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A very pretty, smart and sweet young womanwho decides to pletely change her life and go to Harvard law School, in order to follow her boyfriend, who has decided to break up with her. Warner Huntington the 3rd

Elle’s boyfriend,who is snobby, who decides to leave her because he feels he needs to find a more serious looking

girlfriend that will help him with his future career in



A woman working class hairdresser who bees Elle

’s best friend.


Warner ’s new girlfriend at Harvard, who treats Elle very poorly at first.

Brooke Taylor Windham

A suessful business woman who makes well known exercise videos, who is charged with the murder of her rich husband.

Professor Callahan

A lawyer and Professor at Harvard, who is hired to defend Brooke.


A young lawyer and Professor Callahan’s assistant.

This is the story of Elle Woods, a very cute and friendly student who is also the most popular girl in her Los Angeles

sorority (A house and club for female students). Elle has just finished her studies in Fashion, and is getting prepared to

marry her boyfriend, Warner, who will soon be going to Harvard Law School, in Boston. Unfortunately, Warner decides to break

up with Elle, because he wants to find a more serious looking girlfriend who will help his career in politics after he gets

out of law school (Elle, unfortunately looks like the dumb


This movie is about a girl that thought she was going to

propose but found out that she got dumped by her boyfriend

Warner. Supposely She wasnt smart eough for his parents to

except her. To prove him wrong she tries to get into Harvard

Law School. She studies for the LSATs, submits a video essay--in which she appears in a sequined bikini--and, miraculously, is aepted. At first, Elle is rebuked by Professor Stromwell and is the target of snide ments from other students.

Ditsy but kind Elle Woods (Witherspoon) lives in a

practically perfect life, surrrounded by frivolous and sweet

girls, hair and nail salons, and above all pink, pink and more pink. She is convinced that her boyfriend Warner (Davis,) will propose to her that night at dinner. Instead he dumps her,

saying that he needs someone more serious if he's going to go

to Harvard law school, and be a senater by the time he's thirty. Heartbroken, Elle decides the only way she can win him back is to go to Harvard as well.

The first few classes don't go very well, but she trys hard to prove she can be a serious and intelligent law student. But the challenge to get Warner back just got bigger. He's proposed to another more serious law student named Vivian (Blair) who

as well as Elle and Warner gets into a law internship.

Breezy blonde Elle Woods (Witherspoon) is about to

graduate from a small California college and fully expects her boyfriend Warner Huntington III (Davis) to propose marriage

before he takes off to Harvard Law School. But citing his

ambitions in law and politics, and saying he needs a more "serious" partner, Warner dumps her. Plucky Elle decides to

follow him to Harvard (she managesto get herself admitted after majoring in fashion), and win her man back. Eventually, she

finds herself a law firm intern on a heavy murder case, still

hoping to win her guy back from snooty Eastern preppie gal Vivian Kensington (Blair). This fluffy edy is rather obvious,

silly, implausible, not that funny, and has a weak ending --

but it's a wonderfully charming piece of work anyway, mostly

due to Witherspoon's terrific performance and a couple of

mildly surprising plot turns. Raquel Welch has a cute cameo as the murdered man's ex-wife.

At one point of time or another we all have faced stereotypyed prejudices in our daily lives.This is the story

of a leggy blonde who decides to take on the world & show

that blondes do have more fun,but they can also prove their smarts in any field they desire.How is it different from any other movie?The blonde does this in a non-sensical & ical way.

Elle Woods(Reese Witherspoon) has it all-loving par

ents,cool friends,a rich lifestyle,pink stuff,a fashion

designing degree,immense popularity,oggling guys everywhere

she goes & a fashion conscious chihuahua.She with her boyfriend,Warner(Matthew Davis)

’s madly in love & is waiting eagerly

for him to propose.On her ’special night ’ he ends breaking up with her.He explains to Elle that he still does love & care

for her a lot.But since he’s got ambitions to join Harvard Law

school & later on take up a career in politics,he tells Elle that he would need a smarter life partner.Heartbroken,Elle decides to win Warner back.She studies day & night to end up with an excellent LSAT score & enrolls herself at Harvard Law school.But this is just the beginning for poor Elle as she finds out that Warner has proposed to their Harvard Law classmate,Vivian(Selma Blair).From then on Elle has to

constantly struggle to prove herself to her

classmates,professors & the general public.At first,Elle &

Vivian are totally vicious to each other.But as time goes on

&they begin to warm up to each other,Elle realises that she

&Vivian would be great friends if it were not for the issue

of Warner.Emmett Richmond(Luke Wilson) is one of Elle ’s professors who keeps supporting her,no matter what.He ’s genuinely impressed by her colourful character who ’ s got an attitude to sueed & win people ’s hearts.

The movie is light & funny.The cast are very definite in

their roles,as tiny & ical as it may be.Reese Witherspoon stands out in playing the dumb blonde who wants to be taken

seriously.This is a totally girly film which would be nice for a girl ’s night out.Don’t even make the mistake of taking a

guy for this movie.Go out there & embrace your feminine power!

Have you heard the one about the blonde that goes

to Harvard Law School?

She gets to the top of her class, is put in charge of a high-profile murder trial during her first year, and graduates with honors.

No, really.

This, in a nutshell, is the premise of Legally Blonde, the new film starring blonde-au-natural Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, a So Cal sorority girl who follows her one-and-only, an East Coast blue blood by the nameof Warner Huntington III (Matt Davis), to Harvard Law in order to win back his affections after he royally dumpsher, citing that he needs someonemore upscale on his arm, "a Jackie, not a Marilyn."

The resulting film is cute and charming, but also

diabetically sweet and with a plot that is as implausible as

Dude, Where's My Car? picking up an Oscar for Best Picture.

Natural parisons would be to Amy Heckerling's Clueless,

though Legally Blonde lacks the sharp satire that madethat film as clever as it was. In its place are loud stereotypes and

pletely over-the-top sets and costumes.

Regardless, the film does work, and that's due almost

entirely to its star, Reese Witherspoon. Witherspoon plays Elle

with such consistent perkiness that the audience can't help but play along and get swept up into her ice-cream-and-candy world. She adds just enough parody to her character to give us the

feeling that it's ok to get lost in the fluffiness of the film, and not to take it too literally.

Elle Woods is an interesting creature to behold. She's a

Hawaiian Tropics girl, head of her sorority, has a perfect GPA in Fashion Merchandising, and she wears an awful lot of pink.

She's the kind of girl who probably dots her I's with little

hearts and practices smiling in front of the mirror.

But balancing these blonde-girl stereotypes are Elle's

feistiness and her genuineness. She is genuinely ditzy, for

sure, but also genuinely charming and good-humored.

Witherspoon embodies these characteristics perfectly,

and is lovable and believable, blonde head to pink manicured


The screenplay, co-written by Karen McCullah Lutz and

Kirsten Smith and based on the AmandaBrown's book of the same name, is pure cotton candy –delicious from start to finish,

but not really satisfying or fulfilling. That's okay, since the purpose of the film isn't to give you an intellectual headache,

but rather lightly jab at some typical youth stereotypes and

immerse them in edy and charm.

Supporting characters are also vivid and mendable. Selma Blair is appropriately cast as a prep-school snob, Jackie O to Witherspoon's Marilyn, and balances Elle's syrupy disposition with a personality made of vinegar.

Matt Davis, as Warner Huntington III, and Luke Wilson, as a partner at the law firm for which Elle works, are interesting enough as Witherspoon's two love interests, though their bined screen presence is somewhat limited and their characters are displayed more as subjects of conversation and lament between

Elle and her girlfriends. They do make their time on screen

count, though, with strong performances and looks that would

melt the hearts of the film's target female audience.

Jennifer Coolidge and Oz Perkins also stand out as Elle's Boston buddies, the former a manicurist at a local beauty parlor and the latter as one of Elle's classmates. Coolidge, whomyou may remember as the MILF from American Pie, is especially endearing as a fashion-challenged dishwater blonde whom

Elle takes under her wing.

In the end, Legally Blonde is little more than Clueless

Goes to College, but Witherspoon and her supporting cast of

oddballs and stereotypes make this film stand out as a fun and cheery summer flick worthy of more than a few laughs.

Theatre of the Stars has outdone themselves, with the

opening night of Legally Blonde at the Fox. It was the best

judicial performance I've reviewed there, thus far. I was

tickled pink, that the courting theme for the night was,

apparently, pink and blonde. Just wondering, who sent out that memo? There was a house full of blondes from all ages, and I

was overwhelmed at the sight of how many of them, despite the

age, wore the Elle Woods signature pink. From the stage view,

the audience may have looked like the cast, providing a mirage of pink in all shades.

The audience weren't the only ones with flare to offer.

From start to finish the entire set was embellished with a

brilliancy. Using the appropriate pastels against the bland

backdrops, of a law school or court room, provided the perfect bination of consistency and allurement. This astonishingly

vivid display was best noticed during each song and dance number, whenever the charactered lawyers were portrayed as lifeless the Delta Nu girls brought the pizazz and added some funk with an

upbeat tempo and a little rump shaking.

The choreography was contemporary, there was more booty shaking then I thought there would be, which, for me, was a

pleasant surprise at the Fox. Not to mention, Miss Woods

wardrobe was, "Omigod, you guys!" Especially the hot pink get

up she wore the first day of class at Harvard Law. I must say,

if law students really looked like that, I think every legality would be neglected, the prosecutor may be heavily scrutinized

and justice just might prevail!

I love this everything about this movie including its

storyline, actors, actresses and so on. I think this movie is

very sweet. Why do I think so? There are some reasons.

First of all, Reese Witherspoon who is acting the heroine "Elle Woods" is very cute, not only cute but also her fashions are so charming. Secondly, I like Elle's character. She is

always positive with everything, even if she faces serious or

difficult situations. My favorite scene is that where Law

School students including Elle, Elle's old boyfriend, Warner

and his girlfriend Vivian are taking a class. As Elle's opinion is praised by professor, and her opinion is better than Warner's, Warner and Vivian look each other with chagrined face. When

I saw the scene, I felt refreshed, and I wanted to say to Elle

that "You did it, Elle!"

I really like this movie! The storyline, all of fashions

are cute, and actors as well as actresses are suitable for their characters. This movie is not only sweet, charming and

delightful, but also Elle Woodstold us that a lot of important things for human's beings. In particular I want many ladies to see this movie, but I remend this movie to to everyone including young boys!


第一篇:100部英文电影 100 部超级好看的英文电影 1,魔法灰姑娘〔超级推荐〕(安妮海瑟薇主演) 2,贱女孩〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 3,灰姑娘的玻璃手机〔超级推荐〕 4,美人鱼〔超级推荐〕(里面音乐也很好听) 5,舞出我人生〔超级推荐〕(励志的!刚出了第二部) 6,录取通知书 7,水瓶座女孩 8,倒霉爱神(林赛罗汉主演) 9,儿女一箩筐 10,冰雪公主〔超级推荐〕 11,我的朋友是明星〔超级推荐〕 12,辣妈辣妹〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 13,物质女孩〔超级推荐〕 14,疯狂金龟车(林赛罗汉主演) 15,平民天后〔超级推荐〕 16,公主日记(不用说勒)〔超级推荐〕(还有第二部哟!) 17,歌舞青春〔超级推荐〕[很热的电影!(ⅰ和ⅱ都喜欢) 18,律政俏佳人 19,麻辣宝贝〔超级推荐〕 20,恋爱刺客 21,美少女啦啦队〔超级推荐〕 22,12月男孩〔超级推荐〕(哈利波特演的哟)

23,足球尤物 24,魔法双星 25,超完美男人〔超级推荐〕 25,劲歌飞扬〔超级推荐〕 26,纽约时刻 27,奶牛美女 28,穿prada的恶魔〔超级推荐〕 29,天生一对 30,高校天后〔超级推荐〕 31,像乔丹一样 32,牛仔裤的夏天〔超级推荐超感人~〕 33,初恋的回忆〔超级推荐欣慰~〕 34,甜心辣舞〔超级推荐〕 35,花豹美眉 36,女兵报道 37,女生向前翻〔超级推荐很立志!〕 38,小姐好辣 39,欧洲任我行 40,留级之王 41,风云才女(希尔顿酒店继承人之一尼克?希尔顿首部主打影片!这是一部有关大学女生校园生活的喜剧,影片描述大学校园里一群正处于青春叛逆期、蠢蠢欲动的特权阶层少男少女平日里生活的点点滴滴……有点点sex)〔超级推荐i love hilton sisters〕 42,谁领风骚〔超级推荐女生的可怕和可爱〕


律政俏佳人1电影在线观看_律政俏 佳人1观后感 【--个人简历制作】 导读:《律政俏佳人1》是美国米高梅电影公司制作的校园喜剧电影,由罗伯特·路克蒂克执导,瑞茜·威瑟斯彭、卢克·威尔逊、塞尔玛·布莱尔、马修·戴维斯主演。下面为大家带来律政俏佳人1的观后感,希望能帮助到大家。 《律政俏佳人1》观后感(一) 今天看了电影律政俏佳人第一部,一开始还以为是讲述一个有关与职业女性成长的故事,看了以后才明白其实是讲述一个和我们一样的女孩为了自我的梦想不断付出努力最后成功完整自我的故事。算不上是什么奋斗史,因为只是一个女孩在长大过程中的小梦想小纠结小奋斗而已。他真实的让人觉得那个女主角似乎是我们自我,因为他和此刻热情而张扬的我们是如此的相似,我们都是这么的不顾一切向前冲的女孩。唯一的不一样是我们想过了却没有实施,但是他实施了而且成功了,他就是我们的梦,在电影里完全的成为了真实。

而我在看完电影以后脑袋里就冒出了一句话:一个女孩能够因为感情选取一个错误的开始,但是请不要让它成为一个错误的结束。 其实并不是单指感情,而是很多事情。我们是有权选取我们的未来,更加爱有权对我们的未来负职责。 也许是一个带有太多幻想和美国色彩的故事,我们并不可能像艾尔一样那么幸运,仿佛冥冥之中有神在帮忙一样。我们也许是普通的,但是我们又是不普通的,我们能够有激情又梦想我们能够有期望有行动。我们是和艾尔一样爱大声尖叫蹦蹦跳跳的快快乐乐的沉浸在幻想当中的傻女孩。但是我们的傻一样让我们显得这样珍贵,在这个对未来失去激情期望的年代,在这个我们都假装成熟的年代,我们能够用自我的努力我们的激情来做自我,也许我们不能影响到身边的人,也许我们甚至到最后无法实现自我的梦想,但是努力过,我们就没有什么后悔的了。 所以呢?当我们开始行动起来的时候我们开始为我们自我叫好,管别人是怎样想的,管别人是什么心理,管别人是用什么方式,用自我的心用自我的手,用自我的一切,做自我的自我。 带着自我最好的朋友,去实现那些我们的梦想。我们的白日梦。 《律政俏佳人1》观后感(二)

大学英语六级核心词汇全突破【附高清视频讲解】(A 认知词汇)【圣才出品】

认知词汇 abort[]vi.异常中断,中途失败 vt.(使)流产,堕胎;(使)中途失败,中止 【例句】When the decision was made to abort the mission,there was great confusion. 中途放弃这次任务的决定引起了严重混乱。 【派生】abortive adj.失败的;流产的;堕胎的 abortifacient adj.堕胎的 abortively adv.失败地;流产地 abortion n.流产,小产;流产的胎儿 abortifacient n.[药]堕胎药 academician[]n.学会会员,院士,学者

【例句】I’m the first academician in our family.我是我们家第一个大学生。 【搭配】national academician国家科学院院士 【助记】academy学院+cian人,专家 accession[]n.就职;添加 vt.把(新书等)编入目录 【例句】①In none of these cases was there any accession of wealth to the world.以上这些人都不会增加世界的财富。 ②On his accession to the throne,he inherit vast estate.他一登上王位就继承了大宗财产。 accidental[]adj.附属的;偶然的,意外的,无意中的 n.非本质属性,次要方面 【例句】The accidental death of Tom made his family very sad.汤姆的意外死亡使他的家人十分的伤心。 【派生】accidentally adv.意外地;偶然地 【助记】来自accident(n.事故,意外)cid掉,苹果落下是意外的,但牛顿从中发现必然的规律。 accordingly[]adv.按照,据此;相应地;因此 【例句】He was asked to leave the city and accordingly he went.有人叫他离开该城市,所以他就走了。


律政俏佳人观后感中文精选4篇律政俏佳人观后感 之前,我有机会观赏了《律政俏佳人》,一部美国不错的喜剧电影,同时也是一部立志的电影。 女主角艾莉.伍兹过着无忧无虑的生活,可以说她是应有尽有。她是一个来自热带夏威夷的女孩,女大学生联谊会会长,她是一个天生丽质的金发碧眼美女。同时艾莉伍兹正在与学校中最酷的男孩华纳恋爱,并一心一意想做他的新娘--华纳亨廷顿三世夫人。 可是,华纳却因为有一个出身名门,同样跟自己有着哈佛法学院上学资格的韦安女生决定抛弃艾莉伍兹。当艾莉.伍兹问其理由的时候,他说:"你除了金发碧眼的美貌外实在没有什么可吸引人的。"我在想,爱你的时候,你的什么都是美貌的,不爱你的时候,你的任何都是多余的东西。看着在餐厅中的艾莉伍兹听到这个消息的时候,失态的样子,不禁有些心酸。后来的艾莉伍兹也曾经彷徨过,也曾经怀疑过,也曾经想要放弃。然而,也许是这个小的插曲,激起了她的斗志。 她觉得自己应该做点什么,而不是享受自己现在的生活。她报考了哈佛的法学院。决定要赢回华纳的心。当时她的老师也不看好,她这样的选择,甚至许多人认为她疯了。她遇到了很多的

困难,她遭受了很多的嘲笑,讥讽。结果呢?哈佛的法学院,朝她敞开了欢迎的大门,她获得了新的成功。 刚进法学院,这里与她以前的舒适环境简直是天壤之别,艾莉有生以来第一次必须进行一场战斗,为了她心爱的人、为了她自己。甚至是华纳的未婚妻韦韦安的挑衅,甚至是第一次,因为没有回答出教授的问题,而被赶出课堂,但是她没有退缩,她都很勇敢的而聪慧的应对了,这也促使她最终取得了超出所有人想象的胜利。 在做实习生的时候,维护了一个律师的尊严,也苛守一个律师人,应尽的本份。最后她胜利了,她不仅通过自己的努力考进了哈佛大学法学院,而且成了那一届最优秀的毕业生。然而她当初追求的男友华纳却什么都没有了。她--艾莉伍兹凭着自己的真才实学和自我奋斗步入上流社会,也挑战了华纳和整个社会对金发碧眼美女的歧视。 故事到此并没有结束,她依旧保持她自己的风格,美艳而张扬,带着她最亲爱的吉娃娃,成为那个沉闷的地方的一道亮丽风景,不过大家似乎对她没有什么好感。但她就是那样一个乐观而永往直前的人,最终得到了学位,打赢了一场难搞的官司,赢得了另一个优秀的男朋友的心,并顺利进入了知名的律师事务所。 艾莉事业上的成功是她自己努力的结果,因为美国社会对于


I think you should go with the red. 我认为你应该穿红色 It's the color of confidence. 那是自信的表现 I don't understand why you're disregarding... 我不明白你为什么那么冷漠 your signature color. 你的签名也是 He's proposing. I can't look like I would on any other date. 他正计划着,我不能看着别人约会 This is the date... the night I'll always remember. 这个约会的夜晚我永远都记得 I want to look special. 我想看看有什么不同 Bridal. 那个婚礼 But not like I expect anything. 不是我希望的那样 There's nothing I love more... 其他我没什么兴趣 than a dumb blonde with daddy's plastic. 不过是普通货色罢了 Did you see this one? We just got it in yesterday. 看到这个吗,我们曾经昨天拿过的 Is this low-viscosity rayon? 是低胸尼龙吗 Yes. Of course. 对 With a half-loop top-stitching on the hem? 肩上只有这么一点挂着的东西

Absolutely. It's one of a kind. 是的,是那样的 It's impossible to use a half-loop top-stitching... 太少了 on low-viscosity rayon. Itwould snag the fabric. 低粘性人造丝是不可能用的,它会给纺织品试市场带来冲击的 And you didn't just get it in. 你还不明白吗 I saw it in the June V ogue a year ago. 一年前我在简维哥看过 So if you're trying to sell it forfull price... 你打算原价卖出吗 you picked the wrong girl. 你选错人了 Girls, this is it. 女孩们就这样 In afew hours... 在几个小时后 I'll be the future Mrs. Warner Huntington III. 我将要决定华纳先生的将来


2020年大学英语六级大纲词汇:T字母开头2020年大学英语六级大纲词汇:T字母开头 tabulate vt.把…制成表 tack n.平头打 vt.钉住 tackle vt.解决,对付 n.用具 tact n.机敏,圆滑,得体 tactics n.策略;战术,兵法 tangle vt.使缠结,使纠缠 tanker n.油船;空中加油飞机 tape vt.系,捆 taper n.细小的蜡烛;微光 tar n.柏油,焦油

team vi.协作,合作 tease vt.逗乐,戏弄;强求telex n.电传,用户电报 tempt vt.引诱,诱惑,劝诱tensile a.张力的;能伸长的terminal n.计算机终端;线接头terminate vt.&vi.停止,终止terminology n.术语学,术语terrace n.平台,阳台,露台terrify vt.使恐怖,使惊吓terrorist n.恐怖分子 testify v.证明,证实,作证

Thanksgiving n.感恩节theatre n.戏剧效果 theft n.盗窃,偷窃(行为) theme n.题目;词干;主旋律theorem n.定理;原理,原则theory n.见解,看法,推测thereafter ad.此后,以后therein ad.在那里,在那时thereof ad.它的,其;由此thermal a.热的;温泉的thesis n.论题,论点;论文

thicken vt.使变厚(或粗、密) thigh n.股,大腿 thorough a.精心的;详尽的thoughtless a.欠考虑的;自私的thrash vt.痛打,鞭打 vi.打thresh vt.打谷,脱粒;推敲threshold n.门槛;入门,开端thrifty a.节俭的;兴旺的 thrill vt.&vi.(使)激动through prep.因为,因为 ticket n.(交通违章)罚款传票tickle vt.挠,胳肢;逗乐


大学英语参考词汇表 ★abort ★absurd ★abundance ★academician ★accession ★accessory ★accommodate ★accountability ★accountable ★accountancy ★accounting ★accusation ★accustom ★activate ★actuality ★addict ★addicted ★addictive ★adhere ★adherence ★adjacent ★adjoin ★administer ★administrate ★admittance ★admittedly ★adolescence ★adolescent ★adore ★advancement ★advantageous ★adventurer ★adventurous ★adverse ★aerial ★aerospace ★aesthetic ★aesthetics ★affiliate ★affirm ★affix ★afflict ★affordable ★aggravate ★aggregate ★airborne ★aisle ★ale ★alien ★alienate ★allege ★allegedly ★alleviate ★allocate ★allotment ★alloy ★aloft ★alternate ★ambiguity ★ambiguous ★amend ★ammunition ★ample ★amplify ★analogy ★analytical ★anew ★angel ★animate ★animated ★annoyance ★anonymous ★antibiotic ★appalling ★apparatus ★appease ★appendix ★appraisal ★appraise ★appropriation ★apt ★arc


《律政俏佳人》观后感 女主角埃尔毫无疑问是让人羡慕的,不只是外在,更多的是性格乃至精神。 传统上,美国人认为金发女郎是漂亮呆笨的,从埃尔去挑选礼服时,售货员对她轻视的言语和举动不难看出,但是,埃尔与外表同样漂亮的回击让我知道,这个女孩不一般。 埃尔是自信的,自信到让我们都不禁自惭形秽,无论遇到多少困难与否认的眼光,无论何时,哪怕是让人出糗的场景,自信都让她闪闪发光。现实中的我们,正是因为不够自信,不敢去尝试,从而放弃了自己的多少可能性。你不相信自己能考上哈佛,那么它便一点可能都不存在。这样看来,埃尔的自信是让人仰望的。我们又如何可能达到女主角的那种自信,毕竟电影总是超出现实。 我们必须清楚,自信与自身努力是分不开的,自信的资本何在,假如你一味说大话,这样根本不是自信,只能是众人眼中的笑话。或许影片中的女主角一帆风顺得让人觉得不可思议,但是在现实生活中,哪怕你通过努力收获来的成果有女主角的万分之一,那也是值得的。只要有一点进步就值得一直我们努力下去。 独立也是埃尔身上的闪光点。我们不能也无法一直地去依赖别人,我们最终能依靠的从来都是自己,我们不能放弃自己,不为爱情盲目,不被暂时的灰暗击倒,谁又知道转身过后的你是怎样。现实生活中我们从来不乏独立女性成功的例子,我认为,在

你成为一个成功的角色之前,你首先要是一个独立的人。当然,自信永远是前提。 《律政俏佳人》给我们带来了太多的正能量,彷佛给我们平静无波的生活扔下了一颗小石子,原来,人的可能性有那么大,我们不能停止努力的脚步,不去努力在埃尔的影响下似乎成了对一个人最大的酷刑。“什么时候都要相信自己”,埃尔在毕业典礼上说的话是对我们最好的警醒。 自信是我们最好的胭脂。


The Reflection of“Legally Blonde” Some days ago, I saw a movie which was called “Legally blonde”. I was deeply influenced. The things strike me most is the costume. I think it’s the most wonderful aspect of the film. It showed us a world of pink. The movie was really hot at that time. It not only makes Reese Witherspoon popular, but also drives the tide of pink. It is just as easy as honey. The little girl's small mind and colorful dream world can always evoke your heart of innocence and the yearning for beautiful things. The most unforgettable thing is that----the color of pink. The hat, clothes, skirt,high-heeled shoes, telephone, car, laptop and even the clothes of the pet dog are pink which blot out the sky and cover up the earth. Every girl’s eyes lit up watching the film. It’s just a dream world. Movie is only film, but the film can also reflect a certain social phenomenon. It is still a society which men are in role. Even in such country where a material and spirit are extremely developed. When Elle was hurt ,she talked with a


大学英语六级大纲词汇 a开头 abbreviation n.节略,缩写,缩短 abide vt.遵守 vt.忍受 abolish vt.废除,取消 absent a.不在意的 absorption n.吸收;专注 abstract a.理论上的 n.抽象 absurd a.不合理的,荒唐的 abundance n.丰富,充裕 accessory n.同谋 a.附属的 accord n.调和,符合;协议 acknowledge vt.承认;告知收到 acquaint vt.使认识,使了解 action n.作用;情节 adhere vi.粘附;追随;坚持 adjacent a.毗连的;紧接着的 adjoin vt.贴近,毗连;== adjustable a.可调整的,可校准的 administration n.局(或署、处等) admiration n.钦佩;赞美,羡慕 adoption n.收养;采纳,采取 adore vt.崇拜;很喜欢 advantageous a.有利的,有助的

advertise vt.通知 vi.登广告advocate n.辩护者 vt.拥护aerial a.空气的;航空的aerospace n.航空和宇宙航行空间affirm vt.断言,批准;证实agitation n.鼓动,煸动;搅动agreeable a.惬意的;同意的 alas int.唉,哎呀 album n.粘贴簿;相册;文选 alert a.警惕的;活跃的 algebra n.代数学 alien a.外国的 n.外国人alignment n.队列;结盟,联合allied a.联合的;联姻的allowance n津贴,补助费alongside prep.在…旁边 ally n.盟国,同盟者,伙伴alteration n.变更,改变;蚀变alternate vt.使交替 a.交替的amateur a.业余的n.业余爱好者ambassador n.大使,使节ambient a.周围的,包围着的ambiguous a.模棱两可的;分歧的ambitious a.有雄心的;热望的ample a.足够的;宽敞的



It's your life, it's your decision 最近看的片子,为什么都如此温情 Julie & Julia里面的美味食物和saint老公 我知道,其实幸福可以很简单 每天有一桌丰盛的晚餐,然后有一个爱的人在身边 不过那片子只是温情 而The Blind Side就是温情到让我好几次的红了眼眶 有一个温暖的家庭,妈妈做的可口饭菜,是多么平常而有难得 曾经,Michael注定是一个被唾弃的人 他出生在贫民窟 他因母亲吸毒,被政府带走 他有严重的阅读障碍 他没有家,没有自己的床 他不会微笑,因为生活没有什么值得微笑 那时候他只能选择不停的出走收留他的家庭 那也是他唯一的选择 但Michael是幸运的,他在寒冷的夜晚遇到了真正在乎他的人他的才华被发掘 他没有被社会遗弃 从面无表情,游走在边缘地带

到风光无限,阳光的橄榄球明星 这过程有起伏 但是不变的是,他的家人一直在他身边 虽然那些都不是血缘亲属 但是那种爱是不求回报的 喜欢Sean Jr“专业级”的训练 喜欢Collins不动声色的坐到brother身边 喜欢Mrs Tuohy在场上告诉Michael,球队是你的家,you need to have their back 当Michael在车祸瞬间伸出手臂的时候,我哭了 当Mrs Tuohy在洗衣店找到Michael说出那段用来煽情的话,我还是忍不住的哭了 毕业时候2.52的GPA,只有这个家庭了解它的珍贵和来之不易 Michael有两个母亲 我想她们都爱他 生母没有给他丰厚的物质生活和精神世界,却也小心翼翼的帮助他远离那些肮脏,让他闭上眼睛,不去看任何丑陋的画面 养母是无私的,她改变了他的人生,告诉他,生活是自己的,要自己选择 是的 It‘s your life, it's your decision. 两年前,当我准备出国,父母从来没有当面挽留我 但是很多人都跟我说,其实他们对我有多么的舍不得 我知道,他们让我选择自己的路


英语六级必会词汇 n.获得.添加的物品 a.青春期的.青年的n.青少年 a.不利的.敌对的.相反的.逆的 4. aesthetic a.美学的.审美的.有美感 5. affiliate vt.附属.接纳vi.有关 6. afflict vt.使痛苦.折磨 vt.使恶化.使更加重8. agitation n.鼓动.煸动;搅动 9. alleviate vt.减轻.使缓和 10. amends n.赔偿 11. anonymous a.匿名的 12. appraisal n.评价.估价.鉴定13. articulate a.发音 清晰的.听得懂的 14. ascertain vt.查明. 确定.弄清 15. ascribe vt.把…归 于 16. assault vt.袭击;殴 打n.攻击 17. assert vt.断言.宣 称;维护 18. asset n.资产.有用 的东西 19. assimilate vt.使同 化.吸收.比较 20. attorney n.代理人; 辩护律师 21. augment 22. authentic a.真实的. 可靠的.可信的 23. avail vt.有益于n. 效用 24. avert vt.转开.避免. 防止 25. baffle vt.使挫折n. 迷惑 26. barren a.贫瘠的;不 妊的 27. batch n.一组.分批. 成批.批 28. bizarre a.奇异的 29. bleak a.萧瑟的.苍 白的.荒凉的 30 blunder vi.犯大错n. 大错 a.钝的.坦率的.麻痹的 n.奖金.红利 33. brace n.支柱vt.拉 紧.撑牢 34. brittle a.脆的;易 损坏的 35. capsule n.胶囊.瓶 帽.太空舱 36. casualty n.伤亡.受 害者 37. ceramic a.陶器的n. 陶瓷制品

律政俏佳人观后感1500字 律政俏佳人观后感

律政俏佳人观后感1500字律政俏佳人观后感 看完电影《律政俏佳人》,受到很大的启发。也许又是美国的一个优秀励志电影。埃尔伍兹的毕业感言:我们第一天到哈佛,一名英明的教授,引用亚里士多德的话,“法律是没有激情的理性”,恕我得罪了亚里士多德,但是我在哈佛多年,发现激情是修读和实践法律的关键因素,也是生命要素,要有敢于按自我的信念,以及坚强的自我意识,才能令我们踏足世界,记着第一印象不是对的,你要对人有信心,而最重要的,是你要对自我有信心,恭喜20XX年的毕业班,我们毕业了! 这部影片介绍了女主人公艾尔虽然拥有羡煞旁人的美貌——金发,白肤,高挑,精通打扮,就像一个精美的芭比娃娃。美貌和活泼的性格,让艾尔成为了一个完美的女生。她的男友华纳条件也不俗,拥有富贵的出身和出众的外表。两人十分般配,却想不到华纳根本就没把艾尔当成终身伴侣,在他眼中,艾尔只是一个花瓶,除了漂亮别无所长,于是他考上哈佛法学院之后,甩了艾尔,与旧女友重拾旧爱。艾尔不甘心,千方百计也考上了哈佛,她要用行动来证明自我并非徒有外表。哈佛的学习生活十分枯燥,而且这个金发美人还处处受到歧视。令大家大跌眼镜的是,艾尔竟然机智的干了一番事业。没有因为华纳的回头而停留的在原地,而是是选取了开创属于自我的一片天地。女主人翁的勇气正正是体现了美国人的那种自信、自尊、自强,只要敢想,

没有什么是不可能的。 还记得,艾尔在宴会上穿着兔女郎的服装站在华纳的身后哭着问他:我是不是对你还不够好?其实,这个世界没有谁是就应为谁无怨无悔的付出的,如果你付出的那个人丝毫都不在意你的话,那么那些付出都只是白费的。好在之后艾尔懂得了一个女孩子不仅仅仅是要感情而已,我们更就应懂得自尊,更就应为自我活着,而不是单纯的为了某人某事活着,那样的然人生只会让人家觉得你生来就是要依附的,完全没有自我的意愿活着,那又有什么好处呢?人的一生始终都要为自我而活着,为自我找到存在的价值,为自我精彩的创造人生而骄傲。 此后,艾尔一向致力于挽回华纳,丝毫不在乎她在课堂上糟糕的表现,直到她在那个宴会上被华纳讽刺后,她说:我要让你明白艾尔有多重要。此后,艾尔致力于学习法律的过程中,在任何地方都抱着书去背诵,去学习。正是这样貌的毅力她在课堂上的表现越来越好,最后跟着他们的导师格拉汉去实习一个案件,有关泰勒的谋杀案。但是,她的导师暗示她只要跟他发生关系,那么艾尔就能够成为一个律师。艾尔觉得自我的努力毫无好处,觉得没有人把她当真,所有人看到她的永远只是她的外表,而不是把她的努力。她认为自我所做的一切都是错的,无论什么都没有好处。于是,她想到了放下。就在,她想要放下成为律师的时候,另一位法学院的教授stromwell说:不要让一个不值得的人毁了你的生命。就当我以为,艾尔真的会离开哈佛时,艾尔却在


律政俏佳人影评 律政俏佳人影评(一) 最近稍微偷一下懒,找了一部电影来看,感想良多啊。 在电影中,艾丽是律政俏佳人中的女主角。美丽,时尚的她却被追求事业的男朋友抛弃了。为此,她决定考进哈佛法学院去追回男朋友。 艾莉凭借自己的努力考取了哈佛法学院。但是保守、甚至迂腐且以男性目光建构的法学院是不会接受这样的一个女生的。在法律课堂上,教师总是会找茬来质问她是否课前预习了功课。法学院的老师和学生都对她有偏见,看不起她。如果她表现出色,他们甚至会感到惊讶。 艾丽在分手后不断地从自己身上找原因,将赢得爱情与婚姻作为自己进入律政行业的动力。艾丽看似是在主动追求自己的爱情,实际上却只是为了让男友注意到自己,她一直受着男性思维的禁锢。此外,影片中

女性之间的竞争和比较也是围绕着男性的,女性的成功与否是以是否获得男性欢心来衡量的。艾丽的情敌维维安常在艾丽面前故意炫耀自己手上的钻戒,或者对沃纳示好。当被艾丽狠损了之后,维维安伸手看着手上的钻戒,其女友也对她说,“至少你得到了戒指”。从中可以看出,爱情的允诺与婚姻的保证还是女性最看重的,电影塑造的女性都要受限于“被爱”、“家庭”等传统女性角色定义。 这部电影虽说是彰显女性在法律界的地位,但仍存在着种种不平等。首先,电影大部分内容体现了爱情、婚姻和家庭是女性的第一要务,影片的女主角按照男性社会的价值观念调整自己的生活。塑造的女性形象表现了传统女性具有的“女性特质”,是被动的、顺从的、被观赏的、感性的、被情感支配的,她们的领域被限制在依赖于男性的社会范围中。其次,胜诉的背后也是因为她发挥了自己的女性特长,对同性恋的洞察力,以及关于烫发的美容常识;在很大程度上,她是凭借女性的感性思维和直觉才“意外”


2020年大学英语六级大纲词汇:N字母开头大学英语六级大纲词汇:N napkin n.餐巾(纸) narration n.叙述;故事;叙述法 negative a.负的,阴性的 negligible a.微不足道的 negotiate vi.谈判,交涉,议定 neighbouring a.邻近的,接壤的 nest vi.筑巢 vt.为…筑巢 net vt.用网捕;用网覆盖 network n.网络;广播网 neutron n.中子 nice a.细微的,微妙的 nickel n.镍;镍币 nickname n.绰号,浑号 nightmare n.恶梦;经常的恐惧 nominate vt.提名,推荐;任命 norm n.标准,规范;平均数 normalization n.正常化,标准化 northward(s) ad.向北方 a.向北的

nose n.突出部分(如船头等) notable n.值得注意的;的 noted a.的,知名的 notify vt.通知,告知;报告 notion n.概念,意念;看法 notorious a.臭名昭著的 notwithstanding prep.即使,虽然 nought n.无,零 nourish vt.提供养分,养育 nourishment n.食物;营养(情况) novel a.新的,异常的 novelty n.新颖;新奇的事物 nucleus n.原子核;细胞核 number vt.共计,达…之数 numerical a.数字的,数值的 nun n.修女,尼姑 nursery n.苗圃,养鱼池 nut n.螺帽,螺母 以上就是大学英语六级大纲词汇:N的全部内容,你记住了吗?

大学英语六级核心词汇全突破【附高清视频讲解】(A 基础词汇)【圣才出品】

A 基础词汇 a/an[][;]art.一(个),每一(个);(同类事物中)任一个 abandon[]vt.遗弃,放弃,抛弃 n.放纵;沉溺 【例句】Do not abandon yourself to drinking.不要沉溺于饮酒。【词组】abandon doing sth.放弃做某事 abandon oneself to放纵自己,使自己沉溺于 with abandon放任,无拘无束 ability[]n.能力,本领,才能;专门技能;天资

【例句】This is a task well within your ability.这完全是你力所能及的工作。 【词组】to the best of one’s ability尽自己所能 【同义】能力,能耐;才能capacity,competence,talent,quality,power able[]adj.有(能力、时间、知识等)做某事;有才能的,能干的;能够做…的【例句】He is an able judge.他是一个能干的法官。 【词组】be able to do能够做 aboard[]adv.&prep.在船(飞机、车)上 【例句】He has gone aboard.他已上船[飞机、车]了。 【搭配】go aboard上船;上飞机 【助记】记忆:a+board。到木板上就有登船,登飞机的感觉。 abolish[]vt.取消,废除(法律、制度、习俗等) 【例句】Bad customs should be abolished.坏的风俗应当废除。 【搭配】abolish all forms and ceremonies废除各种仪式与礼节 abolish slavery废除奴隶制 【助记】ab(离开)+olish(动词后缀),啊暴力须废除。 about[]adv.在周围;大约 adj.准备 prep.关于,对于;在…周围


律政俏佳人观后感汇编 律政俏佳人500字 今天看律政俏佳人,一开始还以为是讲述一个有关与职业女性成长的故事,看了以后才知道其实是讲述一个和我们一样的女孩为了自己的梦想不断付出努力最后成功完整自己的故事。算不上是什么奋斗史,因为只是一个女孩在长大过程中的小梦想小纠结小奋斗而已。他真实的让人觉得那个女主角似乎是我们自己,因为他和现在热情而张扬的我们是如此的相似,我们都是这么的不顾一切向前冲的女孩。唯一的不同是我们想过了却没有实施,但是他实施了而且成功了,他就是我们的梦,在电影里完全的成为了真实。 而我看完电影以后脑袋里就冒出了一句话:一个女孩可以因为爱情选择一个错误的开始,但是请不要让它成为一个错误的结束。 其实并不是单指爱情,而是很多事情。我们是有权选择我们的未来,更加爱有权对我们的未来负责任。 也许是一个带有太多幻想和美国色彩的故事,我们并不可能像艾尔一样那么幸运,仿佛冥冥之中有神在帮助一样。我们也许是普通的,但是我们又是不普通的,我们可以有激情又梦想我们可以有希望有行动。我们是和艾尔一样爱大声尖叫蹦蹦跳跳的快快乐乐的沉浸在幻想当中的傻女孩。但是我们的傻一样让我们显得这样珍贵,在这个对未来失去激情希望的年代,在这个我们都假装成熟的年代,我们可以用自己的努力我们的激情来做自己,也许我们不能影响到身边的人,也许我们甚至到最后无法实现自己的梦想,但是努力过,我们就没有什么后悔的了。 所以呢?当我们开始行动起来的时候我们开始为我们自己叫好,管别人是怎么想的,管别人是什么心理,管别人是用什么方式,用自己的心用自己的手,用自己的一切,做自己的自己。 带着自己最好的朋友,去实现那些我们的梦想。我们的白日梦。 无论是因为什么动力,无论是因为什么莫名其妙的原因,go with your heart. 《律政俏佳人》观后感1000字 埃尔伍兹,一个一心想挽回男朋友爱情的平凡而又不平庸的女子,在追寻爱情的过程中,找到了属于自己的荣誉和人生。在她走向成功的道路上,我更多看到的是她的执着和努力。其实,成功不是某些人的专利,只要你舍得付出,收获是会有的。鲁迅不是有一句话吗:“哪里有天才,我只是把别人喝咖啡的时间都用在学习上而已。”我们每个人的人生也一样,只要你不吝啬你的辛勤付出,你也可以成为人们仰慕的“天才”。


英语六级词汇(2013年更新版) abbreviation n.节略,缩写,缩短 abide vt.遵守 vt.忍受 abolish vt.废除,取消 absent a.不在意的 absorption n.吸收;专注 abstract a.理论上的 n.抽象 absurd a.不合理的,荒唐的 abundance n.丰富,充裕 accessory n.同谋 a.附属的 accord n.调和,符合;协议 acknowledge vt.承认;告知收到 acquaint vt.使认识,使了解 action n.作用;情节 adhere vi.粘附;追随;坚持 adjacent a.毗连的;紧接着的 adjoin vt.贴近,毗连;靠近 adjustable a.可调整的,可校准的 administration n.局(或署、处等) admiration n.钦佩;赞美,羡慕 adoption n.收养;采纳,采取 adore vt.崇拜;很喜欢 advantageous a.有利的,有助的 advertise vt.通知 vi.登广告 advocate n.辩护者 vt.拥护 aerial a.空气的;航空的 aerospace n.航空和宇宙航行空间 affirm vt.断言,批准;证实 agitation n.鼓动,煸动;搅动 agreeable a.惬意的;同意的 alas int.唉,哎呀 album n.粘贴簿;相册;文选 alert a.警惕的;活跃的 algebra n.代数学 alien a.外国的 n.外国人 alignment n.队列;结盟,联合 allied a.联合的;联姻的 allowance n津贴,补助费 alongside prep.在…旁边 ally n.盟国,同盟者,伙伴 alteration n.变更,改变;蚀变 alternate vt.使交替 a.交替的 amateur a.业余的n.业余爱好者 ambassador n.大使,使节 ambient a.周围的,包围着的 ambiguous a.模棱两可的;分歧的 ambitious a.有雄心的;热望的 ample a.足够的;宽敞的 amplitude n.广大;充足;振幅 amusement n.娱乐,消遣,乐趣 analogue n.类似物;同源语 analogy n.相似,类似;比拟 analytic(al) a.分析的;分解的 anniversary n.周年纪念日


论美国陪审团制度的利与弊及对其中国人民陪审制度的借鉴作用——《律政俏佳人》观后感看了电影《律政俏佳人》,受到很大的启发。从这部电影里,我第一次了解了美国不同于中国的法庭制度,比如陪审制度,还有与中国差异巨大的法庭布局。其中,我对美国的陪审制度很是感兴趣。 一、美国陪审团制度概况 电影《律政俏佳人》 讲述的是一个有关美国律师艾丽在法律的求学与奋斗的故事。从这个影片中折射了许多美国的法律特点与制度。 1.美国陪审制度是宪法的设计者们努力创造一个独立的司法系统,但同时又坚持进一步防止司法专断而设置的当事人权利保障制度。由特定人数、享有选举权的公民参与的、决定对嫌疑人是否起诉、是否有罪的制度。美国的陪审团由大陪审团和小陪审团组成。大陪审团的职责是根据其掌握的证据决定是否对犯罪嫌疑人进行起诉。小陪审团主要负责判定刑事案件的被告是否有罪及民事案件的被告是否构成侵权。它的功能在于防止为消灭仇敌而进行的无事实根据的指控和提防那些容易受更高当权者影响的法官。这个影片中的反映的是小陪审团制度。 2.陪审员的产生方式及以此为基础的相对独立性美国陪审团成员的相对独立性首先是由陪审员的遴选程序保障的。陪审团候选人是法院辖区的选民,法官从选民民单中摇奖式的随机选择组成具体案件陪审团,全过程均由双方律师参与,如果律师有正当理由认为某公民不宜担任本案陪审员,比如他事先熟悉案情,则可以提出申请,经过双方辩论后排除;各方当事人还有一定名额的“无条件异议”权。陪审员选择的随机性使陪审员没有职业法官那样屈从于腐败或滥用权力的动机,因为他们既不依赖于司法当局而生存,也不会因为追求职业升迁而屈从于政治干预;与此同时,自案件审判开始审判员与世隔绝的制度性安排使审判员也独立于社会舆论;当事人双方律师对选择陪审员过程的参与承担了与回避制度同样的使命,使陪审员独立于某种社会角色或人身关系。 在美围,年满2l周岁的合法公民都有机会担任陪审员。在确定陪审团候选人时,根据选民登记手册、电话簿、汽车号码牌等信息 法官的助理秘书随即抽取出候选人名单。接下来由法官与双方律师选出陪审员与若干候补陪审员。在


大学英语四六级高频词汇精讲练习 来源:文都图书 大学英语四六级词汇在大学英语四六级考试中有着至关重要的作用,贯穿着整个大学英语四六级考试,不管是听力、阅读、翻译还是写作等等,足够的词汇量是制胜的关键之一。下面文都图书就来分享一下大学英语四六级高频词汇。 在这里要注意真题的重要性。真题的重要性相信很多备考英语四六级的同学都知道。在此给大家介绍一本书,2015《大学英语四级考试真题精析与标准预测》以及2015《大学英语六级考试真题精析与标准预测》是比较适合的精品,不仅包含最新的9套真题和3套标准预测卷,涵盖诸如词汇、听力、选词填空、阅读理解、翻译、写作等,适用于各种基础的考生复习。 1.Being ignorant of the law is not accepted as an________for breaking the law. A)excuse B)intention C)option D)approval 2.Within two days,the army fired more than two hundred rockets and missiles at military________in the coastal city. A)goals B)aims C)targets D)destinations 3.It is said in some parts of the world,goats,rather than cows,serve as a vital________of milk. A)storage B)source

C)reserve D)resource 第一题: excuse:v.原谅,申辩,做为...的托辞;n.致歉,理由 intention:n.意图,目的,观念 option:n.意见,见解;主张;评价 approval:n.赞成,承认 第二题: goal:n.目标,终点 aim:n.目的,目标,瞄准,针对;vi.目的在于,企图,瞄准,对准;把…瞄准,把…对准 target:n.靶子,目标,(嘲笑、批评、轻蔑等的)对象,目标,拟达到的总数指标 destination:n.目的地,终点,目的,目标 第三题: vital:a.重要的,充满活力的,生死攸关的 storage:n.贮藏,存储,存储器 source:n.根源,来源,出处n.根源,来源,出处 reserve:n.预备品,贮存,预备舍;v.保留,预订,延期 resource:n.资源,策略,机智 最后,文都图书提醒备考的小伙伴们,一定要坚持每天进步一点点,对于大学英语四级词汇来讲,日常的累积是至关重要的,除此之外,词汇量的累积是制胜大学英语四六级写作的关键。

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