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In England, people don't usually talk very much. People often read books and newspapers when they are on a bus or on a train and sometimes they like looking out of the window. But they don't talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about the weather. So when you meet your friends in England, you can say, "It's a nice day today!" "But it was a little colder yesterday," your friend may answer. "But it will get a bit warmer later!" you can say. Talk about the weather like this, and your English friend will think, "How friendly you are! How polite you are!"

(1)In England, people usually talk very much.

(2)People in England often read books and newspapers when they are on a bus or on a train. (3)When you meet English people, they often talk about shopping.

(4)When you meet your friends in England, you can say, "It's a nice day today!"

(5)Talk about the weather with English friends and they may think you're friendly.








(1)句意:在英国人们通常交谈很多。根据短文叙述In England, people don't usually talk very much. (在英国,人们通常不怎么交谈。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。(2)句意:英国的人们在做公交和火车时经常读报纸和书。根据短文叙述People often read books and newspapers when they are on a bus or on a train and sometimes they like looking out of the window. (当人们做公交或火车时它们经常读书和报纸,有时候他们喜欢看着窗外。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(3)句意:当你遇到英国人时,他们经常谈论购物。根据短文叙述 When you meet English people, they often talk about the weather. (当你遇到英国人时,他们经常谈论天气。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。

(4)句意:当你在英国遇到你的朋友们时,你可以说“今天天气不错。”根据短文叙述when you meet your friends in England, you can say, "It's a nice day today!" (当你在英国遇到你的朋友们时,你可以说“今天天气不错。”)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。(5)句意:和英国朋友们谈论天气,他们可能认为你很友好。根据短文叙述Talk about the weather like this, and your English friend will think, "How friendly you are! How polite you are!" (像这样谈论天气,你的英国朋友将认为“你是多么的友好啊!你是多么的礼貌啊!”)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。



In last summer holiday, our family took a trip by plane. We came to the Chinese capital, Beijing. Beijing is a beautiful city. It has many places of historic interest and beauty spots(景点). We visited the Palace Museum. I saw the Chinese great leader Chairman Mao's body He is still worth people's admiration. Then we visited the Summer Palace, where the scenery is very beautiful. We

also went to the Bird's Nest, and it is very great. Finally, we went to the Great Wall, really spectacular. I heard that the Great Wall was built to defend the invasion, with many people's blood.

The trip is very meaningful. I love Beijing very much.

(1)In last ________, our family took a trip.

A. National holiday

B. winter holiday

C. summer holiday

(2)our family went to Beijing________.

A. by air

B. by train

C. by ship

(3)Beijing has many________.

A. capitals

B. bird's nests

C. places of historic interest and beauty spots

(4)We visited________.

A. the Summer Palace and the Bird's Nest

B. the Great Wall and the Palace Museum

C. A and B

(5)The Beijing trip is very________.

A. meaning

B. meaningful

C. boring








(1)根据短文叙述In last summer holiday, our family took a trip by plane.(在去年暑假,我们一家乘飞机去旅行了。)可知是暑假。C选项正确。故答案为:C。

(2)根据短文叙述我们一家去了北京。根据短文叙述In last summer holiday, our family took a trip by plane.We came to the Chinese capital, Beijing.(在去年暑假,我们一家乘飞机去旅行了。我们来到了中国的首都北京。)可知是乘飞机。A选项正确。故答案为:A。

(3)根据短文叙述It has many places of historic interest and beauty spots(它有许多历史遗迹和旅游景点。)可知C选项正确。故答案为:C。

(4)根据短文叙述We visited the Palace Museum.(我们游览了故宫。),Then we visited the Summer Palace(然后我们游览了颐和园。),We also went to the Bird's Nest(我们还去了鸟巢。)和Finally, we went to the Great Wall(最后我们去了长城。)可知C选项正确。故答案为:C。

(5)根据短文叙述The trip is very meaningful.(这次旅行非常有意义。)可知B选项正确。故答案为:B。



I get up at six thirty in the morning. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to school at seven thirty. I go to school by bus. Classes begin at eight. We have six lessons every day. We have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. Classes are over at four thirty. After school, we clean our classroom. Then we go home.

I get home at five. We have dinner at six thirty. After dinner, I do my homework. I go to bed at nine or ten.

(1)I go to school by bus.

(2)We have seven lessons every day.

(3)After school, we play games.

(4)We have dinner at 5:30.

(5)I go to bed at nine or ten.








(1)句意:我乘公共汽车上学。根据I go to school by bus. 可知我乘公共汽车上学,故答案为正确。

(2)句意:我们每天有七节课。根据We have six lessons every day. 可知我们每天有六节课,故答案为错误。

(3)句意:放学后,我们玩游戏。根据After school, we clean our classroom. Then we go home. 可知放学后我们打扫教室,然后回家,故答案为错误。

(4)句意:我们5:30吃饭。根据 We have dinner at six thirty. 可知我们6:30吃饭,故答案为错误。

(5)句意:我九点或十点睡觉。根据 I go to bed at nine or ten. 可知我九点或十点睡觉,故答案为正确。



Tina loves singing and dancing, so on weekends she usually goes to a dancing club. In the summer, she often goes to the park. Sometimes she has a picnic with her family. In the winter, she usually goes skating. She is very good at skating.

Tina also does chores on weekends. She also helps her mother cook dinner on Saturday. She sometimes helps her father clean his car. She thinks that's fun! She also has to clean her room. That's not fun!

Sometimes Tina, Ted and their parents go out together. They go to a museum or art gallery, and

then they go to eat pizza. This weekend Tina is going to sing with Bill. Bill is going to teach her to singing a Chinese song.

(1)What does Tina usually do on weekends?

(2)What chores does Tina do on weekends?

(3)What does Tina do for fun with her family on weekends?

(4)What is Tina going to do this weekend?

【答案】(1)She usually goes to a dancing club. In the summer, she often goes to the park. Sometimes she has a picnic with her family. In the winter, she usually goes skating.

(2)She helps her mother cook dinner on Saturday. She sometimes helps her father clean his car. She also has to clean her room.

(3)Sometimes Tina, Ted and their parents go out together. They go to a museum or art gallery, and then they go to eat pizza.

(4)This weekend Tina is going to sing with Bill.



(1)句意:蒂娜周末通常做什么?根据 Tina loves singing and dancing, so on weekends she usually goes to a dancing club. In the summer, she often goes to the park. Sometimes she has a picnic with her family. In the winter, she usually goes skating. She is very good at skating.可知她通常去舞蹈俱乐部。夏天,她经常去公园。有时她和家人一起野餐。冬天,她通常去溜冰,故答案为 She usually goes to a dancing club. In the summer, she often goes to the park. Sometimes she has a picnic with her family. In the winter, she usually goes skating.

(2)句意:蒂娜周末做什么家务?根据She also helps her mother cook dinner on Saturday. She sometimes helps her father clean his car. She thinks that's fun! She also has to clean her room.可知她星期六帮母亲做饭。她有时帮父亲洗车。她还得打扫房间,故答案为 She helps her mother cook dinner on Saturday. She sometimes helps her father clean his car. She also has to clean her room.

(3)句意:蒂娜周末和家人一起玩什么?根据 Sometimes Tina, Ted and their parents go out together. They go to a museum or art gallery, and then they go to eat pizza.,可知有时候蒂娜、泰德和他们的父母一起出去。他们去博物馆或美术馆,然后去吃比萨饼,故答案为Sometimes Tina, Ted and their parents go out together. They go to a museum or art gallery, and then they go to eat pizza.

(4)句意:蒂娜这个周末打算做什么?根据This weekend Tina is going to sing with Bill. Bill is going to teach her to singing a Chinese song.可知这个周末蒂娜将和比尔一起唱歌,故答案为 This weekend Tina is going to sing with Bill.



A brown duck meets a sad cat and asks him, "Please tell me, OK? I can do a lot of things for you." "Oh, no. You can't." The cat shakes his head and goes away.

The duck keeps up with the cat and asks him again. The cat cries, "I want to buy some flowers for my mother on Mother's Day. But I can't find the flowers." The duck claps his hands happily, "I see. I can help you."

The duck points to the other side of the river and says, "Look there. There are many beautiful flowers. "So the cat climbs up a tree, "Wow, how beautiful they are!"

"But I can't swim. How can I get there?" The cat is worried. The duck says, "Don't worry. I can swim. You can just sit on my back."

In the river, the duck tells the cat, "If we help each other, we can do many things."

(1)The duck is ________.

A. black

B. brown

C. white

(2)The duck asks the cat for ________ time(s).

A. one

B. two

C. three

(3)The cat wants some ________ for her mother.

A. food

B. coats

C. flowers

(4)Where is the flowers?

A. On the other side of the river.

B. In the river.

C. On the tree.

(5)How does the cat cross the river?

A. He sits in a boat.

B. He climbs on the tree.

C. He sits on the duck's back.








(1)根据短文叙述 A brown duck meets a sad cat(一只棕色的鸭子遇到了一只伤心的猫咪。)可知鸭子是棕色的,B选项正确。故答案为:B。

(2)根据短文叙述在第一段鸭子询问了猫“asks him”,在第二段又询问了猫“asks him again.”可知是两次。故答案为:B。

(3)根据短文叙述"I want to buy some flowers for my mother on Mother's Day.可知猫想要一些花。C选项正确。故答案为:C。

(4)根据短文叙述The duck points to the other side of the river and says, "Look there. There are many beautiful flowers. "可知在河的对岸有许多花。A选项正确。故答案为:A。

(5)根据短文叙述The duck says, "Don't worry. I can swim. You can just sit on my back."可知是在鸭子背上过河。C选项正确。故答案为:C。



One day a crow found a piece of meat. She picked it up in her mouth and flew to a tall tree. She was just going to eat the meat when a fox saw her. He came and stood under the tree and said," How pretty you are! My dear friend, you must be the most beautiful bird in the world."

The crow was very happy by these words. Then the fox said," I can you see your pretty face, but I have not heard your voice. Why don't you sing a song?"

The crow opened her mouth and began to sing. As she opened her mouth, she lost her meat. The fox picked up the meat at once and went away with it. The crow was very angy.

(1)The crow found a piece of meat.

(2)Before the crow ate the meat, she met a fox.

(3)The fox asked the crow to dance.

(4)The crow was very clever.

(5)The crow was pretty.








(1)句意:乌鸦发现了一块儿肉。根据短文叙述One day a crow found a piece of meat.(一天,乌鸦发现了一块儿肉。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(2)句意:在乌鸦吃肉之前,它遇到了狐狸。根据短文叙述She was just going to eat the meat when a fox saw her.(当一只狐狸看到它时,它刚要吃肉。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(3)句意:狐狸要求乌鸦跳舞。根据短文叙述 Why don't you sing a song?(你为什么不唱歌呢?)可知是唱歌。题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。

(4)句意:乌鸦很聪明。根据短文叙述 As she opened her mouth, she lost her meat(当她张开嘴时,她丢了她的肉。)可知不聪明。故答案为:错误。

(5)句意:乌鸦很漂亮。根据短文叙述 The fox picked up the meat at once and went away with it(狐狸立刻捡起肉跑走了。)可知狐狸是为了肉来赞美乌鸦。乌鸦不漂亮。故答案为:错误。



Once upon a time, there was a farmer. One day, while he was working in the fields, he saw a hare run into a tree stump accidentally and die of a broken neck. The farmer took the hare home and cooked a delicious meal for himself. That night he thought, I needn't work so hard. All I have to do is wait every day by the stump to pick up the hare that runs into it. So from then on he gave up farming, and stood by the tree stump waiting for the hare to come and run into it. But from then on, he never saw another hare run into the tree stump.

(1)Once upon a time, there was _______ working in the field.

A. a doctor

B. a farmer

C. a rabbit

(2)The farmer took _______ home and cooked a delicious meal for himself.

A. the hare

B. the tortoise

C. the bird

(3)But from then on, he _______ saw another hare run into the tree stump.

A. often

B. seldom

C. never

(4)From the story, we know the farmer is a ______ man.

A. clever

B. lovely

C. foolish

(5)From the story, we can tell the farmer that he should _______ .

A. work hard

B. give up farming

C. wait for the hare








(1)根据 Once upon a time, there was a farmer. One day, while he was working in the fields, he saw a hare run into a tree stump accidentally and die of a broken neck. 可知从前有一个农民在田里干活,故答案为B.

(2)根据 The farmer took the hare home and cooked a delicious meal for himself. 可知农夫把野兔带回家,为自己做了一顿美味的饭,故答案为A.

(3)根据 But from then on, he never saw another hare run into the tree stump. 可知但从那时起,他再也没有看到一只野兔跑到树桩上,故答案为C.

(4)根据 So from then on he gave up farming, and stood by the tree stump waiting for the hare to come and run into it. 可知从故事中我们知道农夫是个愚蠢的人,故答案为C.




There are some animals on my grandpa's farm. Look at the chicks. They are small. And there are some ducks in the river. They are swimming. They are bigger than the chicks. And there are five pigs there. They are bigger than the ducks. And they are fatter than them, too. They are sleeping now. The cows are drinking water. They are taller and bigger than the pigs. Look at the white horses. They are the tallest of all. I like them very much. And I love all the animals. They are lovely.

(1)The chicks are ________ than the ducks.

(2)The ducks are ________in the river.

(3)The pigs are ________ and ________ than the ducks.

(4)The cows are ________ ________.

(5)The horses are ________ ________ of all.








(1)句意:小鸡比鸭子……。根据They are bigger than the chicks.可知小鸡比鸭子小。smaller更小的。故答案为 smaller .

(2)句意:鸭子在河中……。根据And there are some ducks in the river.They are swimming.可知鸭子在河中游泳。swimming 正在游泳。故答案为 swimming .

(3)句意:猪比鸭……和……。根据And there are five pigs there. They are bigger than the ducks. And they are fatter than them, too. 可知猪比鸭更大、更肥。 bigger更大的, fatter更肥的。故答案为bigger,fatter.

(4)句意:奶牛……。根据 The cows are drinking water. 可知奶牛在喝水。drinking water在喝水。故答案为drinking water.

(5)句意:马是所有中……。根据 Look at the white horses. They are the tallest of all. 可知马是最高的。the tallest最高的。故答案为the tallest.



(英语)高三英语阅读理解专项训练及答案 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 The setting was a packed gymnasium just before the start of a game against another school. There were five girls who were members of the Danville High School basketball team—all of them starters. They were not in uniform to play that night and would not be on the team for the rest of this season. They were there to admit their breaking of team rules. They were there to support their coach's decision to take them off the team. They were there to let the town know there was a problem in their little community that needed to be addressed. And they did it with sincere regret rather than defensiveness. While the school had been out for the New Year's holiday, the five girls had gone to the party with several of their friends. There was alcohol there. And they all drank some. Coach Rainville has a zero tolerance rule on drugs and alcohol for her members though it was a hard decision to make. When classes resumed and accounts of holiday parties were shared, rumors about the five girls began closing in on them. The coach said she couldn't back down on her rules. And the players—two junior students and three senior students—agreed. That night in the gym was part of their public support of the coach's decision. “We hope you will understand that we are not bad kids. What we did was definitely not worth it. We hope this event will make everyone realize that there is a big drug and alcohol problem in our community,” one of the senior students said, “And if you work with us to try to solve this problem, you will help us feel that we have not been thrown off our basketball team for nothing.” The five left the floor to deafening applause. The team may not win another game this year. But they've learnt something about personal responsibility, the effect of one's action on others, and honesty that will serve them well throughout life. (1)It can be inferred from the passage that the five girls who were kicked off the team were ________. A. very good players on the team B. addicted to alcohol and drugs C. three junior students and two senior students D. scolded by their parents for drinking alcohol (2)What did the girls do to support their coach's decision? A. They didn't fight for Danville High School any more. B. They all gave speeches to apologize in the local press. C. They admitted their mistake in public in the gymnasium. D. They would never drink any alcohol throughout their life. (3)Which word best describes the coach Rainville? A. Indifferent. B. Strict. C. Stubborn. D. Cruel. (4)Which would be the best title for the passage? A. Growing up with pain B. A bad mistake C. Team rules are everything D. Basketball girls in high school 【答案】(1)A


对小学英语考试常见题型的讲解及做题技巧,失分薄弱环节的讲解 1.针对四年级学生知识或能力系统和学生的认知规律确定易错题。 2.试题包括基础知识和能力题两大类。 3.每道题包括“典题呈现”“解题分析”“参考答案”“变式突破”四个方式 4.易错题型来源于平时的教学实践,注重所选易错题例的典型性和针对性,对 学生有启发和帮助。 5.注重所选易错题型应呈现的多样性。 小学英语考试的目的是什么?考的方式与内容与课程设置理念有无相悖?如果每个人能多思考这样的问题,我想无论从教学思想上还是评价体系上更上一层楼,即使是在应试教育的大气候下也能把握些许平衡 [学生要通过大量做卷子,过分钻研题型本身,那考试就失去意义了] 听力: 辨音: 这种题型考察的目的是什么?我一直很疑惑。(有同行说这些题目以后不考了,但总要思考下吧) 如果是考察学生对单词是否读准了,那告诉你,10个有8个是没问题的,exercise这个单词有点复杂,也许有很多学生对里面的单个音吃不准,但是要整体认读对,是不难的,但问题也就在这里,有很多学生会读整个单词,但不知道具体每个字母在这个单词里读什么音,这点也许那些高中,大学老师觉得很不可思议,但是小学老师绝对深有感触,我在训练直拼的时候就发现有几个很有这样问题的学生,我就问他big种的I到底发什么音,但是在他嘴里出来的是莫名其妙[e];

如果这个不能说明问题的话,那举个th的例子是最能说明问题,几乎每个学生都能在单词里读对这个音,我就不相信有学生会把there种的th读成清音——词汇互译 这是一个基本功问题,即便是从过去侧重语言知识考察转变为知识技能、综合运用能力考察,这还是少不了的。如果一个学生连最起码的几个单词都不背或者没能力背的话,那谈什么素质教育?说到这个,我感觉应试教育虽然大行其道,千夫指,但是说实话,有些东西我们是绝对不能放弃的,难道素质教育的教学就是应该轻松的吗?不下苦功的学习永远是肤浅的 用单词的适当形式填空 有的题目是直接考词性变化比如sun (同音词) do (过去式), 也有的是放 在句子里让学生根据语境写适当的形式。前者这种形式慢慢被淘汰了,我觉得这是一个英明的举动。不放在语言环境里是没什么意义的,而且缺乏语境是还造成大量学生不会做的原因,比如你要学生默写“听见”,即使有点忘了的学生只要有I’m sorry to hear that的语感提醒,那还是会知道hear这个单词的,你要学生默写“来这里”的“这里”,也是不难的事情here. 但是你要猛的问here的同音词是什么?学生也许就怎么也想不出来了——here ( 同音词)________。这就是一件可悲的事情了,这被扣的一分又能说明什么呢?这得的一分除了表现这个学生的记忆好,根本没什么意义,因为那只是一个孤立的单词而已。 选择 选择题考些什么,大致分为两类,一类是语法题,第二类是运用性题目(包括语用题),其实大多数情况都是考前者,其实,至少说在小学里,我认为考语法应该以语感辅之分析为主,类似Does he…? Are you…? Is your father….?等都应该是在口语熟练下的水到渠成,也就是通常人常说的语感,有这样的语感铺垫,


英语阅读理解解题技巧-解题步骤 在做阅读理解时,可遵循三部曲的原则,即:快速阅读短文;认真逐题作答;复查校对答案。 第一步,快速阅读短文;通读测试题,明确考查点。 先读题,明确题目要求,弄清考点,然后带着问题去读文章,这种方法在英语中称为scanning,就是寻读。快速阅读一遍弄清段落大意,对全文有一个整体了解,阅读时从宏观入手,掌握中心意思,注意哪些用以说明中心意思的主要事实和细节,抓住关键词,弄清作者写此篇文章的目的及意图。如遇到生词,应先跳过,继续通读全文,切忌长时间死扣生词,因为有些生词并不影响对全文的理解,还有一些词可以通过上下文推测含义。 第二步,认真逐题作答。 看完短文后,对整篇短文的内容有了大致的了解,然后马上看后面的问题,带着问题去找答案。如果属于客观信息题,就可直接在短文中找到出处。如果是主观判断题,则应迅速再读全文,仔细分析思考,将近似的答案对照原文反复比较,推敲,选出最佳答案。 第三步,仔细校对所选答案。 做完所有题目后,再读一遍短文,逐一检查所有答案是否有误。如果有拿不定主意的答案,不要随意更改。一定要从原文中找到依据,方可更正。 -阅读技巧 ①要快速浏览全文,掌握主旨和大意,特别注意文章的主题句,理出作者的写作思路。(What is the idea?What are facts?)

②要尽快浏览课文后的思考题,尽量带着问题读; ③完成事实细节题时,要找到定位句; ④要把有关WHO,WHAT,WHERE,HOW和WHY等方面内容用笔圈画出来。 ⑤遇到推理判断题时,要注意作者的态度和命题人的意图,不可从个人的经验出发。 “做英语阅读理解时,答题也有讲究。如果同学们具备一定的答题技巧,那么最终将事半功倍。”王老师说,做猜测词义题、细节理解题、主旨归纳题、推理判断题都有一定的技巧。 英语阅读理解解题技巧一、猜测词义题 阅读理解经常会遇到生词,这些生词怎么解决呢?这就需要一些猜词的技巧。 (一)根据生活常识猜测词义 Children are always boasting.They say things like“My Dad's car is bigger than your Dad's,”“My Mom is smarter than yours.”and“My family has more money than yours.” The word“boasting” means __B___ A.骄傲 B.吹牛 C.顽皮 D.幼稚 Many plants and animals are going extinct.Mammoths,which are related(有关联的) with Asia elephants,are now extinct.There are no mammoths in the world today. 1.A mammoth is a kind of _C___. A.plant B.bird C.animal D.tree 2.The word extinct means _C_ A.出现 B.危险 C.灭绝


阅读理解训练 I. Where is Love? How can we find Love? Once a little boy wanted to meet Love. He knew it was a long trip to where Love lived, so he got his things ready with some pizzas and drinks and started off. When he passed three streets, he saw an old woman sitting in the park and watching some birds. She looked very hungry. The boy gave her a pizza. She took it and smiled at him. The smile was so beautiful that he wanted to see it again, so he gave her a Coke. She smiled once again. The boy was very happy. They sat there all the afternoon, eating and smiling, but they said nothing. When it grew dark, the boy decided to leave. But before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug. The woman gave him her biggest smile ever. When the boy opened the door of his house, his mother was surprised by the look of joy(快乐)on his face and asked what had made him so happy. “I had lunch with Love. She has got the ,s son was also surprised at his At the same time, the old womanmost beautiful smile in the world.”,s pleasure and asked why. mother“I ate a pizza in the park with Love,”she said, “and he is much younger than I expected.” If the world is full of love, we can enjoy a better life. 1.When the little boy saw the old woman, she was . A. looking for a seat in the park B. passing the street C. looking at some birds D. having a pizza 2.The little boy gave the old woman a Coke because . A. the old woman still felt hungry B. he wanted to see the smile again ,t like the drink C. he didnD. the old woman paid him for it 3.The old woman gave the little boy the biggest smile . A. after the little boy went home B. before it grew dark C. when she was drinking Coke D. after the little boy hugged her ,s mother was surprised to see her son was very 4.The boywhen the door opened. A. pleased B. sad C. unhappy D. angry 5.Which of the following is TRUE? A. The little boy failed to find Love. B. Both the little boy and the old woman found what they wanted at last. C. The little boy decided never to go home. D. The old woman gave the little boy a hug to thank him. II. Dick was born in a poor family. His father had a small boat and went fishing in the morning


部编五年级【英语】小学英语阅读答题技巧 小学英语教学是学生英语学习的启蒙阶段,对学生的终生学习起着重要的作用。如果小学 英语教师能灵活巧妙地渗透、运用英语阅读技巧和策略,帮助小学生有效地学习和阅读英 语故事或短文,将会为他们今后的英语学习奠定良好的基础。下面是小学英语阅读 一、先看问题,再读原文 先看问题,带着问题去原文里找答案,这样比较有目的性。现在问题的形式也比较灵活, 有单选,有判断正误。先了解问题具体是哪种形式,在阅读原文的时候才更有针对性寻找 答案。小学阶段的阅读理解相对来说还是比较简单的,很多问题可以在原文里直接找到答 案,当然这主要是针对单选和判断来说的。先读问题,在阅读原文的时候有的问题一下子 就出来了,节约了很多时间。 二、通读全文,抓住重点 在阅读原文的时候一定不要一句一句的看,一句一句的理解,这样做会影响对整篇文章的 理解和认识。如果遇上生词,先不要管它,略过生词继续通读全文。读完一遍能够大概明 白文章讲了一件什么事。在阅读的过程中还要注意抓住重点,即出现了哪些人物,提到了 什么时间,说到了哪个地点,发生了什么事情,这些关键词最好能用笔在原文中做个记 号,因为后面的问题一般都和这些关键词相关。 三、大胆猜词,掌握意思 说阅读理解题难很大程度上是因为句子中有些单词不知道是什么意思,这在理解文章意思 的时候就会加大难度。但是我们可以通过猜测单词的意思对通篇文章进行理解,可以根据 上下文的意思进行猜测,还可以根据单词的构成进行猜测,比如说我们知道happy是“高兴的”,那么unhappy就是“不高兴的”。当然这就需要学生在平时注意单词的构成。 四、反复阅读,深刻理解 做阅读理解题一般需要读两到三遍,这样对理解全文是非常有帮助的。第一次阅读把那些 能够直接找出答案的题做出来,第二遍阅读就要明白原文具体说了一件什么事情,面白了 这个时候对后面一些需要理解能回答的问题这时候就可以解决了。第三遍通读全文,对所 做出的答案再确认一遍。 二、阅读理解 2.阅读理解阅读短文,判断正误 Today is Sunday. It's Betty's birthday. She is twelve years old. She is at home with her parents now. They're going to have a birthday party. Her father is decorating the house. Her mother is making the birthday cake. Betty is washing some apples, pears and grapes. All of them are very busy. The party will start at seven o'clock in the evening. Betty's friends, Kate, Joan, Mike, Tom, Rose and Jack will come to the party. They will give Betty some presents. The children are going to sing and dance at the party. Betty's mother will play the piano for them. Betty's father will take photos of them. I think they will have a good time at the party. (1)Today is Betty's birthday. (2)Betty's father is making the birthday cake now.


教你“五个绝招”破解英语阅读理解 阅读是增长知识获取信息的主要途径,阅读能力是英语教学的重点。近年来,注重对初中生阅读理解能力的考核已成为中考的一大趋势。阅读理解能力影响并制约听、说、读、写能力的形成和发展,中学英语教学大纲也把培养阅读能力作为一个主要的教学目标。要做好阅读理解,应从以下几方面入手。 分门别类识别文体 随着信息时代的到来,阅读内容更趋于信息化、时代化,突破了单一的故事、寓言等题材,内容涉及新闻、广告、科普、医疗、教育等,文章的体裁也从记叙扩大到产品说明、逻辑推理及实际应用等文体。不同的文体阅读的要求与方法不尽相同。 记叙文阅读主要抓四大要素,即时间、地点、人物和事件的起因、发展和结果,以及人物之间的关系、表现,从中分析他们思想品质、性格特征等;议论文是阐明作者对人或事的好坏的立场观点,因此在阅读时必须正确把握文章的论点和论据,理清论证思路,再进行逻辑推理得出结论;应用文是最贴近日常生活的文体,它包括通知、广告、便条、申请书、个人简历,形式多样,题材各异,如图示、表格、地址、网址等,对这类文体的阅读应简明扼要地抓住所需信息,理解文章内容。 统览全篇摘录要点 阅读理解是对整个文章的目的、意图、观点、立场、态度以及内在的逻辑关系的理解,而不是断章取义的一孔之见,所以统览全篇和问题是很有必要的,这些问题会给你提供信息或暗示文章中的一些重要细节。 如2002年本市中考试卷C篇阅读并回答问题中,通过对全篇的布局谋篇以及问题的设置看到的不是片言只语,而从中感悟到人文思想的体现,人类和自然界生态相辅相成的关系,从而得出第6小题:From the passage,we learn that___.答案为B: The rainforest people have done some- thing to protect their home. 在统览全篇的同时要注意要点的摘录,因为一些显性的答案是可以从要点中直接回答,而隐性的答案则是要通过对全篇的理解才能得出。统览全篇,摘录要点亦有利于检查时节省时间。 开动脑筋推测词意 初中英语学科教学基本要求规定,学生能根据上下文推测词义,并能不借助词典读懂含有3%生词的语言材料,换言之,这就是促使学生的知识内化的过程,学生要通过知识内化将内隐的心理活动转换为外显的行为,可以借助以下的几种方法完成内化过程: 根据上下文猜测词意 如闸北区2003年中考模拟题,阅读B篇中p assed away,根据上文的An illness had kept the boy home和下文写给Rick的信中可以猜测出意为“去世”。 根据构词法猜测词意


高考英语阅读理解专项训练及答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is gaining global popularity. According to a government white paper, TCM has been introduced in 183 countries and regions around the world. Westerners' understanding of TCM, however, may be limited to acupuncture, cupping and massage(针灸,拔罐和按摩). For instance, the purple, injury-like marks left on U. S. swimmer Michael Phelps,back from cupping for the purpose of relaxing his muscles and reducing pain became the center of attention during the Rio Olympics in 2016. As a matter of fact, Chinese herbs play a more important role in getting rid of diseases and keeping the body in good condition in the TCM treatment system than physical treatment. It is therefore disheartening to know that while 103 World Health Organization member countries have given approval to the practice of acupuncture, not many recognize Chinese herbal medicine. TCM falls far behind Western medicine owing partly to the slow development of Chinese herbs. Herbs are made into pills, powder and soup, and the kind of herbs used, their quality and quantity, and the processing of the ingredients (原材料) jointly determine the effectiveness of the prescription. Compared with Western medicine, which has standardized drug production processes and treatment methods, TCM lacks standardization, with the chemical composition and functions of its medicines being unclear and their effects being unstable. Fortunately, standardization has improved in recent decades, with an increasing number of factories producing patented TCM drugs. Another factor that has prevented the development of TCM prescription drugs is the lack of creativity. While Western medicine-making companies come up with new products every year, TCM drug producers tend to make medicines according to prescriptions handed down from the past. Chinese chemist Tu Youyou's winning the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her research into malaria (疟疾) treatment may drive creativity to some extent in China's TCM industry. However, the current state of affairs cannot be changed within a short time. (1)Why does the author mention the example of Michael Phelps? A. Because he was injured in his swimming. B. Because cupping is a kind of important TCM treatment. C. Because westerners know a little about TCM. D. Because westerners attach great importance to TCM. (2)Why don't some member countries of WHO recognize Chinese herbal medicine? A. Because Chinese herbs can get rid of diseases. B. Because they only approve the practice of acupuncture. C. Because Western medicine is more effective. D. Because medicine made out of Chinese herbs develops slowly. (3)Compared with Western medicine, what is the weak point of TCM in Paragraph 4? A. The methods of planting herbs. B. The effectiveness of prescription. C. Lacking in standardization. D. Its stable functions.


六年级小学英语阅读答题技巧 小学英语教学是学生英语学习的启蒙阶段,对学生的终生学习起着重要的作用。如果小学英语教师能灵活巧妙地渗透、运用英语阅读技巧和策略,帮助小学生有效地学习和阅读英语故事或短文,将会为他们今后的英语学习奠定良好的基础。下面是小学英语阅读 一、先看问题,再读原文 先看问题,带着问题去原文里找答案,这样比较有目的性。现在问题的形式也比较灵活,有单选,有判断正误。先了解问题具体是哪种形式,在阅读原文的时候才更有针对性寻找答案。小学阶段的阅读理解相对来说还是比较简单的,很多问题可以在原文里直接找到答案,当然这主要是针对单选和判断来说的。先读问题,在阅读原文的时候有的问题一下子就出来了,节约了很多时间。 二、通读全文,抓住重点 在阅读原文的时候一定不要一句一句的看,一句一句的理解,这样做会影响对整篇文章的理解和认识。如果遇上生词,先不要管它,略过生词继续通读全文。读完一遍能够大概明白文章讲了一件什么事。在阅读的过程中还要注意抓住重点,即出现了哪些人物,提到了什么时间,说到了哪个地点,发生了什么事情,这些关键词最好能用笔在原文中做个记号,因为后面的问题一般都和这些关键词相关。 三、大胆猜词,掌握意思 说阅读理解题难很大程度上是因为句子中有些单词不知道是什么意思,这在理解文章意思的时候就会加大难度。但是我们可以通过猜测单词的意思对通篇文章进行理解,可以根据上下文的意思进行猜测,还可以根据单词的构成进行猜测,比如说我们知道happy是“高兴的”,那么unhappy就是“不高兴的”。当然这就需要学生在平时注意单词的构成。四、反复阅读,深刻理解 做阅读理解题一般需要读两到三遍,这样对理解全文是非常有帮助的。第一次阅读把那些能够直接找出答案的题做出来,第二遍阅读就要明白原文具体说了一件什么事情,面白了这个时候对后面一些需要理解能回答的问题这时候就可以解决了。第三遍通读全文,对所做出的答案再确认一遍。 二、阅读理解 2.阅读理解读下两这封信,回答问题 Dear Mum, How are you? Every day I had fun with my cousins. On Monday we went to a restaurant. We ate good food. On Tuesday we went to a park. We sang and danced. On Wednesday we played ping-pong. On Thursday we climbed a mountain. We took many pictures. Tomorrow I'll be back home! Miss you and dad. Love. John


高中阅读理解题型解读(教师版) (一)阅读是获得更综合、更复杂、更精确信息的必要手段,考生在做阅读理解时,不仅要看懂文章的字面意思,还需要针对不同题材和体裁的篇目运用不同的方法作出正确的选择。一般来说,词汇、阅读速度和理解能力是阅读理解中三个最重要且有相互联系的因素。 阅读的方法可以使用以下几种: 1.跳读:就是快速的一步阅读法。实际上是有选择阅读,找关键词。用这种阅读方法回答who、what、when、where之类的问题最为有效。 2.略读:指比跳读慢些的二步阅读法。即泛泛地、粗略地快速阅读,目的是了解大意,对文章有个总的概念。此种阅读方法能回答why、how之类的问题。 3.精读:即最细致、最慢的深层阅读方法,目的是求得对所读文章的全部意义的理解与掌握。 在使用阅读技巧时尽量做到以下几点: 1.带着问题阅读短文。 2.找出主题句、确定中心思想。 3.推断单词、句子和文章的含义。 4.尽快选择答案。 (二)不同体裁文章的特点及解题技巧 1.记叙文 记叙文又可分传记类和故事类。传记类文章在阅读中时间是全文的关键,根据时间我们可以找到相关的事件,抓住文章的主要内容。故事类文章情节性较强,阅读时要注意故事中的时间、地点、人物和发生的事件,这些都是文章中的主要内容和信息,对于准确理解文章十分重要。 2.说明文 说明文是对事物的形状、性质、特征、成果或功用等进行介绍,解释或阐述的文章。把握所说明事物的特征和本质是理解说明文的关键。说明事物特征的方法很多,主要有定义法、解释法、比较法、比喻法、数字法、图表法、引用法和举例法等。 ●数字说明文 在阅读数字说明文时要特别注意文中数字的含义,从这些数字中可以找到文章的主要内容。 ●解释说明文 解释说明文着重说明事物的本质、特征和功用等。许多科普文章都属于这一类。在阅读这类文章时要学会解决what, how, why 等一类的问题。它们是文章的关键。如能带着这些问题阅读,将会更迅速抓住文章的主题。 ●比较说明文 比较说明文是通过对比方法说明问题。在阅读这类文章时要善于把握全篇陈述的基本倾向。作者在谈论一个有争议的问题时总要顾及到争议的各个方面。但是,在一般情况下,作者的陈述总要倾向于某一种观点。 3.应用文 应用文涉及的范围比较广,包括广告、通知、书信等。应用文一般语言简洁,省略及不规范的句子较多。阅读时一般要求考生全面掌握文章中提供的信息,并运用这些信息去解决问题。因此对题干的理解尤为重要。 阅读理解的考题分为客观理解题(是指在短文中客观存在的事实,客观信息的答案一般都可以在原文中找到。即理解文中的具体事实或抽象概念)和主观理解题(这类问题都不可能直接从原文中找到答案,须通过阅读文章对文章主旨和深层含义有更深理解,并据此进行判断和推理)。其中细节理解题和猜测词义题属于客观题;主旨大意题和推理判断题属于主观题。针对不同类型的题目,要在平时的练习过程中,结合具体的题目,给学生进行解题方法


(英语)中考英语阅读理解专项训练及答案 一、英语阅读(日常生活类) 1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。 If you look at the top of your phone, you'll usually see a little symbol that says 3G or 4G. The "G" stands for the "generation" (代)of your mobile network. But the symbols will become things of the past after 5G networks fully arrive. On March 30, Shanghai vice-mayor Wu Qing made the first 5G video call on a Huawei Mate X Smartphone. Shanghai has also become the first city in China to start testing 5G networks. About 100 times faster than 4G networks, 5G will let people download and upload data(数据) faster than ever before. But 5G won't just bring faster mobile internet. People can use it for many other things as well. For example, 5G will help to make self-driving cars safer. Today's self-driving test cars have one problem-lag(延迟). When the car "sees" an obstacle(障碍物), it sends this information to a data center and receives instructions, However, it will be some time before it sends and receives this information. With this kind of lag, the cars might crash because they don't receive instructions in time. With 5G, this lag will be greatly lowered, making the cars safer. 5G could also be used to power the internet of things (IoT), that is, a large online network that connects all things and people. Fast internet speeds will be the key to developing this technology. The IoT could be used in a lot of ways. For example, with IoT, your refrigerator could automatically (自动地) place an order online for eggs when it finds that there are no eggs left inside. (1)Which city was 5G tested for the first time? A. Beijing. B. Shanghai. C. Shenzhen. (2)What can we infer(推测) according to the passage?. A. 5G is widely used in China now. B. 5G networks will make our lives more convenient. C. There are no symbols at the top of our phones. (3)The writer uses self-driving cars as an example to . A. explain how 5G's fast speed can be helpful B. warn about the possible dangers of self-driving cars C. explain how self-driving cars work (4)What is IoT according to the passage? A. A robot that can do housework. B. An online store where you can buy anything. C. A large online network that connects things and people. (5)Which sentence is right according to the passage? A. 5G will help us buy eggs quickly. B. Robots can help us buy eggs online. C. Our refrigerator can order eggs online for us. 【答案】(1)B


浅淡阅读理解的做题技巧: (一)、阅读理解一般分为故事幽默类、说明、科普类等。 1故事幽默类一般前面都在为幽默做铺垫,只有读到最后才能显现出幽默之出来。 这类短文一般难度不大,认真阅读,仔细选择,问题都可以解决,如Write a Letter to Mary, A Dirty Boy, On the Bus 等 2小学的说明,科普类短文都十分浅显,只要具备一点科普常识都会读懂的,如,Time, the Spring Festival .等,即使文章较长,问题也十分明显,从文中都能找到答案. 同学可动手做做下题:根据短文内容选择答案. 1.Sam is very good at school, but he is not clean. His face and hands are often dirty. He washes them with water only. He does not use soap(肥皂). Sam has an uncle. One day his uncle goes to see him. He looks at him and says, “Sam, I know what you ate for breakfast this morning.” “What?” Sam looks at his uncle and says. “Eggs” says his uncle, “Your face and mouth tell me that.” “You are wrong, uncle!”says Sam, “Not today or yesterday,but the day before yesterday(前天)!” ( )(1).Who is Sam? A. He is English. B. He is a student. C He is a young pioneer. D He is a teacher. ( )(2) What’s the Chinese for “dirty”? A. It’s “ 脏的“. B It’s “干净的” C It’s “坏的 “ D It’s “好的” ( )(3) What’s on Sam’s face and mouth? A Eggs. B Soap C Water D Bread ( )(4) Which of these is not wrong? A Sam doesn’t wash his face and hands every day. B. The uncle thinks the boy ate eggs last morning. C Sam doesn’t like eggs at all. D. Sam doesn’t know his uncle. 2.Hen(母鸡): There is some rice here. Eat it like this,my children. Chickens: Like this, Mother? Hen: Yes,that’s right, good. Eagle(鹰): There are some chickens here. I want to eat them. Hen: Don’t worry, my children . Let me do with it.

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