当前位置:文档之家› 2015年四川省泸州市中考英语试题及答案








1. -- Would you like to come with us to the show?

A. No,not at all B,That'sright

C.Thanks, d love to

D. Youre welcome

2. The movie tells _________ that love is most expensive present in the world.

A. we




3. Nowadays air pollutio n has become __ tha n before. We must do someth ing to stop it.

A. serious

B. More serious

C.most serious

D.the most serious

4. The train was late, _______ we had to wait for half an hour.





5. --- _____ will your En glish teacher come back from sha nghai?

A.How ofte n

B.How soo n

C.How far

D.How long

6. --Hurry up! It s time to go.


7. --Hello! Is that Mr.Hua ng?

--No, he ____ to Chen gdu. He will be back in more tha n two weeks.


B.we nt C,has gone D.has bee n

8. Elepha nts are ___ g reat dan ger, we should save them.



C. on


9. Thats our new school,It ___ last year.


B.is built

C.was built

D.will be built

10. --That actor knows a lot about Luzhou. Do you know ________ ?

A.whe n will he come here

B.whe n he will come here

C.how long he has stayed here

D. How long has he stayed here





Dear Hele n.

Your father will go to the supermarket after work this after noon. Theres something wrong 11 our clock and we need a new one. So itl be a little late

whe n he 12 home. You can do your homework 13 you are

wait ing for him. If you are hun gry, there're 14 cakes in the fridge. If Mrs

Brow n asks about the pla n for tomorrow, 15 her to give me a call, Now Im gonging to see your aunt Susa n. She has just had a baby!


11. A. With B.about C.for D.from

12.A. Get B.gets C. Will get D.is gett


13. A.u ntil B.if C.u nless D.while

14.A. a ny B.some C.a little D.much

15.asks B.ask ing C.ask D.asked


Hen ry'first job was in a shop.The shop ope ned at nine Clock. On his first day he was late for 16 .

“ou're five minute late!” his boss said “ 17 ?”

I“'m sorry,sir” Henry said, the bus was late. There was a lot of 18 ”

Catch an earlier bus” his boss said, Then you won'tbe late ”

The 19 bus arrives an hour earlier” Henry said. I' will be here_20 eight


that 'not my problem.” his boss said.

The n ext day, Henry was late aga in.

You're late again!” his boss shouted. He looked at his 21 Today youre ten minutes late.What is your 22 ? ”

l“'m sorry, sir. Henry said, but I met 23 old woman in the street, She was carry ing a package. It was too 24 for her so I carried it for her”

That' not my problem ” his boss said If you are late again,l will let you leave here.”

The next morning Henry get up very early.Iwon' be late this morning” he 25 1,ll catch the early bus”

The n he 26 no ise outside. A cat had its head stuck卡住)through the bars of balcony (阳台).Henry went out on to the balcony. He leaned 倾斜)over it to push the cat'head through the bars.

Sudde nly he lost his bala nee平衡).He fell over the balc ony and fell twenty floors to the ground below.

27 he fell on a pile of garbage and was not badly hurt. 28 he was an hour late for work. His boss was very 29 .

you're late!” he shouted.

Henry thought,”'ve got a good excuse this time. He said,Ifell twenty floors from my balc ony to the ground. ”

And that took you an hour! ” his boss30 .

16.A. Work B.school C.hospital D.meeti ng

17. A.How B.What C.When D. Why

18.A. cars B.buses C.bikes D.traffic

19.A. better B.earlier C.quicker D.faster

20.A. In B. on C.by D.to

21.A.watch B.office C.wall D.desk

22.A an swer B.excuse C.idea D.suggesti on

23.A, a B.a n C.the D.some

24. A.heavy B.light C.expe nsive https://www.doczj.com/doc/6816156508.html,eful

25.A.said B.says C.thought D.thi nks

26.A.smelt B.liste ned C.fou nd D.heard

27. A.Luckily https://www.doczj.com/doc/6816156508.html,fortably C.successfully D.Happily

28.A.Besides B.then C.a ny way D.However

29.A.a ngry B.sad C.worried D.pleased

30.A. talked B.smiled C.shouted D.spoke




There are differe nt kinds of ways to bring family members closer in differe nt area and countries. I think it is very important for families to have regular 定期的)meals together.

One of my good childhood memories was hav ing dinner with my pare nts and two sisters. Because my husba nd and I both worked and our three childre n were also busy with their studies,

We seldom had a cha nee to get together. But we thought it would be possible for us to sit down and enjoy meals together every week. First, we tried setting fixed days: Mon days, Wedn esdays and Fridays. But almost every one was un happy. Then my son had the idea that every one told he or her most convenient days and I would choose the best days.For a while the childre n were still un happy with the idea. They said they would rather spend the time playing sports with their friends. Gradually, however, they began to see the evenings together as interesting and helpful. We made pla ns for trips. We discussed each othe'problems. We excha nge recent in teresti ng thin gs. After about five mon ths, anyone who had to miss a family meal felt regretful.

And now we all feel that we have built stron ger relati on ships within the family than we Had before.

31. What was important for the writer to bring family members closer?

A. Havi ng meals regularly together

B.Havi ng a big dinner together

C.Havi ng meals together everyday

D.Havi ng dinner with frie nds

32. Why did the family seldom got together?

A. They didn'like to get together

B. The childre n were busy with play ing

C. They were so busy with studies or work

D. The writer and her husband worked in another city.

33. At first they pla nned to have meals together __________ a week.


B. 2days


D. 5days

34. What didn ' happen during the evening together?

A.Mak ing pla ns for trips

B.Discuss ing each otheisproblem

C.excha nging rece nt in terest ing things

D.Playi ng sports with their frie nds

35. We can learn from the passage that

A. They even become unhappy with each other

B. They have closer relati on ship tha n before

C. The relati on ship are still the same as before

D. They still prefer to do his or her own things B

Today we will talk about sports. We know all over the world people enjoy sports. Why? Maybe the most importa nt reas on is that sports help people to keep healthy and happy and live together.

Many people like to watch others play game. They ofte n buy tickets or turn on their TV to watch the game whe n they have time. And ofte n they get very excited when their ” player or team wins or plays very well.

Some sports are so in teresti ng that almost all the people go in for them. Football, for example,Has spread around the world. Swim ming is popular in all coun tries n ear the sea or in those with a lot of river or lakes.

Some sports or games go back more tha n 4,000 years ago. Like running or jumping. Chinese WuShu for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather n ew. Neither is hun dred years old yet. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. As we know, waterskiing is one of the newest in the family of sports, People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together, they often become good friends。

36. Many people like sports because it can help them ____ .

A. to become famous

B. to become stronger and taller

C. To make much money

D.to enjoy heath and live together

37. How will people often feel when “heir ” team beats the others?

A.Disappoi nted



D.Patie nt

38. The underlined phrase g o in for” probably means ____ .

A.ru nning

B.join in

C. Watch

D.talk about

39. From the passage, the oldest in the family of sports is ____ .

A.r unning

B. Basketball


D.water-skii ng

40. What often happens to people after a game together?

A.k nowing little about each other

B. Going back home without a word

C. Beco ming friends with each other

D. Beco ming more in terested in sports


When I was an eleven-year-old gir, my mother worked all day, so I had to look after my younger sister. At that time, my little sister was about four years old and she missed mum all the time.

One day, after I had give n her dinner, she started crying for mum. She was so young and really n eeded mum. So I dressed her up, put on her shoes, carried her on my back and walked out. Soon she fell a sleep.

About half an hour later, I found that she had lost a shoe while sleep in g. I took her off my back and put her dow n.

I knew we n eeded to find that shoe, for our mother could n'afford new shoe. I had to go back to find it, so I told my sister to wait right there.

A man heard it and stopped me just before I walked off. He asked m”re you leaving your sister here to find the shoe? What would you do if she is not here when

you return?” I didn'tknow how to answer that question. He continued, ft s OK if you can'find the shoe, but it is not OK to loose your sister” Then he sent us to mums workplace by taxi.

During my whole life I have depe nded on the kindn ess of many stra ngers, I feel sorry that I can'find them and say “thankyou” . I do not even remember what their faces looked like, but they taught me a less on--- people are more importa nt tha n thi ngs.

41. When her mother worked all day, the writer had to _____ .

A. Make a dinner

B.take care of her sister

C. Cry for mum

D. Do her homework

42. Why did the writer s sister start crying?

A. She wan ted somethi ng good to eat.

B. She wan ted to sleep very much

C. She lost her shoe and felt so sad.

D. She missed her mum very much

43. why did the writer went to find the lost shoe?

A. Her sister liked it very much.

B. The shoe was a gift for her sister.

C. Her mother made it herself.

D. Her mother had no money to buy new on es.

44. What did the man do after he heard the writer tell her sister to wait right there?

A. He stopped it and helped them find their mother.

B. He looked after the writer s sister for her.

C. He helped the writer find lost shoe.

D. He took away the writer s sister.

45. What can we learn from the passage?

A. We can 'believe in stra ngers

B. A frie nd in n eed is a frie nd in deed

C.Things are less important than people

D. Where there is a will, there is a way


Hi,Mommy, what are you doing? asked Susie.

I"m making a dinner for Mrs. Smith next door, said her mother.

why?” asked Susie, a six-year-old girl.

Because Mrs. Smith is very sad; she lost her daughter and has a broken heart. We n eed to take care of he”

why, mommy?”

You see, Susie, whe n some one is sad, he or she has trouble doing the little things like making dinner or other easy things. Because Mrs. Smith is our neighbor,we n eed to do some things to help her. Mrs.Smith wontever be able to talk with her daughter, hug her, or do all those wonderful things that mommies and daughters do together. You are a very smart girl, Susie, maybe yduthi nk of some way to take care of her. ”

Susie thought seriously about what she could do to take care of Mrs.Smith. A few minutes later, Susie knocked on her door. Mrs.Smith answered the knock.

Mrs.Smith looked as though she might have bee n cryin g.What can I do for you,Susie7 asked Mrs.Smith.

My mommy says that you lost your daughter and you re very very sad with a broke n heart”

Susie held her hand out shyly. In it was a Band-ai创(可贴).”This is for your broken heart, ” Mrs.Smith held back her tears. She hugged Susie and said with tearThank you, darli ng girl, this will help a lot.”

Mrs.Smith accepted Susi'k indn ess. She bought a small picture frame 相框). She placed Susi'Ba nd-Aid in the frame to remi nd herself to heal 治愈)a little every time she saw it. She wisely knows that healing takes time and support.

46. Susie s mother was making a dinner for ____ .


B.a n eighbor

C. The family

D. Susiesfather

47. What can we learn about Mrs.Smith?

A.She was Susiegra ndmother

B. She had no trouble in life

C.She n eeded a Ban d-Aid.

D.She loved her daughter very much

48. The underlined words a broken heart” probably mean _____ ..

A. A heart that feels sad and hopeless

B. A heart that stops working

C. A heart that comes into pieces

D. A heart that becomes useless

49. Why did Susie give Mrs.Smith a Band-Aid?

A. She was a kind girl in school

B. She ofte n helped her n eighbors

C. She thought Mrs.Smith was a Ion ely woma n

D. She wan ted to heal Mrs.Smith broke n heart.

50. What did Susie give Mrs.Smith?

A. A warm hug

B. A big smile

C.A kindn ess

D. A picture frame



三. 完成对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



A:Excuse me is there a hospital around here?

B: Yes. There is 51 on Zhongshan Mount in Luzhou.

A: How 52 is it from here?

B:About fifteen minutes' walk. You can 53 the No.216 bus there.

A: Thank you. By the way, 54 is the bus stop?

B:It s at the end of street. You cart miss it.

A: Thanks for your 55 .

B: Youre welcome.



Mo Yan is a famous Chin ese writer. He was56 in 1955 and grew up in Gaomi, Shandong. His pare nts were farmers. His family was very 57 at the age of 12, he had to leave 58 and start to work, first in the field and then in a

factory. I n 1976, Mo Yan 59 the army and bega n to study literature(文学) and write. He left the army in 1997.

Mo Yan kept on writing. Later he formed a writing style of his 60 . He said he was just like a story telling man. He told his stories and many othe'in Gaomi by pen. His writi ng 61 Chin a'co un tryside culture . Many of his works have bee n 62_ into different foreign Ianguages and then spread to different countries in the world.

Mo Yan enjo yed read ing books 63 he was a child. He had a deep love for literature and 64 the love brought his success. whe n I'm writ in g, I always have a lot to say. I believe that writing is the most 65 and the freest way to express my idea” Mo Yan said in an in terview with CCTV.

A. Joined


C. Own



E. Shows G.fi nally H.whe n I. Tran slated J.poor

五. 阅读短文并回答问题(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,回答文后所给出的问题,并将答案填写在答题卡上相应的位置上。

Katie is an En glish woma n. She has n ever bee n abroad, but she has a very intern atio nal life!

Every morning she drinks a cup of black coffee from Italy and eat some fruits from Thaila nd for breakfast.

At 8.00 am, she usually drives to work in her Germa n car. On the way to the compa ny, she often liste ns to some Austria n music. If there is a song she kno ws, she usually sings along with the music.

Katie is a dress desig ner. She loves her job very much.She uses silk to make clothes which are sold all around the world. Rece ntly she has put some advertisements for her clothes on the internet so that they can sell better.

Whe n she gets home after work, she spe nds about forty minu tes tak ing her dog for a walk and then cooks dinner. She likes to cook Chinese food. After dinner, she likes to watch Korean films on her DVD player.

On Saturday after noon ,Katie goes out with her friend Nan cy. Usually, they go to an In dia n dance class together. After that, they have a French meal in restaura nt.

66. Where is Katie from?

67. How does Katie usually go to work?

68. What is Katie'job?

69. How long does Katie spend taking her dog for a walk?

70. Whe n does Katie usually go to an In dia n dance class?


阅读对于我们每个人的成长起着重要的作用。请你根据以下要点提示,以“ Reading Make Us Grow U p为题,用英语写一篇短文。


1. 作用:获取知识,开阔视野;提高学习能力;使人变得更聪明等;

2. 内容:各种书籍、报刊和网络等;

3. 方法:制定计划、写读书笔记;

4. 时间:课前、课内、课后、节假日等;


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