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【情况报告】passenger例句I was so tightly wedged between two other passengers,I couldn”t get off the bus.我紧紧夹在两个乘客中间下不了公共汽车了.Twelve passengers are missing,presumed dead.十二名乘客失踪,据信已经死亡.Taxis cruised about, hoping to pick up late fares.计程车以中等速度转来转去,希望能招揽到晚归的乘客.Once more, the Dover mail struggled on, with the jackboots of its passengers squashing along by its side 多佛邮车,连同跟在它旁边的乘客们的溅起泥水的长靴,又在挣扎前进。Each passenger rushed toward the

exit,unmindful of the others.每个乘客都不顾其他人涌向出口。Caution: Do not cross in front of bus,passengers must not stand forward white line while bus is in motion当心:请勿从汽车前面横穿,汽车发动时乘客请站在白线以内The sensitive, valuable marsupials cannot be flown in the cargo area and instead fly with the passengers, zookeeper Brian Rutledge said动物园管理员布莱恩-拉特利奇说,考拉是一种非常敏感而且价值连城的有袋类动物,它们不适合用货机运送,只能同其他乘客一起乘坐客机(飞回老家)。The ship canted over when it hit the rocks, and sank to the bottom with all its passengers and sailors.船触礁后倾翻了,连同所有的乘客和船员一齐沉入了海底。According to the new law, all drivers and passengers must buckle up根据新法规,所有的驾驶员和乘客都必须系上安全带。“What mean you?”“ inquired Hester,

startled more than she permitted to appear. ““Have you another passenger?””你这是什么意思啊?”海丝特问道,脸上禁不佳露出了惊诧神色。”你还有另一位乘客吗?”


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