当前位置:文档之家› 2015年外贸法语必备资料法语商务信函_整理版





通常有五项内容:a) 发信人的企业或公司的(raison sociale);b) 法律组织形式(forme juridique de la société),和注册资本(capital social)。c) 地址(adresse);d) 电话(Tél),传真(Télécopie),电子信箱(E-mail),特别递送企业邮件(Cedex: Courrier d’entreprise à destination exceptionnelle的缩写),通常标有Télécopie的,便不再标Cedex;e) 需要公之于众的其它信息。


函件编号通常由两部分组成:a) V/Réf. 是V otre référence的缩写,指已经收到的对方来函编号。b) N/Réf. 是Notre référence的缩写,指本函件的编号。


4.收信人(或企业)的名称和地址(Mention sur le destinataire)5.写信人的地点和日期(Lieu et date de la création de la lettre):

a) 地点: 词首字母须大写,后面要用逗号。

b) 日期:月份数字用法文书写,月份词首字母无须大写。6.收信人的称谓(Titre de civilité):称谓不能缩写,如Monsieur,不要写成M。如果收信人担任一定的职务,应该把职务也写上,职务


6.商业书信的格式(Formats of Business Letters) 现代的英文信函越来越多的采用齐头式(block form)的形式。齐头式就是将信头写在信纸的右上角,而将信内地址、称呼、信的正文、结尾语、签名、附件等的每一行全部在左首的边线排齐。信函的另一种格式斜列式,就是将信头、信内地址、结尾语、签名的每一行及信的正文每一段的头一行都往右缩进几个字母;而混合式是由齐头式和斜列式混合而成。信头和信内地址用齐头式,而信的正文和结尾语及签名则用斜列式。 现代的商务信函正在从拘谨转向比较直接和简明的形式。齐头式(block form)和混合式(semi-intended)是在现代业务信函里长期和广泛使用的两种形式。 商务信函主要包括以下十个主要部分: 信头(Heading) 信头表示一家公司、行号的品格,往往是印就好的。包括发信人的公司名称、地址、电报挂号(电传号码)、发信日期。日期按“日-月-年”的顺序全文缮打, 月和年之间无须使用逗号。例如:11th October, 20…. 11 October 20….. 日可用基数(1,2, 3等)或序数(1st,2 nd ,3rd ,4th等), 也可放在月份的后面。例如: 1st April 20……. 1 April 20…….. March 1st, 20…… March 1, 20……. 用数字表示的日期(例如:10/12/20….)在商务信函里应避免。因为在英国是指20…年12月10日; 而在美国和其他国家, 是指20…年10月12日。 信内地址(Inside Address) 英文信函的地址由商行名称、门牌号和街名、城市或镇名、州名和其邮政编码,国名组成。如写给某特定的收信人,收信人的姓名和衔头可写在地址之前(现已不太常见)。例如: (Mr. James Green) Marketing Director Green Industries Inc. 999 Park Avenue Rockford IL 61125 USA 信函里的尊称有先生(Mr.)、夫人(Mrs.)、小姐(Miss)、先生


如何书写商务邀请函? 1.Begin typing your invitation by beginning your salutationwith a colon as business etiquette dictates, such as Dear (Name of Recipient): ⑴开始书写邀请函,开头用敬称和一个冒号作为商务礼节的原则,例如亲爱的(收信者的名字): 2. Personalize the business invitation to each invitee. You can do this by thanking the invitee for a recent phone conversation or business consultation. Personalizing business invitations makes the invitees feel valued and sets a positive tone in advance. ⑵个性化给每一位邀请者的商务邀请信。你可以通过感谢被邀请者最近的电话谈话或者业务洽谈来这样做。个人化的商务邀请能让被邀请者感到被重视和提前定好积极的语调。 3. Discuss the purpose of the invitation. Describe exactly what the event will be, the nature of the event, the purpose of the event, where it will be held, on what day it will be held and at what time it will be held. Identify any notable people who will be in attendance and provide a phone number


Practical English Writings 实用应用文写作 Jessie Peng 6) 体谅原则 一封有效的书信能给收信人以深刻印象和影响,要想达到此目的,就应当设身处地为收件人着想,考虑他的要求、希望和利益等。周密的思考有助于你更理解你的收件人,因此,你的要求将会更加实际和可以理解。 写作时要注意以下问题: (1)采取收信人的态度,即“You”attitude,避免采取写信人的态度,即“We” attitude。比较下列句子: “We attitude” We allow a 5% discount for cash payments. “You attitude” You earn a 5% discount when you pay cash. “We attitude” We are pleased to announce that… “You attitude” You will be pleased to know that… 下面两封信是这两种态度的典范。第一封信是以“We” attitude 的方式写的,而第二封信是以“You” attitude 的方式写的。

试对它们进行比较,看看它们给你的印象有什么不同。 (a)May I express my thanks for the account you recently opened with our store. We are pleased to furnish a wide variety of products for the home or individual. We trust you will take full advantage of our store services, for we have the largest stock in the city. Also we make deliveries of our customers’purchases free of charge within thirty miles of our store. We welcome you to Johnson’s. If we can be of additional service in any manner, please call on us. Translation: 让我对你最近在我公司开户一事表示感谢。我们乐意提供家庭和个人使用的各种产品。 我们相信你会充分利用我们的服务的,因为我公司所备货物时本地最充足的。同时,我们的顾客所购货物,在距离公司30英里范围内,可以免费送货。 我们欢迎你光临本公司。如果我们能在其他方面为你服务,请打电话给我们。 Thank you for the account you recently opened at Johnson’s. Serving you with your needs for clothing and home furnishings is a pleasure. You will find 34 departments at Johnson’s stocked with a variety of quality items. And courteous sales clerks are here to assist


德语日常信函-祝贺毕业 Glückwunschschreiben—4. Glückwunsch zum Schulabschluss, Studienanfang und zu bestandenen Prüfungen 1. 叔叔向侄女祝贺中学毕业 Liebe ......, "Zum Erfolg gibt es keinen Lift. Man muss die Treppe benützen." Wer wüsste besser als du, was dieser Ausspruch meinte? Du bist also die Treppe gegangen, auch wenn das mühsam war. Und doch bist du oben angekommen, und sicher besser als mancher Liftbenutzer. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu diesem sch?nen Erfolg. Nun bist hast du endlich mit dem Reifezeugnis den Schlüssel zum Studium an der Hochschule erhalten. Ich bin sehr stolz auf dich! Und ich bin sicher, deinen weiteren Weg wirst du genau so erfolgreich die Treppe benutzen! Viel Glück dafür und Herzlichst Dein Onkel ...... 亲爱的......:


法语商务函件的格式 通常所见的法语商务函件,一般有如下九个部分的内容构成: 1.函件抬头(信头)(En-tête) 2.函件编号(Références) 3.致函事由(Objet) 4.收信人(或企业)的名称和地址(Mention sur le destinataire-le nom et l’adresse du destinataire) 5.写信人的地点和日期(Lieu et date de la création de la lettre) 6.收信人的称谓(Titre de civilité) 7.函件正文(Corps de la lettre) 8.署名(Signature) 9.附件(Pièces jointes) 一般格式为:将一张纸分为三等分,从上到下,第一个1/3部分容纳1-5部分内容,其余的2/3容纳剩余4部分内容. 但此划分不是绝对的.如果正文内容略多,就可以将第6至第9部分所占纸面比例扩大.

具体写法: 一.函件台头(en-tête) 1.台头的内容:通常为5项内容 a.发信人的企业或公司的全称 b.发信人的企业或公司在法律上的组织形式(forme juridique de la société)和注册资本(capital social)〔尤其对股份有限公司和有限公司而言,作这样的注明是必需的.Ex:Sociétéanonyme au capital de 60 000 E〕 c.地址(adresse).包括城市名称、邮政编码、路名和门牌号码。 d.电话(Tél)、传真(Télécopie)、电子信箱(E-mail)、特别递送企业邮件(Cedex, Courrier d’entrepris e à destination exceptionnelle的缩写)。通常标有Télécopie的,便不再标Cedex 。e.需要公之于众的其它信息(工商企业登记薄号码、银行帐户号码和邮政支票帐户号码等等)。 此部分可以与前面四部分内容放在一起,也可以将其放在信笺的下方,与信笺下边缘空一行半。 2.台头的位置 一般在信笺上方居中处,但也有其它格式,如将a、b两项放在信笺左上方,将c、d等项放在右上方。还有在信笺左上方印有“发信人的企业或公司”的商徽,将“企业或公司名称”及“地址”居中,将其它信息列在右上方等等。这些都是出于设计美观或标新立异方面的考虑。二.函件编号(Références) 通常为两行。置于左侧,与收信人的名称和地址之间无需空行。 编号的作用,在于便利文件的归类和检索。 a.来文编号(V/Réf, V otre référence的缩写),指已经收到的对方(即本函件的收信人)来函编号。 有些函件还会在来文编号中标上相关内容,比如:V/Réf : LK/AD208。LK指撰写或口授函件者姓名的起首字母;AD则指用电脑或打印机直接输入打印此封函件者姓名的起首字母;阿拉伯数字则是函件的顺序编号。 b.本文编号(N/Réf, Notre référence的缩写),指本封函件的编号。如:N/Réf CLD/CP 62。 CLD指撰写或口授函件者姓名的起首字母;CP则指用电脑或打印机直接输入打印此封函件者姓名的起首字母;阿拉伯数字则是函件的顺序编号。 三.致函事由(Objet) 通常为一行,置于左侧,与函件编号之间无需空行. 扼要地提示本封函件的主题. 并非每封商务函件都要注明致函事由,但大多数都有致函事由. *用法语写时名词不带冠词 四.收信人的名称和地址 (Mention sur le destinataire) 通常为六项内容,置于信笺右侧(左对齐),与台头之间空两行。 a.收信人的名称和地址有三种处理模式: 通常模式 公司名称(Société Informatique) 门牌号码、路名(62, rue des Vinaigres) 邮编、城市名(75010 PARIS) 国家名(FRANCE)


The Writing Practice(needs to be printed) I.Choose the best Opening or Closing. 1. a. This is to enquire at what address can we reach you. b. P1ease tell us your address. c. We should be pleased if you would let us know your address. 2. a. We are writing to answer your questions. b. We sent to you this morning Our latest catalogue you requested in your letter of yesterday. c. We beg to state that your letter of October 2 has been given careful consideration. 3. a. We received your 1etter Of May 5. Here is a copy of our price list you asked for. b. Here is our price list you asked for in your letter of May 5. c. We enclose herewith a copy of our price list for which you aske d. 4. a. We write in answer to your favour of February 10. b. We are plcased to say that we can accept your conditions in your letter of February 10. c. We acknowledge receipt of your letter of February l0 and wish to comment on your condit1ons. 5. a. You will soon hear from this headoffice which has wide connections with 1arge groups of the wold, that your application for the job of a sales representative is being considered. b. We are pleased to tell you that your application for the position of a sales representative is accepted. c. We write with pleasure to inform you that we have considered your application favorabIy. 6. a. Thanking you once again, we remain b. We wil1 consider your suggestions favourably. c. Assuring you of our favourable consideration, we remain 7. a. Please be assured of our best attention. b. Thank you again. c. Once again, may we express our appreciation to you. 8. a. Finally, may we thank you once again for your cooperation. b. Thank you again for your cooperation. c. I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for your kind cooperation.


商务英语信件常用句型 1. 称呼和结束句: Dear Sir Yours faithfully Dear Madam Yours faithfully Dear Sirs Yours faithfully Dear Madam Yours faithfully Dear Madam Yours faithfully Dear Ms Brown Yours sincerely Dear Mr Mith Yours sincerely 2. 介绍这封信的背景: With reference to: With reference to your advertisement in the Times of 12th December,… With reference to your phone call today,… 3. 解释写信原因: I am writing to… I am writing to confirm the arrangement. I am writing to enquire about the price and discount of your products. I am writing to inform you that we have sent your goods on July 21. I am writing to apologise for the delay of the goods. 4. 提出要求: I would be grateful if you could send me a catalogue. I would appreciate it if you could deliver them as soon as possible. Could you possibly give a presentation at the annual sales conference? 5. 表示感谢 Thank you for… Thank you for your telephone call today. Thank you for sending the catalogue to me. 6. 随信寄去的材料 Please find enclosed a cheque. I am enclose a price list. We enclose a brochure. 7. 表示道歉 I am sorry that our cashier charged you too much. I apologize for not attending the meeting. I am sorry for not replying to your letter. 8. 确认某事 I am pleased to confirm the booking of the conference room on Monday ,March 3—5 . I can assure you that we can deliver the goods by the required date. 9. 讲述不好的消息 Unfortunately, the handles of the teapots were missing. I am afraid that only two of the ten microphones can work. 10. 结束一封信 Thank you for your help. Please contact us again if we can help in any way. / you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you soon. /meeting you ./ seeing you next Friday. 货运英语 货物goods | | freight | | cargo 运输transportation | | transit | | conveyance


《外贸函电写作》复习题I: Key terms : 1. credit standing 资信情况 2.counter-signature 会签 3. commercial Invoice 商业发票 4. confined L/C 保兑信用证 5. effect shipment 实行装运 6. confirming bank 保兑行 7. accepting bank 承兑行 8. issuing bank 开立行 9. discount 折扣 10. commission 佣金 11. under separate cover 另函寄出 12. remittance 汇付 13. premium 保险费 14. irrevocable L/C 不可撤销的信用证 15. deposit 定金16. collection 托收 17. terms of payment 支付方式 18. insurance Policy 保险单 19.Sales Confirmation 销售确认书 20. clean B/L 提单 21. firm offer 实盘 22.shipping documents 运输单据 23. amend the L/C 修改信用证 24. extend the L/C 展延信用证 25. exporter 出口商 26. importer 进口商 27.on Board B/L 已装船提单 28.More or Less Clause 溢短装条款 29. documentary bill 跟单汇票 30.time draft 远期汇票 II: Multiple choice: 1. We have lodged a claim______ ABC & Co._______ the quality of the goods shipped_______ S.S “ Peace”. A. against; for; by B. with; for; under C. on; against; as per D. to; for; per 2. It is important that your client______ the relevant L/C not later than April 12,1999. A, must open B. has to open C. open D. opens 3. We hope that the relevant L/C_____ as early as possible. A. establish B. will be established C. established D. establishing 4.We have made______ clear that the goods should be packed in cartons. A. it B. them C. this D. Which 5.We sincerely hope the goods under your Order No.245 will reach you_______. A. in good conditions B. in the good conditions C. in a condition D. in good condition 6.We are sorry to hear that the goods you received are not_______ the quality expected. A. but B. only C. of D. for 7.We shall remit to you an amount of $ 200 in_____ for the loss you suffered. A. reply B. compensation C. return D. interest 8. ____ you____ send us samples of your own products? A. Do...wish to B. Will...like to C. Do...hope to D. Would...please 9. Please don’t hesitate to write to us any proposals______ marketing chestnut. A. to concern B. concerning C. concerned D. concern 10. We wish to _______ as an agent the goods you are exporting now, because we are


商务公函格式模板 今天,我给大家介绍的是商务公函格式模板,希望对大家有帮助。 (1)商务公函的概念 商务公函是用来商洽工作销售技巧和话术、联系业务、询问和答复有关具体实际问题的一种公文。 (2)商务公函的结构及写作方法 公函是平行文。在写作时,一般包括四大部分:标题、行文对象、正文、落款。 ①标题一般采用公文规范标题法,即标题由发函机关、事由、受函机关和文种组成。也有的只有事由和文种。 ②行文对象是指公函受文者,写在事由之下的第一行左边,顶格,后面加冒号。 ③正文是公函的内容即事项,是发函者要告诉对方的具体事情,由三部分组成,即发函因由,发函事项以及结语等,事项部分基本上是叙述和说明的方法,如有要求部分则要根据行文内容来安排,不可过多。结语多使用"特此复函"。 ④落款。包括发函单位的名称和主要负责人的签名以及日期。 商务公函范文1 Dear_______, I am ______ (自我介绍) .I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about_____. The reason for my dissatisfaction is _______(总体介绍). In the first place,_______(抱怨的第一个方面). In addition, ___________(抱怨的第二个方面). Under these circumstances, I find it ________ (感 觉)_______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果). I appreciate it very much if you could _______(提出建议和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求),and I would like to have this matter settled by ____(设定解决事情最后期限). Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to


Manière d'agir, de parler civile et honnête, acquise par l'usage du monde. Action conforme à la politesse. La politesse se concrétise par des formules ‘ consacrées ’ : les formules de politesse. - Pour une personne que l'on ne conna?t pas : Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle. - Pour une personne que l'on conna?t un peu : Cher Monsieur, Chère Madame, Chère Mademoiselle Cher confrère, Mon cher frère, Ma chère tante, Mon cher X, Cher Y,... Toutes ces formules s'écrivent en entier , sans abréviations. Répétez toujours, dans la formule finale, les termes qui ont été employés dans l'appellation (la formule d’ ? appel ?). Exemple : A la formule d’appel ? Monsieur le Directeur ?, doit répondre une formule finale du type : ? Veuillez accepter, Monsieur le Directeur , l'expression de mes sentiments les plus dévoués ?. Cordialement..., cordialement v?tre… Amicalement..., bien amicalement... Dans l’attente de votre accord…, D ans l’atten te de votre réponse …, Dans l’attente d’une réponse favorable de votre part…, D ans l’attente de vous lire… Exemples : Dans l'attente de votre accord , je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, mes salutations distinguées. Dans l'attente de votre réponse / d’une réponse favorable de votre part , je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, mes salutations distinguées. Dans l'attente de vous lire , je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'assurance de ma considération distinguée.


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 中美家庭教育比较—文化差异对家庭教育的影响 2 法语给英语带来的影响 3 自救或被救: 小说《红字》分析 4 托马斯?哈代《无名的裘德》中的书信研究 5 从《厄舍古屋的倒塌》看爱伦坡写作的哥特式风格 6 Cultural Influences on Business Negotiation between China and Japan 7 《飞屋环游记》的人物设置特色分析 8 人名名词词汇化问题 9 A Comparative Study on the Tw o Chinese V ersions of Tess of the D’urbervilles from the Perspective of Nida’s Dynamic Equivalence 10 研究简奥斯汀的婚姻观---根据分析她的著作《傲慢与偏见》 11 浅谈英语科技文献汉译时应注意的几个方面 12 艾米莉?狄金森诗歌中的动物意象研究 13 中西方大学中第二课堂的角色研究 14 试析《推销员之死》中威利?洛曼的美国梦 15 中西方数字“九”的文化对比分析与翻译 16 多丽丝·莱辛的《金色笔记》中的怀旧情绪 17 An Analysis on Feminism from the Perspective of Music in Little Women 18 艺术与现实之间的冲突--解读毛姆的《月亮和六便士》 19 “面子”文化与中西方为人处世观 20 Translation Strategies about Vacant Words in Dreams of the Red Mansion 21 广告翻译中功能对等的研究 22 从《看不见的人》中透视美国黑人寻找自我的心路历程 23 从《去吧,摩西》中的“熊”看福克纳对人性的探讨 24 英语新词的发展研究 25 论中美商务谈判风格的差异 26 商务信函翻译技巧初探 27 世纪美国男权社会下女性的成长——解读《觉醒》中埃德娜的觉醒过程和原因 28 浅析《老人与海》中桑提亚哥的性格 29 《红楼梦》中文化词的翻译 30 中英数字词语文化内涵对比研究 31 英汉基本颜色词的文化内涵对比研究 32 On Translation Strategies of Animal Idioms between English and Chinese 33 《哈姆雷特》与《夜宴》中人物塑造的比较研究 34 《喜福会》中的中美文化冲突 35 用陌生化理论阐述《红色手推车》的悲剧色彩 36 文化碰撞和融合——探讨少数裔文化在美国主流文化下的生存 37 从美国梦看美国社会流动机制 38 Effects of First Person Narration on Thematic Expression in Araby 39 从Salsa舞解析墨西哥人的性格 40 吸血鬼传说对英国文化的影响 41 浅析亨利詹姆斯小说《螺丝在拧紧》中的哥特成分 42 黑人英语克里奥起源论


1.We now have a good demand for the captioned item and therefore write to you _____ establishing trade relations. A.In accordance with B.in the hope of C.for the hope at D.against the hope of 2.Any information you kindly give us will be treated in strict confidence and_____on you part A.without any responsibility B.hasn’t any responsibility C.is no responsibility D.is not to have responsibility 3.we take the liberty of writing to you ____a view to establishing business relations with you A.in B.with C.to D.for 4.pens are packed 12 pieces____a box and 200 boxes___a wooden case. A.to,in B.in,to C.to,to D.to ,of 5.This container can be easily opened___both ends A.By B.on C.at D.in 6.We will refund the premium____you____receipt of your debit note. A.to,upon B.with,upon C.to,at D.with,at


商务函电开头套用语7 需要写外电email?不知道该如何下笔?下面是一些外电email常用的开头语,不妨一试。 We should be grateful if you would do your utmost to... 如你方尽力去……我方不胜感激。 Under the circumstances it is essential that... 在这种情况下,……是很必要的。 Will you please let us have for our information... 请惠告……供我方参考。 We note with regret that... 我们遗憾地注意到…… We are very sorry indeed to hear from your letter of... that... 从贵方……月……日的信函中得知……,我们感到很遗憾。 We are sorry to tell you that... 歉告你方…… We are sorry not to be able to give you the information requested. 恕不能提供所需信息。 We are very sorry not to be able to give you a definite reply in respect of the above matter. 就上述事情,我方歉难给予肯定的答复。 We are very sorry for the inconvenience that may have caused you. 对给你方带来的不便我方深表歉意。 We are very sorry that we cannot accept your offer.


英文商务邀请信范文 Letter of Invitation 在一般情况下,邀请有正式与非正式之分。非正式的邀请,通常是以口头形式来表现的,书面形式的只寄给亲朋好友或熟识的工作伙伴。相对而言,它显得要随便一些。正式的邀请,既讲究礼仪,又要设法使被邀请者备忘,故此它多采用书面的形式,即礼仪活动邀请函的形式。 一、礼仪活动邀请函的含义 礼仪活动邀请函又称礼仪活动邀请信、礼仪活动邀请书,是礼仪活动主办方(单位、团体或个人)邀请有关人员出席隆重的会议、典礼,参加某些重大活动时发出的礼仪性书面函件。 凡精心安排、精心组织的大型活动与仪式,如宴会、舞会、纪念会、庆祝会、发布会、单位的开业仪式等等,只有采用礼仪活动邀请函邀请佳宾,才会被人视之为与其档次相称。礼仪活动邀请函有自己的基本内容、特点及写法上的一些要求。 二、礼仪活动邀请函的基本内容

1. 让客人知道活动的“五W”: 1) Who is hosting the event? (谁是主办人?) 不管主办人是你的公司、某个个人或某个团体,务必把主办人写出来。 2) What is the event? (什么活动?) 清楚说明这个活动的功能——募捐、开会、庆祝新品上市等。如果会有特别来宾演讲或出席,或是有任何的特别活动,也写出来。提有趣的细节,吸引读者参加。 3) Where is the event?(在哪里举办?) 在邀请函中告诉对方活动举办的地址。你还可以附上交通指南,但是这部分要与邀请函分开,不要写在邀请函上。 4) When is the event? (什么时候举办?) 清楚写出活动举办的日期与时间。



《商务英语信函写作》练习题 I.Choose the best answer: 1.Please let us know _____the tendency of your market. a. for b. in c. of d. with 2. We _____ like to know more about the products you advertised in South Asian Trade. a. could b. would c. should d. had 3. We are now _____ your inquiry of October 12th. a. on receipt of b. upon receipt of c. in receipt of d. in reception of 4. We have received your enquiry of 15 July____you advise us of your interest in Cashmere. a. in which b. from which c. at which d. which 5. We have received your letter of September 12, _____ we are glad to know that you are interest in our electric heaters. a. which b. at which c. in which d. from which 6. We shall be pleased to send you the necessary information _____ our machine tools. a. on b. about c. of d. in 7. Our catalog ____ shows various types of bathroom fittings and their available sizes. a. enclosed b. that enclosed c. is enclosed d. which enclosed 8. I want to acquaint myself _____ the supply position of steel products. a. of b. with c. for d. about 9. We must insist _____ hearing from you within the next 10 days. a. in b. over c. on d. to 10. All prices must be quoted _____ US dollars. a. in b. on c. for d. as 11. As requested, we are _____ our quotation and shall appreciated your placing orders with us as early as possible. a. accepting b. taking c. submitting d. thinking 12. Your import manager wrote us last week that our price was _____ and asked us to secure supplies. a. acceptable b. managerial c. impossible d. unfortunate 13. Our quotation _____ 30,000 tons of corn is valid for 10 days. a. to b. after c. if d. for 14. Please _____ us for the supply of the items listed in the enclosed inquiry form. a. give b. offer c. quote d. send 15. Please keep us posted of the developments in your market _____ we can adjust our quotations to the extent you indicate. a. so that b. such that c. as long as d. so long as 16. Please let us have your lowest quotation on CIF Lagos basis _____ 500 pieces of 24”electric fans. a. in b. at c. for d. on 17. Please reply _____ fax if you find our quotation acceptable. a. in b. with a c. by d. with 18. We agree to the amendments to the contract _____ requested in your letter of May 5. a. to be b. like c. when d. as

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