当前位置:文档之家› 1961_2005年黄河流域极端气候事件变化趋势_陈效逑



第33卷第5期人民黄河Vol.33,No.5 2011年5月YELLOW R IVER M ay,2011





摘要:利用黄河流域58个气象站点1961)2005年的逐日平均气温、最高气温、最低气温和逐日降水量数据,采用百分比阈值法定义极端气温和极端强降水事件,计算气象综合干旱指数(CI),并分析了黄河流域极端气候事件的变化趋势及其空间格局。结果表明:黄河流域极端低温和极端高温天数分别呈减少和增加趋势,平均速率分别为-3.8d/10a和1.7 d/10a;年极端强降水总量的变化趋势存在着明显的区域差异,河源区增加最显著,而中游的黄土高原中、东部减少最显著;干旱天数呈减少趋势,河源区减幅最大,河套-宁夏平原以及鄂尔多斯高原西北部的减幅最小。


中图分类号:P467文献标识码:A do:i10.3969/.j i ssn.1000-1379.2011.05.002






计算极端低温、极端高温、强降水、干旱变化趋势的空间分布时,采用了基于G IS技术的高斯-克里格插值法,它是一种基于统计学的插值方法,其基本原理是根据相邻变量的值,利用变异函数揭示的区域化变量的内在联系来估计某个空间变量数值[16]。数据插值的空间分辨率约为4km@4k m。







+c M











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2 结果分析

2.1 极端低温

从黄河流域区域平均极端低温强度来看(表1),流域最低值(-25.2e )出现在青藏高原上的区域?,最高值(-9.1e )出现在中、下游交接处的区域×。分别统计1961)1985年和1986)2005年各区域极端低温出现的年平均天数,可以看出,各区域近20a 极端低温的天数均较之前的25a 明显减少,减少最多的是区域ó,从平均每年24.6d 减少到11.1d ,减少幅度达55%;减少最少的是区域?,减少幅度为26%。

表1 黄河流域各区域极端最低气温的平均强度及其天数分 区平均强度/

e 1961)1985年年均天数/d







从空间上看,全流域年极端低温天数呈显著减少的线性趋势,平均速率为-3.8d/10a(p <0.05)。其中,减少最快的区域在河套平原和鄂尔多斯高原西北部一带,平均减少速率超过-5d/10a ,而陇中高原和山西高原北部减少最慢,平均减少速率不足-2.5d/10a(图1)

图1 黄河流域年极端低温天数线性趋势的空间格局

2.2 极端高温

与黄河流域区域平均极端低温强度的空间分布大致相同,区域平均极端高温强度以区域?最低,仅为21.5e ,而区域×最高,达到34.8e 。各区域近20a (1986)2005)极端高温的天数均较之前的25a(1961)1985)明显增加,增加最多的是区域?,从平均每年15.4d 增至23.1d ,增幅达50%;增加最少的是区域×


在1961)2005年期间,全流域极端高温天数呈增加趋势,平均速率为1.7d /10a(p >0.05),但空间格局比较复杂。山西和陕西高原之间的局部地区增速最快,为5~7d /10a ,而陇中高原、渭河下游平原,以及中条山和伏牛山一带的增速最慢,为0~1d /10a(见图2)。总的来说,流域大部分地区极端高温天数的增加速率小于极端低温天数的减少速率。

表2 黄河流域各区域极端最高气温的平均强度及其天数分 区平均强度/

e 1961)1985年年均天数/d








图2 黄河流域年极端高温天数线性趋势的空间格局

2.3 极端强降水

黄河流域极端强降水阈值以区域×最大,为11mm,而区域?最小,只有4.1mm 。从各区域前后两个时期年极端强降水天数的变化情况看,区域?和?天数增加,其他5个区域减少。其中,区域?从1961)1985年平均每年17.6d 增至1986)2005年平均每年19.5d ,为增幅最大的区域;而区域?减少1.6d ,为减幅最大的区域(表3)。

表3 黄河流域各区域极端强降水的阈值及其天数分 区阈值/mm 1961)1985年年均天数/d



?7.617.619.5ò7.518.618.2ó 4.318.518.4?×





24mm /10a ;而减少趋势最为明显的地区出现在黄土高原的中、东部,减速为-12mm /10a 以上(图3)

图3 黄河流域年极端强降水总量线性趋势的空间格局

2.4 干 旱




旱的时段,此后,年干旱天数总体趋于减少。各区域近15a (1991)2005年)的年平均干旱天数与最初15a (1961)1975年)相比都明显减少,但与中间15a (1976)1990年)相比区域ó)区域×略有增加(表4)。

表4 各区域分时段年平均干旱天数









从空间上看,黄河流域年干旱天数呈明显减少的趋势,其中:河源区的减少速率最大,为-15d/10a ;河套-宁夏平原以及鄂尔多斯高原西北部的减少速率最慢,为-7~-9d/10a(图4)

图4 黄河流域年干旱天数线性趋势的空间格局

3 结 语




(3)黄河流域年极端强降水总量有增有减,其中:河源区增加最显著,增速为12~24mm /10a ,洪水出现的可能性加大;而黄土高原的中、东部减少显著,减速为-12mm /10a ,导致入黄泥沙可能减少,这对于中游水库和下游河道泥沙淤积具有减缓作用。极端强降水总量和天数的变化趋势与相关地区滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害发生频率的关系有待深入研究。

(4)黄河流域内每年中旱以上的干旱天数呈减少趋势,其中:河源区的减少速率最大,为-15d /10a ,这对该区农牧业的发展和土地退化的治理,具有积极的影响;而河套-宁夏平原以及鄂尔多斯高原西北部的减少速率较慢,为-7~-9d /10a ,且近15a 来干旱天数略有增加,加上这一带极端高温天数的较快增加,使得农耕区的抗旱情势依然严峻。


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=责任编辑 赵宏伟>


4 结 语




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=责任编辑 赵宏伟>



YELLOW R I V ER2011V o.l33No.5

D i scussi ons on Issues of G enera l Survey of R i vers and Lakes

MA Yong-l a,i WANG L i n g,Q IAO Yong-jie,JIANG X i u-hua,LU Guang-q i

(Bureau of H ydrology,Yellow R i ver C onservancy Comm ission,Zhengzhou,H enan450004)

Abst ract:P repar i ng the list o f r i vers and t he code o f w ater syste m are one of i m portant tasks o f gene ra l survey o f rivers and l akes.T he paper puts for w ard the f o ll ow ing pri nc i ples f o r assess m ents and stati stics o f the m a i n river and tr i bu taries:a)takes the longest ri v er or the l a r-gest ca tch m ents a rea as the ma i n;b)takes the r i ve r wh i ch t he w ate r quantity i s obv i ous l y great as the m ai n when the length and area o f each tr i buta ry a re c l ose to each o ther;c)takes the ri v er wh i ch the channe l is w i de w ith gentl e and stra i ght va lley and na t ura l extensi on o f the up-per and lower secti ons as the m a i n w hen the leng t h,area and water quantit y o f each tri butary a re c l ose to each other and;d)it shou l d full y respect the reasonab l e and trad iti ona l forms of address i n h isto ry.T here are3m a i n m ethods for dec i d i ng the head w ate r:a)t he r i ver upward intersects w ith d i v i d i ng crest,t he i ntersection po i nt is the source o f a r i ve r;b)to sea rch t he end of t he top channe l line on an i nteg rated d i g-ita lw ate r syste m m ap,t he m i n i m um catchment a rea is defi ned as0.2km2and c)/w ate r0i n the a rea of o ri g in w ater of a river source,i n-cl udes spr i ng,s m all strea m,s wamp,lake and t he m e lted wa ter o f g lac i ers.But,t he m ethod of tak i ng w ater as the source has som e defects. K ey w ords:ma i n ri ve r;tri butary;head w ate r;general survey of ri ve rs and lakes

V ari ati on Trend of Extre m e C lim ate Events of t he Y ell o w R i ver Basi n i n1961-2005Peri od

C H EN X i a o-qiu,L IU L,i WE I Y ang-p i n g

(C olle ge of Urban and Environ m ental Sciences,Beijing U ni ver sity,Beijing100871)

Abst ract:The paper de fines t he events o f ex tre m e cli m ate and ex tre m e strong precipita tion,ca lcu l a tes the co m prehensive m eteoro log i ca l drought i ndex(CI)and ana l y zes t he var i a tion trend and its spati a l pa ttern o f ex tre m e c li m ate events happened i n the Y e ll ow R iver basi n by usi ng t he da ta of da ily ave rage te m pera t ure,the m ax i m u m and m ini m u m te m pe rature and da ily prec i pita ti on of58w eathe r stati ons dur i ng 1961-2005per i od o f t he bas i n and usi ng the m e t hod o f thresho l d va l ue.T he outco m es show tha t a)the days o f the l ow est te m pe ra t ure and h i ghest te m pe ra t ure of t he basi n sho w t he trend o f reduc tion and i ncrease respecti ve l y and the average rate is-3.8d/10a and1.7d/10a respectively;b)the var i a ti on trend of t o ta l ex tre m e strong prec i pita ti on has obv i ous l y reg iona l d ifference.T he head w ater reg ion i s rem arkab l e in increase and the center and east parts of t he L oess P lateau situated in t he m iddle reaches a re re m arkable i n decrease and;c)the day s of drought are i n the trend of reducti on.T he m ax i m um reducti on happens i n the head w ater reg i on and the m i n i m u m i n H etao-N i ngx i a plain and t he no rt hw est o f O rdos P lateau.

K ey w ords:extreme cli m ate;extrem e strong preci p itation;comprehens i ve m eteo ro l og ical drought i ndex;va riati on trend;the Y e ll ow R iver basi n

A nal ysi s on Sat urated–U nsaturated So il Seepage of t he Y ello w R i ver Em bank m ents

LI Yong-le1,Z HANG Cheng1,Z HANG H ong-fen2

(1.N orth China Institute of W ater C onservancy&H ydroelectr ic Pow er,Zhengzhou,H enan450011;

2.H ebei University of Eng i neering,H andan,H ebei056021)

Abst ract:T he paper calcu lates the seepage equ i potenti a l li ne,veloc it y vecto r and li ne o f satura ti on o f t he Y ell ow R i v er e m bank m ents under the conditions o f fl ood and d ifferent ti m es after e m bank m ent strengthen i ng through w arp i ng by usi ng the seepag e t heory o f saturated–unsa t u-ra ted so il and obta i ns t he locati on o f li ne of saturati on,ve l oc ity vec t o r,tota lw ater head and the distributi on o f hydrauli c head o f the e m bank-m ents at d ifferen t ti m es.The outco m es o f the seepage ana lysis sho w that t he e m bankm ent streng t hen i ng through w arp i ng has greatly reduced the li ne o f sat uration and the destruc ti ve pow er of the seepage to the dyke.It can e ffecti v ely prevent the damage o f p i p i ng and so il l oss in add iti on to t he dyke conso li dati on.

K ey w ords:seepage analysis;saturated–unsaturated so i;l streng t hen i ng through w arp i ng;t he Y e llo w R i ver embank m ents

A pproach to O ptim ized R egu l ati on of G ux ian R eservoir

Z HAO X i a n-rong1,2,DUAN Jing-w ang3,XUE Q i n g-m in2,YAO Gang-bing2,SHEN Ke-li2

(1.F lood C ontro l Off ice,Yellow R i ver Conservanc y Comm ission,Zhengzhou,H enan450003;

2.Gux ian K e y W ater Control A d m i nistration,Y ello w R iver Conservancy C o mm ission,San m enx ia,H enan472000;

3.San m enx ia K ey W ater Control Adm inistration,Yellow R i ver C onservancy Comm ission,San m enx i a,H enan472000)

Abst ract:The paper seeks so l ution o f opti m u m regu lati on li ne of G ux i an R eservo ir by usi ng t he m ethod of dynam ic plann i ng based on the analysis o f rate o f consu m pti on o f un it e l ectric energy and through se lecti ng w et,no r m al and dry representative y ea rs of1977-2007se ries. T he outcom es sho w that a)the h i gh efficiency range of wa ter head of the operati on o f g enerati ng un it of t he reservo ir i s67-74m.W hen the head reduces t he consu m pti on i ncreases.T he effi c i ency o fw ater t urbi ne reduces under the sa m e load w hen t he head i s too h i gh;b)when the w ater leve l i s527.3m and518.0m respectively i n flood season of we t,norma l and dry representative years,the d ifference of m ax i m um

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