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Part I Vocabulary and Structure (15 minutes, 15 points, 0.5 point for each) Direction: In this section, there are 30 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1.The manager said that there were two reasons ________ our sales dropped sharply last year.





2.Now the air pollution in this city ________ more and more serious with each passing day.

A.to become



D.is becoming

3.Before the age of the Internet, we used to ________ our holidays through travel agents.


B.having booked


D.have booked

4.I am very sorry ________ you such a lot of trouble by the delayed shipment.


C.to have caused

D.to cause

5.Hardly ________ his speech when a young woman in the audience rose to make a protest.

A.George finished

B.does George finish

C.Gorge had finished

D.had George finished

6.If you turn to the right at the corner, you’ll find a path ________ to the historical building.



C.to lead


7.I’ll lend you my computer ______ you promise to take care of it.





8.Which do you think is ________ important, wealth or health?



C.the more

D.the most

9.She gave her job as a nurse because she found the children too difficult to ________ .

A.look after

B.to look after

C.looking after

10.There is a nice-looking car there. Peter wonders ________ .

A.it belongs to who

B.whom does it belong to

C.whom it belongs to

D.who does it belong

11.I haven’t met him ________ the last committee meeting.





12.________ breaks the law will be punished sooner or later.





13.We moved to London ________ we could visit our friends more often.

A.even if

B.so that

C.in case

D.as if

14.He did not ________ staying at home as he had to do his assignment.





https://www.doczj.com/doc/6915337074.html,cation is ________ for all school-age children in many a country.





16.If I take the medicine twice a day, it should ________ my cold.





17.________ the window, I saw a beautiful car in front of the building.

A.Looking through

B.Looking at

C.Looking into

D.Looking after

18.They have done everything ________ to help us.





19.No regulation was going to ________ him of his civil rights.





20.As a commander you should not ________ the soldiers to unnecessary danger.





21.Although in great danger, the wounded still did not want to ________ from the front.





22.This movie has a ________ ending. You can not imagine who will be killed finally.





23.During the graduation ________ , the president gave a wonderful opening speech.





24.In the class the teacher asked the students to ________ their bad habits.





25.When you study in the United States, usually you have to buy your own health ________.





26.Chocolate and ice-cream have different ________ .





27.________ Susan gets onto the top of a tall building. She will feel very much


A.Not that

B.Even though

C.Every time

D.Only if

28.It is said that agreement _________ between the two companies last month will become effective from may 1st.

A.to sign


C.to be signed


29.Many people have found ________ uncomfortable to hold the same position for a long time.





30.The cost of traveling around the eight European countries can run as high ________ $ 2,000.





Part II Reading comprehension (60 minutes, 50 points, 2 for each) Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 31 to 55. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A., B., C., and D.. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage One: Question 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

The iMOVE database(数据库) is a foreign-language information platform for persons interested in job opportunities offered by German companies. The information can be obtained in seven languages, German, English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and Arabic.

All programs in the area of professional training are carried out by German training providers. All these programs have a clear content to meet your special needs.

Programs which take place in Germany are carried out in English. Many of the German training providers have started their training activities towards the international market. Therefore, they also offer courses abroad. These courses are taught in English or the language of the target country. Providers will be glad to supply you with additional information on these courses. You can contact the providers directly to find out more about a program and the training provider.

To guarantee high standards in the database, iMOVE has developed quality standards for training providers and their service. All of the training facilities in the iMOVE database have to follow these quality criteria. All training providers who publish their international training programs in the iMOVE database have recognized our General Terms and Conditions.

31.The iMOVE database is intended for persons who ________ .

A.seek a job as a language translator

B.are interested on the German language

C.want to be employed by German Companies

D.wish to work for professional training providers

32.The iMOVE programs are carried out by ________ .

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6915337074.html,nguage training centers

B.German training providers

C.special service development

D.overseas employment advisers

33.The training program held in Germany are taught in ________ .





34.Which of the following measure has iMOVE taken to guarantee its high standards?

A.Offering different language courses.

B.Providing modern training facilities.

C.Starting training courses overseas.

D.Developing quality standards.

35.The purpose of the passage is to ________ .

A.advertise the iMOVE database

B.make German companies more popular

C.hire overseas employees to work in Germany

D.encourage people to learn more foreign languages

Passage Two: Question 36 to 40 are based on the following passages.

These terms and conditions should be read before you sign you contract.

Salary: your starting salary is: $15,000. This is reviewed annually.

Hours: work are eight hours a day. Monday through Friday. You will start work on Feb, 21, 2008. On the first morning, report to your line manager John Knight.

Health and safety: Please read the safety regulations attached. If you have any questions, contact the health and safety officer, whose name is at the top of the regulation sheet. If you have health problem, please inform the Senior Nurse, Chris Thomas. If you cannot work because of illness, please telephone the factory.

Annual Leave: During your first year of employment you are allowed twenty days’ leave. Th is should be arranged with you line manager.

Overtime(加班): if you work more than forty hours a week, you will be paid at the current overtime rate. Your line manager will keep a record of the overtime you work. If you work on public holidays, you will be paid at the current rates. If you prefer, time can be taken instead of extra pay for public holidays and overtime.

Clothing: The Supplies Department provides overalls(工作服). Inform Supplies of your size two days before you need them. You can also order any other equipment

you need for your job from Supplies.

36.According to the contract, the salary of the employee ________ .

A.is paid weekly

B.is adjusted every quarter

C.is re-examined from year to year

D.is fixed for the whole contract period

37.If employees have any health problem, they should ________ .

A.telephone the factory

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6915337074.html,rm the Senior Nurse

C.report to their line manager

D.contact the health and safety officer

38.The line manager is responsible for ________ .

A.giving a pay raise

B.signing a contract

C.arranging annual leave

D.helping with personal affairs

39.If employees work on public holidays, usually they will get ________ .

A.extra days off

B.extra money

C.a pay raise

D.paid holidays

40.When they need overalls for their job, employees should inform the Supplies Department of ________ .

A.the size

B.the color

C.the style

D.the quantity

Passage Three: Question 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

People in some countries cannot use their native language for web addresses.

Neither can Chinese speakers, who have to rely on pinyin. But last Friday, ICANN, the Web’s governing body, approved the use of up to 16 languages for the new system. More will follow in the coming year.

The Internet is about to start using the 16 languages of the world. People will soon be able to use addresses in characters (字符), other than those of the Roman alphabet(字母表). The change will also allow the suffix(后缀) to be expressed in 16 other alphabets, including traditional and simplified Chinese characters.

But there are still some problems to work out. Experts have discussed what to do with characters that have several different meanings. This is particular true of Chinese.

Most experts doubt whether the change will have a major effect on how the Internet is used. “There will be some competition between companies to obt ain popular words for addresses.”

41.For Web addresses, Chinese speakers now have to use ________.





42.The approval of the use of 16 languages by ICANN will allow web users to ________.

A.change their e-mail address

B.email their messages in character

C.have the chance to learn other languages.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6915337074.html,e addresses in their own language.

43.The new system will allow the suffix of a Web address to be expressed by ________ .

A.any native language

B.figures and numbers

C.Chinese character

D.symbols and signs

44.Which of the following is one of the problems in using the new system?

A.Certain characters have several different meanings.

B.Chinese is a truly difficult language to learn.

C.People find it difficult o type their address in characters.

D.Some experts think it is impossible to use Chinese characters.

45.Many experts do not believe that ________ .

A.there are still some problems to work out

B.there will be competition to get popular addresses

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6915337074.html,panies are willing to change their web addresses

D.the change will affect the use of the Internet greatly

Passage Four: Question 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

If you are a male and you are reading this, congratulations: you are survivor. According to statistics, you are more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer than a woman, and nine times more likely to die of AIDS. Assuming you make it to the end of you natural term, about 78 years for men in Australia, you will die on average five years before a woman.

There are many reasons for this-typically, men take more risks than women and are more likely to drink and smoke but perhaps more importantly, men don’t go to the doctor.

“Men aren’t seeing doctors as often as they should,” says Dr. Gullotta, “This is particularly so for the over-40s when disease tend to strike”

Gullotta says a healthy man should visit the doctor every year or two. For those over 45, it should be at least once a year.

Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old man who had delayed doing anything about his smoker’s cough for a year.

“When I finally s aw him it had already spread and he has since died from lung cancer ” he says, “Earlier detection and treatment may not have cured him, but it would have prolonged this life.”

According to a recent survey, 95% of women aged between 15 and early 40s see

a doctor once a year, compared to 70% of men in the same age group.

“A lot of men think they are invincible (不可战胜的)” Gullotta says, “They only come in when a friend drops dead on the golf course and they think, Geez, if it could happen to him.”

Then there is ostrich approach, “some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know, ” says Dr. Ross Cartmill.

“Most men get their cars serviced more regularly than they service their bodies,” Carmill says. He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be addressed by preventive check-ups.

Regular check-ups for men would inevitably place strain on the public nurse, Cartmill says.” But prevention is cheaper in the long run than having to treat the diseases. Besides, the ultimate cost is far gr eater: it is called premature death.”

46.Why does the author congratulate his male readers at the beginning of the passage?

A.They are more likely to survive serious diseases today.

B.Their average life span has been considerably extended.

C.They have lived long enough to read this article.

D.They are sure to enjoy a longer and happier life.

47.What does the author state is the most important reason men die five years earlier on average than women?

A.Men drink and smoke much more than women

B.Men don’t seek medical care as o ften as women

C.Men aren’t as cautio us as women in face of danger

D.Men are more likely to suffer from fatal diseases

48.Which of the following best completes the sentence “Geez, if it could happen to him…”(line 2, para 8)?

A.It could happen to me, too

B.I should avoid playing golf

C.I should consider myself lucky

D.It would be a big misfortune

49.What does Dr. Ross Cartmill mean by “the ostrich approach”(line 1, para 9)

A.A casual attitude towards one’s health conditions

B. A new therapy for certain psychological problems

C.Refusal to get medical treatment for fear of the pain involved

D.Unwillingness to find out about one’s disease because of fear

50.What does Cartmill say about regular check-ups for men?

A.They may increase public expenses

B.They will save money in the long run

C.They may cause psychological strains on men

D.They will enable men to live as long as women

Passage Five: Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.

You never see him, but they’re with you every time you fly. They record where you are going now, how fast you’re traveling and whether everything on you airplane is functioning normally. Their ability to withstand almost any disaster makes them seem like something out of a comic book. They’re known as the black box.

When planes fall from the sky, as a Yemeni airliner did on its way to Comoros Islands in the India Ocean on June 30, 2009, the black box is the best bet for identifying what went wrong. So when a French submarine(潜水艇) detected the device’s homing signal five days later, the discovery marked a huge s tep toward determining the cause of a tragedy in which 152 passengers were killed.

In 1958, Australian scientist David Warren developed a flight-memory recorder that would track basic information like altitude and direction. That was the first mode for a black box, which became a requirement on all U.S. commercial flights by 1960. Early models often failed to withstand crashes, however, so in 1965 the device was completely redesigned and moved to the rear of the plane-the area least subject to impact-from its original position in the landing wells(起落架舱). The same year, the Federal Aviation Authority required that the boxes, which were never actually black, be painted orange or yellow to aid visibility.

Modern airplanes have two black boxes: a voice recorder, which tracks pilots’

conversations, and a flight-data recorder, which monitors fuel levels, engine noises and other operating functions that help investigators reconstruct the aircraft’s final moments. Placed in an insulated(隔绝的)case and surrounded by a quarter-inch-thick panel of stainless steel, the boxes can withstand massive force and temperatures up to 2000 F. When submerged, they’re also able to emit signals from depths of 20,000 Feet. Experts believe the boxes from Air France Flight 447, which crashed near Brazil on June 2009, are in water nearly that deep, but statistics say they’re still likely to turn up. In the approximately 20 deep-sea crashes over the past 30 years, only one plane’s black boxes were never recovered.

51.What does the author say about the black box?

A.It ensure the normal functioning of an airplane.

B.The idea for its design comes from a comic book.

C.Its ability to ward off disasters is incredible.

D.It is an indispensable device on an airplane.

52.What information could be found from the black box on the Yemeni airliner?

A.Data for analyzing the cause of the crash.

B.The total number of passengers on board.

C.The scene of the crash and extent of the damage.

D.Homing signals sent by the pilot before the crash.

53.Why was the black box redesigned in 1965?

A.New materials became available by that time.

B.Too much space was needed for its installation.

C.The early model often got damaged in the crash.

D.The early models didn’t provide the needed data.

54.Why did the Federal Aviation Authority require the black boxes be painted orange or yellow?

A.To distinguish them from the color of the plane.

B.To caution people to handle them with care.

C.To make them easily identifiable.

D.To conform to international standards.

55.What do we know about the black boxes from Air France Flight 447?

A.There is still a good chance of their being recovered.

B.There is an urgent need for them to be reconstructed.

C.They have stopped sending homing signals.

D.They were destroyed somewhere near Brazil.

Part III Dialogue Communication (15 minutes, 15 points, 0.5 fro each)

56.It was a wonderful trip. So which city did you like better, Paris or Rome?

________ . There were good things and bad things about them.

A.It’s hard to say

B.I didn’t get it

C.You must be kidding

D.Couldn’t be better

57.I’m thinking of going back to school to get another degree.

----Sounds Great! ________ .

A.It all depends

B.Go for it

C.Never mind

D.No wonder

58.Tom: Mike, our team will play against the Rockets this weekend. I’m sure we will win.

Mike: ________ !

A.Good luck


C.Best wishes


59.A: Well, I do think the rabbit is beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast. B: ________ .

A.So it is

B.So is it

C.So does it

D.So it does

60.A: Let’s go to a movie after work, OK?

B: ________ .

A.Not at all.

B.Why not?

C.Never mind.

D.What of it?

61.A: I’m terribly sorry I broke your bicycle?

B: ________ .

A.That’s right

B.Bad luck


D.You can forget it

62.A: Do you think I could borrow your bicycle?

B: ________ .

A.How come?

B.Take your time.

C.Yes, go on.

D.Yes, help yourself.

63.A: People should stop using their cars and start using public transport. B: ________ . The roads are too crowded as it is.

A.All right


C.Go ahead


64.A: It’s cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella.

B: ________ .

A.Yes, take it easy

B.Well, it just depends

C.OK, just in case

D.All right, you’re welcome

65.A: Michael was late for Mr. Smith’s oral class this morning.

B: ________ ? As far as I know, he never came late to class.

A.How come

B.So what

C.Why not

D.What for

66.A: Excuse me, Sir, is the swimming pool open all day?

B: ________ .Only from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

A.That’s right

B.Yes, of course

C.You are right

D.Sorry, I’m afraid not

67.A: Do you mind my smoking here?

B: ________ .

A.No, thanks

B.No, good idea

C.Yes, please

D.Yes, better not

68.A: It took me ten years to build up my business, and it almost killed me. B: Well, you know what they say, ________ .

A.There is no smoke without fire

B.Practice makes perfect

C.All roads lead to Rome

D.No pains, no gains

69.A: you know who came yesterday?

B: Yao Ming? We had a basketball match.

A: ________ . He came and watched the game.

A.You guessed it!

B.How did you know that?

C.Well done!

D.That was good news!

70.A: Dad! Tom’s broken a glass!

B: ________ . Accidents will happen.

A.No way

B.Doesn’t matter

C.No trouble at all

D.Don’t mention it

71.W: Since it’s raining so hard, let’s go and see the new exhibitions. M: That’s a good idea. Mary Joh nson is one of my favorite painters.

Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.At Mary Johnson’s.

B.In an exhibition hall.

C.At a painter’s studio.

D.Outside an art gallery.

72.M: I hear the students gave the new teacher an unfair evaluation. W: It depends on which student you are talking about.

Q: What does the woman imply?

A.The teacher evaluated lacks teaching experience.

B.She does not quite agree with what the man said.

C.The man had better talk with the students himself.

D.New students usually cannot offer a fair evaluation.

73.W: It must have taken you a long time to fix up all these book shelves. M: It wasn’t too bad. I got Doris to do some of them.

Q: What does the man mean?

A.He helped Doris build up the furniture.

B.Doris helped him arrange the furniture.

C.Doris fixed up some of the bookshelves.

D.He was good at assembling bookshelves.

74.W: Rod, I hear you’ll be leaving at the end of this month. Is it true?

M: Yeah. I’ve been offered a much better position with another firm. I’d be fool to turn it down.

Q: why is the man quitting his job?

A.He doesn’t got on with the others.

B.He doesn’t feel at ease in the firm.

C.He has been taken for a fool.

D.He has found a better position.

75.W: You’ve already finished your apartment?

M: I found some used furniture that was dirt cheap.

Q: what do we learn from the conversation?

A.The man has to get rid of the used furniture.

B.The man’s apartment is ready for rent.

C.The furniture is covered with lots of dust.

D.The furniture the man bought is inexpensive.

76.W: Has the mechanic called the bus repairers?

M: Not yet. I’ll let you know when he calls.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

A.The man will give the mechanic a call.

B.The woman is waiting for a call.

C.The woman is doing some repairs.

D.The man knows the mechanic very well.

77.W: Just imagine we have to finish reading 300 pages before Monday, how can the professor expect us to do it in such a short time?

M: Yeah, but what troubles me is that I can’t find the book in the library or in the university bookstore.

Q: What does the man mean?

A.He has proved to be a better reader than the woman.

B.He has difficulty understanding the book.

C.He cannot get access to the assigned book.

D.He cannot finish his assignment before the deadline.

78.M: Do you think I could borrow your car to go grocery shopping? The superm arkets outside the city are so much cheaper. I’d also be happy to pick up anything you need.

W: Wow. I don’t like to let anyone else to drive my car. Tell you what, why don’t we go together?

Q: What does the woman mean?

A.She will drive the man to the super market.

B.The man should buy a car of his own.

C.The man needn’t go shopping every week.

D.She can pick the man up at the grocery store.

79.M: Forgive the mess in here. We had a party last night. There were a lot of people and they all brought food.

W: Yeah, I can tell. Well, I guess it’s pretty obvious what you’ll be doing most of the day.

Q: What does the woman thing the man will do?

A.Get more food and drinks.

B.Ask his friend to come over.

C.Tidy up the place.

D.Hold a party.

80.W: What time would suit you for the first round talks with John Smith?

M: Well, you know my schedule. Other than this Friday, one day is as good as the next.

Q: What does the man mean?

A.The talks can be held any day except this Friday.

B.He could change his schedule to meet John Smith.

C.The first-round talks should start as soon as possible.

D.The woman should contact John Smith first.

81.W: I was so angry yesterday. My biology teacher did not even let me explain why

I missed the field trip. He just wouldn’t let me pass.


1. The first textbooks _______ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. A. having written B. to be written C. being written D. written 2. —You were brave enough to raise objection at the meeting. —Well, now I regret _______ that. A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done 3. We agreed _______ here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet. A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met 4. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _______. A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not do

5. Paul doesn’t have to be made _______. He always works hard. A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning 6. _______ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lost 7. The patient was warned _______ oily food after the operation. A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating 8. The Olympic Games, _______ in 776 B.C., did not include women players until 1912. A. first playing B. to be first played C. first played D. to be first playing


《大学英语》试卷(A卷) 试卷说明: 1.本试卷满分为100分,考试时间为120分钟。 2.请将各题答案写在机读卡(答卷)上,做在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (15 minutes, 15 points, 0.5 point for each) Direction: In this section, there are 30 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1.The manager said that there were two reasons ________ our sales dropped sharply last year. A.because B.since C.why D.while 2.Now the air pollution in this city ________ more and more serious with each passing day. A.to become B.became C.becoming D.is becoming 3.Before the age of the Internet, we used to ________ our holidays through travel agents. A.book B.having booked C.booking D.have booked 4.I am very sorry ________ you such a lot of trouble by the delayed shipment. A.caused B.causing


四川省普通高等学校专升本 《大学英语》考试大纲 一、总要求 本大纲的主要测试对象为四川省高等学校的非英语专业专科学生。总体要求为达到大学英语三级水平。 大学英语专升本考试采用标准化试题。命题范围和要求主要参照四川省普通高校大学英语教学大纲(修订本)。即命题范围定为3550个基础词汇和450条常用短语,内容分为客观测试和主观测试两大部分。分别占试卷的72%和28%。(详见计分办法)。考试方法为闭卷笔试。 本考试由四川省教育厅直接领导和组织,统一命题,统一测试。 二、考试用时 120分钟 三、考试的范围与要求 大学英语专升本考试包括五项内容;听力、语法结构与词汇、阅读理解、英译汉和英文写作。 具体题型如下: I听力(Listening):听力部分主要考核考生对英语对话和短文的听力理解能力。 本部分共23题,下分三个部分,考试时间约20分钟。 1.A部分为日常生活和交际场合中的—般对话,共10题。对话中无生词,并避免专有名词(常用人名、地名除外)。所提问题中约有三分之一为推理和判断题。 2.B部分为二篇短文听力材料,共7个理解题。其总词量为250个左右,体裁为学生所熟悉的对话、叙述和解说等文件。 3.上述两部分均采用多项选择。听力内容和问句均读两遍。 4.C部分为听写填空。在试卷上给出一篇意思相对完整,约150词左右的短文,其中有6个空格。每个空格要求填入1个单词或1个短语。全文朗读二遍。第一遍全文朗读,没有停顿,供考生听懂全文内容;第二遍在有空格的句子后面有短暂停顿,要求考生把听到的单词或短语填入空格;第三遍同第一遍,没有停顿,供考生进行检查。“听写填空”短文的题材、体裁和难度与B部分大致相当。 5.以上A、B、C二部分的语速都为每分钟130个同左右。 II语法结构与词汇(StructureandVocabulary) 共30题,考试时间约20分钟。本部分中语法结构约占60%,词汇约占40%。 1.语法结构命题的范围主要根据大纲的语法结构表。 2.词汇命题在本考纲所列调整词汇的范围内。词汇以测试词义、用法和搭配为主,并测试学生对部分习语和短语动词的掌握情况。 3.采用多项选择。 III阅读理解(ReadingComprehension): 共20题,考试时间约35分钟。本部分由四篇短文组成,总阅读词量在1000词左右(含理解题)。每篇设计5个理解题。采用多项选抒。 1.题材包括传记、社会、文化、日常生活、科普知识等。涉及的背景知识为学主所能理解的;体裁包括叙述


四川省普通高等学校“专升本” 《大学英语》考试大纲 一、总体要求 本大纲适用于四川省各普通高等学校非英语专业申请升入本科阶段学习的专科学生。大纲依据教育部《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》、参考教育部《大学英语课程教学要求》并结合四川省专科阶段英语教学的实际情况而制定。 《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》指出,专科阶段英语课程的教学目的是使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听、说、读、写、译的能力,从而能借助词典阅读和翻译有关英语业务资料,在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中进行简单的口头和书面交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的交际能力打下基础。为此,本考试除测试考生的语言基础知识外,还着重测试考生的语言应用能力。 二、考试形式 本考试为标准化考试。 为保证信度和效度,考试采用客观题与主观题结合,以客观题为主的形式。 考试方式为闭卷笔试,考试时间为120分钟。 三、考试内容 考试包括六项内容:听力理解、词汇与语法结构、阅读理解、完形

填空、英译汉和短文写作。具体题型如下: Ⅰ听力理解(Listening Comprehension) 本部分主要测试考生理解所听英语对话和短文的能力。 1.下分两个部分,共15题,考试时间约15分钟。 2.A部分为日常生活和交际场合中的一般对话,共10题。对话中无生词,并避免出现专有名词(常用人名、地名除外)。所提问题中约三分之一为推理和判断题。 3.B部分为两篇短文,共5个理解题。其总词量约250词,体裁为学生所熟悉的对话、叙述和解说等文体。 4.题型为多项选择。对话、短文和问题均读两遍,语速每分钟约120词。 Ⅱ词汇与语法结构(Vocabulary and Structure) 本部分主要测试考生词汇和语法结构的运用能力。 1.共20题,考试时间约15分钟。 2.考查词汇的题约占40%,命题范围主要是《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》A级要求的词汇(3400个)及相应的常用短语。 3.考查语法结构的题约占60%,命题范围为《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》的语法结构表。 4.题型为多项选择。 Ⅲ阅读理解(Reading Comprehension) 本部分主要测试考生的篇章理解能力和通过阅读获取信息的能力。 1.共20题,考试时间约35分钟。


2008年专业英语专业知识真题 (考试时间120分钟,满分150) 答题说明:(1)选择题部分的答案请再答题卡上相应的子母中间划横线,如【A】 (2)主观题的答案写在答题纸上相应的位置。 注意事项:答案写在试卷上一律不给分。 I. Writing (100 points) Section A Letter-writing (30 points) Write on ANSER SHEET a thank-you ]otter of about 60-80 words based on the following situation: You went to Beijing for a tour this Spring Festival. One of your friends helped you a lot during the trip. Write a thank-you letter to him. You DON'T need to write the heading and inside address. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Section B Composition (70 points) It is said that divorce rate keeps going up now, Some people believe divorce is the only means to solve the family crisis. What is your opinion? Write on ANSWER SHEET a composition of about 150 words on the following topic: Marriage and Divorce You are supposed to write in three parts. In the first part, state your point of view. In the second part, give one or two reasons to support your point of view. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. II. Translation (50 points) Section C Translate these sentences into English (20 points, 4 for each) 1,我们想心平气和,通情达理地通过直接谈判解决问题。 2,对不同文化价值观少了解或不了解时,就会产生跨文化交际的困难。 3,不要把钱看得太重,否则你有可能做出有失身份的事。 4,他们听到那起野蛮的绑架消息后感到毛骨悚然。 5,假如我们能正视,承受,并接受失败的话,失败有助于个人的成长,还增进人际关系。Section D Translate these sentences into Chinese (30 poin~,6foreach) 1. Should doctors ever lie to benefit their patients--to speed recovery or to conceal the approach of death?


[专升本类试卷]四川专升本(英语)模拟试卷6 一、Vocabulary and Structure 1 Our attitude towards life is______makes the difference between our being happy and successful or not. (A)that (B)what (C)which (D)whether 2 Please do not_______when somebody else is talking. (A)intend (B)interpret (C)interrupt (D)invest 3 It has been about 7 years since they______. (A)got married (B)got marry (C)get marry

(D)have married 4 Mr. Green said his clients______our goods samples by the end of last month. (A)didn't receive (B)hadn't received (C)haven't received (D)don't receive 5 ______breaks the law must be punished. (A)Who (B)However he (C)Whoever (D)No matter who 6 This is the air conditioner______we have had so much trouble. (A)at which (B)of which (C)to which (D)with which 7 ______we know, there are 107 elements found in nature.


二O一三年四川省普通高等教育专升本统一考试模拟试题 (考试时间:120分钟) 英语试卷一 第一部分:听力理解共20题,每题1分。(Part I Listening Comprehension)(1x20) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conservations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must red the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decided which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. Section B Directions: In this section, you’ll hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written 第二部分:用法和语法结构(Part II Vocabulary and Structure),共30题,考试时间为20分钟。从题中所给的A, B, C,D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 21. It won’t be long ________ we know each other well. A) after B) until C) when D) before


代词 代词是用来指代人或事物的词。代词可分为下列八类: 一、人称代词( Personal Pronouns ) we , I , you , they, us, me, etc. 二、物主代词( Possessive Pronouns ) our, my ,your, their, his, her, etc. 三、反身代词(Reflective Pronouns) ourselves, myself, yourselves, yourself , herself , etc. 四、相互代词( Reciprocal Pronouns ) each other ,one another , etc. 五、指示代词( Demonstrative Pronouns ) this , that , these , those , such , etc. 六、疑问代词( Interrogative Pronouns ) what, when, who, where, whose, etc. 七、关系代词( Relative Pronouns) what, when, who, where, whose , etc. 八、不定代词( Indefinite Pronouns ) any , some ,every , many , much , a little , etc. 我们对代词是很熟悉的,因此我不打算逐个地介绍每一类代词;我只想较具体地说明几个在使用代词时应注意的问题。 (一)指代必须准确无误 我们知道代词是用来指代人或事物的词,那么如果在使用代词时指代不清楚,就会引起他人的误解、费解、甚至不理解.例如: While carrying the paint can from the garage to the house, Marry was afraid that some of it might spill on her new skirt. 当玛莉从车库把油漆罐搬到屋里时,她担心油漆会溅到她的新裙子上。 (二)关于人称代词、反身代词、物主代词在使用这三类代词时,我们要注意它们在句中 的人称、单复数、及性和格的一致性。 (三)反身代词的作用 反身代词在句子中可作宾语:当它作动词宾语时,动作的执行者与承受者往往是同一个人或同一件事物;当它作介词by的宾语时,则表示强调。例: The prisoner killed himself by taking poison. 犯人服毒自杀了。 He finished the work by himself. 他独自完成了那件工作。 反身代词在句子中也可作同位语,用来加强名词或代词的语气,强调某人亲自、 本人;这时它可能在名词、代词之后,也可能在句子末尾。例: The students will clean the classroom themselves. 学生们将自己打扫教室。 I myself heard him say it . 我亲耳听他说的。 (四)物主代词 形容词性物主代词只能作定语,例: My brother often does his homework in his room. 我的弟弟常在他房间里做作业。 The newly-built house is our laboratory. 那幢新建的房子是我们的实验室。 Anything has its character individually. 任何事物都有其各自的特征。 名词性物主代词则可以在句中充当主语、宾语、表语。它的意义= 形容词性物 主代词+名词;或者说它相当于名词。例:


省专升本计算机基础简答题 第一章计算机基础知识 1、简述计算机的发展情况。 答:1946年2月,美国的宾夕法尼亚大学研制成功了世界上第一台计算机——ENIAC至今,按计算机所采用的电子元件的变化来划分计算机的发展阶段,大致辞可分为四代: 第一代为电子管计算机(1946——1958)计算机所采用的主要电子元件是电子管。第二代为晶体管计算机(1959——1964)计算机所采用的主要电子元件是晶体管,这一时期了出现了管理程序及某些高级语言。 第三代为集成电路计算机(1965——1970)计算机所采用的主要电子元件是中小规模集成电路,出现操作系统,出现了分时操作系统和实时操作系统等。 第四代为大规模、超大规模集成电路计算机(1971至今)计算机所采用的主要电子元件是大规模、超大规模集成电路,出现了微型计算机及巨型计算机等多种类型的计算机,并向微型化、巨型化、智能化和多媒体化方向发展。 2、计算机的特点包括哪些? 答:计算机的特点有:(1)运算速度快;(2)精确度高;(3)具有“记忆”功能和逻辑判断功能;(4)具有自动运行能力。 3、计算机性能指标有哪些? 答:计算机的性能指标有:字长、主频、运行速度和存储容量。 4、简述计算机的应用领域。 答:计算机的应用领域有:科学计算、数据处理、过程控制、计算机辅助系统、人工智能和网络应用。 5、简述微型计算机系统的组成。 答:一个完整的计算机系统由硬件系统和软件系统两大部分组成。计算机硬件主要由五大部分组成:运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备;硬件提供计算机系统的物质介质。计算机软件包括系统软件和应用软件两大类。软件主要是指让计算机完成各种任务所需的程序。 6、什么是计算机病毒?计算机病毒有什么特点? 答:计算机病毒是一种人为制造的隐藏在计算机系统部的能够自我复制进行传播



四川理工学院15年真题 16. I haven't seen Ann for _____ long that I've forgotten what she looks like. A. such B. very C. so D. too 17. I will buy the book_____ it costs. A. however B. whatever C. whenever D. wherever 18. _____ at the city, a car picked him up to an unknown place. A. while arriving B. Having arrived C. On its arrival D. When he arrived 19.Two ships were barely _____ on the horizon. A. sensible B. passable C. visible

D. available 20. We are getting excited and looking forward to_____ the new movie and the movie stars. A. see B. be seeing C. seeing D. having seen 21. A man cannot smile like a child, _____a child smiles with his eyes, while a man smiles with his lips alone. A. so B. but C. and D. for 22. My father _____ an invitation to a dinner party, but he _____ it. A. accepted… received B. received…accepted C. received… didn’t accept D. accepted… didn’t receive 23. We’ll have a picnic in the park this Sunday _____ its rains or it’s very old. A. since B. if C. until


6. 专升本《综合英语》考试大纲 一、指导思想 考试的目的是利用科学、公平、规范的方式检验选拔对象的知识水平和综合能力。本学科考试主要考查考生的英语语言基本功及语言的运用能力。以基础知识为主要内容,体现在语法与词汇、阅读理解、翻译和写作等五个方面,难度趋于专业英语水平考试3--4级左右。 二、考试范围 考试范围包括英语专业专科阶段教学大纲所规定的(除听的技能以外)的全部内容。重点考核学生的英语语言基础知识和语言运用能力。为保证试卷的可信度,除短文写作、英汉互译等部分采用主观试题外,其余部分均采用客观试题。 三、考试内容 考试内容主要包括两大部分,即精读部分和泛读部分。其中精读部分包括词语用法与语法结构、英汉互译和短文写作;泛读部分包括阅读理解、完型填空。 精读部分: I. 词语用法与语法结构。题目中40%为词和短语的用法,60%为语法结构。词语用法与语法结构部分主要测试考生运用大纲词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。 II.英汉互译。英汉互译分为英译汉和汉译英两部分。主要测试考生是否掌握一定的翻译技巧和初步的翻译能力。 III.短文写作。要求考生写出一篇150字左右的英语短文。文体包括叙述文、说明文、议论文、常见的应用文等。短文必须主题明确,语句连贯,无重大语言错误。短文写作主要测试考生用英语进行书面表达的能力。 泛读部分: I. 阅读理解。要求考生阅读题材和体裁较为广泛、篇幅和难度适中的短文,并完成每篇短文后所设计的题目。本部分主要测试考生通过阅读获取信息的能力。 II. 完型填空。在题材熟悉、难度适中的短文中留有空白,要求考生在全面理解短文内容的基础上,选择合适的选项,使短文的意思和结构恢复完整。 四、试题难易程度 难度较低的题约占30%,中等难度的题约占50%,难度较大的题约占20%。 五、参考书目: 1、《高等学校英语专业基础阶段英语教学大纲》 2、《新编英语教程》(第三版)(1-3册)学生用书,练习册,李观仪总主编,xxx 外语教育出版社


四川理工学院15年真题 16. I haven't seen Ann for _____ long that I've forgotten what she looks like. A. such B. very C. so D. too 17. I will buy the book_____ it costs. A. however B. whatever C. whenever D. wherever 18. _____ at the city, a car picked him up to an unknown place. A. while arriving B. Having arrived D. When he arrived C. On its arrival 19.Two ships were barely _____ on the horizon. A. sensible B. passable C. visible D. available 20. We are getting excited and looking forward to_____ the new movie and the movie stars. A. see B. be seeing C. seeing D. having seen 21. A man cannot smile like a child, _____a child smiles with his eyes, while a man smiles with his lips alone. A. so B. but C. and D. for 22. My father _____ an invitation to a dinner party, but he _____ it. A. accepted…received B. received…accepted D. accepted…didn't receive C. received…didn't accept 23. We'll have a picnic in the park this Sunday _____ its rains or it's very old. A. since B. if C. until D. unless 24. Ten years ago the population of our village was_____ that of theirs. B. twice as large as A. as twice large as C. twice as much as D. as twice much as 25. It was _____ he saw the doctor coming out of the emergency room with an expression as grave as a judge_____ he realized the seriousness of his wife's illness. A.not until…that B.after…when C.until…then D.before…that 26. The open-air celebration has been put off _____ the bad weather. A. in case of B. in spite of C. instead of D. because of 27. It _____ that 200 people died and over 5,000 lost their shelters after the flood A.reported B.reports C.has been reported D.has reported 28.The moment I got home,I found I_____ my jacket on the playground. A.had left B.left C.have left D.was leaving 29. You will be criticized _____ you get that crazy idea out of your mind. A. if B. unless C. supposing D. so far as 30. Many things _____ impossible in the past are quite common today. A. to consider B. being considered C. considering D. considered 31. I tried to convey in my speech how _____ we all were for his help. A. regretful B. respectful C. hopeful D. grateful


英语专升本试题 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 points, 1 point each) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 7 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) , and decide which is the best answer. 1. A) To the bank. B) To a book store. C) To a shoe store. D) To the grocer’s. 2. A) Near the train station. B) In the countryside. C) In the city. D) Near the workplace 3. A) the choice of courses B) a day course C) an evening course D) their work 4. A) The pear. B) The weather. C) The sea food. D) The cold. 5. A) George’s wife.B) George’s father. C) George’s brother D) George’s wife’s father. 6. A) She is pleased to lend him the car. B) She refuses to lend him the car. C) She agrees to lend him the car. D) She offers him the car. 7. A ) Policeman and driver. B) Policeman and thief.


成都信息工程大学“专升本”考试 《大学英语》大纲 一、总体要求 本大纲适用于四川省各普通高等学校非英语专业申请升入本科阶段学习的专科学生。大纲依据教育部《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》、参考教育部《大学英语课程教学要求》并结合四川省专科阶段英语教学的实际情况而制定。 《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》指出,专科阶段英语课程教学目的是使学生掌握一定英语基础知识和技能,具有一定听、说、读、写、译的能力,从而能借助词典阅读和翻译有关英语专业资料,在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中进行简单口头和书面交流,并为今后进一步提高英语交际能力打下基础。为此,本考试除测试考生语言基础知识外,还着重测试考生语言应用能力。 二、考试形式 本考试为标准化考试。为保证信度和效度,考试采用客观题与主观题结合、以客观题为主的形式。考试方式为闭卷笔试,考试时间为120分钟。 三、考试内容 考试包括六项内容:词汇与语法结构、信息配对题、阅读理解、完型填空、英译汉和短文写作,具体题型如下: I 词汇与语法结构(Vocabulary and Structure) 本部分主要测试考生词汇和语法结构的运用能力。

1.共20题,考试时间约15分钟。 2.考查词汇的题约占40%,命题范围主要是《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》A级要求的词汇(3400个)及相应的常用短语。3.考语法结构的题约占60%,命题范围为《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》的语法结构表。 4.题型为多项选择。 II 信息配对题(Information Matching) 本部分主要考查考生通过快速阅读获取信息和处理信息的能力。 1. 共10题,考核时间15分钟。 2. 本部分为1篇长度约1000字左右的阅读材料,之后有10个题目,要求学生快速定位题目所包含信息点所在段落。 3. 题型为单项选择题。 III阅读理解(Reading Comprehension) 本部分主要测试考生的篇章理解能力和通过仔细阅读获取信息的能力。 1.共20题,考试时间约35分钟。 2.本部分由四篇短文组成,总词汇量在1000词左右(含理解题)。每篇短文后有5个理解题,题型为多项选择。 3.题材包括社会、日常生活、人物传记、科普知识等,涉及的背景知识应能为学生所能理解。体裁包括叙述文、明文、议论文。 4.语言难度中等。允许有3%的词超出《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》词汇表范围;无法猜测而又影响理解的关键词,用汉语注


2008年专业英语基础知识真题 (考试时间120分钟,满分150) 答题说明:(1)选择题部分的答案请再答题卡上相应的子母中间划横线,如【A】 (2)主观题的答案写在答题纸上相应的位置。 注意事项:答案写在试卷上一律不给分。 I. Listening Comprehension (50 points) Directions: In Sections A, B, C and D you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then write down your answers on your ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. Section A Short Conversations (10 points, 1 for each) In this section, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question. You will be given 10 seconds to answer each question you hear on the tape. 1. A. His mother accepted the invitation to the lunch. B. His mother was too busy to have lunch. C. His mother doesn't like going to lunch. D. His mother's new job keeps her busy. 2. A. Get the concert tickets. B. Ring Jane about the ticket. C. Finish his assignment. D. Go to the concert. 3. A. See his professor about the paper. B. Ask his professor if he can rewrite his paper. C. Explain to his professor why he got low grades. D. Choose a different topic for his paper. 4. A. Go to the beach with her friends. B. Postpone her meeting with Professor Jones. C. See Professor Jones after class. D. Give a speech in Professor Jones' class. 5. A. She isn't a very good student. B. She hasn't gotten her grades yet. C. She shouldn't worry about her grades.


2012年四川省普通高等学校专升本 考试大纲 (基础课)

四川省普通高等学校专升本 《大学英语》考试大纲 一、总要求 本大纲的主要测试对象为四川省高等学校的非英语专业专科学生。总体要求为达到大学英语三级水平。 大学英语专升本考试采用标准化试题。命题范围和要求主要参照四川省普通高校大学英语教学大纲(修订本)。即命题范围定为3550个基础词汇和350条常用短语,内容分为客观测试和主观测试两大部分。分别占试卷的72%和28%。(详见计分办法)。考试方法为闭卷笔试。 本考试由四川省教育厅直接领导和组织,统一命题,统一测试。 二、考试用时 120分钟 三、考试的范围与要求 大学英语专升本考试包括五项内容:听力、语法结构与词汇、阅读理解、英译汉和英文写作。 具体题型如下: I 听力(Listening):听力部分主要考核考生一定的听的能力和初步的书面表达能力。 本部分共20题,下分三个部分,考试时间约25分钟。 1.A部分为日常生活和交际场合中的一般对话,共10题。对话中无生词,并避免专有名词(常用人名、地名除外)。所提问题中约有三分之一为推理和判断题。 2.B部分为二篇短篇听力材料,共4个理解题。其总词量为250个左右,体裁为学生所熟悉的讲话、叙述和解说等文体。 3.上述两部分均采用多项选择。读两遍。

4.C部分为听写填空。在试卷上给出一篇意思相对完整,约150词左右的短文,其中有6个空格。每个空格要求填入1~2个单词或1个短语。全文朗读三遍。第一遍全文朗读,没有停顿,供考生听懂全文内容;第二遍在有空格的句子后面有停顿,要求考生把听到的单词或短语填入空格;第三遍同第一遍,没有停顿,供考生进行核对。“听写填空”短文的题材、体裁和难度与B部分大致相当。 5.以上A、B、C三部分的语速都为每分钟130个词左右。 II 语法结构与词汇(Structure and Vocabulary) 共20题,考试时间约15分钟。本部分中语法结构约占60%,即12题,词汇约占40%,既8题。 1.语法结构命题的范围主要根据大纲的语法结构表。 2.词汇命题在本考纲所列调整词汇的范围内。词汇以测试词义、用法和搭配为主,并测试学生对部分习语和短语动词。 3.采用多项选择。 III 阅读理解(Reading Comprehension) 共20题,考试时间约35分钟。本部分由三篇短文组成,总阅读词量在1000词左右(含理解题)。每篇设计5个理解题。采用多项选择。 1.题材包括传记、社会、文化、日常生活、科普知识等。涉及的背景知识为学生所能理解的;体裁包括叙述文、说明文、议论文等。 2.文章的难度不超过三级阅读教材,允许3%的生词,影响理解的关键词用汉语注释。 3.理解句子的意义,理解字面意思和理解事实、细节的题量占了70%;根据上下文逻辑关系、主旨大意、推理判断的题量占30%。 IV 英译汉(Translation from English into Chinese): 本部分的主旨为考核考生根据上下文确切理解英语节面材料的阅读能力及将其通顺地译成汉语的书面表达能力。 共4题,全部选自第三部分阅读理解的四篇文章,每篇选1~2句组成一题,每题约20 个单词左右,4题的总词量不超过80。考试时间15分钟。翻译的内容不存在背景知识带来的困难。 V 写作(Writing):

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