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1.Many branded products are manufactured by transnational companies, which usually have

a higher budget to hire stars and celebrities to advertise their products. Many consumers

choose famous brands because they admire these public figures. These fans would feel closer to their idols when they use these products.

2. Another important reason is perhaps the consumers’ sense of vanity, which is considered as

human nature. Using fashionable and trendy products is a symbol of taste and social status. Some people spend a lot of money on branded clothes, shoes, cosmetics, etc. Even those who cannot really afford to buy these products also follow the trend.

3.Materialism had brought about the competition of attaining material things making more

common people scrimp on their daily lives only to afford quality products. This, however, results in extravagant expenditure in unnecessary products hence disregarding other immaterial but more significant matters. What is worse is that people may compete over material things, which may lead to waste of goods and wrong conception about consumption. People tend to pursue better material life and take everything for granted.

4.To effectively help decrease the number of road accidents due to reckless drivers, the

requirements before passing driving schools should be elevated. This could ensure that their students become qualified drivers when they graduate. As many accidents are caused by inexperienced drivers, this measure is expected to reduce the number of road accidents effectively.

5. A lot of products are not always what they seem in advertisements since numerous

advertisements overstate the features of the product just to increase their sales. Because of this, consumers are fed misleading information that would cause them economic loss.

6.Since food shortage due to the increasing population in many nations are a great threat to

one’s survival and health, different fertilizers and machines are introduced that can effectively elevate the production of grains that would decrease the number of people suffering from hunger.

7. However, the negative effects of fertilizers and machinery should also be noted. The first

problem is the harm done to people’s health. Fertilizers can enhance the growth of grains, but they contain chemicals that may threaten people’s health. The high incidence of some diseases is believed to be relevant to chemicals in people’s diet. Moreover, because of the popularization of agricultural machines, many workers in the farm lose their jobs. People’s livelihood and social stability are greatly affected by the high unemployment rate that is observed in a lot of countries due to the population of agricultural machines that costs the jobs of many farm workers.

8.Human beings being superior to animals would be at a higher risk when they are treated

directly with new medicines. That is why although it seems cruel for these friendly creatures, newly developed and discovered medicines are tested on them to know if these are safe for humans to use.

9. Family has a crucial role in the development of one’s characteristics. It is widely accepted

that children see their parents as their role models and would follow what their parents do. It is also believed that parents are children’s first teachers that will teach them what is right from wrong. Also, according to researches, the traits of a person are cultivated at an early age when he stays with his parents.

10.Watching the news enables people to participate in social affairs and become responsible

citizens. For example, after watching the news, the general public can fully understand national policies and superintend the government’s performances. This would urge them to increase their efficiency and prevent corruption. When natural calamities happen, immediate broadcast of the event would encourage donations of all kinds to the victims.

11.News media tend to aggrandize facts in order to attract people’s attention, notwithstanding

misleading the general public with inaccurate information. Many people discover that the facts are different from the news reports. Sometimes it is because the journalists add their personal opinions or manipulate their reports. In some cases, the news media face the pressure from the government hence the exploitation of events.

12. The government’s investment in scientific research may lead to an economic burden on

taxpayers. In most countries, the government’s funds are limited. People anticipate that the government’s resources must be spent on education, medical service, transportation, etc. If the government has to pay for all research programs, it may cause great financial pressure.

However, if private companies are involved in scientific research programs, this problem could be solved.

13.It is justified for the government to invest in artistic projects because people need arts in

their lives to relieve people’s stress. In the modern society, many people are fatigued with the fast pace of life and want to find some time to relax. On the weekend, they may go to the concert hall or theatre, where they can amuse themselves and put behind their ordinary lives in a while. Without arts, life would be dull and boring and many people may have mental illnesses due to the high stress.

14.As the director of the society, the government has the obligation to regulate people’s

behavior. If people’s behavior affects others or has a negative social impact, the government is vindicated to arbitrate. This is in accordance to the interests of the general public.

15.Living in dorm schools enable students to concentrate on their study as this will provide

them an excellent academic environment. There are abundant resources accessible in the

library, where students can consult reference books conveniently. When they have problems in their study, their teachers can help and guide them any time. They do not have to travel between home and school every day, which saves them a great deal of time and energy.

16.People are free to choose their own lifestyles and activities. Adults have the ability to judge

whether the behavior is right or wrong. If the government interferes in people’s lives, they would retaliate and rebel. Although every human being has the ability to differentiate between right and wrong due to their freedom, they can protest and not follow what the government tells them to if the latter interferes with people’s lives.

17.There is no denying that practical subjects are crucial for students’ future careers. Practical

skills can be applied to real jobs immediately, meeting the demand of employers. Because of the fierce competition in the job market, university students are keen on learning practical subjects. If they do not master some useful skills, they may end up having no jobs after graduation.

18.Theoretical subjects provide students with basic knowledge and principles, which help them

to lay the foundation for the study of practical subjects. For instance, mathematics is the compulsory course in the department of computer science.

19.In addition, theoretical subjects are beneficial for the comprehensive development of

students. Nowadays, most students live under stress and they tend to be materialistic in their lives. Reading philosophy references enables them to reflect on their life and develop a positive outlook towards the world.

20.It is widely recognized that the goal of higher education is to nurture useful members for the

society. Well-educated people should use their knowledge and skills to serve the society and they are expected to behave well and honorably.

21.For instance, university students can participate in some charities in the community. By

helping other people, they would discover their potentials to further themselves as well as the society.

22.However, in today’s society, many children are pampered by their parents at home thus

making them self-centered. These people would not benefit the society after their graduation.

Therefore, moral education should be emphasized in the university.

23.If children obey the rules set by their parents and the school, they are likely to succeed in

their study.

24.Due to the inability to recognize right from wrong, children needed to be properly guided to

differentiate appropriate from inappropriate behavior.

25.If parents set too many rules and regulations, children would complain that their lives are

controlled and their freedom is limited thereby promoting the rebellious tendencies, which creates communication gaps between them.

26.Permanent jobs can bring a career security, which is the first factor that we should consider

because of the stiff competition. Frequent job-hopping cannot ensure satisfactory job stability and in many cases it may lead to unemployment. Moreover, being loyal to one’s company is the best way to accumulate experience and get promotions. By contrast, those who change jobs frequently may not be trusted by employer.

27.The Internet has amplified our circle of friends with the influx of social networking

websites. In the past, we could only socialize with people around us, but now we can easily make friends without geographical restrictions.

28.On the Internet, many tools for communication are free and convenient, including micro-

blog, WeChat, emails, etc. These have made communication possible in an instant and without the hassle of traveling to and from the post office.

29.People rarely see their friends and relatives in real life and they only talk on the Internet. The

Internet appears to have dominated their social lives resulting in alienation. What is worse is that more teenagers prefer to socialize virtually, which affects the development of their social skills. These children may become isolated and antisocial in real life.

30.Most people use nicknames to interact on the web so that they will not be responsible for the

things that they do. This results in financial fraud, association with criminals or other possible criminal acts.

31.In many cities, air pollution and smoggy weather have become serious but common

problems. They are mainly caused by using petrol for cars and burning of coal for heating.

The waste gas pollutes the air and threatens people’s health. If people reduce the use of fossil fuel, air quality in cities would be improved significantly.

32.The consumption of coal, oil and gas is the major source of carbon emissions resulting in

global warming. If this trend continues, the sea level would rise, leading to disastrous consequences. To solve this problem, the mankind needs to abate the use of fossil fuels and thus reduce carbon emissions.

33.Because of the fast pace of life, many people do not have time to cook and they choose to eat

fast food. The fast food contains a high amount of oil and salt, and excessive consumption may lead to obesity and other diseases.

34.Due to the wide use of computers in life and work, more and more people spend a lot of time

sitting in front of the screen. This sedentary lifestyle, as well as lack of physical exercise, may cause many health problems, such as shortsightedness, overweight, backache, etc.

35.In modern society, it is common for people to work under high stress because they want to

earn more to afford the high living cost. They often work extra hours and burn the midnight oil. This lifestyle is very harmful to their health.

36.As the structure of the family changes, the bond of family members seems to become

weaker and many problems may arise. Old people need care and attention, but their adult children are too busy with their own businesses. Young couples have to confront all problems without help from their parents. For example, young couples have to take care of their babies after work and this may cause high stress in their lives.

37.In the modern society, people are more aware of the importance of independence. For

example, many young people are reluctant to live with their parents. Instead, they set up their small families and some people even choose to remain single.

38.Moreover, many people get addicted to socializing on the Internet. However, in reality, they

become isolated and do not want to communicate with other people. In a sense, the advent of Internet has contributed to their independent lifestyles.

39.With the declining number of languages, the communication between nations has become

easier promoting the development of tourism, trade, education, etc. Language barriers have hindered international interaction, causing a lot of inconveniences and low efficiency. If people from different countries use a universal language, they do not need to worry about communication problems when travelling, studying and doing business in another country.

Another advantage of fewer languages is to save the cost of translation work. Every year the expenses on translation are enormous. If fewer languages are used, the cost in this aspect would be significantly reduced.

40.The obsolescence of languages has caused the decline of cultural diversity. As language is

the carrier of culture, its disappearance often means the loss of culture. For example, in some minority ethnic groups in China, people do not want to learn their local languages so they know little about the history and customs of their communities. If this trend continues, the local culture would disappear and it is a loss of humanity.

41.In the construction of residential buildings, people tend to pay more attention to the safety,

space and lighting of a house. By focusing on the practicality of buildings, we can reduce the construction cost and make the best use of materials and land resources. In many cities house shortage is a serious problem. People demand more practical and affordable houses and how the building looks is not very important.

42.As buildings are part of the landscape of a city, their appearance should also be considered.

The styles of the buildings represent the city’s image and cultural identity. Also, for those commercial buildings, the unique design and good appearance would attract more

customers and generate more profit.

43.This pattern would promote gender equality in the workplace. In some companies, the

employers are more willing to hire male employees because people believe that females tend to have more housework to do, which may affect their career development. However, it is unfair to reject females in the job market. Therefore, hiring equal number of male and female employees seems to be unnecessary, but it would help to eliminate gender discrimination in the workplace.

44.It is unnecessary to employ equal number of male and female staff in all workplaces. Men

and women are unique in terms of their abilities and strengths. For example, as the job of police involves a great deal of fighting and violence, men are more suitable for this job.

Similarly, the job of nurse needs patience and gentleness, so there are more female nurses than male ones.

45.Harsh penalties would result in the decline of road accidents because this measure would

have a deterrent effect on drivers. Those reckless drivers would consider the consequences of their behaviors if they know they would be punished severely. Those violators could learn

a lesson from the punishment and avoid making the same mistake the next time.

46.However, some people argue that the outcomes of punishment are inadequate and other

measures should also be taken. To begin with, the government should produce more public service advertisements, which can raise people’s awareness of road safety. By watching these commercials, people would realize how important it is to obey traffic laws.


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 机关公文写作常用词语 一、常用排比 (一)关于“新”。新水平、新境界、新举措、新发展、新突破、新成绩、新成效、新方法、新成果、新形势、新要求、新期待、新关系、新体制、新机制、新知识、新本领、新进展、新实践、新风貌、新事物、新高度、新思路。 (二)关于“性”。重要性,紧迫性,自觉性、主动性、坚定性、民族性、时代性、实践性、针对性、全局性、前瞻性、战略性、积极性、创造性、长期性、复杂性、艰巨性、可讲性、鼓动性、计划性、敏锐性、有效性。 (三)关于“化”。法制化、规范化、制度化、程序化、集约化、正常化、有序化、智能化、优质化、常态化、科学化、年轻化、知识化、专业化、系统性、时效性。 (四)关于“心”。热心、耐心、诚心、决心、红心、真心、公心、柔心、铁心、上心、用心、痛心、童心、好心、专心、坏心、爱心、良心、关心、核心、内心、外心、中心、忠心、衷心、甘心、攻心。 (五)关于“意识”。政治意识、政权意识、大局意识、忧患意识、责任意识、法律意识、廉洁意识、学习意识、上进意识、管理意识。 (六)关于“点”。出发点、切入点、落脚点、着眼点、结合点、关键点、着重点、着力点、根本点、支撑点。 找准出发点、把握切入点、明确落脚点、找准落脚点、抓住切入点、把握着重点、找准切入点、把握着力点、抓好落脚点。 (七)关于“力”。活动力、控制力、影响力、创造力、凝聚力、战斗力。 (九)其他排比。 1.必将激发巨大热情,凝聚无穷力量,催生丰硕成果,展现全新魅力。 2.工作有新水平、队伍建设有新境界、廉政建设有新举措、自身建设有新发展、管理有新突破。

3.不动摇、不放弃、不改变、不妥协。 4.政治认同、理论认同、感情认同。 5.是历史的必然、现实的选择、未来的方向。 6.多层次、多方面、多途径。 7.民主决策、民主管理、民主监督。 二、常用短语 (一)立足当前,着眼长远,自觉按规律办事。 (二)抓住机遇,应对挑战,量力而行,尽力而为。 (三)有重点,分步骤,全面推进,统筹兼顾,综合治理,融入全过程,贯穿各方面。 (四)切实抓好,减轻,扎实推进,加快发展,持续增收,积极稳妥,落实,从严控制。 (五)严格执行,坚决制止,明确职责。 (六)高举旗帜,坚定不移,牢牢把握,积极争取,深入开展,注重强化。 (七)规范,改进,积极发展,努力建设,依法实行,良性互动,优势互补,率先发展,互惠互利。 (八)做深、做细、做实。 (九)全面分析,全面贯彻,持续推进,全面落实、实施,逐步扭转,基本形成,普遍增加,基本建立,更加完备(完善),明显提高(好转),进一步形成,不断加强(增效,深化),大幅提高,显著改善(增强),日趋完善,比较充分。 三、常用动词 (一)推进,推动,统领,协调,统筹,转变,提高,实现,适应,改革,创新,扩大,加强,促进,巩固,保障,方向,取决于,完善,加快,振兴,崛起,分工,扶持,改善,调整,优化,解决,宣传,教育,发挥,支持,带动,帮助,深化,规范,强化,统筹,指导,服务,健全,确保,维护,优先,贯彻,实施,深化,保证,鼓励,引导,坚持,监督,管理,开展,规划,整合,理顺,推行,纠正,严格,满足,推广,遏制,整治,保护,健全,丰富,夯实,树立,尊重,制约,适应,发扬,拓宽,


正能量的中考素材 导读:2017关于正能量的`中考素材 城管扶起摔倒老人,传递社会正能量 2015年10月8日,四川南充一近七旬太婆不慎摔倒在菜市场附近,行人怕摊上事,纷纷避让。附近巡逻的两城管小伙上前扶起老人,“要是我们穿制服的都不敢扶,别人就更不敢扶了。要是老人有什么意外,岂不是人心更冷漠吗?”目前,老人无大碍。 老人摔倒人们不敢扶,老人摔倒又总是有人在扶。虽然有一些老人的确“扶不起”,但很多老人摔倒后又希望路过的人能扶一把。 “扶不起”,是因为少数老人摔倒被扶起后,反倒讹诈扶他/她的人。的确,这样的老人不管出于怎样的目的或原因,都使得扶人者感到心寒,也给社会留下遗憾。 即使是确有老人“持不起”,但我们身边还是有很多人义无反顾地站出来去扶摔倒的老人。当然,也有不少人在扶摔倒老人时防止被讹,事先进行了拍照等“固定证据”等方式。而穿着制服的城管人员扶摔倒老人,不只是一个简单的扶人,而是折射了身着制服就多了一份社会责任担当;告知社会,老人摔倒必须要有人去扶;也从另外一个角度传递了城管队伍的正面形象。 “要是我们穿制服的都不敢扶,别人就更不敢扶了”。这句话可谓是掷地有声。当“扶不扶”“不敢扶”成为一种社会不良心态蔓延开来时,就要有与之相反的正能量的声音和行为来与之抗衡。这个时

候,有更多的“穿制服的”或是公职人员站出来做扶起摔倒老人的事儿,构建出一种新的社会风气氛围和行为方式,“扶不起”或许就难以存在下去,“扶不扶”“不敢扶”也就可以远离摔倒老人。【2017关于正能量的中考素材】 1.关于正能量的中考素材 2.2017热点论据素材:关于正能量 3.2017热点素材:关于正能量 4.2017中考素材:关于修养 5.2017中考素材:关于秋天的 6.2017关于追求的中考写作素材 7.2017中考素材:关于亲情友情 8.2017中考素材:关于“追求” 上文是关于正能量的中考素材,感谢您的阅读,希望对您有帮助,谢谢


Growth in air travel harms environment(飞行增多危害环境) Climate change experts from the Tyndall Climate Research Centre in Britain have said urgent action(紧急行动)is needed to curb the rapid growth in air travel(抑制飞行的快速增长)if the government is to meet its commitments(实现承诺)on tackling global warming(处理温室效应). This report from Stephen Evans: Falling ticket price and rising incomes are leading to rapid growth in global air travel.(导致国际航空业迅速发展的原因是机票价格的下降和收入水平的提升。)According to the British government, the number of British air passengers, for example, will more than double in the next quarter of a century(下一个25年). Increases of such an order would mean much more aviation fuel(燃油)being burned and aviation fuel may be more harmful to the environment than other fuels because the resulting smoke is emitted at high altitudes(高海拔). A group of scientists at the environmental research group, the Tyndall Centre, says that if Britain is to meet its overall target for cutting damaging emissions(减少有害气体排放), other uses of fuel like for heating homes or driving cars would have to be cut dramatically. The British government wants the use of aviation fuel covered by international agreement on the environment. The difficulty for any individual government(任何政府)is that taxing fuel used at its own airports might push airlines to move their operations to competing airports in other countries. https://www.doczj.com/doc/6b16006243.html,/worldservice/learningenglish/newsenglish/witn/2005/09/050921_aviation.sh tml Calls to control low-cost flights(限制廉价航空) Cheap flights(廉价航空)on no frills airlines may not be a burden on our wallets but they will dearly cost the UK's environment(严重危害环境), campaigners believe. Scientists predict that if carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase, global warming will bring higher annual temperatures and heavier rainfall(温室效应会带来更高的气温以及更大的降水)- with all the associated problems(相关的问题). +将来时)it is . Agencies such as the Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) want our air tickets to reflect "the true cost of flying" to the environment. To green groups, this involves the aviation industry having to pay tax on the fuel(航空业应该为燃油使用赋税)it puts in planes.


机关公文写作常用词语 "新"系列 新形势新任务新挑战新机遇新情况新问题新困难新对策新办法新局面新气象 "者"系列 守护者保护者守望者践行者组织者协调者旁观者教育者监督者管理者设计者引导者实施者指导者协助者决策者参与者 "外号"系列 (个人)先行官火车头老黄牛活地图辖区通减压阀助推器 (集体)大熔炉主旋律接力赛 "性"系列 自觉性时效性可操作性复杂性积极性实效性机制性特殊性主动性有效性体制性多变性创造性坚定性保障性危险性准确性阶段性流动性盲目性目的性层次性稳定性实用性预见性启发性全局性科学性前瞻性警示性局部性局限性针对性苗头性根本性约束性普遍性倾向性长期性理论性典型性经常性精确性系统性示范性思想性果敢性完整性必要性知识性坚韧性多样性重要性趣味性敏感性服务性先进性随意性警惕性指导性优越性反复性技术性思想性全局性前瞻

性战略性创新性指导性可操作性目标性 "感"系列 使命感责任感危机感紧迫感荣誉感成就感自豪感归属感认同感幸福感满足感忧郁感孤独感失落感"化"系列 信息化、科学化、数字化、标准化、集约化、精细化、机制系统化、办案法制化、打击专业化、防范网络化、警务信息化向心力凝聚力洞察力执行力推动力战斗力保障力驾驭力自控力亲和力号召力感召力语言表达能力文字写作能力组织协调能力团队协作能力 "意识"系列 全局意识整体意识奉献意识谋划意识机遇意识任务意识形象意识责任意识学习意识创新意识进取意识危机意识自我保护意识忧患意识 "三字经"创一流树标杆当标兵树形象展风采显特色出实招做实事攻难点查隐患堵漏洞正警风聚警心明职责聚合力建堡垒强管控强基础求实效求突破求改进求规范谋长效谋发展谋打赢 "一" 一股绳一盘棋一颗钉一班人一条心一股劲一面旗一座山一堵墙一支笔一条枪一块砖一条龙一把手 "一种" (这个类别稍微解释一下,可以用来起排比递进式


正能量作文素材 正能量作文素材 1、在那段泪水冲刷的日子里,本应放弃,却坚强地挺过来了。因为总有那么一些人,那些爱我的人,那些对我好的人,让我坚信,即使全世界都放弃了我,只要他们还在默默支持我,我就不该轻言放弃,只要还有爱的存在,我就应该勇敢地走下去。阳光总在风雨后,阴云上总会有晴空。珍惜人生中的每一段岁月,无论它是充满悲苦,还是充满欢欣,那都是你成长的印证。曾经的伤痛,曾经的欣喜在追忆中幻化成永恒的旋律,穿透时空,超越爱与恨的界限,诠释着人生经历中最真实的感悟,最真诚的心声。 2、生命的真谛在于不屑的奋斗与追求,生命的价值在于一次次失败中的从新站立与起程,并非每一颗星星都会辉煌,并不是每一次付出都会有收获,并不是每一回奋斗都会成功,面对生活中的每一块顽石,我们都要尽力去清除;生活永远是美好的,即使你拥有不了太阳,你还可以拥有月亮;即使你不能摘得月亮,你还有星星为你闪光。生活不需要我们悲观失望,生活只要求我们乐观坚强。积极、乐观、坚强、向上、拼搏、奋斗。中国将因我们而强壮,世界将因我们而精彩。 3、鲜花和掌声从来不会赐予守株待兔者,而只馈赠给那些风雨无阻的前行者;空谈和阔论从来不会让你的梦想成真,到头来只会留

下“白了少年头,空悲切”的慨叹;只有风雨无阻的前行才是到达成功彼岸的唯一路途。只呐喊而不冲锋的不是好士兵,只瞄准而不射击的不是好猎手,躺在摇篮里的婴儿永远不会站立而行,把自己关在黑暗的屋子里永远不会看到外面的世界的光明和精彩!只有风雨无阻的前行才不会浪费我们宝贵的光阴,让生命之树结满丰硕的果实;只有风雨无阻的前行,才会向我们理想的目标靠近。从而有机会和成功握手;只有风雨无阻的前行,我们才会创造崭新的自我,让执着的追求书写无愧的人生! 4、朋友,也许你航行了终生也没有到达彼岸;也许你攀登了一世,也没有到达颠峰;也许所有的耕耘都没有收获;也许所有的汗水都白白地挥洒……但是,敢为天下先的,未必不是勇士;敢于面对失败的,未必不是英雄。人生其实就是一个过程,不必太在乎奋斗的结果,奋斗了就应问心无愧;生命其实就是一次播种,播种了不一定都有结果;但不播种却永远不会结果。所有的退却都是逃避的借口,所有的徘徊都是懦弱的外现。其实真正的启程,才是坚强的证明和诠释。“不怕慢,就怕站”。只要你迈步,路就会在脚下延伸;只要你上路,就会发现诱人的风景;只要你启程,就会体会到跋涉的快乐。 5、不要因为我们曾经跌倒,就再也不愿站起来而忘记赶路,到头来只会使自己一无所有;不要因为前方一路风雨,就犹豫、徘徊、畏缩不前,到头来只会使充满希望的生命之花凋谢枯萎;不要因为往昔的辉煌而忘乎所以,沉湎其中而不能自拔,到头来只会使如火的激


. [ 机关公文常用词句大全] 本[大全]旨在使"爬格子"的微友在遣词造句时可少搜肠刮肚,在写作公文时可免绞尽脑汁,在领悟机关文风和完成写作任务的同时收获更多的东东。值得精读,值得珍藏。版权所有,翻印不究。 常用之"新": 新水平、新境界、新举措、新发展、新突破、新成绩、新成效、新方法、新成果、新形势、新要求、新期待、新关系、新体制、新机制、新知识、新本领、新进展、新实践、新风貌、新事物、新高度。 常用之" 性": 重要性,紧迫性,自觉性、主动性、坚定性、民族性、时代性、实践性、针对性、全局性、前瞻性、战略性、积极性、创造性、长期性、复杂性、艰巨性、可讲性、鼓动性、计划性、敏锐性、有效性"。 常用之"化": 法制化、规范化、制度化、程序化、集约化、正常化、有序化、智能化、优质化、常态化、科学化、年轻化、知识化、专业化、系统化。 常用之"心": 热心、耐心、诚心、决心、红心、真心、公心、柔心、铁心、上心、用心、痛心、童心、好心、专心、坏心、爱心、良心、关心、核心、内心、外心、中心、忠心、衷心、甘心、攻心。 常用之"识": 政治意识、政权意识、大局意识、忧患意识、责任意识、法律意识、廉洁意识、学习意识、上进意识、管理意识。 常用之"点": 出发点、切入点、落脚点、着眼点、结合点、关键点、着重点、着力点、根本点、支撑点。 常用之"力": 控制力、影响力、创造力、凝聚力、战斗力、亲和力、执行力、感召力。

常用之"不": 不动摇、不放弃、不改变、不妥协、不懈怠、不含糊、不折腾。 常用之"同": 政治认同、理论认同、组织认同、事业认同、感情认同、心理认同、环境认同。 常用之"多": 多层次、多方面、多途径、多渠道、多角度、多方位。 常用之"度": 高度、深度、宽度、力度、强度、密度、浓度、气度。 常用语组: 统一思想,提高认识,认清形势,明确任务,加强领导,完善机制,交流经验,研究问题,团结协作,密切配合,真抓实干,开拓进取,突出重点,落实责任,各司其职,各负其责,集中精力,聚精会神,一心一意,程,贯穿各方。 切实抓好,有效减轻,扎实推进,加快发展,持续增收,积极稳妥,落实,从严控制严格执行,坚决制止,明确职责。 高举旗帜,坚定不移,牢牢把握,积极争取,深入开展,注重强化。注重规范,不断改进,积极发展,努力建设,依法实行,良性互动,优势互补,率先发展,互惠互利。 做深做细,做好做实,全面分析,全面贯彻,持续推进,全面落实、实施,逐步扭转,基本形成,普遍增加,基本建立,更加完善,明显好转,努力形成,不断加强,大幅提高,显著改善,日趋完善,比较充分。 常用动词: 动词一字部: 抓,搞,上,下,出,想,谋。 动词二字部: 分析,研究,了解,掌握,发现,提出,推进,推动,制定,出台,完善,建立,健全,加强,强化,增强,促进,加深,深化,扩大,落实,细化,突出,建设,营造,开展,发挥,发扬,创新,转变,发展,统一,提高,提升,保持,优化,召开,举行,贯彻,执行,树立,引导,规范,整顿,服务,协调,沟通,配合,合作,支持,加大,开拓,拓展,巩固,保障,保证,形成,指导。


Crime 类范文 犯罪类 There are an increasing number of juvenile delinquents. What are the causes of this phenomenon? 只分析一个方面(产生原因),写成5段式 开头段(不少于4句) In this day and age, the incidence of juvenile offenses has been growing at an alarming rate. Today, the sheer number of juvenile offenders has reached staggering proportions. A recent survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences revealed that one out of four crimes today was carried out by minors. Hence, it is imperative that we pinpoint the causes of this disturbing phenomenon. 主体段1(不少于4句) In the first place, many instance of juvenile delinquency have been attributed to the violent or pornographic content of some TV shows and video games. Now we are facing a proliferation of blood and guts and nudity on TV, the computer and the Internet. Many youngsters, especially boys, get addicted to such scenes. Lacking the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong, they develop criminal tendencies. 主体段2(不少于4句) In the second place, parental neglect and domestic violence play a pivotal role in the increase of youth crimes. Today there are an ever-growing number of dysfunctional families. The children raised in such families tend to be afflicted with constant fear. In the end, they develop a hatred for society and other individuals. 主体段3(不少于4句) In the third place, there is a definite correlation between the increase of juvenile crime rate and the rise of adult crime rate in society. The more adult crimes, the higher the probability of youngsters falling prey to adult offenders. Many youths are tempted by evil adults into committing crimes. And some others are victims of adult offenses and become criminals themselves to get their revenge on society. 结尾段(不少于2句) In sum, many factors contribute to the surge of juvenile delinquency. It is crucial that we take vigorous measures to tackle these problems and ensure that the future or our nation—that is, the youngsters, have a more promising future ahead of them. Crime 类8分范文 Some people think the media should not report details of crimes to the public. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 一边倒写法=写完全同意或者完全不同意:五段式 开头段(不少于4句) With the crime rate hovering at high level, the print media as well as the electronic media dedicate large proportions of their space or airtime to detailed crime coverage. Whether the media should present detailed accounts of crimes has triggered spirited debate. Many assert that the news media should stop giving details of crimes. Speaking for myself, I totally agree with their views. 表示同意可以替换成approve of /wholeheartedly support/ cannot agree with their view more/ consent to/ am for 不同意可以替换成disagree with/ am against/ am opposed to / object to/ disapprove of/ cannot go along with 主体段1(不少于4句) In the first place, given the mercenary motives behind most detailed crime coverage, it is imperative that we discourage such coverage. The principal purpose of reporter covering criminal acts is to boost newspaper circulations or television ratings; much detailed crime coverage is biased or exaggerated. It only serves to leave a multitude of citizens constantly fearful about crime. 主体段2(不少于4句) In the second place, detailed reports of crimes by the press afford the potential criminals very useful learning materials. Reporting crimes in graphic detail helps those who are in the process of plan some criminal act to perfect their plans. Drawing on the well-documented crime stories in the media, would-be criminals learn how to avoid the mistakes in their crime. And this may aggravate the already soaring crime rate. 主体段3(不少于4句) In the third place, detailed reports of heinous crimes may traumatize the victims of the reported crimes. The reporters rarely consult the victims before they describe details of horrific crimes to the public. Hence, such reports become nothing more than an attempt to satisfy the curiosity of some base minds. Without


1、常用排比 最常用的三字词:可概括为性、感、多、点,不、化、新、力。 A、XX性:重要性、紧迫性、自觉性、主动性、坚定性、民族性、时代性、实践性、针对性、全局性、前瞻性、战略性、积极性、创造性、长期性、复杂性、艰巨性、可讲性、鼓动性、计划性、敏 锐性、有效性; B、XX感:责任感、紧迫感、压力感、危机感、认同感、荣誉感、成就感; C、多XX:多层次、多方面、多途径、多渠道、多措施、多力量、多元素。 D、XX点:出发点、切入点、突破点、落脚点、着眼点、结合点、关键点、着重点、着力点、根本点、支撑点; E、不XX:不松劲、不懈怠、不折腾、不退缩、不畏难、不罢手、不动摇、不放弃、不改变、不妥协、不收兵; E、XX化:法制化、规范化、制度化、程序化、集约化、军事化、正常化、有序化、智能化、优质化、常态化、科学化、年轻化、知识化、专业化、现代化、规模化、标准化、品牌化、产业化、信 息化、城镇化; F、新XX:新水平、新境界、新举措、新发展、新突破、新成绩、新成效、新方法、新成果、新形势、新要求、新期待、新关系、新体制、新机制、新知识、新本领、新进展、新实践、新风貌、新 事物、新高度; G、XX力:活动力、控制力、影响力、创造力、凝聚力、战斗力、感染力、亲活力; 意识:政治意识、组织意识、大局意识、忧患意识、责任意识、法律意识、廉洁意识、学习意识、上进意识、管理意识; 点:找准出发点、把握切入点、明确落脚点、找准落脚点、抓住切入点、把握着重点、找准切入点、把握着力点、抓好落脚点; 新:当前工作要有新水平、队伍建设要有新面貌、廉政建设要有新举措、自身建设要有新发展、内 部管理要有新突破。 政治认同、理论认同、感情认同; 历史的必然、现实的选择、未来的方向。 激发巨大热情,凝聚无穷力量,催生丰硕成果,展现全新魅力。 2、常用短语 立足当前,着眼长远,自觉按规律办事 抓住机遇,应对挑战,勇敢顺潮流而为 突出重点,分步实施,找准切入点实施 全面推进,统筹兼顾,综合治理,融入其中,贯穿始终,切实抓好,扎实推进,加快发展,持续增收,积极稳妥,狠抓落实,从严控制,严格执行,坚决制止,明确职责,高举旗帜,坚定不移,牢 牢把握,积极争取,深入开展,注重强化,规范程序,改进作风,积极发展,努力建设,依法实行,良性互动,优势互补,率先发展,互惠互利,做深、做细、做实、全面分析,全面贯彻,持续推进,全面落实、全面实施,逐步扭转,基本形成,普遍增加,基本建立,更加完备,逐步完善,明显提


正能量作文素材人物 钱学森——中国航天事业奠基人 浙江杭州人,1938年在美国获博士学位,1950年开始争取回归祖国,受到美国政府迫害,历经5年于1955年才回到祖国。1958年起,钱学森长期担任火箭导弹和航天器研制的技术领导职务,为中国火箭和导弹技术的发展提出了极为重要的实施方案。 1965年,钱学森正式向国家提出报告和规划,建议把人造卫星的研究计划并列入国家任务。在实施人造卫星研制计划中钱学森在许多关键技术问题的解决上贡献了智慧。 钱学森对科学技术的重大贡献是多方面的,他以总体、动力、制导、气动力、结构、计算机、质量控制等领域的丰富知识,为组织领导新中国火箭、导弹和航天器的研究发展工作发挥了巨大作用,对中国火箭导弹和航天事业的迅速发展做出了卓越贡献。 玻璃大王的家规 20xx年4月20日,在中央电视台的玉树赈灾晚会上,高高举起的“曹德旺曹晖1亿元”的牌子,创造了中国慈善史上个人捐款数额的新纪录。5月下旬,他向西南五省区旱灾地区捐赠两亿元,用于帮助受灾群众;向福州市捐赠4亿元,用于修建图书馆;向老家福清市捐赠3亿元,用于公益事业……仅两个月,他的捐款就达10亿元,全1/ 5

部为其个人财产。 37亿身家的玻璃大王曹德旺,1946年出生于福建福清,是福耀玻璃集团的创始人、董事长。1987年成立的福耀玻璃集团,目前是中国第一、世界第三大汽车玻璃制造商。 而他的生活却极为简朴,通常,他的午餐桌上只有一盘炒花生米、一盘炒菜花、一小碗蛋羹和一份地瓜粥。 曾遭父亲毒打 晚清时期,福建省福清市有个曹员外,家底殷实,但很是小气。曹员外被刻画成这样一个人物:重男轻女、嫌贫爱富。这段历史不是虚构的,那位曹员外就是福耀集团董事长曹德旺的曾祖父。 曹家最终还是没落了,曹父开始变得厌世。每天喝两毛钱的地瓜烧,喝得醉醺醺的,絮絮叨叨地给曹德旺讲述他做生意、做人的过程。 曹父很严厉,在日本20xx年的生活给他影响很大,他也以此教训曹德旺:18岁以前不能留头发,不能留胡子,更不能喝酒;吃饭的时候不准说话,有什么话吃完饭再说。 有一句话,曹德旺曾经苦苦思索:用心做事,有多少心做多少事。曹父对曹德旺说:当你悟透这个道理的时候,我就不在了。现在,曹德旺承认了这一点。当时,喝醉了的父亲说了二十几个“心”:人必须要有自尊心、自信心、良心、诚心、苦心……有多少心就做多少事。 小时候得到的这些教导已成为曹德旺的财富,然而,每每提及父亲,他总会说:我很恨我父亲。他尊敬的是自己的母亲。小时候,因 为调皮,他经常被父亲毒打,在这个时候,母亲就出来帮他。虽然父2/ 5


公文中的常用词语 下边介绍一些公文写作中的常用语。 按语或称“案语”。以发文单位的名义对所发文件、材料加以指导、说明的一种公文形式。按语对下级的工作具有指导作用。按语可分为四类:①说明性按语,说明材料来源和编发原因或特别说明何人要发和发至什么范围;②提示性按语,指出材料的中心、要点或提纲挈领地介绍其内容;③批示性按语,对下发单位作出指示、提出具体要求;④评论性按语,对编发的材料进行评论、表明意见和态度。 针对全篇材料的按语,一般置于正文之前,注明“编者按”或“按”;针对材料的某一部分的按语一般夹在文中加括号注明。 表态用语。公文中表示作者意见、态度的词语。据表态用语的轻重程度可分两类:明确表态用语,如“应、应该、同意、不同意、责成、批准、支持、反对、不妥、照办、请核查、照此办理、遵照执行、贯彻执行、迅当办理、业已颁布、组织实施、贯彻落实、取消、禁止、取缔、作废、阅处、存查、存疑、存档、”等。模糊表态用语,如“原则同意、原则批准、似应、拟应、拟同意、研究执行、参照执行、供参考、可借鉴、酌情处理、酌情执行”等。 称谓用语。公文中表示对机关、单位、集体、个人不同人称称呼的词语。一般性称谓用语用于上对下、下对上、平行机关或不相隶属的机关、单位之间,如“本(厅)、我(厅)、该(厅)、你(厅)、本署、各有关部门”等。表示尊重的称谓用语多用于下对上、不相隶属的机关、单位之间,如“贵(厅)、××长”等。党内一般称“××同志”。

承启用语。公文中承上启下的词语。常用于通知、决定、报告、计划、规章制度等文种。其特点是前以一介词结构承接上文后用一固定的结构形式引起下文,如“根据……特作如下决定”、“为了……提出如下意见”、“为此、对此”等。承启用语的上文一般较简短,下文是文中内容的主体部分并多用条款形式表达。 告知词语。指公文中表示告诉使知晓的用语。如“见告、速告、电告、转告、收悉、得悉、已悉、示知、下情上达、上情下达”等。 公布词语。指公文中表示将法令、文告、指示、事项等公开发布对大众宣告的用语。如“公布、发布、颁布、颁发、颁行、布告、明令”等。 简称用语。指公文中经过简化的词语。其作用是可使行文简洁,内容概括鲜明便于掌握和记忆。地名、机关名称使用简称必须是规范化的简称如“中共中央”。事物名称使用简称用语有三种方式:(1)节缩式,如“外长”。 (2)统括式,如“不抓辫子、不扣帽子、不打棍子”简称为“三不主义”。(3)选点式,如“九·一八事变”“南昌起义”等。 结尾用语。公文中表示全文结束的词语。不同的文种结尾用语也不同。如请示的结尾用语可用“以上请示当否,请批复”“妥否,请批示”“上述意见如果可行,请批准”等。报告的结尾用语可用“以上报告如有不当请指示”“以上报告如无不当请批转各地执行”等。另外像“请批示、请核示、盼复、函复、为荷、为要、为盼、申报备查、待备案、请核准、见复、查复、此复、示复、请复、请复示、盼予答复、切切此布、此令、此据、请照办、请予审批、望予审批、函告、专此函达、特再重申、特再函询、谨致、谨报、特先函商、特先联系“等也都是常用的结尾用


雅思大作文专项突破:追随时尚 本文收集整理了雅思大作文专项突破:追随时尚。这是目前常见的、高频的雅思写作话题,同学们在备考时可以边写边学,积累写作素材,以便在考试中更胸有成竹。 Topic 24: Fashion is difficult to follow, and some people argue that we should not follow it. They think that we should dress what we like and feel comfortable. Do you agree or disagree? 解析: 支持追随潮流(following fashion)的观点: ? 时装是自我表达( a means of self-expression)的一种休现,表现人的性格和喜好(reflect one's personality or likes),让人们在生活巾体验不同角色(allow people to try on many roles in life),同时便世界更加丰富多彩(diversity and variety of the world in which we live); ? 新时代的时尚(fashion in the new era)并不一定意味着高消费,也并非一定穿某种款式的衣服才算时尚;

? 时装源于生活(root in daily life),反映生活趋势(reflect that life),充分考虑了消费者的需求C consider consumer demand),不像人们想的那样肤浅(not as superficial as some people think) 反对追随潮流(following fashion )的观点: ? 潮流变化太快,盲目追求潮流(follow fashion blindly)是浪费时间和金钱; ? 失去了自己的喜好和判断(dwell too much on what others think); ? 鼓励人们将衣服和地位、社会阶层还有财富联系在一起(associate clothing with status, social class and wealth),这是一种歧视。 范文 Fashion refers to a style of clothing worn by most people of a country. The growing concern about fashion in recent years comes as no surprise, considering the fact that fashion is very often at odds with the traditional function of clothing, protecting wearers from the extremes of weather. In my opinion, fashion is not a betrayal but an indicative of a principle that wearing clothing is for both functional and social reasons. Fashions are linked to personal style. Fashions allow wearers to express emotion and solidarity with other people. People dress to their mood and according to circumstances. Buying fashionable clothes is a


公文写作常用词汇短语等 Prepared on 22 November 2020

【行政材料用词积累】 1、“以...为XX”:为基础(基点)、为核心(中心)、为根本、为重点、为举措(手段)、为载体(平台)、为保障(保证\后盾)、为契机、为总揽、为抓手、为目标、为动力、为依托、为突破、为目的、为关键、为先导、为宗旨、为支撑、为指导、为导向、为方向、为驱动、为主体、为补充、为标准、为主线、为主题。 2、三字“为”:为立足点、为出发点、为切入点、突破口、为落脚点、闪光点、结合点、根本点、增长点、着力点、动力点、关键点。 3、三字“于”:立足于、着眼于、贯穿于、 4、“渐进类”词语:日益、日趋、日惭、日臻、不断、逐步、稳步、深化、深入、推进、推动、促进、 5、“建立类及程度类”词语:探索、实行、建立、健全、构建、打造、争创、创建、规范、完善、创新、强化、加大、加强、加快、加速、加紧、严格、突出。 6、“四导”:宣传倡导、服务指导、示范引导、监管督导。 7、“新XXX”:新机制、新路子、新模式、新环境、新载体、新途径、新突破、新优势、新方向、新跨越、新发

展、新趋势、新期待、新局面、新格局、新成就、新变化、新面貌、 8、吹响集结号、齐奏交响乐、共谱和谐曲。 9、念好联字经、架起连心桥、铺就致富路、奏响和谐曲。 10、组合类:探索新路子、创新新模式、实现新突破、推动新跨越、促进新发展、 11、建立工作新机制、明确发展新方向、拓展增收新途径、积聚建设新优势、探索试点新路子。 12、启示类:两字类:是前提、是基础、是关键、是核心、是保证。四字类:前提条件、基础保证、关键环节、核心所在、有效举措、重要手段、有效载体、 13、时期类:关键时期、重要时期、攻坚时期、 14、重要类:重要源泉、重要支撑、重要因素、重要阶段、重要力量、重点途径 15、战略机遇期、发展加速期、结构转型期、攻坚爬坡期 【机关公文常用词句大全】 本[大全]旨在使"爬格子"的微友在遣词造句时可少搜肠刮肚,在写作公文时可免绞尽脑汁,在领悟机关文风和完成写作任务的同时收获更多的东东。值得精读,值得珍藏。版权所有,翻印不究。 常用之"新":


机关公文写作常用词汇 “新”:新形势新任务新挑战新机遇新情况新问题新事物新实践新困难新对策新办法新局面新气象新风貌新进展新突破新成果新知识新本领新高度新要求新期待新关系新体制新机制新角度新定位新趋势新观念新路子、新模式、新环境、新载体、新途径、新突破、新 优势、新方向、新跨越、新发展、新趋势、新期待、新局面、 新格局、新成就、新变化、新面貌。 刷新、革新、变新、创新、更新 寻找新角度,确立新定位,发现新趋势,打造新观念 探索新路子、创新新模式、实现新突破、推动新跨越、促 进新发展。 建立工作新机制、明确发展新方向、拓展增收新途径、积 聚建设新优势、探索试点新路子。 当前工作要有新水平、队伍建设要有新面貌、廉政建设要 有新举措、自身建设要有新发展、内部管理要有新突破 “者”:守护者保护者守望者践行者组织者协调者旁观者教育者监督者管理者设计者引导者实施者指导者协助者决策者参与者 “不”:不放松不松懈不松口不动摇不放弃不罢手不马虎不懈怠不停步不懈劲不遗漏不脱节不越位不失位不捂盖不留面不含糊不多嘴不多事不务虚不作秀不流失不丢失不打响不畏惧不改变不妥协不折腾不退缩不

畏难不收兵 “感”:使命感责任感危机感紧迫感荣誉感成就感自豪感优越感归属感认同感幸福感满足感忧郁感孤独感失落感压力感 “力”:向心力凝聚力号召力影响力创造力洞察力执行力推动力战斗力保障力驾驭力自控力亲和力感召力活动力控制力影响力创造力感染力 语言表达能力文字写作能力组织协调能力团队协作能力 “点”:切入点立足点着力点着重点着眼点出发点落脚点制高点突破点主攻点受力点结合点兴趣点关键点根本点支撑点闪光点增长点动力点 要点重点热点难点焦点盲点节点拐点 突出重点,紧抓节点,攻克难点,打造亮点 找准出发点、把握切入点、明确落脚点、找准落脚点、抓 住切入点、把握着重点、找准切入点、把握着力点、抓好落脚 点 心:放心舒心称心安心用心操心劳心公心贪心私心潜心热心耐心诚心决心红心真心柔心铁心上心用心痛心童心好心专心坏心爱心良心关心核心内心外心中心忠心衷心甘心攻心 进取心、责任心、上进心、公仆心 “人”:保护人牵头人带头人领头人知情人调停人内行人贴心人明白人清白人正派人

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