当前位置:文档之家› 大爱无疆汶川地震英语作文



To write: a composition about Love Without Bounds by using problem-responses-evaluation. Problem:

?The outbreak of a devastating(毁灭性的)earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan


:?The timely response of the Chinese Communists to it

?The dash of PLA men to the rescue of the victims

?The reactions of every Chinese citizen to the disaster


?There are no bounds to what the love of the Chinese nation could accomplish(实现).

Love without bounds

On the afternoon of May 12th, 2008, an earthquake, with a magnitude of 8.0 on the Richter scale, broke out in Wenchuan, leaving the region with ruins. In addition, at the same time, a lot of people were in a panic and were at a loss. Immediately, the sad news went the rounds.

The whole nation provided a response as soon as they can. Upon the striking of the disaster ,the Chinese communists had quickly organized rescue operations. For example, PLA men rushed to wenchuan to rescue the victims , facing the high risk of amid after shocks and giving the victims not only help but also the hope for living. More and more volunteers covering a long distance helped to transport food and drug around the clock , exhausted but happy. As for other Chinese citizen, everyone was doing his bit to donate food, clothing, money, even blood and organs.

What happened to China in the aftermath of the massive earthquake proves that there are no limitations to what the boundless love of the Chinese nation could accomplish. Love can conquer everything.


纪念512汶川地震作文范文1:汶川大地震 纪念512汶川地震作文范文1:汶川大地震2008年5月12日14时28分,这个全国人民都牢记的时刻。我国四川汶川地区发生了一起8.0级的大地震。顷刻间,房屋倒成一片,人们泪流满面。顷刻间,恐慌、悲痛编织成了一张巨大的网,笼罩在全国人们的心头。 这场地震给我国带来了巨大的损失。但也就是这场地震,彰显出了中国人民的坚强不屈,彰显出了中国人民的伟大的爱! 5.12日,虽然摧毁得了我们的家园,但是摧毁不了我们坚强的意志! 曾经看到过这样一个感人的镜头:那是被困80个小时以后,解放军又成功解救出了一名女孩。另人震惊的是,这名女孩没有昏迷,也没有哭泣。她给了我们一抹灿烂的微笑!她说:“我没事!”尽管她的眼里还闪烁着晶莹的泪珠,尽管她曾与死神擦肩而过!呵,女孩,你是冬日里的一抹阳光,是暴雨过后的一株小草。给人以温暖,给人一坚强! 5.12日,虽然扼杀得了我们的生命,但是扼杀不了我们心中的真情! 曾经听到过这样一个感人的故事:在地震发生的时候,一名年轻的教师正在上课。当他感觉地震发生时,他没有先逃走,教室里还有一群可爱的孩子呀!于是,他赶忙疏散学生。只剩下两个

孩子了,可,墙就要塌了!这位年轻的教师想也没想,把两个孩子紧抱在一起扑在地上。几十个小时过去了,救援队挖开了废墟。年轻的老师已经牺牲了。可两个孩子还在他的胸前,两个孩子还没死!可当人们试图将孩子从老师手中拉出来时,却怎么也拉不出来,没办法,尸体已经僵硬了。当医护人员说要把他的手锯掉的时候,在场的人都哭了……呵,老师!我不想感谢你,因为我知道,这是一个老师的本能,我所能做的,只有鼓励那两个孩子坚强地活下去! 一点儿小爱心乘以13亿会变成爱的海洋,一个大困难除以13亿也会变得微不足道!四川灾区的人们,你们要坚强!中国人从不会在灾难面前倒下!从哪儿跌倒,我们就从哪儿爬起! 纪念512汶川地震作文范文2:纪念四川汶川大地震一周年光阴似箭,日月如梭。转眼就离四川汶川8.8级大地震一周年了。 2008年5月12日下午北京时间14:28分,这一刻,自然大灾害地震震倒了昔日欢乐的学校和充满和谐的家庭,使许多可爱的小天使没有了家,没有了亲爱的爸爸妈妈。志愿者和解放军叔叔们不惜一切,只要有一线的希望,他们都不放过。 一方有难,八方支援。群众们虽然不能去救人,但他们用捐钱捐物的方式来表达他们的爱心。 在地震中,曾有一位伟大的母亲,在解放军的救护下,救出了一位妈妈和她几个月大的孩子。地震前,她把自己的孩子抱在怀里,孩子没事,可是她为了孩子安全,自己被石头砸死了。解放军在救护的过程中,发现了旁边有一部手机,上面写着:“孩子,如果你还活着,请记住,妈妈永远爱你。”这是让我最受感动的故


汶川地震11周年的心得感想精选5篇 2008年的5月12日,是每个中国人都应该记住的日子。14时28分,四川汶川发生的8.0级特大地震……时间可以抚慰伤痛,却抚不去思念与记忆。这里给大家分享一些关于汶川地震11周年的心得,希望对大家有所帮助。 2019汶川地震11周年心得 缅怀伤痛,是对生命应有的姿态,更是为了更好拥抱明天,砥砺前行。死者长已矣,生者或余悲。但愿逝者能忘却地震来临瞬间的惊悸;但愿生者谨记生命力量的坚韧与伟大、人间大爱的无私与朴实,珍惜当下,奋力前行。 十年前的汶川大地震,天崩地裂,山河倒转,到处都是残垣断壁。曾经秀丽的山川,变成了一片废墟,这里已经成了人间炼狱。撕心裂肺的哭喊,轻声无助的呢喃,响彻这片天地。很多家庭因此而伤痕累累,很多的人失去了至亲至爱的家人。这次大灾难,让人们铭记于心,也让人们学会了坚强。 一方有难八方支援,在国家的关心下,在全国人民援建下,大家团级一心众志成城,组成团队为灾区的重建工作而努力。近十年过去了新的新的汶川县城重新矗立而起,时间已经抚平了人们心里的创伤,当年因灾难继续向着自己梦想奋斗的人,已经成功的实现了理想。站在人生新的一个高度,在属于自己的路上前行,祝福他们。 2008.5.12,中国人永远难忘的日子。北川,那场强震中受灾最重的地区。即便山河破碎,中国人还是挺直了脊梁。或许我们在自然面前依旧渺小,但我们绝不屈服。众志成城,筑成了今天的新北川。 2008年5月12日14时28分,天崩地裂,四川汶川发生里氏8级特大地震。如今,十年了,时间的沉淀或许可以抚慰伤痛,但那段想起便泛泪光的记忆,却不曾褪色。 汶川地震过去10年了,满屏的汶川记忆,一种集体痛感依旧在。失去亲情友情爱情同胞之情的烈度太大,时间装不下,躯体也装不下,这块大地上依然有心灵的余震。对逝者最好的纪念还是生者更幸福,否则悲伤只在表面流淌。只有家园更坚固,生灵更平安,才是真正的重建。祝福汶川,平安中国!


地震慰问信英语 篇一:英语地震慰问信 a letter of condolence 地震慰问信 1 中国四川汶川大地震灾害严重,已造成500多万人无家可归。请你代表我校写一封慰问信向灾区人民表示关怀和慰问。 1. 简要描述灾区的情况 2. 对灾区人民表示关怀和慰问 3. 表达灾后重建家园的信心 dear victims,the earthquake which happened two weeks ago in sichuan province is an enormous disaster for our whole nation. it has caused both financial and life loss. until now, fifty thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and much more injured seriously. five million peoplehave no homes to return as the majority of the buildings werecollapsed we are sorry about this accident. it’s a pity that many children losttheir parents and many couples lost their lovers. i could not help butcry when hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster. our whole nation is a big family, every member would like to give ahelping hand to the people who suffered from the earthquake. we must show our warm-heartedness and make donations to the


初二关于地震的英语作文 After 5. earthquake struck sichuan province since 20xx, we, I was so frightened by an earthquake, I felt the earthquake many houses will be apart, can let many people lost their lives, is one of the world's most terrible disaster. Today I saw "China children's encyclopedia, really know anything about earthquake. It turns out that the earthquake happened all of a sudden the vibration phenomenon, like the wind, rain, is a kind of common natural phenomena. Vibrations in the earth, in fact, very frequently, probably every 30 seconds there will be time, but most of them are very ease, people did not feel. We can feel the earthquake is due to the relative movement between earth's tectonic plates, rock is squeezed, produce a huge amount of energy to make rock failure in an instant, or make originally the already existing fracture activity, suddenly release a large amount of energy, and some of the energy to the earth's surface, make the earth trembling violently, causing strong earthquake. Started happening earthquake site is called the source, the source above the ground is called


四川汶川大地震之后的感悟 5.12大地震给四川省的汶川、北川等地的人民带来了巨大的灾难,无数的报道向我们彰显了自然灾害的残酷!谱写了众志成城、抗震救灾拯救生命的英雄诗篇! 这一周来,我无数次被媒体的报道感动着:一位母亲为了保护婴儿用自己的身躯挡住了水泥板,婴儿只是擦破点皮。伟大的母亲却已断了呼吸,顷刻间、多少生命被恶魔夺取了生命,多少人无家可归,多少孩子昨天还拥有幸福的家庭,而今天却沦落为孤儿。 一个孩子在地震时正往外跑就差一步,就差一步就可以跑出来。然而一块水泥板掉了下来,被砸去了生命。他被抬出来的时候,仍保持跑步的姿势。一个救援人员不顾自己的危险想在余震前再救一个儿童,他的同事拚命的拦住他,他哭着喊着“再让我救一个、一个救好”余震后那里面的儿童无一幸存,那个救援人员跪地抱头痛哭…… 是啊,面对突如其来的灾难,带走了多少亲人,带走了多少梦想,带走了多少欢乐、带走了多少甜蜜和微笑。坚强的人们在废墟中苦苦挣扎着,他们身上有着中国人不屈的精神,不到最后一刻都不会放弃自己宝贵的生命。 看看我们最可爱的解放军叔叔,他们不分日夜,在他们身上看不到危险,看不到累,他们身上那种军人的气息,军人的品质,在他们眼里是没有不能做的事,就算知道再向前一步就会牺牲也不怕,这就是我

们中华民族的一支令人敬佩的军队。 此时此刻,我们要好好珍惜那些在平日生活中无视的拥有,珍惜那些已经成为习惯让你感到有些发腻了的爱,珍惜能看见阳光的每个平淡的日出日落。因为和逝去的生命相比,我们还能感受太阳之神的光芒和温暖,感受地球母亲的无数惠泽。 拥有生命,这,也就足够了。 我们是不是应该客观的看待地震局? 5月12日的大地震之后,各路军兵直奔现场的同时,各路网民也一路指责地震局,众口一声地诘问,这么大的地震,地震局为什么没有向公众预报?! 诚然,面对这场灾难,中国地震局有其无可推卸的责任和义务,地震局也在震前震后竭尽全力履行着自身的责任和义务,迎着唾沫,谁都知道现在绝不是一个回应指责的恰当时候。我想,作为中国政府的一个组成部门,这个事件中暴露出来的种种弊端自是地震局留到事后严厉思索的重要题目。 作为国家机关,中国地震局拥有其法律规定的职责,这些职责我附在本文之后,不做赘述。趁着下班,我来说说汶川地震中地震局都做了什么,一是讲一讲道理,二是短暂地回顾一下过去的两天。 (一)快速准确的情况通报 这样的速度有赖于分布在960万平方公里土地上的1000多个测震台站,而这些台站平日的看护、数据传输、数据分析、数据存储以及部


关于中国汶川地震 Some residents of the provincial capital 首府 Chengdu have chosen to sleep in tents and government shelters for fear of aftershocks 余震causing more damage. One witness in Chengdu told the BBC the city’s population is helping the relief work by donating 捐献 food and water for those affected in the surrounding countryside. Financial aid 经济救助 has been pouring in 大量涌进 from all over China, with the Chinese government pledging hundreds of millions of dollars. Substantial donations from other countries and humanitarian organisations have also been pledged 承诺,给予(援助). Although full casualty figures 伤亡数字 are not yet certain, it is clear that Monday’s earthquake is the worst to strike China since the Tangshan earthquake of 1976. 中国汶川大地震(中国汶川地震) 像在英国,在英国广播公司英语学习小组的许多人都感到震惊,并通过在四川省地震的消息感到非常难过。我们想扩大我们的慰问受这一可怕的自然灾害影响的人。下面是一个关于地震和救援行动正在发生


四川汶川大地震精选作文 四川汶川大地震精选作文 5月12日,是一个不平凡的日子,是一个让四川人民心惊胆寒的日子,更是一个触动我们每个中国人心灵的日子! 20XX年5月12日14时28分,在我国的四川省发生了里氏8。0级强烈大地震……在短短的几秒钟,高楼林立的市区霎时被夷为平地;在短短的几秒钟,繁华的闹市霎时变成了一片废墟;在短短的几秒钟,一个个襁袍中的孩子失去了温暖的家,失去了生他们爱他们的父母;在短短的几秒钟,昔日人声鼎沸的城市沉寂了……幸存者目睹家园被摧毁,目睹房屋霎时倒塌,目睹亲人被埋在废墟里,他们声嘶力竭地喊着、抽泣着,这喊声,这哭声,像一把利箭穿越重山,刺痛我们每个中国人的心灵。 美丽的校园没有了,琅琅的书声被那揪心的哭喊声盖住了,昔日如鲜花般绽放的笑脸,被突如其来的天灾掩盖了…… 在天灾面前,人类是渺小的,然而,人的爱心是伟大的,人们伟大的爱心正如春雨般温暖着,渗透着灾区人民的心。这次无情的天灾,这次触动每个中国人心灵的地震,带走的是一个个无辜而脆弱的生命,但却给我们展现了中国人的团结,给那些漠视生命的人带来了对生命新的认识,对伟大生命的再一次审视,给我们全人类对生命的思考,对生命的感悟!我认为,这是大自然给我们的一次考验,一次需要付出沉重代价的考验,在大自然独特的言语中,我领会到:生命无价!

面对涌现在地震灾难以后的一个个顽强的生命,一个个让人感动的场面,一幕幕催人泪下的情景……我深刻体味到:什么是团结,什么是人类最伟大的情感!此时此刻,我们都是四川同胞!让我们众志成城,众志成城,让我们行动起来,用我们的爱心,向正在忍受被灾难带来痛苦的同胞们伸出援助之手,为他们加油,为他们鼓劲!在这与灾区隔绝重山的地方,我向灾区人民寄寓最衷心的祝福!让死去的同胞安息,让幸存者坚强地活下去! 来吧!让我们擦干眼泪,忘记伤痛,努力活下去,让这次触动心灵的地震永远成为过去! 四川汶川大地震精选作文 汶川!汶川!黛黛青山春犹寒。芳菲易,霞云散。天崩地坼锦绣乱,古道尽失问情曲,几人还。泯水浩浩,空崖声声断! 今天是五月十七号,距离汶川大地震过去已经整整五天了,但是那个痛彻心扉的下午,却依旧记忆犹新。在今天,在这个时刻,我只是想向大家讲述一个四川姑娘真切的心情,请大家在这一刻将目光关注我的家乡,曾经美丽繁华,现在断垣残壁的天府之国。 我会永远的记得五月十二日下午两点二十八分,那样黑色的五分钟足以把我的心撕扯的很疼很疼。那个时候我以及我的同学正在学校图书馆看书,突然之间楼道开始晃动,还没有反映过来怎么回事,就听见有人在喊:“快跑,地震!”,接着就被人群卷到了操场上。过了大概五分钟,等到一切结束的时候,开始拿出电话,这时却打不通了,也没有在意,以为是手机信号不好!过了大约十分钟,学校广播里面


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 四川汶川大地震之后的感悟 5.12大地震给四川省的汶川、北川等地的人民带来了巨大的灾难,无数的报道向我们彰显了自然灾害的残酷!谱写了众志成城、抗震救灾拯救生命的英雄诗篇! 这一周来,我无数次被媒体的报道感动着:一位母亲为了保护婴儿用自己的身躯挡住了水泥板,婴儿只是擦破点皮。伟大的母亲却已断了呼吸,顷刻间、多少生命被恶魔夺取了生命,多少人无家可归,多少孩子昨天还拥有幸福的家庭,而今天却沦落为孤儿。 一个孩子在地震时正往外跑就差一步,就差一步就可以跑出来。然而一块水泥板掉了下来,被砸去了生命。他被抬出来的时候,仍保持跑步的姿势。一个救援人员不顾自己的危险想在余震前再救一个儿童,他的同事拚命的拦住他,他哭着喊着“再让我救一个、一个救好”余震后那里面的儿童无一幸存,那个救援人员跪地抱头痛哭…… 是啊,面对突如其来的灾难,带走了多少亲人,带走了多少梦想,带走了多少欢乐、带走了多少甜蜜和微笑。坚强的人们在废墟中苦苦挣扎着,他们身上有着中国人不屈的精神,不到最后一刻都不会放弃自己宝贵的生命。 看看我们最可爱的解放军叔叔,他们不分日夜,在他们身上看不到危险,看不到累,他们身上那种军人的气息,军人的品质,在他们眼里是没有不能做的事,就算知道再向前一步就会牺牲也不怕,这就是我 1 / 7

们中华民族的一支令人敬佩的军队。 此时此刻,我们要好好珍惜那些在平日生活中无视的拥有,珍惜那些已经成为习惯让你感到有些发腻了的爱,珍惜能看见阳光的每个平淡的日出日落。因为和逝去的生命相比,我们还能感受太阳之神的光芒和温暖,感受地球母亲的无数惠泽。 拥有生命,这,也就足够了。 我们是不是应该客观的看待地震局? 5月12日的大地震之后,各路军兵直奔现场的同时,各路网民也一路指责地震局,众口一声地诘问,这么大的地震,地震局为什么没有向公众预报?! 诚然,面对这场灾难,中国地震局有其无可推卸的责任和义务,地震局也在震前震后竭尽全力履行着自身的责任和义务,迎着唾沫,谁都知道现在绝不是一个回应指责的恰当时候。我想,作为中国政府的一个组成部门,这个事件中暴露出来的种种弊端自是地震局留到事后严厉思索的重要题目。 作为国家机关,中国地震局拥有其法律规定的职责,这些职责我附在本文之后,不做赘述。趁着下班,我来说说汶川地震中地震局都做了什么,一是讲一讲道理,二是短暂地回顾一下过去的两天。 (一)快速准确的情况通报 这样的速度有赖于分布在960万平方公里土地上的1000多个测震台站,而这些台站平日的看护、数据传输、数据分析、数据存储以及部


汶川地震英语作文 汶川地震英语作文   Strong earthquake hits China A powerful earthquake measuring 7.8 has hit China's southern province of Sichuan, shaking buildings as far away as Beijing, Shanghai and Bangkok. It was not immediately clear if there were any casualties or damage from the tremor which the the US Geological Survey (UGS) earlier put at 7.8. The epicentre of the quake was 93 kilometres north of Chengdu. Wenchuan, which took full force of the quake, has a population of 111,000 people. It is in an ethnic Tibetan area in Aba county which recently saw violent clashes between Tibetans and Chinese authorities. According to some reports there was a second earthquake measuring 3.9 which hit the Beijing district of Tongzhou at roughly the same time.


高中英语作文范文:为地震灾区人民募捐 假设你是学校的学生会主席,你校计划下周举行一次为四川汶川地震灾区人民献爱心捐衣捐款和义卖活动,请你代表学生会向全体同学简单介绍汶川地震灾情,并倡议同学们踊跃捐款,参加义卖活动。 1. 地震灾情:四川省汶川县于5月12日下午2:28分发生八级强烈地震;截止5月22日,已导致68109人遇难,364552人受伤,许多房屋和学校被毁,500多万人无家可归,生活十分困难。 2. 学生需要帮助,学校需要重建;全世界人民都在努力帮助灾区人民,我们也不例外。 3. 号召学生捐衣服,捐零花钱,义卖(bring-and-buy sale)旧书籍、Mp3等。所有物资和捐款将尽快送往灾区。 4. 你的感想。 【参考范文】 Teachers and fellow students, As we all know, an 8.0 earthquake broke out at 2:28pm on May 12th in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province. It's reported that the earthquake was so strong that it has caused 68,109 deaths and 364,552 people were hurt. Many houses and schools were destroyed and as a consequence, more than five million people are living a hard life now. Just imagine how the students there need help and that schools should be built so that students can return to classes soon. People all over the world are trying their best to help them, not excepting us. Here Students' Union calls on everyone to give away your old clothes and pocket money and bring your used books, mp3s or something else to sell in the bring-and-buy sale. All the materials and the money to be collected will be sent to the earthquake stricken areas as soon as possible. My fellow friends, "blood is thicker than water"(血浓于水). Please donate your love and give out your hands without hesitation. We believe miracles can be created, a great many lives will be saved and the harmonious society is sure to be achieved. That's all. Thank you!


英语四六级范文:地震英语作文 Strong earthquake damage so large, to show once againbrought o ut. In the vicinity of the epicenter, and in somecities and villages, many houses collapsed and damagedroads, telecommunications di sruption, many schools andhospitals have become ruins. Human vi brant homes,Zhuanshun between appalling. This is a natural disaster caused by difficult to avoid thetragedy, it is sad. And this kind of tragedy, and in fact the long history of hum an companions,Ruyingsuixing. Far not said that the 1976 Tangsha n earthquake, despite the past 32 years buthas remained a matter of fear. In 1998 the major flood disaster in 2003, the atypicalpneu monia crisis, the end of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the recent tropical storm inMyanmar, have caused a large number of casualti es and property losses. Human nature is nostranger to disaster, bu t when Wenchuan earthquake and the plain reality of the time, the natural power of human beings before the fragile, exposed comple tely. Wenchuan earthquake, the people to disaster areas has caused tre mendous physical andmental suffering, but also makes the map as


汶川大地震感人事迹五篇700字 这一次自然灾害,牵动了我们十三亿中国人的心。中国各界人士踊跃捐款,捐物。全国各地的空军、海军、陆军,都积极救援灾区,还有国际友人的帮助。今天小编在这给大家整理了汶川地震感人事迹,接下来随着小编一起来看看吧! 汶川地震感人事迹1 地震无情人有情,全国各地纷纷向灾区捐款。你五十,我一百,他两百。这就是中国人,坚强不屈的中国人!捐款不仅有老百姓,还有港台歌星和体育明星,他们捐款数目都大的惊人! 大街还是那繁华的大街,小巷还是安静的小巷,县城还是那美丽的县城。但就在2008北京奥运会前三个月,5月12日14点28分四川省汶川县发生的8。0级大地震。 一方有难,八方支援。大爱无疆的援助谱写出无数个感人故事,创造了一个个生命的奇迹。有一位英雄,他叫谭千秋。 他是一位平凡的老师,但他做出了岗位上不平凡的事。5月12日早上6点,他和往常一样,帮小女儿洗漱完,带她散完步后,就到学校上班去了。谁知,这一走,就再也没有回家。就在这天早上,是他们父女俩的分别。那天他正在聚精会神的讲课,学生们听讲非常认真,但就在这时,大家感到地在晃,晃得非常厉害,当时大家第一反应是地震,而且震得非常厉害,眼看是跑不出去了,这时房子突然倒了,谭千秋老师用坚强英勇的双臂把4名学是压在自己的身下,震后,这四名学生安然无恙,但是谭老师,却走了,安静的走了。我相信,天堂的大门是为

心灵美好的人打开的,谭,原你一路走好! 地震无情人有情,全国各地纷纷向灾区捐款。你五十,我一百,他两百。这就是中国人,坚强不屈的中国人!捐款不仅有老百姓,还有港台歌星和体育明星,他们捐款数目都大的惊人!顾长卫蒋雯丽夫妇捐款10万元,周迅捐款10万元,孙俪捐款10万元,那英已捐款20万元,陈坤已捐款20万元,黄晓明已捐款15万元,赵薇捐款10万元。 四川汶川地震牵动着亿万中国人的心,面对巨大灾难,人们震惊了,同样,面对巨大灾难,我们绝不退缩! 2008年,我们众志成城抗击冰雪; 2008年,我们挺身向前守护火炬; 2008年,我们无所畏惧抗击病魔; 2008年,我们万众一心抗震救灾; 2008年,没什么能难倒我们中国人! 汶川地震感人事迹2 5.12汶川地震十周年纪念日已经过去了,但是震后的伤痛我们仍然无法忘记,当然更加忘记不了在灾难中无私奉献的人们。相信不少语文老师都会布置关于汶川地震的作文,今天就给童鞋们分享一些关于汶川地震的素材,希望可以帮到大家。 震后灾区,雨幕笼罩下满目疮痍,道路阻隔、通信中断,每前行一步都无比艰难。但是,所有抢险救援人员都抱定必胜的决心。艰难险阻中,领导干部身先士卒、共产党员勇挑重担、人民子弟兵冲锋在前,风雨中挺起了坚强的脊梁。更让我们感动的,是那些平凡而伟大的老

英语作文 日本地震

All of those broken bones in northern Japan, all of those broken lives and those broken homes prompt us to remember what in calmer times we are invariably minded to forget: the most stern and chilling of mantras, which holds, quite simply, that mankind inhabits this earth subject to geological consent—which can be withdrawn at any time. For hundreds, maybe for thousands of people, this consent was withdrawn with shocking suddenness—all geological events are sudden, and all are unexpected if not necessarily entirely unanticipated—at 2:46 on this past clear, cool spring Friday afternoon. One moment all were going about their quotidian business—in offices, on trains, in rice fields, in stores, in schools, in warehouses, in shrines—and then the ground began to shake. At first, the shock was merely a much stronger and longer version of the temblors to which most Japanese are well accustomed. There came a stunned silence, as there always does. But then, the difference: a few minutes later a low rumble from the east, and in a horrifying replay of the Indian Ocean tragedy of just some six years before, the imagery of which is still hauntingly in all the world’s mind, the coastal waters off the northern Honshu vanished, sucked mysteriously out to sea. The rumbling continued, people then began to spy a ragged white line on the horizon, and, with unimaginable ferocity, the line became visible as a wall of waves sweeping back inshore at immense speed and at great height. Just seconds later and these Pacific Ocean waters hit the Japanese seawalls, surmounted them with careless ease, and began to claw across the land beyond in what would become a dispassionate and detached orgy of utter destruction. We all now know, and have for 50 years, that geography is the ultimate reason behind the disaster. Japan is at the junction of a web of tectonic-plate boundaries that make it more peculiarly vulnerable to ground-shaking episodes than almost anywhere else—and it is a measure of Japanese engineering ingenuity, of social cohesion, of the ready acceptance of authority and the imposition of necessary discipline that allows so many to survive these all-too-frequent displays of tectonic power. But geography is not the only factor in this particular and acutely dreadful event. Topography played an especially tragic role in the story, too—for it is an axiom known to all those who dwell by high-tsunami-risk coastlines that when the sea sucks back, you run: you run inland and, if at all possible, you run uphill. But in this corner of northeast Japan, with its wide plains of rice meadows and ideal factory sites and conveniently flat airport locations, there may well be a great deal of inland—but there is almost no uphill. Such mountains as exist are far away, blue and distant in the west. All here is coastal plain. And so the reality is this: if a monstrous wave is chasing you inland at the speed of a jetliner, and if the flat topography all around denies you any chance of sprinting to a hilltop to try to escape its wrath, then you can make no mistake—it will catch you, it will drown you, and its forces will pulverize you out of all recognition as a thing of utter insignificance, which of course, to a tsunami, all men and women and their creations necessarily must be. 所有这些骨折在日本北部,所有这些破碎的生活和那些破碎的家庭促使我们希望记住在平静


汶川大地震英语作文 篇一:有关汶川大地震的英语 有关汶川大地震的英语作文 Wenchuan, a small city, was destroyed by the earthquake. Many people were buried underground. Many houses were collapsed. The army comes to help people save some people who were buried underground. People said thanks to them. The force of the earthquake is very big. But people don’t afraid it. People around the world contributed money to Wenchuan. We wish Wenchuan will become more and more beautiful. 篇二:大爱无疆汶川地震英语作文 To write: a composition about Love Without Bounds by using problem-responses-evaluation. Problem: ? The outbreak of a devastating(毁灭性的)earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan Responses :? The timely response of the Chinese Communists to it ? The dash of PLA men to the rescue of the victims ? The reactions of every Chinese citizen to the disaster Evaluation:


关于地震的英语作文带翻译(优秀篇) 地球上板块与板块之间相互挤压碰撞,造成板块边沿及板块内部产生错动和破裂,是引起地震的主要原因。以下是我带来的关于地震的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 Strong earthquake composition of the devastating earthquake so large, to show once again brought out. In the vicinity of the epicenter, and in some cities and villages, many houses collapsed and damaged roads, telecommunications disruption, many schools and hospitals have become ruins. Human vibrant homes, Zhuanshun between appalling. This is a natural disaster caused by difficult to avoid the tragedy, it is sad. And this kind of tragedy, and in fact the long history of human companions, Ruyingsuixing. Far not said that the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, despite the past 32 years but has remained a matter of fear. In 1998 the major flood disaster in 20xx, the "atypical pneumonia" crisis, the end of 20xx Indian Ocean tsunami and the recent tropical storm in Myanmar, have caused a large number of casualties and property losses. Human nature is no stranger to disaster, but when Wenchuan earthquake and the plain


四川汶川特大地震灾难 四川汶川特大地震灾难,举世震惊。中华儿女团结一心,同舟共济,捐款捐物,将一颗颗爱心奉献给受灾受难的同胞。特别令人感动的,是那些耄耋之年的长者,拿出他们的养老金,救助灾区;那些带着稚气的孩子,掏出他们的压岁钱、零花钱,捐给他们的同龄人 对比孩子和老人,我们有些人却在应该捐多少款的问题上产生了分歧和争论。网上甚至展开了辩论:有的说,捐款不应有标准,全凭个人自愿,捐多捐少都体现了一颗爱心;有的说,捐款多少与态度有关,如果一个年收入100万元的人只捐100元钱,那只能说明这个人是碍于面子才捐的,不是真心实意地想捐赠。 在我看来,捐款其实是有标准的。这个标准主要分两个层次:一是道德的层面。捐款从根本上说是一种自觉自愿的个人行为,别人没有权利说三道四。毕竟每一个人所处的环境不同,受到的教育和影响不同,觉悟程度不同,社会角色与所担责任也不同。从这个角度看,只要能够对灾区有所表示,有所捐献,都是值得称道的,因为他们有这份爱心,有这份良知,我们都应该欢迎,都应该说一声“谢谢!” 二是收入的层面。这次地震,造成的损失巨大。在这种情况下,需要全国人民竭尽全力提供支援。所谓“有力的出力,有钱的出钱”,我们所捐的钱物,对于救灾应当有切切实实的帮助,这

就需要一定数量的财物作支撑。从报纸上了解到,这次四川省造成的财产损失估计高达数千亿元!如果我们没有足够的捐赠,对于灾区人民重建家园的工作,只能是杯水车薪。所以我们要呼吁那些收入高的同胞,大方一点,慷慨一点,为灾区人民,多献出一份爱心和善款;一些工薪阶层,也应在不影响自身生活的情况下,尽可能地多为灾区同胞献上一份爱。多捐一点钱物,就会给受灾受难的同胞更多的温暖和帮助。 一个人有无大爱大善大美之心,通过行动是可以表现出来的。“天地之间有杆秤,那秤砣就是老百姓。”那么,在抗震救灾的时刻,捐款的“秤砣”就是你我他的良心。有一位网友说得好:“当我们已经拥有成功和财富时,我们还要把不幸和贫穷承担下来;当我们已经拥有幸福和快乐时,我们还要把痛苦和忧伤承担下来……”毕竟现在是国家有难,同胞有难,需要我们出力的时候。

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