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My uncle has a very beautiful umbrella. He's had it for years. As he is very careful with it, so it still looks as good as new. 1 He shook his head. "Then how did you get it?" I asked. "Well," he answered, "there' s a strange true story about the umbrella. About ten years ago, I was walking along a quiet London street one evening when it suddenly rained. I had no raincoat or umbrella.

2 And the people in the streets were fewer and fewer. As I was on my way to a party, I was afraid to get wet. So I stood in a doorway and waited for the rain to stop.

3 What was worse, there even wasn't a person around, and still it rained and rained. At last a young man came to the place where I was standing.

4 As I hoped he would allow me to walk to the next corner with him, where I could get a taxi, I stepped out of the dark doorway where I had been standing.

5 As I suddenly appeared before him, the young man was so shocked that he dropped the umbrella. He ran away and disappeared into the darkness. I picked up the umbrella and continued my walk. I knew it would be hard in this big city to find the owner, so I've kept it ever since."

A. Gradually, it grew quite dark.

B. He held a large umbrella over his head.

C. I asked him where he was going with that umbrella.

D.No buses ran through the street and there were no taxis.

E. I asked my uncle if he bought it or some one sent him as a gift.



The best-loved pig in Hong Kong is called McDull. His mom makes a wish that

he will look like Chow Yun-fat or Tony Leung, but he iswell-known only by a birthmark around his right eye.

Everything he tries, he fails. He wants to be an Olympic champion

of qiangbaoshan(抢包山), but the sport of catching the hottest baozi from a small mountain doesn’t really exist(存在), of course. He dreams of going to the Maldives, but ends up on only a one-day tour of a Hong Kong landmark.

1 McDull was at first a supporting character in a story about his cousin McMug, a smart baby pig and “what parents expect of theirchildren.” But interestingly, the wooden- headed McDull gradually became more attractive when he told his classmates that if he became the class monitor, he would treat everyone with strawberry c akes. McDull tried to speak out one sentence in his speech, “If you choose me, you will be… painful.” For him, it looks only a little bit different from an “A” when he gets an “E”. 2

3 In one of the McDull movies, he talks to the audience(观众),“I suddenly realize that there is something you cannot have. No noodles, No Maldives, no golden medal, no money…Actually, being silly is not funny—it could mean failure(失败). Being fat is not funny. Being fat does not mean you are stronger. Disappointment is not funny, either. When I grow up,and face the strict world that isn’t funny, what should I do?” He is still happy, However.He always starts again

with a new dream when one fails him.

4 The popularity of McDull sometimes makes his creator Alice Mark confused, who has some simple thoughts, such as God creates humans, because he loves humans and he wants them to be happy. “Maybe people see themselves and their friends in McDull. McDull makes people realize that they used to be as simple and happy as him. If there is a theme in all the McDull movies, it is about how a simple person keeps his or her simplicity in a world full of problems.

5 ”says Alice Mark.

A.The cartoon pig is not smart, either.

B.That’s why both child ren and adults find McDull cute. C.However, the slow, silly pig has won over Hong Kong people. D.According to his headmaster, McDull isn’t that silly. He’s just too kind.

E.The story is more than its funny points. It is pleasant and sour at the same time.

F.What he has been doing in the movies is to find new dreams, but most of them end up in disappointment.


一、英语句子成分和英语句子结构讲解: (一)句子成分 1.主语(subject): 句子说明的人或事物。 主语可以由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、分词、主语从句和短语等来担任。 The sun rises in the east.(名词) He likes dancing. (代词) Twenty years is a short time in history. (数词) Seeing is believing. (动名词) To see is to believe. (不定式) What he needs is a book. (主语从句) It is very clear that the elephant is round and tall like a tree. (It形式主语,主语从句是真正主语) 找出下列句中的主语: Jane is good at playing the piano.(名词) She went out in a hurry.(代词) Four plus four is eight.(数词) To see is to believe.(不定式) Smoking is bad for health.(动名词) The young should respect the old.(名词化的形容词)What he has said is true. (句子) 2.谓语(predicate): 说明主语的动作、状态和特征。 简单谓语:由动词或动词词组组成 I saw the flag on the top of the hill? He looked after two orphans. 复合谓语:由情态动词或助动词+动词; He can speak English well. She doesn’t seem to like dancing. 找出下列句中的谓语(注:只有动词才可作谓语。): 1. We love China. 2. We have finished reading this book. 3. He can speak English. 4. She seems tired. 3.表语(predicative): 系动词之后的成分,表示主语的性质、状态和特征。


2016年英语中考英语十一篇阅读理解还原句子7选5专项练习(有答案) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺,结构完整。【每小题1分】 (1) While lead (铅) poisoning is serious, parents can take steps to reduce the risk for theirChildren 1 Take Notes : start by checking to see if you own any items recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Get rid of any toys with chipped paint, or other broken and damaged parts. Not sure it contains lead? 2 Clean Up : to avoid leaf exposure from sources in the home, keep floors and other play areas clean and free of dust and pieces. 3 Store toys off the floor in a clean place. And if you live in house with lead pipes, running cold water for a few minutes and using a water filter (过滤器) can reduce lead levels. Buy Smart : avoid no-name produce and be careful when you buy items at dollar stores, street fairs, thrift stores or yard sales. 4 Even if they don’t contain lead, they could become a choking hazard(危险). Also make sure the arts and crafts supplies you buy are non-toxic and des igned for children’s use. Get Tested : children with lead poisoning may not have easily recognizable symptoms. 5 This might mean that there will be a lot of tests that turn out normal, but it’s better than sitting around and worrying. Testing is espec ially important if you and your children live in a home with peeling paint or if your home was painted before 1978, when the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned the sale of lead-based paints. 答题处1——5 (2) Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true . 1 .If it’s hard for you to communicate with your parents, don’t worry about it .Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (消除代沟). Don’t argue (争辩)with your parents . 2 .Your parents probably won’t consider your idea .If you are shouting at them, and you can’t express yourself


【关键字】英语、情况、条件、会议、计划、主动、继续、健康、持续、保持、需要、方式、作用、结构、分析、衔接、引导、关心、主动性 句子成分 一.主语(subject): 句子说明的人或事物。 1.请找出下列句子的主语并指出什么(词,短语或句子)可以充当主语。 The sun rises in the east. (名词) He likes dancing. (代词) Twenty years is a short time in history. (数词) Seeing is believing. (动名词) To see is to believe. (不定式) What he needs is a book. (主语从句) It is very clear that the elephant is round and tall like a tree. (It形式主语,主语从句是真正主语) 常见错误分析 2:动词及其短语在作句子的主语时,只能使用其to do 或doing 的形式。其中不定式强调具体的某一次的动作,-ing 强调经常发生的动作。 改错:1.play computer games does no good to us. 2.Have a walk in the street is her hobby. 3.Go home at once is his decision 4.Make more friends will do good to us. 5.I’m like computer very much. 6.The story was happening the year before last. 二.宾语: 1.动作的承受者-----动宾 请找出下列句子的宾语并指出什么可以充当宾语。 I like China. (名词) He hates you. (代词) How many do you need? We need two. (数词) I enjoy working with you. (动名词) I hope to see you again. (不定式) Did you write down what he said? (宾语从句) 2.介词后的名词、代词和动名词-----介宾 Are you afraid of the snake/me/fighting? 3.双宾语-----间宾(指人)和直宾(指物) He gave me a book yesterday. 常见错误分析 1:介词后跟宾语时,必须为:名词、代词、ing 或wh型的连接词引导的从句。 改错:①I am fond of play basketball. ②He’s cra zy about read story books. ③I am sorry for late. ④I felt terribly sad for absent from class. 2:动词及其短语在作句子的主语或宾语时,只能使用其to do 或doing 的形式。其中不定式强调具体的某一次的动作,-ing 强调经常发生的


句子结构详解 简单句的格式 基本句型一:S+V(主+谓) 基本句型二:S+V+P(主+系+表) 基本句型三:S+V+DO(主+谓+宾) 基本句型四:S+V+IO+DO(主+谓+间宾+直宾) 基本句型五:S+V+DO+OC(主+谓+宾+宾补) 什么是简单句就是只包含一个主谓结构的句子。简单句中句子各成分都是只由单词或短语构成的。在简单句中主谓结构是句子的主干,是句子的核心。简单句可归纳为五个基本句型。表达简单句使用哪个基本句型,取决于该句子中的谓语动词。也就是说不同类型的谓语动词,要求使用不同类型的基本句型。 简单句示**: 1-5)主语+谓语谓语一定是动词这种句型简称为主谓结构,其谓语一般都是不及物动词,**:Things change.事物是变化的。Nobody went.没有人去。--Did you go by sea?你们走的是海路吗?--NO,we flew.不,我们是飞去。 主语+连系动词+表语也叫做主系表这种句型称为主系表结构,其实连系动词在形式上也是一种谓语动词,但实质上表语成了谓语,**:Mr. Turner is an artist.特纳先生是位画家。The milk we注:我们平常所说的be动词有两种含义:1.助动词的be;2.作为连系动词的be;

主语+谓语+宾语宾语有两种:间接宾语和直接宾语这种句型可称为主谓宾结构,它的谓语一般多是及物动词,**:We never beat children.我们从来不打孩子。My sister will fix everything.我姐姐会料理一切。 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语这种句型可称为主谓宾宾结构,其谓语应是可有双宾语的及物动词,两个宾语一个是间接宾语,一个是直接宾语,其中指物或指事的就是直接宾语指人(或动物)的就是间接宾语。**:He gave the book to his sister.他把这本书给了他的妹妹。I'll write you a long letter.我将写给你一封长信。 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补所谓宾语补主语就是补充说明前面的宾语这种句型可简称为主谓宾补结构,其补语是宾语补语,与宾语一起即构成复合宾语,**:I found the book easy.我发现这本书不难。(形容词easy 作补语)I'll let him go.我将让他去。(不定式go用作补语)注意:有时两个或更多的并列主语拥有一个共同的谓语,甚至并列有两个主语和两个谓语,这样的句子仍然是简单句 二.并列句(compound sentence)的简单介绍 两个以上的简单句用并列连词连在一起构成的句子,叫做并列句,其基本结构是"简单句+并列连词+简单句"。并列连词有:and,but,or,so等.并列句中的各简单句意义同等重要,相互之间没有从属关系,是平行


还原句子 针对阅读短文还原句子的考查点,我们总结出此类题型的解题步骤及得分技巧,具体如下: 1. 解题步骤 (1)读选项,划关键词,暗排序。 (2)读文章,找逻辑,抓过渡词。 (3)先易后难来解题。 (4)回读文章定答案。 2. 得分技巧 (1)抓住过渡词,看住上下句。 (2)盯紧横线的前后词语。 通过学生对这类题型的解题步骤、思路及技巧的练习和实践,可总结出以下复习策略:1. 养成限时阅读的习惯,提高阅读速度。培养学生的阅读技能,处理好阅读速度与效率问题。阅读速度应控制在每篇5分钟,每分钟40-50个词为宜。2. 注意常考点。针对五选四,平时练习多注意代词(如it, this, they)、选项的句内关系(如因果、转折)及重现(文章与选项的复现提示)等。 例子一 You may have arguments with your friends, but do you know how to fix a friendship after an argument? Here is some advice: ★41_____________Getting other friends into your argument or asking them to decide will only turn your argument into something bigger. So you should keep it between the two of you. ★42_____________Sometimes it’s hard to know someone’s feelings over the phone, so invite your friend to your house to talk things through. Talking in the bedroom where you usually play together will remind(使想起)you both of the fun you have together. ★43_____________Take it in turns to tell each other why you argued without interrupting(插嘴,打断谈话). It may be a misunderstanding. But if it isn’t, at least you both get everything out. ★44_____________But don’t leave it too long before speaking to your friend. ★45_____________Remind yourself of all the fun you have together and forgive(原谅)your


句子还原专练 A (理解难度★★☆☆☆,试题难度★★★★☆) If you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why. 1 Or perhaps you’re interested in the books, films, or music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a good knowledge of the language. Most people learn best in their own ways, but traditional classes are an ideal (理想的) start for many people. 2 It truly takes time to learn a language. You will have more success if you study more often, so try to develop a routine (例行程序). 3 Many people may think they’re so old that they give up learning a language. Yes, children do learn languages more quickly than adults, but research showed that you can learn a language at any age. 4 Learning a new language is never easy. 5 And you’ll be amazed by the praise of some people when you say just a few words in their own language. Good luck! 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。 A. Do you learn it for your job or your studies? B. It doesn’t matter if you ca n’t got long enough time. C. And learning is good for the health of your brain, too. D. They provide an environment to practice with the teacher’s help. E. But the more hard work you do, the more progress you will make. 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ B (理解难度★★★☆☆,试题难度★★☆☆☆) It is said that the eyes are the windows of our soul. 6 Your eyes need everyday attention. First, you have to pay more attention to what you eat every day. 7 Besides, a regular amount of vitamins A and B2 should also be taken. Second, you must have a regular and sound sleep. 8 Sleep can help the body to repair


汉语句子结构讲解 (定语)主语[ 状语 ]谓语 <补语 >(定语)宾语 [“韦帕”登陆前后],负责自然灾害应急处理的国家防总和民政部、水利部、中国气象局||[分别]派出(防台专家)指导组。 [近十年来],(杭州的)(经济)总量||[一直]名列(全国省会城市)第二位。 [后来],鲁班|| [又][陆续]发明了(木刨、钻、墨斗和曲尺等)(许多)(现今木匠还在用的)工具。 一个汉语句子(以句号为标志)可能是一个单句,也可能是一个复句(由两个以上单句组成)。下面我们先讲 一、单句。 汉语的一个单句一般由主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语这些成分构成,其中主语、谓语、宾语是句子的主要成分,也叫句子的主干;定语、状语、补语是(主要成分的)附加成分,也叫句子的枝叶。定语是主语或宾语的附加成分,其位置在主语或宾语的前面,起修饰或限制作用。状语、补语是谓语的附加成分,其位置是:状语在谓语前面,起修饰或限制作用;补语在谓语后面,起补充说明作用。如(注:主语用“”标志,谓语用“-”标志,主谓之间用“‖”隔开,宾语用“﹏”标志,定语用“()”标志,状语用“[ ]”标志,补语用“<>”标志。助词“的、地、得,着、了、过”不划入成分): 1、(林牧场)场长‖[仿佛]看<透>了(我)的心事。 2、(隔壁)的大娘‖[已经]吃<完>了饭了。 一个单句一般可分为主(主语)谓(谓语)两大部分,有些句子谓语部分可能有宾语,有些则没有宾语。如句子有宾语,也可以把句子分成主、谓、宾三个部分。如: 1、我‖喜欢天上的朵朵白云。(“白云”作宾语) ▲我‖喜欢(天上)的(朵朵)白云。 2、远处悠扬的钟声‖忽然惊醒了海的酣梦。(“酣梦”作宾语) ▲(远处)(悠扬)的钟声‖[忽然]惊醒了(海)的酣梦。 3、对门的女士‖非常漂亮。(没有宾语) ▲(对门)的女士‖[非常]漂亮。 4、山涧的泉水‖叮叮咚咚地走远了。(没有宾语) ▲(山涧)的泉水‖[叮叮咚咚]地走<远>了。 一、主语 主语是陈述对象 二、谓语 发生的动作 三、宾语 动作的对象 四、定语 定语对主语或宾语起修饰或限制作用,位置在主语或宾语的前面。定语与主语之间、定语与宾语之间,有些有“的”,有些没有“的”,。“的”是定语的标志。 1、(煦暖)的春风‖吻<醉>了桃花、杏花、梨花。


海淀区七年级第二学期期末英语阅读短文,还原句子 (A ) My hobby is playing chess — one of the greatest games in the world. My mum taught me how to play when I was seven years old. 1 . But then, on my eighth birthday, I won for the first time. I nearly always beat her now. To learn the rules doesn’t take long. One day is enough. But if you want to be good, you have to practice for years. 2 — just a chess set and someone to play with. Chess sets can be very cheap, or quite expensive. Some people collect chess sets as a hobby, but I enjoy playing. 3 . We meet on Wednesday every week to practice. I am the best player in the club, and the captain of the school chess team. This year we won the All England Schools Championship (冠军赛). I'm saving up my money to buy a chess computer. They are very expensive, but also very summer vacation. They 1 . It is also the home of the United Nations. 2 . The Statue of Liberty is one of New York’s most well known historic sites. Millions of people visit New York City every year. On the second day they went to the Empire State Building. 3 . From the top of the building, they saw most parts of New York. On the third day, they visited the Metropolitan Museum. In this museum, they saw a lot of famous paintings. During the rest time of the week, Bob went to Bronx Zoo with his younger brother and sister. There they were glad to see a lot of their favorite animals-tigers, lions, monkeys, and elephants. 4 , the family visited Long Island. On the island, they spent most of their time


2011年中考英语五选四还原句子练习十篇阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。 一 It was a sunny day. Mr. Black went to town on business. On his way home,he found in front of him a big pile of hay (干草).He got down from his horse. The hay had fallen off a wagon (马车). A boy wasstanding by the wagon and looked worried.He was sorry for the little driver. “___1__“ Mr. Black said. “Come with me to the village over there, and I will find someone to help yo u“. In the village Mr. Black“s friend asked him and the boy to have dinner,Mr.Black enjoyed the man“s dinner,but he saw the boy still looked worried. “Dad won“t like this!“ the boy said in a low voice.“Don“tworry too much,“said Mr.Black.“Justbe careful ne xt time. Now have your dinner, and you needn“t worry.“ “But I was here for a long time.___2___“ “Oh, come on now,“ saidMr. Black. “Your dad will understand, he will be glad if he knows that you have had a good dinner.I will go with you and explain what has happened. ____3__“ The boy answered, “__4____“. A.By the way, where’s your dad? B. He“s under the pile of hay! C. His dad asked him to leave as soon as possible. D. Now don“t worry, my boy. E. Dad will be angry. 二 Animals with six legs are called insects. ____ Some insects such as locusts (蝗虫)eat crops.They are not farmers“friends but their enemies.We all know there are other animals that eat insects.Birds eat insects, and fish eat insects, too. _____


七年级下还原句子练习 (A ) 七年级下还原句子练习—七年级下还原句子练习 1 . But then, on my eighth birthday, I won for the first time. I nearly always beat her now. To learn the rules doesn’t take long. One day is enough. But if you want to be good, you have to practice for years. 2 — just a chess set and someone to play with. Chess sets can be very cheap, or quite expensive. Some people collect chess sets as a hobby, but I enjoy playing. 3 . We meet on Wednesday every week to practice. I am the best player in the club, and the captain of the school chess team. This year we won the All England Schools Championship (冠军赛). good for practice. That way, 4 . I’m sure I will be a world chess champion some day. ( B ) Last summer, Cathy’s whole family went to New York City for their summer vacation. They stayed there for two weeks. New York City has more than seven and a half million people. 1 . It is also the home of the United Nations. 2 . The Statue of Liberty is one of New Yor k’s most well known historic sites. Millions of people visit New York City every year. On the second day they went to the Empire State Building. 3 . From the top of the building, they saw most parts of New York. On the third day, they visited the Metropolitan Museum. In this museum, they saw a lot of famous paintings. During the rest time of the week, Bob went to Bronx Zoo with his younger brother and sister. There they were glad to see a lot of their favorite animals-tigers, lions, monkeys, and elephants. 4 , the family visited Long Island. On the island, they spent most of their time swimming sunbathing and playing on the beach. They all had a good time. 1 / 1


阅读短文还原句子是中考题型中最年轻的题型,即20XX年北京英语考试中的新题型,一般有200-250个单词左右,为5选4的题型。设空位置一般为三种:段首、段尾和段中。根据20XX年-20XX年各区县一模、二模及真题中此类题型的考查,可看出考题中段中设空最多,段尾次之,段首最少。另外,从20XX年各区一模题来看设空也符合上述出题规律。 根据对20XX年考试说明及课标中“读”的七级要求第5条和第6条的分析,总结出此类试题主要考查:1. 学生能理解故事情节和事件发展顺序。2. 学生能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系。根据以上分析得出此类试题考查的文体主要为记叙文。我们都知道记叙文的六要素为:时间、地点、人物、起因、经过和结果。因此,根据记叙文常见的写作顺序,可知其解题思路主要为时间顺序、动作顺序和故事发展顺序。此外,关注段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系,主要为:并列、转折、因果关系及其它关系(包括单词重复、代词指代、排比句式等)。 针对阅读短文还原句子的考查点,我们总结出此类题型的解题步骤及得分技巧,具体如下: 1. 解题步骤 (1)读选项,划关键词,暗排序。 (2)读文章,找逻辑,抓过渡词。 (3)先易后难来解题。 (4)回读文章定答案。 2. 得分技巧 (1)抓住过渡词,看住上下句。 (2)盯紧横线的前后词语。 通过学生对这类题型的解题步骤、思路及技巧的练习和实践,可总结出以下复习策略:1. 养成限时阅读的习惯,提高阅读速度。培养学生的阅读技能,处理好阅读速度与效率问题。阅读速度应控制在每篇5分钟,每分钟40-50个词为宜。2. 注意常考点。针对五选四,平时练习多注意代词(如it, this, they)、选项的句内关系(如因果、转折)及重现 (文章与选项的复现提示)等。 解题技巧 通读全文,了解文章大意.通读答案,找出和文章相对应的关键词.根据文章整体结构、具体内容,并结合关键词,将选项填入文中. 将所选答案代入文中,再次通读全文,重点考查逻辑关系和关联结构.研究多余选项,确定排除理由,最终确定答案. 1. 如果问题设在段首 (1)通常是段落的主题句 认真阅读后文内容,根据段落一致性原则,查找相关的词,推断出主题句 (2)与后文是并列,转折,因果关系等. 着重阅读后文第一两句,锁定线索信号词,然后在选项中查找相关特征词,通常正确答案的最后一句与空白后的第一句在意思上是紧密衔接的,因此这两句之间会有某种的衔接手段. (3)段落间的过渡句. 这时要瞻前顾后找启示,即阅读上一段结尾部分,通常正确答案与上一段结尾有机地衔接起来,并结合下一段内容,看所选的答案是否将两段内容连贯起来. 2. 如果问题设在段尾


单项选择(一) 21. Lily is coming by plane tomorrow. Let?s go to airport to meet her. A. a; a B. /; a C. the; the D. /; the 22. I don?t know how to use this camera. It doesn?t matter. Here is the . A. instruction B. examination C. information D. attention 23. of them knows Japanese, so I have to ask a fourth person for help. A. Neither B. Either C. None D. Each 24. The hail(冰雹) storm which hit this area last night was in recent years. A. heavy B. heavier C. heaviest D. the heaviest 25. Sandy is so careful that she makes mistakes in her homework. A. hardly B. sometimes C. even D. still 26. I feel it hard to keep up with my classmates in study and sometimes I lose heart. But whenever I want to , my teacher always encourages me to work harder. A. go on B. run away C. give up D. look out 27.What are you doing, Danny?Why didn?t you answer the door?Sorry, mum. I it. A.don?t hear B.didn?t hearC. won?t hear D. wasn?t hearing 28. Can I tell Peter about the news? No, I don?t want anyone else to know it. You keep it to yourself. A. must B. need C. can D. may 29. Where is your mother, Li Ming?She the flowers in the yard. A. waters B. is watering C. has watered D. will water 30. How is Emmy? I have no idea. She hasn?t written to me we met last time. A. since B. while C. until D. before 31. The young people yellow sweaters are the fans of Shenhua Football Team. A. with B. in C. on D. by 32. There are so many kinds of Mp3 in the shop. We can?t decide A. what to buy B. to buy what C. which to buy D. to buy which 33. Today Chinese is becoming more and more popular.It in many schools around the world.A.teaches B.is teachingC has taught D.is taught 34. The old man helped us mend the windows of our classroom this morning is Qi Hai?s grandpa. A. when B. which C. whom D. that 35. Could you tell me ? Sure. It?s over there next to the tall building. A. the city museum is near here B. how can I get to the city museum C. which is the way to the city museum D. where is the city museum 单项选择(二) 21.Who is_____ teacher in the white T-shirt? Oh, that is my English teacher, Peter. A. / B. a C. an D. the 22. I?m expecting a digital camera for long, but dad has no time to buy ______ for me. A. it B. one C. this D. that 23. My parents usually take a walk ______ dinner to keep healthy. A. at B. of C. during D. after 24.Would you please pass me something to drink? What about some ______? A. beef B. fish C. juice D. bread 25. The Internet is really ______ to us. We can easily find the information we need. A. safe B. hard C. boring D. useful 26. Smoking is not allowed in public places. It may be a good chance for some people to _ smoking. A. put up B. give up C. pick up D. look up 27 .It?s too late to invite any more people. ______, you know how Tim hates parties. A. Besides B. However C. Still D. Instead 28. She had to sell the house even though it was ______ her own wishes. A. above B. on C. against D. for 29. Food safety is important. Rules ______ to stop people from food pollution. A. must make B. must be made C. can?t make D. can?t be made 30..We plan to go out for a picnic next weekend.Would you like to come along?___. It?s my favorite. A. Enjoy yourself B. It doesn?t matter C. You?re welcome D. That would be very nice 31. The last time I ______ to the cinema was two years ago. A. go B. have gone C. have been D. went 32. I really enjoyed your lecture, ______ there were some parts I didn?t quite understand. A. because B. unless C. though D. after 33 There will be a stamp show in the museum ______ we visited last week. A. who B. when C. which D. what 34. Franklin told them all ______ to be in Britain again. A. he was how happy B. how happy he was C. how was he happy D. he was happy how 35.Linda, could you tell me ______? He is an actor. A. what he does B. what does he do C. where he works D. where does he work 还原句子(一) Every scientist has a childhood dream. A scientist in China once had a dream. __61 __ This new type of rice would be as big as peanuts. This person is Yuan Longping—"Father" of Hybrid rice. Yuan Longping was born in 1930. He graduated from the Southwest Agricultural (农业) University in 1953. __62 _ Since then, he has devoted(把---奉献于)himself to research and to the development of new varieties(种类). In 1973, together with other people, he succeeded in the development of Hybrid rice. _63 _ In 1980, the technology for hybrid, rice was introduced to the United States. Now his "super rice" has been introduced to more than 20 other countries. Because of Professor Yuan's hard work, China now produces enough rice to feed her people every year. Last November an online survey showed __64 _ In his spare time, Yuan Longping loves playing the violin(小提琴) and listening to music. Every night, he reads for half an hour before he goes to sleep. He likes swimming, too. It is said that Professor Yuan is one of the richest people in China. But __65 _. A. He came up with an idea for a Hybrid rice in the 1960s. B. he cares about nothing but his research. C. This made China a worldwide leader in rice production. D. He wished to grow a new type of rice. E. that most Chinese believed that Y uan deserved (应得) a Nobel Peace Prize.

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