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Tsinghua University Offers Ladies Classes in Etiquette

Tsinghua University Offers Ladies Classes in Etiquette






With one hundred years of development, Tsinghua University can offer not only professional classes but also chances to communicate with famous professors, experience good learning atmosphere, and enhance personal quality.

As the teaching staff includes several renowned professors, students can have this golden opportunity to interact with the staff. As the proverb says, “An accomplished disciple owes his accomplishments to his great teacher(名师出高徒)”, students in this class can learn a lot from their teachers.

Learning at school is quite different from learning at home because a good learning atmosphere

at school can have gradual influence on students. Although there have already been many other “ladies classes” offered by some training organizations, Tsingh ua University provides the best.

Learning art, literature, fashion can enhance personal quality in a mild way to help people find beauty in life and treat other people in an elegant way. Although education is widely developed in China, it is obvious that these qualities are being ignored. Women, especially, are becoming masculine (阳刚的) instead of elegant.


There are mainly three kinds of questions raised against Tsinghua’s ladies class.

Should men have the same opportunity to learn etiquette?Yes! Everyone should have correct and polite behavior in society.

Is such a project intended to help women marry well like previous classes offered by other institutions? Yes! This series of classes costs 48 000 yuan, which cannot help women find a good job in today’s society but may help “ladies” marry into the wealth.

Should people learn etiquette in schools at this age or learn it at home at a young age? People should learn etiquette at home at a young age. Way of behavior is gradually formed through years of learning and using. If society wants to foster people with etiquette, it should emphasize early education for little boys and girls. Otherwise, graduates from these “ladies classes” may only master the skill to put on an elegant mask.

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