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布莱尔演讲 联合国大会演讲稿
布莱尔演讲 联合国大会演讲稿


Mr. President and Colleagues,

The UN must come of age. It must become the visible and credible expression of the globalisation of politics. The modern world insists we are dependent on each other. We work with each other or we suffer in isolation.

The principles of the UN have always had a moral force. Today they receive the sharper impulse of self-interest.

The terrorist attacks in Britain on 7 July have their origins in an ideology born thousands of miles from our shores.

The proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons will never be halted outside of an international consensus to do so.

Failed states, as we know to our cost, fail us all. The protection of the environment, the promotion of international trade: we can do nothing without effective action together.

And when we look with revulsion, as we should, at the misery of the millions who die in Africa and elsewhere through preventable famine, disease and conflict, the urgency to act is

driven not just by conscience but by an inner sense that one day, if we refuse to act, we will reap a dire reward from our refusal.

What's more, humanity today is confident of its common values. Give people the chance and they always vote for freedom; always prefer tolerance to prejudice, will never willingly accept the suppression of human rights and governance by extremism.

So the challenge is clear; the values clear; the self-interest in upholding them together also clear.

What must now be clear is that the UN can be the instrument of achieving the global will of the people.

It must give leadership on terrorism. There is not and never can be any justification, any excuse, any cause that accepts the random slaughter of th innocent. Wherever it happens, whoever is responsible, we stand united I condemnation.

The United Nations must strengthen its policy against non-proliferation; in particular, how to allow nations to develop civil nuclear power but not nuclear weapons.

The new Human Rights Council must earn the world's respect not its contempt.

The United Nations Peace-building Commission must become the means of renewing nations, where war and the collapse of proper systems of government have left them ravaged and their people desolate.

For the first lime at this Summit we are agreed that states do not have the right to do what they will within their own borders, but that we, in the name of humanity, have a common duty to protect people where their own governments will not.

Stalking this summit, like a spectre, are the Millennium Development goals.

The struggle against global poverty will define our moral standing in the eyes of the future.

The G8 in Scotland shows how we redeem it. I have heard people describe the outcomes of this Summit as modest, No summit requiring unanimity from 190 nations can be more than modest.

But if we did what we have agreed on doubling aid, on opening up trade, on debt relief, on HI V/AIDS and malaria, on conflict prevention so that never again would the world stand by, helpless when genocide struck, our modesty would surprise.

There would be more democracy, less oppression. More freedom, less terrorism. More growth, less poverty. The effect would be measured in the lives of millions of people who will never hear these speeches or read our statements.

But it would be the proper vocation of political leadership; and the United Nations would live up to its name. So let us do it.


艾玛·沃特森(Emma Watson), 0年4月15日出生于法国巴黎,英国女演员。以下是整理了艾玛沃森联合国演讲稿,希望你喜欢。 Emma Watson: Gender equality is your issue too 艾玛沃森:性别平等也关乎你 Speech by UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson at a special event for the HeForShe campaign, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 20 September 20xx 联合国妇女亲善大使艾玛?沃森在20xx年9月20日纽约联合国总部为“他为她”运动举行的特别活动上的演讲 Today we are launching a campaign called “HeForShe.” I am reaching out to you because I need your help. We want to end gender inequality —and to do that we need everyone to be involved. This is the first campaign of its kind at the UN: we want to try and galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for gender equality. And we don’t just want to talk about it, but make sure it is tangible. 今天,我们启动了一项名为“他为她”的运动。 我向你伸出手,因为我需要你的帮助。我们希望终结性别不平等——为此,我们需要所有人都参与其中。 这是联合国同类运动中的第一项:我们希望努力并激励尽可能多的男人和男孩倡导性别平等。而且希望这(性别平等)不只是空谈,而是确确实实的看得见摸得着。 I was appointed six months ago and the more I have spoken about feminism the more I have realized that fighting for women’s rights has too often be e synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop. For the record, feminism by definition is: “The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.” 六个月前,我被任命为联合国妇女亲善大使。而随着我谈论女权主义越多,我越发现,“争取女性权益”太容易被当作是“憎恨男人”的同义词。如果说有一件事是我确实知道的,那就是,这样的误解必须停止。 必须郑重声明,女权主义的定义是:“相信男性和女性应该拥有平等权利和机会。它是性别间政治、经济和社会平等的理论。”


联合国秘书长世界难民日英语演讲稿 联合国秘书长世界难民日英语演讲稿联合国秘书长世界难民日英语演讲稿on this observance of world refugee day, we must note a troubling trend: the decline in the number of refugees who are able to go home. 在纪念世界难民日之际,我们必须注意到一个令人不安的趋势:能够返回家园的难民人数在下降。 in XX, more than a million people returned to their own country on a voluntary basis. last year, only 250,000 did so - the lowest number in two decades. the reasons for this include prolonged instability in afghanistan, the democratic republic of congo and southern sudan. XX年,一百多万人自愿返回了自己的国家。去年,只有25万人这样做,这是二十年来的最低数字。出现这种现象的原因包括阿富汗、刚果民主共和国和苏丹南部的长期动荡。 the theme of this year s observance -- home -- highlights the plight of the world s 15 million refugees, more than three-quarters of them in the developing world, who have been uprooted from their homes by conflict or persecution. 今年纪念活动的主题家园突显了全世界由于冲突或迫害而离


模联德国发言稿 立场发言稿 尊敬的主席,尊敬的各国代表,下面我谨代表德国政府陈述我国对待叙利亚化学武器危机的立场。 叙利亚是连接中东各国的纽带,并且其周边国家都是非常敏感的国家,包括伊拉克、约旦、以色列、黎巴嫩,以及北部的土耳其和隔着伊拉克的伊朗。同时,中东地区的若干重大热点问题,如阿以和谈、伊拉克问题、反恐问题、以伊朗核问题为中心的核不扩散问题、库尔德民族问题等,都与叙利亚息息相关。可以这样说,叙利亚才是中东冲突的核心,作为中东战略链中举足轻重一环的叙利亚一旦生变,势必在中东地区引发更为剧烈的动荡。 自2011年开始,叙利亚政府军与反对派武装的冲突已持续了两年多,地区与全球角力已把叙利亚酿成了一杯毒酒。2013年8月,叙利亚平民在内战中遭受到来自化学武器沙林的攻击,叙利亚反对派(叙利亚自由军)指责巴尔沙政府在大马士革附近使用化学武器,造成超过1300人死亡。叙利亚政府否认这一指控,并坚称是反对派对民众施以毒手。 在叙利亚化学武器问题上,德国的立场与世界大多数爱好和平的国家保持一致,即:坚决反对叙利亚以任何形式、任何名义使用化学武器,对于任何试图借助化学武器威胁地区稳定与世界和平的行为予以谴责,强烈要求叙利亚以公开、透明、坦诚的态度接受联合国相关机构的核查,鼓励并建议包括叙利亚在内的世界各国为中东地区的和平与稳定作出努力。德国政府认为,实施化学武器攻击严重违反国际法,如果联合国调查组证实叙利亚政府使用了化学武器,国际社会必须采取行动,德国将是这些行动的支持者。

德国政府强调,各方应冷静应对以避免加剧中东地区局势不稳,现在的目标应是通过政治途径结束叙利亚危机。德国鼓励和支持通过对话和增进互信的方式解决地区和国际问题,实现地区稳定。德国政府对参与可能对叙利亚采取的军事行动持最大的克制态度,德国政府始终认为,军事干预往往可能使局势进一步恶化。叙利亚是一个多文化、多民族、多宗教的国家,并且当前局势非常复杂,各种冲突汇聚在这里,任何军事干预都不能收到立竿见影的效果,反而可能使相关国家卷入其中不能自拔。 德方恪守《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则及国际关系基本准则,致力于维护叙利亚的独立、主权、统一和领土完整,维护中东地区的和平、稳定,维护世界的和平与安宁。为了早日解决叙利亚问题,德方主张和呼吁: 一、叙利亚政府及有关各方应立即、全面、无条件停止一切暴力行动,特别是针对无辜平民的暴力行动。叙利亚各派别应通过非暴力途径表达政治意愿。 二、叙利亚政府和各派别要从维护国家和人民长远和根本利益出发,在联合国-阿盟叙利亚危机联合特使的公正斡旋下,立即开启不附带先决条件、不预设结果的包容性政治对话,通过协商一致达成全面、详尽的改革路线图和时间表并尽快予以实施,以恢复国家稳定和社会正常秩序。 三、德方支持联合国发挥主导作用,协调人道主义救援努力。联合国安理会于2013年10月2日就人道援助发表的主席声明必须立刻执行和生效。同时呼吁大马士革当局、反对派组织和在这场冲突中具有影响力的国家,应确保人道救援人员可以安全和畅通无阻地的开展工作,德方愿向叙利亚人民提供人道主义援助。我们反对任何人借“人道主义”问题之名行干涉叙利亚内部事务之实。 四、国际社会应尽快在安理会2013年9月通过的授权对叙利亚存在的化学武器进行核查和销毁的决议草案框架下推进叙利亚化学武器的销毁进程,同时敦促叙


艾玛·沃森达Emma Watson沃斯论坛演讲 Since HeForShe launched in New York last September, I think it would be fair to say that my colleagues and I have been stunned by the response. The HeForShe conference was watched over 11 million times, sparking 1.2 billionsocial media conversations, culminating in the #HeForShre hashtag becoming sopopular that Twitter painted it on the walls of its headquarters. And men from almost every country in the world signed up to our commitment. Everyone, from Desmond Tutu to Prince Harry to Hillary Clinton to Yoko Ono have issued their support or contacted us since September 20th. Everything from marathons being run, merchandise being created, 15-year-old boys writing to national newspapers deploring female discrimination, young girls collecting hundreds of signatures –it’s all happened in the last four months. I couldn’t have dreamed it, but it’s happened. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for watching and thank you so much for your support. So what is IMPACT 10x10x10? It’s about engaging governments, businesses, and universities and having them make concrete commitments to gender equality. But I want to hear from the human beings that are behind these organizations. I spoke about some of my story in September; what are your stories? Girls, who have been your mentors? Parents, did you make sure you treated your children equally? If so, how have you done it? Husbands, have you been supporting your female partner privately so she can fulfill her dreams too? Young men, have you spoken up in a conversation when a woman was casually degraded or dismissed? How did this affect you? How did this affect the woman you stepped up for? Business men, have you mentored, supported, or engaged women in leadership positions? Writers, have you challenged the language and imagery used to portray women in the media? CEOs: Have you implemented the women’s empowerment principles in your own company? What change have you seen? Are you someone that has been persuading men to become He for Shes and collecting their signatures for their website? How many have you got? We want to know. We want to hear from you. One of the biggest pieces of feedback I’ve had since my speech is that men and women want to help but they aren’t sure how best to do it. Men say they’ve signed the petition. ‘What now?’ The truth is, the ‘what now’ is down to you. What your He for She commitment will be is personal and there is no best way. Everything is valid. Decide what your commitment is, make it public, and then please report back to us on your progress so that we can share your story. We want to support, guide and reinforce your efforts. IMPACT 10x10x10 is about concrete commitments to change, the visibility of thesecommitments and the measurability of them, too. How has the campaign impacted me so far?


艾玛·沃特森2016年9月在联合国大会上的演讲 2016年9月20号,联合国妇女署在纽约总部发布“HeForShe:影响力10X10X10——大学男女平等报告”,联合国妇女亲善大使沃特森发表了演讲,代表“HeforShe”运动,强调大学生活对男女平等、构建平等社会的重要性。 Emma Watson's Speech at the UN on Sept 20, 2016 Thank you, Arena, for such a generous introduction. And on behalf of the entire HeForShe team, I also want to thank UNESCO for all of its support. It’s meant a lot to us. 感谢Arina做了如此详尽的介绍。我谨代表HeforShe团队向联合国教科文组织的支持表示感谢,这对我们来说非常重要。 Thank you all for being here for this important moment. These men from all over the world have decided to make gender equality a priority in their lives and in their universities. Thank you for making this commitment. 非常感谢你们能在此见证这样一个重要的时刻。这些来自世界各地的人们已经决定把性别平权作为他们人生当中和大学校园里的一个重要议题。感谢你们的付出。 I graduated from university four years ago. I had always dreamed of going, and I know how fortunate I am to have had the opportunity to do so.


Distinguisheddelegates, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for giving me the privilege to be the firs t speaker. I cannot begin today’s speech without reflecting on the criminal challenge so brutally thrown in our faces 28 days ago and on the severe threat of the Kilo virus to Germany and to the whole world. 尊敬的代表,女士们先生们,非常感谢得此机会成为第一位讲者。在开始今天的讲话之前,我无法不回想起28天前我们所遭遇的暴行,更不得不香气Kilo 病毒对德国乃至对全世界的严重威胁。 Today, 1167 Germans are dead or dying; infected people are estimated to be more than half a million. Today, the whole Germany has fallen into the desperation of fighting against the virus. Today is the 28th day after the Braunschweig crisis. 今天,1167为德国公民丧命或病危,染病人数预估超过超过50万。 今天,全德国已经陷入对抗疾病的境遇。 今天,是布伦瑞克遇袭的28天之后。 Twenty-eight days ago, more than 500 terrorists attacked Brauschweig. 37 policemen and 51 citizens died in this riot; thousands of people were wounded; buildings were burnt down; and the city was packed with tears, sadness and sorrows. Thanks to the brave men and women, it was their dedication and sacrifices that defended against the attack and protected the city. However, the situation became even worse after the attack.On that day, the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research also fell into ruins. Important experiments were disturbed and valuable documents were damaged. In the center, one of the most significant experiments was to modify the RNA sequence of the Kilo virus, which was designed to produce the vaccine. Nevertheless, our first experiment failed. What we got was merely a virus with longer incubation (5 days) and more aggressive behaviors of the patients. What’s worse, receptors of the new Kilo virus, namely 3 chimpanzees, which were supposed to be killed on the crisis day, disappeared in the fire. 35% of the research materials were burnt.It was believed that it was these chimpanzees that spread the virus to wounded citizens via blood. Since the Kilo carrier behaved absolutely normal during the incubation period, it was too late when we realized the situation and took corresponding measures. 28天前,逾500名恐怖分子袭击了布伦瑞克,37名警员及51位市民在暴动中丧命,数千名民众受伤,建筑物被烧毁:整个城市都充斥着泪水与悲伤。感谢英勇的人们,是你们的风险与牺牲守护了城市地月利息及。然而,袭击之后,情况仍旧愈演愈烈。在恐怖袭击当天,亥姆霍兹感染研究中心也沦为一片废墟:重要试验被迫打断,珍贵文书遭到摧毁。而该中心最为重要的一个实验则是通过修改Kilo病毒的RNA序列研制相应疫苗。然而,初次实验以失败告终。改变序列后的病毒只是潜伏期变为5天,患者发病后会变得更为残暴。更可怕的是,变异Kilo 病毒的接种实验体,也就是三只猩猩,原本应在布伦瑞克遇袭当天被处理掉,但却在大火中失去踪迹。不仅如此,研究文件仅剩65%。据悉,三只猩猩很可能是病毒传染源,通过血液传染给受伤的市民。由于Kilo病毒的携带者在潜伏期表现得与常人无异,当我们意识到形势之严峻时,采取相应举措为时已晚。


艾玛沃森联合国演讲稿中英文 艾玛沃特森(Emma Watson),1990年4月15日出生于法国巴黎,英国女演员。以下是小编整理了艾玛沃森联合国演讲稿,希望你喜欢。 艾玛沃森联合国演讲稿中英文 Emma Watson: Gender equality is your issue too 艾玛沃森:性别平等也关乎你 Speech by UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson at a special event for the HeForShe campaign, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 20 September 20xx 联合国妇女亲善大使艾玛?沃森在20xx年9月20日纽约联合国总部为“他为她”运动举行的特别活动上的演讲 Today we are launching a campaign called “HeForShe.” I am reaching out to you because I need your help. We want to end gender inequality—and to do that we need everyone to be involved.

This is the first campaign of its kind at the UN: we want to try and galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for gender equality. And we dont just want to talk about it, but make sure it is tangible. 今天,我们启动了一项名为“他为她”的运动。 我向你伸出手,因为我需要你的帮助。我们希望终结性别不平等——为此,我们需要所有人都参与其中。 这是联合国同类运动中的第一项:我们希望努力并激励尽可能多的男人和男孩倡导性别平等。而且希望这(性别平等)不只是空谈,而是确确实实的看得见摸得着。 I was appointed six months ago and the more I have spoken about feminism the more I have realized that fighting for womens rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop. For the record, feminism by definition is: “The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.” 六个月前,我被任命为联合国妇女亲善大使。而随着我谈论女权主义越多,我越发现,“争取女性权益”太容易被当作是“憎


KARRY WANG’S SPEECH IN UN HOST: I’d like to turn to very special guest Mr. Karry Wang, the youngest United Nations Environment Programme Goodwill Ambassador. He’s also, I think, is a very fashionable gentleman. And I hope we’ll lean about what makes his passion for suitable fashion drive us to the 2030 agenda. 今天我想介绍一个特殊嘉宾,也是最年轻的联合国环保亲善大使,王俊凯。我认为他也是一名时尚达人。我希望我们可以看到他的热情,并鼓励我们早日提上2030年的日程。 KARRY WANG: Distinguished guests, your excellengy, good afternoon! I’m Karry Wang from China. 尊敬的来宾、阁下,大家下午好。我是来自中国的王俊凯。 It is s great honor to be here with you today and speak about the 17 sustainable development goals launches by the United Nations in 2015. These goals have become the beacon of national efforts all across the earth. 很荣幸今天能与你们一起探讨联合国在2015发布的17个可持续发展目标。这些目标已成为世界各国努力的方向。 Common concerns have been: one, how do we promote and achieve these goals two, how do we better lead the public’s attention and participation 我们共同担忧的问题是:一,我们要如何推广并且实现这些目标?二就是我们如何引导公众关注并参与。 The fashion industry is crucial to achieving sustainable development goals. Every customer’s choice in the fashion field has an impact on our future. 时尚产业对实现可持续发展目标至关重要,每个消费者在时尚领域的选择都影响到我们的未来。 Fashion is not something that is found in dress only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street , in the mind. Fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, the way we think and what is happening around the world. It is closely related to every country and everyone. 时尚不仅仅在于我们穿什么,是啊还是那个无处不在,在空中,在街上,也在我们的脑海里,时尚与我们的思想有关,与我们的生活方式,思考方式,甚至是世界正在发生的事情都息息相关。它和每个国家每个人都紧密相连。 If we can consciously change consumption behavior and have sustainable lifestyles, then it’s a new fashion. 如果我们能有意识的改变消费行为,并形成可持续发展的生活方式,那么这就是新时尚。 Today we are about to witness launch of the United Nations Alliance of Sustainable Fashion, which I believe will give fashion a whole new mission and build a platform for discussion and engagements of sustainable fashion.

最新-艾玛沃特森联合国演讲稿《 He For She 》 精品

艾玛沃特森联合国演讲稿《 S 》 y luig pig ll “S。” 今天,我们启动了一项名为“他为她”的运动。 I ig u yu bus I yu lp. g iquliy— vy b ivlv。 我向你伸出手,因为我需要你的帮助。我们希望终结性别不平等——为此,我们需要所有人都参与其中。 is is is pig is ki U: y glviz s y bys s pssibl b vs g quliy. ’ jus lk bu i, bu k su i isgibl。 这是联合国同类运动中的第一项:我们希望努力并激励尽可能多的男人和男孩倡导性别平等。而且希望这(性别平等)不只是空谈,而是确确实实的看得见摸得着。 I s ppi six s g I vspk bu iis I v liz igig ’s igss b syyus i -ig. I is ig I k i, i is is s sp。 六个月前,我被任命为联合国妇女亲善大使。而随着我谈论女权主义越多,我越发现,“争取女性权益”太容易被当作是“憎恨男人”的同义词。如果说有一件事是我确实知道的,那就是,这样的误解必须停止。 , iis by iii is: “ bli sul v qul igs ppuiis. I is y pliil, i sil quliy sxs。” 必须郑重声明,女权主义的定义是:“相信男性和女性应该拥有平等权利和机会。它是性别间政治、经济和社会平等的理论。” I s qusiig g-bs ssupis ig I s us big ll “bssy,” bus I i plys ul pu u ps—bu bys 。 8岁时,我开始质疑某些基于性别的假设。我不明白,为什么我想在为家长上演的戏剧里担任导演,就会被说成“专横”,而男孩们则不会。 14 I s big sxuliz by ils pss。 14岁时,我开始被媒体报道的某些元素性别化;


李冰冰2014年在纽约联合国气候变化峰会上的致辞 2014年9月23日,联合国气候变化峰会在纽约联合国总部隆重开幕,中国演员、联合国环境规划署亲善大使李冰冰在开幕式上发言,呼吁大家立即采取行动。同时参与致辞的还有刚刚受颁为联合国和平使者的美国演员莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥。 Excellencies, distinguished officials, ladies and gentlemen, Good morning! I am Li Bingbing, goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Environment Program. I am pleased to be here today because, like many of you, I deeply care about climate change. And I am keen to see leaders take immediate and ambitious action. 各位阁下,尊敬的代表们,女生们、先生们,早上好!我是联合国环境规划署亲善大使李冰冰。今天我很高兴来到这里,因为我深深地关心气候变化议题;像你们一样,我亦希望看到各国领导人立刻采取行动。 Carbon emissions are at unprecedented levels. Human activity and consumer demand are causing so much devastation, including the illegal trade in wild life, another serious concern of mine. However, I remain optimistic that this climate summit will be about action and solutions as we pursue our common goals of low carbon economy. We have an expression in Chinese,"有志者事竟成".This means "where there is a will, there is a way". 二氧化碳排放量在今时今日达到了史无前例的水平。人类活动和过度消费需求带来了许多对环境的破坏,这其中还包括我关心的另一个议题,即非法野生动物贸易。不过,我仍乐观地认为,这气候峰会将促进采取行动并为我们追求的共同目标之低碳经济提供解决方案。我们


模联发言稿(一)亲爱的模联社团的老师们、亲爱同学们:谢谢朱老师和赵老师给我提供这样一个机会,让我跟学弟学妹们交流参加模联活动的一些心得和体会。一年前,我和你们一样,对模联是陌生的。模拟联合国是怎么回事,说简单了就是由学生扮演外交官代表不同国家的立场,出席联合国会议,探讨国际问题。模联活动说白了就是按部就班的流程,首先确定议题,各国写出立场文件,阐述立场,由此写出决议草案,再讨论决议草案通过不通过。关于模联详细的流程和规则,模联社团的老师在随后的培训中会给大家解释。我在这里不再展开。我想给大家交流的是我参加模联培训过程中的一些感受。我要告诉大家的第一点是一定要学好英语。我们学英语不只是为了在试卷上选 abc, 从而取得高分,如果只是这样的话,那我们花费大量的时间来学英语,岂不是太浪费了。在美国有一个着名的脱口秀演员叫黄西,曾经说过一个段子:儿子问他为什么要学中英文这两种语言,他对儿子讲,等你将来成为美国总统时,需要用英文来签署法律文件,用中文来和你的债权人沟通。(因为中国是美国最大的债权国)。这当然是一个笑话,可是今天,世界正在一体化,英语作为最发达国家的官方语言,作为联合国的主要工作语言,我们作为某国驻联合国代表要用英语来阐述自己的立场,签署文件,这就决定了英语学习对我们新世纪新新人类的意义。因此学英语要学活的英语,要练听、说、读、写,而模联社团就给你提供了这样一个平台和机会。我们作为英语的初学者,最重要的方法就是模仿,要反复跟着磁带模仿发音,模仿语音和语调,长期坚持,你会讲一口漂亮的英语,我希望每一个学弟学妹们都有机会站在联大的讲台上用漂亮的英文发言。第二点体会:克服困难,挑战自我。模联只是一个活动,是学有余力的同学锻炼自己的平台,它不可能代替小升初考试,代替中考和高考,因此不要带着功利的目标来模联。我希望同学们能有心理准备,模联训练是一个艰苦而长期的训练,你将要牺牲很多休息和娱乐的时间来读懂生词连篇的背景文件;用中文都很难写成的立场文件,需要你用英文写出来;你可能带稿子发言都会紧张、发抖,可能你经过一段时间的培训后,依旧会觉得很困难,甚至想退出。这时候一定要坚持,要顶住压力。支持我们坚持下去的动力是什么?通过模联活动,你的演讲能力,沟通交流的能力都会得到很大的提升,经过培训你会从发言紧张到在众人的注视下从容镇定。而这些能力是一个 leader 即领导者应当具备的基本素质。想一想在这个世界上还有很多儿童生活在贫困线下,还有很多人因肤色而被歧视,还有很多人生活在战争的阴影之下,学弟学妹们,你们想改变现状吗?你们想为世界变得更公平、美好、和平而贡献一份力量吗?你们想成为一个关注世界、影响世界的人吗?你们想成为一个领导者吗?那就来模联吧!今天你在模联的讲台上锻炼自己,明天就会站在真实联大的舞台上。我觉得有一句话说得很好:心有多大,舞台就有多大!希望学弟学妹们坚持不懈,通过长期培训,在模联活动中取得好成绩,展示我们河南省实验小学学生的风采。谢谢大家 ! 模联发言稿(二)尊敬的icu执行团队成员,尊敬的六校模联代表,各位来宾:下午好!首先,我谨代表东北师范大学代表团和东北师大模拟联合国协会,向吉林大学首届模拟联合国大会的成功举办表示热烈的祝贺!接下来,我想对于什么是模联这个问题说说我的想法,并愿与大家共勉。在我看来,模联是一个过程,它是一个让代表们开阔眼界、广交朋友、锻炼口才、训练思维和培养团队意识的过程,在会议期间,我看到了代表们在台上侃侃而谈,尽情的展示着自己的风采,不同立场之间的碰撞又在无形之中开阔了我们的视野,训练了我们快速反应的能力,但更让我看到了代表们在一起的团队合作精神,因为模联不仅仅需要有扞卫自己利益立场的勇气,更要有相互间合作和妥协的精神。而在合作和妥协之中,我们又结成了深厚的友谊,这实在是一举五得,而似乎也只有模联才能同时给予我们这些。


艾玛沃特森联合国演讲稿 尊敬的秘书长阁下,大会主席阁下,妇女署执行主任阁下,以及尊贵的来宾们:今天我们将启动一项HeForShe的倡议活动。 此番演讲是为了获得您的支持,能让我们一起行动终结性别不平等。 实现这个目标需要每个人的参与。 这次活动开创了联合国发起同类活动的先河。我们希望号召更多的男人和男孩们,加入到寻求改变的倡导者行列。我们并非开了一张空头支票,而是全力以赴,确保目标达成。 六个月前,我被任命为联合国妇女署的亲善大使,但我越是提及女权主义,就越是意识到争取女性权益往往跟仇视男性混为一谈。我认为停止这种认识是当务之急。我在此声明,就定义而言,女权主义是一种信念,它告诉我们男女应该具有同等的权利和机遇。这也是政治、经济以及社会的性别平等理论。 很久之前我就开始质疑种种基于性别的案例。当我8岁时,因为我想给家长们编排演出就被斥为“专横”,而男孩不会受到同样的指责;当我14岁时,某些媒体捕风捉影地暗示公众我的形象过于性感;当我15岁时,我的女性朋友们纷纷退出了她们心爱的运动队,因为她们不希望看起来肌肉发达;当我18岁时,我的男性朋友们无法自如的表达他们的情感。那时起我就义无反顾地决定成为一位女权主义者。 但我近期的调查表明,女权主义已经变为一个不受欢迎的词汇,女人们不愿意被认为是女权主义者。很显然我被列为那类女性,措辞强硬,过于激进,自我封闭,一味反对男性,甚至缺乏魅力。 为何这个词已经让人感到如此反感? 我来自英国,我认为我应该获得与男性同行同等的待遇,我认为我应该拥有自主支配自己身体的权利,我认为女性应该代表我参与到能影响我生活的政策制定中,我认为在这个社会上我也能赢得与男性同样的尊重。可遗憾的是,世界上任何一个国家的女性群体都未能完全拥有这些权利,至今无一国家能断言,他们已经实现了性别平等。而这些权利,我认为就是人权。 但我无疑是幸运的,我一直享受着特殊待遇,因为我的父母并没有因为我身为女儿就减少对我的关爱,我就读的学校也没有因为我是女孩就加以限制,我的导师也没有因为我日后将成为人母而不对我给予厚望。这些影响我的人们正如推广性别平等的大使一般,是他们成就了今天的我,也许他们并没有察觉,但他们就是那些“无心插柳”的女权主义者们。我们需要更多的这类人。如果你仍然厌恶这个词,那么其实词本身不重要,重要的是词背后传递的理念和愿景,因为并不是所有女性都拥有和我一样的权利。事实上,从数据上看,只有很少一部分女性拥有这样的权利。 1997年,希拉里克林顿在北京就女性权利发表了一次著名的演讲,遗憾的是很多当时她力求改变的情况至今仍然存在。同时,我也留意到,当时的男性观众少于30%的事实。当世界上只有一半的人口受到邀请并鼓励参与其中,我们又怎能奢望改变这个世界呢? 男同胞们,我想借此机会向你们发出正式邀请,性别平等也是你们的议题。比如,我发


马云联合国演讲稿英文 篇一:马云XX联合国创变者致辞英文演讲稿 Thank you very much! I am so humbled and honored to be here tonight. I never thought that I would have a chance in my life to be in the United Nations. I learned my English by myself when I was 12 years old, for whatever reasons, I don't know. I just felt in love with this language. Every morning from 5 oclock I rode a bicycle for 40 minutes, to the Hangzhou hotel looking for foreign tourists to teach me English. I showed them around the city, they taught me English. Since then, I began to have a habit. You should use your own brain to think about it, just one more minutes. When everything about it is yes, wait one minute. When everybody says no, wait for one minute. Think about it carefully. Cause if you look at the world from a different way, you may do it in a different way. And tonight, Im so honored to be inspired by all the Game Changer partners. By listening to their stories, I know there are so many things I should do,

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