当前位置:文档之家› 英语反身代词的用法





myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves, oneself。


当one指人时,其相应的反身代词通常用oneself, 在美国英语中也可用himself:

One should not praise oneself [himself]. 一个人不应该自吹自擂。


1. 反身代词用于强调时经常作主语或宾语的同位语,一般置于所强调的词的后面,也可写在句末。


The manager himself served the customers. / The manager served the customers himself. 经理亲自为顾客服务。

The box itself is not so heavy. 箱子本身并不重。

Mrs.Black herself is a lawyer. 布莱克太太本人就是一名律师。

You had better ask the driver himself. 你最好问司机本人。

Martin himself attended the sick man. 马丁亲自照顾病人。

Don’t trouble to come over yourself. 你不必费神亲自来了。

You yourself said so. / You said so yourself. 你自己是这样说的。

Never leave to others what you ought to do yourself. 不要把自己该做的事留给别人做。

2. 用作宾语(动词或介词的宾语)反身代词作动词宾语时常常是非强调性的。有些动词与反身代词成为固定搭配,请注意,汉译时“自己”可根据情况忽略不译:

a. 作动词宾语:

behave oneself 有礼貌;规矩

He behaves himself well.他为人很好。

Behave yourself while I am away.我不在,你要规矩点。

enjoy oneself 过得快活

We all enjoyed ourselves in the party.我们在聚会上都玩得很痛快。

express oneself 表达自己的意思

Can you express yourself in English? 你能用英语表达思想吗?

F. collect oneself 清醒过来,镇定下来

I accepted the offer before I was able to collect myself. 我还没来得及考虑一下,就接受了帮助。


Take good care of yourself. 好好照顾你自己。

He has a right to decide for himself. 他有权为自己做出决定。

The child can dress himself. 这孩子能自己穿衣服了。

She finally gained control of herself. 最后她控制住了自己。

She could not make herself understood. 她不能使别人听懂她的话。

Everybody here has the influenza including myself. 包括我在内所有人都患上流感。

The child cried himself to sleep. 孩子哭着哭着睡着了。

He had a couple of revolvers with which to defend himself. 他只有一两把手枪用来自卫。


He has been living by himself since his parents died. 他父母死后,他就一直一个人生活。(by himself = alone)

This matter is between ourselves.(Without anyone else knowing)

The enemy will not perish of himself.(of his own will)

She finished the job by herself. 她独自完成了这项工作。(by herself = without help)

3. 用作表语

The poor boy was myself. 那个可怜的孩子就是我自己。

Just be yourself. 做你自己就好了。

Mary hasn't quite been herself recently. 玛丽近来感到不适。

The ones who really want it are ourselves. 真正想要它的是我们自己。

【说明】有时用于be, feel, seem, look 等后作表语表示身体或精神处于正常状态:

I’m not quite myself these days. 我近来身体不大舒服。(=I am not feeling so well as I usually do)I’ll be myself again in no time. 我过一会儿就会好的。

4. 用作主语。在现代英语中,反身代词一般不能独立用作主语,但是它却可以借助and, or, nor 等连词与其他名词一起构成并列主语(且位于并列主语的后部),以及用于某些特殊结构(如as...as等):

My brother and myself went there yesterday. 昨天我兄弟和我一起去了那儿。

Jim’s sister and himself get up at six every day. 吉姆的妹妹和他每天6点起床。

He was as anxious as myself. 他和我一样担心。

For my wife and me / myself it was a most enjoyable weekend. 对于我妻子和我(本人)来说,这是一个非常快乐的周末。

在but, except, like, as 等词之后,或作对比时,宾格和反身代词都可以用,但后者的语气更强。例:

She is about the same age as you / yourself. 她的年龄和你(本人)差不多。

有时“动词+反身代词”之后,还需要一定的介词。例: G. busy oneself with 忙于

He busied himself with numerous tasks around the house. 他忙于家里的许多事情。 H. avail oneself of 利用

We availed ourselves of every chance to speak English.我们利用每个机会讲英语。 I. address oneself to 专心于(工作)

They address themselves to the main difficulties.他们专心致志解决主要困难。 J. devote oneself to 致力于;献身于

We are determined to devote ourselves to the cause of education. 我们决心为教育事业献身。有些动词接反身代词后再接that从句: K. assure oneself that... 确信

Before going to bed, she assure herself that the door was locked. 她确信门已锁好才去睡觉。 L. flatter oneself that ... 自以为

He flattered himself that he would win the first prize. 她自以为会获得第一名。


反义疑问句(The Disjunctive Question 或Question tags) 即附加疑问句。它表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方证实。反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致。








(2)no one时,后面附加疑问句中主语用they。

(3)everything, anything, nothing, something时,附加疑问句中主语用it 不用they (4)this, that,或those, these时,附加疑问句中主语用it或they.



(7)there be句型时,附加疑问句中一般用be/情态动词/助动词+there



对反意疑问句的回答,无论问题的提法如何,如果事实是肯定的,就用yes,事实是否定的,就要用no。要特别注意陈述句部分是否定结构,反意疑问句部分用肯定式提问时,回答yes或no与汉语正好相反。这种省略回答的yes要译成“不”,no要译成“是”。例:—He likes playing football, doesn’t he? 他喜欢踢足球,是吗?

—Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. 是的。/ 不是。

—His sister didn’t attend the meeting, did she? 他妹妹没有参加会议,是吗?

—Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t. 不,她参加了。/ 是的,她没参加。


1) 陈述部分的主语是I,疑问部分要用aren't I.

I'm as tall as your sister,aren't I?

2) 陈述部分的谓语是wish,疑问部分要用may +主语。

I wish to have a word with you, may I?

3) 陈述部分用no, nothing, nobody, never, few, seldom, hardly, rarely, little等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。

The Swede made no answer, did he / she?

Some plants never blown (开花), do they ?

4) 含有ought to 的反意疑问句,陈述部分是肯定的,疑问部分用shouldn't / oughtn't +主语。

He ought to know what to do, oughtn't he? / shouldn't he?

5) 陈述部分有have to +v. (had to + v.),疑问部分常用don't +主语(didn't +主语)。

We have to get there at eight tomorrow, don't we?

6) 陈述部分的谓语是used to 时,疑问部分用didn't +主语或usedn't +主语。

He used to take pictures there, didn't he? / usedn't he?

7) 陈述部分有had better + v. 疑问句部分用hadn't you?

You'd better read it by yourself, hadn't you?

8) 陈述部分有would rather +v.,疑问部分多用wouldn't +主语。

He would rather read it ten times than recite it, wouldn't he?

9) 陈述部分有You'd like to +v. 疑问部分用wouldn't +主语。

You'd like to go with me, wouldn't you?

10) 陈述部分有must 的疑问句,疑问部分根据实际情况而定。

He must be a doctor, isn't he?

You must have studied English for three years, haven't you? / didn't you?

He must have finished it yesterday, didn't he?

11) 感叹句中,疑问部分用be +主语。

What colours, aren't they?

What a smell, isn't it?

12) 陈述部分由neither…nor, either…or 连接的并列主语时,疑问部分根据其实际逻辑意义而定。

Neither you nor I am engineer, are we?

13) 陈述部分主语是指示代词或不定代词everything, that, nothing, this, 疑问部分主语用it。Everything is ready, isn't it?


a. 并列复合句疑问部分,谓语动词根据邻近从句的谓语而定。

Mr. Smith had been to Beijing for several times, he should have been in China now, shouldn't he?

b. 带有定语从句,宾语从句的主从复合句,疑问部分谓语根据主句的谓语而定:

He is not the man who gave us a talk, is he?

He said he wanted to visit Japan, didn't he?

c. 上述部分主句谓语是think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine等引导的定语从句,疑问部分与宾语从句相对应构成反意疑问句。

I don't think he is bright, is he?

We believe she can do it better, can't she?

15) 陈述部分主语是不定代词everybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, no one等,疑问部分常用复数they,有时也用单数he。

Everyone knows the answer, don't they? (does he?)

Nobody knows about it, do they? (does he?)

16) 带情态动词dare或need的反意疑问句,疑问部分常用need (dare ) +主语。

We need not do it again, need we ?

He dare not say so, dare you?

当dare, need 为实义动词时,疑问部分用助动词do + 主语。

She doesn't dare to go home alone, does she?

17) 省去主语的祈使句的反意疑问句,疑问部分用will you。

Don't do that again, will you?

Go with me, will you / won't you ?

注意:Let's 开头的祈使句,后用shall we?

Let us 开头的祈使句,后用will you?

Let's go and listen to the music, shall we?

Let us wait for you in the reading-room, will you ?

18) 陈述部分是"there be"结构的,疑问部分用there省略主语代词。

There is something wrong with your watch, isn't there?

There will not be any trouble, will there?


He looks unhappy,doesn’t he? 他看上去不高兴,不是吗?

The girl dislikes history,doesn’t she? 这女孩不喜欢历史,不是吗?

(20)当陈述部分有less, fewer等词视为肯定词,疑问部分用否定形式。

There will be less pollution, won't there?



例This is the second time that he has been to Japan,isn’t it?这是他第二次去日本,是吗? 2.在宾语从句中,如果陈述句部分是“I think (believe,suppose,imagine,expect等) + 宾语从句”,反意疑问句部分应与宾语从句的主谓保持一致,并要注意否定转移.

例I don’t think you have heard of him before,have you?我认为你以前没有听说过他,是吗? 注当think等这些动词的主语不是第一人称,或主语是第一人称,而动词时态不是一般现在时或一般过去时,这时,反意疑问句的助动词和人称代词要与主句保持一致.

例Mary thinks you will come to the party,doesn’t she?玛丽认为你将来参加晚会,是吗?


例That he didn’t pass the entrance exam made his parents very angry,didn’t it?他没有通过入学考试使得他的父母十分生气,是吗?


little 则表示数量虽然少但毕竟还有,强调“有”,含有肯定意义。 如:He knew few of them. He sold only a few of the papers. 他只卖出了几份报纸。 He knew little about it. There is still a little left. 4. all, every, each的用法。从强调重点上看:all强调整体,every 强调总体中的所有成员(与all很接近),each则强调逐个逐个地;从用法上看:all和each既可单独使用,也可后接名词,还可后接of短语;而every 后必须接名词,既不能单独使用也不能后接of 短语;从含义上看,each 指两者或两者以上的“每个”,every指三者或三者以上“每个”,因此指两者时只能用each。 如:All was destroyed in the big fire.Each of us has a book. All are present.= Everyone is present.. 注意:1)在表示“每个”、“全体”意思时,every的意思与all很接近。但一般情况下every和单数名词搭配,all和复数名词搭配。 例:Every child enjoys Christmas.All children enjoy Christmas. 2)each也是“每一个”的意思,但与every不同,each用于指两个或两个以上的人或物,着重于个别概念。 例:Two men came into the room.Each carried an umbrella. Each/Every book on this desk is worth reading. 5. other, the other, another, others的用法。指单数时,若泛指用another,若特指用the other;指复数时,若泛指用other(后接复数名词)或others(其后不接名词),若特指用the other (后接复数名词)或the others(其后不接名词)。 如:Show me some others. Show me another. We should think of others. Where are the other students? 注:another后一般要单数可数名词,若其后的名词有数词或few 修饰,则也可接复数名词。 如:I've got another five minutes. 我还有5分钟。 6. no one, nobody, none 的用法。no one 与nobody 用法相似,均只用于指人不用于指物,且其后不能接of短语,用作主语时谓语用单数;而none 既可用于指人也可用于指物,其后通常接of短语,用作主语时,若指不可数名词,谓语只能用单数,若指复数名词,则谓语可用单数(较正式)也可用复数(用于非正式文体)。 如:No one [Nobody] has read it. None of this milk can be used. None of the films is [are] worth seeing. 7. 复合不定代词的用法。复合不定代词主要包括something, somebody, someone, anything, anybody, anyone, nothing, nobody, no one, everything, everybody, everyone 等,它们在句中可用作主语、宾语或表语,但不能用作定语。其中something, someone 等和anything, anyone 等的区别与some 和any 的区别一样,前者一般用于肯定句,后者一般用于否定句、疑问句或条件句。使用时应请注意以下几点: (1) 受定语修饰时,定语应置于其后。 如:Tell us something interesting. There was nobody tired. (2) 指人的复合不定代词若用作主语,其谓语动词一般用单数,相应的人称代词和物主代 词也用单数he, him, his (不一定指男性)。但在非正式文体中常用复数代词they, them, their。如:If anybody [anyone] comes, ask him [them] to wait. 要是有人来,让他等着。(3) anyone, everyone 等只能指人,不能指物,且其后一般不接of 短语。若是指物或后接 of 短语,可用any one, every one (即分开写)。


英语反身代词的用法难点 反身代词是指myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves, oneself。通常有强调性用法和非强调性用法。 1. 强调性用法: 反身代词用于强调时经常作主语或宾语的同位语,一般置于所强调的词的后面;但如果不影响理解,作同位语的反身代词其位置比较灵活。 反身代词用于强调时要重读。例: The manager himself served the customers. / The manager served the customers himself. 经理亲自为顾客服务。 I told them I wanted to see the manager himself. 我告诉他们我要见经理本人。 在but, except, like, as 等词之后,或作对比时,宾格和反身代词都可以用,但后者的语气更强。例: For my wife and me / myself it was a most enjoyable weekend. 对于我妻子和我(本人)来说,这是一个非常快乐的周末。 She is about the same age as you / yourself. 她的年龄和你(本人)差不多。 反身代词作介词宾语或动词宾语时,有时也可起强调作用。例: He has been living by himself since his parents died. 他父母死后,他就一直一个人生活。(by himself = alone) This matter is between ourselves. The enemy will not perish of himself. She finished the job by herself. 她独自完成了这项工作。(by herself = without help) 反身代词作表语时也可表示特殊意义。例: I am not quite myself today. 今天我身体不舒服。(=I am not feeling so well as I usually do) 2.非强调性用法 反身代词作动词宾语时常常是非强调性的。有些动词与反身代词成为固定搭配,请注意,汉译时“自己”多不译出。例: A. behave oneself 有礼貌;规矩 He behaves himself well.他为人很好。 Behave yourself while I am away.我不在,你要规矩点。 B. enjoy oneself 过得快活 We all enjoyed ourselves in the party.我们在聚会上都玩得很痛快。 C. express oneself 表达自己的意思 Can you express yourself in English? 你能用英语表达思想吗? He expressed himself satisfied.他表示满意。 D. present oneself 到场;present itself出现 He presented himself for a checkup at the hospital.他到医院接受体格检查。 When the cave door was unlocked, a sorrowful sight presented itself。山洞门一打开,就出现了一幅悲惨的景象。 E. reveal itself 出现 Gradually sounds multiplied and life revealed itself.声音渐渐多起来,生活又开始了。 F. collect oneself 清醒过来,镇定下来


代词: 1、代词的分类:英语中代词分为:人称代词、物主代词、 反身代词、指示代词、关系代词、疑问代词、连接代词和不定代词等等。 2、人称代词:人称代词代替人和事物的名称,分为主格和宾格两种形式。 1、主格用来作句子的主语、表语。如:I often go shopping on Sundays.(星期天我常去购物) / Are they from Brazil?(他们是巴西人吗?)/ Where have they gone?(他们上哪儿去了?)/ That’s

it.(就那么回事) / It’s he!(是他!) 2、宾格用来作及物动词或者介词的宾语。如:Who teaches you English this year?(今年谁教你们的 英语?) / Help me!(救救我!) / We often write letters to her.(我们常给他写信) 3、人称代词作表语或者放在比较状语从句连词than或 as之后时,可以用主格形式,也可以用宾格形式,口语 中大多用宾格。如:--Who is it?(是谁?)–It’s I/me.(是我。) 4、三个不同人称同时出现,或者主语中包含“我”时,按照“you→he→I”的顺序表达。如: Both he and I are working at that computer company.(我和他都在那家电脑公司上班) –Who will go there?(谁要去那儿?) –You and me.(你和 我) 5、人称代词it除了可以指人指物之外,还可以表示“时 间、天气、温度、距离、情况”等含义,此外还可以 作“非人称代词”使用,替代作主语或者宾语的不定 式、动名词或者名词性从句。如:--What’s the weather like today?(今天天气怎样?)—It’s fine.(天气晴好) / --What’s the time?(几点啦?) –It’s 12:00.(12点) / It’s a long way to go.(那 可要走好长的路)/ It took him three days to clean his house.(打扫屋子花了他三天的时间) / It is very clear that the public want to know


高中英语语法总结大全之代词 人称代词的用法 1)人称代词的主格在句子中作主语或主语补语,例如: John waited a while but eventually he went home. 约翰等了一会儿,最后他回家了。 John hoped the passenger would be Mary and indeed it was she. 约翰希望那位乘客是玛丽,还真是她。 说明:在复合句中,如果主句和从句主语相同,代词主语要用在从句中,名词主语用在主句中,例如: When he arrived, John went straight to the bank. 约翰一到就直接去银行了。 2)人称代词的宾格在句子中作宾语或介词宾语,但在口语中也能作主语补语,第一人称在省略句中,还可以作主语,例如: I saw her with them, at least, I thought it was her. 我看到她和他们在一起,至少我认为是她。(her做宾语,them做介词宾语,her作主语补语) a. -- Who broke the vase?--谁打碎了花瓶? b. -- Me.--我。(me作主语补语= It's me.) 说明:在上面两例句中,her和me分别作主语补语。现代英语中多用宾格,在正式文体中这里应为she和I。 人称代词之主、宾格的替换 1) 宾格代替主格 a.在简短对话中,当人称代词单独使用或在not 后,多用宾语。 ---- I like English.--我喜欢英语。 ---- Me too.--我也喜欢。 ---- Have more wine?--再来点酒喝吗? ---- Not me.--我可不要了。 b.在表示比较的非正式的文体中,常用宾格代替主格。但如果比较状语的谓语保留,则主语只能用主格。 He is taller than I/me. He is taller than I am. 2) 主格代替宾格 a. 在介词but,except 后,有时可用主格代替宾格。 b. 在电话用语中常用主格。 ---- I wish to speak to Mary. --我想和玛丽通话。 ---- This is she. --我就是玛丽。 注意:在动词be 或to be 后的人称代词视其前面的名词或代词而定。 I thought it was she. 我以为是她。(主格----主格) I thought it to be her.(宾格----宾格) I was taken to be she.我被当成了她。(主格----主格) They took me to be her.他们把我当成了她。(宾格----宾格)


英语词类 英语中的词可以根据词义、语法功能和形式特征分为十大类,即名词(noun)、代词(pronoun)、形容词(adjective)、副词(adverb)、动词(verb)、数词(numeral)、冠词(article)、介词(preposition)、连词(conjunctions)和感叹词(int erjection)。 英语代词的用法全归纳 一、定义与分类 代词是代替名词及起名词作用的短语或句子的词。代词根据其意思和用法可分为人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、相互代词、疑问代词、连接代词、关系代词、不定代词九类。综观历年高考情况,在这九类代词中,不定代词一直是高考英语的重点。 二:人称代词,物主代词,反身代词用法概述 这三种代词都有人称(第一、二、三人称)的变化、数(单、复数)的变化,性(阴性、阳性、中性)以及格(主格、宾格)的变化。 物主代词又包括两种形式:形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。特别注意:形容词性物主代词its没有相应的名词性物主代词。 这三种代词的形式变化表如下:

三、人称代词的用法 1) 定义:人称代词是用来指代人、动物或事物的代词。它必须在人称(第一人称、第二人称、及第三人称)、数(单数、复数)以及性(阴性、阳性、中性)三方面与被指代的名词一致。 如:I am a student. Tom is a boy, and he is a student. Mary is very pretty, and she likes singing. The boys are students, and they are in the room. The doy is small. It is Tom's. 2)人称代词的句法功能 A) 人称代词有主格和宾语之分:主格用作主语,宾格用作宾语。 B) 人称代词的主格形式在在句中作主语和表语。 如: I like music(主语). She is a teacher.(主语)


反身代词的用法 反身代词是指myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves, oneself。通常有强调性用法和非强调性用法。 1. 强调性用法: 反身代词用于强调时经常作主语或宾语的同位语,一般置于所强调的词的后面;但如果不影响理解,作同位语的反身代词其位置比较灵活。反身代词用于强调时要重读。例: The manager himself served the customers. / The manager served the customers himself. 经理亲自为顾客服务。 I told them I wanted to see the manager himself. 我告诉他们我要见经理本人。 在but, except, like, as 等词之后,或作对比时,宾格和反身代词都可以用,但后者的语气更强。例:For my wife and me / myself it was a most enjoyable weekend. 对于我妻子和我(本人)来说,这是一个非常快乐的周末。 She is about the same age as you / yourself. 她的年龄和你(本人)差不多。 反身代词与某些介词搭配,表示特殊意义。例: He has been living by himself since his parents died. 他父母死后,他就一直一个人生活。( by himself = alone) She finished the job by herself. 她独自完成了这项工作。( by herself = without help) 反身代词作表语时也可表示特殊意义。例: I am not quite myself today. 今天我身体不舒服。 2.非强调性用法 反身代词作动词宾语时常常是非强调性的。有些动词与反身代词成为固定搭配,请注意,汉译时“自己”多不译出。例: A. behave oneself 有礼貌;规矩 He behaves himself well.他为人很好。Behave yourself while I am away.我不在,你要规矩点。 B. enjoy oneself 过得快活 We all enjoyed ourselves in the party.我们在聚会上都玩得很痛快。 C. express oneself 表达自己的意思 Can you express yourself in English? 你能用英语表达思想吗?He expressed himself satisfied.他表示满意。 D. present oneself 到场;present itself出现 He presented himself for a checkup at the hospital.他到医院接受体格检查。 When the cave door was unlocked, a sorrowful sight presented itself。山洞门一打开,就出现了一幅悲惨的景象。 E. reveal itself 出现 Gradually sounds multiplied and life revealed itself.声音渐渐多起来,生活又开始了。 F. collect oneself 清醒过来,镇定下来 I accepted the offer before I was able to collect myself. 我还没来得及考虑一下,就接受了帮助。 有时“动词+反身代词”之后,还需要一定的介词。例: G. busy oneself with 忙于 He busied himself with numerous tasks around the house. 他忙于家里的许多事情。 H. avail oneself of 利用 We availed ourselves of every chance to speak English.我们利用每个机会讲英语。 I. address oneself to 专心于(工作) They address themselves to the main difficulties.他们专心致志解决主要困难。 J. devote oneself to 致力于;献身于 We are determined to devote ourselves to the cause of education. 我们决心为教育事业献身。 有些动词接反身代词后再接that从句: K. assure oneself that... 确信 Before going to bed, she assure herself that the door was locked. 她确信门已锁好才去睡觉。 L. flatter oneself that ... 自以为 He flattered himself that he would win the first prize. 她自以为会获得第一名。


英语代词的15种用法详解(一) 一、人称代词的语法要点 (1) 人称代词的基本用法:人称代词有主格和宾格之分,主格有I, you, he, she, it, we, they等,它们在句中作主语用,宾格有me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them等,它们在句中作动词或介词的宾语。 (2) 人称代词的排序:有两个或两个以上的人称代词并列时,一般是这样排序的:单数按2—3—1;复数按1—2—3。但在承认错误时,就将I放在最前面了。如: You, he, and I are good friends. 你我他都是好朋友。 We, you and they have been invited to the party. 你们我们和他们都被邀请参加那个晚会。 (3)人称代词后接名词用作同位语:有时人称代词后可接人称代词用作同位语。如: We girls often go to the movies together. 我们女孩子经常一起去看电影。 He asked you boys to be quiet. 他要你们男孩子安静些。 二、物主代词的语法要点 物主代词有形容词性和名词性两种,形容词性物主代词my, your, his, her, its, our, their只在名词前作定语,名词性物主代词mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs不能作定语,但可作主语、宾语、表语或与of连用作后置定语。如: Yours seems bigger than mine. 你的似乎要比我的大些。 My pronunciation is poor. His is even worse. 我的语音不好,他的更差。 三、反身代词的语法要点


英语中代词的用法 代词是代替名词的一种词类。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能。英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、自身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、关系代词和不定代词八种。 一、人称代词是表示"我"、"你"、"他"、"她"、"它"、"我们"、"你们"、"他们"的词。人称代词有人称、数和格的变化,见下表: 数单数复数 格主格宾格主格宾格 第一人称I me we us 第二人称you you you you he him they them 第三人称she her hey them it it t they them 主格作主语或表语,如:He is my friend. 他是我的朋友。It’s me. 是我。 宾格作及物动词和介词的宾语, 还可作表语. Aunt Li took care of us. Who is knocking at the door It's me. 二、物主代词表示所有关系的代词,也可叫做代词所有格。物主代词分形容性物主代词和名词性物主代词二种,其人物和数的变化见下表。 形容词性物主代词my your his/her its our your their 名词性物主代词mine yours his/hers its ours yours/ theirs 形容词性物主代词只能做定语,修饰名词,相当于形容词,如:I like his car. 我喜欢他的小汽车。 名词性物主代词可以做主语、宾语和表语,相当于名词, 如:Our school is here,and theirs is there. 我们的学校在这儿,他们的在那儿。 三、指示代词表示"那个"、"这个"、"这些"、"那些"等指示概念的代词。指示代词有this,that,these,those 等。 如:That is a good idea. 那是个好主意。 四、表示"我自己"、"你自己"、"他自己"、"我们自己"、"你们自己"和"他们自己"等的代词,叫做自身代词,也称为"反身代词"。反身代词表示主语发生的动作落在主语自己身上,或用来加强名词或代词的语气。 如:She was talking to herself. 她自言自语。 I hope he didn't hurt herself. She taught herself English. 五、表示相互关系的代词叫相互代词,有each other和one another两组,但在运用中,这两组词没什么区别。 如:They love each other. 他们彼此相爱。 六、不是指明代替任何特定名词的代词叫做不定代词。常见的不定代词有a11,both,each,every等,以及含有some-,any-,no-等的合成代词,如anybody,something,none。这些不定代词大都可以代替名词和形容词,在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语,但none和由some,any,no等构成的复合不定代词只能作主语、宾语或表语;every和no只能作定语。如: ---Do you have a car? --你有一辆小汽车吗? ---Yes,I have one. --是的,我有一辆。


反身代词构成固定搭配大全 反身代词是指myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves, oneself。通常有强调性用法和非强调性用法。 用法: 一、反身代词的基本形式 反身代词是oneself根据所指词的人称、性别、单复数等的变化可以有myself, himself, herself, yourself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves 等形式。 二、oneself与himself 当one指人时,其相应的反身代词通常用oneself, 在美国英语中也可用himself: One should not praise oneself [himself]. 一个人不应该自吹自擂。 三、反身代词的句法功能: 1. 用作同位语(加强被修饰词的语气,紧放在被修饰名词后, 或句末): The box itself is not so heavy. 箱子本身并不重。 Mrs.Black herself is a lawyer. 布莱克太太本人就是一名律师。 You had better ask the driver himself. 你最好问司机本人。 Martin himself attended the sick man. 马丁亲自照顾病人。 Don’t trouble to come over yourself. 你不必费神亲自来了。 You yourself said so. / You said so yourself. 你自己是这样说的。


不定代词用法归纳(详细讲解) ■本站特约作者陈根花 一、不定代词概说 英语的不定代词有 all, each, both, either, neither, one, none, little, few, many, much, other, another, some, any, no, (a) few, (a) little, both, enough, every 等,以及由 some, any, no 和 every 构成的合成代词(即somebody, anyone, nothing 等)。在这些不定代词中,多数都能作主语、宾语、表语或定语,但是代词 none 以及由 some, any, no 和 every 构成的合成代词只能作主语、宾语或表语,不能作定语,而 no 和 every 则只用作定语。 二、指两者和三者的不定代词 有些不定代词用于指两者(如both, either, neither),有的不定代词用于指三者(如all, any, none, every),注意不要弄混: Both of my parents are doctors. 我的父母都是医生。 All of the students are interested in it. 所有的学生对此都很感兴趣。 There are trees on any side of the square. 广场的每一边都种有树。 He has two sons, neither of whom is rich. 他有两个儿子,都不富有。 He has three sons, none of whom is rich. 他有三个儿子,都不富有。 【说明】each 可用于两者、三者或三者以上,而 every 只用于三者或三者以上,因此用于两者时只能用 each,不能用 every。如不能说 There are trees on every side of the road. 三、复合不定代词的用法特点 复合不定代词包括 something, somebody, someone, anything, anybody, anyone, nothing, nobody, no one, everything, everybody, everyone 等。它们在句中可用作主语、宾语或表语,但不能用作定语。something, someone 等和 anything, anyone等的区别与 some 和 any 的区别一样,前者一般用于肯定句,后者一般用于否定句、疑问句或条件句(参见 any & some)。具体使用时应注意以下几点: 1.复合不定代词受定语修饰时,定语应放在它们后面: There is nothing wrong with the radio. 这收音机没有毛病。 Have you seen anyone [anybody] famous? 你见过名人吗? 2.指人的复合不定代词若用作主语,其谓语动词一般用单数,相应的人称代词和物主代词也用单数 he, him, his (不一定指男性)。但在非正式文体中常用复数代词 they, them, their:Everyone knows this, doesn’t he [don’t they]?人人都知道这一点,不是吗? If anybody [anyone] comes, ask him [them] to wait. 要是有人来,让他等着。 3.指事物的复合不定代词若用作主语,谓语动词只能用单数,相应的人称代词也只能用 it,而不用 they:


初中英语反身代词的基本用法知识精讲 1. 反身代词作及物动词的宾语。例如: Please help yourself to some tea. 请(你自己)用茶。 He teaches himself English. 他自学英语。 2. 反身代词作介词的宾语。例如: He kept the smallest one for himself. 他把最小的留给自己。 Take care of yourself. 好好照顾自己。 3. 反身代词作主语或宾语的同位语。例如: He himself didn’t know what to do. 他自己也不知道该怎么办。 I must begin by telling you about the girl herself. 我必须先和你谈谈这姑娘自身的情况。 4. 反身代词作表语。例如: I’m not quite myself these days. 这几天我不大舒服。 I’ll be myself again in no time. 我一会儿就会好的。 5. 在个别情况下,反身代词可用作主语。例如: I hope Miss Green and yourself(=you)are keeping well. 我希望格林小姐和你自己身体健康。 [趁热打铁]翻译下面句子。 1. 我用刀把自己割伤了。 2. 她年纪太小,无法照顾自己。 3. 她本人就是一位医生。 4. 你最好问问老师他本人。 5. 那个可怜的孩子就是我自己。 6. 我妹妹和我自己都受到邀请,参加了这次聚会。 Keys: 1. I cut myself with a knife. 2. She is too young to look after / take care of herself. 3. She herself is a doctor. 4. You’d better ask the teacher himself about it. 5. That poor boy is myself. 6. Both my sister and myself(=I)were invited to this party.


高考英语代词用法详解 一、单项选择代词 1.Tom told me that he needed a chair and soon I found _________ for him. A.it B.that C.one D.the one 【答案】C 【解析】 考查代词用法。句意为:Tom告诉我说,他需要一把椅子而且很快他就找到了一把(椅子)。it用来代替同类同物,即“同一个”;that常用来指代不可数名词,也可用来指代有定语修饰的可数名词(此时,相当于the one);one用来指代泛指的可数名词单数,表示同类不同物中的另外某一个。本题中应用one来指代前面出现的、表泛指的a chair,故答案选C。 2.-Which of the ways should I take to the village? - way as you please.All seem to be equal in distance. A.Neither B.None C.Any D.Either 【答案】C 【解析】 考查代词:A.Neither两者都不,B.None三者以上都不,C.Any三者任何一个,D.Either两者任何一个,从后面的all看出路是三条以上,句意是:--你想走哪条路去村子?-你喜欢走哪条就走哪条,距离上都是一样的。选C。 3.—The exam was easy, wasn’t it? —Yes, but I don’t think ______ could pass it. A.somebody B.anybody C.everybody D.nobody 【答案】C 【解析】 本题考查不定代词的用法,somebody某人;anybody任何人;everybody每人;nobody没人。根据句意,可知选C。句意:--这场考试很简单,不是吗? -- 是的,但我认为不是每个人都能通过。 4.Mom promised to buy me a nice gift for my next birthday, ______ beyond my imagination. A.which B.that C.something D.the one 【答案】C 【解析】 考查同位语。something beyond my imagination 是 a nice gift 的同位语,补充说明礼物是某种超乎想象的东西。后面句子中没有动词构成不了句子,所以which不能选。the one 指代与


1、人称代词顺口溜:人称代词有两类,一类主格一类宾;主格代词本领大,一切动作由它发;宾格代词不动脑,介动之后跟着跑。 2、物主代词顺口溜:物主代词不示弱,带着‘白勺’来捣乱;形容词性物主代,抓住名词不放松;最后只剩名词性,海阔天空任它走。 主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词反身代词 第一人称单数I me my mine myself 第二人称单数you you your yours yourself 第三人称单数 he she it him her it his her its his hers its himself herself itself 第一人称复数we us our ours ourselves 第二人称复数you you your yours yourselves 第三人称复数they them their theirs themselves 人称代词的用法 1、人称代词的主格在句子中作主语或主语补语。一般在句首,动词前。 例如:John waited a while but eventually he went home. 约翰等了一会儿,最后他回家了。 John hoped the passenger would be Mary and indeed it was she. 约翰希望那位乘客是玛丽,还真是她。 说明:在复合句中,如果主句和从句主语相同,代词主语要用在从句中,名词主语用在主句中。在电话用语中常用主格。 例如:When he arrived, John went straight to the bank. 约翰一到就直接去银行了。 I wish to speak to Mary. This is she. 我想和玛丽通话,我就是玛丽。 2、人称代词的宾格在句中作宾语或表语,在动词或介词后。 例如:Do you know him?(作宾语) 你认识他吗? Who is knocking at the door?It’s me. (作表语) 是谁在敲门?是我。 说明:单独使用的人称代词通常用宾格,即使它代表主语时也是如此。 例如:I like English. Me too. 我喜欢英语。我也喜欢。 3、注意:在动词be 或to be 后的人称代词视其前面的名词或代词而定。 例如:I thought it was she.我以为是她。(主格----主格) I thought it to be her.(宾格----宾格) I was taken to be she.我被当成了她。(主格----主格) They took me to be her.他们把我当成了她。(宾格----宾格) 4、人称代词并列时的排列顺序 1)单数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为: 第二人称→第三人称→第一人称 即you and I he/she/it and I you, he/she/it and I 顺口溜:第一人称最谦虚,但若错误责任担,第一人称学当先。 例如:It was I and John that made her angry. 2)复数人称代词作主语时,其顺序为: 第一人称→第二人称→第三人称 即we and you you and they we, you and they


英语中代词的用法 It的用法 1.作人称代词 John likes playing Pingpong./ He always does it in the afternoon.(指代上下文提到的事物);/It's time we went home. / How far is it from here to your home ? / It is getting warmer and warmer./ It's very quiet at the moment.(可指时间、天气、环境等) 2.引导词 A.作形式主语,代替由不定式、动名词或从句表示的真正主语。 It's important for us to learn a second language./ It's no use talking to him./ It's known to all that the earth goes round the sun. B.作形式宾语,代替由不定式、动名词或从句表示的真正宾语。 We feel it our duty to help others./ He made it clear that he would leave the city.

C.强调结构:It is (was) +被强调部分+that (或who)… 注意:在强调结构中,如被强调部分为时间状语或地点状语,其后的连接词也绝不能为when 或where,而应用that 。在复习中,一定要注意句式的不同。 It was in Shanghai that I bought the guitar.(that引起强调句) It was Shanghai where I bought the guitar.(where引起定从) It was twelve o'clock when we arrived there.(when引起时间状语从句) It was at twelve o'clock that we arrived there.(that 引起强调句) 3. it,one,that 的区别:作为代词,这三个词的对比使用是高考的热点之一。—Why don't we take a little break? —Didn't we just have __________? A.it B.that C.one D.this


不定代词用法详解 不定代词,不明确指代某个特定的人或事物的代词叫不定代词。不定代词可以代替名次和形容词,表示不同的数量概念。不定代词没有主格和宾格之分,在句中可做主语、宾语、表语、定语等。 英语中的不定代词常常成对出现,如some 和any, all 和both, neither 和either, each 和every, other 和another, much 和many, one 和no, none 和no one, few 和a few,little 和a little,等等。另外,还有由some, any, every, no 与body, one, thing 构成的复合不定代词(somebody, anybody, everybody, nobody, someone, anyone, everyone, no one, something, anything, everything, nothing)。 1.some 和any some 和any 都可修饰或指代可数名词和不可数名词;some 一般用于肯定句,any 一般用于疑问句和否定句。如: I must get some fruit in the market. 我得在市场上买点水果。 Do you have any books for children? 你有适合小孩子看的书吗? 【说明】(1) 当表示请求或要求并希望对方能给出肯定的回答时,some 也可用于疑问句;any 表示“任何的”之意时,也可用于肯定句。 Can you give me some paper? 你能给我些纸吗? Why not send that girl some flowers? 为什么不送给那位女孩几束花呢? You can read any of the books. 你可以看这些书中的任何一本。 (2) some 和any 均不能跟冠词连用。 2.all 和both (1)all 表示全部,表示三者或三者以上的人或物;both 指代两个人或事物,表示两者都。 Copper and silver are both metals. 铜和银都是金属。 Both sides are keen to reach an agreement. 双方都很想达成协议。 She and her husband both like dancing. 她和丈夫都喜欢跳舞。 There are trees on both sides of the street. 街道两旁都有树。 Not all women like the word Ms. 并非所有的女性都喜欢Ms 这个词。

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