step1: Greeting (1m) Step2;Grouping(3m) 借由分组来Call number,让小朋友先熟悉今天要学的单词(数字) Step3: warm up (3min) Let’s play XX says Step 4: Review words(复习前面一个单元所学单词和句型)(8min) Step 5: Presentation (10min) 小朋友要过生日了,但是他今天到底是多少岁的生日呢,让大家猜猜他的年龄,由此引出今天的重点单词1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10,并且复习所学过的举行Is……? Step6: Practice (5min) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Drill:1.touch and say

2.jump and say 3.paper scissor stone Step6: 整合单词,整体操练 Drill:Play hopsctch Period 2 Step 1: warm up (2min) Play a game:London Brige falling down Step 2: Review (5min) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 单词比较简单,多用游戏操练。让小朋友们能够按顺序背出来,适当增加几个数字Step 3:(5min) 听写所学的1-10的单词 Step 4:开书认读第一篇课文 Step 5:开书认读第二篇课文 Step 6:Role play(让小朋友分角色来朗读课文) Step 7:语法 首先由T向学生作自我介绍,由此引出今日的重点语法 T:Hello,I’m XX, I’m 22. How old are you, Ada? 接着请学生上台来作自我介绍,介绍自己的名字和年龄。 Ss:I’m Ada, I’m 9 I’m=I am You’re= You are He’s=He is Step 8:分小组来进行对话 T:This time I want you to find your partner to make a conversation. Use these two sentences“How old are you?”and“I’m…”ok? Step 9:课堂小结 今日所学重点单词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 口语练习:Be quite!How old are you? 重点语法:I’m=I am You’re= You are


新概念英语青少版(入门级A)阶段测试题(Unit1-10) Name: Score: 一、听力 1.听老师念,然后写上正确的数字。 2. 听写单词。 二、词汇及语法 3.请根据字母顺序,把所缺的字母填在横线上。(注意大小写!!) 1. F 2. l n R 4. U V i 6. a c 7. u w Z N K 4.填a或an。 dog cat egg orange pig hen pen ruler boy jelly umbrella apple girl table ball 5.把下列词组的缩写形式写出来. It is is not are not that is what is I am You are my name is 6.给下列的单词选择正确的意思,并把它圈出来。 1. pencil 钢笔铅笔 2. panda 熊猫钢笔 3. brother 兄弟姐妹 4. king 国王王后 5. doll 门玩具娃娃 6. umbrella 木琴雨伞 7. bike 汽车自行车 8. ruler 尺子橡皮9. tomato 西红柿香肠 10. window 窗户小提琴

三、句子 7. 翻译下列句子 1. This is my dog. 2. It isn’t a car. 3. Are you seven? 4. What’s this? 5. Look at your red kite. 8.选择正确的答句,把它的序号填在括号里。 ()1. Is it a pen? A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, he is. ()2. What’s that? A. That’s a hat. B. This is a hat. ()3.Look ____ my green kite. A. on B. in C. at ()4. What’s your name? A. My name is Dan. B. Your name is Dan. ()5. Happy birthday! -______ A. Let’s play! B. Thank you. C. Look out! 9.把下列单词连成一个句子。 1. this is What (?) 2. is This dad my (.) 3. isn’t It bike a (.) 4. How are old you (?) ___________________________________ 5. am I eight (.) ___________________________________ 10. 认真的写出26个字母的大小写。


新概念期末测试 Score___________ Name__________ 听力部分 选出你所听到的单词。 1、 A、ball B、kite C、dog D、girl 2、 A、queen B、cat C、pig D、monkey 3、 A、 table B、sun C、green D、Pop 4、 A、zoo B、 leg C、mouth D、nose 5、 A、insect B、window C、 red D、umbrella 6、 A、 apple B、 fish C、 violin D、orange 7、 A、 king B、 panda C、 zebra D、yellow 8、 A、 blue B、 egg C、girl D、hat 9、 A、 jelly B、kite C、 orange D、pig 10、 A、xylophone B、table C、 dog D、green 笔试部分 1、写字母 1、补充大写字母 AB_____D______FGH______JKL______NOP______R______TUV______X______Z 2、写出所有小写字母 ________________________________________________________________________ 3、二、英汉互译 Look! It is a monkey. 生日快乐! Ha ha! Good boy! 丹是一只好狗狗。 Happy birthday! 哇!一张红黄相间的桌子。 Wow ! A red and yellow table. 哈哈!好孩子。 Dan is a good dog. 看!它是一只猴子。

新概念青少版 入门级B 教学大纲

新概念青少版(入门级B)教学大纲 课程内容设计:新概念青少版(入门级B)总共15单元(45课),分为25次课进行教授,每次课学2个lesson,其中会安排一次户外活动或者测验。 课次课数内容预期效果 1 U1 L1~ 2 1.重要词汇(家庭成员):grandfather/ grandmother/ father/ mother/ uncle/ aunt/ cousin 2.缩写that’s= that is It isn’t= it is not Who’s= who is 3.重要句式: a.That’s my… b.It that your…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. c.Who’s that? It’s… d.Who’s that man? He’s…1.能听懂、会说、认读相关家庭成员的重要词汇 2.掌握相关缩写及其完整性是 3.熟练运用that或who开头的句式,向别人介绍家庭成员 2 U1 L3 U2 L1 1.复习本单元的重要句式 a.Who’s…? He/ She… b.The boy is tall/… c.His… is…. 2.字母er组合在单词中的发音,如: singer, teacher, sweater等 3. 重要词汇(房间):bedroom, house, kitchen, sitting room 4.our, your, their的区分使用,如: a.This is our house. b.Is this your house? c.Is that their bedroom? 1.复习U1中的相关who的重要 句式 2.正确辨别字母组合er在单词 中的发音 3.学习认读相关房间的词汇 4.区分our, your, their的使用 3 U2 L2~3 1.where相关短语和句式 a.where’s= where is b.Where’s…? He’s/ She’s in the… 2.复习句式 a.This is my… b.That’s our… 3.方位词的使用,如in front of, next to, between, in等 4.字母th组合在单词中的发音,如: this, mother, bath, think,their等1.学会相关where的问语和答句 2.熟练掌握This is或That’s.句型来介绍他人 3.学会使用in front of, next to, between, in等方位词 4.正确辨别字母组合th在单词中的不同发音 4 U3 L1~2 1.重要词汇:bed, chair, computer, desk, lamp, poster, shelf 2.缩写:there’s= there is 1.掌握重要词汇,能听懂,会认读 2.掌握相关缩写及其完整形式

青少版新概念入门级A unit 6

Unit 6 This is my family. ●发音: 掌握字母a在单词中的基本发音:a /?/如:dad Max cat hat Dan van ●重点词汇: family mum dad sister brother friend ●新课标词汇: family mum dad sister brother friend ●课文重点: 1)、What's your name? My name's Pop. What's=What is My name's=My name is(学生能够把缩写与全写相互替换) 。老师下放's当表示某人的。。。是不可以拆开的。 2)、This is开头的陈述句(用于介绍他人): This is my family ... this is后面只能接表示一个的名词,给学生一些图片,比如给出苹果的图片,让学生自己选择正确的图片。 3)、日常口语: Look out!当心!注意!给学生设置一定的情境,让学生体会在怎样的情况下可以用。 ●重点语法: 1)、my&your: 让学生掌握表达的意思以及搭配用法:my name,your name my&your 后面加名词传达形容词性物主代词的概念。形容词性物主代词一般放在名词前面表示所有关系。 表格形式呈现其它几个物主代词: 案:

一周一次 Period1 Step1 Greeting and divide group (5min) Step2 warm up (3min) (Hello mother song) Step3 准备一个相册,引出family,dad, mum, sister, brother, friend.. (What can you see) Step4 Practice (35min) family Drill:①自然拼读②do and say dad Drill:①自然拼读②do and say mum Drill:①自然拼读②do and say sister Drill:①自然拼读②catch and say brother Drill:①自然拼读②jump and say friend Drill:①自然拼读②touch and say 教授句型What’s this? This is my_______. Page33. Do the exercises. Period2 Step1. warm up (2min)(happy happy together) Step2. Review key words (5min)(跳房子和闪卡) Step3. What’s your name? My name is ______ (10min) (讲解一下is的缩写。What is= What’s my name is=my name’s Your 和my 的用法。 Step4.Listen and sing (7min) Drill:①Listen


新概念英语青少版入门级A 期末测试卷 name _______ class :_______ score :__________ 一、听录音勾出正确的词组。(2x10=20分) a nose ( ) a apple ( ) a pig ( ) a orange ( ) a egg ( ) an nose ( ) an apple ( ) an pig ( ) an orange ( )an egg ( ) a jelly ( ) a hat ( ) a insect ( ) a kite ( ) a girl ( ) an jelly ( ) an hat ( ) an insect ( ) an kite ( ) an girl ( ) 二、听录音写出正确的序号。(2x4=8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、 连线。(第1题1x10=10分,第2题1x6=6分) 1) W M K N X m n w x k I J L T Y t y i j l

2)train sausage sweater zebra cat monkey 四 、 把错误的用×标出来。(1x10=10分) 1、a an monkey 2、a an zebra 3、a an panda 4、a an fish 5、a an boy 6、a an umbrella 7、a an dog 8、a an mouth 9、a an table 10、a an leg 五、读一读,涂上正确的颜色。(2x6=12分) (一 a red tomato a yellow T-shirt a red apple a green hat a green frog a blue ball


Unit 2 Yummy! ●字母:g,h,i,j,k的基本发音。 重点词汇:girl hat insect jelly kite green red ●新课标词汇:girl hat red kite green ●课文重点: 1)、Look at开头的祈使句(会表达) e.g:Look at my red kite. 2)、a&an在可数名词前的用法:a jelly, a hat, a kite, a girl , an insect. 3)、用Yummy形容食物美味,用Yuk表示反感 4)、g,h,i,j,k的基本发音以及大小写书写 5)、口语表达:yuk 英[j?k]美[j?k]int.(感叹词)(表示反感,恶心等) ●重点语法: 1)、my&your: my&your 后面加名词传达形容词性物主代词的概念。 2)、颜色+名词的搭配表达a red hat, a green kite. 物主代词(my)+颜色+名词的搭配表达:my red hat, my green kite;your blue book.将颜色卡片和单词拿出来学生能够说出正确搭配:a red kite,a red ap 3)、a&an在可数名词前的用法: 用an还是用a,以元音开头的单词前用an,以辅音开头单词前用a。 period1: step 1: greeting and divide groups (5 mins) step2: warm-up (3mins) “play wood man” step3: presentation (8 mins) show them some objects and let them answer “what can you see?” lead in the words : girl, hat , insect, jelly, kite, green , red step4: practice (35mins) kite drill : 1. 自然拼读 2. jump and say hat drill: 1. 自然拼读 2. touch and say jelly drill: 1. 自然拼读 2. catch and say insect drill: 1. 自然拼读 2.high and low voice green drill : 1.自然拼读 2.throw the dice red drill: call number and say step4: review all the words by flashing cards ( point and say ) step5:学习课文对话drill:听读说 period 2 : step1: warm-up (2 mins) happy happy together step2: review the words ( 5mins) flashing cards step3: 引入颜色+名词的搭配呈现图片示范,然后让学生模仿表达 step4:practice :(10 mins) red hat , green kite ……… step5 :加入物主代词my & your + 颜色+名词表达呈现图片,练习表达 my green hat , your red kite ……. drill: 进行中英翻译口头练习表达(10mins)


青少版新概念英语(入门级A)期末测试题姓名:成绩: A. 听力部分(20分) 一.圈出你听到的单词。(10分) 1. gas has 2. kit ket 3. cop cup 4. hat bat 5. log fog 6. mut nut 7. bug big 8. pen hen 9. shop chop 10.cat cut 二、根据听到的内容圈出相应数量的物品。(10分)

B. 笔试部分(80分) 一、请按正确的格式和正确的顺序书写A—Z这26个字母的大小写。(26分) 二、看图写出英文单词。(10分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、划掉错误的词并抄写正确句子。(10分) 1.This is ( a / an ) big apple. _________________________________________ 2.That is ( a / an ) small orange. ___________________________________________ 3.Is she ( a / an ) doctor? . _________________________________________ 4.He is ( a / an ) nurse ? ______________________________________________

5.Is this ( a / an ) egg ? __________________________________________ 四、组词成句。(10分) 1. a doctor? Is she _________________________________________ 2. a nurse. She is not _________________________________________ 3. a teacher Are you ? ________________________________________ 4. not I’m a doctor. _________________________________________ 5. dog. It isn’t a 五、写出下列句子缩写的形式或还原其缩写的句子。(10分) 1. You aren’t three. __________________________________________ 2. She is a nurse. ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 3. It isn’t a ruler. 4. What is it? __________________________________________________ 5. That’s a blue schoolbag. ______________________________________________ 六、看图,回答下列问题。(6分) 1. Is he a postman? ________________________________ 2.How old are you? __________________________________ 3.Is it a cat? _________________________________ 七、英汉互译。(8分) 1. What colour is your shirt? 2. This is his rabbit. 3.这是我的爸爸。 4.我是一个男孩。


新概念英语青少版入门级A讲义 Unit 1 hello ! 一、本单元应掌握的知识 1、能听懂、会说、认读单词hi, hello , fish,cat ,dog,ball,apple,egg. 2、能用hi, hello打招呼并且能简单地用yes ,no简单地回答问题 3、能区分a / an的区别 二、课堂练习 1、中英互译 你好()fish ( ) 鸡蛋()ball ( )Apple ( ) 猫()dog ( ) 2、用a / an 填空 ()apple ()fish ( ) cat ( ) ball( ) egg ( ) dog 三、课后作业 1、大声朗读生词并记忆 2、练习打招呼的对话以及用本单元学过的单词与句型与搭档互换角色相互 问答

Unit 2 Yummy 一、本单元应掌握的知识 1、了解一些口语及俚语:yummy, yuk , help ,stop . 2、掌握重点词汇:girl,hat ,insect ,jelly ,kite ,green, red. 二、课堂练习 1、选择题 ()jelly A a B an ( ) hat A a B an ()insect A a B an 2、圈字母组成单词 ①g j l g g i l l j g r g j g l (以g开头的单词) ②h b d h h d d a h h d d h t (以h开头的单词) ③j I e j t j j t l j t l I y (以j开头的单词) 2、读一读 ①Girl hat insect . Girl hat insect . Jelly kite . Jelly kite . Girl hat insect . ②red cat , green hat . Red cat , gren hat . 三课后作业 1、自制生词卡片,看谁的卡片做的最好 2、把自己做的卡片展示给爸爸妈妈看并且要一一读给爸爸妈妈听并解释.

(完整版)青少版新概念入门级a 期末测试卷

New Concept English starter A 期末测试卷 Name:___________ score_____________ 一、翻译下列单词(25`) 1.男孩__________ 2.女孩__________ 3.鸡蛋__________ 4.鱼__________ 5. 球__________ 6.帽子__________ 7.果冻__________ 8.腿__________ 9.鼻子__________10.红色__________ 11.绿色________12.国王_________13.太阳_______14.雨伞__________15.窗户__________ 16.黄色__________17.家人_________18.姐妹_________19.铅笔________20.书包__________ 21.动物园_______22.自行车_______23.火车_______24.汉堡包_________ 25.西红柿_________ 26.五__________ 27.九__________28.高的__________29.胖的__________ 30.瘦的__________ 31.医生________32.老师_________33.邮递员__________34.老鼠_________35.青蛙__________ 36.毛衣________37.衬衫__________ 38.在里面_______39.在下面_________40.在后面_______ 41.in front of__________ 42.parrot__________ 43.anorak__________ 44.policeman__________ 45.eight__________ 46.pencil-case__________ 47.robot__________ 48.brother__________ 49.table__________ 50.look at__________ 二、用be动词的正确形式填空。(10`) 1.I _____tall. 2. He _____my father. 3.You _____ ten. 4.She _____ a teacher. 5. This _____ my dad. 6.It _____ a cat. 7.What _____ your name? 8.My mother _____ thin. 9. My name _____ Uta. 10.The cat _____ big. 三、连线(5`) this that I you are her his your isn’t it’s 他的这个她的是它是我你的那个你不是 四、用a/an填空(10`) 1.____ book 2. ____ apple 3. ____kite 4. ____ dog 5. ____ anorak 6. ____ orange 7. ____ bus 8. ____ car 9. ____ pen 10. ____ insect 11. ____ fish 12. ____ cat 13. ____ egg 14. ____ ant 15____ robot 16. ____dancer 17. ____umbrella 18. ____van 19. ____rabbit 20. ____queen 五、写出下列单词的缩写. (10`) 1. what is __________ 2.he is __________ 3.I am__________ 4.you are __________ 5.she is __________ 6.is not__________ 7.are not__________ 8.it is __________ 9.that is __________ 10.where is__________ 六、翻译下列句子。(15`) 1.这是我的哥哥。______________________________________ 2.她是一个医生。______________________________________ 3.他是高的。______________________________________ 4.那是她的狗。______________________________________ 5.How old are you? ______________________________________ 6.What’s your name? ______________________________________ 7.This isn’t a car. ______________________________________ 8.Is he a postman? ______________________________________ 9.My cap is yellow. ______________________________________

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