当前位置:文档之家› 最小二乘法拟合的MATLAB和Excel实现




摘要:生活生产中我们会遇到各种各样的数据处理,然而这些数据并不像理想实验中得到的数据,有的是一元或多元函数的分布,有的是一次或多次函数的分布,这就需要我们首先观察数据的散点图,进而选择合理的选择函数进行拟合,同时分析计算该拟合得到的误差,找出最优的拟合方式。本文从数学上对最小二乘法原理进行了阐述,并通过MATLAB和Excel 完成数据的拟合,在进行数据拟合中使用的一次函数拟合和多项式拟合,并对不同的拟合方式进行了比较,到了不同拟合方式下的拟合函数和拟合误差。同时对MATLAB和Excel数据拟合方式进行了对比。

关键字:最小二乘法 MATLAB Excel 数据拟合

Abstract:we will encounter a variety of data processing in production life .However these data is not the data as we expect in ideal experiment;some distribution is a univariate or multivariate functions, some is one or more times function.So we should observe the scatter data chart,and then choose the reasonable selection function fitting, make an error analysis and find out the best way of fitting. This paper expound the principle of least square mathematically,complete data fitting by MATLAB and Excel,and use a function fitting and polynomial fitting.we also compare the different fitting methods,the fitting function and fitting error by the way of MATLAB and Excel.

Keywords: Least squares MATLAB Excel Data fitting



1 最小二乘法原理

当由实验提供了大量数据时,不能要求拟合函数)(x S 在数据点(x,y ) 处的偏差,即i i i y x S -=)(δ(i=1,2,…,m) 严格为零,但为了使近似曲线尽量反映所给数据点的变化趋势 ,需对偏差有所要求.通常要求偏差平方和


i i i i i m

i m

i y x S y x S 0




])([min ])([δ (1-1)


)()()()(1100x a x a x a x S n n ??? ++= (n < m) (1-2) 这就是一般的最小二乘逼近,用几何语言说,这就称为曲线拟合的最小二乘法。[1]用最小二乘法求拟合曲线的问题,就是在形如(1-2)式的S (x )中求一函数)(*x S y =使偏差的平方和最小。它转化为求多元函数


i i n

j i j j i n x f x a x a a a I 0


10)]()()[(),,(?ω (1-3)

的极小点),,(**1*0n a a a 的问题。有求多元函数极值的必要条件,有


=-=??∑∑==i k m i i n

j i j j i k x x f x a x a I

??ω k=0,1,

···n (1-4) 若记




0 =≡==∑∑==k d x x f x f x x x m

i k i k i i k i k i j m

i i k i ?ω???ω?? (1-5)


d Ga = (1-6) 其中T n T n d d d d a a a a ),,(,),,(1010 ==,













?n n n

n n


G ,...






2 最小二乘法应用

例1 已知数据 x 1.2 2.8 4.3 5.4 6.8 7.9 y

2.1 11.5 28.1 41.9 72.3 91.4 i ω








解:根据所给的数据,在坐标纸上标出,见右图,从途中看到各点在一条直线附近,故选择线性函数作拟合曲线,即令x a a x S 10)(+=,这里m=5,n=1,,)(,1)(10x x x ==??故










000===========∑∑∑∑∑=====i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i f x f f f x x ω?ω?ω??ω????ω??






=+=+a a a

解得a 0=-23.3498,a 1=13.6408。于是所求拟合曲线为

x x S 6408.133498.23)(1+-=

同理,可以分别求出二次和三次拟合的方程)()(32x S x S 和分别为:





322+-==-+=x x x x S x x x S


在例1中我们运用数学公式进行了最小二乘法的拟合运算[2],这种方法在计算过程中太过于复杂,下面介绍两种方法对上例进行数据拟合,首先用MATLAB 进行编程处理。拟合的程序代码见附录。该实验程序得到的拟合图形如下:

图3-1 数据的散点图和不同类型的拟合曲线

在MATLAB 中的得到的拟合函数及均方偏差结果如下:


+1.363550e =814


+1.645645e =8328


+2.734957e 35

.23*64.13232332222211δδδ+-+=-+==-=x x x y x x y x y 从得到的拟合函数和均方偏差可知,用一次拟合得到的一次函数的均方偏差比较的大,也就是用多项式函数拟合得到的均方偏差更小,随着多项式的次数越多,均方偏差趋近于零。

图3-2 用Excel 表格进行数据拟合结果图

用Excel 表格拟合得到的拟合函数及相关系数结果如下:





11=+-===-+==-=R x x x y R x x y R x y

同理,用Excel 得到的拟合函数和MATLAB 中得到的函数结果相同,在Excel 中进行数据拟合时用相关系数R 2表示误差,(0

可以看出运用MATLAB 或Excel 进行对数据进行曲线拟合比人工计算大大减少了计算量,运用软件处理数据已经是当前时代解决数学问题的重要方法之一。


[1] 李庆阳,王能超,易大义.数值分析(第五版).北京:清华大学出版社,2008 [2] 姜健飞,胡良剑,唐俭.数值分析及其MATLAB 试验.北京:科学出版社,2004







x=[1.2 2.8 4.3 5.4 6.8 7.9]; y=[2.1 11.5 28.1 41.9 72.3 91.4];






p=polyfit(x,y,1); % 拟合出的一次函数的系数

yc=y-polyval(p,x); % 计算误差

s2=sum(yc.^2); % 误差的平方和


x1=linspace(min(x),max(x)); % 绘图用到的点的横坐标

y1=polyval(p,x1); % 拟合曲线的纵坐标


plot(x,y,'o',x1,y1); % 绘图,原始数据+拟合曲线

legend('原始数据','一次曲线',2); % 图示

s=char(vpa(poly2sym(p,'x'),4)); % 一次函数式转换为字符串,vpa转换小数,保留4位有效数字

title(['y=' s]);

p=polyfit(x,y,2); % 拟合出的二次函数的系数

yc2=y-polyval(p,x); % 计算误差

s2=sum(yc2.^2); % 误差的平方和


x2=linspace(min(x),max(x)); % 绘图用到的点的横坐标

y2=polyval(p,x2); % 拟合曲线的纵坐标


plot(x,y,'o',x2,y2); % 绘图,原始数据+拟合曲线

legend('原始数据','二次曲线',2); % 图示

s=char(vpa(poly2sym(p,'x'),4)); % 二次函数式转换为字符串,vpa转换小数,保留4位有效数字

title(['y=' s]);

p=polyfit(x,y,3); % 拟合出的三次函数的系数

yc3=y-polyval(p,x); % 计算误差

s2=sum(yc3.^2); % 误差的平方和


x3=linspace(min(x),max(x)); % 绘图用到的点的横坐标

y3=polyval(p,x3); % 拟合曲线的纵坐标


plot(x,y,'o',x3,y3); % 绘图,原始数据+拟合曲线

legend('原始数据','三次曲线',2); % 图示

s=char(vpa(poly2sym(p,'x'),4)); % 三次次函数式转换为字符串,vpa转换小数,保留4位有效数字

title(['y=' s]);


九年级英语综合练习题(一) II. 知识运用: A. 单项填空:从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。 21. This is ____________8-year-old boy. A. a B. an C. the 22. There are many ____________in the hospital. A. people B. womans C. news 23. There isn’t ____________with your back. A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothing C. anything wrong 24. Turn left ____________the traffic lights. You’ll see the station ____________the right. A. on, in B. by, on C. at, on 25. You must finish your homework ____________you go home. A. after B. before C. until 26. —Are you feeling a bit ____________? —No, even worse. A. worse B. well C. better 27. What a ____________snow! It is snowing ____________. A. heavy, heavy B. heavy, heavily C. heavily, heavy 28. We ____________at the school ____________two years. A. have come, since B. have been, for C. have been, since 29. —When____________you ____________this nice computer? —Last summer. A. have, bought B. did, bought C. did, buy 30. The watch ____________in five minutes. A. can be repaired B. repairs C. can repair 31. Tell Li Ming ____________the window. A. not open B. not to open C. to not open 32. There is little water in that bottle, ____________? A. is there B. isn’t it C. isn’t there 33. Do you know the most beautiful girl ____________wears a red coat? A. who B. when C. which 34. ____________wonderful the trip was! A. What B. How C. What a 35. I want to know ____________. A. when he will leave B. when does he leave C. when will he leave B. 完形填空:通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,选择最佳答案。(15分) (A) Last night, as 36 as I fell asleep, I dreamt that I went to the garden. I dreamt that I was busy 37 trees all night long! Then a few nights ago, I dreamt I was 38 an old ship. There was a terrible storm. We 39 to work for hours to stop the ship from going down. It’s always like that. In my dreams. I always have very difficult jobs 40 do. ()36. A. soon B. quick C. far


曲线拟合的最小二乘法 学院:光电信息学院 姓名:赵海峰 学号: 200820501001 一、曲线拟合的最小二乘法原理: 由已知的离散数据点选择与实验点误差最小的曲线 S( x) a 0 0 ( x) a 1 1(x) ... a n n ( x) 称为曲线拟合的最小二乘法。 若记 m ( j , k ) i (x i ) j (x i ) k (x i ), 0 m (f , k ) i0 (x i )f (x i ) k (x i ) d k n 上式可改写为 ( k , jo j )a j d k ; (k 0,1,..., n) 这个方程成为法方程,可写成距阵 形式 Ga d 其中 a (a 0,a 1,...,a n )T ,d (d 0,d 1,...,d n )T , 、 数值实例: 下面给定的是乌鲁木齐最近 1个月早晨 7:00左右(新疆时间 )的天气预报所得 到的温度数据表,按照数据找出任意次曲线拟合方程和它的图像。 它的平方误差为: || 2 | 2 ] x ( f

(2008 年 10 月 26~11 月 26) F 面应用Matlab 编程对上述数据进行最小二乘拟合 三、Matlab 程序代码: x=[1:1:30]; y=[9,10,11,12,13,14,13,12,11,9,10,11,12,13,14,12,11,10,9,8,7,8,9,11,9,7,6,5,3,1]; %三次多项式拟合% %九次多项式拟合% %十五次多项式拟合% %三次多项式误差平方和 % %九次次多项式误差平方和 % %十五次多项式误差平方和 % %用*画出x,y 图像% %用红色线画出x,b1图像% %用绿色线画出x,b2图像% %用蓝色o 线画出x,b3图像% 四、数值结果: 不同次数多项式拟和误差平方和为: r1 = 67.6659 r2 = 20.1060 r3 = 3.7952 r1、r2、r3分别表示三次、九次、十五次多项式误差平方和 拟和曲线如下图: a 仁polyfit(x,y,3) a2= polyfit(x,y,9) a3= polyfit(x,y,15) b1= polyval(a1,x) b2= polyval(a2,x) b3= polyval(a3,x) r1= sum((y-b1).A 2) r2= sum((y-b2).A2) r3= sum((y-b3).A2) plot(x,y,'*') hold on plot(x,b1, 'r') hold on plot(x,b2, 'g') hold on plot(x,b3, 'b:o')


MATLAB机械工程 最小二乘法曲线拟合的应用实例 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师:

一,实验目的 通过Matlab上机编程,掌握利用Matlab软件进行数据拟合分析及数据可视化方法 二,实验内容 1.有一组风机叶片的耐磨实验数据,如下表所示,其中X为使用时间,单位为小时h,Y为磨失质量,单位为克g。要求: 对该数据进行合理的最小二乘法数据拟合得下列数据。 x=[10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 2 0000 21000 22000 23000]; y=[24.0 26.5 29.8 32.4 34.7 37.7 41.1 42.8 44.6 47.3 65.8 87.5 137.8 174. 2] 三,程序如下 X=10000:1000:23000; Y=[24.0,26.5,29.8,32.4,34.7,37.7,41.1,42.8,44.6,47.3,65.8,87.5,137.8,17 4.2] dy=1.5; %拟合数据y的步长for n=1:6 [a,S]=polyfit(x,y,n); A{n}=a;

da=dy*sqrt(diag(inv(S.R′*S.R))); Da{n}=da′; freedom(n)=S.df; [ye,delta]=polyval(a,x,S); YE{n}=ye; D{n}=delta; chi2(n)=sum((y-ye).^2)/dy/dy; end Q=1-chi2cdf(chi2,freedom); %判断拟合良好度 clf,shg subplot(1,2,1),plot(1:6,abs(chi2-freedom),‘b’) xlabel(‘阶次’),title(‘chi2与自由度’) subplot(1,2,2),plot(1:6,Q,‘r’,1:6,ones(1,6)*0.5) xlabel(‘阶次’),title(‘Q与0.5线’) nod=input(‘根据图形选择适当的阶次(请输入数值)’); elf,shg, plot(x,y,‘kx’);xlabel(‘x’),ylabel(‘y’); axis([8000,23000,20.0,174.2]);hold on errorbar(x,YE{nod},D{nod},‘r’);hold off title(‘较适当阶次的拟合’) text(10000,150.0,[‘chi2=’num2str(chi2(nod))‘~’int2str(freedom(nod))])


九年级Unit 11 一、单项选择 ( ) 1. —_____ seems that it is going to rain. —Yes, we should walk fast. A. That B. This C. It D. Its ( ) 2. —What’s the matter with you?—I am having trouble _______ English grammar. A. in learning B. to learn C. learned D. learn ( ) 3. —Why di dn’t you ______ your homework on time?—I watched the football match and forgot to do it. A. make up B. dress up C. hand in D. hand out ( ) 4. —Why do we sometimes use indirect expressions? —Because it _________ more polite. A. looks B. remains C. sounds D. listens ( ) 5. —I like watching the movie in the cinema. What about you? —I prefer ________ DVDs at home rather than _____ to the cinema. A. to watch; go B. to watch; going C. watching; to go D. watching; going ( ) 6. When he _______ in the street, some poor people asked him for money. A. would hang out B. was hanging out C. would put out D. was putting out ( ) 7. —You are reading again. Where did you get these books?—They ______ from my teachers. A. borrowed B. lent C. were borrowed D. were lent ( ) 8. —There might be __________ in the street. —Let’s go out and have a look. A. nothing happened B. happening something C. happening nothing D. something happening ( ) 9. This is the reason ________ my grandfather bought this farm. A. when B. why C. where D. how ( ) 10. I’m tired. I want to take the _________ to the fifth floor. A. horse B. escalator C. slide D. structure ( ) 11. —I don’t think students should spend ________ time on computer games. —I agree with you. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too ( ) 12. _______ Jane _______ her mother like this movie very much. A. Neither; nor B. Either; or C. Both; and D. Not only; but also ( ) 13. —Excuse me, could you please tell me ______? —Sorry, I don’t know. I’m a stranger here. A. where can I find the nearest post office B. how can I get to the nearest post office C. where is the nearest post office D. where the nearest post office is ( ) 14. She is certain ____________ the game. A. winning B. win C. to win D. won ( ) 15. —Could you please explain the differences between these two words? —___________. A. Sure B. Yes, I need it C. It’s doesn’t matter D. Yo u’d better not 二、单词拼写 1. We have to find a place to p our car before entering the restaurant to have lunch. 2. My grandfather likes living in the countryside. He especially enjoys the f air there. 3. I w how people can build such a big house. 4. The person performed a m show at the party. Look! He can change the paper into a flower in such a short time. 5. The teacher is t by his son’s bad behavior at school. 6. Jane is going to (借给) 50 dollars to her classmate tomorrow. 7. The woman bought some medicine from a (药店). 8. Children don’t like to obey any (命令) from their parents. 9. We shouldn’t refuse others (直接地) because it is too rude. 10. Your poor performance in study will (导致) to your bad grades in exams. 九年级Unit 12 一、单项选择 ( ) 1. Crystal wants to be your friend. She is walking ________ you. A. towards B. with C. of D. as ( ) 2. —Some scientists are doing an experiment in the laboratory. —What is ________ experiment about?


曲线拟合(curve-fitting ):工程实践中,用测量到的一些离散的数据 },...2,1,0),,{(m i y x i i =求一个近似的函数)(x ?来拟合这组数据,要求所得的拟合曲 线能最好的反映数据的基本趋势(即使)(x ?最好地逼近()x f ,而不必满足插值原则。因此没必要取)(i x ?=i y ,只要使i i i y x -=)(?δ尽可能地小)。 原理: 给定数据点},...2,1,0),,{(m i y x i i =。求近似曲线)(x ?。并且使得近似曲线与()x f 的偏差最小。近似曲线在该点处的偏差i i i y x -=)(?δ,i=1,2,...,m 。 常见的曲线拟合方法: 1.使偏差绝对值之和最小 2.使偏差绝对值最大的最小 3.使偏差平方和最小 最小二乘法: 按偏差平方和最小的原则选取拟合曲线,并且采取二项式方程为拟合曲线的方法,称为最小二乘法。 推导过程: 1. 设拟合多项式为: k k x a x a a x +++=...)(10?

2. 各点到这条曲线的距离之和,即偏差平方和如下: 3. 问题转化为求待定系数0a ...k a 对等式右边求i a 偏导数,因而我们得到了: ....... 4、 把这些等式化简并表示成矩阵的形式,就可以得到下面的矩阵: 5. 将这个范德蒙得矩阵化简后可得到: 6. 也就是说X*A=Y ,那么A = (X'*X)-1*X'*Y ,便得到了系数矩阵A ,同时,我们也就得到了拟合曲线。

MATLAB实现: MATLAB提供了polyfit()函数命令进行最小二乘曲线拟合。 调用格式:p=polyfit(x,y,n) [p,s]= polyfit(x,y,n) [p,s,mu]=polyfit(x,y,n) x,y为数据点,n为多项式阶数,返回p为幂次从高到低的多项式系数向量p。x 必须是单调的。矩阵s包括R(对x进行QR分解的三角元素)、df(自由度)、normr(残差)用于生成预测值的误差估计。 [p,s,mu]=polyfit(x,y,n)在拟合过程中,首先对x进行数据标准化处理,以在拟合中消除量纲等影响,mu包含标准化处理过程中使用的x的均值和标准差。polyval( )为多项式曲线求值函数,调用格式:y=polyval(p,x) [y,DELTA]=polyval(p,x,s) y=polyval(p,x)为返回对应自变量x在给定系数P的多项式的值。 [y,DELTA]=polyval(p,x,s) 使用polyfit函数的选项输出s得出误差估计Y DELTA。它假设polyfit函数数据输入的误差是独立正态的,并且方差为常数。则Y DELTA 将至少包含50%的预测值。 如下给定数据的拟合曲线: x=[0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0], y=[1.75,2.45,3.81,4.80,7.00,8.60]。 解:MATLAB程序如下: x=[0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0]; y=[1.75,2.45,3.81,4.80,7.00,8.60]; p=polyfit(x,y,2) x1=0.5:0.05:3.0; y1=polyval(p,x1); plot(x,y,'*r',x1,y1,'-b') 运行结果如图1 计算结果为: p =0.5614 0.8287 1.1560 即所得多项式为y=0.5614x^2+0.08287x+1.15560


Unit1 单元检测题 一、单项选择(15分) ()1.-_____________do you tell your mother about your English result? -By using my mobile phone. A.What B.How C.Why D.Where ()2.-How ________ do you go to movies?-Once a month. A.often B.long C.far D.old () 3.What are we going ____________?What about _________ some orange juice? A.drinking;get B.drink;getting C.to drink;getting D.drink;get ()4.He talked too fast and I _________ understand every word. A.shouldn’t B.can’t C.little D.a little ()5.I think reading English aloud helps __________. A.a few B.few C.couldn’t D.haven’t ()6.Jim has fun ___________ Chinese during in China. A.learn B.to learn C.learning D.learns ()7._____________ the help of the teacher,he became a good student. A.Under B.On C.With D.In ()8.You’d better not always look up the new words ______ the dictionary while reading.Sometimes we need to guess. A.in B.on C.at D.from ()9.It’s important _________ the piano well. A.of him to play B.for him to play C.of him playing D.for him playing ()10.-Did you have any problems in London? -Yes,___________ Chinese food like rice,noodles and dumplings. A.find B.found C.finding D.to find ()11.You’d better _________ her number in the phone book. A.look into B.look for C.look up D.look on ()12.You are weak in English.I think you’d better ________ ABC. A.end up with B.go on with C.begin with D.get with ()13.-Have you decided ________ on the coming vacation? -Not yet.. Maybe somewhere cool.You know I don’t like the heat. A.where to go B.how to do C.when to go D.what to do ()14.-Do you ____________ hold such parties? -Yes,every Saturday. A.always https://www.doczj.com/doc/696481623.html,ually C.often D.hardly ()15.Ms Liu is a teacher we like to _________,because she can always give us advice. A.find out B.look for C.talk about D.talk with 二、完型填空(10分)


南京信息工程大学实验(实习)报告实验课程数学建模实验名称_ 最小二乘法__ 实验日期 _ 指导老师 专业统计学年级 小组成员 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 实验目的:学会MATLAB软件中曲线拟合方法。 实验内容及要求: 问题1:多项式回归 某种合金中的主要成分为金属A与金属B,经过实验与分析发现,这两种金属成分之和x与膨胀系数y之间有一定的关系。由下面的数据建立描述这种关系的数学表示。 金属成分和x=[37.0 37.5 38.0 38.5 39.0 39.5 40.0 40.5 41.0 41.5 42.0 42.5 43.0]; 膨胀系数y=[3.40 3.00 3.00 2.27 2.10 1.83 1.53 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.35 2.54 2.90]; 注:使用命令:a=polyfit(x,y,n) %求出n阶拟合多项式y=f(x)的系数; y1=polyval(a,x1) %求出f(x)在x1点的函数值,其中x1=37.0:0.5:43.0; plot(x,y,'*r',x1,y1,'-b') %比较原数据和拟合曲线效果; 问题2:非线性回归 设观测到的数据如下: x=20:10:210; y=[0.57 0.72 0.81 0.87 0.91 0.94 0.95 0.97 0.98 0.99 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00]; 取回归函数为y=b(1)*(1-exp(-b(2)*x)),试估计参数b(1)、b(2)。 注:使用命令: [b,r,j]=nlinfit(x,y,fun,b0); %非线性回归,其中b0为参数初始值,可取 b0=[2,0.1],fun=inline('b(1)*(1-exp(-b(2)*x))','b','x')为内联函数; nlintool(x,y,fun,b0) %绘制非线性回归图。 程序及运行结果: 1、 >> x1=37:0.5:43; y1=[3.40 3.00 3.00 2.27 2.10 1.83 1.53 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.35 2.54 2.90]; >> plot(x1,y1)


、最小二乘拟合原理 x= xl x2 ... xn y= yl y2 ... yn 求m 次拟合 ?力* y 卅…I ZA ; A T A = ZX 茁 X x i - X x i +1 ,- ? ? ? [函Oi …备F =⑷矿丄? A T y 所以m 次拟合曲线为y = a 0 +勿?怎+吐■审+???? +如■牙皿 二、 Matlab 实现程序 function p=funLSM (x, y, m) %x z y 为序列长度相等的数据向量,m 为拟合多项式次数 format short; A=zeros(m+l,m+l); for i=0:m for j=0:m A(i + 1, j + 1)=sum(x.A (i+j)); end b(i+1)=sum(x.A i.*y); end a=A\b 1; p=fliplr (a'); 三、 作业 题1:给出如下数据,使用最小二乘法球一次和二次拟合多项式(取小数点后3位) X 1.36 1.49 1.73 1.81 1.95 2.16 2.28 2.48 Y 14.094 15.069 16.844 17.378 18.435 19.949 20.963 22.495 解:

? x=[1.36 1.49 1.73 1. 81 1. 95 2. 16 2. 28 2. 48]: ? y=[14.094 15.069 16.844 17. 378 18.435 19.949 20.963 22.495]; >> p=funLSM(x, y? 1) P = 7.4639 3.9161 >> p=funLSM(x, y? 2) P = 0.3004 6.3145 4.9763 一次拟合曲线为: y = 7.464x+ 3.91S 二次拟合曲线为: y = +6.315^4-4.976 一次拟合仿真图

数值计算_第6章 曲线拟合的最小二乘法

第6章曲线拟合的最小二乘法 6.1 拟合曲线 通过观察或测量得到一组离散数据序列,当所得数据比较准确时,可构造插值函数逼近客观存在的函数,构造的原则是要求插值函数通过这些数据点,即。此时,序列与 是相等的。 如果数据序列,含有不可避免的误差(或称“噪音”),如图6.1 所示;如果数据序列无法同时满足某特定函数,如图6.2所示,那么,只能要求所做逼近函数最优地靠近样点,即向量与的误差或距离最小。按与之间误差最小原则作为“最优”标准构造的逼近函数,称为拟合函数。 图6.1 含有“噪声”的数据

图6.2 一条直线公路与多个景点 插值和拟合是构造逼近函数的两种方法。插值的目标是要插值函数尽量靠近离散点;拟合的目标是要离散点尽量靠近拟合函数。 向量与之间的误差或距离有各种不同的定义方法。例如: 用各点误差绝对值的和表示: 用各点误差按模的最大值表示: 用各点误差的平方和表示: 或(6.1) 其中称为均方误差,由于计算均方误差的最小值的方法容易实现而被广泛采用。按 均方误差达到极小构造拟合曲线的方法称为最小二乘法。本章主要讲述用最小二乘法构造拟合曲线的方法。 在运筹学、统计学、逼近论和控制论中,最小二乘法都是很重要的求解方法。例如,它是统计学中估计回归参数的最基本方法。

关于最小二乘法的发明权,在数学史的研究中尚未定论。有材料表明高斯和勒让德分别独立地提出这种方法。勒让德是在1805年第一次公开发表关于最小二乘法的论文,这时高斯指出,他早在1795年之前就使用了这种方法。但数学史研究者只找到了高斯约在1803年之前使用了这种方法的证据。 在实际问题中,怎样由测量的数据设计和确定“最贴近”的拟合曲线?关键在选择适当的拟合曲线类型,有时根据专业知识和工作经验即可确定拟合曲线类型;在对拟合曲线一无所知的情况下,不妨先绘制数据的粗略图形,或许从中观测出拟合曲线的类型;更一般地,对数据进行多种曲线类型的拟合,并计算均方误差,用数学实验的方法找出在最小二乘法意义下的误差最小的拟合函数。 例如,某风景区要在已有的景点之间修一条规格较高的主干路,景点与主干路之间由各具特色的支路联接。设景点的坐标为点列;设主干路为一条直线 ,即拟合函数是一条直线。通过计算均方误差最小值而确定直线方程(见图6.2)。 6.2线性拟合和二次拟合函数 线性拟合 给定一组数据,做拟合直线,均方误差为 (6.2) 是二元函数,的极小值要满足


Unit1__unit2 1. different(adj. )→__________(adv. )不同地;有区别地 →_________(n. )不同点 2. frustrate(v. )→__________(adj. )令人失望的 →_________(adj. )感到失望的 3. quick(adj. ) →_______(adv. )快地;迅速地 4. pronounce(v. )→_____________(n. )发音 5. fair(adj. )→___(反义词)不公正的;不公平的 6. easy (adj. )→_____(adv. )容易地;简单地 7. friend(n. )→_________(n. )友情;友谊;友爱→_______(adj. )友好的 8. develop(v. )→___________(n. )发育;成长;发展 9. terrify(v. )→_____(adj. )害怕的10. die(v. )→_____(n. )死亡→_____(adj. )死的 11. exact(adj.)→_______(adv.)正;恰恰12. decide(v. )→_______(n. )决心 【品词自测】根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 ①The boy swam across the river _______. (easy) ②Mr Black ______last Wednesday, and his _______ made Mrs Black very sad. (die) ③It was just a _______ greeting as we went by. (friend) ④I don’t know _______ where she lives. (exact) 1. 犯错;出错make ____ 2. 嘲笑;取笑laugh __ 3. (在词典、参考书等中)查阅look __ 4. 处理;应付deal ____ 5. 尽力做……try one’s ____ 6. 非常害怕的be terrified __ 7. 最后;终于__ the end 8. 做决定;下决心make a _______ 9. 即使;纵然; 尽管____ though 10. 不再;已不no ______ 11. 对……感到自豪t ake pride __ 12. 放弃give _ 13. be afraid to do _________ 14. be angry with ___________ 15. to one’s surprise____________16. pay attention to 1. ——你是怎样学习来准备考试的?——我通过小组活动来学习。 —____ do you study for a test? —I study __ ________ with a group. 2. 大声朗读来练习发音怎么样? _____ _____ _______ aloud to practice pronunciation 3. 这些话太难听懂了。It’s ___ hard __ understand the voices. 4. 他发现看电影令人沮丧,因为人们说得太快。 He finds ________ ______ __________ because the people speak too quickly. 5. 你以前个子不高,是不是?You ____ __ __ short, ______ ___ ? 6. 我开着卧室的灯睡觉。I go to sleep ____ my bedroom light ___. 7. 在过去的几年里,我的生活发生了很多改变。 My life ___ _______ a lot __ ___ ____ ___ _____. 1 根据句意填入适当的词。 1)He is very ________, because he likes talking and laughing. 2)My father ______ to be a teacher, but now he is a writer. 3)He has _______ a lot. Because he is different from the past. 4)I am not afraid of the _____. I dare to go out. 5)I often send and receive ________ on the Internet. 2 词形填空 1)Most of us learn English by _________(study) our textbooks. 2)Reading aloud can improve our ___________(speak) skills. 3)I am free now. What about __________(go) out for a walk? 4) A good dictionary is ________ (help) to your English-studying. 5)Hearing they will see a moving, the students all got ________ (excite). 6)Don’t speak too ________(quick), we can’t catch you. 3完成句子: 1)该睡觉了。It’s time to . 2)我对画画感兴趣。I drawing. 3)我非常喜欢咖啡,但我一点也不喜欢茶。 I like coffee , but I like tea . 4)她通过制作抽认卡来学习英语。


最小二乘递推算法的MATLAB仿真 针对辨识模型,有z(k)-+a1*z(k-1)+a2*z(k-2)=b1*u(k-1)+b2*u(k-2)+v(k)模型结构,对其进行最小二乘递推算法的MATLAB仿真,对比真值与估计值。更改a1、a2、b1、b2参数,观察结果。 仿真对象:z(k)-1.5*z(k-1)+0.7*z(k-2)=u(k-1)+0.5*u(k-2)+v(k) 程序如下: L=15; y1=1;y2=1;y3=1;y4=0; %四个移位寄存器的初始值 for i=1:L; %移位循环 x1=xor(y3,y4); x2=y1; x3=y2; x4=y3; y(i)=y4; %取出作为输出信号,即M序列 if y(i)>0.5,u(i)=-0.03; %输入信号 else u(i)=0.03; end y1=x1;y2=x2;y3=x3;y4=x4; end figure(1); stem(u),grid on z(2)=0;z(1)=0; for k=3:15; z(k)=1.5*z(k-1)-0.7*z(k-2)+u(k-1)+0.5*u(k-2); %输出采样信号 end c0=[0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001]'; %直接给出被识别参数的初始值 p0=10^6*eye(4,4); %直接给出初始状态P0 E=0.000000005; c=[c0,zeros(4,14)]; e=zeros(4,15); for k=3:15; %开始求k h1=[-z(k-1),-z(k-2),u(k-1),u(k-2)]'; x=h1'*p0*h1+1; x1=inv(x); k1=p0*h1*x1; %开始求k的值 d1=z(k)-h1'*c0;c1=c0+k1*d1; e1=c1-c0; e2=e1./c0; %求参数的相对变化 e(:,k)=e2; c0=c1; c(:,k)=c1; p1=p0-k1*k1'*[h1'*p0*h1+1]; %求出P(k)的值 p0=p1;


人教版新目标九年级英语综合练习题 一、听力测试(20分) A) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一小题。听完每段对话后,从所给的A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。( )1.Whom can the boy ask for help ? A.His father. B.His English teacher. C.His mother. ( )2.What can we learn about the woman from the conversation? A.She is a guitar player. B.She likes playing guitar. C.She used to play sports with the famous guitar player. ( )3.Which is Kate?s favorite color ? A.Red. B.Green. C.Blue. ( )4. What does the woman think of the film? A.Boring. B.Scary. C.Wonderful. ( )5.Why is Jenny taking a bus today? A.Because she got up a little late. B.Because her bike doesn?t work. C.Because she likes walking. B) 听下面几段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从所给的A.B.C三个 选项中选出最佳选项,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6-8三个小题 ( )6.How does the boy feel before going to Switzerland? A.Nervous . B.Excited. C.Unhappy. ( )7.What?s Switzerland famous for? A.Food. B.Bikes. C. Watches. ( )8.How many pieces of advice does the girl give the boy? A.One. B.Two. C.Three. 听下面一段对话,回答第9-10两个小题 ( )9.What does Cathy want to do this afternoon? A.To go to the museum. B.To see a film. C.To go to the zoo. ( )10.What time will Cathy leave? A.At 3:00. B.At 4:45. C.At 4:00. 听下面一段独白,回答第11-13三个小题( )11.Where did Jane study last term? A. At No.1 High School. B At No.10 High School.. C. At No.11 High School. ( )12.Why does Jane miss her old school? A.Because her old school is near to her home. B.Because her old school is better than her new school. C.Because she has many friends there. ( )13.What does Jane?s mother want her to do? A.To be alone all the time. B.To make friends with her new classmates. C.To study hard. 听下面一段对话,回答第14-15两个小题 ( )14.What was the thing with three legs? A.A table. B.A cup. C.A bowl. ( )15.where are they talking ? A.In the museum. B.In the post office. C.In the library. C) 听下面一段短文,然后根据短文内容完成下列句子,每空限填一词。短文读两遍。 16.The letter is from Sally to her ___________. 17.Every ___________ and Wednesday , Mary and Sally go to the River Thames. 18.Mary goes to the ____________ every Friday. 19.Paul likes _____________ very much. https://www.doczj.com/doc/696481623.html,st Friday, Mary, Paul and Sally went on a ____________. 二、单项填空(20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,将其标号填入题前的括号内。(每小题1分) ( )1.---It looks like a television.Do you think so? ---Yes,I________. A.understand B.know C.mean D.agree ( )2.when someone is ill, he ______ she should try to smile at life. A.and B.but C.or D.so ( )3.You won?t pass your exams _______ you work hard. A.when B.if C.unless D.after ( )4.---When are you going on the school trip? ---_________ today or tomorrow. We?ll be free these days.

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