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Unit2Iusedtobeafraidofthedark.水平测试参考答案 2

Unit2Iusedtobeafraidofthedark.水平测试参考答案 2
Unit2Iusedtobeafraidofthedark.水平测试参考答案 2

Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.水平测试






从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )21. Y ou should turn off the lights when you leave the room. Leaving the lights ____ is a waste.

A. off

B. up

C. on

D. down

( )22. Although I have received the ______ to the party, I decided not to go.

A. solution

B. invitation

C. attention

D. resolution

( )23. As a student, you are not supposed to _____ so much money on clothes.

A. pay

B. cost

C. take

D. spend

( )24. The old man lives alone. He has to do everything by _____.

A. herself

B. himself

C. themselves

D. ourselves

( )25. —What do you think of the countryside?

—Oh, it _____ a lot in the last few years.

A. has changed

B. will change

C. changed

D. is changing

( )26. She used to be late for school, _______?

A. was she

B. did she

C. wasn’t she

D. didn’t she

( )27. Mr Liu is a kind teacher. Whenever we ask him questions, he is _______ with us.

A. angry

B. popular

C. patient

D. strict

( )28. Don’t _____. Please try your best to do it.

A. give up it

B. give it up

C. give away it

D. give it away

( )29. Mozart started writing music when he was a ____ child.

A. 4 years old

B. 4-year old

C. 4-year-old

D. 4-years-old

( )30. It is so cold outside. People can ____ go out.

A. hardly

B. greatly

C. really

D. nearly

( )31. Last year there were many problems which ______ by bad weather. A. causes

B. caused

C. was caused

D. were caused

( )32. To my _____, all the students came to school on time today, though it rained hard.

A. surprise

B. surprised

C. surprising

D. surprises

( )33. We ______ late at night because we have so much homework to do. A. used to stay up B. used to staying up

C. are used to stay up

D. are used to staying up

( )34. —This kind of dress is out of style.

—I think it still looks nice _____ it is not popular this year.

A. until

B. even though

C. because

D. so that

( )35. —I am afraid of the dark.

—________. I hardly ever go out at night.

A. All right

B. It doesn’t matter

C. Me too

D. Y ou are welcome



What do you think is the most important in your life? Have you ever thought about this 36?

When I was a little girl, I thought my 37 was the most important. My parents were always with me. They gave me so much love and taught me a lot. I thought I couldn’t live 38 them.

When I got older and went to school, I had a lot of friends. I 39 playing with them. They 40 me a lot whenever I had a problem. We always had fun together, 41 I thought friendship was the most important thing. If I had had no friends, I would have been very 42.

As time went by, I changed my mind again. I thought the most important thing was music. I was 43 about music at that time. Music made me happy. I decided to be a 44 in the future. If I couldn’t have listened to music, my life would have lost all fun.

Now I 45 that, in fact, family, friendship and music are all very important to us. There are many important things that make our lives more interesting.

( )36. A. problem B. opinion C. question D. Comment

( )37. A. health B. family C. education D. future

( )38. A. by B. with C. for D. without

( )39. A. enjoyed B. missed C. disliked D. forgot

( )40. A. asked B. interested C. helped D. worried

( )41. A. so B. but C. or D. if

( )42. A. nice B. bored C. excited D. relaxed

( )43. A. upset B. angry C. scared D. crazy

( )44. A. teacher B. scientist C. musician D. Writer

( )45. A. hope B. realize C. agree D. suggest




We used to go into school without our school ID cards, but now we can’t. If you forget it once, you cannot win the Excellent Student award. Last Monday I forgot to wear my ID card to school. I used to win the Excellent Student award, but this year I won’t be able to. I am really sad about that.


We used to go out of the school to buy something that we needed. But now we can’t go out on school days. It is said that the rule is made to stop students from playing computer games. I don’t know if the new rule can achieve its desired (预期的) result. But it is very inconvenient (不方便的) for us.


We used to wear any clothes we wanted to school, but now we can’t. I really

don’t like to wear a school uniform. Our school uniform looks ugly. Why not let us wear our own clothes two or three days a week?


( )46. Li Jun is one year older than He Ning and Chen Lin.

( )47. He Ning won’t win the Excellent Student award because he doesn’t wear his school ID card every day.

( )48. He Ning used to be a good student at school.

( )49. The new rule in Li Jun’s school has got the desired result.

( )50. Chen Lin can wear his own clothes to school two or three days a week.


My name is Scott Christenson. My story is one you’ve probably heard before, and it goes something like this:

In my younger years, I always ate whatever I wanted and never put on a pound.

I was always athletic and did sports every day, which helped to keep me in good shape. Over the years, I became too busy to do sports and started many bad habits: I smoked, I drank, I stayed up late and so on. I often ate junk food. By the time I got out of college, I was out of shape. I was getting fatter and fatter.

I realized those bad habits were not good for my health. So I decided to start teaching myself about healthy eating and exercise by reading books and surfing the Internet. My work in the healthcare industry (行业) as a writer also allowed me to study the science behind healthy and unhealthy behavior. I tried to have a healthy diet, and I exercised two hours a day. The interesting thing was that my goal was never to lose weight. I was just trying to get back in shape and educate myself about my health. In the last two years alone, I have lost 18 pounds every year. I’ve got back in shape and I still keep my good habits.


( )51. Scott is a ______.

A. doctor

B. writer

C. player

D. teacher

( )52. In Scott’s early years, h e used to ______.

A. eat what he wanted but dislike sports

B. have a healthy diet and do sports

C. eat what he wanted and do sports

D. have a healthy diet but dislike sports

( )53. Which of the following are the reasons that Scott became fat?

①The job he did. ②Hardly ever doing exercise.

③staying up late at night. ④Eating too much junk food.

A. ①②③

B. ②③④

C. ①②④

D. ①②③④

( )54. From the passage we can learn all of the following things EXCEPT _______.

A. Scott’s goal was to get back in shape

B. Scott learned about health by himself

C. Scott started to exercise every day

D. Scott plans to lose 18 pounds this year

( )55. The passage is mainly about ______.

A. the writer’s job

B. how the writer got fatter

C. the writer’s college life

D. how the writer’s bad habits changed


Are you terrified of public speaking? Don’t worry, because you are not alone. Other people also have the same fear. But there are several ways to get over your fear of public speaking.

Let’s face it: the biggest problem with public speaking is not the audience (观众). It’s you. Y ou are nervous. The audience is not expecting you to fail —it means you are expecting yourself to fail. The first step in getting over your fear of public speaking is to understand that you are your own worst enemy (敌人).

We are all in this together: you and the audience are a team. Everyone in the audience is looking at you because they are waiting to learn something from you. Y ou should want and like to teach them. The best way to do that is to be prepared (准备好的).

The worst thing that could happen: you may never get over your fear of public speaking, but that does not mean you can’t do well in front of a group. People with a fear of public speaking often have a fear of making mistakes. But you can take solace in knowing that if you make a mistake, 99% of the audience will not realize it, and your life will still go on after the speech is over!


( )56. Which is the biggest problem when you have to speak in public, according to the passage?

A. Y our audience.

B. Y ourself.

C. Y our mistakes.

D. Y our friends.

( )57. The audience is waiting for you to ____, according to the passage.

A. fail

B. remember them

C. be successful

D. teach them

( )58. According to the passage , which of the following is NOT true?

A. Many people are terrified of public speaking.

B. Y ou and the audience are a team.

C. If you make a mistake, most of the audience will realize it.

D. Not being able to get over your fear of public speaking does not mean that you can’t do well.

( )59. The underlined word, "solace" means "____" in Chinese.

A. 安慰

B. 骄傲

C. 满意

D. 努力

( )60. Which is the best title for this passage?

A. How to Make the Audience Happy

B. How to Be a Great Speaker

C. How to Get a Larger Audience

D. How to Get Over the Fear of Public Speaking



61. I believe that robots will be used in our _____ (日常的) life.

62. My pet dog died last week. Its _____(死亡) made me feel sad.

63. The nurse is _____(耐心的) with the sick children in the hospital.

64. The boy began to cry loudly to get his parents’_______ (注意).

65. We shouldn’t _____(浪费) water because many people in the world don’t have water to drink.


in the end, miss, take pride in, terrify, go to sleep66. My cousin won first prize in the speech contest. My aunt ______ her son’s good work.67. The math problem was difficult. But I worked it out with the help of my brother ______.68. I haven’t seen my grandparents for three years. I really ____ them.69. He is _____ of staying alone, so his parents hardly ever leave him alone at home.70. I couldn’t ______ last night because I drank too much coffee.



My hometown used to look nice. People there (71) l_____ a quiet life. Although people didn’t have much (72) m_____, they lived happily. The water in the river was (73) c_____. At that time I often went fishing with my friends. And there were many trees on the mountains. In (74) a_____, there was a lot of fruit on the trees. We could eat as much as we liked. A few years later, a road was (75) b_____ through my hometown. More and more cars passed by. Then people began to (76) c____ down trees and build factories.

Now people are much richer than they were in the past. But the pollution is getting more (77) s_____ day by day. Lots of fish in the river die and now there are (78) f____ trees on the mountains. (79) L______, people there have realized that there is a pollution problem. They are (80) t_____ to make the village better. I hope my hometown can become as nice as it was when I was a child.



A: Hi, Joan. I haven’t seen you for a long time. (81)_____?

B: I am going to take a walk to the park.

A: Really ? I also want to go to the park. (82)_________?

B: Sure, of course.

A: Oh, whose dog is this?

B: This is my dog. Y ou used to play with him. (83)______?

A: Wow! He is so big now. He used to be small. Do you often take him for a walk? B: (84)______. I walk him every day.

A: That’s great. Now I am a little afraid of him. He is so big. B:(85)_________. He is friendly.

A: All right. Let’s go.








要求:1. 语言通顺,流畅;2. 80词左右,已给出部分不计入总词数。

Dear Sally,

I’m in Gra de 9. My life has changed a lot these days. _____________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________

Y ours,

Wang Dan

Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.水平测试参考答案


I. 21-25 CBDBA 26-30 DCBCA 31-35 DADBC

II. 36-40 CBDAC 41-45 ABDCB

III. 46-50 TFTFF 51-55 BCBDD 56-60 BDCAD

IV. A) 61. daily 62. death 63. patient 64. attention

65. waste

B) 66. took (takes) pride in

67. in the end68. miss

69. terrified 70. go to sleep

V. 71. lived 72. money

73. clean 74. autumn 75. built 76. cut 77. serious 78. few

79. Luckily 80. trying

VI. 81. What are you going to do?

82. Can I go with you 83. Don’t you remember him

84. Y es, I do 85. Don’t be afraid

VII. One possible version: Dear Sally,

I am in Grade 9. My life has changed a lot these days. I used to have less homework and my life was easy. But it is different now. I have a lot of homework. I am under great pressure. I used to take part in activities that I liked after school. But now I have to study all the time and sometimes even stay up late. I have given up my hobbies. On weekends, I used to spend a lot of time with my family and friends. I had a great time. But now I have to take classes on weekends.

Y ours,

Wang Dan

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