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《导游英语》Special Terms 汇总

1. population census 人口普查(统计)

2. the eastern hemisphere 东半球

3. the Pacific Ocean 太平洋

4. monsoon season 季风季节

5. continental climate 大陆性气候

6. annual precipitation 年降雨量

7. the Y angtze V alley/Reaches 长江流域

8. water resources 水资源

9. relief map 地形图

10. autonomous region 自治区

11. special administrative region 特区

12. municipality directly under the Central Government 直辖市

13. the people’s democratic dictatorship 人民民主专政

14. the alliances of workers and peasants 工农联盟

15. the National People’s Congress 全国人大

16. legislative body 立法机关

17. national flag 国旗

18. national anthem 国歌

19. national badge 国徽

20. The March of the V olunteers 义勇军进行曲

21. Tian’anmen Rostrum/Square天安门广场

22. the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China中共中央

23. outside world外部世界

24. national economy国民经济

25. planned economy计划经济

26. socialist market economy社会主义市场经济

27. rural areas农村地区

28. urban areas城镇地区

29. the people’s commune人民公社

30. the Contract Household Responsibility System家庭承包责任制

31. the township and village industry/enterprises乡镇企业

32. coastal areas沿海地区

33. joint venture合资企业

34. Special Economic Zone经济特区

the Y angtze River Delta长江三角洲

the Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲

farmer-turned workers农民工

the Beihai Bay北海湾北部湾

foreign exchange外汇

foreign trade外贸

sustained and rapid development持续快速发展

gross domestic product/GDP国内生产总值

the total value of imports and exports进出口总额

per capita GDP人均国民生产总值

xiaokang/well-off society小康社会

the reform and opening-up policy改革开放政策

big and medium-sized state-owned firms国有大中型企

inland areas/regions内陆地


the State Family Planning Commission国家计划生育委员会

the State Statistics Bureau国家统计局

basic national policy基本国策

the Constitution of the people’s Republic of China中华人民共和国宪法economic and social development经济与社会发展

late marriage, late childbirth晚婚晚育

few births and better babies少生优生

natural population increase /growth rate人口自然增长率

birth rate出生率

population base人口基数

natural resources自然资源

contraception services/measures避孕措施

living standards生活水平

population size人口规模

medical care医疗保健

aging society老年社会

elderly population老年人口

residential homes of the aged老人院

the community caring service社区爱心服务

part-time helper钟点工

market competition市场竞争

silver years晚年

social relation networks社会关系网

physical capability体力

Chinese culture中国文化


Double Ninth Festival重阳节

lunar month农历月

equal pay for equal work同工同酬

Leading post领导岗位

Women hold up half the sky妇女撑起半边天

All-China Women’s Federation全国妇联

The United Nations联合国

foreign policy of peace和平外交政策

friendly exchanges and cooperation友好合作与交流

equality between men and women男女平等

maintenance of world peace维护世界和平


educational campaigns教育活动

World Environment Day世界环境日

Public awareness公众意识

Public hazards公害

State-level natural conservation areas国家级自然保护区

State Administration of Environment Protection国家环保局

Turn the farmland back to grassland and forests退耕还草,退耕还林

The Clean Water Act净水条例

UNESCO/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织

Abnormal death非正常死亡

Popular slogan流行口号

Chinese folklore中国民间传说

get-together banquet团圆饭

The Lantern Festival元宵节

nothing is lofty except reading books万般皆下品,惟有读书高

the Communist Party中国共产党

Warring States Period战国时期

Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节

myths and legends神话传说

educational undertakings教育事业

post-graduate student研究生

institute of higher learning高等院校

undergraduate student本科生

compulsory education义务教育

Project Hope希望工程

adult education of higher learning成人高等教育

on-the-job training program在职培训计划

correspondence courses函授课程

evening university夜大

adult vocational schools成人职校

adult technical training schools成人职业培训学校

socialist modernization社会主义现代化

Respecting teachers and valuing the teaching尊师重教

life expectancy寿命

infant mortality婴儿死亡率

Nationwide Patriotic Public Sanitation Campaigns全国爱国卫生运动government employees公务员

traditional Chinese medicine中医

acupuncture and moxibustion针灸和艾灸

public sanitation公共卫生

remote border region边远地区

environment pollution环境污染

sexually transmitted diseases性传播疾病

aquatic products水产品

per-capita income人均收入

rural reform农村改革

inland provinces内陆省份

gap between the east and the west东西差异

common prosperity共同富裕

scientific farming科学种田

low-income family低收入家庭

Warm Home Project安居工程

urban housing system城市住房体制

the war of Resistance against Japanese Aggression抗日战争

the National Liberation War全国解战争

environment protection环境保护

the Spring Festival春节

Dragon Boat Festival端午节

earthly life尘世生活

wheat flour面粉

ethnic group/nation民族

minority nationality/minor ethnic group/minority group少数民族

mineral resources矿产资源

slash-and-burn agriculture刀耕火种农业

agriculture and animal husbandry农牧业

discriminatory policy歧视性政策

pastoral areas畜牧区

entrance examination入学考试

mobile medical teams流动医疗队

Nadam Fair那达慕节

Water-Sprinkling/Splashing Festival泼水节

Torch Light Festival火把节

159.multi-ethnic country多民族国家

160.Bureau of Religious Affairs宗教事务局

161. religious practices宗教活动

162. Three-self Patriotic Movement Committee of the Protestant Churches of China基督教三自爱国运动委员会

163.Chinese Buddhist Association中国佛教协会

164. Chinese Islamic Association中国伊斯兰教协会

165. Chinese Taoist Association中国道教协会

166. Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association中国天主教爱国会

167. mystic concentration玄想

168. bodhi tree菩提树

169. the Four Noble Truths四谛

Mahayana Buddhism大乘佛教

171. Han Buddhism汉地佛教

172. Hinayana Buddhism小乘佛教

173. prescription text药典,药

174. Living Buddha活佛

175. soul boy灵童

176. Roman Catholicism罗马天主教

177. Protestantism / protestant churches新教

178. the Noble Eight-Fold Path八正道

179. Baptist churches浸礼会

180. reincarnation system转世制度

181.self-government, self-support and self-propagation自治、自养、自传182. Heavenly Teacher Sect天师道

183. Complete Unity Sect全镇教

184. True Unity Sect正一道

185. Lesser Bairam开斋节

186. Korban Bairam古尔邦节

187. Mohammed’s Birthday圣纪节

188. Islamic calendar伊斯兰教历

189.Ducal state诸侯国

190.System of thought思想体系

191.Social relationship社会关系

192.Patterns of living生活方式

193.Occidental scholar西方学者

194.Official ideology官方意识形态

195. Four Books and Five Classics四书五经

196. physical immortality长生不老

197. The Great Learning大学

198. The Doctrine of the Mean中庸

199. The Analects of Confucius论语

200. The Book of Mencius孟子

201. action by non-action无为无不为

202. Jade Emperor玉皇大帝

203. the God of Wealth/Door/Kitchen财神门神灶神

204. Collection of Taoist Classics道藏

205. culinary art烹饪手法

206. Twice Cooked Pork Slices回锅肉

207. Pockmarked Woman’s Bean Curd麻婆豆腐

208. Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea八仙过海

209. Beijing Roasted Duck北京烤鸭

210. jasmine tea花茶

211. glutinous ric糯米

212. Silkworm-breeding industry/sericulture养蚕业

213. Hexi Corridor河西走廊

214. the Silk Road丝绸之路

215. snuff bottle鼻烟壶

216. disciples of Buddha佛教徒

217. fairy lady/nymph仙女

218. incense burner香炉

219. Beijing Cloisonne北京景泰蓝

220. pottery and porcelain陶器和瓷器

221. Neolithic Period/age新石器时代

222. earthernware and lacquerware陶器和漆器

223. crystalline-glazed ware水晶瓷

224. porcelain connoisseur瓷器鉴赏家

225. double-sided embroidery双面绣

226. Zhuang brocade壮锦

227. facial patterns脸谱

228. Beijing opera京剧

229. dragon robe龙袍

230. acrobatics troupe杂技团

231. Dunhuang Grottoes敦煌石窟

232. social stratum社会阶层

233. acrobatics repertory杂技节目

234. making the form show the spirit以形传神

235. Chinese calligraphy/painting中国书画

236. painting in poetry and poetry in painting诗中有画画中有诗237. the seal character篆书

238. the official/clerical script隶书

239. the regular script楷书

240. the running/cursive hand行书草

241. oracle inscription甲骨文

242. seal-cutting篆刻

243. cultural heritage文化遗产

244. relief and intaglio浮雕与凹雕

245. martial arts/kungfu武术

246. prehistoric times史前时代

247. productive force生产力

248. imperial/court examination system科举考试制度

249. the Drunkard/Mantis Boxing醉拳螳螂拳

250. three-section cudgels三节棍

251. martial ethics武德

252. vital/genuine/internal energy元气

253. channels and collaterals经络

254. cerebral cortex大脑皮层

255. endocrine system内分泌系统

256. five elements五行

257. combating evil with evil以毒攻毒:

258. primitive dialectical ideas/thoughts朴素辩证法思想259. traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology中医与中药260. preventive medicine预防医学

261. clinical medicine临床医学

262. The Forbidden City/Palace Museum紫禁城故宫博物院263. central axis中轴线

264. The Temple of Heaven天坛

265. The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests社稷坛

266. The Great Wild Goose Pagoda大雁塔

267. The Pagoda of Six Harmonies六合塔

268. The Forest of Pagoda塔林

269. complete harmony between man and nature天人合一270. corbel construction斗拱结构

271. the Summer Palace颐和园

272. The Hall of Preserving Harmony保和殿

273. the Sacred Way神道

274. the Triumphal Arch凯旋门

275. Imperial Summer Resort in Chengde承德避暑山庄

276. landscape garden风景园林

277. imperial garden御花园

278. rockery and bonsai假山与盆景

279. latticed window花格窗

280. Pavilion of the Surging waves沧浪亭

281. Lion Grove狮园

282. Humble Administrator’s Garden拙政园

283. Garden for lingering in留园

284. nomadic tribe/people/nation游牧民族

285. the Great Wall长城

286. beacon tower烽火台

287. Four Celestial Guardians四大金刚

288. Buddhist Scripture佛经

289. Meridian Gate午门

290. Outer Court and Inner Palace外朝与内廷

291. Hall of Supreme Harmony太和殿

292. Hall of Central Harmony中和殿

293. Winter Solstice冬至

294. guard of honour仪仗队

295. coffered ceiling藻井

296. Golden Throne龙椅宝座

297. the Ancestral Temple太庙

298. Goddess of mercy观音

299. rectangular courtyard四合院

300. boat excursion乘船游览

301. travel destination旅游目的地

302. potted flowers and trees盆景

303. Terra-Cotta Warriors兵马俑

304. Greeting-theGuest Pine迎客松

305. Three Gorges of the Y angtze River长江三峡306. secular world世俗世界人间

307. Temple of the Dragon King龙王庙

308. agrarian society农业社会

309. virgin forest原始森林

310. matriarchal society母系社会

311. Walking Marriage走婚

312. Shanghai’s Bund上海外滩

313. the Expo 2010 2010世博会

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