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1. In this paper, we focus on the need for

2. This paper proceeds as follow.

3. The structure of the paper is as follows.

4. In this paper, we shall first briefly introduce fuzzy sets and related concepts

5. To begin with we will provide a brief background on the


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Introduction

1. This will be followed by a description of the fuzzy nature of the problem and a detailed presentation of how the required membership functions are defined.

2. Details on xx and xx are discussed in later sections.

3. In the next section, after a statement of the basic problem, various situations involving possibility knowledge are investigated: first, an entirely possibility model is proposed; then the cases of a fuzzy service time with stochastic arrivals and non fuzzy service rule is studied; lastly, fuzzy service rule are considered.


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Review

1. This review is followed by an introduction.

2. A brief summary of some of the relevant concepts in xxx and xxx is presented in Section 2.

3. In the next section, a brief review of the .... is given.

4. In the next section, a short review of ... is given with special regard to ...

5. Section 2 reviews relevant research related to xx.

6. Section 1.1 briefly surveys the motivation for a methodology of action, while 1.2 looks at the difficulties posed by the complexity of systems and outlines the need for development of possibility methods.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


1. Section 1 defines the notion of robustness, and argues for its importance.

2. Section 1 devoted to the basic aspects of the FLC decision making logic.

3. Section 2 gives the background of the problem which includes xxx

4. Section 2 discusses some problems with and approaches to, natural language understanding.

5. Section 2 explains how flexibility which often ... can be expressed in terms of fuzzy time window

6. Section 3 discusses the aspects of fuzzy set theory that are used in the ...

7. Section 3 describes the system itself in a general way, including the ….. and also discusses how to evaluate system performance.

8. Section 3 describes a new measure of xx.

9. Section 3 demonstrates the use of fuzzy possibility theory in the analysis of xx.

10. Section 3 is a fine description of fuzzy formulation of human decision.

11. Section 3, is developed to the modeling and processing of fuzzy decision rules

12. The main idea of the FLC is described in Section 3 while Section 4 describes the xx strategies.

13. Section 3 and 4 show experimental studies for verifying the proposed model.

14. Section 4 discusses a previous fuzzy set based approach to cost variance investigation.

15. Section 4 gives a specific example of xxx.

16. Section 4 is the experimental study to make a fuzzy model of memory process.

17. Section 4 contains a discussion of the implication of the results of Section 2 and 3.

18. Section 4 applies this fuzzy measure to the analysis of xx and illustrate its use on experimental data.

19. Section 5 presents the primary results of the paper: a fuzzy set model ..

20. Section 5 contains some conclusions plus some ideas for further work.

21. Section 6 illustrates the model with an example.

22. Various ways of justification and the reasons for their choice are discussed very briefly in Section 2.

23. In Section 2 are presented the block diagram expression of a whole model of human DM system

24. In Section 2 we shall list a collection of basic assumptions which a ... scheme must satisfy.

25. In Section 2 of this paper, we present representation and uniqueness theorems for the fundamental measurement of fuzziness when the domain of discourse is order dense.

26. In Section 3, we describe the preliminary results of an empirical study currently in progress to verify the measurement model and to construct membership functions.

27. In Section 5 is analyzed the inference process through the two kinds of inference experiments...

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

This Section

1. In this section, the characteristics and environment under which MRP is designed are described.

2. We will provide in this section basic terminologies and notations which are necessary for the understanding of subsequent results.Next Section

2. The next section describes the mathematics that goes into the computer implementation of such fuzzy logic statements.

3. However, it is cumbersome for this purpose and in practical applications the formulae were rearranged and simplified as discussed in the next section.

4. The three components will be described in the next two section, and an example of xx analysis of a computer information system will then illustrate their use.

5. We can interpret the results of Experiments I and II as in the following sections.

6. The next section summarizes the method in a from that is useful for arguments based on xx


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Summary

1. This paper concludes with a discussion of future research consideration in section 5.

2. Section 5 summarizes the results of this investigation.

3. Section 5 gives the conclusions and future directions of research.

4. Section 7 provides a summary and a discussion of some extensions of the paper.

5. Finally, conclusions and future work are summarized

6. The basic questions posed above are then discussed and conclusions are drawn.

7. Section 7 is the conclusion of the paper.


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Chapter 0. Abstract

1. A basic problem in the design of xx is presented by the choice of a xx rate for the measurement of experimental variables.

2. This paper examines a new measure of xx in xx based on fuzzy mathematics which overcomes the difficulties found in other xx measures.

3. This paper describes a system for the analysis of the xx.

4. The method involves the construction of xx from fuzzy relations.

5. The procedure is useful in analyzing how groups reach a decision.

6. The technique used is to employ a newly developed and versatile xx algorithm.

7. The usefulness of xx is also considered.

8. A brief methodology used in xx is discussed.

9. The analysis is useful in xx and xx problem.

10. A model is developed for a xx analysis using fuzzy matrices.

11. Algorithms to combine these estimates and produce a xx are presented and justified.

12. The use of the method is discussed and an example is given.

13. Results of an experimental applications of this xx analysis procedure are given

to illustrate the proposed technique.

14. This paper analyses problems in

15. This paper outlines the functions carried out by ...

16. This paper includes an illustration of the ...

17. This paper provides an overview and information useful for approaching

18. Emphasis is placed on the construction of a criterion function by which the xx in achieving a hierarchical system of objectives are evaluated.

19. The main emphasis is placed on the problem of xx

20. Our proposed model is verified through experimental study.

21. The experimental results reveal interesting examples of fuzzy phases of: xx, xx

22. The compatibility of a project in terms of cost, and xx are likewise represented by linguistic variables.

23. A didactic example is included to illustrate the computational procedure


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Chapter 1. Introduction


1. Over the course of the past 30 years, .. has emerged form intuitive

2. Technological revolutions have recently hit the industrial world

3. The advent of ... systems for has had a significant impact on the

4. The development of ... is explored

5. During the past decade, the theory of fuzzy sets has developed in a variety of directions

6.The concept of xx was investigated quite intensively in recent years

7. There has been a turning point in ... methodology in accordance with the advent of ...

8. A major concern in ... today is to continue to improve...

9. A xx is a latecomer in the part representation arena.

10. At the time of this writing, there is still no standard way of xx

11. Although a lot of effort is being spent on improving these weaknesses, the efficient and effective method has yet to be developed.

12. The pioneer work can be traced to xx [1965].

13. To date, none of the methods developed is perfect and all are far from ready to be used in commercial systems.


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Objective / Goal / Purpose

1. The purpose of the inference engine can be outlined as follows:

2. The ultimate goal of the xx system is to allow the non experts to utilize the existing knowledge in the area of manual handling of loads, and to provide intelligent, computer aided instruction for xxx.

3. The paper concerns the development of a xx

4. The scope of this research lies in

5. The main theme of the paper is the application of rule based decision making.

6. These objectives are to be met with such thoroughness and confidence as to permit ...

7. The objectives of the ... operations study are as follows:

8. The primary purpose/consideration/objective of

9. The ultimate goal of this concept is to provide

10. The main objective of such a ... system is to

11. The aim of this paper is to provide methods to construct such probability distribution.

12. In order to achieve these objectives, an xx must meet the following requirements:

13. In order to take advantage of their similarity

14. more research is still required before final goal of ... can be completed

15. In this trial, the objective is to generate...

16. for the sake of concentrating on ... research issues

17. A major goal of this report is to extend the utilization of a recently developed procedure for the xx.

18. For an illustrative purpose, four well known OR problems are studied in presence of fuzzy data: xx.

19. A major thrust of the paper is to discuss approaches and strategies for structuring ..methods

20. This illustration points out the need to specify

21. The ultimate goal is both descriptive and prescriptive.

22. Chapter 2. Literature Review

23. A wealth of information is to be found in the statistics literature, for example, regarding xx

24. A considerable amount of research has been done .. during the last decade

25. A great number of studies report on the treatment of uncertainties associated with xx.

26. There is considerable amount of literature on planning

27. However, these studies do not provide much attention to uncertainty in xx.

28. Since then, the subject has been extensively explored and it is still under investigation as well in

methodological aspects as in concrete applications.

29. Many research studies have been carried out on this topic.

30. Problem of xx draws recently more and more attention of system analysis.

31. Attempts to resolve this dilemma have resulted in the development of

32. Many complex processes unfortunately, do not yield to this design procedure and have, therefore, not yet been automated.

33. Most of the methods developed so far are deterministic and /or probabilistic in nature.

34. The central issue in all these studies is to

35. The problem of xx has been studied by other investigators, however, these studies have been based upon classical statistical approaches.

36. Applied ... techniques to

37. Characterized the ... system as

38. Developed an algorithm to

39. Developed a system called ... which

40. Uses an iterative algorithm to deduce

41. Emphasized the need to

42. Identifies six key issues surrounding high technology

43. A comprehensive study of the... has been undertaken

44. Much work has been reported recently in these filed

45. Proposed/Presented/State that/Described/Illustrated/

Indicated/Has shown / showed/Address/Highlights

46. Point out that the problem of

47. A study on ...was done / developed by []

48. Previous work, such as [] and [], deal only with

49. The approach taken by [] is

50. The system developed by [] consists

51. A paper relevant to this research was published by []

52. []'s model requires consideration of...

53. []' model draws attention to evolution in human development

54. []'s model focuses on...

55. Little research has been conducted in applying ... to

56. The published information that is relevant to this research...

57. This study further shows that

58. Their work is based on the principle of

59. More history of ... can be found in xx et al. [1979].

60. Studies have been completed to established

61. The ...studies indicated that

62. Though application of xx in the filed of xx has proliferated in recent years, effort in analyzing xx, especially xx, is lacking.


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Problem / Issue / Question

63. Unfortunately, real-world engineering problems such as manufacturing planning do not fit well with this narrowly defined model. They tend to span broad activities and require consideration of multiple aspects.

64. Remedy / solve / alleviate these problems

67. ... is a difficult problem, yet to be adequately resolved

68. Two major problems have yet to be addressed

69. An unanswered question

70. This problem in essence involves using x to obtain a solution.

71. An additional research issue to be tackled is ....

72. Some important issues in developing a ... system are discussed

73. The three prime issues can be summarized:

74. The situation leads to the problem of how to determine the ...

75. There have been many attempts to

76. It is expected to be serious barrier to

77. It offers a simple solution in a limited domain for a complex










1. 老师

2. 导师








S C I科技论文写作常用 句型大全 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

一.好的论文题目是成功的一半 好的论文,每一个部分都需要精雕细琢。我们先来看看Science, Nature 子刊上用的都是些什么题目,到底这些题目暗含哪些玄机以下是从2016年发表的论文中随机挑选的一些题目,我将其做了一下简单的分类: 1. Water splitting–biosynthetic system with CO2reduction efficiencies exceeding photosynthesis. (Science, 2016, 352, 1210) 类似: Scalable water splitting on particulate photocatalyst sheets with a solar-to-hydrogen energy conversion efficiency exceeding1%(Nature Materials 2016,15,611-615) 这种题目适合哪类文章适合于那种性能极其显着的文章(可以创纪录的文章),比如说Nocera et al. 的Science, 2016, 352, 1210,直接与光合作用进行对比,给人的震撼是非常强的。这种对比效果能够一下子抓住人们的眼球,吸引着读者进行阅读。 要点:使用这样的题目首先你的实验结果得够牛,你对于实验结果要足够自信,对于背景知识的了解得要足够深。因为取这样的题目意味着你要真正达到了某一个高度。如果明明有很多大海在那里,你个小池塘和小水坑进行比较,那么会闹笑话的。。。


英语中常用的62个句型 句型1:There+be +主语+地点状语/ 时间状语There’s a boat in the river. 河里有条船。 句型2:What’s wrong with+sb. / sth. ? What’s wrong with your watch?你的手表有什么毛病? 句型3:How do you like...?How do you like China?你觉得中国怎么样? 句型4:What do you like about...?What do you like about China?你喜欢中国的什么? 句型5:had better(not)+动词原形 You’d better ask that policeman over there. 你最好去问问那边的那个警察。 句型6:How+adj. / adv. +主语+谓语!How cold it is today !今天多冷啊! What a/ an+adj. +n. +主语+谓语!What a fine picture it is!多美的一幅图画呀! 句型7:Thank+sb. +for(doing)sth.Thank you for coming to see me. 感谢你来看我。 句型8:So+be/ 情态动词/ 助动词+主语He is a student. So am I. 他是一个学生,我也是。 句型9:... not ... until ... He didn’t have supper until his parents came bac k. 直到他的父母回来他才吃饭。 句型10:比较级+and+比较级The baby cried harder and harder. 那孩子哭得越来越厉害。 句型11:the +比较级,the +比较级The more one has,the more one wants. 越有越贪。 句型12:... as +adj./ adv.+as ...…not as(so) +adj. / adv. +as ... Do you think that art is as important as music?你认为艺术和音乐一样重要吗? Last Sunday the weather was not so wet as it is today. 上个星期天的天气不如今天的天气潮湿。 句型13:more/ less +adj.+than... I think art is less important than music. 我认为艺术不如音乐重要。 句型14:stop…from doing sth. The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away. 绿色长城将阻挡风吹走土壤。 句型15:both ... and ...Both you and I are students. 我和你都是学生。 句型16:either ... or...Either you or he is wrong . 不是你错就是他错。 句型17:neither ... nor ...Neither he nor I am a student. 我和他都不是学生。 句型18:... as soon as ... As soon as I see him,I’ll give him the message. 我一见到他,我就把你的消息告诉他。 句型19:... so+adj. / adv.+that ... I was so tired that I didn’t want to speak. 我累得连话也不想说了。 句型20:Though...+主句 Though I like writing to my pen-friend,it takes a lot of time. 虽然我喜欢给笔友写信,但它要耗费我大量时间。句型21:be going to This afternoon I’m going to buy a n English book. 今天下午我要去买本英语书。 句型22:be different from I think this is different from Chinese names. 我认为这与汉语名字不同。 句型23:Welcome(back)to...Welcome back to school!欢迎回到学校! 句型24:have fun doing We’re going to have fun learning and speaking English this term. 这学期我们将兴味盎然地学习和讲英语。 句型25:... because ... / ...,so ... I don’t know all your names because this is our first lesson. 因为这是我们的第一节课,所以我并不知道你们所有人的名字。 句型26:Why don’t you ... / Why not ... Why don’t you come to school a little earlier?为什么不早点到校呢? 句型27:make it Let’s make it half past nine. 让我们定在九点半吧!


高考英语常用经典句型复习 1、as 句型: (1) as引导方式状语从句句型:“按照……;正如……”例:We do farm work as the old peasant teaches us. (2) as+形容词/副词原级+(a /an)+名词+as ;否定式:not as/so …..as 例:He is as good a player as his sister. (3) such + n. + as to do 如此……以致于……例:She is such a fool as to believe what he said. (4) so + adj./adv. + as to do sth 如此……以致于……例:He was so strong as to carry the heavy box. (5) such --- as---象……之类的…… (接名词或定语从句)例:He wished to be such a man as Lei Feng was. (6) the same +名词+as 和……一样的…… (接名词或定语从句) 例:He is not the same man as he used to be 他不是从前的那样子了。 (7) as 引导非限制性定语从句例:As is known to us, knowledge is power. (8)引导时间状语从句。与while意义相近例:We get wiser as we get older. (9) 引导原因状语从句,与because的用法相近例:As it was getting very late, we soon turned back. (10) 引导让步状语从句例:Child as he is, he knows much about science. 2、when 句型: (1) be doing sth ---- when --- 例:He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. (2) be about to do sth --- when --- 例:We were about to start when it began to rain. (3) had not done sth --- when ---/ hardly --- when --- 例:He had not fallen asleep when the telephone rang. (4) had just done ---- when --- 例:I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. 3、seem 句型: (1) It +seems + that从句例:It seemed that everyone was satisfied. (2) It seems to sb that --- 例:It seems to me that she is right.我看她是对的, (3) There seems to be --- 例:There seems to be a heavy rain.看上去要有一场大雨。 (4) It seems as if --- 例:It seemed that she couldn't come to class.看样子她不能来上课了。 4、表示“相差……;增加了……;增加到……”句型: (1) She is taller than I by three inches. 她比我高三英寸 (2) There is one year between us. 我们之间相差一岁。 (3)She is three years old than I她比我大三岁。 (4) They have increased the price by 50%. 他们把价格上涨了50% 5、too句型: (1) too...to do sth. 例:Politics is too important to be left to the politicians. (=Politics is so important that it can't be left to the politicians.)政治太重要了,不能由政治家来决定。 (2) only too --- to do sth 例:I shall be only too pleased to get home.我要回到家里就非常高兴。 (3) too + adj + for sth 例:These shoes are much too small for me.我穿这双鞋太小了。 (4) too + adj + a + n. 例:This is too difficult a text for me.这篇课文对我来说太难了。 (5)can't … too +形容词无论……也不为过 例:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 6、before 句型: (1) before sb can/ could … 某人还没来得及……例:Before I could get in a word ,he had measured me. (2) It will be +时间+ before + 还有多长时间…… 例:It will be 4 years before he graduates. (3) had done some timebefore(才……)例:We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land. (4)had not done --- before ---不到……就……例:We hadn’t run a mile before he felt tired. (5) It was not +一段时间+ before不多久就……例:It wasn’t two years before he left the country. 7、强调句型: (1) It is /was +被强调部分+that(who)... 例:It was I who wrote to my uncle yesterday.


英语写作中常用的十个句型 1.表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this. 2)The reasons for this are as follows. 3)The reason for this is obvious. 4)The reason for this is not far to seek. 5)The reason for this is that... 例如:There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life. Firstly,people’s living standard has been greatly improved. Secondly,most people are well paid,and they can afford what they need or like. Last but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life. 2.表示好处 1)It has the following advantages. 2)It does us a lot of good. 3)It benefits us quite a lot. 4)It is beneficial to us. 5)It is of great benefit to us. 例如:Books are like friends. They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons. Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us. 3.表示坏处 1)It has more disadvantages than advantages. 2)It does us much harm. 3)It is harmful to us. 例如:However,everything divides into two. Television can also be harmful to us. It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television. 4.表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能 1)It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient,possible)for sb.to do sth. 2)We think it necessary to do sth.3)It plays an important role in our life. 例如:Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in business. So,computers will be found in every home,too. We have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age. 5.表示措施 1)We should take some effective measures. 2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties. 3)We should do our utmost in doing sth. 4)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with. 例如:The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more serious. Therefore,we must take some effective measures to solve it. 以下是专四专八写作中使用率最高、覆盖面最广的基本句式,每组句式的功能相同或相似, 考生可根据自己的情况选择其中的1-2个,做到能够熟练正确地仿写或套用。 6.表示变化 1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years. 2)A great change will certainly be produced in the world’s communications. 3)The computer has brought about many changes in education. The major reasons for 例如:Some changes have taken place in people’s diet in the past five years. these changes are not far to seek. Nowadays,more and more people are switching from grain to meat for protein,and from fruit and vegetable to milk for vitamins. 1


1.To further substantiate a role of….. 2.To gain further insight into the involvement of…… 3.Several lines of evidence suggest a potential role of…… 4.The discrepancies between these studies may be explained in part by the fact that…. 5.It can also not be excluded that….. 6.To further elucidate the role of……. 7.There is growing evidence that………. 8.Several studies indicate that………… 9.It is generally accepted that……….. 10. In vitro studies revealed that…………. 11. This is somewhat surprising since……… 12. Furthermore, available data suggest the potential to…….. 13. development and generation of more specific inhibitors will be required to further explore their potential to……….. 14. A better understanding of the regulation of their expression will thus be……. instrumental in the development of specific targeting approaches……. 15. Little is known either on………. 16. ………….remain to be elucidated in more detail 17. The aim of this study was to clarify whether….. were therapeutic agents against 18. This study may provide a new recognition of natural medicine for the treatment of 19. Epidemiological studies have shown the incidence of 20…. are thought to act through receptor-independent and dependent mechanisms to promote… 21. …..which are derived from….., have been reported to possess a variety of potent properties, including antioxidant, anti-inflammation, radical-scavenging, and cardiovascular protecting activity, anti-tumor, and so on. 22. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of …. and to evaluate the efficacy of cardiopr otection by……. 23. The pathological features of diabetes and/or its complications that were caused


十个经典句型 选择类经典句))1. leave sb the choice of ... or ... 要么…,要么… (选择类经典句 Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission. 敌人冷酷无情/铁石心肠,我们要么顽强抵抗,要么屈膝投降。 The age of 30s leaves you the choice of marriage or remaining a bachelor. 年过三十,要么成婚,要么单身。 2. be the instrument of sth 引来某事物的人或事(使动类经典句 使动类经典句)) If I can be the instrument of your happiness, I will sacrifice all my belongings. 能够让你幸福,我愿意付出我的一切。 回忆类经典句))3. it was the memory / memories of 追溯到… (回忆类经典句 Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations' development. 追溯到1964年东京及1988年汉城举办的奥运会,可能分别被视为日韩两国发展的转折点。 It was the memory of 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki suffered from the attacks of atomic bomb, from which originated the term of "Zero Ground". 追溯到1945年广岛和长崎遭受原子弹攻击,从而形成了“零地带”这个术语。 4. on the premise / ground / prerequisite / proposition / 假设类经典句))hypothesis / presuposition that 基于一个前提… (假设类经典句 The Chinese declared to implement the policy of peaceful reunification on the premise that the then Taiwan authorities maintained that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is only one part of China. 中国政府在宣布实行和平统一的方针时,是基于一个前提,即当时的台湾当局坚持世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。


英语写作中常见的十大经典句型 1、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V / Nothing is + more + 形容词+ than sth 例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。 2、cannot emphasize the importance of too much.(再怎么强调...的重要性也不为过。) 例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 3、There is no denying that + S + V ...(不可否认的...) 例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse. 不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。 4、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道...) 例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us. 全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。 5、There is no doubt that + 句子(毫无疑问的...) 例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.


一些常用的SCI论文句式 写英文文章经常要重复讲一个说法讲几次,但描述方式不能太祥林嫂,所以备好一些常用句式还是相当有用的。以下的句式是本人在阅读文献过程中亲自整理的,主要来源于Science,Nature,Immunity,JEM,JCI和JI。这些句式都很地道,决不山寨,希望对有需要的朋友有用。 热点,广泛关注、研究 1.The mechanisms governing the homeostasis of memory T cells have been an area of intense investigation. 2.Extensive work has been done in the area of cytokine signaling. 3.Not unexpectedly,the newest‘lineage’of helper T cells,TH-17cells,also received a great deal of attention at the Ringberg meeting. 4.While the interactions of DC with naive T cells within LN have been analysed in detail,… 5.While interactions of DC with naive T cells in LN have been extensively examined by2P-IVM, 6.Although the signals that control neutrophil migration from the blood to sites of infection have been well characterized,little is known about their migration patterns within lymph nodes or the strategies that neutrophils use to find their local sites of action. 不像B,which…,A… 1.Unlike naive T cells,which survive largely in interphase,memory T cells persist under normal conditions with a slow but constant turnover. 像…一样 1.As with naive T cells,memory T cells are also capable of undergoing more rapid cell division under lymphopenic conditions,known as acute homeostatic proliferation. …已有共识 1.There is now a general consensus that two members of the commonγchain cytokine family, namely IL-7and IL-15,control the homeostasis of CD8+ memory cells …仍不清楚 1.However,the factors that govern the homeostasis of CD4+memory cells have yet to be fully defined. 2.Although molecular details of the process are poorly understood. 3.Although why this subset of T cells is uniquely sensitive to IL-2is currently unclear. 4.experiments directly interrogating the physiological requirements for DC-produced IL-2have yet to be published. 5.Among the questions that remain to be resolved arehow IL-2may play both supportive and restrictive roles in the same transgenic OT-1CD8+T cells. 6.The cause of this disease has been elusive because the SAP gene is not affected in XLP2


句型宝典 疑问句型 What is this? 结构︰问句:What+be 动词+this(that…)? 答句:This(that…)+be 动词+a book(pen…)。 说明︰此句型意为“这(那)是什么?这(那)是书(钢笔…)”。what(什么)叫做“疑问词”,用于询问“事物”,通常放在句首,后接 be <动词>,再接<主词>,第一个字母w要大写,句尾要加问号(?),位置不可排错。 What is this? This is a chair. 这是什么?这是一张椅子。 What’s this? It’s a book. 这是什么?它是一本书。 What is that? That is a desk. 那是什么?那是一张书桌。 What are these? 结构︰问句:What are+these/those…? 答句:These/Those are+复数名词(+s/es)。 说明︰<主词>与<动词>的形式要一致,is 后面接单数<名词>,are 后面要接复数<名词>。 What are these? These are books. 这些是什么?这些是书。 What are those? Those are cups. 那些是什么?那些是茶杯。 What are they? They are glasses. 它们是什么?它们是玻璃杯。 What are you? 结构︰问句:What+be 动词+主词(人)…? 答句:主词+be 动词+a student…。 说明︰此句型意为“你是做什么事情的?我是学生…”。疑问词 what 除了询问事物之外,还可用于询问“人的职业或身分”。be <动词>随<人称代名词>的变化而改变形态,如:I am,we are,you are,he is…。 What are you? I am a student. 你是做什么事情的?我是一名学生。 What is she? She is a teacher. 她是做什么事情的?她是一名教师。 Are you a ...? 结构︰问句:Be 动词(am,are,is)+主词+…? 肯定简答:Yes,主词+am(are,is)。 否定简答:No,主词+am(are,is)not。 说明︰在否定<简答句>中,<主词>和 am,is,are 可以缩写;在肯定<简答句>中则不可。 Is he a student? Yes, he is. (No, he isn’t.) 他是学生吗?是的,他是。(不,他不是。)Are you a teacher? Yes, I am. (No, I’m not.) 你是教师吗?是的,我是。(不,我不是。)Is that a clock? Yes, it is. (No, it isn’t.) 那是钟表吗?是的,它是。(不,它不是。)What is your name? 结构︰问句:What+is+所有格+name? 答句:所有格+name+is+名字。 说明︰“my,your,his,her”为单数人称的<所有格>;<所有格>后面必接<名词>,即“<所有格>+<名词>”;<所有格>不可与a,an,this,that,these 或 those 紧接一起使用。 What is your name? My name is Sue. 妳叫什么名字?我的名字叫苏。 What is his name? His name is John. 他叫什么名字?他的名字叫约翰。 What is her name? Her name is Jean. 她叫什么名字?她的名字叫珍。 Who is that ...?


1.选择类经典句:leave sb. the choice of … or … 要么……,要么…… Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission. 敌人冷酷无情/铁石心肠,我们要么顽强抵抗,要么屈膝投降。 The age of 30s leaves you the choice of marriage or remaining a bachelor. 年过三十,要么成婚,要么单身。 2.使动类经典句:be the instrument of sth. 引来某事物的人或事 The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have the blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them. 全国同胞都在关注我们,如果我们有幸能够拯救他们脱离强加于身的暴政/把他们从强加于身的暴政中解救出来,那将得到他们的祝福和赞颂。 The organization he had built up eventually became the instrument of his downfall 他所建立的组织最终使他垮了台 If I can be the instrument of your happiness, I will sacrifice all my belongings. 能够让你幸福,我愿意付出我的一切。 3.回忆类经典句:it was the memories of 追溯到…… Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations' development. 追溯到1964年东京及1988年汉城举办的奥运会,可能分别被视为日韩两国发展的转折点。 4.假设类经典句:on the premise / ground / prerequisite / proposition / hypothesis


英语写作中常用的词语和句型 常用谚语(在议论文中): 1. As a popular saying goes, “Every coin has two sides”. 2. As a proverb says, “Everything has two sides”. On the one hand, physical exercise is good for your health. On the other hand, if you don’t deal with it properly, it wil l do harm to your health. So we should look at the matter from two sides. 3. As a proverb says, “Where there is a will there is a way.” (有志者事竟成。) 4. As a popular saying goes, “A man is known by the company he keeps.”(观其交友,知其为人。) 5. As is known to all, “No pains, no gains”. (没有苦,就没有甜。) 6. It’s no use crying over the spilt milk. (覆水难收。) 7. More haste, less speed. (欲速则不达。) 8. Look before you leap. (三思而后行。) 9. He who laughs last laughs best. (谁最后笑,谁笑得最好。) ---关于因果关系的句型:


SCI论文写作中一些常用的句型总结(一) 前言:相关内容导读:1. 好话不说第二遍——论文写作中的重述语意2. SCI论文中如何描述XPS实验结果?一、在Introduction里面经常会使用到的一个句子:很多文献已经讨论过了。。。它的可能的说法有很多很多,这里列举几种我很久以前搜集的:A. Solar energy conversion by photoelectrochemical cells has been intensively investigated. (Nature 1991, 353, 737 - 740 )B. This was demonstrated in a number of studies that showed that composite plasmonic-metal/semiconductor photocatalysts achieved significantly higher rates in various photocatalytic reactions compared with their pure semiconductor counterparts. C. Several excellent reviews describing these applications are available, and we do not discuss these topicsD. Much work so far has focused on wide band gap semiconductors for water splitting for the sake of chemical stability.(DOI:10.1038/NMAT3151)E. Recent developments of Lewis acids and water-soluble organometallic catalysts have attracted much attention.(Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641?3666)F. An interesting approach in the use of zeolite as a water-tolerant solid acid

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