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1. 他作为我们智力的象征卓然独立。

He stood alone as our emblem of intellectual power.

2. 对邻居们的闲言碎语她丝毫不放在心上。

She wouldn’t give a fig for her neighbors’ gossip.

3. 足球教练的主要竞争对手在散布谣言以逐渐破坏他的威信。

The football coach’s major opponent is spreading rumors to undermine his autho rity.

4. 想象力和勤奋工作是成功的要素。

Imagination and hard work are the ingredients of success.

5. 她总是把自己独特的性格归功于父母。

She always credited her distinctive character to her parents.

6. 我伸手设法够到那只球。

I stretched out my arm trying to reach the ball.

7. 我在异国他乡遇到故知。

I ran into an old friend in the alien land.

8. 他的裤子太短,外套和背心又太肥大。

His trousers were too short and his coat and vest too loose.

9. 预言这次对话可能有什么结果,现在还为时过早。

It’s yet premature to predict the possible outcome of the dialogue.

10. 她坐在墙角掩着嘴暗笑。

Sitting in the corner, she was smiling surreptitiously behind her hand.

11. 他在这样不利的条件之下仍能成功,这使我感到惊异。

I marveled that he was able to succeed against such odds.

12. 老板把他叫到办公室,叫他另谋生计。

The boss called him to the office and sent him packing.

13. 当你思考我们人类发展,从史前的洞穴生活到现在令人惊叹的科学技术的突飞猛进,你会感到想象力的威力。

When you reflect on how far we humans have come from the prehistoric caves to mind-blowing technological advancements, you would feel the power of imagination.

14. 不久后,你的对手可能只剩下你自己。到那时,超越自己!

After a while you will have no one else but you to compete against. At that point, better your best.

15. 那个感恩节的上午,我们忙着在准备一道以烤火鸡为主的传统菜肴。

This Thanksgiving morning had seen us busily preparing a traditional dinner featuring roast turkey.

16. 捷报传来,举国欢腾。

The good tidings filled the whole nation with joy.

17. 为了不再想她,他使自己完全沉浸在工作之中。

He immersed himself in work so as to stop thinking about her.

18. 我们给予他一个英雄凯旋式的欢迎。

We accorded a hero’s welcome to him.

19. 培养感恩的心态是提高自身活力水平和敞开心扉拥抱快乐的一大方法。

One powerful way to raise our energy level and open our heart to joy is to develop an attitude of gratitude.

20. 决定什么是值得你拼搏的,那些不甚重要的烦扰就别去管了。

Decide what is worth struggling for and let go of unimportant hassles.

21. 我希望我们能确定电视机所出毛病的症结所在。

I hope we can home in on what's causing the problems with this TV set.

22. 对于已经肥胖的年轻成人, 研究结果强调改变生活方式很重要。

For young adults who are already obese, the findings underscore the importance of lifestyle changes.


1. His views were like blazing rockets which in the dark of the night suddenly cast a brief but powerful illumination over an immense unknown region.


2. ―People like you and me never grow old,‖ he wrote a friend years later. ―We never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born.‖


3. His hair poking out from a wide-brimmed black hat, Einstein surreptitiously disembarked onto the tug, which ferried him and his party to lower Manhattan, where a car would whisk them to Princeton.


4. Einstein, however, was no Einstein when he was a child.


5. By spring 1921, his exploding global fame led to a grand two-month visit to the United States, where he received so warm a welcome that he would evoke mass frenzy wherever he went.


6. What we have now was built from the imagination of our forefathers. What we will have in future will be built from our imagination.

我们现在所拥有的一切都来源于祖辈的想象力;而我们的想象力又将构筑世界的未来。7. After a while, like a dawn’s brightening, a further answer did come—that there were people to thank, people who had done so much for me that I could never possibly repay them.


8. Most human beings go about longing in secret for more of their fellows to express appreciation for their efforts.


9. They were forever beyond any possible expression of gratitude from me.


10. After having helped educate many young people, he now felt that his best results included his own son.


11. The bumper sticker that reads ―The one with the most toys wins‖ was unlike ly to be found on any of their cars.


12. I think gratitude is a demanding quality, a rigorous quality. It’s a discipline, an exercise.


13. Any other benefits that come along—someone is grateful, your project is a success– are icing on the cake.

随之而来的所有其他益处—如:某人感激你,你的项目获得成功—不过是种点缀而已。14. The power of gratitude takes just a few minutes a day. But it requires consistency and an open mind — and dedication.


15. In a world where personal connections seem increasingly limited, and sometimes stressful when they do occur, gratitude resonates.


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