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Unit 1

1. What year was Shakespeare Born?

A 1562 B1564 C 1616 D 1617

2. What was the name of Shakespeare's theatrical company?

A The King’s man

B The Queen’s man

C The Chess man

D The Lords man

3. All of the following plays are tragedies by Shakespeare except

A Othello

B Hamlet

C The Tempest

D Macbeth

4. English Renaissance Period was an age of

a. prose and novel

b. poetry and drama

c. essays and journals

d. ballad and songs

5. Shakespeare’s four tragedies are___________, ______________, ____________ and_____________.

6. Please read the famous monologue and answer the following questions.

To be, or not to be ─ that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles.

And by opposing end them.

To die─ to sleep

No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to.

'tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wishd

To die ─ to sleep,

To sleep ─ perchance to dream;

ay, there's the rub!

For in that sleep of death what may come

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil

Must give us pause.

There's the respect

That makes calamity of so long life.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,

The oppressor's wrong, the proud

man's contumely,

The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,

The insolence of office, and the spurns

That patient merit of the unworthy takes,

When he himself might his quietus make

With a bare bodkin?

Who would these fardels bear,

To grunt and sweat under a weary life,

But that the dread of something after death

The undiscovered country, from whose bourn

No traveler returns ─ puzzles the will,

And makes us rather bear those ills we have

Than fly to others that we know not of?

Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,

And thus the native hue of resolution

Is sicklied o’ er with the pale cast of thought,

And enterprises of great pith and moment

With this regard their currents turn awry

And lose the name of action.

1.Which famous play is the speech taken from? Who is the author of the play?

2.Who gives the speech in the play?

3.What does the speech indicate?

4.What is the story of the play?

7. Explain the term “Renaissance”.


1. B

2. D

3. C


5. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth

6 1). Hamlet; William Shakespeare

2) the main character of the play- Hamlet

3) “to be or not to be” indicates to live or end one’s life. The whole drift of the speech shows his belief in a future life. This speech shows Hamlet’s melancholy and his delay and describes he faced the dilemma of action and mind.

4). (见书本P6)

7.The term Renaissance refers to a great bourgeois cultural movement in Europe which began in the 14th century and continued to the mid-17th century. It first started from Italy and then spread al l over Europe. Originally, the term means “rebirth” or “revival”. And the movement seems to be a rebirth or revival of ancient Greek and Roman culture, caused by a series of historical events, such as the new discoveries in geography and astrology, the religious reformation and the economic expansion.

Unit 2

1.Please summarize the story of Robinson Crusoe.

2.What does the image of Robinson Crusoe represent?

3.What are the features of Daniel Defoe’s fictions?

4.___is considered the father of the English novel.

A. Defoe

B. Fielding

C. Richardson

D. Goldsmith


1. The story was based on the experience of a Scottish Sailor named Alexander Selkirk who had been marooned on

a desert island off the coast of Chile and lived there in solitude for four or five years. After his return to Europe, his adventures became known. Defoe wrote this novel in the first person singular.

This novel begins with Crusoe’s career as a sailor and a merchant, and then as a plantation owner and a slave trader. On a voyage to Africa to buy slaves he meets with the most unfortunate shipwreck. Then he finds himself cast by the sea waves upon the shore of an uninhabited island. He has to state there alone and manage the livelihood for himself. First of all, he gets back some food and clothes, a few guns and some ammunition from the wretched ship. He builds a shelter to protect himself. Then he grows barley and rice, domesticated goats and fight against cannibal savages coming from the neighboring islands, later he saves a savage from death and named him Friday, who becomes his faithful servant. In the hope of returning to Europe, he builds a boat. Finally an English ship comes and takes him back. Thus Robinson Crusoe ends his twenty-eight years’life in the deserted island. 2. In this novel, Defoe created the image of a true empire-builder, a colonizer and a foreign trader, who has the courage and will to face hardships, and who has determination to preserve himself and improve his livelihood by struggling against nature. There is also a glorification of labor, which enables the hero gradually to produce a favorable condition for himself. His resourcefulness in building a home, dairy, grape arbor, country house, and goat stable from practically nothing is clearly remarkable, which is applauded by Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. This image is a criticism of the lazy and parasitic feudal nobles and a praise of the bourgeois.

3. Though most of his works are written in the picaresque tradition, Defoe is an anti-romantic, anti-feudal realistic writer. His stories are all real concerns of his time: people in their struggle to overcome the natural or social environment. All his works have a very strong verisimilitude. To convince the reader of the truth of his stories, Defoe adopted the autobiographical form and made full use of his long trained journalistic skill by describing things in great detail and by using specific time and space. The following excerpt shows how Robinson makes a raft with concrete description

Defoe’s style is characterized by a plain, smooth, easy, direct, and almost colloquial but never coarse language. His words are much closer to the vernacular of rambling sentences without strong pauses to give his style an urgent, immediate, breathless quality, but the units of meaning are small and clear with frequent repetition so that the writing gives an impression of simple lucidity. In his novels, as in his own life, actions or people in action are stressed; there is not much plot or portrayal of characters, except the exact journalistic account of the daily, trivial happenings. In all, Defoe is not an artist, but he is definitely an excellent storyteller. He is the first important novelist in English literary history with his realistic views on novel writing that has influenced many generations.

4. A

Unit 3 & 4

1. Romantic age is the age of the following statements except

A humanitarian idealism

B radical individualism

C age of reason

D age of imagination

2. Lake poets are the following poets except

A Keats

B Wordsworth

C Coleridge

D Southey

3. Although lived in a remote rural country in Scotland, he is the real forefather of English Romanticism, he is

A. Burns

B. Keats

C. Byron

D. Shelly

4. William Wordsworth wrote a preface expounding his theories of what made good poetry. These theories contain the following principles except:

A. All good poems should be “the spontaneous overflow feeling.”

B. The poems should be the reflection of feelings, thoughts, and experiences of the other people.

C. Poetry should be in high degree of imagination.

D. Poetry should “takes all its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.”

5._____defines the poet as "man speaking to men," and poetry as "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, which originates in emotion recollected in tranquility."

A. William Blake

B. William Wordsworth

C. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

D. John Keats

6._____is regarded as a "worship of nature".

A. John Keats

B. William Blake

C. William Wordsworth

D. Jane Austen

7.Wordsworth’s short poems can be classified in to two groups: poems about nature and poems about________.

A. love

B. human life

C. freedom

D. social activities

8. Answer the questions concerned with William Wordsworth’s I wondered lonely as a cloud.

1)In what sense are “cloud” and “ I” comparable?

2)Why does the poet repeat “ dance” for several times?

3)What does the shift of tense suggest?


1-5 B A A B B 6-7 C B

8.1) we are joyful. We both move and express ourselves freely.

2) It suggests the harmony between man and nature.

3) the tense shifts from past to present and then to future. It suggests the poetic process from

nature to imagination and then to poetic production.

Unit 5 & 6

1. In Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet finds out some weak points about herself in the process of judging others. Which of the following is NOT a weak point of hers?

A. Blindness.

B. Partiality.

C. Snobbishness.

D. Prejudice.

2. In the conversation with his wife in Chapter One of Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Bennet uses a(n) ______ tone with sarcastic humor.

A. solemn

B. harsh

C. arrogant

D. teasing

3. Choose the one from the four immortal odes which is not written by Keats . __________

A. Ode to the West Wind

B. Ode to a Nightingale

C. Ode to Autumn

D. Ode on a Grecian Urn

Answer CDA

Unit 7 &8

1. As a literary figure, John Rivers appears in _______.

A. Fielding’s Tom Jones

B. Dickens’s Oliver Twist

C. Bronte’s Jane Eyre

D. Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

2. This novel is autobiographical to some extent, because it is known to embody many of the early experiences of

Dickens, although it is not an exact autobiography, it is

A. Oliver Twist

B. Great Expectations

C. David Copperfield

D. Bleak House

3. The most distinguishing feature of Charles Dickens’s works lies in his ______.

A. social criticism

B. optimism

C. character-portrayal

D. social setting

4. The author of the work “Dombey and Son” is _________.

A. Charles Dickens

B. Henry James

C. Robert Lee Frost

D. Ezra Pound

5. Pip, Estella, Havisham, Magwitch, and Joe Gargery are most likely names of characters in


A. Oliver Twist

B. David Copperfield

C. Bleak House

D. Great Expectations

6. Charles Dickens takes the French Revolution as the background of his novel ______.

A. Great Expectations

B. A Tale of Two Cities

C. Bleak House

D. Oliver Twist

Decide whether the following statements are true or false and write your answers (F or T) in the brackets.

1. The greatest English critical realist is Charles Dickens .

( )

2. Both Charlotte Bronte and her sister Emily Bronte were well known


( )

3. Jane Austen is one of the male novelists who drew vivid and realistic pictures of everyday life of the country society in her novels .

( )

4. Jane Austen’s masterpiece is Pride and Prejudice .

( )

Analyze the characters:

David Copperfield



David Copperfield David Copperfield narrates his story as an adult yet relays the impressions he had from a youthful point of view. Readers can see how David’s perception of the w orld deepens as he comes of age. David, for instance, is ignorant of Steerforth’s treachery at the beginning, but later readers can feel that David does not think Steerforth deserves David’s adulation. Though David always keeps the virtue of honesty, kindliness, and so on, which are considered as good virtues of human beings, he also has moments of cruelty, like the scene in which he intentionally distresses Mr. Dick by explaining Miss Betsey’s dire situation to him. David, especially as a young man in love, can be foolish and romantic. As he grows up, however, he develops a more mature point of view and searches for a lover who will challenge him and help him grow. David fully matures as an adult when he expresses

the sentiment that he values Agnes’s calm tranquility over all else in his life. In a word, in David’s first-person narration, Dickens conveys the wisdom of the older man’s implicitly through the eyes of a child.

Unit 9

Unit 11

1. I n Hawthorne’s novels and short stories, intellectuals usually a ppear as________.

A. saviors

B. villains

C. commentators

D. observers

2. All of the following are works by Nathaniel Hawthorne except_______.

A. The House of the Seven Gables

B. White Jacket

C. The Marble Faun

D. The Blithedale Romance

The Transcendentalists believe that, first, nature is ennobling, and second, the individual is____, therefore, self-reliant.

A. insignificant

B. vicious by nature

C. divine

D. forward-looking

Answer B B C

Unit 14

______is considered by H.L. Mencken as "the true father of our national literature."

A. Hemingway

B. Poe

C. Irving

D. Twain

Mark Twain wrote most of his literary works with a _______language.

A. grand

B. pompous

C. simple

D. vernacular

Answer D D

Unit 15

As a naturalist writer, Theodore Dreiser was greatly influenced by _______.

A. Nathaniel Hawthorne

B. Charles Darwin

C. Henry James

D. Ralph Waldo Emerson

The following belong to “The Lost Generation” except _______.

A. Ezra Pound

B. Robert Frost

C. Theodore Dreiser

D. William Carlos Williams

Answer BC

自考英美文学选读 第一章 文艺复兴时期(英国)(课文翻译)

英美文学选读翻译(英语专业自考) 第一部分:英国文学 第一章文艺复兴时期 文艺复兴标志着一个过渡时期,即中世纪的结束和现代社会的开始。一般来说,文艺复兴时期是从十四世纪到十七世纪中叶。它从意大利兴起,伴随着绘画、雕塑和文学领域的百花齐放,而后文艺复兴浪潮席卷了整个欧洲。文艺复兴,顾名思义即重生、复苏,是由一系列历史事件激发推动的,其中包括对古希腊罗马文化的重新发现。地理天文领域的新发现,宗教改革及经济发展。因此,文艺复兴从本质上是欧洲人文主义者竭力摒弃中世纪欧洲的封建主义,推行代表新兴城市资产阶级利益的新思想,并恢复早期宗教的纯洁性,远离腐败的罗马天主教廷的一场运动。 文艺复兴浪潮影响到英国的速度比较慢,不仅因为英国远离欧洲大陆,而且还因为其国内的动荡不安。乔叟去世后的一个半世纪是英国历史上最动荡不安的时期。好战的贵族篡取了王位,使英国走上自我毁灭之路。著名的玫瑰之战就是极好的例子。后来理查三世的恐怖统治标志着内战的结束,在都铎王朝的统治下英国的民族情感又成长起来。然而直到亨利八世统治期间(1509-1547),文艺复兴的春风才吹入英国。在亨利八世的鼓励下,牛津的改革派学者和人文主义者们将古典文学引入英国。基于古典文学作品及《圣经》的教育重获生机,而十五世纪就被广泛传阅的文学作品则更加流行了。自此,英国的文艺复兴开始了。英国,尤其是英国文学进入了黄金时代。这个时期涌现出莎士比亚、斯宾塞、约翰逊、锡德尼、马洛、培根及邓恩等一大批文学巨匠。但英国的文艺复兴并未使新文学与旧时代彻底决裂,带有十四、十五世纪特点的创作态度与情感依然贯穿在人文主义与改革时代。 人文主义是文艺复兴的核心。它源于努力恢复中世纪产生的对古希腊罗马文化的尊崇。人文主义作为文艺复兴的起源是因为古希腊罗马文明的基础是以"人"为中心,人是万物之灵。通过这些对古代文化崭新的研究,人文主义者不仅看到了光彩夺目的艺术启明星,还在那古典作品中寻求到了人的价值。在中世纪的社会中,个人完全隶属于封建统治,没有独立和自由可言;在中世纪的神学理论中,人与周围世界的关系仅仅是人消极适应或消极遁世,不允许追求快乐,以备死后灵魂得以超脱。然而人文主义者们却从古代文化遗产中找到了充足的论据,来赞美人性,并开始注意到人类是光荣的生命,人自己可以不断发展,至善至美,而且人们生存的世界是属于他们的,供他们怀疑、探索以及享受。由此,人文主义者通过强调人类的尊严、强调今生今世的重要性,喊出了他们的信仰,即人类不仅有权利在今生今世美好生活,而且还有能力完善自我,创造奇迹。人文主义遍布英国思想领域的。标志是荷兰学者伊拉斯谟先后到牛津大学与剑桥大学讲授古典文化研究。托马斯·漠尔、克利斯朵夫·马洛和威廉·莎士比亚是英国人文主义的代表。


绝密★考试结束前 全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试 英美文学选读试题 课程代码:00604 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。全部题目用英文作答。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2 B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 I. Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1 for each) Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Mark your choice by blackening the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 1. Shakespeare has established his giant position in world literature with his ______ plays, 154 sonnets and 2 long poems. A. 27 B. 38 C.47 D. 52 2. john Milton’s literary achievement can be divided into three groups: the early poetic works, the middle prose pamphlets and the last ______. A. romances B. dramas C. great poems D. ballads 3. The novels of ______ are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower— class people. A. John Milton B. Daniel Defoe C. Henry Fielding D. Jonathan Swift

英美文学 试卷

广东商学院硕士研究生入学考试试卷 考试年度:20010年考试科目代码及名称:807-英美文学适用专业:050201-英语语言文学 [友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!] I. Define the following five terms. (25 points in all, 5 points for each) 1. Symbol 2. The English Renaissance 3. Naturalism 4. Romanticism 5. Transcendentalist Club II. Multiple choice. In this part, there are 20 statements or questions; in each of them, there are four choices marked by A), B), C), and D). Choose the ONE answer that is the most suitable to the statement or question. (20 points in all, 1 point for each) 1. Geoffrey Chaucer, the “___________” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London in or about the year 1340. A)Father of English literature B)founder of British literature C)Father of English poetry D) compiler of Canterbury Tales 2. Which of the following is not John Milton's works? A) Paradise Lost B) Paradise Regained C) Samson Agonistes D) Ulysses 3. “My Last Duchess” is a poem that best exemplifies Robert Browning?s ________. A) sensitive ear for the sounds of the English language B) excellent choice of words C) mastering of the metrical devices D) use of the dramatic monologue 4. Shakespeare?s four great tragedies are: Hamlet, Othello, ______ and ______. A) King Lear…Romeo and Juliet B) King Lear…Macbeth C) King John…Julius Caesar D) King John…The Merchant of Venice 5. The greatest English critical realist novelist was ______ , who criticized the bourgeois civilization and showed the misery of the common people. A) Charles Dickens B) Emily Bronte C) W.M. Thackeray D) Charlotte Bronte 6. Richard Brinsley Sheridan?s famous comedy, ________ written in 1777, is considered his masterpiece.


Chapter I The Renaissance Period Definitions of the Literary Terms: 文艺复兴时期的界定 1. The Renaissance: The Renaissance marks a transition from the medie val to the modern world. Generally, it refers to the period between the 14 th & 17th centuries. 历史文化背景It first started in Italy, with the flowering of painting, sculpture & literature. From Italy the movement went to emb race the rest of Europe. The Renaissance, which means "rebirth" or "reviva l," is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, such as the re-discovery of ancient Roman & Greek culture, the new discoverie s in geography & astrology, the religious reformation & the economic expa nsion. The Renaissance, therefore, in essence is a historical period in whic h the European humanist thinkers & scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that e xpressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, & to recover the purity of the early church from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. 2. 文艺复兴到英国比较晚的原因The Renaissance was slow in reaching Englan d not only becaus e o f England?s separation from the Continent but also be cause of its domestic unrest. It was not until the reign of Henry VIII that the Renaissance really began to show its effect in England. With Henry VII I?s encouragement the Oxford reformers, scholars and humanists introduc ed classical literature to England. 15th century, began the English Renaissa nce, which was perhaps England?s Golden Age, especially in literature. 人文主义H umanism: Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. It sprang from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the ancient author s and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its consci ous, intellectual side, for the Greek and Roman civilization was based on s uch a conception that man is the measure of all things. Through the new l earning, humanists not only saw the arts of splendor and enlightenment, b ut the human values represented in the works. Renaissance humanists fou nd in the classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see th at human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfections, and that the world they inhabited was thei rs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy. Thus, by emphasizin g the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, they voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy the bea uty of this life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wond ers. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the b est representatives of the English humanists. The first period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and assimi lation.



英美文学试卷A 共9页第 I. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). (10 x 1’=10’) 1. ( ) Chaucer is the first English short-story teller and the founder of English poetry as well as the founder of English realism. His masterpiece The Canterbury tales contains 26 stories. 2. ( ) English Renaissance is an age of essay and drama. 3. ( ) The rise of the modern novel is closely related to the rise of the middle class and an urban life. 4. ( ) The French Revolution and the American War of Independence were two big influences that brought about the English Romantic Movement. 5. ( ) Charlotte’s novels are all about lonely and neglected young women with a fierce longing for life and love. Her novels are more or less based on her own experience and feelings and the life as she sees around. 6. ( ) The leading figures of the naturalism at the turn of 19th century are Thomas Hardy, John Galsworthy and Bernard Shaw. 7. ( ) Emily Dickinson is remembered as the “All American Writer”. 8. ( )The Civil War divides the American literature into romantic literature and realist literature. 9. ( ) Mark Twain is the first American writer to discover an American language and American consciousness.


美文学这门科目庞大之极,堪称英本自考之最。自己一个人看那么厚的一本书,不用说能不能看下来,能记住多少实在不好说! 我在复习的时候,总结了一些规律,与大家分享,望对你有用,帮你顺利通过! 1.题型分析: 一般来讲,肯定是这种类型:a.单项选择题(40道,40分) b.引文简析(无非就是问问作者是谁,出自哪个作品,主题意象什么的,4道,16分)c.简答题(4道,24分)d.论述题(无非就是分析加读后感,20分) 经验:你应该可以看出来了,重点当然是单选了,分数大,又好得分,实在不行还可以蒙。建议尽可能把书看一遍,但不要看作者生平,那肯定不会考。有个印象就可以了,不用去背,如果你汉语文学功底好,可以省去不少时间。 2.比例分析 据本人统计,历年来英美文学的国考试卷中英国文学占52%,美国文学占48%。(2003年4月例外,其中英国部分58%)其中,可以看出 单选题:前22题肯定为英国部分,其余为美国部分。 大题部分:基本上是一人一半,各占50% 经验:书上共652页,英国411页,美国241页。英国作家共38位,美国15位。其中,美国部分中,诗歌作品也比较少,比较好确认。结论:死学美国,顺带英国。 3.内容分析 历年命题的趋势逐渐由课文内容向选读作品转移,选读的比重越来越大。 经验:课文内容作到大体了解,但要特别重视作家艺术特色。选读部分加大力度,多注意书上的注释及选文大意和某些细节,尽量作到能用英语复述。实在不行,也至少作到能用汉语复述。 4.真题解析及预测 自学考试的一大特点就是重复率高,所以历年试题是必惫的复习材料,不可缺少。有人说:“一套真题等于3套模拟题!”这话绝对没错。所以要花大力气在上面。记得我考那回就有一道10分大题和前一年的一模一样。 注:马克吐温的《哈克贝里费恩历险记》的分析在2000~2002年中,连续考了三次。 经验:注意历年真题,尤其是去年的。去年的10分大题大致如下: a.《傲慢与偏见》中的三种婚姻 b.《白鲸》选文作品复述几分析象征意义。 ================================================ 4月14日]投机取巧教你过英美文学[压题篇] 本文是投机取巧过英美文学的最后一篇,收录北京市2004年4月10日英美文学考试的试题(除选择题外),是我在北京自考论坛处网友处所得,特此对提供帮助的朋友表示感谢。 二、1、Thomas Gray:Elegy in the Country Churchyard的第一段 2、Yeats的Down by the sallen garden,考的是他俩站在河边,那个女孩*在他肩头,他觉得自己年轻懵懂,而且泪流满面。 3、Emyly Bronte的Whuthering Heights里面Hethcliff在他lover临死之前的那段表现,还问了narrator 是谁 4、Emlily Dikinson的I Heard a Fly Buzz--When I died,问那个blue Buzz是什么意思


自考英美文学选读要点总结精心整理 [英国』Chapter1 The Renaissance period(14世纪至七世纪中叶)文艺复兴 1、Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance、人文主义是文艺复兴的核心。 2、 the Greek and Roman civilization was based on such a conception that man is the measure of all things、人文主义作为文艺复兴的起源是因为古希腊罗马文明的基础是以“人”为中心,人是万物之灵。 3、 Renaissance humanists found in then classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfection, and that the world they inhabited was theirs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy、人文主义者们却从古代文化遗产中找到充足的论据,来赞美人性,并开始注意到人类是崇高的生命,人可以不断发展完善自己,而且世界是属于他们的,供他们怀疑,探索以及享受。 4、 Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English


英美文学选读-阶段测评4 成绩:30分 一、Multiple Choice 共40 题 题号: 1 本题分数:2.5 分 ( )is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20th—century “stream—of—consciousness” novels and the founder of psychological realism. A、Theodore Dreiser B、William Faulkner C、Henry James D、Mark Twain (P498.para.2)亨利.詹姆斯是美国现实主义文学大师,他的作品往往涉及美国之外的主题,其作品的风格是“心理活动”。被誉为20世纪美国意识流文学的先驱。 标准答案:C 考生答案:D 本题得分:0 分 题号: 2 本题分数:2.5 分 Closely related to Dickinson’s religious poetry are her poems concerning( ),ranging over the physical as well as the psychological and emotional aspects of death. A、love and nature B、death and universe C、death and immortality D、family and happiness (P518para2)迪金森的诗歌涉及宗教和爱情两方面,而其涉及宗教的诗歌往往是以死亡和永恒为主题的,所以答案是C。 标准答案:C 考生答案:A


如对您有帮助,请购买打赏,谢谢您! 美文学这门科目庞大之极,堪称英本自考之最。自己一个人看那么厚的一本书,不用说能不能看下来,能记住多少实在不好说! 我在复习的时候,总结了一些规律,与大家分享,望对你有用,帮你顺利通过! 1.题型分析: 一般来讲,肯定是这种类型:a.单项选择题(40道,40分)b.引文简析(无非就是问问作者是谁,出自哪个作品,主题意象什么的,4道,16分)c.简答题(4道,24分)d.论述题(无非就是分析加读后感,20分) 经验:你应该可以看出来了,重点当然是单选了,分数大,又好得分,实在不行还可以蒙。建议尽可能把书看一遍,但不要看作者生平,那肯定不会考。有个印象就可以了,不用去背,如果你汉语文学功底好,可以省去不少时间。 2.比例分析 据本人统计,历年来英美文学的国考试卷中英国文学占52%,美国文学占48%。(2003年4月例外,其中英国部分58%)其中,可以看出 单选题:前22题肯定为英国部分,其余为美国部分。 大题部分:基本上是一人一半,各占50% 经验:书上共652页,英国411页,美国241页。英国作家共38位,美国15位。其中,美国部分中,诗歌作品也比较少,比较好确认。结论:死学美国,顺带英国。 3.内容分析 历年命题的趋势逐渐由课文内容向选读作品转移,选读的比重越来越大。 经验:课文内容作到大体了解,但要特别重视作家艺术特色。选读部分加大力度,多注意书上的注释及选文大意和某些细节,尽量作到能用英语复述。实在不行,也至少作到能用汉语复述。 4.真题解析及预测 自学考试的一大特点就是重复率高,所以历年试题是必惫的复习材料,不可缺少。有人说:“一套真题等于3套模拟题!”这话绝对没错。所以要花大力气在上面。记得我考那回就有一道10分大题和前一年的一模一样。 注:马克吐温的《哈克贝里费恩历险记》的分析在2000~2002年中,连续考了三次。 经验:注意历年真题,尤其是去年的。去年的10分大题大致如下: a.《傲慢与偏见》中的三种婚姻 b.《白鲸》选文作品复述几分析象征意义。 ================================================ 4月14日]投机取巧教你过英美文学[压题篇] 本文是投机取巧过英美文学的最后一篇,收录北京市2004年4月10日英美文学考试的试题(除选择题外),是我在北京自考论坛处网友处所得,特此对提供帮助的朋友表示感谢。 二、1、Thomas Gray:Elegy in the Country Churchyard的第一段 2、Yeats的Down by the sallen garden,考的是他俩站在河边,那个女孩*在他肩头,他觉得自己年轻懵懂,而且泪流满面。 3、Emyly Bronte的Whuthering Heights里面Hethcliff在他lover临死之前的那段表现,还问了narrator 是谁 4、Emlily Dikinson的I Heard a Fly Buzz--When I died,问那个blue Buzz是什么意思


英美文学选读-阶段测评3 成绩:87.5分 一、Multiple Choice 共40 题 题号: 1 本题分数:2.5 分 https://www.doczj.com/doc/6a3662591.html,wrence’s novels( )are generally regarded as his masterpieces. A、The Rainbow,Women in Love B、The Rainbow,Sons and Lovers C、Sons and Lovers,Lady Chatterley’s Lover D、Women in Love,Lady Chatterley’s Lover (P370.para2)劳伦斯的成名作是《儿子和情人》,而其代表作是《虹》和《恋爱中的女人》 标准答案:A 考生答案:A 本题得分:2.5 分 题号: 2 本题分数:2.5 分 T.S.Eliot’s poem( )is heavily indebted to James Joyce in terms of the stream - of -consciousness technique,also a prelude to The Waste Land. A、―Prufrock‖ B、―Gerontion‖ C、The Hollow Men D、Lyrical Ballads (P358.para3)―Gerontion‖是一部用戏剧式独白写成的诗歌,是《荒原》的前奏曲,也采用了意识流派的文风。 标准答案:B 考生答案:B

本题得分:2.5 分 题号: 3 本题分数:2.5 分 https://www.doczj.com/doc/6a3662591.html,wrence’s autobiographical novel is( ). A、The Rainbow B、Women in Love C、Sons and Lovers D、Lady Chatterley’s Lover (P369.para1)劳伦斯的作品大多都是从心理上去探求让人的本能的,同时也反映人性中最内在的东西。其作品《儿子和情人》真实地反映了自己在童年时期的家庭状况,被视为其半自传体小说。 标准答案:C 考生答案:C 本题得分:2.5 分 题号: 4 本题分数:2.5 分 The typical representatives of G.B.Shaw’ s early plays are( ). A、Man and Superman,The Apple Cart B、Widowers’ House,Mrs. Warren’ s Profession C、Candida,Mrs. Warren’ s Profession D、The Apple Cart,Widowers’ House (P321-322)。萧伯纳的第一步剧作是Widowers’ House,写于1892年;第二部剧作是Mrs. Warren’ s Profession,写于1893年。 标准答案:B 考生答案:B 本题得分:2.5 分 题号: 5 本题分数:2.5 分 It was only after the publication of( )that https://www.doczj.com/doc/6a3662591.html,wrence was recognized as a prominent novelist.


2010年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英美文学选读试卷 (课程代码00604) 本试卷分为两部分。共8页,满分l00分;考试时间l50分钟。 1.第一部分为选择题,应考者必须在“答题卡”上的“选择题答题区”内按要求填涂,答在试卷上无效。 2.第二部分为非选择题。应考者必须在“答题卡”上的“非选择题答题区”内按照试题题号顺序直接答题,答在试卷上无效。 PART ONE (共50 分) I. Multiple Choice (50 points in all, 1 for each) Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Mark your choice by blackening the corresponding letter [A], [B], [C]or[D]on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. Beowulf, a typical example of Old English poetry that evokes the Anglo-Saxon sense of the harshness of circumstance and the sadness of the human lot, is regarded today as __ of the Anglo-Saxons. A. a romance B. the national epic C. a religious poem D. the first blank verse 2. The early period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and assimilation. Wyatt introduced __ into England. A. blank verse B. terza rima C. the Petrarchan sonnet D. sestina 3. The Renaissance marks a transition from the medieval to the modem world. The essence of Renaissance is . A. religious reformation B. humanism C. economic expansion D. geographic discoveries 4. Which of the following plays is NOT one of William Shakespeare's great tragedies? A. King Lear B. Henry IV C. Othello D. Macbeth 5. In Paradise Lost, Adam's disobedience to God reflects the keystone of John Milton's creed, that is, __ A. the freedom of the will B. the importance of love C. evil is at the core of human nature D. human life is full of temptations 6. The 18th century England is known as the Age of Enlightenment. The enlighteners held that __ should be the only, the final cause of any human thought and activities. A. rationality B. equality C. science D. knowledge 7. In field of literature, the Enlightenment Movement brought about a(n)_ the old classical works. This tendency is known as neoclassicism. A. revived interest in B. antagonism against C. rebellion against D. irrational imitation of 8. In the neoclassical period of British literature, __ is the leading figure in the theatrical world. A. William Collins B. Richard Brinsley Sheridan C. Mrs. Ann Radcliffe D.M.G. Lewis 9. Henry Fielding's first novel Joseph Andrews is intended as a burlesque of the dubious morality and sentimentality in__ A. Pamela B. Roxana C. Gulliver's TraveLs D. The Faerie Queene 10. As one of the greatest masters of English prose,__ defined a good style as "proper words in proper places. " A. Alexander Pope B. Daniel Defoe C. Samuel Johnson D. Jonathan Swift 11. In the lines "This City now doth, like a garment, wear / The beauty of the morning; silent, bare, / Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie / Open unto the fields, and to the sky," there is obviously a peculiar use of abundant commas. This works to create a special effect: __ A. to strengthen the effect of chaos through fragmentary listing

自考(英语专业) 英美文学选读——作家作品

C.威廉莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》《哈姆雷特》 《暴风雨》 十四行诗 F.约翰弥尔顿 《利西达斯》 《失乐园》 《复乐园》 《力士参孙》 C.丹尼尔笛福 《鲁滨逊漂流记》D.乔纳森斯威夫特《格列佛游记》 E.亨利菲尔丁 《汤姆琼斯》 A.威廉布莱克 B.威廉华兹华斯 E.珀比雪莱 G.简奥斯汀 《傲慢与偏见》 A.查尔斯狄更斯《雾都孤儿》 B.布朗蒂姐妹 《简爱》 《呼啸山庄》 F.托马斯哈代 《德伯家的苔丝》A.萧伯纳 《华伦夫人的职业》D.T.S.艾略特 《荒原》 E.戴维赫伯特劳伦斯《儿子与情人》 C.纳撒尼尔霍桑《红字》 《小伙子布朗》 D.华尔特惠特曼《草叶集》 E.赫尔曼麦尔维尔《白鲸》 A.马克吐温 《哈克贝里费恩》B.亨利詹姆斯

《黛西米勒》 C.艾米莉狄金森 D.西奥多德莱塞 《嘉丽妹妹》 B.罗伯特弗洛斯特 《摘苹果后》 《未选择的路》 《雪夜停马在林边》 D.司各特菲兹杰拉德 《了不起的盖茨比》 E.欧内斯特海明威 《在我们的时代里》 网格本下载地址《外国文学名著丛书》上海译文出版社 https://www.doczj.com/doc/6a3662591.html,/topics/2749655/ 目录: 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】亨利四世(上册)[德]亨利希·曼董问樵.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】亨利四世(下册)[德]亨利希·曼董问樵.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】亨利四世(中册)[德]亨利希·曼董问樵.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】呼啸山庄[英]艾米莉·勃朗特方平.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】红与黑[法]司汤达郝运.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】红字[美]霍桑侍桁等.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】斯巴达克思.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】死魂灵[俄]果戈理满涛等.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】谁在俄罗斯能过好日子[俄]涅克拉索夫飞白.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】鲵鱼之乱[捷克]卡·恰佩克贝京.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】唐璜[英]拜伦查良铮.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】堂吉诃德[西]塞万提斯杨绛译上.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】堂吉诃德[西]塞万提斯杨绛译下.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】汤姆大伯的小屋[美]斯陀夫人黄继忠.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】特利斯当与伊瑟[法]贝迪耶罗新璋.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】变形记[古罗马]奥维德杨周翰.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】悲剧二种[古希腊]埃斯库罗斯罗念生.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】悲剧二种[古希腊]欧里庇得斯罗念生.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】悲剧二种[古希腊]索福克勒斯罗念生.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】沙恭达罗[印度]迦梨陀娑季羡林.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】社会毒瘤[菲律宾]何塞·黎萨尔陈尧光.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】神曲地狱篇[意大利]但丁朱维基.pdf 【外国文学名著丛书】·网格本\【外国文学名著丛书】神曲地狱篇[意大利]但丁田德望.pdf


测试题(1) 1.Of the four alternative answers, choose the one that would best complete the statement. 1.Spenser is regarded as one of the greatest poets in the English Renaissance. His masterpiece is _______________. a.Utopia b. The Song of Beowulf C. The Faerie Queene D. The Canterbury Tales 2.Which of the following is not Malowe’s play? a.Tamlurlaine the Great b. The Jew of Malta c. The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus d. Cymbeline 3. “Hamlet” “Othello” “King Lear” and “_________” are regarded as Shake speare’s four great tragedies. a. Macbeth b. Romeo and Juliet c. The Winter’s Tale d. Tempest 4. Of the following plays by Shakespeare, which is not a comedy? a. Midsummer Night Dream b. The Merchant of Venice c. Twelfth Night d. Romeo and Juliet 5. Which of the following is not a historical play by Shakespeare? a. Henry VI b. Henry IV c. Richard III D. Charles I 6. From the following choose the one which is not Francis Bacon’s work. a. The Advancement of Learning b. The New Instrument c. Essays d. Venus and Adonis 7. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” This is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare’s ___________________. a. songs b. plays c. comedies d. sonnets 8. English Renaissance Period was an age of __________. a. prose and novel b. poetry and drama c. essays and journals d. ballads and songs 9. Of the following _______was the important metaphysical poet. a. John Donne b. Ben Johnson c. John Milton d. George Peele 10. Of the following “________” was not written by Milton. a. Paradise Lost b. Paradise regained c. Samson Agonistes d. Volpone 11. “Dr. Faustus” is a play based on the _______legend of a magician aspiring for knowledge and finally meeting his tragic end. a. English b. French c. German D. Irish 12. Shakespeare has established his giant position in world literature with his _______plays. 154 sonnets and 2 long poems. a. 47 b. 38 c. 27 d. 52 13. The principle of Shakespeare’s historical play is that the national ______under a mighty and jut sovereign is a necessity. a. peace b. prosperity c. unity d. progress 14. “Romeo and Juliet” though a tragedy, is permeated with ____________spi rit. a. optimistic b. pessimistic c. satirical d. realistic

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