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1.( ) The terms of intercultural communication and international communication

can be used interchangeably.

2.( ) Stereotypes, like culture itself, are learned in a variety of ways. They are the

products of limited, lazy and misguided perceptions.

3.( ) Verbal communication is not as clarified and efficient as other ways of

communication, e.g. written communication.

4.( ) We put the index finger and mid-figure apart with palm against the receiver

to mean “OK,” which was first used by Winston Churchill.

5.( ) Personal territory can be large or small, which is much related to certain

elements such as place, sex, age and character.

6.( ) Where the power distance is large, the society believes that there should be a

well-defined order of inequality in which everyone has a rightful place.

7.( ) Asian, Latin American, and West African nations are societies high in

individualism but low in collectivism.

8.( ) In high masculinity societies, people tend to believe that matters of material

comfort, social privilege, etc. are related to ability.

9.( ) For some multinational firms, they can alleviate culture shock by selecting

employees for overseas assignments who possess certain personal and professional qualifications.

10.( ) Nonverbal greetings include shaking hands, kissing, bowing and making




1.( ) With the integration of language into the fabric of culture, confusion and

dysfunction would reign and the culture would fail.

2.( ) Language is a means to express and exchange thoughts, concepts,

knowledge and information as well as to transmit experience and so on.

3.( ) Personal territory can be large or small, which is much related to certain

elements such as place, sex, age and character.

4.( ) Where uncertainty avoidance is low, the society is comfortable with a low

degree of certainty and is open to the unknown.

5.( ) In high-context communication, the listener is already “contexted”and so

does not need to be given much background information.

6.( ) In U.S., a businessman who is invited for dinner to the private home of a

business contact is expected to write a thank-you note shortly after the event.

7.( ) American negotiators tend to be competitive in their approach to negotiation,

beginning with a realistic offer.

8.( ) It is not advisable to make a high offer at the beginning of negotiation.

9.( ) The effective management principle and method for a local corporation

might not achieve expected result if employees come from different countries in international corporation.

10.( ) Nonverbal greetings include shaking hands, kissing, bowing and making




1.( ) Stereotypes, like culture itself, are learned in a variety of ways. They are the

products of limited, lazy and misguided perceptions.

2.( ) Language and culture are closely related, reflecting, influencing and shaping

each other.

3.( ) Eye looking sideways can show one’s coldness and superciliousness. It is

impolite to move your head side to side while you are communicating with people,

e.g. in India or Pakistan.

4.( ) Postures send same messages to all people, e.g. when you stand in an upright

position, you impress others as being energetic.

5.( ) Individualists prefer self-sufficiency while collectivists give more recognition

to their interdependent roles and obligations to the group.

6.( ) Large power distance countries such as the United States, Austria, Finland,

and Denmark hold that inequality in society should be minimized.

7.( ) German businessmen have serious principles about interpersonal relationship

and they focus on personal credit.

8.( ) Control of the schedule often leads to control of the negotiating agenda.

9.( ) The goal at a cocktail party is to meet as many people as possible. Everyone

expects to get into deep discussions.

10.( ) Culture offers ways of identifying with the organization and creates a




1.()Culture is all men’s medium; there is no aspect of human life that is not

touched and altered by culture.

2.( ) Verbal communication is not as clarified and efficient as other ways of

communication, e.g. written communication.

3.( ) A simple eye gesture might be interpreted in a diversity of meanings across


4.( ) How closely people position themselves to one another during a discussion or

talk cannot communicate what type of relationship exists between them.

5.( ) Where individualism id high, the society emphasizes the role of the group.

6.( ) In high-context communication the listener is already “contexted”and so

does to need to be given much background information.

7.( ) Some businesspersons maintain that American humor is helpful to export and


8.( ) Taboos often are rooted in the beliefs of the people of a specific region or

culture and are passed down from generation to generation.

9.( ) Japanese negotiators tend to put more emphasis on the literal meanings of

words used in negotiation and less emphasis on the relationships established before negotiating begins.

10.( ) Culture serves to create a general consensus on fundamental issues and

facilitates decision-making during crises.



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1.( ) The total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions

and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through generations in an identifiable group of people.

2.( ) It is carried out either in oral or in written form with the use of words.

3.( ) It refers to the space that people have for their own activities.

4.( ) The communication between people from different cultures when a

member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture.

5.( ) The degree to which the society is willing to accept and deal with

ambiguity and uncertainty.

6.( ) It is a hard-copy document, used for communicating inside an organization,

usually short.

7.( ) The process by which nonverbal behaviors are used, either singly or in

combination with verbal behaviors, in the exchange and interpretation of messages in a given situation or context.

8.( ) It refers to groups of cultures that value individual orientation and overt

communication codes and maintains a heterogeneous normative structure with low cultural demand characteristics.

9.( ) Practices or verbal expressions considered by a society or culture as

improper or unacceptable.

10.( ) They are behaviors generally expected in specific situations and are

established, socially acceptable ways of behaving in given circumstances.



1.( ) A process by which information is exchanged between individuals

through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, or the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing or behavior.

2.( ) The communication between people from different cultures when a

member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture.

3.( ) The nonverbal behavior related to the movement of the body or part of

the body.

4.( ) The degree to which individual decision-making and action is accepted

and encouraged by the society.

5.( ) It refers to the space that people have for their own activities.

6.( ) The study of people’s perception and use of space.

7.( ) It refers to groups of cultures that value group identity orientation and

covert communication codes and maintains a homogeneous normative structure with low cultural demand characteristics.

8.( ) Beliefs that are inconsistent with the known laws of science or what

society considers to be true and rational.

9.( ) A discussion between two or more disputants who are trying to work out a

solution to their problem.

10.( ) The cooperation among employees and employers.



1.( ) A process by which information is exchanged between individuals

through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, or the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing or behavior.

2.( ) It is a hard-copy document, used for communicating inside an

organization, usually short.

3.( ) The communication between people from different cultures when a

member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture.

4.( ) It refers to the space that people have for their own activities.

5.( ) The degree to which the society is willing to accept and deal with

ambiguity and uncertainty.

6.( ) The degree to which individual decision-making and action is accepted

and encouraged by the society.

7.( ) This term expresses the lack of direction, the feeling of not knowing what

to do or how to do things in a new environment, and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate.

8.( ) The look, the feel, the atmosphere of an organization and people within it.

9.( ) It refers to manners and behavior considered acceptable in social and

business situations.

10.( ) The study of people’s perception and use of space.



1.( ) The belief that your own cultural background, including ways of

analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language and verbal and nonverbal communication, is superior.

2.( )The total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions

and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through generations in an identifiable group of people.

3.( ) The degree to which individual decision-making and action is accepted

and encouraged by the society.

4.( ) It is a hard-copy document, used for communicating inside an organization,

usually short.

5.( ) It refers to the space that people have for their own activities.

6.( ) It refers to groups of cultures that value group identity orientation and

covert communication codes and maintains a homogeneous normative structure with low cultural demand characteristics.

7.( ) Beliefs that are inconsistent with the known laws of science or what

society considers to be true and rational.

8.( ) The study of people’s perception and use of space.

9.( ) Practices or verbal expressions considered by a society or culture as

improper or unacceptable.

10.( ) The nonverbal behavior related to the movement of the body or part of

the body.



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5.Corporate culture


7.Nonverbal communication


9.Uncertainty avoidance

10.Cultural Patterns


12.Melting pot

13.High-context communication

14.Power Distance


1.Stereotype is perceptions about certain groups of people or nationalities,

existing with nearly all of people which live in different cultures. It is a complex form of categorization that mentally organizes people’s experiences and guides people’s behaviors toward a particular group of people.

2.Individualism is defined as the degree to which people in a country prefer to

act as individuals rather than as members of groups. In individualistic culture, values of individual achievement, freedom and competition are stressed.

3.Etiquette refers to manners and behavior considered acceptable in social

business settings.

4.Negotiation refers to a process in which two or more entities discuss common

and conflicting interests in order to reach an agreement of mutual benefit.

5.Corporate culture is the set of important understanding that members of a

community share in common. It represents a common perception held by the organization’s members.

6.Ethnocentrism is the belief that one’s own cultural background, including

ways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, languages, and verbal and nonverbal communication is correct.

7.Nonverbal communication refers to nonword messages such as gestures,

facial expression, interpersonal distance, touch, eye contact, smell and silence.

8.Globalization is defined as the growing economic interdependence of

countries through increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions and international cash flows, and also through the more rapid and widespread diffusion of technology.

9.Uncertainty avoidance is defined as the extent to which people within a

culture are made nervous by situations which they perceive as unstructured, unclear, or unpredictable, situations which they therefore try to avoid by maintaining strict codes of behavior and a belief in absolute truths.

10.Cultural Patterns can be defined as a system of beliefs, attitudes and values

that work in combination to provide a coherent, if not always consistent, model for perceiving the world.

11.Paralanguage is related to oral communication; it refers to the rate, pitch,

and volume qualities of the voice, which interrupt or temporarily take the place of speech and affect the meaning of a message.

12.Melting pot means a sociocultural assimilation of people of different

backgrounds and nationalities and the term implied losing ethnic differences and forming one large society or macroculture.

13.High-context communication is one in which most of the information is

already in the person, while very little is in coded, explicit, transmitted part of the message.

14.Power Distance is defined as the degree to which a country accepts the fact

that the differences in its citizens’physical and intellectual capabilities give rise to inequalities in their well-being.


1.The United States has long been called a melting pot. What does this term mean?

2.Explain the concept of cultural values and its characteristics.

3.Define cultural shock and explain the five stages of cultural shock.

4.Identify differences between gift-giving and bribery in the culture of United


5.Define the term subculture and macroculture and explain their relations.

6.Explain how people in Japan and in U.S. interpret silence.

7.Explain functions culture fulfill in international business management.

8.What is international English and explain cultural factors.

9.What are the differences in the approach of negotiation in Western countries and

in Asian countries?


1.Melting pot means a sociocultural assimilation of people of differing backgrounds

and nationalities; the term implies losing ethnic differences and forming one large society or macroculture. As large a number of immigrants come to America each year, America has been referred to as a melting pot.

2.Cultural values are shared ideas about what is true, right, and beautiful and those

underlie cultural patterns and guide society in response to the physical and social environment. Cultural values have many characteristics. Values help determine how people ought to behave. Values are shared. Values are learned and transmitted by a variety of sources. Values are programmed early in our lives.

3.Cultural shock is the trauma people experience when moving into a culture

different their home culture. Cultural shock is basically a communication problem that involves the frustrations accompanying a lack of understanding of the verbal and nonverbal communication of the host culture, its customs, and its value systems. Culture shock generally goes through five stages: excitement or initial euphoria, crisis or disenchantment, adjustment, acceptance and reentry.

4.Gift giving is an art and is considered as an integral part of building intercultural

and social relationships. Bribery is the giving or promising of something, often money, to influence another person’s action. In business world, the purpose of gift giving is to build good will while the purpose of bribery is to gain a business advantage. In America, the value of gifts needs to be considered because gifts with great value may be associated with bribery. According to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the value of the gift should be limited to $25. If the value is more than the limit, it will be considered as bribery.

5.Macro culture is defined as the dominating culture within a society, with the

implied meaning of losing ethnic differences and forming one large society.

Subcultures are groups of people possessing characteristic traits that set apart and distinguish them from others within a larger society or macroculture. All

subcultures will have similarities to the macroculture but will also have some differences.

6.In America, people are uncomfortable with periods of silence and they use fillers

such as comments on weather to avoid silence; while the Japanese is quite comfortable with silence and used it as a bargaining tool. In Japan, people who converse with no pauses are viewed as having given little thought to what they are saying and that their thinking lacks focus.

7.Culture fulfills four functions in international business management: Integration: Culture serves to create a general consensus on fundamental issues and facilitates decision making during process.

Coordination: Shared values and norms can help to coordinate actions. Motivation: Culture imparts meaning and satisfies basic need and increases motivation within the company and legitimizes external actions.

Identification: Culture offers ways of identifying with the organization and creates a “we-feeling.”

8.International English is English for businesspeople that either deal with other

cultures whose native language is not English or for whom English maybe a second language. In order to utilize international English, three cultural factors are important: an understanding of business communication in the other culture or residence in the other culture, an idea of how business communication is taught in the other culture, and a knowledge that content errors are more difficult than language errors for another culture to discern.

9.Westerners prefer the direct approach, as American culture emphasizes

communication as a tool for articulating specific goals in order to accomplish them. This approach focuses on particulars, especially unresolved ones and addresses them one by one. However, in Asian countries, people are not comfortable with direct and explicit talks, as communication is used to encourage harmony, preserve face, and develop long-term relationship. In Asian countries, a simultaneous, not sequential approach is adopted, in which negotiators look at unresolved issues as potentially resolved because of developing relationship between the two sides.


1. Ned Ferguson was a successful manager at a plant in Singapore. Lately, a series of incidents took place and the American staff and the local supervisors had different opinions on how to cope with the trouble. Read the following case carefully, analyze the cultural conflict and provide a solution.

What Caused the Conflict?

For the past three years, Ned Ferguson has served quite successfully as the manager of a U.S.-owned manufacturing company in Singapore. Shortly after Ned’s arrival in Singapore, he instituted a number of changes in the plant operation that increased both production and worker s’ satisfaction. However, within the last several months, a series of what seemed to Ned to be unrelated incidents have occurred. First, there had been a fire in the warehouse, which fortunately was contained before too much damage had been done. On the following day, the wife and two children of the local plant supervisor were killed in a spectacular automobile accident. Finally, within the past several weeks, there had been a rash of minor accidents on the assembly line, quite uncharacteristic given the plant’s excellent past safety record. Ned heard rumors were running rampant about the plant being caused by evil spirits, and absenteeism had increased dramatically. To try to deal with these problems, Ned called together his chief supervisors. The American staff recommended that some experts from the insurance company come in to review the safety procedures, which, they argued, would show the workers that the company was taking their safety needs seriously. But Singaporean supervisors considered this step to be inadequate and instead suggested that a local spiritualist be brought in, during work time, to pray for the workers and ward off any evil forces. Ned and his U.S. staff thought that such an action would do nothing but give official support to superstition. The meeting ended without any substantial agreement between the U.S. and Singaporean supervisors.

2. Read the following case and analyze reasons why Peter was angry and refuse to take Chen’s apology.

How Can You Still Smile?

Peter is the general manager of an American company in China. Recently, Chen Jun, one of the Chinese managers made a mistake at work that required a lot of effort to fix. Chen Jun was very upset about what had happened, and came to Peter’s office to make a formal apology.

“Peter, I’ve been feeling very upset about the trouble I’ve caused to the company. I’m here to apologize for my mistake. I am terribly sorry about it and I want you to know that it will never happen again.” Chen Jun said, looking at Peter with the smile he had been wearing since he walked into the office.

Peter found it hard to accept the apology. He looked at Chen Jun, and asked, “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m very sorry and I promise this won’t happen again,” Jun Chen said, with a smile even broader than before.

“I am sorry I just can’t take your apology. You don’t look sorry at all! ” Peter said angrily.

Chen Jun’s face turned very red. He did not in the least expect Peter to take it negatively. He was desperate to make himself understood. “Peter,”he managed to smile again. “Trust me, no one feel any sorrier than I do about it.”

Peter was almost furious by now, “If you’re that sorry, how can you still smile?”

3. Analyze the following case carefully and find a way to help Jim better understand the following situation.

Are the Problems Right There or Not?

Jim Ellis, vice president of a North Carolina knitwear manufacturer, was sent by his company to observe firsthand how operations were proceeding in their Korean plant and to help institute some new managerial procedures. Before any changes could be made, however, Jim wanted to learn as much as possible about the problems that existed at the plant. During his first week he was met with bows, polite smiles and the continual denial of any significant problems. But Jim was enough of a realist to know that there will be no manufacturing operation that doesn’t have some problems. So after some research, he uncovered a number of problems that the local manager and staff were not acknowledging. None of the problems were particularly unusual or difficult to solve, but Jim was frustrated that no one would admit that any problems existed. “If you don’t acknowledge the problems,” he complained to one of the managers, “how do you expect to be able to solve them?”And then to further exasperate him, when a problem was finally brought to his attention, it was until the end of the workday when there was no time left to solve it.

4. Read the following case carefully and explain your understanding of informality as well as reasons why GE benefits from informality.

GE’s Informality

At GE, informality is more than just an absence of managers parading around the factory floor in suits, or of reserved parking spaces and other trappings of rank and status. It is deeper than that. At GE, it’s an atmosphere in which anyone can deliver a view, an idea, to anyone else, and it will be listened to and valued, regardless of the seniority of any party involved.

One of GE’s management tenets has been the belief that business must be, or become, number one or number two in their market places. But, this began to lead management teams to define their markets more and more slowly. Then GE took a mid-level company management conference, in which some members point out, without shyness or sugar-coating, that cherished management idea had been taken to

nonsensical levels. They told the high-level management that GE was missing opportunities, and limiting their growth horizons, by shrinking their definition of “the market” in order to satisfy the requirement to be number one or number two.

The fresh view shocked high-level management, and then shocked the system. Leaders began to redefine their markets. Rather than the increasingly limited market, they now had their eyes widened to the vast opportunity that lay ahead for their product and service offerings. This simple but very big change and their willingness to see it as “the better idea” was a major factor in their acceleration to double-digit revenue growth rates.


1. This case illustrates the high value Americans place on science, logic and rational thought. Since there were no logical links between any of these unfortunate happenings at the plant, Ned and his fellow Americans concluded that they were just an unfortunate yet unrelated series of accidents. The local workforce, on the other hand, believed that sinister forces were at work which required the service of a spiritualist. Unfortunately, Ned and his colleagues got caught in their own value system and missed the major point: It makes little difference whether the belief in evil spirits is true or false. What Ned and his American staff failed to understand was that a) the workers did believe that evil spirits were at work and b) this belief, whether true or false, was causing a major problem for the company.

2. It may be difficult for Westerners to believe that smiling for the Chinese not only means that someone is happy, but also that he is sorry. It is desirable for a Chinese to apologize with a smile, which indicate humbleness and embarrassment. Instead of thinking that Chen Jun was not really sorry for the mistake, Peter might actually take the smile as smirking, a sign of disrespect. A westerner in Chen Jun’s situation would probably keep his eyes lowered, especially during the time he was apologizing. A westerner would expect the employee to look him in the eye and definitely not to smile. The mistaken perception of smile made an awkward situation worse.

3. International English is English for businesspeople that either deal with other cultures whose native language is not English or for whom English maybe a second language. In order to utilize international English, three cultural factors are important: an understanding of business communication in the other culture or residence in the other culture, an idea of how business communication is taught in the other culture, and a knowledge that content errors are more difficult than language errors for another culture to discern.

4. Informality is an operating philosophy as well as a cultural characteristic in GE. By opening to views and ideas from mid-level and high-level company staff, and by valuing and implementing pertinent and practical advice, GE broke the limit imposed by its old management tenet and advanced to new achievements. This truly reflects the value of the informal culture of GE—a culture that breeds an endless search for ideas that stand or fall on their merits rather than on the rank of their originators, a culture that brings every mind into the game.


1.Of the following items, _______ are the three classifications of protocol.

①tribal ②family unit ③collective ④close relationships ⑤pluralist

A. ①②⑤




2.Of the following statements, _______ is not right in describing high power distance cultures.

A. High power distance cultures allow inequalities.

B. There are vertical arrangements in high power distance cultures.

C. Social hierarchy is prevalent in high power distance cultures.

D. Subordinates consider superiors to be the same kind of people in high power distance cultures.

3.The ability to see the environment from the perspective of the host nationals is an indication of ________

A. sympathy B synthesis C empathy D Adjustment

4.Of the following examples, __________cannot illustrate the value of individualism in America.

A. The preferred mode of transportation is automobile.

B. Parents provide children with bedrooms of their own.

C. Many words are compounded with “self”.

D. People are taught to give priority to relationship with people.

5.________ is/are inoffensive expressions that are used in place of offensive words or words with negative connotations.

A. Slang

B. Euphemisms

C. Jargon

D. Colloquialisms

6.Of the following countries, ______ are not low-context people.

A. Americans

B. Japanese

C. Swiss

D. Germans

7. The ability to see the environment from the perspective of the host nationals is an indication of ________

A. sympathy B synthesis C empathy D Adjustment

8. Of the following examples, __________cannot illustrate the value of individualism in America.

A. The preferred mode of transportation is automobile.

B. Parents provide children with bedrooms of their own.

C. Many words are compounded with “self”.

D. People are taught to give priority to relationship with people.

9. ________ is/are inoffensive expressions that are used in place of offensive words or words with negative connotations.

A. Slang

B. Euphemisms

C. Jargon

D. Colloquialisms

10. Of the following countries, ______ are not low-context people.

A. Americans

B. Japanese

C. Swiss

D. Germans

11. Of the following countries, _______ favor direct eye contact.

①Japan ②Poland ③Great Britain ④Korea ⑤Indonesia ⑥United States

A. ②③⑥

B. ①②③

C. ①③⑤

D. ②④⑥

12. When an additional item is to be put in the envelope, the writer needs to type or write “_________” on the letter paper.

A. Salutation

B. Postscript

C. Enclosure

D. Reference Initials

13. When using plain envelopes for personal business letters, the writer’s address should be typed at _________.

A. upper right corner

B. upper left corner

C. lower right corner

D. lower left corner

14. For the entry-level positions, the appropriate length of resume is _____

A. half a page

B. one page

C. two pages

D. three pages or more

15. Of the following holidays, _______ is not appropriate in scheduling telephone calls and business trips.

A. Valentine’s Day

B. Halloween

C. Thanksgiving

D. Arbor Day

16. Of the following countries, _______ favor direct eye contact.

①Japan ②Poland ③Great Britain ④Korea ⑤Indonesia ⑥United States

A. ②③⑥

B. ①②③

C. ①③⑤

D. ②④⑥

17. When an additional item is to be put in the envelope, the writer needs to type or write “_________” on the letter paper.

A. Salutation

B. Postscript

C. Enclosure

D. Reference Initials

18. When using plain envelopes for personal business letters, the writer’s address should be typed at _________.

A. upper right corner

B. upper left corner

C. lower right corner

D. lower left corner

19. For the entry-level positions, the appropriate length of resume is _____

A. half a page

B. one page

C. two pages

D. three pages or more

20. Of the following holidays, _______ is not appropriate in scheduling telephone calls and business trips.

A. Valentine’s Day

B. Halloween

C. Thanksgiving

D. Arbor Day

21._________ is the process of adjusting and adapting to a new and different culture.

A. Acculturation

B. Enculturation

C. intercultural communication

D. Intracultural communication

22. Of the four groups, ________ do not belong to American subcultures.

A. African Americans

B. Latin Americans

C. Baby boomers

D. Mods

23. _________ culture has the stereotype of being intelligent, group oriented and soft-spoken.

A. English

B. Asian

C. Latin American

D. French

24. In America, the typical model of family is ________.

A nuclear family B. extended family C. family with godparents D. family with many relatives

25. Of the following characteristics, _______ can be used to describe cultural values of Abrabs.

①freedom ②family security ③authority ④efficiency⑤Compromise⑥Collectiveness


B. ②③④

C. ②③⑤


26. Of the following statements, _______ is not right in describing high power distance cultures.

A. High power distance cultures allow inequalities.

B. There are vertical arrangements in high power distance cultures.

C. Social hierarchy is prevalent in high power distance cultures.

D. Subordinates consider superiors to be the same kind of people in high power distance cultures.

27. The ability to see the environment from the perspective of the host nationals is an indication of ________

A. sympathy B synthesis C empathy D Adjustment

28. Of the following examples, __________cannot illustrate the value of individualism in America.

A. The preferred mode of transportation is automobile.

B. Parents provide children with bedrooms of their own.

C. Many words are compounded with “self”.

D. People are taught to give priority to relationship with people.

29. ________ is/are inoffensive expressions that are used in place of offensive words or words with negative connotations.

A. Slang

B. Euphemisms

C. Jargon

D. Colloquialisms

30. Of the following countries, ______ are not low-context people.

A. Americans

B. Japanese

C. Swiss

D. Germans

31. Of the following statements, _______ is not right in describing high power distance cultures.

A. High power distance cultures allow inequalities.

B. There are vertical arrangements in high power distance cultures.

C. Social hierarchy is prevalent in high power distance cultures.

D. Subordinates consider superiors to be the same kind of people in high power distance cultures.

32. The ability to see the environment from the perspective of the host nationals is an indication of ________

A. sympathy B synthesis C empathy D Adjustment

33. Of the following examples, __________cannot illustrate the value of individualism in America.

A. The preferred mode of transportation is automobile.

B. Parents provide children with bedrooms of their own.

C. Many words are compoun ded with “self”.

D. People are taught to give priority to relationship with people.

34. ________ is/are inoffensive expressions that are used in place of offensive words or words with negative connotations.

A. Slang

B. Euphemisms

C. Jargon

D. Colloquialisms

35. Of the following countries, ______ are not low-context people.

A. Americans

B. Japanese

C. Swiss

D. Germans

36. Of the following countries, _______ favor direct eye contact.

①Japan ②Poland ③Great Britain ④Korea ⑤Indonesia ⑥United States

A. ②③⑥

B. ①②③

C. ①③⑤

D. ②④⑥

37. When an additional item is to be put in the envelope, the writer needs to type or write “_________” on the letter paper.

A. Salutation

B. Postscript

C. Enclosure

D. Reference Initials

38. When using plain envelo pes for personal business letters, the writer’s address should be typed at _________.

A. upper right corner

B. upper left corner

C. lower right corner

D. lower left corner

39. For the entry-level positions, the appropriate length of resume is _____

A. half a page

B. one page

C. two pages

D. three pages or more

40. Of the following holidays, _______ is not appropriate in scheduling telephone calls and business trips.

A. Valentine’s Day

B. Halloween

C. Thanksgiving

D. Arbor Day

41._________ is the process of adjusting and adapting to a new and different culture.

A. Acculturation

B. Enculturation

C. intercultural communication

D. Intracultural communication

42. Of the four groups, ________ do not belong to American subcultures.

A. African Americans

B. Latin Americans

C. Baby boomers

D. Mods

43. _________ culture has the stereotype of being intelligent, group oriented and soft-spoken.

A. English

B. Asian

C. Latin American

D. French

44. In America, the typical model of family is ________.

A nuclear family B. extended family C. family with godparents D. family with many relatives

45. Of the following characteristics, _______ can be used to describe cultural values of Abrabs.

①freedom ②family security ③authority ④efficiency⑤Compromise⑥Collectiveness


B. ②③④

C. ②③⑤


46.1._________ is the process of adjusting and adapting to a new and different culture.

A. Acculturation

B. Enculturation

C. intercultural communication

D. Intracultural communication

47.2. Of the four groups, ________ do not belong to American subcultures.

A. African Americans

B. Latin Americans

C. Baby boomers

D. Mods 48.3. _________ culture has the stereotype of being intelligent, group oriented and soft-spoken.

A. English

B. Asian

C. Latin American

D. French

49.4. In America, the typical model of family is ________.

A nuclear family B. extended family C. family with godparents D. family with many relatives

50.5. Of the following characteristics, _______ can be used to describe cultural values of Abrabs.

①freedom ②family security ③authority ④efficiency⑤Compromise⑥Collectiveness


B. ②③④

C. ②③⑤


51.6. Of the following statements, _______ is not right in describing high power

distance cultures.

A. High power distance cultures allow inequalities.

B. There are vertical arrangements in high power distance cultures.

C. Social hierarchy is prevalent in high power distance cultures.

D. Subordinates consider superiors to be the same kind of people in high power distance cultures.

52. Of the following countries, _______ favor direct eye contact.

①Japan ②Poland ③Great Britain ④Korea ⑤Indonesia ⑥United States

A. ②③⑥

B. ①②③

C. ①③⑤

D. ②④⑥

53. When an additional item is to be put in the envelope, the writer needs to type or write “_________” on the letter paper.

A. Salutation

B. Postscript

C. Enclosure

D. Reference Initials

54. When using plain envelopes for personal business letters, the writer’s address should be typed at _________.

A. upper right corner

B. upper left corner

C. lower right corner

D. lower left corner

55. For the entry-level positions, the appropriate length of resume is _____

A. half a page

B. one page

C. two pages

D. three pages or more

56. Of the following holidays, _______ is not appropriate in scheduling telephone calls and business trips.

A. Valentine’s Day

B. Halloween

C. Thanksgiving

D. Arbor Day

57._________ is the process of adjusting and adapting to a new and different culture.

A. Acculturation

B. Enculturation

C. intercultural communication

D. Intracultural communication

58. Of the four groups, ________ do not belong to American subcultures.

A. African Americans

B. Latin Americans

C. Baby boomers

D. Mods

59. _________ culture has the stereotype of being intelligent, group oriented and soft-spoken.

A. English

B. Asian

C. Latin American

D. French

60. In America, the typical model of family is ________.

A nuclear family B. extended family C. family with godparents D. family with many relatives


1D 2D 3C 4D 5B 6B 7C 8D 9B 10B 11A 12C 13B 14B 15C

16A 17C 18B 19B 20B 21B 22D 23A 24A 25C 26D 27C 28D 29B 30B

31D 32C 33D 34B 35B 36A 37B 38B 39B 40C 41B 42D 43B 44A 45D

46.B 47D 48.B 49.A 50C 51.D 52A 53C 54B 55A 56C 57B 58D 59B 60A


复习文化资源学 一.名词解释 1. 什么是文化资源? 文化资源是一种特殊的资源,它是指可作为文化产 业生产经营原材料的各种物质要素和精神要素,以及文化生产经营所必须的各种环境要素,其中,并不是所有的文化都能称其为资源;文化资源是动态变化的。 2. 文化资源的潜在性指文化资源在物质形态和价值表现上,被人们发现、开发和利用,需要的时间相对较长。 3. 游艺文化指民间传统的娱乐文化,其表现形式有口头语言表演、动作表演、综合艺术表演。 4. 市场价值法(生产力损益法)是将文化资源作为一种生产要素,文化资源和环境的变动将导致生产率和生产成本的变化,进而影响效益,依此来推算文化环境质量的改善或破坏所带来的经济上的影响。 5. 红色文化红色文化是中国共产党领导中国人民在实现民族解放、自由及建设社会主义中国的长期斗争实践形成的极具中国特色的先进文化。 6. 意愿评估法 是指在缺乏市场相关数据的情况下,通过消费者调查或专家访问,推断消费者的支付意愿或他们对商品或劳务数量的选择愿望,以获得对文化资源价值或保护措施的评估。

7. 文化贴现(文化折扣) 指因文化背景差异,国际市场中的文化产品不被其他地区受众认同或理解而导致其价值的减低。8.单向文化资源开发指对单向文化资源的利用现状进行比较分析后,找出更有利于其发挥作用的途径和方法,使之发挥更大的经济效益和社会效益。 9. 文化资源的产业化 指文化资源作为一种经济发展要素,与其他经济发展要素充分结合,今儿催生文化创意、休闲旅游、网络游戏等文化经济现象和产业形态的经济活动。 10. 文化资源的整合在文化产业开发时将区域内的文化资源作为一个整体和系统,对系统内各种不同来源,不同层次,不同结构,不同内容的文化资源进行识别与选择,汲取与配置,是这些文化资源通过某种方式互相衔接和有机融合,最终形成资源 共享和协同发展,从而实现文化资源的效益的最 大化和利用率的最优化。 11. 文化资源的跨类型整合 文化资源的跨行业整合以文化主题为核心,以文化资源为内容,以各种行业内容为方式进行多方向的线性延伸。加强各种行业之间的联系互动,达到良好的传播和营销效果,有助于文化品牌的形成与成长。 12. 文化资源的空间整合


提案表 案名关于加强食堂文化建设的提案 小组成员组长:组员:组员:组员:组员: 案由 现状:食堂文化氛围不够浓厚,食堂文化标语的宣传力度不足。校区师生尊重劳动、爱惜粮食、勤俭节约的优秀品质有待加强。通过观察发现有部分师生浪费食物,对待后勤职工不礼貌,有些师生没有做到有序文明用餐,不自觉排队,用餐后碗筷会乱放,桌椅乱摆挡住其他行人。 理由:食堂文化是食堂建设的重要内容之一,也直接关系校园文化的建设与发展,为此,加强食堂文化建设对提升食堂档次乃至校区发展具有重要的作用。食堂文化建设是学校创建“人文校园、绿色校园、书香校园、和谐校园”工程的一个重要方面,加强食堂文化建设,可以增强服务意识,提高管理水平,培养学生自主意识和良好的饮食卫生习惯,促进学生的身心健康,营造一个和谐、温馨的校园人文环境。 提案 人建议措施1、成立领导小组,加强食堂文化建设 2、精心设计,创设良好的就餐环境 3、狠抓进餐风尚、提倡文明进餐 4、强化管理,加大对过程的考核和宣传力度 5、营造人文化、特色化的生活氛围 6、提升食堂的桌贴文化,注重电视文化 7、注重员工的文化建设 对口 部门 饮食服务中心、 希望 合作 社团 组织 学生会(膳食委员会)、青年志愿者协会、绿色文明社团


目录 一、背景 (4) 二、目的 (4) 三、建议 (4) 1、成立领导小组,加强食堂文化建设 (4) 2、精心设计,创设良好的就餐环境 (4) 3、狠抓进餐风尚、提倡文明进餐 (5) 4、强化管理,加大对过程的考核和宣传力度 (5) 5、营造人文化、特色化的生活氛围 (5) 6、提升食堂的桌贴文化,注重电视文化 (6) 7、注重员工的文化建设 (6) 四、经费预算 (6) 五、附件 (7) 附录A:调研问卷结果 (7) 附录B:参考文献 ............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。


文化资源学 一、名词解释(5*5分=25分) 1、文化 文化是一个群体在一定时期内形成的思想理念、行为、风俗习惯、代表人物、及由这个群体整体意识所辐射出来的一切活动。 2、农村文化、农村文化资源的开发意义 农村文化: 即乡村文化,是一种生发于传统农业社会,以农民为载体的,通过农村群众个体和集体努力创造并世代传承而逐步形成的,具有适应当地经济社会发展各种功能的大众文化。 开发意义: (1)农村文化资源开发是适应时代,加强区域竞争力的需要 (2)农村文化资源开发是经济发展的突破 (3)有利于促进农村经济协调发展 (4)农村文化资源开发有利于提高农民科学素养 (5)有利于保护传统文化 3、文化资源的价值体现在什么方面 第一,它是人类思想资料的重要来源 第二,文化资源是人类价值观念形成的依据 第三、文化资源可以转化为文化资本,成为影响社会发展的重要因素 第四,文化资源是人类文化遗产的重要来源 第五,文化资源是文化生产力的重要基础 4、文化资源概念及特点 概念: 文化资源指凝结了人类无差别劳动成果的精华和丰富思维活动的物质和精神的产品或活动。包括历史人物、文物古迹、民俗、建筑、工艺、宗教信仰、语言文字、戏曲等。 特点: 意识性、不可再生性与无限使用性、易变性、时空差异性、社会性、消费的精神性、传承性、教化性。 5、企业文化 指在一定社会历史条件下,经过企业领导者的长期倡导和员工的长期实践而形成的具有企业特色并被大多数员工所接受的处事风格、环境、思维方式、行为准则、价值观念、精神境界。内隐于员工精神心理面貌,外显于企业的物质文化环境,是企业赖以生存发展的生命线、动力源。 6、企业文化资源 企业文化资源分类: (1)企业文化外部资源: 民族文化资源;社会文化资源;地域文化资源;行业文化资源;国际文化资源 政治文化资源;经济文化资源 (2)企业文化核心资源: 企业家文化资源;管理者文化资源;普通员工文化资源 (3)企业文化内部资源: 企业历史文化资源;企业体制文化资源 企业环境文化资源;企业管理文化资源 企业经营文化资源


世界文化史 荷马史诗:《荷马史诗》是相传由古希腊盲诗人荷马创作的两部长篇史诗《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》的统称。共24卷,靠着乐师的背诵流传。它反映了公元前11世纪到公元前9世纪的社会情况和迈锡尼文明。它再现了古代希腊社会的图景,是研究早期社会的重要史料。在文学艺术、历史、地理、考古学和民俗学方面也提供给后世很多值得研究的东西。 骑士精神:骑士精神“骑士精神”源自中世纪,构成了西欧民族中的“绅士风度”,以效忠主人、勇敢顽强、注重荣誉、保护弱者、护卫基督教、尊崇女性等为特征。这些特征在现代欧洲的教育、文艺、社交等领域仍然发生作用,使现代欧洲人民族性格中既含有优雅的贵族气质成分,又兼具信守诺言,乐于助人,为理想和荣誉牺牲的豪爽武人品格。 经院哲学:11—14世纪西欧中世纪主要的哲学思潮,因产生于教会的学院,故而得名。它运用亚里士多德形式逻辑等理性形式,通过抽象的、烦琐的辩证方法论证基督教信仰,并将正统教义的明显谬误证明为正确的,是为宗教神学服务的思辨哲学。主张理性服从信仰,哲学是神学的“婢女”,教权高于世俗权力。主要有唯名论与为实论两大派别。 哥特式建筑:哥特式建筑是11世纪下半叶起源于法国,13~15世纪流行于欧洲的一种建筑风格。哥特式建筑拱形结构提高天花板的高度,安装有较大的玻璃窗,并对教堂内外增加雕刻和绘画装饰。哥特式教堂的外观高而尖,有拱门、尖高塔、尖屋脊和尖屋顶。哥特式建筑以其高超的技术和艺术成就,在建筑史上占有重要地位。 狂飙突进运动:18世纪70年代中期,德国出现了“狂飙突进”运动,历时十五年。它是德国资产阶级发动的第一次全德性质的文学运动。它对促进德国民族意识的觉醒起了积极作用,是德国启蒙运动的继续和发展。表达的是人类内心感情的冲突和奋进精神。最有作为的代表是歌德和席勒。 洛可可艺术:洛可可风格起源于法国,是18世纪末新古典主义者用来嘲笑17世纪意大利的这种艺术而使用的术语。其特点主要有强调运动感、空间感、浮夸、豪华感、激情感,偏爱复杂多变。主要表现在建筑和绘画上,代表建筑为法国巴黎苏比斯府第,代表画家为布歇、弗拉戈纳尔等。 巴洛克视觉艺术:18世纪路易十五时期流行于法国、德国和奥地利等国家的一种艺术风格。洛可可原意是“贝壳装饰”和“岩状装饰”。起初是指建筑和室内陈设中的一种装饰风格,这种风格倾向于纤巧、优雅,但显得繁琐和矫揉造作,偏爱象牙白和金色,偏爱贝壳形


1.小说:是一种通过对人物、情节和环境的描绘来反映现实社会生活的文学样式。由于它可以采用叙述、描写、议论等多种表现手法,深刻细致地刻画人物的性格,且不受时间、空间和真人真事的限制,可以更广阔地反映社会生活.深刻地揭示社会本质,深受人们的喜爱。 非物质文化遗产:指各族人民世代相承的、与群众生活密切相关的各种传统文化表现形式(如民俗活动、表演艺术、传统知识和技能,以及与之相关的器具、实物、手工制品等)和文化空间(即定期举行传统文化活动或集中展现传统文化表现形式的场所,兼具空间性和时间性)。 历史遗存:是文化资源的核心资源,是发展文化产业的基础性资源。从广义角度看,凡是人类社会遗留下来的物迹,都属于历史遗存的范畴。历史遗存是指人类在漫长的社会历史发展演变过程中,从事众多复杂的社会实践活动而留存下来的遗址、遗迹、遗物等。历史遗存形成于不同的历史发展阶段,是人类社会发展的物质载体,是一个民族、一个国家特定时代政治、经济、文化、科技、建筑、艺术等特点和水平的客观表现和真实反映,更是人类智慧文明和创造实践活动的结晶。 诗: 是按照一定的音节、声调和韵律的要求,用凝练的语言、充沛的情感以及丰富的现象来高度集中的表现社会生活和人的精神世界。 2.民俗: 即民间风俗,通常是指产生并传承于民间的、世代相袭的文化事象,是广大老百姓所创造和传承的民间文化,是共同地域、共同历史作用下形成的积久成习的文化传统。 散文:指不讲究韵律的散体文章。是指与诗歌、小说、戏剧并称的一种文学体裁,包括杂文、随笔、游记等。散文主要分叙事性散文和抒情散文。 民俗资源的教育功能:民俗资源在产生之初,总含有一定的功利目的,这便使之与教育功能联系起来了。个人的喜好和行为不可能成为民俗,只有社会的、集体的习俗融合在一起才能成为具有教育功能的民俗资源。由于每个人都是社会的一份子,因此,民俗资源对每个人都具有教化的功能。人们常说社会是个大学堂,民俗正是这个学堂中一名重要的教员。 文化遗产: 文化遗产包括物质文化遗产和非物质文化遗产。物质文化遗产是具有历史、艺术和科学价值的文物,包括古遗址、古墓葬、古建筑、石窟寺、石刻、壁画、近代现代重要史迹及代表性建筑等不可移动文物,历史上各时代的重要实物、艺术品、文献、手稿、图书资料等可移动文物;以及在建筑式样、分布均匀或与环境景色结合方面具有突出普遍价值的历史文化名城(街区、村镇)。 非物质文化遗产是指各种以非物质形态存在的与群众生活密切相关、世代相承的传统文化表现形式,包括口头传统、传统表演艺术、民俗活动和礼仪与节庆、有关自然界和宇宙的民间传统知识和实践、传统手工艺技能等以及与上述传统文化表现形式相关的文化空间。 3.文化的一般特征 1、文化是由人类进化过程中衍生出来或创造出来的。自然存在物不是文化,只有经过人类有意无意加工制作出来的东西才是文化。 2、文化是后天习得的。文化不是先天的遗传本能,而是后天习得的经验和知识。文化的一切方面,从语言、习惯、风俗、道德一直到科学知识、技术等都是后天学习得到的。 3、文化是一个连续不断的动态过程。 4、文化具有民族性、阶级性和时代性。 4.文化艺术产品在文化生产中的作用主要体现 一文化艺术产品导致文化生产的进行。 二文化艺术产品有助于文化消费者陶冶情操,提高文化素质和道德修养。 三文化艺术产品为文化产品的再生产增添内涵。 四文化艺术修养是文化产业从业者的必备条件 5. 文化资源保护的意义具体体现: 一、保护文化资源就是保护了各族人民思想道德和科学文化素质的历史根基。世界各民族精神和优秀传统文化,是各民族性格特征和精神精粹所在,有着厚重的历史积淀和丰富的文化内涵,博物馆、纪念馆和文物保护单位所保存的大量的文物资料,从不同的角度体现了世界各民族的优良传统文化。继承弘扬民族文化的优良传统,提高思想道德素质必须从文化遗产中广泛汲取养分。 二、文化资源作为历史文化的物质载体,是历史研究的第一手史料。世界上各民族发展历史不同,许


18考研:中传大学广播电视学与广播电视艺 术学区别 本内容凯程崔老师有重要贡献 就业分析: 两个专业的就业实践多,学生动手能力强,且中传在广播电视学领域的名气非常大,校友众多,就业不是问题。据中国传媒大学就业办公室的老师介绍,中传每年的就业率都保持在95%以上,毕业生整体需求还是比较旺盛的,大部分的专业供需比在1:4以上。社会对中传的办学水平和人才培养质量也给予很高的评价。 中传广播电视学硕士专业中传广播电视学的学生就业方向主要有:广播电台、广电研究机构、国家机关、企事业单位、高等院校等,亦可从事其它相关媒体实务和学术研究等工作。 中传广播电视艺术学硕士每年学生大部分进入全国各地的省市地区的广播、电视、报刊、网络、电影等传媒机构和相关行业。 专业介绍: 广播电视学硕士专业致力于培养具有扎实理论基础,并适应特定行业或职业实际工作需要的应用型高层次专门人才。其专业方向如下: 广播电视史论方向; 广播学方向; 电视学方向; 纪录片学方向; 新媒体传播方向; 媒介文化传播方向。 以上方向的考试科目是一样的,具体是 ①101思想政治理论 ②201英语一、202俄、203日语三选一 ③712新闻传播史论 ④815新闻实务 学制:3年 广播电视艺术学硕士专业 其专业方向如下: 电视艺术理论方向; 电视策划方向; 广播电视文艺方向; 电视剧理论与实践方向; 电视艺术与技术方向; 录音艺术方向。 以上方向的考试科目是一样的,具体是 ①101思想政治理论 ②201英语一、202俄、203日语三选一 ③718广播电视艺术基础 ④817综合考试[艺术学] 考研参考书:

中传广播电视学考研参考书很多人都不清楚,这里凯程广播电视学考研王牌老师给大家整理出来了,以供参考: 初试参考书 712新闻传播史论 袁军、哈艳秋:《中国新闻事业史教程》(修订本) 李磊:《外国新闻史教程》(第2版) 雷跃捷:《新闻理论》 何梓华:《新闻理论教程》(修订版) 雷跃捷:《媒介批评》 郭镇之:《中外广播电视史》 郭镇之:《当代广播电视学》 石磊:《新媒体概论》 段鹏:《传播学基础?历史、框架与外延(第2版) 《新闻传播史论凯程通》凯程考研 815新闻实务 梁一高:《现代新闻采访学教程》(修订2版) 刘明华、徐泓、张征:《新闻写作教程》 谭云明:《新闻编辑》 王振业:《新闻评论写作教程》 课外期刊:《现代传播》、《新闻与传播》、《新闻记者》、《新闻战线》 王振业:《广播新闻与电视新闻》 赵玉明:《广播电视辞典》(重点看第2、3、8章) 赵玉明《中国广播电视通史》中国传媒大学出版社 张彩《世界广播发展研究》 王振业《新闻评论与电子媒介》 复试科目与参考书: 9032广播电视学与媒介前沿 叶子:《电视新闻:与事件同步》(北京师范大学出版社) 赵淑萍:《当代电视新闻采访教程》(复旦大学出版社) 任金州:《电视新闻摄影》(北京师范大学出版社) 何苏六:《中国电视纪录片史论》(中国传媒大学出版社) 胡正荣:《传播学总论(第二版)》(清华大学出版社) 丁淦林:《中国新闻事业史》(高等教育出版社) 中传广播电视艺术学考研参考书整理出来了,以供参考: 初试参考书 719广播电视艺术基础 张凤铸胡妙德关玲:《中国当代广播电视文艺学》 徐舫舟:《电视节目类型学》 高鑫:《电视艺术学》 苗棣:《电视艺术哲学》 童庆炳:《文学理论教程》 期刊:《现代传播》 期刊:《中国电视》 凯程考研:《广播电视艺术基础凯程通》

浅析电视传播中的文化传播 (第4稿)


浅析电视传播中的文化传播 【摘要】当今世界传媒技术与手段的迅猛发展,突破了文化传播的区域性与国界性的限制,使各民族,各地区间的文化相互交融,相互影响。而电视传媒作为文化传播中的重要一员,承担着倡导优质文化的责任。基于此,本文在此背景下,通过对央电视媒体的国际文化传播的情况进行重点研究论述。其目的,通过这一实例的研究论述,来解析媒体对于文化传播的功能合作用,进而为弘扬我国传统优秀文化做些有益的探索。 【关键词】电视传媒;文化传播;文化霸权 从国家的角度而言,媒介作为国家进行意识形态建设的一种舆论工具,在对外文化传播中扮演着极其重要的角色。尤其是在全球一体化的时代,各国对于本国文化的生命力和传播力开始重视起来,这种国与国之间的文化交流与传播都显得极为重要。对于我国而言,这种文化传播仍不容忽视。 我们知道,国与国之间的文化的传播基于对本国优秀文化的一种“营销”,归根结底国家就是一个文化

性的组织,各国间的交流也包含有文化成分。众观历史,从古至今,文化对于国家的形成与发展都起着至关重要的作用,一个民族正是有了文化上的认同感,所以他们能够更加紧密的团结在一起。同样,文化间的传播能够增进两岸人民文化认同感,更能促使海峡两岸的早日统一。由此可言,“在走向世界、与国际社会接轨过程中,中华文化不可避免地要与西方文化进行对话交流。”① 一、国际传播与文化传播 (一)国际传播的理论综述 1.国际传播的内涵 国际传播是以大众媒介向外传播的信息,通常有国际往来这样广义传播和以大众媒体为媒介国与国之间进行信息传递的狭义传播,广义的国家传播通常为两国之间的首脑访问、会谈及多国会议,所涉及的内容皆为正式的经济、政治等。而狭义的国际传播是以社会所能传递的信息为单位,传播途径较多,通常为社会大众传播渠道。我国国民通常将狭义传播笼统的定格为国际传播,理解为各国媒体进行信息的交流和互换,而在主体上则认为是国家及国际有影响力单位进行国际信息传递,所关注的焦点为涉及政治、经济、 ①廖华英、鲁强.基于文化共性的中国文化对外传播策略研[J].东华理工大学学报(社会科学版),2010年第2期.

世界文化史 笔记

一古希腊史学产生的原因 1东方文化的影响 a 希腊海外殖民第的建立b 东西方文化的交流与发展。 2 希腊哲学的影响自然哲学智者运动 3 神话和史诗神话世界观,神人同形同性,自然力和社会活动的人格化。荷马史诗 提高了人的地位。 4 爱奥尼亚纪事家的影响卡德姆斯狄奥尼修斯赫卡奥特斯 二希罗多德 bc485-bc425 1《历史》的特点 a内容丰富 b编纂体例历史叙述体以某一历史事件为中心,纪事连贯,叙事生动具有较大的连贯性。C史料上,充分利用各种史料,亲身采访和实地调差获得第一手资料。在史料的考证问题上,开门见山,直抒己见,存疑,在史料的选取上,持有一种“客观主义”的态度。 2 史学思想:a 人本思想,体现在对波西战争双方性胜败原因的分析上(人的欲望, 人的本性)b神妒观,命定论。C历史学是保存功业和记载的原因,对历史学性质的分析。D视野开阔 e比较公正的对待东西方各个民族的历史和文化。 3 史学评价:a是西方史学的奠基者,开辟了西方史学的新时代 b首创历史记叙体, 这种体裁经修昔底德的完善和发展,这近仍被西方史学界封为正宗,成为编纂历史的通用体例。C在史料问题上,希罗多德重视对史料的考证和批判,为西方历史学的发展开拓了新的局面。D把历史的真实性和艺术性结合起来、 4 与司马迁的比较 A西方史学之父中国史学之父 b学识渊博,阅历丰富,行迹极广。C都开拓了新的史书编纂体例,历史叙述体和纪传体。D目光远大,胸襟开阔 e富有历史的批判精神 f将历史的真实性和艺术性结合起来g对历史学性质的认识。 三修昔底德《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》约公元前460-公元前396古代希腊杰出的历史学家 1 内容集中在书中只叙述了伯战争的经过以及与其有关的人和事,基本没有涉及战争以外的事情,对雅典的文化发展状况也只字未提。史料过于狭隘。 2 史料批判原则 a反对有言必录 b 尽可能的使用第一手的材料 c重视对史料的辨析和考证,d排除神话和无稽之谈的传说,为求真实客观的描写历史。 3 编纂和写作上,a结构严谨,联系紧密 b文笔洗练,联系紧密 c夹叙夹议d代撰演说词,与叙述浑然一体。 4 朴素唯物主义的历史观 a努力把人类历史从神人合一的状态中分离出来,体现了其彻底的人本史观。修昔底德试图站在世俗的立场上,以人事活动的角度总结伯罗奔尼撒战争的原因及教训,用以重训后世。B 致力于历史事件因果关系的探讨 c试图经济关系上解释历史发展的成因。 四《历史》《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》的比较 不同 a 前者追求广博,寻找人类的共同特征。后者注重当时的具体时间,研究和分析事件发生的原因和后果。B希罗多德所使用的“历史”一词,其原生意是探究,而修昔底德则将自己的历史写作归为“记叙”c希罗多德的风格是荷马式,而修的风格是论辩式d 希罗多德谦虚且很不明确的提出他的任务只是“讲述听到的事情”转速流行的古寺和传说,修这庄严宣布,他的著作不是为了参赛获奖和取悦观众,却是为了垂诸永远的目标。


旅游文化学复习题 一、名词解释: 旅游文化:是旅游主题、旅游客体和旅游媒体内在的及其相互作用所产生的物质成果和精神成果的总和。 台基:即台阶基座,最早为夯土台,以高度的不同来区分坐落于机上的建筑物等级。 宗教:有一定的教义、教规、有一定的仪式和有一定的组织系统的信神的社会“实体”。 康体休闲:指人们在工作之余的余暇时间,为了满足自身内部活动的需求,以健康、快乐和幸福的生活为目的,而自主选择、自我进行的具有积极意义的各种活动的总称。 旅游企业经营作风:是旅游企业文化建设的重要内容,它特别体现在企业的民主作风上,包括员工的民主意识、民主权利、民主义务。 文化:是人类创造一切物质成果和精神成果的过程和成果的总和。 宫殿:是传统建筑中的佼佼者,是历代奴隶主和封建帝王凭借权利将大量的财富、最好的材料、最优秀的匠师,最精湛的技艺集中起来建造的,代表了中国古建筑技术与艺术水平的最高境界。 基督教:是信奉耶稣基督为救世主,以《圣经》为经典的各教派的统称。娱乐休闲:指人们在余暇时间内进行的以放松、愉悦身心为主要目的的活动方式。 旅游观:是旅游者的旅游价值观,是旅游者对旅游整体活动整体化的价值取向或评价。

私家园林:园主多为贵族、官僚、文人、商贾等,所造的园林多作为工作之余或退隐之后的恬养之所。园林的规模较小,在造园手法上多注重以对景、借景、隔景、透景等来丰富园林的意境,单体建筑物多侧重于玲珑剔透的小木作工艺山石池沼大多假手于人工,花木的配置亦以单株欣赏为主。总体的作风,素净而淡雅,历来推为中国古典园林的典范。 伊斯兰教:伊斯兰意为“顺服”,指顺服唯一的神安拉的旨意,教徒称“穆斯林”,意为“归顺者”。在中国称回教、清真教、天方教。 休闲购物:指在购物活动中增添休闲快乐的元素,把购物当作休闲方式,把休闲融入购物活动中。 旅游消费行为:狭义点的指旅游者的购买行为以及对旅游产品的实际消费。 皇家园林:又称“苑囿”。其园主是帝王,规模大多相当巨大,在制作手法上更注重选址,因地制宜以真山真水作为造园的要素。在建筑方面,用木比例基本上采用宫殿建筑的官式做法,其装饰显得富丽堂皇,特别是房间内部的装潢陈设,更是华丽奢侈。花木的配置,多做群植或成林的布景,形成恢弘的气势。 洗礼:是成为基督教信徒的庄严形式,具有赦免入教者的“原罪”和“本罪”的作用。 企业文化:是企业在长期的生产经营实践中所创造和形成的,具有本企业特色的精神,包括价值观念、道德标准、行为规范、员工文化素质以及蕴含在企业制度、企业形象和企业产品之中的文化特色。 旅游交通企业:是指为旅游者实现旅游提供各种佳通运输方式的服务性经


中国传媒大学广播电视艺术学考研方向及考试科目 参考书目 1.电视艺术理论方向 电视艺术是20世纪相伴着电子技术飞速进展而产生的全新艺术形状,有人将其称之为“第九艺术女神”。故而,此方向的硕士研究生,通过电视艺术领域的深入学习和探讨,深入了解电视艺术产生和进展的历史,认识电视艺术的重要类别及其创作规律,电视艺术以后进展的重要走向,并进而把握电视艺术的语言系统、思维方式及其专门的审美特点。 在研究取径方面,本专业方向通过对经典和有代表性作品的观摩和解读,以把握大量的影像研究资料,在以往学术研究成果的基础上,进行专题性的学术研究和探讨,并在此基础上,学习和把握从事科学研究的方法和规律;通过学术论文的写作实践,提高进行学术研究的能力和水平,以便在电视艺术的学术研究领域里,有新的理论开拓和新的学术建树。 本方面培养的硕士生,能将其理论研究成果运用到电视艺术创作实践中去,以便在理论与实践相结合的势态下,成为高层次的电视艺术人才,推动中国电视艺术事业的飞速进展。 2.电视策划方向 本方向研究的要紧内容包括:传媒策划原理、节目策划、栏目策划、频道包装、媒介批判、大众文化与媒介研究等。 随着电视产业化、市场化的深入进展和传媒产业竞争的日趋猛烈,策划在电视业中的重要性日益凸显。电视策划是为着提升节目、栏目、频道竞争实力而进行科学分析论证,在考虑频道定位、栏目定位、观众定位等多方因素的基础上拟定的关于节目生产和节目创作的宏观方略与微观策略。电视策划是当代电视节目创作的重要环节,目前已从早期的编导或制片人的个体行为演化为自觉的团体聪慧效应,全国知名的电视品牌栏目和节目无一不是集体聪慧的结晶,电视策划人才已成为传媒业现实与以后的不可或缺。作为一种方兴未艾的朝阳行业,电视策划有着自身的理论体系和规律方法,关于电视产业的进展至关重要。 本方向要紧采取理论与实践相结合的方法,学生在学习策划理论的同时,参与一定的实践创作,从而提高学生的实战能力。 本方向培养具有深厚人文精神和艺术造诣、拥有节目创作专业知识与技能的高级电视策划人才。 3.广播电视文艺方向 本方向要紧研究广播电视文艺这一广播电视传媒中的重要艺术形状。 本方向以广播电视文艺进展的历史为线索,以文艺节日、文艺栏目、文艺频道等节目形状为对象,深入研究其创作特点、创作规律、创作风格和创作走向,以便逐步建立起完善的广播电视文艺理论体系。广播电视文艺是一个内容丰富、形式繁多的研究领域,它能够反映出当代最前沿的审美思潮、艺术观念和思维方式。因此,对它的研究既需要相对理论定性,更需依据其不断进展变化的新态势,进行新的理论开拓和理论建设。广播电视文艺理论研究,拥有理论与社会实践紧密结合并互为促动的鲜亮特点。因此,还需专门注重应用理论的研究领域。


文化资源的概念与分 类

第二讲文化资源的概念与分类 提要: 1. 文化资源的概念 2. 文化资源的分类 3. 文化资源的特点与开发类型 1 文化资源的概念 文化资源是一个涵盖很广泛的概念,有人说,除了自然资源,都是文化资源。这个说法有一定的道理,因为它的前提——文化,正如爱德华·泰勒所说,本身就是一个“复合的整体”,“它包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗和个人作为社会成员所必需的其他能力及习惯”。当然,文化资源并不能完全等同于文化,加了“资源”一词就意味着它已经拥有过去时态(时间性)、可资利用(效用性)等含义。因此,我们可以认为:文化资源可用于指称人类文化中能够传承下来,可资利用的那部分内容和形式。 因此,文化资源是人类劳动创造的物质成果及其转化的一部分。在本课程中,我们围绕所关注的文化经济一体化的生产经营活动来理解各类文化资源。文化产业的中心任务是将有限的文化资源转化为有用的文化产品,包括文化实物产品、文化服务产品及其衍生形态。 1.1 什么是资源? 一般来说,资源是指不直接用于生活消费的生产性资产。资源常常讲利用和开发,与生产的关系十分紧密。我们认为与文化生产或者与文化产业相关的“素材”才是文化资源的核心指向,而这些素材也来自于人类的活动与创造。 人类早期的资源以自然资源和生活资源为主,如土地、森林、猎物等。随着生产的发展和社会生活的复杂化,人类自身创造的资源越来越重要,其的构成也越来越复杂、多样。符号化知识、经验型技能、创新型能力、通讯手段、社会组织系统等等,都成为了生产的要素即生产的资源。不仅

有经济生产方面的资源,而且有社会生活方面的资源,如政治资源、文化资源等。因此,人类积累的一切创造发明成果,都成了人类政治、经济、文化、科技活动进一步发展的资源。 总之,资源是指“资财的来源”,即包括自然资源如土地、森林、矿藏、水域等,也包括各类社会资源。其中,文化就是一种社会资源,它也同时体现为有形的物质载体和无形的精神资产。 1.2 资源科学的学科体系: 资源科学——综合资源学,区域资源学,部门资源学 综合资源学——资源地理学,资源生态学,资源经济学,资源评价学,资源工程与工艺学 ,资源管理学,资源法学 ↓ 区域资源学 ↑ 部门资源学——气候资源学,生物资源学,水资源学,土地资源学,矿产资源学,海洋资源学,能源学,旅游资源学。 1.3 我国的文化资源 中国有五千年的文明历史,文化积累十分丰富。从形而上的角度看,有哲学思想和文学艺术两大源流,每条源流的支脉又蕴藏着丰富的精神内涵,至今影响我们的思想、价值观念、审美意识。 从形而下的角度看,几千年来我们的衣食住行发展出复杂多样的方式,其间凸现的生活艺术融进了中国人高雅的情趣和独具匠心的巧思。此外,中国地域辽阔,民风民俗、民间文化异彩纷呈。剪纸、年画、皮影、木偶、砖雕、器具、面具、玩具、民居、刺绣、服饰、饮食、建筑、园林、风筝、印染等民间文化堪称世界一流。这也是我们的又一大财富。 2 文化资源的分类


文化传播公司与文化传媒公司的区别 一、文化传播有限公司和文化传媒有限公司其实是两个完全不同的概念,文化传播公司 主要是面向广告业务为主,而文化传媒公司则主要是面向电视剧和电影等传媒事业为主,二者的主要区别还请参照以下相关资料介绍,也许对于二者的区分你会有个系统的了解的 文化传媒有限公司经营范围,市场营销策划,企业营销策划,企业形象策划,市场信息咨询与调查(不得从事社会调查、社会调研、民意调查、民意测验),会务服务,礼仪服务,婚庆服务,翻译服务,展览展示服务,搬运服务,包装服务,体育赛事策划,法律咨询(不得从事法律服务),设计制作代理发布各类广告(注:名称中的行业表述必须含有“广告”或“文化传播”字样,方可从事广告代理和发布行业),设计制作各类广告,利用自有媒体发布广告,税率,营业税交5%,所得税2.5%(核定征收) 文化传播公司的经营范围参考:文化艺术交流策划、企业管理咨询、商务信息咨询(除经纪),会展服务,图文设计制作,设计、制作、代理、发布各类广告,销售文化办公用品、工艺品、日用百货。 下边给出几个文化传播公司经营范围范例参考: 1、文化艺术交流策划(除经纪),舞台艺术造型策划,企业形象策划,会务服务,展览展示服务,设计、制作各类广告 2、文化艺术交流策划、管理管理咨询、商务信息咨询(除经纪),舞台艺术造型策划,企业形象策划,市场营销策划,企业图文设计制作,会务服务,展览展示服务,礼仪服务,摄影服务,销售服装鞋帽、家具、玩具、日用百货、模具制品、塑料制品。 3、设计、制作、代理、发布各类广告,文化艺术交流策划(除经纪),会务服务,展览展示服务,图文设计制作,销售玩具、工艺礼品、电子产品。 4、文化艺术交流策划、商务信息咨询、企业管理咨询(除经纪),会务服务,展览展示服务,企业形象策划,舞台艺术造型策划,,市场营销策划,,图文设计制作,制作、设计各类广告。(太过空洞,做个对比把他们本质的营业范围的区别弄清楚) 二、文化传媒类公司要注册有广播、电影、电视剧制作等必须根据经营范围,到省级广播电视管理机关办理批准文件或取得行政审批许可证;而且注册资本必须是300万以上的。办文化传播类公司,经营范围中如果没有电视剧、电影、广播制作等等,则无需办理注册登记前置审批,也就是说登记门槛低了很多。(那么文化传播公司既然门槛低,能够拍摄电视剧或者电影吗?如果能的话采用那种合作方式?不能的话能否参与其他种类的合作方式?请调查清楚,要考虑周全。) 三、传媒公司:通常指的是像广播、电视这类,带有新闻传播的性质。也就是说这是这类公司面对大众的主要形式。当然这种公司通常需要广告收入来生存的,所以他们下面可能会有广告部门。他们需要广告部的营利,却并不单纯以盈利为目的,有时候我们会感觉看到更多的是他们为大众提供健康、有意义的精神食粮为宗旨的。


世界文化史第七章近代西方文化的發展及其問題 一、單選題(20題每題2分共40分) ( ) 1. 俄國彼得大帝在位時,曾定下「鬍鬚稅」,規定留鬍鬚的男子繳納。由時代的特色,我們可推知他此舉的主要用意為何?(A)希望俄人脫擺以往被蒙古人所統治時的形象,積極向西方學習(B)國家財政的困窘 (C)他本人喜歡留鬍,因而不希望其他人跟他有類似的外型(D)留鬍鬚與希臘正教的教義不合。 ( ) 2. 維也納會議後,歐陸的政治局勢大致是如何?(A)大多已實行民主政治(B)大多已進入工業革命時期(C)保守主義成為大多數國家政府思想的主流(D)「改革國會」成為各國在野黨的主要訴求之一。 ( ) 3. 以下史事的發生「並未」受到法國大革命影響的有:(A)拿破崙帝國建立(B)啟蒙思想的備受質疑(C)保守主義的勢力高漲(D)浪漫主義運動的失敗。 ( ) 4. 「人生而自由,然而在人類社會中,人卻處處受到束縛……人應該追求深刻的內心經驗……」關於這段話,較貼近以下哪種主張?(A)自由主義(B)浪漫主義(C)馬克斯主義(D)保守主義。 ( ) 5. 以下對話發生於18世紀:A:「這本小說真是感人,在這種情形下仍如此愛著對方,真令人讚嘆……」; B:「真是苦戀呢!女主角最後選擇了別人,所以他竟然犧牲性命來展現他對感情的態度……」,依此推 測,此本小說的風格所展現的時代精神趨向於何種思潮?(A)自由主義(B)保守主義(C)浪漫主義(D) 寫實主義。 ( ) 6. 影片《一曲難忘》描述一位波蘭鋼琴家,強烈地期待波蘭能重新得到自由,他不為沙皇的屠夫(按:波蘭總督)演奏,離開祖國到巴黎去時,帶了一把波蘭的泥土。而在生命的最後階段,為了籌錢資助祖國 爭取獨立自由,一場場的演奏會,終於使他的生命燃燒至盡頭。這位偉大的作曲家的作品揉合斯拉夫民 族的熱情憂鬱和法國人的華麗纖細。他應是哪一風格的作曲家?(A)古典主義(B)印象主義(C)浪漫主 義(D)現代樂派。 ( ) 7. 法國大革命爆發後,領導人之一的拉法葉將革命爆發的「第一現場」——巴士底獄的鑰匙寄給何國政府,以表達他對此國之前表現的肯定?(A)英國(B)美國(C)俄國(D)中國。 ( ) 8. 「遠洋航行者大多是海員,商人或亡命之徒」;「享樂主義什麼都不管,製造出一批遊手好閒的人」。兩句話各有何的特色或彼此的關聯?(A)前者造就了後來的美國,後者則為20世紀初西方世界的亂象之一 (B)前者指「大西洋時代」來臨的背景,後者意味著海權時代的到來(C)前者促進了商業資本主義的發展, 後者則為工業資本主義社會的現象(D)前者為浪漫主義時期的特色,後者則為受啟蒙時期影響而產生的 社會現象。 ( ) 9. 三位學者對於社會的看法,甲主張「齊頭式的平等」,乙主張「競爭起點的平等」,丙主張「國與國之間的平等」。以上三者,何者可謂是社會主義者?(A)甲(B)乙(C)丙(D)以上皆是。 ( )10. 「一個民族,一個帝國,一位領袖」,這樣的口號,顯示出怎樣的思想內涵?(A)極右的法西斯主義(B)右派的自由主義(C)極左的共產主義(D)右派的保守主義。 ( )11. 與達爾文同時期的學者,有些不相信他們的祖先是猿猴中的一支,但是他們卻被稱為是「社會達爾文主義者」,主要原因為何?(A)他們都是人文學者,對生物學有所排斥(B)他們都是虔誠的猶太教徒(C) 他們利用「生存競爭」的說法將帝國主義的侵略合理化(D)他們利用「物競天擇」的說法將破壞自然環 境的舉動合理化。 ( )12. 印象派的畫家,如何因應照相機的問世?(A)以抽家的手法構圖(B)畫家每一年只創作一幅作品,以量的限制提升本身的價值(C)以寫生入手,但從光線、色彩變化的律動中創出新意(D)向中國的水墨畫取 經,強調意境而不重形似。


【电影书目】 《中国电影艺术发展史》钟艺兵著浙江人民出版 《电影电视艺术导论》张凤铸著中国广播电视出版社 《电视艺术语言应用基础》邵长波著浙江教育出版社 《电影的叙事》沈贻炜著华语出版社 《电视艺术学》高鑫著北京师范大学出版社 《影视剧论》张凤铸著南京大学出版社 《台湾电视文艺纵览》李献文著中国广播电视出版社 《中外名片赏析》孙锡原著中国广播电视出版社 《镜与世俗神话》戴锦华著中国广播电视出版社 《电影与新方法》张红军著中国广播电视出版社 《电视创造过程差别》张红军著中国广播电视出版社 《影视剧作法》(法)米歇尔·翁著中国广播电视出版社《电影电视走向21世纪》黄式宪著中国电影出版社 《现代电影剧作艺术论》王迪著中国电影出版社 《论戏剧情节》 (法)古斯塔夫·佛莱塔克著上海译文出版社《电视剧编剧技巧》路海波著南开大学出版社 《常用电视片类型及创作》刘战著辽宁教育出版社 《电影电视文学创作》林涵表著文化艺术出版社 《电影剧本写作基础》(美)悉德·菲尔德著中国文联出版社《电视剧艺术论》周靖波著北京广播学院出版社

《电视画面研究》朱羽君著北京广播学院出版社 《电影语言和语法》 (乌拉圭)丹尼艾尔·阿里洪中国电影出版社《现代电视纪实》朱羽君著北京广播学院出版社 《广播剧编导艺术》朱宝贺著北京广播学院出版社 《广播剧艺术论》王雪梅著北京广播学院出版社 《电影、电视、广播中的声音》周传基著中国电影出版社 《中国广播文艺集》王雪梅等著北京广播学院出版社 《电影语言》(法)马塞尔·马尔丹著中国电影出版社 《电视文艺节目编导》朱宝贺著北京广播学院出版社 《电视文艺论文集》中央台编广播电视出版社 《电视技艺》(美)琳恩·格劳丝等著复旦大学出版社 《电视文艺创作》游洁著北京广播学院出版社 《电视制作大全》(美)艾伦·沃策尔著中国电影出版社 《电影语言学导论》贾磊磊著中国电影出版社 《电影美学》(匈牙利)贝拉·巴拉兹著中国电影出版社 《电影的元素》(美)李·R·波布克著中国电影出版社 《论电影艺术》(英)欧纳斯特·林格伦著中国电影出版社 《电影的观念》(美)斯坦利·梭罗门著中国电影出版社 《电影美学分析原理》王志敏著中国电影出版社 《电影的本性》 (德)齐格弗里德·克拉考尔著中国电影出版社《图象符号和电影语言》 (荷兰)扬·M·彼得斯著中国电影出版社《艺术与视知觉》 (美)鲁道夫·阿恩海姆著中国社会科学出版社


东方企业文化·企业政工 2011年12月 167 关于电视媒介的文化传播功能的研究 于化鹏 (吉林电视台都市频道,长春,130000) 摘 要:电视媒介文化传播功能是电视媒介的重要功能,文化作为社会进步的关键性因素,只有形成社会属性,才能发挥其积极的作用,电视媒介无疑是最好的媒介渠道。 关键词:电视媒介 文化传播 功能 中图分类号:G125 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672—7355(2011)12—0167—01 一、何为电视媒介的文化传播功能 电视媒介的文化传播功能是指的是媒介传播文化知识的能力,也就是说电视节目在满足人们感官享受需要的基础上,是否能够引发他们对问题的深层次思考,能否通过娱乐给人以启示,能不能对社会生活或文化等方面的发展起到积极作用。 文化传播是电视的重要功能之一,电视为文化提供了一个面向大众的平台,文化也将带着电视的色彩传播出去。 电视大众文化在物质话语僭越的当代中国社会最根本的特征,就是以大众文化的商业性稀释、消解着高雅文化的艺术性。具体表现为那些具有大众文化倾向的电视文本以商业目的的直接功利性替代着高雅文化的无功利性;以程式化、复制化、平面化、无深度感对抗着高雅文化的个性、独创性、典型性;以情感策划的虚假性拆解着高雅文化的情感判断的真实性和深沉感;以享乐性、消遣性置换着高雅文化的启蒙性、先驱性。” 二、当下我国电视媒介传播中发挥文化传播的现状 作为观众的我们不难发现,如今的电视节目、电视频道越来越多,但是让人们喜欢的电视节目越来越少,充斥电视屏幕的除了质量水准日益下滑的电视剧之外,更多的是那些档次较低、低级无趣、哗众取宠的电视文艺节目。像有那些演艺明星们反串的搞笑节目,因缺乏精心策划和编导排练,常常被弄成恶搞或恶作剧之类的闹剧,看了令人哭笑不得;一些文艺节目临时临时拼凑,急于应付,急于赶场,内容缺乏编排,观众一看生厌;那些粗制滥造、毫无新意、相互重叠重复的电视剧,也常常因缺乏创意而遭到越来越多的观众的唾弃,电视文化的缺失现象,已经成为当代国内电视业界的一大通病。 1.存在一些好的节目 《百家讲坛》是近年来媒介和学界很受关注的节目,它通过电视媒介传播文化。《百家讲坛》栏目开播于2001年,该栏目秉承“让专家、学者为百姓服务”的宗旨,在数以万计的电视节目中独树一帜,收视率不断提高,由此带来的不只是影响力的扩大,它在文化传播、知识传播、媒介的社会效应等各方面都产生了很大的影响,特别是它的文化传播功能,成为近年来媒体和学界最热门的话题之一。 从第一次看《回家》这个栏目就很喜欢,看的是余光中的那期,喜欢节目中那种静谧的乡音乡情,喜欢亲人团聚时的浓浓的亲情,《回家》这个栏目是吉林省广电局和吉林电视台倾力打造的,播了出5年来,《回家》一直以其始终不变的文化精神和品质,坚守着高雅文化的阵地,紧扣着构建和谐社会的主旋律。《回家》利用其独特的视角表现出的已经不再仅仅是怀旧探亲、寻根祭祖以及亲情、乡情、友情、爱情,而是上升到一种文化的行为,那就是嘉宾对中华民族优秀传统文化的更新、更深意义上的解读与品味,透过这种解读,让人更加深刻地感悟到,个人的生活和命运,是始终与民族的兴衰连在一起的,让人在更高的层面上去体味“国和家”二个字。 2.一部分的节目忽视文化传播 当下我们收看的电视节目中大多数的电视节目还是在不断追求其自身的文化价值和审美水准,而不仅仅是拿收视率来衡量自身的价值,好的电视节目观众会喜欢,国家广电总局也会积极的支持,而不好的一味追求收视率的节目,开始是是会得到暂时的较高的收视,但是从长远来看,不惜任何代价而追求高收视的节目必将得到大众的唾弃和国家广电总局的叫停,最近两年被叫停的电视节目屡有出现,出头鸟就是重庆电视台选秀节目《第一次心动》,国家广电总局以“内容格调低下”为由叫停了这一选秀节目。而从当时中国青年报社会调查中心的调查显示,除了那些不了解《第一次心动》节目内容和性质的人,96.4%的受访者给广电总局此举投了赞成票。最关键的是这种情形在以往的广电总局的“叫停令”中并不多见。与此相应,95.4%的受访者认为,当前的电视节目存在低俗化趋势。 《第一次心动》比赛环节设计粗糙,评委言行举止失态,节目设计缺乏艺术水准、内容格调低下,演唱曲目庸俗媚俗。重庆电视台对现场转播极不负责,对现场混乱不堪局面未作任何有效处理,任其随意表现,放弃了播出机构的责任。以上是广电总局的通告,这是广电总局对选秀节目的违规行为做出的最为严重的一次处罚。 还有用一档节目就是深圳卫视的《情感对对碰》节目,是一档情感类大型综艺栏目,以青年男女交友为主题,栏目已多次蝉联深圳卫视娱乐节目的收视冠军。节目板块包括心动六十秒、超级斗“秀”场、超级选择、超级解码及真情告白等,特邀名人嘉宾进行点评。对此广电总局的通报说:该栏目部分节目选手、主持人言行不妥,产生了不好的社会影响等。 以上两个节目无一例外是哗众取宠的感觉多过期自身所想追求的文化价值也好还是艺术价值也好,电视节目品味不高、内容低俗、太过庸俗、缺乏艺术性、可观赏性是这两档节目无一例外的问题之所在,广电总局的这一叫停大大的满足了广大观众的泄愤心理,不具有任何的文化价值和审美价值的电视节目终将会被淘汰。 参考文献: [1] 蒋心和.新媒体读者年均增幅达30%[N ].中华新闻报,2007-4-18(B03) [2] 柴永强.专家:中国新媒体发展的关键在于宽带网络建设[EB/OL ].http ://https://www.doczj.com/doc/6714284991.html,/news/tech/2011-04/29/content_22462725.htm , 2011-04-29/2011-04-29 [3] 刘军.试论影响媒体语言的流变[J ].广播电视与教育.2003.2.26 [4] 熊澄宇.在中国网络媒体论坛的发言[CD/OL ].中央电视台.2003.6.18 [5] 刘俊.新新媒体之我见[J ].广告大观,2006.6:26-27

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