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英语高级视听说 听力原文 Unit 3 New orleans is sinking

英语高级视听说 听力原文 Unit 3 New orleans is sinking
英语高级视听说 听力原文 Unit 3 New orleans is sinking

Unit 3 New orleans is sinking

For 300 years, the sea has been closing in on New Orleans. As the coastal erosion continues, it is estimated the city will be off shore in 90 years. Even in good weather, New Orleans is sinking. As the city begins what is likely to be the biggest demolition project in U.S. history, the question is, can we or should we put New Orleans back together again?

Life has been returning to high and dry land on Bourbon Street, but to find the monumental challenge facing the city you have to visit neighborhoods you have never heard of. On Lizardi Street, 60 Minutes took a walk with the men in charge of finishing what Katrina started.

Correspondent Scott Pelley reports.

Before Katrina, "There would be noise and activity and families and people, and children, and, you know, I haven't seen a child in a month here," says Greg Meffert, a city official who, with his colleague Mike Centineo, is trying to figure out how much of the city will have to be demolished.

Meffert, who is in charge of city planning, says it is "very possible" up to 50,000 houses will have to be bulldozed. Right now, most of the homes in the city are uninhabitable.

Meffert faces a difficult task. Every time he goes to a house site here, he says, "It's one more knife in me that says, 'She did another one. She did another one,'" explains Meffert, "she" meaning Hurricane Katrina.

When you walk through these neighborhoods and you see the houses, you get a sense of the pain of the individual families. But you don't get a sense of what has happened to the city of New Orleans itself.

It is estimated that there were 200,000 homes in New Orleans, and 120,000 of them were damaged by the flood.

The part of the city known as the lower Ninth Ward received some of the heaviest flooding. The houses are splintered block after block after block, almost as if the city had been carpet-bombed in war.

Meffert says that before the storm, New Orleans had a population of

470,000-480,000 people. Realistically, he thinks that half of those residents won't be coming back.

The possessions of thousands of families, the stuff collected over lifetimes is suddenly garbage, clawed up into mountains in city parks. With so much gone already, should New Orleans pick up right where it was?

"We should be thinking about a gradual pullout of New Orleans, and starting to rebuild people's homes, businesses and industry in places that can last more than 80 years," says Tim Kusky, a professor of earth sciences at St. Louis University.

Kusky talks about a withdrawal of the city and explains that coastal erosion was thrown into fast forward by Katrina. He says by 2095, the coastline will pass the city and New Orleans will be what he calls a "fish bowl."

"Because New Orleans is going to be 15 to 18 feet below sea level, sitting off the coast of North America surrounded by a 50- to 100-foot-tall levee system to protect the city," explains Kusky.

He says the city will be completely surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico just 90 years from now.

Since this story aired on Nov. 20, there has been considerable discussion about whether New Orleans really is sinking, including on CBS News' blog, Public Eye.

"That's the projection, because we are losing land on the Mississippi Delta at a rate of 25 to 30 square miles per year. That's two acres per hour that are sinking below sea level," says Kusky.

That process could only be slowed, in theory, by massive restoration of wetlands. In the meantime, while Kusky's advice is to head for the hills, some New Orleans residents are hoping to head home.

Vera Fulton has lived most of her 81 years on Lizardi Street and returned to her home recently for the first time since being evacuated.

"When they say 'storm,' I leave. I can't swim and I can't drink it. So what I do, I leave," says V era, who has lost her home to two hurricanes.

Vera is intent on coming back. "I don't have no other home, where I'm

Three generations of Fultons, Vera's son Irvin Jr., his wife Gay and their son Irvin, 3rd, live around Lizardi Street.

Irvin says his house is "just flat" and he didn't have insurance.

That's the dilemma. The only thing they have left is land prone to disaster. They want to rebuild, and the city plans to let them.

At Vera's house, Mike Centenio, the city's top building official, told 60 Minutes homes can go up as long as they meet what is called the "100-year flood level."

The federal government had set a flood-level, but didn't figure on a levee failure that would flood parts of the city.

The official level is several feet off the ground. If people meet the requirement, they can rebuild their homes, despite the fact that we saw, for example, a refrigerator lifted to the top of a carport by the floodwaters.

Asked whether allowing people to rebuild makes sense, Centenio says it is "going to take some studying."

Right now, he says the flood level requirement is the law.

Twelve weeks after the storm hit, no one has an answer to where people should go. An estimated 80,000 homes had no insurance, and for now, the biggest grant a family can get from the federal government is $26,200. Those without flood insurance face an uncertain road ahead, trying to piece their lives and homes back together.

"I don't think any of us get to be made whole. I don't know of anybody that's even getting back to where they were. It's just a matter of how much you lost," says Meffert.

No one wants to risk more losses until the levees are fixed but there is not a lot of confidence in that. There's evidence some of the levee walls may have failed from bad design or lousy workmanship.

Fixing them is up to Colonel Richard Wagenaar, who told 60 Minutes, that by next summer, the levees will withstand a Category 3 storm. But for a Category 5 storm, Congress would have to double the levee height to 30

Col. Wagenaar says building a 30-foot flood control system around the city could take five to ten years, and cost billions of dollars.

Asked whether he would live in New Orleans if the levees were restored to pre-Katrina levels, Col. Wagenaar said he would, after a long pause.

"There's a lot of long pauses in things I think about these days," Wagenaar added.

Another thing that gives you pause is the fact that one of the world's largest pumping systems can't keep the city dry with broken levees.

60 Minutes was there in September during Hurricane Rita. Crews were fighting with everything they had, cooling a pump with a hose and a coat hanger. When the station flooded during Katrina, Gerald Tilton dove under water to open valves.

Since then, Tilton and his men have been living at the station. "Most of us, our homes have been destroyed but a large number of us are still here doing the job that we get paid to do," says Tilton.

Tilton says he hasn't seen his home since the storm hit and only took one thing from the house when he left: his diploma. "I graduated from Tulane last year and that was the one thing that I wanted. I know it might sound crazy."

But sharp minds and heroism couldn't stop a second flood.

It took another two weeks to dry out and count the losses. Now, inspectors with laptops are identifying ruined houses.

"Every house in New Orleans is loaded into this database," explains Centineo. The reports are sent instantly to a computer at city hall, where the database is linked to aerial images of every address, both before and after.

When the reports are in, they will know how many billions it will take to rebuild, but not where that money is coming from.

Mike Centineo showed us, at his house, that you can't appreciate the loss until you walk through the door. He lost pretty much everything in his home. "We've lost a lot. What hurts is family photos. They went under water and I pulled them out to try to salvage what I could," Centineo says.

Centineo says he understands, probably better than any building official ever has, what the victims of Katrina are going through. "I'm one of them, that's true, I'm one of them."

He is one of about 400,000 people still unable to come home. That's the worst part now, the deflation of the Big Easy.

There are too few people to pay taxes or keep businesses going. The world's largest domed stadium doesn't have a football team; In New Orleans, these days, not even the Saints go marching in.

Meffert has some clear feelings on whether the nation should commit billions of dollars and several years to protect the city.

"Is it commit or invest? I mean this is the thing that that people miss. The country has to decide whether it really is what we tell the world what we are. Or are we just saying that? Because if we are that powerful, if we are that focused, if we are that committed to all of our citizens, then there is no decision to make. Of course you rebuild it," says Meffert.


Unit 3 Outside View Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

Listening in News Report Activity 1 Script Prince George is influencing education just by going to school. Since the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s announcement that the little prince will be attending a Montessori nursery school, more people have been interested in the Montessori method of education. The Maria Montessori Institute in London, which runs several schools and a Montessori teacher training centre, reports that there has been a 65 per cent increase in parents signing up for information about their schools compared to last year. Many are curious about the Montessori method, which focuses on the individual development of each child rather than tests and grades. Many people are also now interested in being a Montessori teacher. There is a specific training required for teachers at Montessori schools. There has been a 45 per cent increase in people looking to attend information sessions for teachers. The Maria Montessori Institute offers an open afternoon every so often when people can go and observe students, and those events have been fully booked since Prince George joined. 1. What is the news report mainly about? 2. What do we learn about Montessori schools from the news report?

新视野大学英语视听说教程3 unit4答案.doc

Uint4 II. Basic Listening Practice M: Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job vacancies. W: I know, it’s over there. There’s not much happen though. I had a look already. Maybe you should look on the Net instead. Q: What is the man looking for? M: You don’t have enough experience or qualifications for this role. What makes you believe you could handle the position? W: I’m a fast learner and enjoy learning on the job. My natural skil ls lie in this area, and I’m confident that I could handle the ch allenge. Given a chance, I would prove myself. Q: What is the woman saying? M: Could you help me with my resume? Jane said you’re good with thes e things, and I really need someone to edit it. It’s way too long. W: Sure, no problem, give I to me. A good resume should be no more th an one page, you know. And it should list you experience in revers e chronological order. I can see we’ve got some work to do! Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation? M: Could you tell me why you would like to work for our company? W: Well, it has a good reputation as an employer, and its products ar e quite popular in the marketplace. I would feel proud to work for a company like this and to contribute a great deal to its succes s. Q: Why does the woman apply for the job? W: Where do you see yourself in five years’ time? M: I aim to have been promoted to senior manager at the very least. I’m very ambitious and want to climb up the career ladder as fast as possible. I don’t want to feel miserable on the first rung in five years’ time, watching everybody above me. Q: What does the man want in fie years? Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.C 5.B III. Listening In Task 1: Tell me about yourself. M: Tell me a little about yourself. W: I’m from Guilin City. M: What brought you to the east coast? W: I came to Qingdao to attend college. I’m impressed by this city’s dynamic economy. I’ve come to love it so much that I’ve decided to stay and work here. M: What work experience do you? W: I worked as an intern for a small shipping company. And my primary responsibilities were to maintain the company’s ties with the e xisting customers and try to find new cargo sources.


Unit1 InsideView Conversation1 Janet:Hi,it’s meagain,JanetLi.I’m stillastudentattheUniversitRofORfordinE ngland.ButI’mnotinORfordrightnow.AndIhaven’tgonebackhometo Chinaeither.It’sthelongvacationnow,andbelieveitornot,it’sthemiddle ofsummer.I’mspendingmRsummerinoneoftheworld’sgreatestcities.I ’minLondon,hometotheHousesofParliament,BigBen,TowerBridge …andthedouble-deckerbus.Iwanttofindoutwhatit’sliketoliveinthisbu sR,livelRcitR.SoI’mworkingforLondonTimeOff,awebsiteaboutwhat ’soninLondon.ThisisJoe…,he’smRboss,andthisisAndR,whoisarepor ter.Andwhat’smRjob?Well,Idon’tknowRet,becauseit’smRfirstdaR.B utI’mmeanttobeshadowingAndR,oh,whatImeanis,I’m goingtobehelp inghim.SocanRoutellmesomethingaboutLondon,AndR? AndR:It’sthegreatestcitRintheworld.. Joe:ERceptforNewRork! AndR:NewRork?Don’tmakemelaugh! Joe:AndRourpointis…? AndR:Look,ifRouwantmRopinion,LondonisgreaterthanNewRork…Joe:No,Idon’twantRouropinion,thankRouverRmuch.It’safact. AndR:Afact!AreRouserious? \Janet:AndhereweareinLondon,probablRthegreatestcitRintheworld. AndR:What?ProbablR?ERcuseme,IprefertodealwiththismRself… Joe:Ah,dreamon,AndR……… 珍妮特:嗨,又是我,珍妮特.李。我目前还是一位英国牛津大学的学生,但我现在不在牛津,也还没有回中国的家。现在在放 长假,而且不管你信不信,现在是夏天的中期。我现在正在 世界上最棒的城市之一里度过我的夏天。我在伦敦,它是英 国国会大厦、大本钟、塔桥…和双层巴士的故乡。我想知道 住在如此热闹和生气勃勃的城市里是什么感觉。所以,我现 在在为伦敦下班网效劳。它是一个报道伦敦时事的网站。这 是乔,他是我的老板,而他是安迪,一位记者。我的工作是 什么呢?这个我也不知道,因为今天是我的第一天,但我会 注定跟随着安迪。喔,我的意思是,我将会协助他。那么安 迪,你能告诉我一些关于伦敦的事情吗? 安迪:伦敦是世界上最棒的城市。 乔:除了纽约以外! 安迪:纽约?别逗我笑了! 乔:那你的观点是…? 安迪:注意,如果你真的需要我的观点,伦敦确实比纽约棒…


Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题: 分) Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage. 1. A. Having a dinner party for mom's birthday. B. Having a dinner party for mom on Mother's Day. C. Reserving a seat at a concert for mom. D. Reserving a seat at a theater for mom. Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage. 2. A. They will probably go to his work place to give him a birthday present.B. They will probably go to his work place to have a party for him there. C. They will probably ask him to stop work early and go shopping with them. D. They will probably ask him to go home early for a surprise party. Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage. 3.


Unit 1 Outside View Activity 2 Activity 3 Script Eugene: The tradition that er, was most important to me was probably Summer Eights. I was a rower. And Summer Eights is a rowing competition, held in May in the summer term. And in this competition, each college is trying to improve its place which it won the previous year and gradually work its way up the river. Julie: When the students take exams, they must go to a special building and it’s called Examination Schools. And also they must wear a special uniform, so they wear a gown like mine, a black gown, and they wear a white shirt, and the men wear a white tie and black trousers. Um, the women wear a white shirt and a black skirt or black trousers. And they must wear this uniform, which has a Latin name –subfusc–and they must wear this uniform in order to take their examinations. Eugene: I think the Oxford traditions lend character to the place, and it’s such an old institution, it should have traditions, but they can be very inconvenient, for example, subfusc. This is the er, uniform that we are required according to the university rules to wear. Julie: They also wear flowers in their buttonholes, and those flowers are carnations. And they wear different colours, the students wear different coloured flowers for different examinations. So when you take your first exam you wear a white flower, and when you take your second exam you wear a pink flower, and when you take your final examination you wear a red carnation. Eugene: So we have to dress up in a full black suit, starched collar, white bow tie and carry a mortarboard. And to write an exam in the summer heat whilst wearing all that which you’re not allowed to take off, is um, uncomfortable. Julie: I really like the Oxford traditions, I think it’s part of our history, and part of um, being a student or a teacher here at Oxford University. News Report Activity 1 Script Oxford University has seen a rise in the number of applications from state school students thanks to Harry Potter. The university says that teenagers who have followed Harry’s adventures at Hogwarts are no longer discouraged by Oxford’s traditions because they remind them of scenes in



Unit 3 II. Basic Listening Practice 1.Script W: Chinese students are often too shy to say anything in class. M: I think they don’t speak because their culture values modesty,and they don’t want to be showing off. Goes back to Confucius. Q: Why don’t Chinese students say in class according to the man? C) They are modest. W:中国学生往往羞于说话在课上。 M:我想他们不说话是因为他们的文化价值观的谦虚,他们不想炫耀。回归到孔子。 问:为什么没有中国学生在课堂上说话? C)他们是温和的。 2.Script W: The government is doing something at last about sex discrimination in the work place. Women deserve the same pay as men for the same work. M: Yeah. In the United States, women earn only 70 percent of what men get for the same job. It’s a situation that has to be changed. Q: What does the man say about the women? A) They earn less than men. W:政府现在在做的事情,工作场所的性别歧视。女人的付出男人一样。 M:是的。在美国,同样的工作妇女的工资只有男性的百分之70。这一情况已经有所改变。 问:什么人说的女人? 一)他们的收入比男性少。 3. Script W: I admire Michael Dell. He had a dream to be the world’s largest manufacture of personal computers, and he has realized that dream. M: And he dropped out of university to become a success. I wonder if there is a lesson in that. Q: What do we learn about Michael Dell from the dialog? D) He succeeded in his career though he did not complete his education.

大学英语视听说四级新版原文+练习答案 Unit 4

Unit 4 Creativity Part 1 Listening, Understanding and Speaking Listening I In China, education is considered a race. Students have to begin as early as possible and have to proceed as quickly as possible around the track. Success is measured by how many students cross the finish line in the short time .In America, we recognize the race too, but we feel that the students have a chance to explore things for themselves, even if not all of them reach the finish line. As a result of their exploring, some of the participants may have more to offer by the end of the race. The advantage of the Chinese way is that more students become proficient and reach the finish line. The disadvantage is that they may have less to say or to show once they get there. The disadvantage of the American way is that some students never finish the race. The advantage, however, is that some who do go "all the way" have very interesting and original things to say when they get there. 1. F T T T F F 2.1) race 2) race 3 ) proceed 4) explore things for themselves 5) proficient 6)interesting 7) original 8) less 9) finish the race Listening II Once Wealth and Poverty approached a merchant and introduced themselves as Goddesses. The merchant greeted both of them and said, "May I ask why you have come to my humble house" The Goddess of Wealth said, "We want you to judge between us who is the most beautiful." The merchant did not know what to say. He knew he was between the devil and the deep blue sea: If he said that Wealth was more beautiful than Poverty, Poverty would curse him. If he said that Poverty was more beautiful than Wealth, Wealth would abandon him. However, he became calm and said, "I have great respect for you both. Would you please do what I ask of you It is the only way I can judge properly." The Goddesses agreed. He said, "Mother Wealth, would you please walk towards my house Mother Poverty, Would you please walk away from my house This way I can see you both better, from near and far." The two Goddesses did what the merchant had asked them to do. Then the merchant confidently declared, "Mother Wealth! You appear most beautiful when you are nearest my house. Mother Poverty! You look most beautiful when you are farthest from my house." The Goddesses appreciated the wit and wisdom of the merchant. The Goddess of Wealth happily stayed in his house while the Goddess of Poverty cheerfully departed. Whenever we have a serious problem, if we look within and think calmly, a solution will come in answer to the problem.

大学英语二级视听说Unit1答案+原文 (1)

新编大学英语(第三版)视听说第二册答案+原文 Unit One Love Part 1 Listening, Understanding and Speaking Listening I Exercise 1 1)gaze 2)sighs 3)touch 4)hugs 5)such 6)words 7)praises 8)understands 9)lends 10)holds Scripts: A Mother's Love You can see it in her eyes— in her gaze and in her sighs. It is a mother's love. You can feel it in her touch— in her tender hugs and such. It is a mother's love. You can hear it in her words— in her praises and bywords. It is a mother's love. She cares. She understands. She lends an ear and holds our hands. She gives us a mother's love. Listening II Exercise 1 1)B 2)B 3)A 4)D 5)C Exercise 2 a lot of garbage; came up all over the city; raw sewage and it smelled; became suburban sprawl with very little planning; the NRDC; Board of Trustees; New England; join the cause of protecting the environment Scripts: For more than four decades, John Adams has fought to defend the environment and empowered individuals in the U.S. and around the world to join the cause. Adams is cofounder of the National Resources Defense Council, the NRDC, the nation’s first law firm for the environment. “Defending the environment,” John Adams says, “is personal.” “When you care about something, like the environment, it does become a passion,”he says. “It becomes your life. I grew up on a small-town farm in the Catskill Mountains of New York. It was a wonderful place to grow up. I loved it.”

新标准大学英语 视听说教程3 (听力原文及翻译)

Unit 1 Inside View Conversation 1 Janet: Hi, it’s me again, Janet Li. I’m still a student at the University of Oxford in England. But I’m not in Oxford right now. And I haven’t gone back home to China either. It’s the long vacation now, and believe it or not, it’s the middle of summer. I’m spending my summer in one of the world’s greatest cities. I’m in London, home to the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Tower Bridge…and the double-decker bus. I want to find out what it’s like to live in this busy, lively city. So I’m working for London Time Off, a website about what’s on in London. This is Joe…, he’s my boss, and this is Andy, who is a reporter. And what’s my job? Well, I don’t know yet, because it’s my first day. But I’m meant to be shadowing Andy, oh, what I mean is, I’m going to be helping him. So can you tell me something about London, Andy? Andy: It’s the greatest city in the world. . Joe: Except for New York! Andy: New York? Don’t make me laugh! Joe: And your point is…? Andy: Look, if you want my opinion, London is greater than New York… Joe: No, I don’t want your opinion, thank you very much. It’s a fact. Andy: A fact! Are you serious? \Janet: And here we are in London, probably the greatest city in the world. Andy: What? Probably? Excuse me, I prefer to deal with this myself… Joe: Ah, dream on, Andy……… 珍妮特:嗨,又是我,珍妮特.李。我目前还是一位英国牛津大学的学生,但我现在不在牛津,也还没有回中国的家。现在在放长假,而且不管你信不信,现在是夏天的中期。 我现在正在世界上最棒的城市之一里度过我的夏天。我在伦敦,它是英国国会大厦、 大本钟、塔桥…和双层巴士的故乡。我想知道住在如此热闹和生气勃勃的城市里是 什么感觉。所以,我现在在为伦敦下班网效劳。它是一个报道伦敦时事的网站。这 是乔,他是我的老板,而他是安迪,一位记者。我的工作是什么呢?这个我也不知 道,因为今天是我的第一天,但我会注定跟随着安迪。喔,我的意思是,我将会协 助他。那么安迪,你能告诉我一些关于伦敦的事情吗? 安 迪: 伦敦是世界上最棒的城市。 乔 : 除了纽约以外! 安迪:纽约?别逗我笑了! 乔:那你的观点是… ? 安迪:注意,如果你真的需要我的观点,伦敦确实比纽约棒… 乔:不,我不需要你的观点,非常感谢!这是事实! 安迪:事实!你是当真的吗? 珍妮特:我们现在在伦敦,或许是世界上最棒的城市。 安迪:什么?或许?对不起,我宁可自己处理这个… 乔:啊,安迪,继续做你的美梦吧... Conversation 2

新视野大学英语视听说教程4第二版答案(含unit test)

最新版新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版4答案(全新版本)Unit 1 enjoy your feelings! II C B D A D l Listening In Task 1 what a clumsy man! Keys: A C D C B Task 2 causes of depression Keys: (1)families (2)chemicals (3)information (4) certain (5)self-esteen (6)thinking patterns (7)mood (8)divorce (9)physical abuse (10)financial difficulties (11)stress (12)anxiety Task 3 happiness index Keys: B D A A C l Let’s Talk Keys: (1) shy (2) crying (3)scared (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two step (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12) comfortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17) growing (18) learn l Further Listening and Speaking Task 1: Big John is coming!

(S1) owner (S2) running (S3) drop (S4) run (S5) local (S6) yelling, (S7) lives!” (S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall. (S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. (S10) “I got to get out of town! Don’t you hear Big John is coming?”Task 2 Reason and emotion Key : A B C C D Task 3 Every cloud has a silver lining Key : T F F T F l Viewing and speaking Key :(1) seven (2) 150 (3) favorite (4) bridge (5) 111 (6) fast (7) simple (8) trusted (9) stupid (10) did (11) No way (12) ultimate (13) limits (14) skywards (15)&60 (16)cheap Unit tset 1.C D B C D 2. (1)over (2) companionship (3) lover (4) definition (5 scarce (6) diar


Unit 3 Watch out when nature strikes back. Done with this task. Your current score: 100% Unit 3 test Next Part I Script Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. . B. . C. . D. . 2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. The crops were all failed in this area because of the drought. B. The area was hit by the worst drought in the last 30 years. C. The government should improve the development of the infrastructure D. The irrigation system in this area played an important role in coping


Unit 1 Part two 2. Scanning for background information Exercise 1. upset, informal, student, school, young 2. restaurant, polite, middle-aged or old 3. bookstore, middle-aged, worried 4. library, young, middle-aged, mid or low level of education, excited , middle-aged or old, impatient, high, annoyed 5. student health center, young, student, worried, not rich, middle-aged, professional, receptionist 3. Scanning for the main idea Exercise Main idea: a basketball game Key words: $50 in the pool; ticket; front row center; three-pointer; third quarter; best game; Shaq stole the ball, strong as football players; as graceful as ballet dancers; seven feet tall 4.Scanning for the important points Exercise 1 a 2 b 3 b 5. Inferencing Exercise

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