当前位置:文档之家› 肖申克救赎经典台词中英双语




1、I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.? 生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。?

2、These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That`s institution alized.? 监狱里的高墙实在是很有趣。刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢地,你习惯了生活在其中;最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存,这就是体制化。?

3、Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself.

A great man can save another.?


4、I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don’t want to know. Some things are better left unsaid.I’d like to think they were singing about somethings so beautiful,it can" t expressed in words,and it makes your heart ache because of it.I tell you, th ose voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a great place dares to dr eam. It was as if some beautiful

bird had flapped into our drab little cage and made these walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man is Shawshank felt free.?


5、(On playing opera records in the prison)?

Andy Dufresne: Here’s where it makes the most sense. You need it so you don"t foget. Foget that there are palce in the world that aren’t made out of stone That there’s a---there’s a---there’s something inside that’s yours, that they can’t touch.? (在监狱里放歌剧唱片)?


6、Andy Dufresne: That’s the beauty of music. They can’t take that away from you.? 安迪.杜德兰:这就是音乐的美丽。他们无法把这种美丽从你那里夺去。?

7、Red narrating: You could argue he’d done it to curry favor with the guards. Or, mabye make a few friends among us cons. Me, I think he did it just to feel normanl again, if only for a short while.?


8、I have to remind myself that some birds don’t mean to be caged . Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up. DOES rejoice. Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they’re gone. I guess I just miss my friend.?


9、There`s not a day goes by I don`t feel regret. Not because I`m in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then. Then a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can`t. That kid`s long gone

and this old man is all that`s left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It`s just a bull.......... word. So you go on and stamp your form, sorry, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don`t give a shit.?


10、Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!?


11、I find I’m so excited. I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head.

I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border.

I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.?




穿靴子的猫 马尔科姆·阿瑟 献给尼科——弗雷德·马塞利诺 有个磨坊主生了三个儿子。他死后,留给三个儿子的遗产只有磨坊、驴和猫。三个儿子没有请律师,因为他们知道,要是请了律师,他们就会花光所有的遗产。没过多久,他们就把遗产分配好了。大儿子分到了磨坊,二儿子分到了驴,留给小儿子的只有一只猫。 小儿子因此很不高兴。:“我的两个哥哥可以一起干活,过上体面的生活。”他说,“可是我呢,等我吃掉猫肉,再用猫皮做副手套之后,就会饿死。” 那只猫听了他的话,却装作没听见,它带着严肃和同情的神情说:“别担心,我的主人。你只要给我一个口袋和一双靴子,让我能穿过荆棘,那么你就会知道,情况没有你想得那么糟糕。” 猫的主人不太相信这番话,可是他很快想起来,这只猫曾有过一些非常机敏的表现,比如,它能直立行走,还曾藏在面粉里装死来抓老鼠。于是他心想:好吧,干嘛不让它试一下呢? 那只猫得到了它要的东西。它穿上了漂亮的靴子,把口袋搭在肩上,用两只前爪握住袋口的绳子,去兔子多的林子了。 猫在口袋里装了些糖和苦菜,诱捕那些年幼的兔子。因为幼兔没有经验,会毫不顾忌地把鼻子伸进口袋里。 不一会儿,一只傻乎乎的幼兔就走进了口袋。猫一抽袋口的绳子,毫不留情地杀死了兔子。 猫得意地带着兔子去了王宫,要求见国王。 它被带到了国王的房间里,一到那儿,它便深深鞠了个躬,说:“陛下,我家主人卡拉巴斯侯爵(这是猫为它主人捏造出来的头衔)吩咐我将这只野兔献给陛下,以示敬意。” “告诉你的主人,”国王说,“我非常高兴接受他的礼物,代我衷心的谢谢他。” 猫拿着口袋出去了,这一次,它藏在一片麦田里。当两只山鹑走进口袋里的时候,它一抽绳子,把它们双双全捉住了。


《肖申克的救赎》影评 “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. 希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝” Red如是说 再老的电影总是有新观众的。从片子的色彩画质不难看出它已经有些年头了,情节的节奏很慢,所以耗时也长有2个小时之多。 都说《肖申克的救赎》是一部经典。那什么是经典?我个人认为经典的东西,是能够触动人们心中的一篇柔软,又不会随着时间的流逝而褪色的东西。 《肖》作为一部越狱片,其越狱的方式令很多人吐槽不已。确实,从现实角度来讲,安迪的越狱方式不具备指导意义,如果不是主角光环,成功性也非常值得怀疑。当然这部影片之所以成为经典绝不是其越狱的方式,而是在于体现人类灵魂的精华,给了我们一些很美丽的人生观。而人生不正是有着美好的事物支撑着,才能够在艰辛中活下去的吗? 自制。一只盛怒的动物会不计后果地发动进攻,但是人类不同。安迪能在盛怒之下依然能够选择扔掉手枪。人类会为长远的事情考虑,控制自己目前的情绪和需求,即使无法原谅他人,至少也要宽恕自己,这是人类的灵魂精华之一。 心灵的自由。禁闭室可以禁锢安迪的肉体,但禁闭室能够禁止安迪得到救赎的渴望吗?一个精神饱满的人,是可以渡过别人无法渡过的苦难的。当安迪看着狱友们在房顶上喝啤酒的时候,他是自由的。心灵的自由是人类灵魂的精华之二。 独立的灵魂。人的灵魂其实是很不稳定的东西。一个看似温文尔雅的人,他的性格可能因为长期受到压抑而变成杀人狂。一个好父亲好老公好邻居好公民,经不住魔鬼的诱惑,一样可以成为魔鬼的使徒。人要如何坚守自己的灵魂呢?事实上,人的灵魂很容易被权力,压力,势力,财力诸如此类的东西影响,失去自己的独立性。体制化,就是其中很好的一个例子。在监狱这么一个充满黑暗和痛苦的地方,有多少人能够坚持自己独立的灵魂,而不被环境这个大染缸熏黑呢?灵魂的独立性,是人类灵魂的精华之三。 美丽而饱满的灵魂。如果没有一个美丽的灵魂,即使灵魂有独立性,有自由性,又如何能够活出美丽的人生?一个空虚的灵魂里能够安放得下欲望吗?他不畏典狱长播放唱片,坚持写信要求图书与拨款的这样事情来看,他的内心必定有很多美丽的东西。多看多读美丽的作品,从中感受世界的美丽,正义,智慧,亲情,友情,爱情,善良,谦逊……不能肯定地说邪恶与美丽相伴就会被美丽熏陶。如果读到了黑暗的作品,则应该在黑暗中自我反省,思考人类的原罪。这是人类灵魂的精华之四。 It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another. 译文:坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人 ——斯蒂芬·金


PUSS IN BOOTS Act 1 Only a cat Miller: My sons,I am very sick. I am going to die . Oldest Son:Father,you must not die. Second Son and Youngest Son:(crying)Father… Miller: My sons,I have a mill, a donkey and a cat. My oldest son, I give the mill to you. My second son, I give the donkey to you. My youngest son, I give the cat to you. (The miller dies.) Youngest son:(sighing)Oh no,only a cat! Puss: What can I do with it? I will die of hunger. Don't worry, Master. Give me boots and a bag. Then I will work for you. (The youngest son buys boots and a bag for his cat.) Youngest son: Here are the boots and the bag. Puss: (wearing them)Master, do I look good? From now call me Puss in Boots! 请学员用语言点造句(每个句型造至少3个)1、病了be sick (1)我病了 (2)他病了 (3)你病了 (4)我们病了 (5)他们病了


The discussion on I think this movie is very meaningful. I like it very much. You must think so too. You must all have a lot to say. But according to what we have appointed, I’m the Chair, so please let me show you my opinion first. The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufrense, victimized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his wife and her lover. After a quick conviction, Andy finds himself serving a life sentence at Shawshank prison, with no hope of parole. He exists in this prison only in appearance, keeping his mind free from the drab walls around him. His ability to do this results in the gaining of respect from his fellow inmates, but most of all from Ellis Redding. Ellis, commonly referred to as Red, finds gainful use of his entrepreneurial spirit within the drab walls of Shawshank by dealing in contraband and commodities rare to the confines of prison. Andy\'s demeanor and undeniable sense of hope causes Red to take a deeper look at himself, and the world around him. Andy proves to Red and the other inmates that in the conventional walls of Shawshank prison convention will find no home in his lifestyle. As far as I’m concerned, this movie shows us three things: freedom, friendship, and hope. If we take a movie as a novel, then


《轻松英语名作欣赏》小学版——穿靴子的猫 Puss in Boots(穿靴子的猫) Chapter1 Only a Cat (第1章只有一只猫) 词汇总结 本章节词汇 old 年老的 miller 磨坊主 three 三(个) son 儿子 sick 生病的 die 死 soon 很快 本章节拓展词汇 there is 有,那儿有 has有;吃(have的第三人称单数现在式); three三,三个 本章节词汇 call 叫,呼唤 mill 磨坊 donkey 驴 give 给 second 第二(个) young 年轻的 本章节拓展词汇 and 和 oldest最老的(old的最高级);最旧的 to到;向;(表示时间、方向)朝…方向 youngest最小的儿子;年纪最小的人 本章节词汇 sigh 叹气 hunger 饥饿 worry 担心 master 主人 boot 靴子 bag 口袋 work 工作 本章节拓展词汇 only只,仅仅; for为,为了

本章节词汇 buy 买 wear 穿,戴 call 称呼,取名 puss 猫 本章节拓展词汇 本章节24个词汇 Chapter2 Presents for the King(第2章给国王的礼物)词汇总结 本章节词汇 put 放 some 一些 food 食物 into 到…里 rabbit 兔子 see 看见 jump 跳 catch 捉住 本章节拓展词汇 本章节词汇 sire 陛下(旧称) ask 问 marquis 侯爵 answer 回答 本章节拓展词汇 goes 前进;行走(go的第三人称单数形式) King 国王;最有势力者 present 礼物 from来自,从 who 谁 本章节词汇 day 天 skylark 云雀 third 第三(个) parrot 鹦鹉 本章节拓展词汇 本章节词汇 happy 高兴的 with 对于


肖申克的救赎影评英文 肖申克的救赎影评英文 I think this movie is very meaningful. I like it very much. You must think so too. You must all have a lot to say. But according to what we have appointed, I’m the Chair, so please let me show you my opinion first. The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufrense, victimized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his wife and her lover. After a quick conviction, Andy finds himself serving a life sentence at Shawshank prison, with no hope of parole. He exists in this prison only in appearance, keeping his mind free from the drab walls around him. His ability to do this results in the gaining of respect from his fellow inmates, but most of all from Ellis Redding. Ellis, commonly referred to as Red, finds gainful use of his entrepreneurial spirit within the drab walls of Shawshank by dealing in contraband and commodities rare to the confines of prison. Andy\'s demeanor and undeniable sense of hope causes Red to take a deeper look at himself, and the world around him. Andy proves to Red and the other


肖申克的救赎经典台词英语版 1、I guess it comes down to a simple choice:get busy living or get busy dying. 生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。 2、These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That`s institution alized. 监狱里的高墙实在是很有趣。刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢地,你习惯了生活在其中;最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存。这就是体制化。 3、Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself. A great man can save another. 译文:懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以感受自由。强者自救,圣者渡人。 4、I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don’t want to know. Some things are better left unsaid.I’d like to think they were singing about somethings so beautiful,it can" t expressed in words,and it makes your heart ache because of it.I tell you, th ose voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a great place dares to dr eam. It was as if some beautiful bird had flapped into our drab little cage an d made these walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man is Shawshank felt free.


【主持词大全】 《穿靴子的猫》这篇格林童话故事,大家知道?下文是相关的中英文对照,欢迎大家阅读与学习。 从前,有一个磨房主,死的时候给他那三个儿子留下的唯一财产仅仅是一个磨坊,一头驴和一只猫。这点儿遗产很快就被儿子们瓜分一空,既没有公证人也没有律师到场,因为他们一来,肯定就会把这些东西据为己有。 老大拿走了磨坊,老二带走了那头驴,最后只有那只猫留给了老三。老三只分得了这么一丁点儿财产,难免伤心难过,他可怜巴巴地说“我的两个哥哥只要合伙就不难谋生,我呢,只有一只猫,如果我把它吃了,只能用它的皮做个手筒来暖手,最终免不了还得饿死街头。” 这些话都让那只猫听了去,它却假装什么也没有听见,只是一本正经地对他说“我的主人,你用不着垂头丧气,只要你给我一个口袋,再让人给我做一双能穿着它在树丛中走动的靴子就行了。你也会发现,你分得的这份财产并不是那么糟糕。” 不管怎么说,这只猫还确实有点表演的天赋和狡猾的心眼。它在捉老鼠的时候,不管是大老鼠,还是小耗子,都逃不出它的手掌心。它总有办法藏在面粉里或是倒挂着装死,就在老鼠放心大胆地走进它时,它才会突然跃起抓住老鼠。主人对它的所作所为还是有点了解的,所以并没有丧失信心。尽管对猫的话将信将疑,主人还是按照猫说的将它要的东西准备齐全了。 猫拿到靴子后,马上就穿在了脚上。它将口袋悬挂到脖子上,用爪子将口袋上的绳子勒紧,然后就跑进了一个到处都是兔子的养兔场。它将麸子和生菜叶放进口袋中,四仰八叉地躺在地上装死。它计划着在那里守株待兔,等着某个不谙世事的年轻兔子前来自投罗网。口袋里的那些东西是用来吸引兔子上钩的。 它刚一躺下去,就有一只不怎么聪明的小兔子钻进了它的口袋,机灵的猫立即收紧绳子,将兔子装在了口袋里。猫很是洋洋自得,带着它的战利品到王宫里求见国王。猫被引领到楼上国王的房间,只见它卑躬屈膝地对国王说“尊敬的国王陛下,我仅代表卡拉巴司侯爵向您敬献他最珍爱的兔子。”这只猫竟然自作主张将它的主人封为卡拉巴司侯爵。 王回答说“告诉你的主人,很感谢他的礼物。我很高兴他能惦记着我。” 还有一次,猫躲在一片麦田里,依旧张开着它的那个大口袋。这次,居然逮着了两只鹌鹑。猫如法炮制,同样以卡拉巴司侯爵的名义将这两只鹌鹑进献给国王。国王仍旧高高兴兴地收下了这份礼物,还给了猫一点赏钱。 猫在两三个月里持续不断地以卡拉巴司侯爵的名义向国王进献不同的礼物,当然这些礼物都是它用相同的手段获得的。 终于,有一天,它得知国王将要带着宝贝公主到河边游玩,那个公主可是世上独一无二的大美女。猫对它的主人说“如果你能照着我说的话做,你的好运气就会来了。很简单,你


黑暗孤独中只有思想 真正不灭的希望在哪里。也许,仅仅只是在我们自己心里的那一念之善罢了。 当我们心存着仁慈,以平常之心去对待所有对我们公平或者不公平的事情。 不管我们遇到的是一种什么样的状况。我们总能泰然处之并且找到通往救赎的天堂之路。 ——火神纪。题记。 史蒂芬·金编剧、蒂姆·罗宾斯和摩根·弗里曼主演、弗兰克·达拉邦特执导的第一部银幕作品。在现在看来似乎都是鼎鼎大名的这些人们,在这部电影公映的1994年的时候,最著名的也许只有史蒂芬·金和摩根·弗里曼。在当年来说,这部电影不敌同年问鼎奥斯卡的《阿甘正传》也许也就不那么奇怪了。 这是一部极其轻缓的电影。我喜欢这部电影那种娓娓道来的语调以及这种大气的节奏。这种感觉似乎只能在某种伟大的作品上才能看到;比如之前说到的《阿甘正传》。最好的电影在节奏上来说似乎只有两种,类似这种轻缓的或者那种快节奏以营造紧张气氛见长的。 说这是一部不朽的电影也许一点也不夸张,就算它在奥斯卡的角逐上失利了,可是同样改变不了这种现实。至少这是一部在你看完了之后永远也不会忘记的电影。电影用第三人称的旁白描绘了肖申克监狱二三十年间所发生的所有事情,以瑞德的视角描绘了安迪的作为和因为他而得到救赎的肖申克监狱。 大量的旁白和第三人称的视角赋予了这部电影既主观而又客观的叙述角度;而不管任何一种叙述角度都好,只要运用得当其实并没有优劣之分的,可是在我的个人喜好来说,我相对比较喜欢这种叙述方式。因为很安静,一直很安静,不带半点狂躁的味道。讲述者在安静地诉说,而我在安静地倾听。这就是我所说的那种轻缓味道里最安静的味道。 而不可否认的是,这种味道和这部电影的救赎主题是如此相得益彰的。所以,是不是也可以因此说,这部电影的这种叙述方式和主题是如此统一而给了这部电影有了那种足以让人迷醉的光茫呢。至少说,这是一部把这种叙述方式运用得当并且成功的电影。 一部伟大而不朽的作品似乎只要在我们谈及某种东西的时候就能让我们立刻联想到这部作品。比如监狱、救赎、希望、努力……我们会想到这部电影。 【关键词:黑暗】 在很多人的定义里,这首先是一部嘲讽美国司法制度和狱政制度的电影。因为如果不是因为司法制度上的错判的话,安迪是不会进入肖申克监狱;而如果不是因为狱政制度上阴暗腐败的话,安迪也不会成为诺顿的洗黑钱机器也不会有了后面的整个故事。然而在我的定义里,这部电影首先定义上应该是一部有关人性黑暗以及救赎的电影,如果把它定义在司法制度和狱政制度上的讽世之作的话反正局限了这部电影本身的那种更深一层的意义而让这部电影显得肤浅了。 在我看来,不论是司法制度上的漏洞或者是狱政制度上的阴暗腐败,其根本依旧还是人性上的阴暗和贪婪。如果说,安迪的错判入狱还仅仅只是因为司法制度上的错判,那么后来安迪得到了一个推翻错误回归到自由社会的机会,可是这个机会却威胁到了典狱长诺顿的安全和洗黑钱系统的整体流程的话,那么,这个机会被诺顿的彻底扼杀就完整地体现了这种人性上的黑暗。 人性是所有一切社会规则和法规的根本。不管多健全的制度最终依旧只能靠人去操作运转,而如果操持着整个制度的人本身依旧带着贪婪的欲望去观摩这一切的时候,他们总能找


Reading Report Name of book: The Shawshank of Redemption(a short story from his sample reels named Different Seasons) Writer’s name: Stphen King who is one of the most popular thriller writers. Summary: This story happened in 1947.Andy was a banker. One day he knew that his wife was detailed, and he planned to kill her and her lover after drank so much. Finally, Andy gave up his plan. But others found that they were killed in the bed that night. Andy was arrested because he was accused to be the murder who had the reason to kill the two people, and no ones believed he was innocent. The result is that Andy had to spend the whole in Shawshank prison. Red(Ellis Boyd Redding) had been spent a long in the prison, he could get almost anything if you have enough money. The first goods Andy asked Red to buy was a hammer which used to carve, and he said he could hide it so that guards could not find. They became friends after Andy bought some goods. Once, Andy heard guards were talking about tax, and he said to them that he could help them reduce taxes illegally. As for change, they had to give him and his partners 3 bottles of beer. Red knew


The Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 American drama film written and directed by Frank Darabont. The first time I heard the name of the film, I considered the Shawshank to be a man’ s name, but in fact it is a jail. In 1947, a successful banker named Andrew Andy Dufresne found his wife fornicate with a baseball coach. He flew into a fury and planned to shoot them died at one night. But at last he gave up.Unfortunately, his wife and her lover died on that night so Andy was framed for murder. He is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank, run by Warden Samuel Norton. Andy was quickly befriended with Red.Red was also a prisoner who was able to get some small goods for the prisoners. So Andy asked him for a little hammer because he was interested in geology. He later asks Red for a full-size poster of Rita Hayworth for his wall, replacing them over the years. During manual labor, Andy overhears Captain of the Guards Byron Hadley complain about having to pay taxes on a forthcoming inheritance. Andy grabbed the opportunity and taught him a way to be exempt from taxation. Hadley accepts Andy's advice and rewards him and his friends with a brief respite and beer. Andy's accountancy expertise is soon sought by other guards at Shawshank as well as nearby prisons, and Andy is given a space to work on their financial matters under the pretense of maintaining the prison library alongside elderly inmate Brooks Hatlen . Every week Andy kept writing one letter to the government to ask for a bankroll to develop the library in Shawshank. After nearly ten years, a new library finally appeared. Unexpectedly,Andy found a disc in the library and played it.So people in Shawshank could heard it. Because of this,Andy was imprisoned alone for two weeks as penalty.However,Andy didn’t felt depressed because of the greatest thing in the world—music.With music,Andy saw a calamity and received boost. Later on, Andy knew a new prisoner called Tommy.Because of Tommy, Andy knew who was the real murderer that killed his wife. Andy immediately told the wardenry about this and innocently thought the wardenry would help him leave there. But instead, the wardenry killed Tommy. I t’s impossible for the wardenry to set free Andy who had been laundering money for the wardenry for a long time.Without Andy,the wardenry wouldn’t have all this things. At this moment, everything seemed to be over. Unexpectedly, Andy escaped from Shawshank at a night with thunderstorm, which is the climax of the movie. The stone wall which Red asserted wouldn’t be dug through even with six hundred years was dug through by Andy in two decades. He kept digging with that little hammer at night, the sound of which was mistaken for the sound of carving chessmen. And the hole in the wall was covered by the huge poster of a famous actress. What impressed me most is when Andy got out of the jai. He extended his arms in front of him in the heavy rain as if he were welcoming the fresh air and the freedom.


《肖申克的救赎》观后感 这是我第二次看这部电影。其实在很早之前我都一直想看它,但是碍于各种原因一直没机会,后来终于有机会了,但却没留下任何印象。而这一次,又完全是偶然,但是却给了我不少感触,收获颇多,觉得这是一部值得再看的电影。 我看过不少写狱中生活的电影,包括《越狱》,它们所反映的狱中生活都是恐怖的代名词。这部电影也不然。但是,它除了描述邪恶之外,更多的是人的希望,激发人积极向上的思想。 无辜的银行家安迪入狱,开始时努力适应新环境,但并不和别人打交道,但是两个月后还是开始和别人打起了交道,并和瑞德等人成为好朋友,狱中生活虽然很艰苦,但是其中不乏温馨的场面,譬如,瑞德他们一群人在夕阳的余晖下享受安迪的啤酒,享受心灵上的自由...... 虽然安迪在狱中也受了不少苦,但是他从未自暴自弃。 让我很有感触的还有老布,他是监狱中看管图书馆的,也是一名罪犯,在狱中呆了大半辈子,最终获假释时却不想出去。瑞德分析他是制度化了,在狱中他是有地位的,但是出去后他什么都干不了,更何况双手又有关节炎。所以,出狱后不久,老布便自杀了,我想也许死于他才是真正的一种自由。 其实,电影着重向人们传递一种生活的态度,一种永远心存希望的人生态度。可以说,被判无期徒刑的安迪甚至于鲨堡狱中所有的有罪的无罪的罪犯,他们的生活几乎是没有希望了,但是电影通过安迪这一任务,他的所作所为,像我们展示了希望的力量。 安迪在狱中写了六年的信,终于得到了200元的资助和一些别人捐的旧书,这是安迪的狱中图书馆的开始,后来他又坚持写信,又获得了另一笔500元的图书馆资助,后来他的图书馆越办越好,他还组织别人考学历,帮助汤米从ABC开始学习。 但是,他却从一开始就在为逃狱做准备,所以到最后,我们不得不佩服他的智慧,开始觉得他为典狱长洗钱是一种交易,自己可以好过些的交易,但是后来才知道,他在为以后做准备。 可以说,这部影片真的很精彩,他向我们展示了知识的力量和希望的力量。对于生活的态度更应该是积极的,就像安迪所说,就是因为在牢中,所以有些东西才有意义,因为他们可以告诉自已有些东西是石墙关不住的,有些东西是别人管不住的,那就是希望......所以,他重拾自己的爱好,甚至为了放几首音乐而被关禁闭两个星期。 影片结局安迪成功逃狱,这只管不住的小鸟终于自由了,瑞德也终于获得假释。最后的


肖申克的救赎观后感英文 肖申克的救赎观后感英文(一) Shawshank Redemption is a film co-operated by white people and black people. It told a story about the life in the prison. A man called Andy Dufresne, was sent into the prison, Shawshank, for he murderer his wife and her lover in bed. However, he was innocent as he said. The new days in the prison were hard to live. It’s violent, heartless and cruel. A month later, Andy began to make friends with other prisoners. One of them called Red, who could get anything what he wanted. Andy bought a mallet from him and started his plan to escape. During this time, he did many things: expanding the library, caving stones, making tainted money for the prison governor, etc. It took him 20 years to tunnel secretly and he successfully escaped from the prison. Before that, Andy had told his best friend Red that his dream---Zihuatanejo, a warm place without memory. After escaping, Andy lived a free life in another identity and made the prison governor arrested. Several years later, Red was approved to leave. He had lived inside for 40 years. He was institutionized. Sometimes he thought of getting back again as he didn’t belong the world, but he didn’t, for the promise to Andy. Finally, in Zihuyatanejo, they met. It is a good film. The cruel prison life terrified me and the friendship moved me. The story goes to a happy ending---redemption. 肖申克的救赎观后感英文(二) Based on the Stephen King (non-horror) novella “Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption”, this is a simple story of hope made remarkable by the interaction between the two lead characters. Both Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman do a fine job in terms of making their roles genuine and appealing, and also in the way they work so well together.


【主持词大全】 导语“老布到此一游”西装革履,神情肃穆,雕刻的手微微发抖。这位在监狱里面待了几十年的老人,一旦离开肖申克监狱这个笼子,竟然没有半分的欣喜,而是选择了死亡。而这位老人的经历,让我们感慨良多,并同情他。这是著名的电影《肖申克的救赎》的经典片段。下面是分享的肖申克的救赎的影评,欢迎大家阅读。 一年前的今天刚成人的我在日志里把安迪冲出下水道站在河沟里享受雨水带来的自由的海报作为结尾,以此来象征新的开始。一年之后再看这张海报这部电影有了更多的体会,这部电影不知道看了多少遍,不变的是对经典的敬佩。如果说有部电影能让人百看不厌的话,《肖申克的救赎》就是永恒的经典。它教会人要有希望地活着。 从1947年到1966年,安迪在肖申克监狱待了19年。这19年里,安迪从恐惧,到适应,甚至天真的对这里产生了幻想,直到汤姆被杀,安迪清醒过来。但自始至终,安迪对自由的渴望从未改变,一直支撑下去的便是内心的希望。安迪刚进监狱就像一个不可理喻另类,他去做很多人不敢想的事跟看守长哈德利要啤酒、向参议员申请资金图书扩建图书馆、不惜以禁闭一周的代价放《费加罗的婚礼》,当然还有越狱般的救赎。其实安迪一直在传达一种信号,我们跟外界的人一样,我们也有权利,我们应当享受这些。而这些想法,是每一个被“体制化”的人所无法想象的,安迪此时犹如上帝,救赎了这些人的灵魂,就像广场上响起的莫扎特,“我想那是如此的美,无法用语言来形容,美的让你心痛……那声音飞翔,比在这个灰暗地方的任何一个人梦想都要高远……在那一刻,每个在肖申克的落伍者,感到了自由”。结合 “感觉就像修自己家屋顶,安迪瑞德他们修完屋顶在上面喝啤酒的场景,没人会认为这是监狱, 自己就是造物主”,这是安迪第一次让他们感受自由。因此刚才说安迪犹如上帝,倒不如说安迪带给他们自由的希望。这世界根本没有上帝,自由才是每个人应有的信仰,别无此他。 刚进监狱之时典狱长诺顿要每个人“把精神交给上帝”,当一个人把自己的精神交出去的时候,那便失去了灵魂,禁锢的不再是身体,而是心,“体制化”的布鲁斯便是这样。就像瑞德说的,肖申克监狱是布鲁斯唯一认识的地方,在这儿他是个重要的人,是个有教养的人;在外面布鲁斯什么都不是,只是一个假释出来的囚犯,每个人都可以教训他。布鲁斯只是走出了肖申克监狱,殊不知他的心灵早在五十年中被宣判了无期徒刑。就像那个胖子,因为不适应肖申克监狱,第一天便被打死;布鲁斯假释之后不适应内心的监狱,结果也只有死亡。适者生存虽然是生存之道,但人的思想是一定要自由的,行为可以被迫原始化,但精神必须要走出身体,这是适者生存的真正含义。 与布鲁斯截然相反的当然就是安迪。安迪知道自己本不属于这里,因此他无时无刻不向往自由,甚至可以说安迪这二十年来从未被关进来过,这也就不难理解安迪在肖申克监狱中的所作所为,确实是态度决定一切。就像一潭死水里冲进来一条金枪鱼,安迪一点点的改变肖申克,从一开始的改造图书馆和《费加的罗婚礼》,潜移默化地影响里面的人,到最后把看守长和典狱长全部搞下去,肖申克被安迪的希望彻底改变,前者是坚信,后者则是必然,希望在人的身上释放出不可思议的威力。 最复杂的当属瑞德,他在这里度过了40年,一方面头脑清楚的知道“体制化”,另一方面也不得不被迫接受这一现实。“开始,你痛恨这周围的高墙,慢慢地你习惯地生活在其中,时间久了你不得不依靠它而生存,这就是被体制化了。”可见体制化是个多么可怕的东西,它


Film Review of Shawshank Redemption Name: Major: No.: Class: Date:

Film Review of Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption,a famous American movie direct by Frank Darabont,although did not get an Oscar, although there is no action, no special effects, and even no beautiful girls , still be able to deeply impress the audience, and never in the past two decades, have the charm of the film been abated. The movie tells a story of Andy,a young banker with full of talent,who was sentenced to life imprisonment because of murdering his wife and her lover , completed the self-redemption and save others in the dark Shawshank prison. Like the classic lines in the movie said:” It takes a strong man to save himself,a great man to save others.” With the question what impress you most in the film,different person will gives different answers. Below let me introduce this movie and some of my own thoughts. Everyone in the Shawshank not just their roles, they represent a certain type of people in society, and the Shawshank also reflected the real society in America.Warden Norton,the superior of the Shawshank, usually very pious on the surface,can recite every word of the Bible.But in fact,he is unscrupulous, cruel, sinister and greedy for his own benefit.Haley,the prison guards,and other police officer,are savage and help Norton to enslave the prisoner.Their are the rulers of the “small society”. Prisoner in shawshank can be divided into several categories. In addition to the hero Andy, Red (Morgan ·Freeman) is a key figure, of course, I think he is the whole movie clue: Actually,there is not much dialogue in the whole movie.A lot of things are showed by Red monologue and most of the monologue are in order to summarize the life in shawshank and reflect his reading of Andy.Red is a wise man who can committed people’s any needs.He fared very well in Fort shark. His has insight into the nature of life in Fort shark with his wisdom.He said to Andy: " Hope is a dangerous thing."However, like the so-called "wise men" in the real life,although Red insight into the essence of the shark fort, he is only conform to the rules in order to protect themselves in the shawshank rather than to fight for free and hope, not to mention influence and change others. Until Andy appear, changed his, and eventually lead him to the freedom of the other shore.”There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret. Not because I'm in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then. Then a young, stupid kid

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