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Unit 6


T-shirtT恤 jeans牛仔裤 cap帽子 dress连衣裙 socks袜子 sweater毛衣

shoes鞋 trainers运动鞋 shirt 衬衫 skirt 短裙 shorts短裤


My favourite sweater is yellow.我最喜欢的毛衣是黄的。

My favourite toy is a kite.我最喜欢的玩具是风筝。

Put on your jeans.穿上你的牛仔裤。

Mike is wearing black socks.迈克穿着黑色的袜子。

Unit 7


January 一月 February二月 March三月 April四月 May五月

June六月 July七月 August八月September九月 October十月 November十一月 December十二月


When is your birthday? My birthday is in …. 你的生日在什么时候?

When is John’s birthday? John’s birthday is in…. 约翰的生日在什么时候?Happy birthday to you. 祝你生日快乐 Thank you very much.非常感谢 Stamp your feet. 跺脚 Clap your hands.拍手

Snap your fingers.打响指 Turn around.转个圈

Unit 8


sad 伤心的 happy快乐的 angry生气的 tired 困倦的 scared 恐惧的 smile微笑 cry 哭泣


How are you feeling today? I’m happy. 你今天心情怎样?我很开心。 He is sad.他很伤心。 She is scared.她很恐惧。

Unit 9


pizza披萨 popcorn爆米花 chicken 鸡肉 apple 苹果 ice-cream 冰激淋 banana 香蕉 spaghetti意大利面条 fish鱼 hamburger汉堡包 cheese 吉士

hot chocolate 热巧克力orange juice橙汁 cola可乐 milk 牛奶 rice 米饭 noodles 面条 steamed bread 馒头 porridge 粥 dumplings 饺子 pork 猪肉 beef 牛肉句型:

Do you like fish? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 你喜欢鱼吗?是的。/不喜欢。

What do you like? I like pizza. 你喜欢什么呢?我喜欢披萨。

What’s your favourite food? My favourite food is hamburger. 你最喜欢的食物是什么?我最喜欢的食物是汉堡。

Unit 10


hair 头发 eye眼睛 ear 耳朵 nose 鼻子 teeth 牙齿 face 脸 arm 胳膊 leg腿 toes 脚趾 foot脚 mouth嘴巴 head头 hand 手 fingers手指句型:

She has got green hair and a small red mouth. 她有绿色的头发和一张红色的小嘴巴。

JOIN IN 学生用书1 Word List

Starter Unit

Good afternoon 下午好 Good evening 晚上好 Good morning 早上好 Good night 晚安 Stand 站立

Unit 1

count [kaunt] (依次)点数 eight [eit] 八 eleven [i'levn] 十一 four [f ?:] 四 five [faiv] 五 flag [fl?g] 旗 guess [ges] 猜 jump [d??mp] 跳 nine [nain] 九

number ['n?mb?]


one [wn] 一 seven ['sevn] 七 six [siks] 六 ten [ten] 十 three [θri:]三 twelve [tw elv] 十二 two [tu:] 二 your [ju?] 你的 zero ['zi?r?u] 零、你们的

Unit 2

black [bl?k] 黑色 blue [blu:] 蓝色 car [kɑ:] 小汽车 colour ['k?l?] 颜色 door [d ?:] 门

favourite [?feiv?rit] 特别喜爱的 green [gri:n] 绿色 jeep [d?i:p] 吉普车 orange ['?:rind?] 橙黄色 pink [pi?k]粉红色 please [pli:z] 请 purple ['p?:pl] 紫色 red [red] 红色 white [hwait] 白色 yellow ['jel?u] 黄色

Unit 3

blackboard ['bl?kb?:d] 黑板 book [buk] 书 chair [t???] 椅子 desk [desk] 桌子 pen [pen] 钢笔 pencil ['pensl] 铅笔 pencil case [keis] 笔盒 ruler ['ru:l?] 尺、直尺 schoolbag [sku:l] 书包 tree [tri:] 树

window ['wind?u] 窗、窗口

Unit 4

brown [braun] 棕色 cat [k?t] 猫 dog [d?g] 狗 eat [i:t] 吃 fish [fi?] 鱼 run [r?n] 跑 sit [sit] 坐

Unit 5

day [dei] 天、日子 Friday ['fraidi] 星期五 Monday ['m?ndei] 星期一 room [ru:m] 房间、屋子 Saturday ['s?t?di] 星期六 Sunday ['s?ndi] 星期日 Thursday ['θ?:zdi] 星期四 Tuesday ['tju:zdi] 星期二 Wednesday ['wenzdi] 星期三 wrong [r?:?]错误的

Unit 6

dress [dres] 女服、童装 shirt [??:t] 衬衫、衬衣 shoes [?u:s] 鞋子 shorts [??:ts] 短裤 skirt [sk?:t] 裙子 socks [s?ks] 短袜

sweater ['swet?] 厚运动衫、毛线衫 trainers ['trein?] 运动鞋 T-shirt T恤衫

Unit 7

April ['eipr?l] 4月 August [?:'g?st] 8月 birthday ['b?:θdei]生日 box [b?ks] 盒子December [di'semb?] 12月 February ['febru?ri] 2月 January ['d??njueri] 1月 July [d?u:'lai] 7月 June [d?u:n] 6月 March [mɑ:t?] 3月 May [mei] 5月 November [n?u'vemb?] 11月 October [?k't?ub?] 10月 Present ['preznt] 礼物 September [sep'temb?] 9月

Unit 8

angry ['??gri]生气的、愤怒的 cry [krai] 哭 feel [fi:l] 感觉

sad [s?d] 忧愁的,悲哀的 scared [ske?d] 恐惧的 smile [smail] 笑

stupid ['stju:pid] 愚蠢的 tired ['tai?d] 疲劳的,累的

Unit 9

apples ['?pls] 苹果 bananas [b?'nɑ:n?z] 香蕉 beef [bi:f] 牛肉 chicken ['t?ikin] 鸡肉 drink [dri?k]饮料 dumplings ['d?mpli?s]饺子 fish [fi?] 鱼 food [fu:d] 食物 go [g?u] 去,走 noodles ['nu:dl] 面条 pork [p?:k] 猪肉 porridge ['p?rid ?] 粥 rice [rais] 米

steamed bread [sti:m] [bred] 馒头

Unit 10

arm [ɑ:m] 手臂 big [big] 大的 ears [i?] 耳朵 hair [h??] 头发 hand [h?nd] 手 legs [leg] 腿 mouth [mauθ]口,嘴 small [sm?:l] 小的 teeth [ti:θ]牙齿 they [eei] 他(她)们 toes [t?u] 趾头 month [m?nθ]月


What day is today? It is Wednesday. What month is this? This is January.


姓名:________ 得分_________


m__ __ni__ __(早上) af__ _ __n__o__(下午) e__e__in__(晚上) s__a__d(站) c__ __ __t(依次点数) e__ __v__n(十一) f__ __ __(旗) __u__s__(猜) j__ __p(跳) n_ _ b_ _(数字) y_ _ _(你的,你们的) c_ _ _ _r(颜色) c__ __(小汽车) j__ e__(吉普车) p_e_s_(请) f_v_ _ri_ _(最喜爱的) t_e_(树) b_ _ _kb_ _ _d(黑板) ch_ _ _(椅子) w_ _ d_ _(窗户)


1()A.eleven B.nice C.five D.eight

2. ( ) A.blue B.door C.grey D.orange

3. ( ) A.jeep B.car C.favourite D.plane

4. ( )A.morning B.afternoon C.good D.night

5. ( )A.desk B.pencil C.ruler D.eraser



1.are, today, you, how


2.too, to, meet, nice, you


3.your, number, what, is, phone


4.many, flags, you, can, how, see


5.twelve, is, minus, what, nine


6.is, my, classroom, this


7.Am, I, England, from



8.you , here , are


9.colour , you , what , like, do


10.your, colour, is, what, favourite


11.there, how, desks, many, are



Clap your hands. 坐下 I’ve got a small room.让我数数。

Stretch. 手挽手站立 Here is your prize. 好一道彩虹!

Stand nose to nose. 拍拍你的手 What’s in the box? 这是一辆国产小汽

车。 Stand back to back. 伸懒腰 Let me count. 我有一间小房子。 Stand arm in arm. 鼻子对鼻子站立 What a rainbow! 盒子里面是什么? Sit dowm. 背靠背站立 It’s a Chinese car 这是你的奖品。


1.What your name?

2.How many girl can you see?

3.I’m like pink and yellow.

4.What colour do your like?

5.Take out three book..

6.My favourite number is a six.


1.——你好吗? How ____ ____? 2——早上好,Lisa。——____ _____,Lisa. —我很好,谢谢。 I‘m____ .Thank ____. ——早上好,Mike. ——Good morning.Mike. 你呢? _____ ____? ——Mike,这是Nick. ——Mike,____ ____Nick. ——我也很好。 _____ fine,too ——很高兴见到你。——Nice to meet____. ——我也很高兴见到你。——Nice to meet ___,___.


This is my classroom.It is nice and clean.There are ___ ____in my classroom,they’re ____.There a re _____ chairs.They’re ______.There are two books and a _____on my desk..There is ____ ____ ____on my chair. My favourite class is English.I ____ my classroom.


五、 Fill in the blanks. (按括号里的提示把下列单词写完整,一个横格只填一个字母。)

1. si _ (中国人的幸运数字)

2. bl _ e (大海的颜色)

3. dre_ _ (女孩穿的衣服)

4. footba_ _ (一种体育运动)详情请访问https://www.doczj.com/doc/6111797349.html,

5. b _ g (small 的反义词)

6. oran_ _ (一种水果)

7. d_ g (一种动物) 8. s_ cks (脚上穿的)

9. comp _ ter (用它能上网) 10. nine + four = thirt _ _n

六、 Think and choose. (选出每组中不同类的单词。)

1. this that here these those

2. thirteen fourteen fifteen twelve sixteen

3. colourful pretty cheap expensive hundred

4. breakfast lunch canteen supper dinner

5. cold floor cool warm hot

6. chicken hamburgers vegetables nooldles hot dogs

7. tomatoes onion carrots potatoes cucumbers

8. teacher father mother sisiter brother

9. cool sunny rainy windy cloudy

10. jeans pants skirt socks shoes来源:小精灵儿童网站

七、 Read and answer. (找答语。将右栏答语前的序号填在前面的括号内。)摘自小精灵儿童资讯站

( )Welcome to our school. A. It’s 7 o’clock.

( ) Is this a teacher’s desk? B. Great!

( ) What time is it? C. It’s sunny.

( ) Let’s go to the playground. D. Thank you.

( ) What’s the weather like today? E. Yes, it is.

( ) Can I wear my T- shirt? F. It’s white.

( ) How many cows do you have? G. One hundred.

( ) How much is it? H. It’s on the second floor.摘自小精灵儿童资讯站

( ) Where is the teacher’s office? I. It’s twenty yuan.

( ) What colour is it? J. No, you can’t.

八、 Put the words in the right order. (连词组句。)

1. time class for It’s math


2. your Is sweater that


3. cold it Is


4. I help Can you

5. are there How horses many


九、 Read and choose. (选择填空。把正确答案的序号写在括号里。)

( ) 1. Look _____ the shirt. It’s very pretty.

A. in

B. at

C. on

( ) 2. How much ______ they?

They are eight yuan.

A. is

B. am

C. are

( ) 3. How _____ pens do you have?

I have three pens.

A. many

B. much

C. Many

( ) 4. What can you see _____ the farm?更多内容请访问https://www.doczj.com/doc/6111797349.html, A. under B. at C. of

( ) 5. What are they?更多内容请访问https://www.doczj.com/doc/6111797349.html,

They are ______.

A. goat

B. horse

C. sheep

( ) 6. Are they watermelons?


A. No, they aren’t.

B. Yes, it is.

C. No, it’s not.

( ) 7. Where is the ______ office?

A. teacher’s

B. teachers

C. Teachers

( ) 8. It’s time to _______.

A. go to school

B. go to home

C. go school更多内容请访问https://www.doczj.com/doc/6111797349.html,

( ) 9. This is _______ computer, that is _______ computer.

A. me, you

B. my, your

C. my, you

( ) 10. _______ jacket is it?

A. Who

B. whose

C. Whose

十、 Reading comprehension. (阅读理解。)

A. Read and write. (根据提示完成短文。)

This is my farm, there are many animals on my farm. Oh, this is a ________ (猪), that is a _______ (牛)。 Look,there are four ________ (绵羊),two ________ (鸭子) and many ______ (马)。 This farm is so big.

B. Read, tick or cross. (根据下列短文内容,判断对错。)

Dear Grandma,

Thank you for the new T-shirt. It’s so cool! It’s hot in Shanghai. It’s sunny too. I can wear my shorts and T-shirt. I have a new jacket. My old jacket is too small. I want to buy a pair of sandals. They are fifty yuan. They are too expensive.

What’s the weather like at the farm? Is it warm? How many new ducks are there?小精灵儿童(https://www.doczj.com/doc/6111797349.html,/)



1. John has a new T- shirt. ( )

2. It is cool in Shanghai. ( )

3. Grandma is at the farm. ( )

4. The sandals are thirty yuan. ( )

5. It’s hot and sunny in Shanghai. ( )


一、 Listen and choose. (听录音,选出你所听到的单词。)

1. Do you like this T- shirt?

Yes, I like it very much.小精灵儿童(https://www.doczj.com/doc/6111797349.html,/)

2. What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny today.

3. Look. What are these?

4. How many pens do you have? Thirteen.

5. Look at the picture, it’s so beautiful.

6. How much is that dress? It’s 15 yuan. Oh, it’s so cheap.

7. Mom, I want a pair of sandals.

8. Guess, what’s in the box. Oh, it’s an apple.

9. What are they? They are tomatoes.

10. Where is Mike? He is in the garden.

二、 Listen and tick or cross. (听音判断,正确的打对号,错误的打错号。)

1. Time for breakfast. Drink some milk.

2. Go to the garden. Water the flowers.

3. Time for P.E. Jump and run.

4. Go to the teacher’s office. Hand in the homework.

5. Hang up your skirt.

6. Wash your shirt.

7. Put away your sweat.

8. Go to the playground. Play football.

9. Time for music. Sing and dance.

10. Time for English. Read and write.

三、 Listen and choose. (听录音,给听到的句子选择正确的答语。)

1. Is he your math teacher?

2. Where’s my book?

3. What colour are my pants?

4. Whose jacket is it?

5. What are they?

四、Listen and fill in the blanks. (听录音,完成短文,每空填一次。)

Good morning. This is the weather report. It’s warm______ in Beijing. It’s _cold______ in Lhasa. It’s __snowy______ in Hong Kong. It’s __sunny_____ in London and it’s _cool_____ in Sydney. Good luck, bye.



一、Listen and choose. (听录音,选出你所听到的单词。)


二、Listen and tick or cross. (听音判断,正确的打对号,错误的打错号。)


三、Listen and choose. (听录音,给听到的句子选择正确的答语。)


四、Listen and fill in the blanks. (听录音,完成短文,每空填一次。)

warm cold snowy sunny cool


五、Fill in the blanks. (按括号里的提示把下列单词写完整,一个横格只填一个字母。)

1. x

2. u

3. ss

4. ll

5. i

6. ge

7. o

8. o

9. u 10. ee

六、Think and choose. (选出每组中不同类的单词。)

1. here

2. twelve

3. hundred

4. canteen

5. floor

6. chicken

7. onion

8. teacher

9. cool 10. skirt

七、Read and answer. (找答语。将右栏答语前的序号填在前面的括号内。) DEABC JGIHF

八、Put the words in the right order. (连词组句。)

1. It’s time for math class.

2. I s that your sweater?

3. Is it cold?

4. Can I help you?

5. How many horses are there?

九、Read and choose. (选择填空。把正确答案的序号写在括号里。)


十、Reading comprehension. (阅读理解。)

A. Read and write. (根据提示完成短文。)

pig cow sheep ducks horse

B. Read, tick or cross. (根据下列短文内容,判断对错。)


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