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You have just come back from Canada and found a music CD in your luggage that you forgot to return to Bob, your landlord there. Write him a letter to

1)make an apology, and

2)suggest a solution

Dear Bob,

I’m writing to apologize for having forgotten to return the “the Beatles”CD to you when I left Canada. I was in such a hurry that I packed everything in my luggage without checking carefully.Had I paid more attention then, I wouldn’t have made such a stupid mistake.

Now something must be done to solve the problem because I understand you cherish the CD enormously. I can either send it to you by express mail or you at a reasonable price. If you donot mind, I maybring it back to you next time I go to Canada.

Please let me know which solution you prefer at your earliest convenience. I really hope you will accept my sincere apology.

Faithfully yours,

Li Ming


我写此信的目的是为了向你道歉。在离开加拿大时,我忘了把那盘披头士乐队的CD 还给你。走的时候太匆忙了,我把所有东西都塞到行李中,没有仔细检查。当时要是多加注意的话,就不会犯这种低级错误了。







Restrictions on the use of plastic bags have not been so successful in some regions. “White Pollu tion”is still going on. Write a letter to the editor(s) of your local newspaper to

1) give your opinions briefly, and

2) make two or three suggestions.

Dear Editors,

I have been reading your newspaper for many years with a great enthusiasm and interest. It is my view thatlimiting/prohibitingthe use of disposable plastic bagsis of utmost significance.

To crack this hard nut, I would like to give/offer/render/propose some/several useful/practical/conduciverecommendations as follows. First and foremost, it is imperative for us to ban the free use of disposable plastic bags. In addition, we should develop possible alternative forms to replace them, such as paper or clothing bags. Last but not least,plastic bags should be offered in a much higher price in department stores or supermarkets.

I hope you wouldfind the above proposals conducive and I would like to discuss this matter to further details. Your prompt attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.(125 words)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming






Some international students are coming to your university. Write them an email in the name of the Students' Union to

1) extend your welcome and

2) provide some suggestions for their campus life here.

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the StudentsUnion ofBeijing Foreign Studies University,I would like to extend our heartfelt welcome to all of the overseas students from all over the world to study in our university.

It is my great pleasure topropose several practical suggestions to you. In the first place, life in this prestigious university perhaps isnot as satisfactoryas what you expected. You may be tightly bound by continual classes, excessive homework and exams. In the second place, in spite of all these adversities, you will still enjoy your life in this esteemed institution. All types of extracurricular activities such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing parties provide ample opportunitiesto make friends.

All in all, although there are many things lacking, life in our campus is a worthwhile period in your whole lifetime. Wish you enjoy your life here!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming






Write a letter of about 100 words to the president of your university, suggesting how to improve students’ physical condition.

You should include the details you thinknecessary.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do notwrite the address. (10 points)

Dear Mr. President,

I am an undergraduate student majoring in Religious Taoism in the Department of Religious Studies of our university. The purpose of my letter is to propose several conducive suggestions regarding how to improve students’ physical health.

Above all, it is necessary for college students tochoose jogging, playing basketball, swimming, skating, climbing or riding as their regular exercisesin thatexercise never fail to make us stronger and more energetic. What is more, sincea balanced diet and sufficient sleep are both indispensable to physical fitness, university students should put great emphasis on good habits.

If you are so kind as to take my proposals into consideration, I would be great honored. Your prompt attention to my recommendation would behighlyappreciated.(122 words)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming






You are going to host a club reading session. Write an email of about 100 words recommending a book to the club members.

You should state reasons for your recommendation.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Donotsign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming”instead.

Do notwrite the address. (10 points)

Dear Friends,

As the host of the upcomingreading session, I am writing the email to recommend my favorite bookto you, Tao Te Ching, which is written by Lao Tzu.

The primary causes of my recommendation are as follows. To begin with, it is the

best-loved of all theclassical booksof China and the most universally popular. In addition,the book encapsulates the main tenets of Taoism, and upholds a way of being as well as a philosophy and a religion.More importantly, the dominant image is of the Way, the mysterious path through the whole cosmos modeledon the Milky Way that traverses the heavens.

I hope the above information will help you to know thebook. If you need any further information about it, please do not hesitate to contact me.(133 words)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming






Suppose your class is to hold a charity sale for kids in need of help. Write your classmates an email to

1) inform them about the details,and

2) encourage them to participate .

Dear Fellow Classmates,

Our class is to hold acharity sale to raise money for those children who are in need of help on January 5, 2013. Asthe monitor of our class,I’m calling on all students to take part in it.

We ask you to donate as much as you can to a fund we have set up to cover their tuition fees and other expenses. Unless we canraise sufficient money, those poor kids won’t be able to afford their education and finish school.

As a nation renowned in the world for many of its virtues, we Chinese people have beengiving a helping hand to those who are in distress throughout history. It’s our duty to provide as much support as we can in this hour of need. Please contribute generously.(132words)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming






Suppose you are going to study abroad and share an apartment with John, a local student, write him an email to

1) tell him about your living habits, and

2) ask for advice about living there.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do notwrite the address. (10 points)

Dear John,

I’m glad to hear from you. How have you been these days? The purpose of this email is to tell you about my living habits.

Firstly, I neverdrink or smoke. Neither do I stay up late. Instead,I keep a balanced diet and go to bed before 11 o’clock at night, becauseI believe burning the midnight oil is harmful tohealth. Secondly, I’d like to keep my things clean. It is obvious thatliving in a messy environment results in a chaotic life.

F inally, could you please offer me some proposals as regardsliving in your city? I’m sure that we can get along well with each other, and our university life would be one of the best times in life.(123 words)


Li Ming











Dear Editor,

I am writing this letter to reflect some problems I came across recently and appeal to the improvement of the service industry.

This weekend I bought anEnglish-Chinese dictionary in a bookstore near my home. But when I went home and read carefully, I found thatthe misprints spread everywherein the dictionary and seriously affect my comprehension. Since there was suchmisprint to the dictionary, I went to the bookstore to require for a replace. But to my surprise, the staff of the bookstore turn down my request rudely and even denied the poor quality of the dictionary.

As a result, I expect your newspaper to appeal to the service industry to attach more importance to the service improvement. Thank you for your attention! (125 words)

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming







Suppose your university is going to host a summer camp for high school students. Write a notice to

1) briefly introduce the camp activities, and

2) call for volunteers.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Donot use your name or the name of your university.

Do notwrite your address. (10 points)

V olunteers Needed

Dec. 26, 2015

In order to improvehigh school students’abilities and to enrich their after-class activities, our university is going to hold asummer camp in our campus during this summer vacation.

These high school students will be involved in various activities, including taking part in speeches and debates, attending group discussions, and so on. First of all, a variety of activities organized by us could show their outstanding abilities and help them develop a range of practical skills. What is more, their active participation helps in strengthening the sense of responsibility and developing interpersonal relationship. Those who are interested in being volunteers may sign up with the monitor of their class beforeJan. 10, https://www.doczj.com/doc/6a8605096.html,e and join us now.(118 words)

The Students’Union








You are the president of a company. Write a memo to Percy Shelley, the vice-president on the employee’s training on computer, telling him the need to train the employees,detailed information,and ask him to write a plan.

To:Percy Shelley, Vice President

From:Li Ming, President

Date:December26, 2015

Subject:Computer Training of the Staff

As we discussed earlier this week, I agree with you that our firm is faced up with problem ofthe high rate of computer illiteracy of the staff. We need to make up a plan fortraining our employees in the new field.

I would like you to design ourown in-housecomputer-training program.We had betterclassify the employees and put them through the program in turn.

Write up a brief proposal, describing what you think the program should cover. Assumethe class runs four hours a week for ten weeks. Also, assumepeople have no prior computer knowledge or any formal course work in computer science.(108 words)








四六级写作十大必背范文(一) 1. 论说文万能框架 Because of the rapid social development, the number of people who…has greatly increased/decreased. It is generally believed that … plays an important role in modern society. Due attention has to be paid to the issue of…. With the reform and opening-up in recent years,people in increasing numbers have come to realize the importance of …. If we let this situation go as it is, we do not know where humans will be in the near future. Therefore, it is necessary for us to take drastic measures. To begin with, we should appeal to the authorities to make strict laws to control …. In addition, we should enhance the awareness of people that … is vital to us. Only in this way can we solve this problem. 2. 求学信/求职信 Dear Sir or Madam, I am senior from the Department of Business Administration. I am writing the letter in purpose of applying for admission into your esteemed institution/your recently advertised position for a staff member. I am sure that I am qualified for it. First, enclosed with this letter is my resume, which further details my previous academic qualifications and work experience. Second, not only do my qualifications and experience make me a perfect candidate for it, my cheerful personality is well suited to studying in your prestigious university/working as a staff member. Last, my hobbies include sports and music.


小学生作文例文大全(39篇) 我的课余生活1 我的课余生活是丰富多彩而又快乐的。 我的爱好很多,如:玩电脑、唱歌、打网球、打篮球、跑步和跳绳等等很多的爱好。课间,我和同学们跳绳比赛,就着说着我们就开始了,哇噻!我可真厉害,一下子跳了380个,哈哈可真逗,小伙伴们都说我是三八,不过我一点也不不生气,我接了句话说:“‘三’这个数字虽然不吉利,但是‘八八大顺’嘛,说说也没啥呀!”开了一个小玩笑就把小伙伴们逗得哈哈大笑呀!他们都说我是一个“幽默大王”。 还有一次,课间我给同学们讲了一笑话,是这样的:“有一个人到银行去取钱,排队的时候看见一个人排到了他的前面,那个人喊了几声,一个小孩子天真地看着那人,他不想让那个小孩说他是可怕的大人,所以他忍了,但是过了不久那人还是在那里不动,他就骂了那人一句,这时他一看,那个‘人’是银行的取款机,这时我的同学被逗得哈哈大笑,我自己也笑了。 我的课余生活是非常快乐的。 我的课余生活2 在我小的时候,我最最喜欢的课外活动是——检白色垃圾。今年暑假,我终于又盼到了我最最喜欢的活动了。 这次,我和妈妈、爸爸一同收集白色垃圾。来到火车站,只见我们的“敌人”一堆一堆地站好排,好像马上就要向我们进攻。我和爸爸、妈妈冲过去又是抓又是钩,结果“敌人”都没抓到,而我们三个的钩子竟然钩在一起了!这时,我才明白,心急可不行,要稳中求快。于是,我对妈妈、爸爸说:“快过来,咱们要来它个两面夹击,这样才能把它们全部消灭……”我看呢,要是有看到我们谈得这么认真,准会以为我们是刘备、关羽、张飞这三员大将在机密地言论呢!我和爸爸、妈妈商量好计划,便回到各自的岗位去了。 这回,可有好戏看了。只见,妈妈拿着大大的纸壳,向天空扇了一下便把许多“敌人”扇飞到天上。我突然举起大钩子,向我们的“敌人”一抓,就一下子捉到了二三个,我高兴地跳了起来,并且马上把它们送到老爸拿的破旧的装大米的袋子里,就这样,连连续续、返返复复,终于把所有的“敌人”都抓到了,这些“敌人”卖了三四十元呢! 我喜欢这个活动。但我希望下次能能捡到的“敌人”越来越少,让我们天空更蓝,我们的空气更加清新! 我的课余生活3 说到课余生活,有许多,有打篮球、踢足球、乒乓球和游泳。可是我最喜欢的当然是无与伦比的滑旱冰。 每到星期六的晚上,我就会和我最要好的朋友赵琦去美丽的街心广场滑旱冰。每次我们都比赛。赢的不是我,而是我的好朋友赵琦,以前我不会滑旱冰,有一天爸爸给我买了一双旱冰鞋。晚上爸爸就教我滑旱冰。过了两个月我终于学会了。 又到了我们比赛的时候。我仔细观察着赵琦的眼神,似乎是志在必得有些骄


2020年六级考试必背十大作文范文(1)题目 1. Directions: In this part, you are to write a composition of no less than 150 words about “College Graduates Work as Village Officials”. You should write according to the outline given below. Please remember to write it clearly on the ANSWER SHEET. Some college graduates choose to work as village officials. 1、Do you think it is a good idea? 2、What can they offer the countryside? 3、What can they gain from their village positions? 范文 College Graduates Work as Village Officials There is no denying the fact that it is a hotly debated topic today how college graduates should choose their careers. Some time ago, it was reported that some college graduates chose to work as village officials. To this people’s attitudes differ sharply. Some hold the positive view while others are against it. As far as I am concerned, I believe that it is a wise choice. On the one hand, college graduates can contribute a lot to the development of the countryside. First, they can apply their professional knowledge there. Secondly, they can introduce new concepts to the countryside and speed the


书信类一 (一) 2005-2009大纲样题: Dear Sir or Madam, As I am planning to take the National Entrance Test of English for MA/MS Candidates (NETEM) , I have decided to place an order of some NETEM books with due consideration of the good reputation of your bookstore and the high quality of your books. Firstly, please give me particular accounts as regards names, authors, publishing houses and prices of these books. Secondly, I also need to know the terms of payment and after-sell service. Thirdly, I wonder if it is convenient for you to deliver these books by EMS to the headquarters of Beijing New Oriental School by September 1, 2008. I would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration of my requests. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely,


一、写作部分 1、基本形式 ⑴三段落式:按照题目提纲划分段落,提纲即是每段中心句。 ⑵四级作文考试就是主题→提纲→写作。 2、评分标准及注意事项 ⑴切题:围绕该段所给的中心句(提纲)来写相关内容。 ⑵语言:(后面环节详解)。 ⑶连贯:①运用列举法,使段落结构清晰;②要避免使用一些过于熟悉的词汇和短语;③参考星火范文。 3、备考策略 ⑴备考目标:由句到段才是四、六级考查的核心问题,由段中心拓展出分中心。 ⑵拓展手段:运用列举分类、细节说明、比较对照、正反论证等手段,具体可以参看别人的范文。 4、临场写作技巧:黄金三原则 ①翻译提纲句作为中心句,放在段首;②确定主体段落,主体段落要列举和分类,并运用连接词;③加入醒目、 吸引评卷人眼球的细节信息,句子要正确、出彩。 以下的是一些结构和固定搭配…. 一、~~~ +is+ the + ~ est + 名词+ (that) + 主词+ have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) ~~~ +is+ the most + 形容词+ 名词+ (that) + 主词+ have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) 例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。 Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. 张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。 二、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V Nothing is + more + 形容词+ than to + V 例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。 三、~~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much.(再怎么强调...的重要性也不为过。) 例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 四、There is no denying that + S + V ...(不可否认的...) 例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse. 不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。



Mary 是个英国女孩,五年级学生,十二岁。她向别人自我介绍,并介绍她的家庭。她有个双胞胎姐姐,爸爸是医生,妈妈是老师,她非常爱他们,他们也很爱她。 My name is Mary. I come from England. I am an English girl. I am a student. I am in Grade Five. I like my teacher. Her English is good. There are four people in my family. I have a twin sister. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. I love them very much. They love me, too. 小学英语作文范文(必背)4 4、题目: My net friend(我的网友) 要求:1。条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范; 2.要将提示词全部体现在作文中;不得少于50个单词。 提示词:(1)computer (2)net friend (3) talk with each other(互相交谈) (4) in the chat room (在聊天室) (5)talk in English (用英语交谈) (6)good now My net friend I am Tony. I have a computer. I have a new friend. His name is Jack. He is 12 years old. He is a student. He likes surfing the net. We often talk with each other in the chat room. We talk in English. My English is good now. He is a good boy. I like him very much. Do you want to have a net friend? 小学英语作文范文(必背)5 5、提示:根据下面所给出的这张Ann的小名片,以“我的好朋友”为题,写一篇小短文,介绍Ann 的基本情况。 要求:1、条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范。 2、要将名片中的内容全部体现在作文中。 3、不少于60个单词。 My good friend I have a good friend. Her name is Ann. Her Chinese name is Wang Xiaolan. She is from England. She is in Beijing now. She is in Yuying Primary School. She is in Class Four, Grade Six. She is twelve. She has blue eyes and yellow hair. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a nurse. Her brother is five years old. She likes dancing, singing and watching TV. She is friendly and she likes to help others. What a good girl!


2020年大学英语六级写作十大必背作文范文(4) 4. 图表作文:教育 Directions: In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following diagram. Describe the diagram and analyze the possible causes. You should write at least 150 words. The diagram above clearly illustrates that dramatic elevation has occurred in the recruitment of Master of Engineering (ME) in the past seven years. According to the statistics given above, we may conclude that the recruitment of ME was on a steady rise from 1998 to 2004. In 1998, the number was at a low level, only about 2,500. Surprisingly, it reached to more than 35,000 in 2004 within no more than seven years. Some driving factors that contribute to the above-mentioned changes may be summarized as follows. First and foremost, China has become particularly active in manufacturing, which leads to the increasing demand of qualified engineers. In addition, the development of job market on the whole cannot keep pace with the expansion of college graduates, which obliges a large number of students to stay on campus for another three years to get better prepared for their career. Last but not least, working pressure is another reason. Taking all these factors into account, we may predict that with speedy development of our society, the number of recruitment of ME will keep growing in the forthcoming decade.



小学英语作文范文 1、根据给出的材料,写一写Amy这个周末的活动计划。 Amy is a student. She is my good friend. She is busy at tShe weekend. She is going to read a magazine this Saturday morning. She is going to go to tShe zoo this Saturday afternoon. She is going to buy a book this Sunday morning. She is going to learn Kungfu this Sunday afternoon. She is going to watch TV this Sunday evening. 2、看图写作文。 题目:A Happy Day in Spring 提示:下图是Mr. Black 一家人在春天的某一天在野外游玩的场景。请用一般现在时描写图中所呈现出的内容。可作适当的想象和发挥。 要求:1、条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范。 2、不少于70个单词。 - 2 -

A Happy Day in Spring It’s spring. It’s sunny and cloudy today. TShere are many big trees in tShe park. Mr. Black’s family have a picnic in a park. TShey bring many food tShere. TShey bring fruit, drink and bread. Mr. Black and Mrs. Black talk with each otSher. TShey talk very happily. Ann reads a magazine. Tom likes flying a kite. TShe kite flies very well. TShey are hungry now. TShey want to eat tSheir food. TShey are very happy. 3、根据下面提供的内容,写一篇英语短文。要求语句通顺,条理清楚,字数不少于50个单词。Mary 是个英国女孩,五年级学生,十二岁。她向别人自我介绍,并介绍她的家庭。她有个双胞胎姐姐,爸爸是医生,妈妈是老师,她非常爱他们,他们也很爱她。 My name is Mary. I come from England. I - 3 -


2020六级写作十大必背作文范文(8) 8.引语评论:幸福 Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on happiness by referring to the saying “Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point and then explain how you can develop your ability to deal with problems and be happy. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. As an old saying goes, “Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.” Why is difficult to define, or rather discover and achieve happiness? I maintain the major determinant lies in a person’s attitudes. There is little correlation? between the circumstance of people’s lives and how happy they are. Instead, happiness lies in the struggle to be happy. To demonstrate, people sometimes go to extremes?, and frantically pursue money, power, high social status, and so on, which are all symbols of success—but never of happiness. Perhaps if they shifted their life’s goal from ultimate success to unswe rving efforts and to a confidence that they will be successful one day they would be a great deal happier. Besides defining it, how do I achieve happiness? There is little doubt that? various people have diverse ways of going about this task. As for me, the most significant secret is realizing that happiness is a by-product of something else. The most obvious sources are those pursuits that give our


小升初英语考试中会考到作文吗?孩子们对英语作文态度如何,近日从论坛找到了小升初英语必背作文范文 小升初英语必背作文范文 8.My Family There are seven people in my family. They're my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my two younger brothers and I. My father is a businessman. He's busy working everyday. My mother is a housewife. She cooks meals, washes clothes, and teaches us lessons everyday. One of my younger brothers is a junior high school student, and we go to the same school. My grandparents help my parents look after the youngest brother every day. We go to the movies every Sunday. How's your family? 9.My Plan for the Summer Vacation The longing summer vacation is approaching, it is the best part of the school year for me. I cannot let the holidays elapse (逝去) meaninglessly, my vacation should be a phase (时期、阶段) of harvest. The events in my plan should give me a sense of infinite potential. The following plan may reveal the intensity of my desire to travel, work and study in this vacation. In the first few days I want to climb Mount Hua Shan with several friends to refresh ourselves. Then I tend to visit relatives, senior school teachers and former classmates(老同学). Besides, to find out the best ways to cultivate my abilities, I will find a part time job and conduct some social investigation. In short, I want to do interesting things in the summer vacation. Whatever I do, the goal is the same: to get necessary experience, acquire knowledge and broaden my horizons. Though the six week vacation will pass away at lightning speed, its influence is bound to last long. 10.Happy Things in My Childhood It is impossible to recall all the past, but I can assure you that my childhood is a pleasant one to me. When I was in kindergarten, I was very popular with my playmates because of my naughtiness. Once I made an arrow, with which I hurt one of my playmates and received scolding from my mother afterwards. When I grew up, my father and mother dare not allow me to play outside. But sometimes when we had time they would bring me to the parks, movies and went swimming. I liked swimming very much. Thank them for teaching me swimming. I liked to play


2020年六级写作十大必背作文范文(2) 2.图画作文:环境保护 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of environmental pollution in some scenic spots and then explain the importance of environmental protection. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. As is subtly portrayed in the cartoon, two tourists are taking sightseeing on a small boat while discarding their picnic leftovers casually into a lake. And below the drawing, there is a topic which says: "after" the travel or "me" in the travel. From the portrayal, we can conclude that the painter wants to convey such a message: a good many scenic spots are flooded with visitors, who spoil the beauty of nature by creating and leaving behind God-knows-how-much trash. On the one hand, tourism, as a multibillion-dollar business, is booming everywhere. On the other hand, tourism has exerted great pressure on the environment we are living in: water is polluted, the ecological system is disturbed, and natural resources have been excessively used. Undoubtedly, tourism could not be banned in any country as it does help to shore up the economy in places which offer few sources of income. The significant point is that the


2011年国考申论范文点评:"新兴产业"主题 2011-1-5 来源:展鸿教育点击量:771 【背景材料】 国际金融危机对中国及浙江的影响既反映了世界经济与中国经济所存 在的结构失衡矛盾,也说明只有通过深刻的、全面的结构调整才能最终解决全球经济与贸易失衡以及信用与债务危机。浙江在国际金融危机中,之所以受到较大影响,其基本原因在于劳动密集制造业与出口经济规模过大。在国际市场需求大幅萎缩的情况下,产能过剩与产业竞争力不足的矛盾凸显。 新兴产业是与传统产业相对而言的,是利用科技革命和重大技术创新成果建立起来的,有望成为支柱产业和对区域经济具有战略意义的产业。当前,全球正孕育着新一轮技术突破与产业更替,浙江又已进入6000美元以上发展阶段和经济转型升级的关键时期,传统特色产业改造提升固然十分重要,但能否发现培育和加快发展若干个新兴产业,形成新的产业竞争优势,将决定浙江未来产业层次、在国际产业分工格局和全国的战略地位。 【题目】 请从政府经济主管部门工作人员角度出发,围绕“背景材料”的主旨,自选角度,自拟标题,写一篇文章。 要求:(1)观点明确,见解独到,认识深刻; (2)结构完整,条理清晰,内容充实; (3)语言流畅,字数1000~1200字。 【范文】

明者因时而变知者随事而制 ——大力发展战略性新兴产业 金融危机背景下,我省经济指数出现明显下行趋势,工业增加值减少,企业亏损面扩大,部分企业处境艰难,多年来高速增长的浙江经济面临考验。究其原因,浙江经济曾经取得的辉煌主要是靠外延式扩大再生产取得的,以“高投入、高消耗、高排放”扩大企业经营规模,以“低成本、低价格、低利润”拓展企业市场空间,经济增长质量不高,经济危机给我们敲响了警钟。对此,我们应抓住机遇,转危为机,积极从外延式再生产向内涵式再生产转移,发展战略性新兴产业。 发展新兴产业,应该树立创新型思维,瞄准新的产业链。长期以来,因为观念陈旧,思维僵硬,错过了一些新产业的战略机遇期,我省包括全国新兴产业比重偏低、发展缓慢,没有形成一批竞争力强的新兴产业链。战略性新兴产业具有市场前景好、资源能耗低、带动系数大、就业机会多、综合效益好的特征,比如当前的环保节能产业、光电产业等具有长期增长的潜力,应予以高度重视;同时,应结合我国经济发展的实际和国际产业动向,瞄准最新技术,增强核心竞争力。 发展新兴产业,应把政府引导与发挥市场机制作用结合起来。市场经济需要“有形的手”和“无形的手”手握手。以往我国发展新兴产业往往以国家为主导,运用市场机制的成分偏少,市场机制最大的优势是最优化资源配置,温室下的产业永远是经历不起风雨的,需要市场的磨砺才能形成核心竞争力。为此,我们在积极引导的同时,应着重完善市场机制的外部环境,给企业营造良好的市场竞争机制,使国内企业之间及国内外企业之间进行充分的竞争,提高我国新兴产业的核心竞争力。 发展新兴产业,强化人才建设是关键之举。人才竞争是当今国际经济及科技竞争的焦点,发展新兴产业应辅以相应的人才战略。我们应该采取培养加引进的双重渠道,一方面,政府应该积极和高校沟通,开设一些符合新兴产业发展需要的新专业,改变我国大学人才培养和市场脱节的问题;另一方面,我们应该大力引进一批掌握最新技术的国际一流人才,通过实施人才战略,加大研发能力及长期竞争能力培养,为企业插上腾飞的翅膀。 明者因时而变,知者随事而制。金融危机对我国机遇大于挑战,我们应该充分利用这次的战略机遇期,化危为机。为此,我们应该抓住机遇乘势而上,从观念、机制、人才三个方面着力,推进经济结构优化升级,大力发展战略性新兴产业,实现我国产业从外延式增长向内涵式增长的质变。我们有理由相信,通过多措并举,我省经济一定能够走出困境,再创辉煌! 【点评】


一. 介绍人物类。 1. 提示:根据下面所给出的这张Ann的小名片,以“我的好朋友”为题,写一篇小短文,介绍Ann的基本情况。 要求:1、条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范。 2、要将名片中的内容全部体现在作文中。 3、不少于60个单词。 My good friend I have a good friend. Her name is Ann. Her Chinese name is WangXiaolan. She is from England.She is in Beijingnow. She is in Yuying Primary School. Sheis in Class Four, Grade Six. She is twelve. She has blue eyes and yellowhair. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a nurse. Her brother is fiveyears old. She likes dancing, singing and watching TV. She is friendly and shelikes to help others. What a good girl! My Friend I have a good friend. We are in the same class. His name is Bill. He is13. He likes sports very much. These sports are tennis, soccer and basketball.He plays tennis twice a week. He plays soccer twice a week. He plays basketballonce a week. He often likes to wear black T-shirt and blue pants. His phonenumber is 5352375. Everyone likes him. 二.介绍家庭类。 3.短文写作。根据给出的提示和要求,写一篇65个单词左右的英语短文。 要求:1、写一封介绍你一家的电子邮件给Jay Hello, Jay, I am very happy tobe your net friend. There are four people in my family. They are my parents ,my sister and I. My father is the oldest and the tallest. He can drive a car.He is a doctor. My mother is a factory worker. She works hard. My sister is astudent. She is the best in her class. My hobby is playing basketball. Mysister and I


1.(2001) When we use the word “love”, we do not simply mean an attraction to a person of the opposite sex, which is a very narrow definition of the word. The picture below illustrates the real meaning of love, by stressing the fact that love is emotional strength, which can support us no matter how dark the world around us becomes. As a matter of fact, throughout history people of many different cultures have regarded love as the most sublime of human emotions. As an illustration of the power of love, we should remember how the Chinese people of all nationalities respond to the call to help the victims of the deadly earthquake in Qinghai Province. Although their incomes are still low by international standards, people all over the country do not hesitate to donate whatever they can——be it money or goods——to help their needy fellow citizens. Furthermore, they do this with no thought of gain for themselves. It is my view that the best way to show love is to help people who are more unfortunate than we are. We should always be ready to give a helping hand to those who are in trouble, no matter whether they are family members or complete strangers. Only by doing so can we help to make the world a better place, for, as the picture shows, the darker the shadows of sorrow become, the more brightly the lamp of love shines. (241 words) 2.(2004) It is vividly depicted in the cartoon that a boy is running along the racetrack with painstaking efforts, sweat pouring down his face. After a long journey, he is making the final spurt toward the finishing line, with strong determination to become a champion. It seems that he could rest for a while to enjoy the ecstasy of victory. However, straight ahead lies a sign which indicates a new “starting point” and urges him to continue rushing to the next destination. Undoubtedly, the cartoon conveys the meaning that life is like the process of running in which one should make constant efforts and never stop making progress. Owing to the quickening pace of life, competition goes increasing fierce in all walks of life, stimulating everyone to pursue one goal after another. Once a person stops making progress, he can hardly maintain his past glory and survive in this competitive world. As Deng Xiaoping, the great Chinese leader said, “Development is inarguable truth.” No matter how powerful a specific institution is, it will definitely seek new development in high speed. Generally speaking, neither a country nor a person can remain stagnant. A case in point is the successful launching of “Shenzhou ⅦSpacecraft”which sets China in a high position of aviation and space flight. Although it means a great achievement for us Chinese, we are facing new challenges in the forthcoming future and need to do further research in space technology. Another illustration is closely related to us, the examinees. If we pass this test and are confronted with the challenge of conquering the difficult graduate courses. We still have to strive for success in our future academic study, employment and career. On the whole, these examples effectively clarify the saying that “destination is another starting point.” (296 words) 3. As is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon, a large number of people are surfing on line within a stretching spider web, either to entertain themselves or to meet the work's needs. Unfortunately, it seems rather ironic to present people separated from each other by the spider web when they attempt to communicate. Undoubtedly, the spider web serves as a symbol of Internet, both connecting people and isolating them from each other. The metaphorical and impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the duality of the relationship between man and Internet. On the one hand, there is no denying that Internet is currently one of the most efficient media used for interpersonal communication. As a college student, I get on line every day to discuss news with other people on BBS, to study English by registering for web courses, to chat freely through MSN Messenger with my friends. But on the other hand, a good many people admit that they are too much addicted to Internet to maintain face-to-face contact with their friends and colleagues. Once indulged in the fictitious world, people feel reluctant to approach others and to concentrate on real life. That's why some people have lost the skill of direct contact and get alienated from others. Hence, it is necessary for us to use Internet in a reasonable way and restrain from overindulgence. After all, Internet is invented to connect you and me, and to bring conveniences to our life rather than set a barrier to keep people beyond reach. (249words) 4. As is symbolically illustrated in the portrayal, there is a boiling hot pot containing various ingredients of multi-cultures. These pluralistic cultures can be categorized as celebrities home and abroad as Bi Sheng, Lao She, Shakespeare and

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