当前位置:文档之家› 人教版八年级英语口语练习题




Topic: Directions & Destinations

Group 1 (A)

Vocabulary: Directions:


would → I would like to visit … → I would like to see …

direction 方向, 趋向 destination 目的地, 终点 North East South West

between next to

on the corner of opposite in front of

on the left / right of on your left / right

Topic: Cooking & Food

Group 1 (A) Vocabulary: Cooking:

favourite cookbook








pots & pans



Name some popular foods in the world. What is your favourite food?

How is food made?


Topic: Clothes and Fashion

Group 1 (A) Vocabulary: Other Vocabulary:

Be able to speak about clothing as we did in class.


Topic: Movies & Films Group 2 (B)


kind (type) actor / actress setting background plot








thriller / horror






Vocabulary: Genres:


Students should speak about their favourite movie / film.


Topic: I Have Never!

Group 2 (B) Language to know: Vocabulary

Think of some things you have never done

Review the present perfect tense and past participles


Topic: Thanksgiving & Food

Group 2 (B) Vocabulary: Key Food:

Review other food you know too.




1.Can anyone in your classroom be a rock star? Why? 2.Do you usually go to the cinema to watch movies? Who do you go with? 3.What’s your favorite music style? 4.How much money do you spend every week? Is that enough? 5.Did you watch a movie last week? How was that? 6.What food would you take on a picnic? And who would you invite? 7.What was the worst movie you’ve seen? Why? 8.What was the happiest day in your life? 9.What is your biggest dream? 10.What was the most delicious food you have tried? Where did you try it? 11.Who is the most handsome/beautiful superstar in your opinion? Why is she/he beautiful? 12.Who is your class is thinner than you? Do you want to be like him/her? 13.If you had time, what hobby would you like to try? Why? 14.Why is it important for people to have hobbies? 15.What is your best friend’s hobby? Do you like his/her hobby? Why? 16.What will you do next Spring Festival? 17.What will you do next summer vacation? 18.What will you do tomorrow morning before classes begin? 19.What will you do tonight before going to bed? 20.What will you do next weekend? 21.Where will you go next summer vacation? 22.Have you ever seen the Great Wall? What did you think of it? 23.Have you ever sang in front of the classroom? How did you feel? 24.Have you ever took a plane? How did you feel? 25.What should you do if your friend is in trouble? 26.Should you help your friend to do his/her homework? Why? 27.What was the most interesting book you read? Why? 28.What should you do if there is fire in the school? 29.What should you wear in summer? 30.What should you do with you cellphone during the week? 31.Tell a story using the “simple past” 32.Were you studying yesterday before going to bed? Why? 33.What were you doing before this class began? 34.Can you run faster than you classmates? 35.What iPhone is more expensive? Why? 36.In your class, who is shorter than you? 37.What is your best friend doing now? 38.Do your watch sports on TV? What sports do you watch? 39.What are your favorite sports? 40.What might happen if you have bad grades at school? 41.Make up a story about your best friend. 42.What do Crocodile Men need to do to became adult? 43.Are knives used to make scars on the crocodile men? 44.What are you not allowed to do at your school? 45.What are you not allowed to do at home? 46.What are you not allowed to do at the library? 47.What are you not allowed to do at the bank? 48.What are you allowed to do at school? 49.What are you allowed to do at home? 50.What are you allowed to do at the park? 51.What are you not allowed to do at the cinema? 52.What are you not allowed to do at the restaurant?


初中英语口语练习资料 一. GRETTINGS 打招呼 1. Hello!/ Hi !你好! 2.Good morning /afternoon/evening/night! 早上好/ 下午好/晚上好/晚安! 3.A :( 1) How are you? 你好吗? (2) How are you doing? 你怎么 样? (3) How is everything going? 事情进展的怎么样? (4) How are things going with you? 一切好吗? B: (1) Fine, thank you and you? 很好,谢谢你,你怎么样? (2) I’m OK! 我很好! (3) Just so so ! 一般般! (4) Not so bad /good /great! 不是很糟糕/不还很好/不好! (5) Pretty good! 相当好! (6) I’m terrible! 太糟糕了! (7) Very well. 非常好。 (8) Everything’s fine.一切都好。 (9). All right, thanks. 还好,谢谢。 4. A: (1) Nice to meet you! 见到你很高兴! (2) It’s glad to see you! 见到你很开心! (3) Glad to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。

(4) Haven’t seen you for some time/ages.好久没有见到你了。B: (1) Nice to meet you, too! 见到你我也很高兴! (2) Glad to see you here. 在这能见到你很开心。 5. A: Hi! I’m Linda. What’s your name? 你好!我是琳达。你叫 什么名字? B: Hi ! My name is Jake.你好!我叫杰克。 A: How do you do! 你好! B: How do you do! 你好! A: How old are you? 你几岁了? B: I’m ten years old.我十岁了。 A: Where are you from? 你来自哪里? B: I’m from Canada .我来自加拿大。 A: Where do you live? 你住在哪里? B: I live in Xifeng .我居住在西峰。 A: How tall are you ?你多高? B: I’m 150 cm. 我150厘米。 二.TALKING ABOUT WEATHER 谈天气 1. A: What’s the weather like today? 今天 天气怎么样? B: It’s sunny /snowy /cloudy/ windy/ rainy /cool. 是晴朗的/雪天/多云/刮风/雨天/凉


小学一年级口语交际练习题及答案 1、说说你在家里都会做些什么? 2、你做过哪些游戏,你觉得什么游戏最有趣? 3、你喜欢哪个季节?为什么? 4、看看夜晚的天空,把看到的说给同学听 5、说说我的前面是:__________后面是:__________左面是:__________右面是:__________ 6、看到有同学在草坪里玩,你觉得这样做对吗?你会对他们说些什么呢? 7、你会用纸片拼什么?怎样拼? 8、最近你学会了什么?是怎么学会的? 9、小明每天帮王爷爷取牛奶,王爷爷提出每天给小明一毛钱,小明该怎么办? 10、讲故事,小兔运南瓜 11、看到有人把水笼头的水打开,让水哗哗地流着,你认为这样做对吗?你会怎样劝说? 12、春天在哪里? 13、你很想帮爸爸妈妈做家务事,可他们总说你做的不好,不让做,你该怎么办?

14、我们周围的垃圾从哪里来?该怎么处理生活垃圾呢?说说你的想法。 15、续讲故事 16、猜谜语:藤上结个玻璃瓜,天天夜里都开花,以前只是城里有,现在结到农民家。 17、你想怎么过自己的“六?一”儿童节呢? 18、小松不小心把家里的花瓶打碎了,他如实地告诉了爸爸,却被爸爸打了一顿,如果你遇到这种事,该怎么做呢? 19、未来的桥会是什么样?说说你的设想。 20、小朋友,赶紧来夸夸自己的家乡吧! 21、你会用小手帮家人做些什么? 22、你喜欢看课外书吗?你想和哪些书做朋友,为什么? 23、小熊要过生日,请小猴去它家做客。可是小熊家住在一条大河的对面,河面上没有船,也没有其他方式能帮助小猴过河。请大家帮小猴设计一座桥。 1.向小猴介绍自己设计的桥。 欢欢说:“—————————————————。” 迎迎说:“————————————————————————。”2介绍自己设计的桥的优点。 欢欢说:“————————————————————————。”


如何训练高中生英语口语 高中生想要学好英语口语,是一个比较漫长的过程,但是只要坚持不懈而且方法对了,把英语口语学好也不是什么难题。下面wtt 为大家带来了高中生怎么练英语口语及相关内容,供大家参考。 灵活学习词汇。 很多同学为了应付笔试,机械背诵单词,缺乏一套科学系统的学习方法。首先,应强化单词的音标学习。只有保证先会读,之后才能会说。其次,将词汇放入语境中灵活记忆。很多同学一遇到生词就,一个个单独记忆。 之后,他们很快就忘记了,或是根本不懂得如何运用。建议高中生们将生词放在词组、句子、课文中灵活记忆。再次,积累“积极词汇”。据统计,高中生日常用以表达的积极词汇(Active Vocabulary)在2500个左右,如此便基本能够有效地表达思想、进行交流。 强化语音语调训练。 正确的语音语调可以增强高中生的自信心,有助于培养良好的英语沟通能力和交际能力。第一,由于英语与汉语属于不同语系,发音方法有很多不同的地方。所以,学生应注意英汉发音的不同,从而纠正英语发音。纠正发音不能忽视口形训练。 对于英语中的每一个音,都要耐心了解发音规则,规范掌握。第

二,正确的语调可以帮助更好地达意。用错语调有的时候会造成误解,成为交流的障碍。 培养口语学习语感,改善英语学习方法。 在不断创新高中生英语学习方法的情况下,需要培养英语口语学习语感,帮助改善自己的英语学习方法,才能在各种训练、练习和应用中不断提高口语水平。首先,高中生要学会听,不管是教师的发音、语气和口语表达方式,还是视频、网络上的对话与演讲等,都要仔细、反复的揣摩,以确保具备较强的口语基础。 其次,学生要不断模仿练习。通过晨读的时候练习常用的口语、课前预习要学的内容等,学生的英语口语学习效率可以大大提高,从而激发说英语的动力。最后,高中生要积极参与各种交际活动,如英文歌比赛、英语话剧表演、英语角等,如以“my dream”为主题的英语口语演讲比赛,可以让学生之间的关系更加融洽,以走出“哑巴英语”带来的影响,从而消除自卑心理、胆怯心理。 提高认识,增强学习自信心。 我们应进一步重视英语口语学习,充分认识到说英语是为了未来更好的与他人、国外友人进行交际,这样能有效增强高中生的学习自信心。同时,高中生要根据自己的实际情况,制定合适的学习计划,并尽量拓展学习范围、交际范围等,才能真正提高高中生学习英语口语的整体效果。 选择合适教材 练习英语口语需要辅助的工具书,选择合适的教材就像是选对得


2008~2009学年度第一学期期末考试八年级 英语口语模拟试题(1) (一)模仿朗读听录音,用正确的语音语调模仿朗读以下内容。(计25分)One day Mrs Simpon invited many people to her house. She wanted to cook them a good dinner of meat and soup. She had five daughters. They were all busy. Mrs Simpon was busy, too. She forgot to put any salt into the soup. So she asked Mary, one of her daughter, to help her. “I can’t, Mum. I’m busy now,”said Mary. She asked the other girls, but got the same answer. So she did it herself. Now, Mary thought she should help her mother. She put some salt into the soup. One by one, the other girl did the same thing. Mrs simpon put the soup on the table. The friends took a little soup and their eyes opened wide. She took the soup, then she asked, “Which of you put salt into the soup?”“I did, Mum,” all the five said together. (二)回答问题根据实际情况回答下列问题。(共5小题,计25分) 1.电脑:What is the second largest island in China? 学生:Hainan Island. 2.电脑:Where do you want to go first when you get to Beijing? 学生:I want to go to the Great Wall first. 3.电脑:How is the weather in winter in Hainan? 学生:It is very warm. 4.电脑:What do you usually eat for lunch every day? 学生:I eat some rice, vegetables and meat. 5.电脑:How often do you have computer lessons? 学生:Twice a week. (三)传达信息请听一段信息,从所听信息中筛选信息,回答所提问题。(计25分)录音内容: M:How many languages are there in the world, Kate? W:More than 5000. M:Which language do you think is the most important? W:English, of course. M:Why do you say so? W:Because it is used all over the world.


一年级语文下册专项训练 口语交际训练 一、一边看图,一边听老师讲《三个和尚》的故事,然后自己也讲讲这个故事。 从前有座山,山上有一个破庙,有一天,一个小和尚他来到庙里,看见庙里的水缸没水了,就挑来水倒满了水缸,还给观音瓶子里加满了水,干枯的杨枝最后恢复了生机。他每一天挑水、念经、敲木鱼,夜里不让老鼠来偷东西,生活过得安稳自在。 不久,来了个高和尚。他渴极了,他一到庙里,就把半缸水喝光了。小和尚让他去挑水,高和尚心想一个人去挑水太吃亏了,他要小和尚和他一齐去抬水。于是两个人抬着一只水桶去山下取水,抬水的时候水桶务必

放在扁担的中央,要不在中间,两个人就推来推去,谁都不想多出一点力气。 之后,又来了个胖和尚。他也想喝水,但恰好缸里没有水了。小和尚和高和尚让他自己去挑,胖和尚挑来一担水,放下水桶就立刻咕咚咕咚的大喝起来,两桶水被喝了个精光。 之后谁也不去挑水,从此三个和尚就没水喝了。大家各念各的经,各敲各的木鱼,观音菩萨面前的净水瓶也没人添水,柳枝枯萎了。夜里老鼠出来偷东西,谁也不管。结果老鼠打翻烛台,燃起了大火。和尚们慌了神,三个和尚这才一齐奋力救火,大火扑灭了,他们也觉醒了。 从此三个和尚齐心协力,自然也就有水喝了。 1.故事里的人物是 2.根据故事内容连连看。 一个和尚抬水吃 两个和尚没水吃 三个和尚挑水吃 3.三个和尚最后明白了() A.只有齐心合作,才能把事情办好。 B. 三个和尚没有水喝。 点拨:《三个和尚》是一个非常好听的故事,它已经流传了很久。能认真听老师讲故事,并借助图片,听懂故事内容,记住故事的主要情节并讲出来,声音要洪亮,有当众讲话的勇气和信心。要学会与他人合作,热爱劳动,帮助他人,在家和学校做任何事情都要勤快,不要自私和互相依赖,多做一些力所能及的事。 答案:1. 三个和尚


八年级英语期末口语测试总结 (2015-2016学年度第二学期) 为不断促进我校英语口语表达能力的提高,逐渐强化学生英语综合语言运用能力,激发学生说英语、用英语、学英语的兴趣,对我校学生进行英语口语检测,本次测试内容以朗读八年级的词汇、课文和句型的问答交流为主。师生积极配合、充分准备,使本次活动得以顺利圆满地完成。现将检测情况总结如下: 一、具体情况: 此次口语测试,考查学生对英语词汇、句子、课文朗读及日常会话等方面的内容。试卷是与教材知识水平相当的知识,强调语言学习的开放性与应用性,能较好地检测出学生的口语水平。试卷内容不多但重点突出,使测试比较省时。 从此次测试中了解到,好的学生能一气呵成地完成任务,差的学生非常胆怯,有的不敢开口,有的声音较小。今后教师在教学中应多创设英语教学情境,营造英语学习氛围,开展丰富的课内、外活动,激发学生的英语学习兴趣,注重课堂45分钟教学的有效性,加强课后教学内容的复习与巩固,鼓励差生开口说、读英语,多读多练;教师要多检查、多督促、多指导。 二、反思与期待: 这次口语测试虽较简单,却能反映出我校学生英语教学的基本现状,客观上确实存在着一定差距。在今后的工作中,我们要及时总结经验、及时反思不足、不断改进教学,使今后的英语口语教学能更上一层楼。借鉴好的经验,祢补不足,认真搞好日常英语口语教学。 三、感悟与启示: 中学英语课程是一门重要课程,而且处于英语学习的最佳时期。因此,学科教师不仅要重视这门学科的教学,而且要根据学科特点和学生年龄特点及课程设置情况,优化课堂教学,进行有效、高效教学。同时要注意激发学生学习兴趣,培养其良好学习习惯,为学生进一步学习英语打好坚实的基础。 如果学生对英语失去兴趣,并且基础薄弱,将会影响到他们的终生发展。因此,无论学校领导还是课任教师,应该毫不懈怠,尽心尽力抓好这门学科的教学,努力提高学生英语综合语言运用能力。 四、感悟与希望: 实践、反思、提高,是事物发展的轨迹,我们的教学也应该这样。只要我们遵循客观规律,运用科学的方法,用理想去播种,用爱心去浇灌,用耐心去培育,一定会收获理想的硕

人教版新目标八年级下册英语1. 初中英语口语话题训练

人教版新目标八年级下册英语Topic One: Making Friends Firstly, let us make friends with each other! Conversation 1:Interests Teacher: My name is David, I am your English teacher at 1 Smart. What is your name? Student: My name is __________________________________. Teacher: Nice to meet you, Student: __________________________________. Teacher: I like playing football on Sunday, what about you? Student: __________________________________. Teacher: What else do you like? Student: __________________________________. Teacher: Why do you like________________? Student: Because__________________________________. Teacher: What about basketball, do you like playing basketball? Student: __________________________________. Teacher: It is 5 o’clock and I have to go home right now. It was very nice to meet you! Student: __________________________________. Teacher: Bye! Student: __________________________________. Now, can you introduce your best friend to your teacher? Conversation 2:Friends Student: Good afternoon, sir. Teacher: Good afternoon. Student: This is my best friend________, ________, this is my English teacher, David. Teacher: How do you do, : How do you do. Student: My best friend is good at________ , and he likes ________. He lives in ________, and there are ________ members in his/her family. We are often together playing ________. Teacher: It was really nice to meet your best friend, but time is up, I have to go to class. Student: Fine, see you. Teacher: Bye. Now, can you introduce family to your teacher? Conversation 3:Family Teacher: Hi! ________,how are you today? Student: _________________________________. Teacher: I am fine too. This is the picture of my family.


学生卷( I ) 一. 朗读(5分) Without the trees, the wind blew less gently across the land. Year after year, it carried away more and more of the soil. So did the rain, The land grew poor and poor and Sam had to work harder and harder to get the plants to grow. 二. 根据实际情况回答问题(5分) 三. 说话(5分)My favourite food (5分)

教师卷( I ) 一. 朗读(5分) Without the trees, the wind blew less gently across the land. Year after year, it carried away more and more of the soil. So did the rain, The land grew poor and poor and Sam had to work harder and harder to get the plants to grow. 二. 根据实际情况回答问题(5分) 1.When do you get up in the morning? At about6.00. 2. What do you have for breakfast? Bread / Noodles / Rice... 3. What is your favourite colour? Red / Blue / Yellow / Pink... 4. How do you go to school? On foot / By bus / By bike... 5. How long have you learned English? About five years. 三. 说话(5分)My favourite food


小学教育资料 姓名:__________________ 班级:__________________

广州市xx学年度下学期 小学一年级英语口语测试题 一. 看图或根据实际情况,与老师交谈或回答老师的问题(20%) Tom picture ①picture ② picture ③ 1. Good morning/afternoon. 2. I'm ..., What’s your name? 3. Please look at picture ①. Who is he? 4. Please look at picture ②. Where is she? 5. Please look at picture ③. What is it?(教师指着图中的老鼠) 6. Where is the mouse? (教师指着图3中的老鼠) 7. Please look at picture④. What do you see? 8. Please look at picture ⑤. Is it a rabbit?

9. What do you want?(教师指着picture ⑥ and picture ⑦) 10. Do you have a pet? picture ④ picture ⑤ picture ⑥ picture ⑦ 二. 朗诵一首你最喜欢的chant, 唱一首你最喜欢的song. ( 20%) 三. 看图读出下例单词。(15%) duck turtle spider frog cat desk toilet bed bedroom chair


八年级英语上汉译英专项训练 Unit1 汉译英p8 1 比尔周末通常做什么? Bill usually do . 2 “你最喜欢的节目是什么?” —What is your ?It is 3. “你多久上一次网”“每周两次” do you internet? a week . 4.请少吃垃圾食品,多运动。 Please eat junk food and do exercise 5.你必须多吃蔬菜,这对你身体有好处。 You eat more vegetables.It is your health Unit2 汉译英p19 1. 医生说告诉他每天吃三次药。 The doctor told him to this medicine a day 2. 我妈妈说我晚饭应该少吃肉。 My mom says I should meat for dinner 3. 晚饭后散步能帮你保持健康。 Taking a walk after dinner can help you 4. 如果你感觉到有压力,你可以听听音乐。 If you ,you can listen to music 5. 我很累,因为每天都有太多的作业要做。 I am very tired ,because I have homework to do every day Unit3 汉译英p27 1. 最后小姑娘选定了蓝色的外套。 At last the little girl the blue coat 2. 很多人喜欢晚饭后散步。 Many people like to after supper 3. 你要和谁一起去香港? are you to Hong Kong 4. 我们要在表姐家待5天。 We are in our cousin’s house five days 5. 他上周刚度假回来。 He just his vacation last week 6. 去长城别忘了带照相机。 to the camera you when you go to the Great Wall 7. 我想问问你有关中国可参观的地方。


一年级小学生英语口语情景对话练习 【篇二】 Sue: Mother,when was Weight Watchers International founded,do you know? Mrs.Santelli: When was it founded? How would I know? Sue: Havent you noticed its advertised every night in the paper? Mrs.Santelli: No,ACTually I havent. Sue: Evidently it was organized bysome local women. Mrs.Santelli: Wait a minute. Are you trying to tellme something? Sue: Frankly,Mother,you could lose a few pounds. Mrs.Santelli: I know. Youreright. When are the classes given? Mrs.Santelli: Do you remember? Sue: Theres a specialmothers course offered from eleven to one. Mrs.Santelli: Oh,what a shame! Thats when I eat lunch. 苏:妈妈,当慧俪减肥国际公司成立,你知道吗? 桑特利太太:什么时候成立的?我怎么会知道呢? 苏:你没有注意到它每天晚的广告上吗? 桑特利太太:不,我没有。


八年级英语期末口语测试实施方案 (2015-2016学年度第二学期) 一、目的 英文口语测试能力主要考察学生运用外语知识与技能进行交际的能力。从语言的理解能力、发音的正确性、语言的流利程度等几方面全面测试考生的听说能力。 二、形式 对全体考生集中时间,统一地点进行测试。根据考生在考试现场表现出的英语口语水平进行评分,总分10分。由八年级组3名英语教师对参加考试的考生进行英文听说能力测试。 三、测试对象 全体八年级学生。 四、试卷结构 试卷共4大题,满分为10分 1、熟读10个单词(2分) (1)、目的:测试单词的读音。 (2)、要求:流利、清晰地朗读所给单词。 2、朗读一段短文,短文从阅读文章中选取(2分) (1)、目的:测试语音、句子重音、停顿、声调和降调以及流畅程度等。 (2)、要求:能比较流利地朗读所学阅读课文的一段语言材料。 3、根据题意能顺利回答老师的问题(2分)。 (1) 、目的:测试对日常交际用语的掌握情况或所提供信息回答问题的能力。 (2)、要求:能清楚、准确地回答监考教师所提出的问题。 4、话题简述(4分) (1)、目的:测试按所提要求呈现的英语语言表述能力。 (2)、要求:能按题目和提示要点说一段话,清楚、完整地表达主要意思,不少于4句话。 五、评分标准

对考生英文听说能力测试主要从以下四方面进行评价: 1.阅读能力:对学生的语音语调正确、朗读自然流利、节奏感等方面进行测评。 2. 理解能力: 对语法与用词的准确性、语法结构的复杂性和词汇的丰富程度、发音的准确性等方面进行测评。 3. 话语的长短和连贯性: 从在讨论有关话题时连贯表达思想的长短,内容的连贯性以及寻找合适词语而造成的停顿频率及长短来测评考生。 4.语言的灵活性和适应性: 测试考生反应是否灵活、能否积极参加讨论、话语是否得体,语言的使用总体上能否与语境、功能和目的相适应。 六、成绩 英语口语考试有成绩记录。 八年级英语组 2016年7月


一年级英语口语练习 A 一、看图片说单词 window kite pencil cat eight bird seven desk car grandpa 二、看图片说词组或句子 Point to the window. Sit down! three dogs This is a panda. It’s a schoolbag.

三、看图片回答老师的问题 1、A: What’s this? 2、A: Is it a monster? 3、A:How many dogs? B: It’s a dog. B: Yes, it is. B: Three. 4、A: What colour is the dog? 5、A: How old are you? B: It’s black. B: I’m 5. 四、按情景回答问题或按指令做动作 1、A: Good morning/afternoon! What’s your name? B: My name’s.../I’m... 2、A: How old are you? B: I’m...(年龄) 3、A: What’s this/that? B: It’s a/an... 4、Point to the floor. 5、A: Happy birthday! A pen for you. B: Thank you. 五、话题简述 Self-introduction: Hello! My name’s.../I’m... I’m a boy/girl. I’m...(年龄) Goodbye/See you! 六、唱一首你喜欢的英语歌曲或儿歌。


我明白咱们中国学生最怵的就是口语部分,因为通常单词背背就会了,写作搞一个模板也能高分了,往往考试都能考很高分,但只要一张嘴,就会发现口语水平并不是永远都和自己考试的分数成正比的。隐约记得当年考TOEFL iBT的时候,口语考了28分,所以会努力写好这篇文章,让更多人在口语方面有所获益。 1. 考拉练习口语的经历 我练口语的经历分为三个部分,大学,研究生,和在美国。以前上大学时,我和大家是一样一样的,最怵口语,死都不想张嘴,刚张嘴说了一个句子,就以“哎呀我太渴啦!”“哎 呀我的牙套把我的舌头弄破啦!”“哎呀我还是先练习一下听力吧!”等等有道理和没道理的 借口,结束了尚未开始的口语练习……所以大学前两年的口语练习,只是三天打鱼两天晒网的状态,只有自己偶尔发狠了的时候,才会站在小湖边自己和自己说几句。 好像真正开始认真练口语是从大学三年级开始的,那个时候开始练,一是因为有可能要去考托福,二是传说专八考试要考口语(那个时候对专八考试是一点儿都不了解的),所以我和脏兮兮商量,干脆把刀架在自己脖子上吧,早是练,晚是练,还不如早点儿开始呢。于是就开始了系统的练口语的方法(方法在下一部分)。 大学的时候练口语练了两年,然后就到了研究生。上研的时候因为严重地要考TOEFL iBT,看了真题以后崩溃了,发现口语占30分,心想这下得认真地把练口语这件事列在日程上了,于是在临近托福考试的两个月的时候,又开始了每天练口语的过程(方法也在下一部分)。研究生上了一年半,就跑到美国读研究生来了。来了这里因为环境的驱使,口语的练习更是不敢懈怠。说是练习,其实就是每天和别人的日常交流。我很感谢我的专业,因为作为文科生,基本就是天天和学生老师交流,上课要发言,下课要和同学们聊天,做实习的机构更是全部白人美女白人老太太,所以天天说英语。再加上偶尔放松的时候还要和Josh同学打电话,所以生活里基本充斥了练口语的各种机会,只有每天晚上回宿舍的时候才能和舍友说上几句中文。所以这一年在美国,可以说是口语进步最快的一年。事实证明,环境对于口语的练习有多重要。 2. 考拉练习口语的方法 大学阶段:在大学的时候,我很幸运地有脏兮兮做我最好的朋友以及我的奋斗战友。那个时候因为完全没有说口语的环境,所以找到了两种解决方法:一,和对方说;二,和自己说。 和对方说的时候:我们通常是前一天找好第二天要聊的话题,我找一个话题,她找一个话题,这样第二天我们就有两个话题可以聊。聊的时候她先说一遍她的话题,然后我表达我自己的观点,然后我俩就这一话题展开聊天式口语练习。聊天会吧?如果让你用中文聊,你肯定多多少少能说出来点儿,所以用英语也是一样的,你想用中文说什么话,把这些话用英文表达出来就可以了。有的时候一个表达方式我俩真的不会,就会记下来,回去查一下该怎么说,慢慢积累,自己会的表达方式就越来越多了。此外,我们还会给彼此纠正错误,比如某个地方单数第三人称没有加s啦,某个地方时态用错啦,某个地方he又说成she啦之类的错误,随时为对方提醒错误,一是可以让对方知道自己哪里说错了,二是也可以让自己对某些错误更敏感,自己以后就不会犯这样的错误了。然后一个话题说完以后,换另外一个话


英语口语大赛即兴问答参考问题 Grade8 1.根据学生的演讲稿内容进行提问。 2.Do you think people will have robots at their homes in the future? If you have a robot, what can it do for you? 3.If you argued with your best friend, what will you do? 4.We have lots of homework to do every day, maybe you’ll feel very tired sometimes. What do you usually do to relax? 5.Do you still remember when Sichuan Earthquake happened, what you were doing at that time? What can you do to help the people in Sichuan? 6.Do you like English? How long have you been studying English? 7.Do you like sports? What kind of sports do you like? How often do you ….? 8.The summer holiday is coming, what are you going to do in the holiday? 9.How do you get to school? How long does it usually take you to get to school…? 10.If your friend has a birthday party, and he asks you to come, what will you do? Will you bring some gifts? What kind of gifts? 11.What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that? 12.Which teacher do you like best? Why? 13.其他符合学生水平,贴近学生生活的问题。


一、朗读(5分) 给你50秒钟时间准备朗读。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,立即在80秒内朗读短文一遍,当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即终止朗读。 Last Monday, our new music room opened. We have many new instruments and a lot of equipment. It opened with a special concert. The concert included a play and several songs. The school band played many of my favourite songs, including Hey Jude by the Beatles. Many students came to the concert with their parents. Everyone enjoyed the evening. Last Sunday, our school’s girls’volleyball team played and won their last game. Congratulations, everyone! The other team, from No. 7 Middle School, played very well, but in the end they lost the game. Many excited fans from both schools watched the game. 二、情景对话(共5小题,5分) 请你根据实际情况或所提供的情景回答问题,每个问题播放两遍。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在15秒钟内回答问题。当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即终止回答。 1.I like reading detective story, what about you? 2.I usually go to school by bus. How do you usually go to school? 3.I’m going to see a film this weekend. What are you going to do? 4.My father is a doctor. What’s your father? 5.Gosh, I have a bad cold again. 三、简短说话(共1题,5分) 给你两分钟时间准备发言。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据所给表格的内容用6句以上的英语句子在90秒钟内进行叙述。当你听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即终止叙述。

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