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英语文摘English Digest
英语文摘English Digest

读者文摘Passage 1 The Era Of Disorder混乱时代


in retrospect 回想,追溯repeatedly 反复地

precede vt 先于….之前vacuum 真空空白

witness vt 亲眼目睹fill 填补

dawn 黎明the Islamic State 伊斯兰国

Berlin Wall 柏林墙articulate 明确表达,清楚说明preeminence 一枝独秀heightened 提高的,加强的prosperity 繁荣involvement 介入

emergence 出现consequence 后果

widespread 广泛的episode 一个事件

usher in 开启,迎接credibility 可靠性

orderly有序的reliability 可靠性

epoch 纪元intolerance 偏狭偏执

the Middle East 中东extremism 极端主义

phase阶段contend with (不得不)应付,处理loyalty忠诚intimidation 恐吓

be destined to 注定restore 恢复

fuel vt激起mindset心态

prolonged 持久的compromise t妥协

savage 野蛮的be in for 即将经历(不愉快的事)Ukraine 乌克兰nadir 最低点

for its part 至于push back against 阻止

precarious 不确定不稳定的weaken 削弱

come undone 完蛋寿终正寝capability 能力

unresolved 未解决的recruit 新来的成员

territorial claims 领取争端shore up 支持稳固

nationalism 民族主义sanction 制裁

a paucity of 少量opt for/against 选择

robust 强劲的有活力的buttress 支持

moderate 缓和accomplish 完成

contain 遏制be adept at 擅长

outbreak 爆发previously先前

infectious 传染的remove 扫除

fundamental 根本的barrier 障碍

diffusion of power 权力分散call for 呼吁

militias 民间武装regime change 政权更迭greenhouse-gas emission 温室气体排放consensus 共识

tension 紧张局势exacerbate 恶化

pathogen 病原体

Passage 2 The West IS Silent As libya Falls Into The Abyss

jubilation 欢欣鼓舞Gaddafi's demise 卡扎菲的覆灭 aftermath 后果 intervention干预

calamitous 灾难性的 bloody血腥的striking突出的benign 善良慈祥的grandstand(贬)哗众取宠,讨好观众 liberator解放者applaud 称赞赞许overthrow 推翻 dictator 独裁者

reduce sb/sth to sth/doing 使沦落anarchy 无政府状态,混乱notwithstanding 尽管

demonstrably 明显地 personality cult 个人崇拜 authoritarian rule 专制统治slaughter杀戮

engulf 吞没 pledge 承诺 the House of Commons 下议院 airstrike 空袭 cease 停止

frontline 前线 camera crew 摄影记者 rebel 反叛的 militiamen 民兵mop up 收尾

uprising 起义atrocities暴行 highly poblicised 大肆报道的 rape 强奸Amnesty Internationa 大赦国际

defect 叛逃opposition 反对派execute处决put the blame on 归咎于appalling 令人震惊的

calamity 灾难 abduction 绑架 torture酷刑assassination 暗杀 crime 罪行gruesome 毛骨悚然的

deadly致命的outspoken 直率的cleric 神职人员civilian平民activist 激进活动人事kidnapp 绑架

victim受害者motivate 激起rage 展开,肆虐coalition联盟collapse 崩塌plastic tube 塑料管

metal bar 金属棍electric shock 电击suspend 悬挂 blindfolded 被蒙上眼睛的shackle 镣铐

deride 取笑 neo-imperial 新帝国主义propell 推动intention 意图 in alliance with 联盟

temptation 引诱诱惑invariably 总是catastrophe 灾难in defence of 防卫justifiable 有理由,情有可原的coincide with 与...巧合massacre大屠杀drawback 缺点不利条件

Libya 利比亚 Syria 叙利亚warlord 军阀confront 与对峙sponsor 资助人doom 注定 occupation占领

invasion进攻侵略 nominee 提名人pretence借口,托辞

P3 指导华盛顿邮报揭露“水门事件”的主编本.布拉德利辞世,享年93岁

Watergate 水门事件legendary 非常著名的,享有盛名的coverage 新闻报道raspy-voiced 嗓音粗哑的executive editor 总编辑engineer 操纵智慧transformation 转变set standards 制定标准at the helm 负责掌管vital 至关重要的topple 推翻,颠覆endure 持续持久entreaty 乞求恳求ensuing 随之而来的uphold 支持维护leaked 泄露的pave the way for 为…铺平了道路subtly 不明显地persistent 持续的accusation 指责concerted 一致的intimidation 恐吓recall 回忆memoir 回忆录salute 向…敬礼,赞扬intensity 强烈dedication奉献rest on 基于gruff 脾气坏的profane 平凡的庸俗的exuberant 精力充沛热情洋溢的charismatic 有超凡魅力的obituary 讣告=obit rescind 撤销debacle 崩塌瓦解fault 挑剔找…的缺点rear 抚养setback 挫折bout 发作期polio 小儿麻痹症destroyer 驱逐舰fold 破产倒闭charmed 运气极好的trolley car 电车page-one 值得刊发在头版的restless 多变的,得不到满足的attaché专员bureau 分社proximity接近burnish 提高改善credential 资历资格declining years 暮年recount讲述叙述violation 侵犯;违反pivotal 关键的take over 接管quotation 引文语录buster小子metabolism 新陈代谢move up 升迁


质量手册翻译中英文术语表 3.1.1 质量 quality 3.1.2 要求 requirement 3.1.3 等级 grade 3.1.4 顾客满意 customer satisfaction 3.1.5 能力 capability 3.2.1 体系(系统) system 3.2.2 管理体系 management system 3.2.3 质量管理体系 quality management syste m 3.2.4 质量方针 quality policy 3.2.5 质量目标 quality objective 3.2.6 管理 management 3.2.7 最高管理者 top management 3.2.8 质量管理 quality management 3.2.9 质量策划 quality planning 3.2.10 质量控制 quality control 3.2.11 质量保证 quality assurance 3.2.12 质量改进 quality improvement 3.2.13 持续改进 continual improvement 3.2.14 有效性 effectiveness 3.2.15 效率 efficiency 3.3.1 组织 organization 3.3.2 组织结构 organizational structure 3.3.3 基础设施 infrastructure 3.3.4 工作环境 '77ork environment 3.3.5 顾客 customer 3.3.6 供方 supplier 3.3.7 相关方 interested party 3.4.1 过程 process 3.4.2 产品 product 3.4.3 项目 project 3.4.4 设计和开发 design and development 3.4.5 程序 procedure


Ningbo XXX Material Technology Co.,Ltd ISO9001:2015 Quality Manual Revision [A/0] - [2018/3/1] (c) [Copyright Year Of 2018] [Ningbo XXX Material Technology Co.,Ltd]; all rights reserved. This document may contain proprietary information and may only be released to third parties with approval of management. Document is uncontrolled unless otherwise marked; uncontrolled documents are not subject to update notification.

Revision [A/0] - [2018/3/1] Page 1 of 19 TABLE OF CONTENTS 0.0 Revision History and Approval ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.0 Welcome to Ningbo XXX Material Technology Co.,Ltd ................................................................................ 4 2.0 XXX Material: Who We Are ........................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Determining Our Strategic Direction ......................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Scope of the Management System ........................................................................................................... 4 2.2.1 Scope Statement ............................................................................................................................... 4 2.2.2 Facilities Within the Scope ................................................................................................................ 4 2.2.3 Permissible Exclusions ..................................................................................................................... 5 2.2.4 Scope of the ISO9001:2015 Quality Manual ..................................................................................... 5 3.0 Quality Policy................................................................................................................................................. 5 4.0 Management System Structure and Controls ............................................................................................... 5 4.1 Process Approach .................................................................................................................................... 5 4.1.1 Process Identification ........................................................................................................................ 5 4.1.2 Process Controls & Objectives .......................................................................................................... 6 4.1.3 Outsourced Processes ...................................................................................................................... 7 4.2 Documentation & Records ....................................................................................................................... 7 4.2.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 7 4.2.2 Control of Documents ....................................................................................................................... 7 4.2.3 Control of Records ............................................................................................................................ 7 4.3 Change Management ................................................................................................................................ 8 4.4 Risks and Opportunities ............................................................................................................................ 8 5.0 Management & Leadership ........................................................................................................................... 8 5.1 Management Leadership and Commitment .............................................................................................. 8 5.2 Customer Focus ........................................................................................................................................ 9 5.3 Quality Policy ............................................................................................................................................. 9 5.4 Organizational Roles Responsibilities & Authorities ................................................................................. 9 5.5 Internal Communication ............................................................................................................................ 9 5.6 Management Review .............................................................................................................................. 10 6.0 Resources ................................................................................................................................................... 10 6.1 Provision of Resources ........................................................................................................................... 10 6.2 Human Resources .................................................................................................................................. 10 6.3 Infrastructure ........................................................................................................................................... 11 6.4 Work Environment ................................................................................................................................... 11 6.5 Organizational Knowledge ...................................................................................................................... 11 7.0 Operation ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 7.1 Operational Planning and Control ........................................................................................................... 12 7.2 Customer-Related Activities .................................................................................................................... 12 7.2.1 Capture of Customer Requirements ............................................................................................... 12 7.2.2 Review of Customer Requirements ................................................................................................ 12 7.2.3 Customer Communication ............................................................................................................... 12 7.3 Design and Development ........................................................................................................................ 13 7.4 Purchasing .............................................................................................................................................. 13 7.5 Provision of [Production of adhesive tape] .............................................................................................. 13 7.5.1 Control of Provision of [Production of adhesive tape] ..................................................................... 13 7.5.2 Identification and Traceability .......................................................................................................... 14 7.5.3 Property Belonging to Third Parties ................................................................................................ 14 7.5.4 Preservation .................................................................................................................................... 14 7.5.5 Post-Delivery Activities .................................................................................................................... 14 7.5.6 Process Change Control ................................................................................................................. 15 7.5.7 Measurement and Release of [Production of adhesive tape] ......................................................... 15 7.5.8 Control of Nonconforming Outputs .. (15)


Without any previous notice, a documentary dominated headlines and social websites over the weekend. 没有一点毫无征兆,上周的头条和热门网站就被一部纪录片刷了屏。 Under the Dome, a 103-minute documentary self-funded by former news anchor Chai Jing, was released on video-sharing websites in China on Feb 28. It has rapidly pushed the public awareness about air pollution and encouraged people to join in efforts to make a difference. 这部103分钟的纪录片名为《穹顶之下》,于2月28日登上中国各大视频网站,它 是由前央视新闻调查记者柴静自费拍摄制作。影片一经发布就迅速引起公众对于空气 污染的关注,也鼓励了人们要有所行动。 Chai, 39, said she started the work out of her “personal clashes” with smog after she gave birth to a daughter. “I sealed tight all the windows. I started every day by checking the air pollution index,” Chai said. Millions of other people are also doing the same. While they stop there, Chai goes deeper. “I don?t want to live in this way. I need to find out where the smog comes from and what on ea rth is going on.” 今年39岁的柴静在女儿出生后开始着手拍摄此片,称其为一个母亲和雾霾的“私人 恩怨”。她说:“我把所有的窗户都封起来。每天起床的第一件事就是查看当天的空 气污染指数。”其实,成千上百万人和她做着同样的事情,只不过他们止步于此,而 柴静做了更多,她说,“我不想这样活着。我想知道这些雾霾到底从哪儿来,到底发 生了什么?” Over a year, she investigated polluted sites to find the sources of smog, visited the US and the UK to learn about their anti-pollution experiences, and interviewed officials, scientists and the general public. 一年间,她深入污染地区调查雾霾的来源,远赴美国、英国了解治理空气污染的经验;官员、科学家以及普通百姓都出现在她的采访镜头之中。 Chai?s research reveals that the burning of coal and oil c ontributes to 60 percent of PM2.5 pollutants. She thus questions the country?s energy consumption habits in the film. 柴静调研发现,PM2.5主要来自煤与油的燃烧(占60%)。于是,她的这部记录片矛头直指我国能源消费习惯。


语篇教学在高校英语阅读教学中的应用 摘要:语篇教学是语篇结构/模式分析理论在高校英语阅读教学中的应用。语篇教学从语篇的整体出发,对文章进行理解、分析和评价,它不仅重视语言形式,而且重视语言功能,注意文章涉及的语言文化背景和相关常识。语篇教学打破传统的逐字逐句的阅读教学方法,符合高级阶段的英语学习者的认知特点,更有利于培养学习者的英语阅读能力和语言文化交际能力。 关键词:语篇教学;高校英语阅读教学;应用 系统功能语言学认为,每一个语篇均有一定的语义结构,而且,语篇结构和语篇的情景预警之间存在着密切的双向预测关系。具体说,就是通过语篇的结构成分可以预测语篇的情景语境因素,也可以通过语境组合对语篇结构做出预测[1]。 根据以上的语篇结构分析理论,普遍认为,语篇教学也就是语篇分析教学。语篇教学,以语篇为基本单位,从语篇的整体出发,对文本进行分析、理解和评价。阅读教学的目的是提高学生的阅读速度和理解能力。依据语篇分析理论,高校中高级阶段的英语阅读课程可以以语篇教学模式为中心,采取自上而下的教学方法,通过理解文章大意和作者观点,分析文章结构特征、语言表现特点、原著写作背景等来进行阅读教学。而传统的阅读教学是一种停留在句子水平上的教学,教师将大部分的时间花在分析和讲解文章中的字、词、句上而忽视了阅读整篇文章的技能训练。本文试图探索语篇教学法的应用,以求更有效地培养学生的阅读能力,从而提高学生的语言交际能力。 一、高校英语阅读教学现状分析 目前,我国各类大学中,英语专业英语阅读教学普遍存在着教学方法滞后、呆板等问题,教师习惯于把阅读教学仅停留在对阅读材料表层意义的理解上,偏重对阅读材料内容的教学,忽视对阅读方法的指导,在阅读教学中还存在滥用多媒体的现象。这些问题在一定程度上影响着学习者阅读能力的培养和提高。 传统的阅读教学,往往是让学生在规定时间内读完一篇或几篇带有阅读理解问题的短文,随后的大部分时间就花在了词汇和语法练习等语言练习上,教师的讲解也主要以语言点的讲解为主,衡量学生阅读能力的着眼点竟是做练习题对与错的比例,而不是对原文整体理解的水平。这样下来,学生和教师之间缺乏交流,学生很容易乏味,甚至出现抵触情绪;更重要的是学生对原文的理解仅仅停留在表层的语言知识的联系上,不能深入到文章的内部去挖掘文化层面的东西,这些问题也都影响着英语教学的发展。 二、语篇模式理论指导下的高校英语阅读教学 语篇教学是从语篇的整体出发,对文章进行理解、分析和评价的教学模式。


英语文摘句子合集 如果对英语学习毫无兴趣,那么是学不好的,如果迫切想要提高英语水平,一定要试着培养对英语学习的兴趣才能达到事半功倍的效果!今天小编在这给大家整理了英语文摘大全,接下来随着小编一起来看看吧! 英语文摘(一) 1、对于我来说,没有愿不愿意,只有应不应该。 Ready or not, for me, not only should. 2、天空没有了太阳,那向日葵如何仰望她的爱。 The sky without the sun, the sunflower how to look up to her love. 3、只要是个喜剧结局,过程你让我怎么哭都行。 As long as is a comedy ending, process you let I how cry will do. 4、停下来休息的时候,不要忘记别人还在奔跑。 Stopped to rest, dont forget people still running. 5、所谓的一见钟情,只是喜欢上你的外表罢了。 The so-called love at first sight, just like your appearance. 6、我相信只要踏踏实实的走,总会走出我的天。 I believe that as long as the steadfast walk, always out of my day.

7、又回到了原点,就从现在开始我的新生活吧。 Back to the origin, from now on, my new life. 8、对相爱的人来说,对方的心才是最好的房子。 For people who love each other, each others heart is the best house. 9、很多改变,不需要你自己说,别人会看得到。 A lot of change, dont need you say it, people will see. 10、你我曾经激荡的青春,是我今生最美的回忆。 You I used to agitate the youth, is I this life the most beautifulmemories. 11、男人多心,问东问西,女人多心,翻东翻西。 Man sweat, ask east asked west woman sweat, turn east to west. 12、爱到彼岸尽头,原来只是我一个人的独角戏。 Love in the end, the original is just my a persons monologue. 13、过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾。 Fault is temporary regret, but miss is eternal regret. 14、人生太短,所以笑吧,趁你现在还有牙齿时。 Life is too short, so laugh, while you now have teeth. 15、没有过不去的坎,让自己跨越的姿势美一点。 No hard candy, just let yourself across posture beauty. 16、他种了情,情开了花,花结了果,铭记于心。


英语文摘盘点美剧里的女神和女汉子 英语文摘盘点美剧里的女神和女汉子 Girly girl 萌妹子 A girly girl is someone who whole-heartedly embraces her femininity, without sacrificing her personality or strength. She cares about her behavior, style and appearance, but is never self-centered or mean. She is someone other girls look up to and want to be friends with. Being a girly girl is a personal choice, and no one should pressure you to act in any way you are uncomfortable; however, if this is the attitude and look that you are going for, all you need to do is cultivate the right behavior and appearance. 萌妹子是全身心的享受她的女性气质,不会牺牲掉个人性格特色或优势。她在乎个人的行为,风格和外在形象,但从不以自我为中心或者刻薄待人。她是其它女孩所仰视且想要成为朋友的人。作为萌妹子纯属自然表露,没有任何强迫做作的感觉。但是,如果这是你所追求的态度和形象,你唯一需要做的就是培养熏陶这方面的行为和外在形象。 代表人物:美剧《吸血鬼日记》女主角Nina Dobrev饰演 17岁的Elena Gilbert和她15岁的弟弟Jeremy至今仍惊魂未定,努力从四个月前那场夺走了他们双亲的车祸中恢复过来。Elena一直以来都是美丽、受欢迎的明星学生,和同学以及朋友们处的很融洽,却竭力在世人面前掩饰内心的悲痛。 Tough girl 女汉子 It would be better for us to know the translation of Chinese "nvhanzi". There are many versions. Macho girl? Tomboy? Masculine girl? Manly girl? Some Chinese even put a hyphen between "wo" and "man" to distinguish the difference between "nvhanzi" and woman. But the one which has been widely recognized by the public is "tough girl". Tough girl此词中文译为女汉子为佳。关于女汉子,英文有很多版本。Macho girl?Tomboy? Masculine girl? Manly girl?类似于女爷们、假小子、偏男性化的女子等有的中国人甚至在“wo”和“man”之间加连字符,以此区别女人和女汉子。但是广为人知的英文版还是“tough girl”。


英语修辞手法 12级商务英语1班高腾学号201222410201 1)Simile:(明喻)It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common. To make the comparison, words like as, as...as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other. For example, As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. 明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比.这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性.标志词常用 like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等. 1.In his dream he saw the tiny figure fall as a fly 在他的梦中他看见那小小的人影像苍蝇一般地落了下来。————《英语文摘》2015-2比喻形象生动,把人影比作苍蝇突出其渺小。 2.The old man’s hair is as white as snow.老人的头发雪白。———The Washington Post 2)Metaphor:(暗喻)It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. For example, the world is a stage. 隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成. 1.Life is an isthmus between two eternities. 生活是永恒的生死两端之间的峡道 ——《21 century》2014-3 2.I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. 我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱. ————《英语文摘》2015-2这里用肌肉代指力气,肌肉的功能也就是出力气,直接用肌肉来代表则用了暗喻手法,加强表达效果。 3)Personification: (拟人)It gives human form of feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes to inanimate objects, or to ideas and abstractions . For example, the wind whistled through the trees. 拟人是把生命赋予无生命的事物.


Quality Management System Policy Manual ISO 9001:2015 11-8-17 Date Printed: _______________

1. Quality Management System Scope COMPANY NAME establishes this quality policy manual to implement and maintain a quality management system meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, to ensure customer satisfaction in the manufacturing of stamped, formed, machined and fabricated metal parts, weldments, subassemblies and painting of metal parts to customer and COMPANY NAME specifications 1.1. Non-applicable Clauses of ISO 9001: 1.1.1. 8.3 Product Design & Development of Products & Services – COMPANY NAME is a custom manufacturer and designs are provided by our customers. 2. Quality Policy Statement COMPANY NAME is committed to continually improving all products and services to achieve our customer’s expectations. We do this by: 1) Living our values, 2) Providing opportunities for employee involvement, motivation and training, 3) Developing, documenting and following processes. 3. Quality Objectives COMPANY NAME’s quality management system objectives are to enable COMPANY NAME to be our customers’ first choice by: 1) Achieving satisfactory ratings on quality, delivery and other key metrics tracked and reported by our customers through their formal supplier evaluation and performance systems, 2) Achieving a level of 700 ppm as tracked through COMPANY NAME’s RA system for customers without a formal supplier evaluation system for quality, 3) Achieving a 95% on-time delivery to the COMPANY NAME warehouse for customers without a formal supplier evaluation system for delivery. Policy Manual Revisions Log Date 3/22/17 8/7/17 Summary of Revisions Rewrite of Quality Policy Manual to meet ISO 9001:2015. 1. Revised 4.2 to include “employees”, “owners” and “regulators”. Made By JGV JGV 2. Added Figure 2 to support to support the COMPANY NAME QMS Process Flow 11-8-17 Updated to clarify risk, inputs, out puts and KPI’s for Support and Management Process in QMS Process Reference page (page 6) JGV Management Approval Name: Title: Signature: Date: Paul Gintner President


英语文摘精选5篇 如果能够抄之前先好好读读,并且理解其意思,然后再抄完了之后是不是翻阅自己的摘抄本,那么效果又会更进一步!今天小编在这给大家整理了英语文摘大全,接下来随着小编一起来看看吧! 英语文摘(一) 给你一篇小情书 You’re the one, It was you all the time. 你一直都是我的最爱。 I love everything about you, except the fact that youre not with me. 我爱你的一切,可事实是你并不爱我。 I wish that you were here or I were there or me and you we anywhere together.. 多么希望我们此刻能够紧紧相依。I know its too much to ask for you to think of me as much as I think of you but I just hope that someday, somehow, you think of me too. 但愿你哪天也会很想念我,正如我想念你一般。 My heart wont let you go, and I need you to know, I miss you. 我不舍得你离开我,我只想告诉你,我很想你。 When I miss you, I dont have to go far...I just have to look inside my heart because thats where Ill find you.

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