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关键词】英文写作标点符号运用规则【Abstract 】According to the differences between punctuation marks in

English and those in Chinese as well as differences when they are actually used, the article mainly discusses in detail the proper use of some common punctuation marks easily ignored in English writing, especially comma, semicolon and colon. And examples are given to show that punctuation marks are important and erroneous expressions should be avoided. So as to try our best to perfect the English writing.

【Key words 】English writing Punctuation Rules of applying 英文写作作为一种重要的交流手段, 使用日益频繁。现在很多情况下都离不开英文写作,如学术著作、论文等,国内很多中文期刊也要求写英文摘要。但是许多作者经常混淆了中文与英文标点符号的运用规则,常常出错。中文与英文标点符号虽然有很多相同之处, 但是仍存在很多差异。本文针对英文写作中常见的却往往又被大家所忽视的一些标点符号的运用规则进行说明。

一、中英文基本符号比较英文中到底有多少种标点符号, 目前国内众说纷纭,有的说13种(毛荣贵,1999), 有的说16种( 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第四版)), 有的说20种(薄冰,2000) 。不管它究竟有多少种,总之, “标点符号是书面语中不可缺少的部分, 用来表示停顿、语气以及词语的性质和作用” ( 《标点符号用法》,国家语言文字工作委员会,1990) 。基于此, 本文先对中文与英文的基本标点符号做一个简单比较, 以说明二者的异同。

英文主要标点符号有以下14种左右(张道真,1999):apostrophe 撇号('),colon 冒号(:),comma 逗号(,),dash 破折号(一),dots 省略号(…),exclamatio n mark 感叹号⑴,full stop/period 句号(J,hyphe n 连字号

(-),italics/underlining 斜体/ 下划线,parentheses/brackets 括号(()[]

{ } ),question mark I、可号(?),quotation marks 弓丨号(‘'

““),semicolon 分号(;),slash 斜线号(/)。

中文主要标点符号有16种左右(雷智勇,1998): 点号7种:逗号、顿号、分号、冒号、句号、、号、感叹号;标号有9 种: 弓号、括号、破折号、省略号、间隔号、单书名号、双书名号、着重号和连接号。

对比《标点符号用法》(国家语言文字工作委员会,1990)和文献,[1,2] 我们会发现中英文标点符号的一些异同点。有些标点符号它们从形式到功能, 中文和英文都相似,如句号、、号、感叹号、冒号、分号、弓号、圆括号; 有些却有所差

异。例如:省略号、破折号、连接号、间隔号等, 中文和英文的书写格式有差别顿号、书名号等,仅中文所特有;撇号、斜线号等,为英文所特有;而逗号、方括号等,



1. 顿号(、)


John, James, and Harry have come.

2. 书名号(《》)

英文没有书名号,表示书籍、报刊、戏剧、电影、绘画作品等的名称或学术性质的英文文献的标注通常采用字头大写的斜体、下划线、引号(双引号或单引号)、黑体或者在黑体基础上加下划线, 也可以全部用大写字母。例如:

While she is reading Gone with the Wind, I am cooking.(斜体)或Gone with the Wind(下划线), 或“ Gone with the Wind ”(引号), 或Gone with the Wind(黑体),或Gone with the Wind(黑体加下划线),或GONE WITH THE WIND全部大写)



1. 逗号(Comma)“,”

逗号表示一句话中间相对较短的停顿, 无论是在汉语还是在英语里它都是使用频率较高的符号。由于英语语法结构规则的特点,逗号在用法上与汉语存在一些差异。具体如下:

(1)用于并列分句的连接词(and, but, or, for, so, nor, or yet)前。例如:

I have explained this work to Richard, but he still doesn 't

understand it.


TV stations provide people with news, music, drama, sports and comedy. 注:在汉语里,若并列成分为主语、宾语、定语时,一般要用顿号(英语中无顿号); 若并列成分为谓语、状语时,则多用逗号,也可不用标点。

(3) 用于将非限定从句或各类短语、独立成分、同位语等与其它成分分开。例如

This is Miss. Chen, the new director of our company.

(4) 当状语从句放在句首或句中时用逗号。例如:

When he can not use his eyes to guide his steps, he will walk straight only if he takes a step of the same length with each foot.

The speaker, after glancing at his note, began to speak. 注:状语分句在句首时常用逗


“When-”分句后使用了逗号,而“ if…”分句前则没有用。但是,如果放在主句后的状语分句与主句的关系不太紧凑,就可以使用逗号把它和主句分开。[1] 例如:

He decided that he will make his children 's decisions for them,

because they are not mature enough to make their own.

(5) 当引出直接引语时,英语在引号前(或后)用逗号(汉语用冒号)。

“My car's parked out side, ”he told her.

It reads, “Wet Paint. ”

(6) 英语标示日期和地址时也常用到逗号(汉语一般不用)。

On Sunday, April 12th, 2001. 2001 年4月12日星期六。

502 North olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida 33402, U.S.A. 美国佛罗里达州(33402) 西帕昔海滩北橄榄树大街502号。

(7) 在英文书信里, 开头称呼语和结尾敬语后常用逗号也可用冒号, 而汉语一般用冒号。例如:

Dear Professor,

Yours sincerely,


2. 分号(semicoIon) “ ;”


(1) 两个并列的独立分句之间如不用连词(and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet), 则应用分号。例如:

For fifteen years the painting stood in the attic; even Mr. Kirk forgot it.[2]

(2) 用于两个平行的独立分句子中,有时还可用于并列连词连接的独立分句之间, 表示强调或对比。例如:

Autocratic power springs from the wiII of the ruIer; but democratic

power rises from the wiII of the peopIe.[3]

(3) 如各种并列句中已有标点,即使并列句之间有连词也仍然用分号, 以便起分割作用。例如:

Before he came, we had expected him to heIp us; but when he was with us, he didn 't do much.

IshmaeI, the narrator, goes to sea, he says, “whenever it is a damp, drizzIy November ” in his souI; and Ahab, the captain of the ship, goes to sea because of his obsession to hunt and kiII the great aIbino whaIe, Moby Dick.[3]

(4) 用于由how ever, then, for exampIe, for instance, nameIy, that

is(to say), in fact, e. g. 等连接词列出的第二个独立分句之前。例如:

The painting was vaIuabIe; in fact, the museum offered five thousand doIIars for it.


(5) 如果并列句中带有省略, 可以用分号把它和其它句子联系起来。[3] 例如:

Five stude nts from Class 川won prizes in the competiti on; two

Class I ; none from Class n .

3. 冒号(colon) “:”

(1) 用于两个分句之间,通常后一分句是对前一分句的进一步解释或表示原因例如:

Here you can do whatever you want: read books, play tennis, take a

walk after supper and so on and so forth.( 解释前一个句子)

He isn 't going to join our firm: we couldn 't offer him a big enough salary.( 表示原因)

(2) 用于列举的一系列事物前。例如:

He offered me the choice of any one of the gifts: a ring, a neck lace,

a car and a house.( 列举的事物前)

(3) 用于直接引语或较长的正式引语。例如:

Shakespeare said: “Neither a borrower nor a lender is. ”(直接引语前)

In his famous speech he said: All men are created equal and must enjoy equally the rights that are inalienably theirs.( 较长引语)

(4) 用于小时和分钟之间。例如:

The match began at 00:45 A.M.

(5) 用于书信称呼语后,比用逗号更正式一些。例如:

Dear Mr. Hu:

(6) 用于报道动词后(有时也用逗号“ ,”)。例如:

He answered: “Ok, ok, look here. ”

(7) 起强调作用。例如:

He has only one pleasure: eating.


本文针对英文写作中常常容易出错却又往往被忽略的几个标点符号, 结合例子分析了这些标点符号的用法。关于其它的标点符号的用法,限于文章篇幅, 没有进行说明。关于英文标点符号我们既要看到它与中文标点符号的相同之处, 更要留意它们的差异所在,切忌在英文写作中盲目地生搬硬套中文的标点符号, 不顾二者的差异和使用习惯上的不一致。只有认真遵守英文中标点符号的运用规则,才能做到正确运用英文中的标点符号。


1 赵国梅. 封闭式英文标点的句法意义及使用[J]. 解放军外语学院学


2 阮继.中英文标点符号的使用比较[J]. 中山大学学报论丛,2002.22(2):294

3 Martin W D. Practical English handbook[M]. Houghton: Houghton

Mifflin Company, 1974:235 ?236、238

4 毛荣贵.英语写作漫谈[M]. 上海: 上海交通大学出版社,1999:107


6 张道真. 实用英语语法[M]. 北京: 外语教育与研究出版社,1999:128

7 雷智勇. 最新标点知识及运用[M]. 北京: 北京语言文化大学出版社,1998:8 ?9

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