当前位置:文档之家› 民生新闻的价值取向分析(一)






[Abstract] Socio-economic development and people's livelihood news has created an unprecedented opportunity for development, and a good atmosphere, group and in the news because of its social, intimacy and widespread concern, it plays an active role in the process of social development. Under the excellent situation in the construction of harmonious society and news are "people-oriented" embodiment of the idea, in closer contact between the audience and the media plays a crucial role. Although the news with other news type of incomparable competitive advantage, but at the same time we must also clearly understand the problems exposed in the news during the development process, so as to find appropriate solutions.This article on the origins of the news and provide a brief analysis of the development process, that news is Exuberant vitality comes from the "people-oriented" features via news developments as well as two aspects of the issue to discussion on the status quo of news, and the corresponding improvement measures to the issues raised in the news.Making the news public opinion for constructing harmonious society link vanguard, bridges of communication between the masses of the people and the Government. [Keywords] livelihood news;Value orientation ;analysi


1 绪论 (1)

1.1研究背景和研究意义 (1)

1.2研究综述 (2)

1.2.1 关于民生新闻现状、特点的研究 (2)

1.2. 2 关于民生新闻价值取向的研究 (2)

1.3研究内容和研究方法 (3)

1.3.1研究内容 (3)

1.3.2研究内容 (3)

2 民生新闻概述 (4)

2.1民生新闻的概念 (4)

2.2民生新闻的特点 (4)

2.2.1在功能上体现新闻的服务性 (4)

2.2.2 在报道手法体现新闻的亲近性 (5)

2.2.3在叙述技法上采用报道的故事性 (5)

2.2.4 在传播去渠道中的互动性 (6)

2.3民生新闻的本质内涵 (6)

2.3.1通过平民的视角展示新闻的人文关怀 (6)

2.3.2 通过确定新闻的民生内容强调本位 (6)

2.3.3 通过新闻的民本取向确定服务为本 (7)

2.4民生新闻的发展历程 (7)

3 当前民生新闻在价值取向选择上出现的问题 (8)

3.1部分新闻内容上表现出的庸俗化和同质化 (8)

3.2部分民生新闻栏目缺乏人文情怀 (8)

3.3部分民生栏目呈现出娱乐化严重的倾向........... 错误!未定义书签。

4 案例分析——中央电视台《共同关注》的价值取向分析错误!未定义书签。

4.1《共同关注》栏目简介.......................... 错误!未定义书签。

4.2《共同关注》栏目价值取向分析.................. 错误!未定义书签。


4.2.2人文关怀是民生新闻社会品质的内核。........ 错误!未定义书签。


5 寻找对策纠正民生新闻价值取向的偏差.... 错误!未定义书签。

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