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Shock compression of liquid deuterium up to 109 GPa

Shock compression of liquid deuterium up to 109 GPa
Shock compression of liquid deuterium up to 109 GPa

Shock compression of liquid deuterium up to109GPa

G.V.Boriskov,A.I.Bykov,R.I.Il’kaev,V.D.Selemir,G.V.Simakov,R.F.Trunin,V.D.Urlin,and A.N.Shuikin

Russian Federal Nuclear Center,All-Russia Research Institute of Experimental Physics,Sarov,

Nizhni Novgorod Region607190,Russia


University of California,Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,Livermore,California94550,USA

?Received13May2004;revised manuscript received15October2004;published23March2005?

Hugoniot points of liquid D2were measured at shock pressures of107,54,and28GPa using converging

explosively driven systems?CSs?.The two data sets measured with a laser?L?and pulsed currents?PCs?differ

substantially.Our results are in excellent agreement with the PC data and the error bars of the CS-PC data are

less than half those of the L data.The limiting compression obtained from the best?t to the CS-PC data is

4.30±0.10at100GPa.The CS-PC data are in good agreement with path integral Monte Carlo and density

functional theory calculations,which is expected to be the case at even higher shock temperatures and pres-

sures,as well.

DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.71.092104PACS number?s?:62.50.?p,47.40.Nm

The single-shock compression curve?Hugoniot?of deute-rium up to100GPa?1Mbar?pressures has been controver-sial because limiting shock compression close to sixfold of initial liquid density has been reported using a high-intensity laser?L??Ref.1?and limiting compression close to fourfold has been reported using large pulsed currents?PCs?.2–4That is,as pressure achieved with a single shock increases,so too does temperature,which limits compression at suf?ciently high pressures.Examination of the systematics of single-shock compression of diatomic liquids suggests that the PC data are correct.5Deuterium in all the shock experiments is in thermal equilibrium because there are more than104col-lisions between atoms and/or molecules within the respective time resolutions.Deuterons in these experiments are classical.6Thus,there is no a priori reason why?uid deu-terium would be expected to behave differently than other low-Z diatomics,as reported in Ref.1.In order to determine the correct Hugoniot of D2,we began experiments on solid7,8 and liquid samples in1999.In this paper we report Hugoniot points at109,54,and28GPa for liquid D2samples.

Strong shock waves were generated with hemispherical convergence driven by explosives?CS?,the same method we used previously to measure points at121and61GPa for solid samples.7,8Our points at109and121GPa achieve lim-iting compression.Our points at109and121GPa and at54 and61GPa used liquid and solid D2samples,respectively, to demonstrate self-consistency and reproducibility.Our point at28GPa demonstrates agreement with data measured at lower pressures with a two-stage gas gun?GG?.9 To minimize uncertainties,our CS method10,11requires that a given experiment be repeated several times and the results averaged.We have performed thirteen cryogenic,ex-plosively driven experiments to obtain the three data points for liquid samples reported here.Our method produces data at100GPa pressures in the simple materials Al and Cu which are in excellent agreement with data obtained with a two-stage gun and planar explosives.12,13Thus,while our method produces relatively few data points,our results are in excellent agreement with data obtained by other techniques of demonstrated accuracy at shock pressures which can be obtained with all three methods.

High shock pressures were generated by impact of a con-verging hemispherical steel shell accelerated to velocities as large as14km/s?Ref.14?onto an Al sample holder contain-ing liquid D2near20K.The data were analyzed with the shock-impedance match method.11Shock velocities were de-termined from shock transit times over measured distances. Measured shock transit times in both the Al sample holder and liquid D2were corrected for spherical convergence. Shock transit times in liquid D2were corrected for transit times through thin Al covers on detectors.We used an Al Hugoniot in excellent agreement with recent measurements to500GPa.15Our calculated Al release isentropes used to match shock impedances agree with measured Al release isentropes at conditions in liquid D2.2,16Initial Al density was corrected for its20K initial temperature.The points reported here?CS?and achieved in the previous L,PC,and GG experiments were performed in u s-u p space,where u s is shock velocity and u p is mass velocity.The Hugoniot equations17were used to calculate P and?from u s and u p,

where P is shock pressure and?is shock-compressed den-

sity.The shock states achieved in deuterium are listed in Table I.

The error analysis is described in Ref.18.Mass velocity u p of deuterium is determined in P-u p space by matching shock impedance of an Al shock release isentrope with the shock impedance of deuterium on its Hugoniot??0u s?=P/u p,where?0is initial density of liquid D2at20K.We

used Al release isentropes which are in good agreement with measured Al states releasing into aerogel with essentially the same density and shock impedance as liquid D2.2,16In the case of these deuterium experiments,uncertainties in mea-sured u s are the dominant source of error in determining u p. Systematic errors in u p are negligible because our Al release isentropes agree with experiment.This is in contrast to pre-vious experiments9in which systematic uncertainties in u p were taken into account because at that time Al release isen-

PHYSICAL REVIEW B71,092104?2005?

tropes could only be calculated.18The error analysis de-scribed above gives error bars of the u s-u p points,which were then used to calculate the corresponding error bars for the pressures and densities in Table I.

Since our goal is to minimize uncertainties,we now make use of the fact that there are19CS and PC u s-u p points in excellent agreement at pressures near100GPa and these points have a linear u s-u p relation.In this situation,the un-certainty in calculating a value of u s from the linear?t is substantially lower than the uncertainty in any one experi-mental point.Thus,we now determine least-squares?ts to the u s-u p data and use these?ts and the uncertainties in them, caused by uncertainties in the experimental data,to calculate P,compression?/?0,and the uncertainty in?/?0.

It is straightforward to least-squares?t the data because u s-u p relations of low-Z diatomic molecules are linear or nearly so with small??3%?deviations caused by molecular dissociation.5Since two points were measured with solid samples,7,8shock velocities of these two points were cor-rected downward by1.5%to account for their higher initial density relative to that of the liquid samples.Weighting fac-tors equal to the reciprocal of the uncertainty in each mea-sured u s were used in the?tting procedures.The CS,PC,L, and GG u s-u p data are plotted in Fig.1along with the?ts.

The CS,PC,and GG data were analyzed in regions1–3, the dark curves in Fig. 1.In the?rst region,3?u p ?9km/s,the?t to the GG data is linear?u s1=C1+S1u p?

with slope S1=1.21±0.04.9In the third region,15?u p?22 km/s,the?t to the combined CS-PC data is linear?u s3=C3 +S3u p?with C3=1.704±1.5km/s and S3=1.22±0.08.The standard deviations in C and S are?C=??j??C j?2?1/2and ?S=??j??S j?2?1/2,where?C j=C j?C,?S j=S j?S,C and S are obtained from the best?t and C j and S j are the values of C and S obtained by varying the j th value of u s3by its experi-mental uncertainty.Standard deviations in C and S are rela-tively large because all terms in these sums are positive.

For our purpose,however,uncertainties in C an S are not important.Rather,it is the uncertainty in the Hugoniot of deuterium calculated from the?t that is important.The un-certainty in u s calculated from the?t at a given u p varies with u p because data points at the extremes of u p have the largest effect on the?t and these points also have larger error bars.The standard deviation in u s3as a function u p is given by ??u s?u p??=??j??C j+u p?S j?2?1/2.19This technique was also used to analyze Hugoniot data of Al,Cu,and Ta.12Uncer-tainties in shock velocity calculated with the?t at a given u p are relatively small because?C j and?S j have opposite signs. For19CS and PC points in the range15?u p?22km/s,??u s?u p??=?3.216–0.3301u p+0.008487u p2?1/2.??u s?u p??/u s has a minimum of0.4%at u p=19.5km/s and85GPa, which is precisely the regime in which high accuracies are needed.Experimental uncertainties in our shock velocity measurements at?100GPa are1.4%.

In the second region,9?u p?15km/s,the combined CS-PC data have a small curvature.The shock pressures cor-responding to these velocities are20and50GPa,respec-tively.This is the same shock pressure range in which optical re?ectivity experiments indicate that deuterium undergoes a transition from a diatomic insulator below20GPa to a mon-atomic,strong-scattering metal above50GPa.20This re?ec-tivity data justi?es treating the small curvature in this region as physical in nature.Thus,in the region9?u p?17km/s a cubic polynomial was used to?t15CS and PC points:u s2 =A1+A2u p+A3u p2+A4u p3,where A1,A2,A3,and A4are con-stants,the simplest form to represent the universal behavior of low-Z diatomics.5This expression represents an initial softening in u s2caused by dissociation,followed at higher u p by a stiffening in u s2caused by completion of the temper-ature-driven nonmetal-metal transition from Maxwell-Boltz-mann statistics for the diatomic insulator to Fermi-Dirac sta-

TABLE I.Shock-compressed states of deuterium,where?0is initial density,u p is particle velocity,u s is shock velocity,P is pressure,and?is density.The lower initial densities are for liquid samples;the higher initial densities are for solid samples?Refs.7 and8?.To obtain these?ve data points,twenty three cryogenic explosively driven experiments were performed and the results averaged.


?u p?km/s?u s?km/s?P?GPa?a??g/cm3?Ref.







FIG.1.Shock velocity u s versus mass velocity u p for deuterium:

open diamonds?this work?,open triangles?Refs.7and8?,solid

squares?Refs.2–4?,solid circles?Ref.9?,open squares?Ref.1?.

Solid curve is least-squares?ts in regions1–3;dashed curve in

region4is linear?t to Ref.1.

tistics for the monatomic metal.21This cubic ?t is the solid curve in the range 9?u p ?15km/s,region 2in Fig.1.The laser data ?L ?are linear ?u sL =C L +S L u p ?in the range 18?u p ?32km/s,1the dashed line in region 4of Fig.1.Our experimental results ?CS ?are in excellent agreement with the PC data and the error bars of the CS and PC data sets are less than half those of the L data.Figure 1shows that the CS-PC and the L data agree at the extremes of the error bars of each individual data point in u s -u p space.Thus,on the basis of the error bars of the individual data points all the data sets agree.However,the signi?cantly smaller error bars of the ?ts caused by all the error bars of all the individual points show that the CS-PC data should be used for comparison of ex-periment with theory.

The u s -u p ?ts to the CS-PC,L ,and GG data were trans-formed to P versus compression ??/?0?.The results are shown in Fig.2as the solid ?segments 1–3?and dashed ?4?curves,respectively.Thus,relatively small differences in u s -u p space ?solid and dashed curves in Fig.1?cause sub-stantial differences in P -compression.The error bars of com-pression for the solid and dashed curves in the range 50to 110GP are their standard deviations calculated from the uncertainties in the u s -u p ?ts,which are caused by uncertain-ties in all the measured shock velocities.No effort was made to obtain a smooth join in P ???/?0?space between regions 2and 3,which occurs within the error bars of the two ?ts.The ?ts to the experimental data are now compared to theories in the two extreme limits,the cases in which all interactions are taken into account ?PIMC and DFT compu-tations ?and the case in which all interactions are neglected ?free electrons ?.The Hugoniot calculated with the path inte-gral Monte Carlo ?PIMC ?method,22which uses no adjust-able parameters,is the dotted curve in Fig.2.The PIMC

results are essentially coincident with the ?t to the CS-PC data.PIMC assumes that interactions between charged par-ticles are Coulombic ?1/r ?,that all particles are in thermo-dynamic equilibrium,and that nodal surfaces may be used to solve the fermion sign problem.This method is valid above 5000K,where shock-compressed deuterium is assumed to be monatomic.

Density functional theory ?DFT ?has a spatial criterion for the existence of molecules,namely,two atoms form a mol-ecule when they are mutually nearest neighbors or nearest neighbors for a minimum of two or more vibron periods.In calculations between shock pressures of 20and 100GPa,?80and ?100%of D 2molecules dissociate into atoms at 50and 100GPa,respectively,23which is consistent with experiment.20These calculations,the open circles in Fig.2,are in excellent agreement with Refs.2–4.

Both PIMC and DFT are in excellent agreement with ex-periment and say that deuterium is monatomic or nearly so above 50GPa on the Hugoniot.Other calculations 24–27ap-proach limiting compressions of essentially 4.3-fold,as well.28Thus,limiting compressions of the ?t to the CS-PC data and of several calculations are essentially the same and are relatively close to the limiting shock compression of 4.0of an initially degenerate free-electron gas.21

Slopes of u s -u p ?ts to experimental data are now com-pared to PIMC and DFT calculations and to results for free electrons and ideal gases of D and D https://www.doczj.com/doc/6b11420065.html,parison of these slopes,is more stringent than comparisons of the data itself.Also,this comparison gives an estimate of the effect of tem-perature.

Slopes du s /du p derived from the ?ts to the GG-CS-PC data in Fig.1and their error bars are plotted in Fig.3.These slopes are constants in the ?rst and third regions.In the


FIG.3.du s /du p versus u p .Solid curve:1is from Ref.9;2is derivative of solid curve in Fig.1for 9?u p ?17km/s;3is linear slope of solid line above u p =15km/s in Fig.1.Dissociation occurs between u p =?9and ?15km/s,which corresponds to 20and 50GPa ?Ref.20?.Dashed line is slope of dashed line in region 4of Fig.1.Error bars are standard deviations of slopes S of linear ?ts caused by uncertainties in shock velocity measurements.Dot-dash lines are slopes corresponding to limiting compressions of mon-atomic and diatomic ideal gases and free-electron gas,as


FIG.2.Pressure ?P ?versus compression ??/?0?calculated with Hugoniot equations and u s -u p ?ts in Fig.1.Solid and dashed curves correspond to solid and dashed curves in Fig.1.Error bars are standard deviations of ?ts calculated from uncertainties in measured shock velocities.Dotted curve and temperatures were calculated with PIMC ?Ref.22?.Open circles calculated with DFT ?Ref.23?.

ond region,du s/du p is the derivative of the cubic?t to the

data in this range.Between9and17km/s the slope of the?t

to the CS-PC data has an initial sharp minimum,?25%less

than that of the molecular phase,followed by a broader

maximum.The open circles are obtained from DFT calcula-

tions.The slope of the PIMC results?dots?was calculated by

transforming published P-?results to u s-u p.Values of du s/du p obtained from?ts to the experimental data are in

good agreement with PIMC and DFT results.For compari-

son,limiting slope S lim?C?Su p?is1.33for both a free elec-tron gas and an ideal monatomic gas of deuterons;limiting

slope of a diatomic ideal gas is1.17.The latter three are the

dot-dash lines,as indicated.

Also plotted in Fig.3is the slope of the u s-u p data of Ref.

1,S L=1.10±0.17for18?u p?32km/s?long dashes?.The relatively low value of this slope for u p?18km/s is incon-sistent with dissociation proposed in Ref.1,which is ob-served experimentally to be essentially complete by u p =15km/s.20Mass velocity of the L data was obtained by an absolute determination of u p by transverse radiography.In contrast,the CS,PC,and GG data obtained u p with the shock-impedance match method with Al.Experimental is-sues with the two techniques have been discussed.5 Several conclusions can be drawn from these results:?i?When error bars of each point are taken into account,all three u s-u p data sets are in agreement.?ii?The CS-PC u s-u p data are in excellent mutual agreement,their error bars are less than half those of the L data,and the standard deviations of their joint?t are quite small.Thus,to compare experiment

to theory,the u s-u p?t to the combined CS-PC data should be

transformed to P-?space.?iii?u s?u p?is weakly sensitive to dissociation;its slope du s/du p is sensitive to the onset of

dissociation at20GPa and less sensitive to its completion

above50GPa.?iv?Limiting compression of the?t to the

CS-PC experimental data is4.30±0.10at100GPa.The cor-

responding value of limiting compression calculated with PIMC and DFT is essentially4.3and it is4.0for an initially degenerate free-electron gas.The associated limiting slopes S lim are1.30and1.33,respectively.The slope of the CS-PC data is S3=1.22±0.08.D2Hugoniot data at100GPa pres-sures can barely resolve the presence of interactions.?v?Thus,kinetic thermal energy dominates potential energy at 100GPa shock pressures.?vi?Because interparticle potential energies become even smaller relative to thermal kinetic en-ergies at higher shock pressures,it is expected that the deu-terium Hugoniot agrees with PIMC and DFT calculations at higher shock temperatures and pressures,as well.

Work at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory was performed under the auspices of the U.S.Department of En-ergy by the University of California under Contract No. W-7405-Eng-48.Work at All-Russia Research Institute of Experimental Physics was partially supported by LLNL.We want to acknowledge M.D.Knudson for providing his ex-perimental data and M.P.Desjarlais for providing his calcu-lational results.

*Present address:Department of Physics,Harvard University,Cam-bridge,MA02138.

1L.B.Da Silva et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.78,483?1997?.

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6At?100GPa shock pressures,the thermal DeBroglie wavelength of a deuteron is?15%of the average distance between adjacent deuterons.




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14Impact velocity u


of14km/s is twice that achieved with a two-stage gun and shock pressure is?u I2.


Deeney,and J.R.Asay,J.Appl.Phys.94,4420?2003?.


17Ya.B.Zeldovich and Yu.P.Raizer,Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena?Academic,New York,1966?,V ol.1.

18W.J.Nellis and A.C.Mitchell,J.Chem.Phys.73,6137?1980?. 19Y.Beers,Introduction to the Theory of Error?Addison-Wesley, Reading,MA,1957?,p.41.

20P.M.Celliers,G.W.Collins,L.B.Da Silva,D.M.Gold,R.

Cauble,R.J.Wallace,M.E.Foord,and B.A.Hammel,Phys.



https://www.doczj.com/doc/6b11420065.html,itzer and D.M.Ceperley,Phys.Rev.Lett.85,1890?2000?. 23M.P.Desjarlais,Phys.Rev.B68,064204?2003?.


25I.Kwon,J.D.Kress,and L.A.Collins,Phys.Rev.B50,9118?1994?.

26G.Galli,R.Q.Hood,A.U.Hazi,and F.Gygi,Phys.Rev.B61, 909?2000?.

27S.Bagnier,P.Blottiau,and J.Clerouin,Phys.Rev.E63, 015301?R??2002?.

28Of particular note is the work of Kerley?Ref.24?,who predicted the stiffer D2Hugoniot over thirty years ago before there were any experimental data available for shock-compressed liquid D2.


放假说说心情短语 导读:1、哎,放完假后又该开学了。 2、再忍两个月,又是一个可爱的寒假。 3、三个人的友情,总有一个是被冷落的。 4、现在担心的不应该是你的寒假作业吗? 5、五一假期,鲜花献给辛勤的劳动人民。 6、老师我不想写作业,那样一点都不酷。 7、元旦过去啦,是该收收心准备过寒假了。 8、我和寒假分手了,都是因为开学那贱人。 9、其实我也不想跟作业相亲,都是老师逼的! 10、中国的放假原则——欠了的终归是要还的! 11、老师,毕业那天的试卷您还没有给我们讲。 12、查个分比表白还紧张查完了比失恋还难过! 13、暑假真的很短,在两次大姨妈中就没有了。 14、对我们来说,放假就是换了个地方写作业。 15、放假了,逃脱了老师严厉眼神的扫射范围。 16、祖国尚未统一,我却放假无聊,惭愧惭愧! 17、放假就像做无痛人流开始了吗?已经结束了。 18、我和暑假手拉手中间却夹着一条叫作业的狗! 19、所谓放假就是在家挨骂,出门没钱,一天特闲。 20、我对暑假的概念就是:我的充电器从来没闲过。

21、放假开学前一天晚上,我国用电量将直线上升。 22、我真是个花心的人,暑假刚走了我就想着寒假。 23、都在改变只能沉默只能向前前往成熟大人世界。 24、你若军训,便是晴天,你若放假,便是作业连连。 25、我的灵魂和身体已不在一起去,灵魂早已到了家! 26、所谓放假就是,家里遭嫌,出门没钱,每天特闲。 27、要是明天就放假,我就回去吧我家的猪痛亲一顿。 28、放假了才发现,只有爱你的人才会和你保持联系。 29、中国的放假告诉了我一个道理,欠了的总是要还的! 30、“你的作业怎么样”“活得挺好的,养的白白的。” 31、男生见过女生放假在家的样子还喜欢那一定是真爱。 32、上学的时候总想玩电脑,放假了只能对着电脑发呆。 33、放个寒假才20几天,这年头,连失个恋都得33天呢。 34、与暑假先森约会的时候,总会出现一个叫作业的**。 35、“哇,下雪了!”“不,是上帝在撕他的寒假作业。” 36、这年头,放假真不容易,清明节放假还是沾老祖宗的光。 37、告诉你比鬼片还**的事:你们的暑假已经过了一半啦。 38、老师一点也不酷,一点儿也不给力,还布置那么多作业。 39、老师,作业在手里攒一寒假了,有感情了,咱不交了成吗? 40、放假以后,学神在刷难题,学霸在刷作业,学渣在刷动态。 41、暑假作业写完请按写了一半请按写了一点请按一点没写请按


放假了心情说说短语 【篇一:放假了心情说说短语】 关于放假说说心情短语 说说心情:放假就像摘除了孙悟空的紧箍咒,又可以无法无天的玩 耍了!关于放假说说心情短语,放假就像卸去了心中的千金的重担,终于可以享清闲了! 1、一年之中最喜欢两个假期,一个叫寒假,一个叫暑假!关于放假说说心情短语 2、这次放假最想去夏威夷,太远;所以,我去了三亚,好好放松! 3、所谓放假就是在家挨骂,出门没钱,一天特闲。 4、讨厌放假、作业多那是借口、只是因为不能再每天看见你。这你都不懂吗。 5、所谓放假,家里遭嫌,出门没钱,每天特闲~哎,放完假后又该 开学了,徘徊在兴奋与失落中。 6、在接下来的一个月里,你将听到七大姑八大姨各种亲戚各种家长的深情问候:考试考多少分啊?班里多少名啊? 7、放假了,是否激动? 恩,可作业会让你更激动! 8、放假的意义就在于,一个说不起就不起的早晨,一个说不睡就不睡的深夜和一个说不出门就不出门的白天。 9、躺在床上玩手机,一想到放假了好久了还没有碰过书,我就啪的抽了自己一耳光,tm的玩个手机还分心。 10、关闭放假模式,正式开启学霸模式! 对不起,您的配置太低, 无法启动该功能关于放假说说心情短语 11、现在的放假,暑假放得和寒假一样,寒假放得和国庆一样,国 庆放得和五一一样,五一放得和周末一样,周末放得和没放一样, 总结,放假就跟放屁一样。 12、放假了才发现,只有爱你的人才会和你保持联系。 13、感觉自己和放假之前一样轻盈啊说人话作业没写 14、放假在家每天必做三件事 [ 吃饭睡觉挨骂 ] 15、暑假到了快乐到,乘着夏风乐逍遥,休闲娱乐安排好,外出旅 游注安全,起居科学要规律,锻炼学习莫忘记。祝暑假快乐无忧、 平安健康。 16、暑假来临,不怕高温:空调吹吹,燥热逃掉,感觉美妙;冰糕吃吃,凉度增加,惬意留下;短信阅读,清凉假期,心情冰舞!假期快乐!


23、都在改变只能沉默只能向前前往成熟大人世界。 24、你若军训,便是晴天,你若放假,便是作业连连。 25、我的灵魂和身体已不在一起去,灵魂早已到了家! 26、所谓放假就是,家里遭嫌,出门没钱,每天特闲。 27、要是明天就放假,我就回去吧我家的猪痛亲一顿。 28、放假了才发现,只有爱你的人才会和你保持联系。 29、中国的放假告诉了我一个道理,欠了的总是要还的! 30、“你的作业怎么样”“活得挺好的,养的白白的。” 31、男生见过女生放假在家的样子还喜欢那一定是真爱。 32、上学的时候总想玩电脑,放假了只能对着电脑发呆。 33、放个寒假才20几天,这年头,连失个恋都得33天呢。 34、与暑假先森约会的时候,总会出现一个叫作业的**。 35、“哇,下雪了!”“不,是上帝在撕他的寒假作业。” 36、这年头,放假真不容易,清明节放假还是沾老祖宗的光。 37、告诉你比鬼片还**的事:你们的暑假已经过了一半啦。 38、老师一点也不酷,一点儿也不给力,还布置那么多作业。 39、老师,作业在手里攒一寒假了,有感情了,咱不交了成吗? 40、放假以后,学神在刷难题,学霸在刷作业,学渣在刷动态。 41、暑假作业写完请按写了一半请按写了一点请按一点没写请按 42、与寒假先森约会的时候,总会出现一个叫寒假作业的

**。 43、放假就是,早上起不来,晚上睡不着,夜猫子模式已启 动。 44、一个完整的夏天=西瓜+空调+可乐+满格WIFI+没有暑假作业! 45、本来有种要把寒假作业一口气写完的冲动,还好我自制力强。 46、放假再无聊,我也不愿上学;就像爱你再无助,我也不愿 放手。 47、“你觉得作业是个什么样的人?”“是个破坏别人寒假的人!” 48、对不起,作业先森。我们不合适、我爱的只有他——寒假 先森。 49、放假有什么好的,还不是一个人过,而且还见不到最想见 到的人。 50、上课时只知道星期几不知道日期,放假时只知道日期不知 道星期几。 51、我最爱的寒假和我最恨的学校生了个娃,叫作业,还要我 来养它,唉。 52、每个人身边都需要一个,出去玩当借口的人,家长听了肯 定放心的人。 53、最鄙视那些一放假就出去玩的人,我只想送给他们四个字:请带上我。 54、上学和放假的区别:上学,我起床了却没醒;放假,我醒 了却没起床。


放假的心情说说_一句话的简单心情说说 放假的心情说说_一句话的简单心情说说 1.这年头,放假真不容易,清明节放假还是沾老祖宗的光。 2.上课是为了下课,上学是为了放假。没有这么伟大的心念支持着,都不敢想象我是怎么有勇气来学校。 3.放假时,我醒了,不代表我起床了;上学时,我起床了,不代表我醒了。 4.中国的放假原则,欠了的终归是要还的! 5.放假的时候发烧都会坚持上网,上课的时候打个喷嚏都会觉得是癌症晚期。 6.世界上最近的距离,放假到开学;世界上最远的距离,开学到放假。 7.“上学你带了什么”?“一颗随时准备放假的心” 8.大家都在研究开学怎样进门最帅,我已经在研究什么时候

放假了。 9.五四运动为什么爆发?因为五一放假只有三天。 10.放假的意义就在于,一个说不起就不起的早晨,一个说不睡就不睡的深夜和一个说不出门就不出门的白天。 11.从前有群人一起放假,现在这群人放假的时间都不一样了。 12.放假靠祖宗,停课靠台风。 13.最鄙视那些一放假就出去玩的人,我只想送给他们四个字:请带上我。 14.你若军训,便是晴天,你若放假,便是作业连连。 15.躺在床上玩手机,一想到放假了好久了还没有碰过书,我就啪的抽了自己一耳光,TM的玩个手机还分心。 16.我对放假的概念就是:我的充电器从来没闲过。 17.读书的时候觉得不怎么擅长学习,放假以后发现原来玩也不太在行。

18.“放假你快乐吗?”“只有快,没有乐。” 19.留几年的长发五分钟就剪完,学几年的知识一放假就忘光。 20.“关闭放假模式,正式开启学霸模式!”“对不起,您的配置太低,无法启动该功能” 21.放假以后,学神在刷难题,学霸在刷作业,学渣在刷动态。 22.作业加载失败,请学校重新放假。 23.放假再无聊,我也不愿上学;就像爱你再无助,我也不愿放手。 24.“放假了,是否激动?”“恩,可作业会让你更激动!” 25.现在的放假,暑假放得和寒假一样,寒假放得和国庆一样,国庆放得和五一一样,五一放得和周末一样,周末放得和没放一样,总结,放假就跟放屁一样。 26.放假了才发现,只有爱你的人才会和你保持联系。


关于寒假作业的说说心情短语句子 一、有些老师真是过瘾,我抄作业,她说我抄别人作业干什么?还不如空着.我空着作业交上去,她说我空着还交上来 二、老师一点也不酷,一点儿也不给力,还布置那么多作业。 三、在与寒假先森约会的时候总会出现一个叫寒假作业的小三 四、对不起,作业先森。我们不合适、我爱的只有他——寒假先森。 五、抄作业,偶尔需要偷工减料 六、当我埋着头苦苦写着作业的时候,我真想捏死班主任。 七、今天我们的挑战是一边嚼着炫迈口香糖一边写作业,过一段时间再看作业很多根本停不下来。 八、现在担心的不应该是你的寒假作业吗?!!! 九、作业我们分手吧,我感觉我们不适合。 十、作业烧不尽,老师吹又生。

十一、我学会了说脏话,学会了早恋,学会了攀比,学会了叛逆,学会了抄作业,知道是在哪儿吗?是在学校。 十二、老师我不想写作业,那样一点都不酷。 十三、每次我做作业的时候看到不会的题就自动跳过,可是这一跳就像嚼了炫迈一样,根本停不下来。 十四、作业小三,请你自重,我是个有寒假的人 十五、“为什么寒假比暑假短?”“热胀冷缩啊。”“那为什么作业一样多?”“因为质量不变嘛。” 十六、祖宗啊我烧点作业给你多帮我做做题有不会的把我们老师叫过去问问 十七、与寒假先森约会的时候,总会出现一个叫寒假作业的小三、 十八、本来有种要把寒假作业一口气写完的冲动还好我自制力强 十九、“你觉得作业是个什么样的人?”“是个破坏别人寒假的人!”

二十、扔硬币:正面就去上网、反面就去睡觉,立起来就去写作业。 二十一、待寒假来临,只等作业成山。https://www.doczj.com/doc/6b11420065.html, 二十二、其实我也不想跟作业相亲,都是老师逼的! 二十三、这年头,不早恋,不犯贱,不作弊,不叛逆,不抄作业,不玩手机,都没人相信你是学生。 二十四、作业快到火里来,你才到火里去,就不能找个大一点的火吗,作业这么多怎么烧的完。


关于生活感悟的心情说说短语 1)总有那么一天,有一个人,会走进你的生活,让你明白,为什么你和其他人都没有结果. 2)一直都不想说其实孙浣琪孙慧芳孙淇琦孙锦纯孙悦容刘玉鑫彭超你们一直在我生活圈里 3)我们没有资格去逃避生活. 4)带着你的为我好滚出我的生活 5)爱是与生活勾结一起的幻术!直到最后才会发现我们相信自己胜过相信爱情!爱自己,胜过爱对方。 6)暑假君,你别走啊别走,我不要和上学先生生活在一起,不要啊你别走呜呜呜 7)生活比电影难过多了。 8)也许我只是你生活中的一个很平常的过客,你或许不知道,你曾是我的全部。 9)再难受又怎样,生活还要继续,现实就是这样,没有半点留情,你不争就得输, 10)生活、像一把无情刻刀,改变了我们模样,未曾绽放就要枯萎吗,我有过梦想。 1)我愿和你齐飞,远走天涯,过属于我们自己的幸福生活 2)不知你是我敌友已没法望透被推着走跟着生活流来年陌生的是昨日最亲的某某。 3)-如今从容面对生活的人,却多是受过伤的人。 4)生活如此多娇

5)生活有进有退,输什么也不能输了心情. 6)其实我很想像爱情公寓那样和几个最要好的朋友生活在一栋房子里,有说有笑。 7)上天安排某个人进入你的生活是有原因的,让他消失是有理由的。? 8)好的生活就是不瞎想,做得多,要得少,常微笑,懂知足。 9)每天吃一颗糖然后告诉自己今天的生活又是甜的 10)对生命最佳的回应,是生活得很快乐 1)听说你在我背后乱嚼舌根是吧挑拨离间是吧你很讨厌我是吧亲爱的你好可怜生活没我精彩嫉妒了是吧 2)总有一个人一直住在我心里,却告别在生活里。 3)-凡事看得开,生活才能嗨。 4)自从放假后我的生活里就没有了上午 5)生活就是,,生下来活下去, 6)演出一場壹個人的童話,不必一直一路等候他,没戀愛出現不用生活嗎?無緣騎上白馬我自行回家。 7)我从没被谁知道,所以也没被谁忘记。在别人的回忆中生活,并不是我的目的 8)幸福是什么?幸福就是我和我爱的人快快乐乐的生活。 9)从此以后,各自天涯,彼此不再纠缠,生活于是归于平淡。 10)我不爱生活我没有那么假; 11)既然无法挽回,那就付诸一笑,生活就是要乐观一点! 12)现在的生活并不是我想要的,但确实是我自找的,所以活该,我认了


回家的空间说说心情短语 离家的路有千万条,回家的路只有一条。想知道更多关于回家的空间说说吗?今天在这里分享一些回家的空间说说心情短语,希望大家喜欢。 回家的空间说说心情短语【精选篇】1.回老家的,每年最痛苦了,今年又大着肚子,尤其要困难。 2.回家的感觉真好!但在路途中真累! 3.在车上想着母亲现在可都会忙些什么农活,想着一回去就可以吃好多的东西。其实,我在城里随便可以买到,只是偏爱家里的好吃。现在想想那些游子思家之心,在异乡的思家情缘了。家,想你了。 4.想家多了。特别是周末,想着想着就有股冲动要回家看看。果不其然,化冲动为行动。上完课后就马上搭车回家。 5.每每想家心切之时,便大有舍弃人生一切的勇气。那种想家的心情就宛如街头遇雨时,偶得雨伞,雨过天晴,则随手一放,跟天边的彩虹一般,转眼便消失得无影无踪。 6.家是什么,家,是一间房一盏灯一张柔软的床。有了房,不再担心风吹和雨打,有了灯,不再害怕夜晚没有星星和月亮,有了床,累了困了可以睡上甜甜的觉做个美美的梦。家是什么,家是一轮太阳,爸爸妈妈欢乐的笑容,合成一缕温暖的阳光。 7.让我时时魂牵梦绕的家乡,其实是一个风景秀美的小山村,山

村四周连绵起伏的山峦手挽手呵护着这里的人们,如同一个慈祥的母亲深情的凝视着怀中的孩子。多少次趟过记忆的长河,多少回穿越时空的邃道,跋山涉水,梦回这山清水秀的故乡。 8.真想有个随意门,开门就到家了。 9.有钱没钱(有分没分)回家过年~ 10.欣喜,激动,还是有点无措。。 回家的空间说说心情短语【经典篇】1.想回又不想回... 2.我傻傻的望着车窗,脑中却是家的投影! 3.离家的距离一点点近了,心也一点点活了过来。 4.来两斤幸福,拿回家 5.君自故乡来。应知故乡事。 6.家是身后的山牵着思念的线。家里有爱让我永远享不完。 7.家就在眼前,而家人在哪里? 8.家,是每一个人脚步最终的落脚点。 9.回家是固执的守候。 10.回家的路很远、很累,但是很踏实。 11.回家的感觉,真好! 12.回家啊,你的名字叫做执着! 13.回家、回家,过年回家! 14.好开心、放假回家过年咯 15.归心似箭。 16.该如何回家,这幅模样。。。。


放假搞笑说说经典句子,幽默放假说说心情短语 导读:1、“放假你快乐吗?”“只有快,没有乐。” 2、留几年的长发五分钟就剪完,学几年的知识一放假就忘光。 3、所谓放假就是,家里遭嫌,出门没钱,每天特闲。 4、“关闭放假模式,正式开启学霸模式!”“对不起,您的配置太低,无法启动该功能” 5、讨厌放假、作业多那是借口、只是因为不能再每天看见你。这你都不懂吗。 6、放假靠祖宗,停课靠台风。 7、所谓放假就是在家挨骂,出门没钱,一天特闲。 8、“放假了,是否激动?”“恩,可作业会让你更激动!” 9、对我们来说,放假就是换了个地方写作业。 10、放假了才发现,只有爱你的人才会和你保持联系。 11、“感觉自己和放假之前一样轻盈啊”“说人话”“作业没写” 12、放假以后,学神在刷难题,学霸在刷作业,学渣在刷动态。 13、放假了,又想上学;开学了,又想放假;有木有? 14、我对放假的概念就是,我的充电器从来没闲过。 15、中国的放假原则,欠了的终归是要还的! 16、放假没意思想上学,上学太痛苦想放假,尼玛太纠结。 17、中国的放假告诉了我一个道理,欠了的总是要还的! 18、这年头,手上没有几十张试卷都不好意思跟别人说学校放假。

19、哎,放完假后又该开学了 20、放假在家每天必做三件事 21、放假再无聊,我也不愿上学;就像爱你再无助,我也不愿放手。 22、作业加载失败,请学校重新放假。 23、放假有什么好的,还不是一个人过,而且还见不到最想见到的人。 24、从前有群人一起放假,现在这群人放假的时间都不一样了。 25、这年头,放假真不容易,清明节放假还是沾老祖宗的光。 26、读书的时候觉得不怎么擅长学习,放假以后发现原来玩也不太在行。 27、上课是为了下课,上学是为了放假。没有这么伟大的心念支持着,都不敢想象我是怎么有勇气来学校。 28、放假的意义就在于,一个说不起就不起的早晨,一个说不睡就不睡的深夜和一个说不出门就不出门的白天。 29、现在的放假,暑假放得和寒假一样,寒假放得和国庆一样,国庆放得和五一一样,五一放得和周末一样,周末放得和没放一样,总结,放假就跟放屁一样。 30、你若军训,便是晴天;你若放假,便是雨天;你若发奋写作业,便是开学前一天。 31、放假时,我醒了,不代表我起床了;上学时,我起床了,不


放假说说心情短语 1、我真是个花心的人,暑假刚走了我就想着寒假。 2、一个完整的夏天=西瓜+空调+可乐+满格WIFI+没有暑假作业! 3、暑期新玩法:带着空调遥控器上街,看哪家店铺不爽就给他改成制热,反正遥控器都一样。 4、最鄙视那些一放假就出去玩的人,我只想送给他们四个字:请带上我。 5、查个分比表白还紧张查完了比失恋还难过! 6、三年前,我们谁都不懂谁,走进了同一教室。三年后,谁都了解谁,各奔东西。 7、暑假作业写完请按写了一半请按写了一点请按一点没写请按 8、“我的诺基亚碎了。”“怎么可能?”“我不小心把它放寒假作业下面了。” 9、你若军训,便是晴天,你若放假,便是作业连连。 10、“寒假为什么比暑假短?”“热胀冷缩啊!”“那为什么寒假作业和暑假作业一样多?”“质量不变嘛!” 11、暑假来了,唐僧师徒四人不禁吐槽到:艾玛,暑假又到了,又要去西天取一次经。 12、他们问我烟盒上的“吸烟有害健康”是真的吗?我果断回答了他们,这好比我们的寒假作业上的“快乐寒假”。 13、中国的放假告诉了我一个道理,欠了的总是要还的! 14、放假有什么好的,还不是一个人过,而且还见不到最想见到的人。 15、对不起,作业先森。我们不合适、我爱的只有他——寒假先森。 16、“暑假过完了,说明了什么?”“要开学了啊”“错,说明寒假要来了啊”。 17、上课时只知道星期几不知道日期,放假时只知道日期不知道星期几。 18、哎,放完假后又该开学了。 19、你存在,我昨天的熬夜里,我的夜里,我的梦里,我的通宵里。再见,我的暑假。 20、老师我不想写作业,那样一点都不酷。 21、放假开学前一天晚上,我国用电量将直线上升。 22、放假就是,早上起不来,晚上睡不着(next88),夜猫子模式已启动。 23、我最爱的寒假和我最恨的学校生了个娃,叫作业,还要我来养它,唉。 24、与暑假先森约会的时候,总会出现一个叫作业的小三。 25、中国的放假原则——欠了的终归是要还的! 26、有些老师真是过瘾,我抄作业,她说我抄别人作业干什么?还不如空着.我空着作业交上去,她说我空着还交上来。 27、这年头,放假真不容易,清明节放假还是沾老祖宗的光。 28、上学和放假的区别:上学,我起床了却没醒;放假,我醒了却没起床。 29、告诉你比鬼片还恐怖的事:你们的暑假已经过了一半啦。 30、这年头,手里没几张卷子、七八本作业,都不好意思跟人说学校放假。 31、放假再无聊,我也不愿上学;就像爱你再无助,我也不愿放手。 32、放假了,逃脱了老师严厉眼神的扫射范围。


放假回家的空间说说心情短语 本文是关于放假回家的空间说说心情短语,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 放假回家的说说最新 1. 你在外闯荡的一年,却是父母在家牵挂的一年;你在外拼搏的一年,却是妻儿倚门守望的一年;你在外孤独的一年,却是亲人日夜期盼团圆的一年!朋友,春节到了,别忘了回家看看! 2. 努力奔波为生活,辛苦努力来工作,收获不大成功少,期盼回家有寄托,爱在心底和心窝,旅途焦急难按捺,父母亲情家温暖,春节幸福有团圆,愿你旅途多顺利,万事开心如意。 3. 收拾一下幸福的鞋带,整理一下开心的装备,盘点一下年度的收入,高兴一下回家的喜悦,现在你美了吧,赶快踏上如意的列车,唱起平安的歌谣,躺在温柔的靠椅,看看这可爱的祝福吧!祝你旅途进入温柔的梦乡,梦见我哦! 4. 此时此刻,所有念想都流向故乡,路口上等候着亲人藏了一年的盼望,火炉边积蓄了荒了一年的家常。春节将至,这些思念在无节制疯长,恨不得插上翅膀早点飞翔,归乡与家人欢聚一堂,让我的祝福伴随你一路平平安安,欢快返乡! 5. 抖一抖,奋斗的疲劳,拍一拍,奔波的尘埃,整一整,漂泊的行李,笑一笑,丰收的劳作,微笑的登上幸福的列车,希望在招手,亲人在招手,爱人在期盼,我在想念你,祝你旅途平安顺利! 6. 故乡的月-分外明,归家的心-急似箭,旅途的车-极速跑,家中的人-格外亲。家中的一切最诱人,合家团圆最兴奋。春节归家心切,愿你一路顺风,事事顺心。 7. 本想送你个“鸭梨”,怕你遭罪;还想送你个“杯具”,怕你太脆;又想送你片“浮云”,怕你崩溃;别妄想我送你个“苹果”啊,我嫌太贵。呵呵,只能送你一条短信,祝你旅途愉快,不要太累。不要嫌我小气哦! 8. 小蒋过年坐回家,买不到火车票,于是偷偷的溜进了火车站,被一巡警拦下:“鬼鬼祟祟的干什么?叫什么名字?”“讲英语。”小蒋答。“什么名字?”巡


放假说说心情短语 [标签:栏目] ,放假说说心情短语 1、我有一个技能,可以在两天内写完暑假作业,可这TM居然是个被动技能,要到最后两天才会触发。 2、作业快到火里来,你才到火里去,就不能找个大一点的火吗,作业这么多怎么烧的完。 3、查个分比表白还紧张查完了比失恋还难过! 4、我的灵魂和身体已不在一起去,灵魂早已到了家! 5、放假开学前一天晚上,我国用电量将直线上升。 6、“你觉得作业是个什么样的人?”“是个破坏别人寒假的人!” 7、老师一点也不酷,一点儿也不给力,还布置那么多作业。 8、这年头,放假真不容易,清明节放假还是沾老祖宗的光。 9、与寒假先森约会的时候,总会出现一个叫寒假作业的**。 10、放假了才发现,只有爱你的人才会和你保持联系。 11、我最爱的寒假和我最恨的学校生了个娃,叫作业,还要我来养它,唉。 12、三个人的友情,总有一个是被冷落的。 13、我和寒假分手了,都是因为开学那贱人。 14、暑假作业写完请按写了一半请按写了一点请按一点没写请按 15、现在担心的不应该是你的寒假作业吗? 16、放假时,我醒了,不代表我起床了;上学时,我起床了,不代表我醒了。 17、放假以后,学神在刷难题,学霸在刷作业,学渣在刷动态。 18、五一假期,鲜花献给辛勤的劳动人民。 19、放假就像谈恋爱:憧憬它的到来令人兴奋不已,拥有它时觉得不过如此,等它结束了又会勾起无限怀念。 20、暑假真的很短,在两次大姨妈中就没有了。 21、中国的放假原则——欠了的终归是要还的! 22、暑期新玩法:带着空调遥控器上街,看哪家店铺不爽就给他改成制热,反正遥控器都一样。

23、“我的诺基亚碎了。”“怎么可能?”“我不小心把它放寒假作业下面了。” 24、所谓放假就是在家挨骂,出门没钱,一天特闲。 25、与暑假先森约会的时候,总会出现一个叫作业的**。 26、从上学到放假,从校服到睡衣,从课本到漫画,从马尾到披头散发,这才是学生。 27、要是明天就放假,我就回去吧我家的猪痛亲一顿。 28、我和暑假相爱了,可我的情敌暑假作业一直困扰着我,我的岳母开学也不喜欢我,暑假也想和我分手,我好伤心。 29、都在改变只能沉默只能向前前往成熟大人世界。 30、“假期是超越对手最好的时机”“尼玛,我从不做这种偷偷摸摸的事……” 31、男生见过女生放假在家的样子还喜欢那一定是真爱。 32、每个人身边都需要一个,出去玩当借口的人,家长听了肯定放心的人。 33、放假了,逃脱了老师严厉眼神的扫射范围。 34、他们问我烟盒上的“吸烟有害健康”是真的吗?我果断回答了他们,这好比我们的寒假作业上的“快乐寒假”。 35、本来有种要把寒假作业一口气写完的冲动,还好我自制力强。 36、暑假到,快乐绕,学习缓,压力抛,烦恼弃,心开朗,阳光照,欢乐笑,祝福你,好运来,幸福罩,健康随,乐逍遥! 37、上课时只知道星期几不知道日期,放假时只知道日期不知道星期几。 38、“寒假为什么比暑假短?”“热胀冷缩啊!”“那为什么寒假作业和暑假作业一样多?”“质量不变嘛!” 39、放假再无聊,我也不愿上学;就像爱你再无助,我也不愿放手。 40、最鄙视那些一放假就出去玩的人,我只想送给他们四个字:请带上我。 41、你若军训,便是晴天,你若放假,便是作业连连。 42、我真是个花心的人,暑假刚走了我就想着寒假。 43、这年头,手里没几张卷子、七八本作业,都不好意思跟人说学校放假。 44、放假就是,早上起不来,晚上睡不着,夜猫子模式已启动。 45、躺在床上玩手机,一想到放假了好久了还没有碰过书,我就啪的抽了自

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