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Unit 2 Heroes语言点(一)



calm,generous,character,separate,found, struggle, equal, fight,


life off,in prison, in one’s opinion,because of


...had several tasks to compete...

...expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore...


... waiting for him

when (=and at this/that time)…




【点拨】calm adj.平静的,镇静的,沉着的;无风无浪vt.& vi.(使)平静,(使)镇静


1)stay/keep/be calm 保持镇静

2)calm(sb.) down(使某人)平静下来,镇静下来



①He kept calm in face of great danger.面临巨大危险,他还是保持镇静。

②Calm down.There is nothing to worry about!安静下来吧,没有什么可担忧的!

③Don’t keep silent when the teacher asks you a question.老师问你问题的时候不要保持沉默。

④Keep still while I brush your hair.我给你梳头发时你不要动。

⑤Could you keep the kids quiet while I’m off the phone?我在打电话,你能让孩子们安静点吗?


【点拨】generous adj.慷慨的,大方的


be generous

to sb.对某人宽容

with sth.(用钱等)大方

in doing sth.做某事慷慨

of sb. to do sth.某人做某事是慷慨大方的


①Your father was very generous to give you so much money.你的父亲很大方,给你这么多的钱。

②Be generous to him.He has been ill.对他宽容些,他一直在生病。

③The rich man is generous with money.那位富人出手大方。

④It was generous of you to share your food with me.你将食物与一起我分享,真慷慨。

⑤He is generous in giving help.他慷慨助人。


【原句回放】Listen to descriptions of three film characters. 听听对三位电影角色的描述。

【点拨】character n.(书籍、戏剧或电影中的)人物,角色;特色,性格;(书写、印刷或计算机上的)文字,字母,符号原文再现Scar is a cruel and dangerous character in Lion King.在《狮子王》中,Scar是个残忍、危险的角色。


①I found all the characters in his new play amusing and interesting.我发现他新剧中的人物都很风趣、有意思。

②The twins look alike but have very different characters.这对双胞胎长得像,但性格很不一样。

③The character of the neighborhood hasn’t changed at all.这片住宅区的风貌依旧。

④The characters on my typewriter are too small.我打字机上的字体太小。

⑤The whole character of the village has changed since I was last here.自从我上次来这里之后,这个村庄的面貌完全改变了。


【原句回放】When the spaceship separated from the rocket.I suddenly got a feeling of soaring into the sky because of the zero gravity.宇宙飞船与火箭分离时,由于地球引力消失,我突然感觉像是在急速升入空中。

【点拨】separate v.(使)分开,(使)分离adj.单独的,独立的,分开的



①You should separate good apples from bad ones.你应该把好苹果和坏苹果分开。

②The class is divided into four groups.这个班被分成四个组。

③We went our separate ways after the party.聚会后我们各走各的吗?


【原句回放】He led the 1911 revolution and founded the first Republic of China.他领导了1911年革命并建立了第一个“中华民国”。

★found与find的过去式及过去分词的形式相同,found的过去式和过去分词都是founded。【点拨】found vt.建立,创立


①The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.中华人民共和国成立于1949年。

②His family founded the college in 1895.他的家族于1895年创办了这所大学。

③Harvard University,which was founded in 1636,is the oldest university in the United States.创办于1636年的哈佛大学是美国最古老的大学。

④The Sun,founded in 1964,is the most successful of the popular newspapers.《太阳报》,创办于1964年,是流行报中最成功的报纸。


【点拨】struggle n.,vt.& vi.斗争,拼搏,努力,挣扎


1)struggle to do sth.艰难地做某事,挣扎着做某事

2)struggle for为……而斗争

3)struggle with(against)与……作斗争,同……搏斗

4)struggle to one’s feet挣扎着站起来


①The old man has been struggling with illness.这位老人一直在与病魔作斗争。

②she struggled to keep back the tears.她努力忍住泪水。

③He struggled to his feet and went on.他挣扎着站了起来并继续前进。

④The struggle for freedom was long and hard.争取自由的斗争是长期而艰难的。

⑤What can we do to help them in their struggle for survival? 在它们为生存而进行的抗争中,我们能做什么来帮助它们?

⑥Don’t give up without a struggle.不要未经努力就放弃。


【原句回放】His first victory was to win the equal rights for blacks to sit on buses.他的第一个胜利就是为黑人赢得了乘坐公交车的平等权利。

【点拨】equal adj.相等的,平等的,能胜任的vt.等于,比得上n.同等的人;相等物归纳拓展

1)be equal to(doing) sth.等于,胜任(做)某事

2)equal sb. in sth.在某方面与某人匹敌

3)equally adv.平等地,同样地

4)equality n.平等


①There is an equal number of boys and girls in the class.这个班男女生的人数相等。

②I’m sure he’s equal to the job.我确信他能胜任这份工作。

③In our class no one can equal him in maths.在数学方面,我们班没有人能比得上他。


【原句回放】Elizabeth Blackwell fought for women’s rights.伊丽莎白·布莱克威尔为女性权利而战。

【点拨】fight v.& n.打架,战斗,作战


1)fight for 为……而战

2)fight with 和……并肩作战;与……格斗,作战

3)fight against 与……格斗,作战

4)fight one’s way 艰苦奋斗,奋力前进


①The dogs were fighting against each other over a bone.那些狗为了争一块骨头而相互打斗。

②Great Britain fought with France.英同与法国作战。

③We fought our way through the crowd.我们奋力穿过人群。


life off

【点拨】life off(火箭,有时也指飞行器)起飞;升空,发射

【原句回放】China’s first manned spaceship lifted off at 9 a. m. on Wednesday,October 15th. 2003 in Jiuquan,Gansu Province.2003年10月15日,星期三上午九点,中国第一艘载人宇宙飞船在甘肃酒泉发射中心升空。



1)lift up 举起

2)ask for a lift 请求搭便车

3)give/offer sb. a lift 让某人搭便车

4)take the lift 乘电梯



①The box was so heavy that I couldn’t lift it.这个箱子太重,我举不起它。

②He gave me a lift to the station in his car.他让我搭他的便车去汽车站。

③The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳东升西落。

④He raised his voice to make himself heard.他提高了声音,目的是让大家都能听见他说话。in prison

【原句回放】He spent 27 years in prison for fighting for tile rights of black South Africans.由于为南非黑人的权利而斗争,他被监禁了27年。

【点拨】in prison 坐牢,监禁


1)be in prison在坐牢

be in the prison在监狱(不一定是犯人)

2)be in hospital在住院

be in the hospital在医院里(不一定是病人)

3)be at church在做礼拜

be at the church在教堂(不一定是做礼拜)

4)be at school在上学

be at the school在学校(不一定在上学)

5)sit at table在吃饭

sit at the table坐在桌旁(不一定是吃饭)

6)by sea乘船(由海路)

by the sea在海边


①The man was sentenced to three years in prison.这个人被判三年监禁。

②He’s still in hospital.他仍然在住院。

③His sister is a nurse in the hospital.他的妹妹在这所医院当护士。

in one’s opinion

【原句回放】In my opinion,Dr Sun Yat-sen is very important.He led the 1911 revolution and founded the first republic of China.在我看来,孙中山先生是非常重要的。他领导了1911年革命并建立了第一个“中华民国”。

【点拨】in one’s opinion 在某人看来(=in the opinion of sb. =in one’s view)


1)give/express one’s opinion 发表意见

2)have a good/bad/high/low opinion of 对……评价好/坏/高/低

3)have different opinions about sb./ sth.对某人/某事有不同的评价


①It’s a great idea,in my opinion.在我看来这是一个好主意。

②In the opinion of most people,this is a wise choice.在大多数人看来,这是一个明智的选择。

③The boss has a very high opinion of her.老板对她评价很高。

because of

【点拨】because of (后跟名词、代词、v-ing或what从句)由于;因为

比较:because 引导一个原因状语从句

I do it because I like it.


He eats because of greed, not hunger.


1)John did'nt attend the meeting because he was ill.

2)John didn't attend the meeting _____because of___ his illness.

3)He was punished ___because__of___ his coming late.

4)He was very angry _____because_of______ what you said.


...had several tasks to compete...

【原句回放】Yang Liwei had several tasks to complete during the flight and only slept in the spaceship for about 3 hours.在飞行过程中,杨利伟有好几项任务要完成,他只在宇宙飞船里睡了约三个小时。

【点拨】...had several tasks to compete...to complete 在此为不定式短语作后置定语,修饰前面的名词tasks。


①I have lots of work to do.我有许多工作要做。

②The Browns have a comfortable house to live in.布朗一家有一幢舒适的房子可以居住。


①Have you got anything to send? 你有什么东西要寄吗?(不定式to send的动作执行者是“你”)

②Have you got anything to be sent? 你有什么要寄的东西吗?(不定式to send的动作执行者是“我”或“别人”)

③She has a sister to look after.她有一个妹妹要照顾。(she是look after的执行者)

④I want to go shopping.Do you have anything to be bought?我要去购物。你有什么东西要买...expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore...

【原句回放】When the spaceship was doing its seventh circle.Yang Liwei showed the flags of China and the United Nations,expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore and use space peacefully.在飞船绕地球飞到第七圈时,杨利伟在飞船上展示了中国国旗和联合国国旗,以表达中国人民和平开发、利用太空资源的意愿。

【点拨】...expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore...为现在分词短语作伴随状语。


①In the 01d days,he went from door to door,begging for food.在过去,他挨家挨户要饭。

②Some students came into the 1ab,following the teacher.一些学生随着老师进了实验室。


①Working in the factory,we learned a lot from the workers.我们在工厂劳动时,从工人们那儿学到了很多东西。(时间)

②Being too old,he couldn’t walk so far.由于年龄太大,他不能走那么远。(原因)

③It rained heavily in the south,causing serious flooding in several provinces.南方下大雨,导致许多省份出现了严重的水灾。(结果)


【原句回放】As Yang Liwei returned into the earth’s atmosphere,helicopters were flying to where he would land,ready to collect him.当杨利伟回到地球大气层时,直升机正飞往着陆点,做好接他的准备。

(ready to collect him为形容词短语作状语)

【点拨】as 当……时候,连词,引导时间状语从句,强调at the same time。


①As I looked,someone came near.正当我看的时候,有个人走上前来。

②As I get older,I get more optimistic.随着年龄的增长,我变得更乐观了。


①They did as I had asked.他们是按照我的要求做的。

②She may need some help as she’s new.因为她是新来的,她可能需要一些帮助。

②Much as I like it,I won’t buy it.虽然我很喜欢它,但我不会买的。

④The work is not so difficult as you imagine.这项工作并不像你想象的那么难。

... waiting for him

【原句回放】When Yang Liwei climbed out of the spaceship,he smiled and waved to the crowds waiting for him.当杨利伟走出飞船时,他面带微笑并向等待他的人群挥手示意。

【点拨】... waiting for him为现在分词短语作定语,相当于定语从句who were waiting for him。


①I know some people standing there.我认识站在那儿的一些人。

②The students performing on the stage are from Class 1.在舞台上表演的学生是1班的。

③Do you know the boy lying under the big tree? 你认识躺在那棵大树下的那个男孩吗?

④He sat in a chair,watching TV.他坐在椅子上看电视。

when (=and at this/that time)…

【原句回放】Pat was in the bathroom with a hairdryer in her hand when she heard a crash.帕特手拿吹风机在浴室里,这时她听到一阵撞击声。

【点拨】when (=and at this/that time)这时,在那时,并列连词(表示动作发生的突然性)


①We were watching a new movie in the theatre when suddenly the light went out.我们正在电影院看一部新电影,突然灯灭了。

②He had gone to bed when the telephone rang.他刚上床睡觉,就在这时电话铃响了。

③He was about to tell me the secret when someone patted him on the shoulder.他正要告诉我这个秘密,这时有人拍他的肩膀。


:译林牛津版选修六U n i t4重点词汇讲解和练习(含答案)

U4 重点词汇讲解 1.International aid helps many people around the world to have better lives, especially when things go wrong. 国际援助帮助世界上的许多人过上了更好的生活,尤其是当情况变得糟糕的时候。 go wrong 出毛病,发生故障;变糟,变坏 go 的用法:go 在此处充当系动词,后加形容词做表语,表示变化(通常是由正常变为不正常,好变成坏)。 拓展: go deaf 变聋 go blind 变瞎 go sour 变酸 go pale 变苍白 go mad 变疯 go bad 变质 eg. 1) To my surprise, something has gone wrong with the engine. 使我吃惊的是,发动机出毛病了。 2) She went pale at the news. 听到那消息她的脸色变得苍白。 3) Eggs go bad easily in summer. 夏天鸡蛋容易变坏。 4) He went blind after the accident. 这次事故后,他的眼睛就瞎了。 2.Being a Goodwill Ambassador means that I visit countries where the UN operates programs to help people. 作为一名亲善大使意味着我要访问那些联合国采取行动帮助其人民的国家。 operate vt.使用,使……运转(系统、项目、服务等) eg. 1) The government operates a new system for assisting the old people. 政府制定了一个新的制度来帮助老年人。 2) Machines are operated by electricity. 机器靠电开动。 operate vi 动手术 operate on …


2020中考重点核心词汇详解-A字部 1. able adj.能够……的;有能力的;能干的 用法小结: 关联词组: be able to do sth.能做某事 用法:be able to与can的区别: can只有现在式(can)和过去式(could)两种形式 而be able to可有各种时态。 词性转换:ability n.能力 反义词:unable adj.不会的,无能的 中考例句: (2019,北京卷,阅读A)It was a life time experience. I was able to experience Chinese living and culture. 2.abroad adv.在国外;到国外 用法小结: 关联词组: study abroad海外留学 work abroad在(到)国外工作 同义词: overseas adv.在国外,在海外 adj.海外的,国外的 中考例句: (2019,山东卷,阅读表达)A lot of people, usually aged between20 and 30, are leaving the country to work abroad.

3.absent adj.缺席的,不在的 用法小结: 关联词组: be absent from…缺席…… be absent-minded心不在焉 词性转换: absencen.缺席,不在 中考例句: (2019,河南卷,单项选择)26.—What’s the matter with Tom? He has been absent for two days. —Oh! He be ill. Let’s go and ask Ms. Brown. A.can B. need C. may D. would 4.accent n.口音,音调 用法小结: 关联词组: British accent英式口音 American accent美式口音 local accent乡音,方言 中考例句: (2019,浙江卷,完形)It s cool! My sister loves the British accent(口音). 5.accept v.接受;认可 用法小结:


人教新课标必修五:unit4 重点词汇详解 1.eager(keen, anxious) adj. 热切的;渴望的(after, about, for) The boy was eager for success. 男孩子急于获得成功。 He is eager for his parents to meet his girlfriends. 他盼望他的父母去见他的女朋友。 The saleswoman in the shop is always eager to please everybody. "商店里的那个女售货员总是十分殷勤,希望使人人满意。" 【习惯用语】 be eager for 渴望,渴求,争取 be eager about 渴望,渴求,争取 be eager after 渴望,渴求,争取 be eager to do 急欲,渴望做 【参考词汇】 eager /keen /anxious 意思都含“渴望的”。 eager指“以巨大的热情渴望实现愿望或达到目的的”, 有时也指“由于其他感情影响而表现急不可耐的”, 如: He was eager to see her. 他渴望见到她。 keen 指“对某人、某物怀有极大兴趣或热情的”, 如:They were keen to win. 他们急于取胜。 anxious 指“热切地希望实现愿望,并因顾虑愿望落空而心情不安,感到焦虑的”, 如:l'm anxious to know the final result. 我急于想知道最后的结果。

eagerly adv. eagerness n. 2.work/task/ duty/job/responsibility 【参考词汇】 work 常指正式职业和职位的经常性、一般性工作,不含有“艰巨”、“沉重”等意思。是不可数名词。at work在工作 work hard at努力工作(或学习);out of work失业。My work is as a doctor.我当医生(职业)。 task 一般指必须完成的“任务”, 是可数名词。如:Mother set me the task of sweeping the floor.母亲把扫地的任务交给了我。task 往往含有“艰巨”、“沉重”等意思。而work 除另有修饰语外不含此种意思。 duty指“道义上的责任”, 较强调“自觉性”, 如:Every citizen has the duty to construct his country. 每个公民都有建设祖国的责任。 job指“活、事、一份工作”时是可数名词,多指为换取报酬而进行的日常活动,尤指作为某人的手艺、行业或职业的工作。可数。Washing the windows is not my job. 洗窗子不是我的事儿(任务)。习惯表达:a good job一件好事lose one's job失业be out of a job失业do a good job干的不错 It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours aday.修理自行车就是他的话,而且常常是一天要干14个小时。 responsibility 指“由于法律、职业或道德等的要求而应尽的责任”, 含有“法津上对后果负责任”的意味,如: The resposibility rests on us. 这由我们负责。Do not forget your duty to your parents. 不要忘记对父母应尽的责任。 3.course n. 过程;经过;进程 in the course of discussion 在讨论期间


社会生活类词汇80个 Cushion垫子坐垫靠垫decade十年十 Merge (使)合并,并入aviation航空航空学 Proper 正当的,适当的maintenance维修,保养 Manufacture (用机器大量)生产制造issue问题,议题,争论点Upgrade提高……的档次或级别electronic电子的,电子仪器的 Interior内部,室内ahead of在……的前面 Christmas圣诞节practical讲实效的 Pick up 获得online联机的 Camp宿营,露营organize组织安排;筹备筹办 Make sure确定balcony阳台 Get in on 加入budget预算 Air-conditioner空调economical经济的,节俭的 Basement已装修的heater炉子 Cupboard橱柜install安装 Furnished已装修的light bulb电灯泡 Household expenses家务开支plumber管道工 Laundry洗衣店postage邮费 Parcel包裹trivial affairs日常琐事 Porch走廊zip/postal code邮政编码 Registered letter挂号信catalog(ue)商品目录 Vacuum cleaner真空吸尘器complaint投诉 Bargain便宜货,讨价还价dessert甜点 Chain store连锁店famous brands名牌 Convenience store便利店in season应时的,处于旺季的 Discount折扣out of stock没货 Grocery杂货店snack bar快餐店,小吃店 In stock有现货a non-stop train直达货车 Receipt收据behind schedule晚点 Vending machine自动售卖机booking office订票处 Airsick晕机check in住宿登记 Board登记departure time起飞时间 Carriage车厢historic spots历史名胜Check out结账离开one-way ticket单程票 Express train快车return-round trip ticket往返票 Landscape风景sightseeing观光,游览 Platform站台traffic jam交通拥挤,塞车 Safety inspection安检rush hour高峰时间 Speeding超速transfer转车/机 同步测试2篇

高中英语选修七unit2重点词汇 短语讲解学案 及练习含解析

教学过程 一、复习预习 教师引导学生复习上节内容,并引入本节课程内容 二、知识讲解 本节课主要知识点解析,中高考考点、易错点分析 考点/易错点1词汇辨析 1. sympathy 同情心,同情; 怜悯一致; 同感; 赞同,慰问; 吊慰 习惯用语:come out in sympathy 举行同情罢工, 罢工声援 express sympathy for (对...表示)慰问feel sympathy for (=have sympathy for) 同情 in sympathy with 同情; 赞成; 和...一致win sympathy of 博得...的同情 out of sympathy with 对...不同情; 不赞成; 对...没有同感, 和...不一致 feel/have sympathy for… 同情… be in sympathy with… 赞同… seek sympathy from a friend 想得到朋友的同情 同义词:commiseration -mercy -pity -sensitivity -tolerance -understanding 1) I felt real sympathy. 我由衷地感到同情。 2) Her sympathy became pungent. 她的同情心变得强烈起来。 3) With profound sympathy. 4) I felt much sympathy for the blind. 5) Her sympathy became pungent. 她的同情心变得强烈起来。 2. elegant adj.优雅的, 风雅的, 雅致的, 文雅的, 有风度的,优美的, 精彩的, 讲究的,[口]极好的, 一流的 elegant furnishings 雅致的装饰an elegant gentleman 举止文雅的绅士 an elegant vase 别致的花瓶an elegant writer 格调高尚的作家 同义词:cultured fine polished refined superior tasteful 反义词:inelegant Her manner is elegant. 她的举止优雅。 imposingly fashionable and elegant. 令人印象深刻的时髦、优雅。

高考听力常见及高频单词 最完整

高考听力高频单词 听力的短对话和长对话部分,其话题范围是以校园生活(campus life)为主题,主要是学习打工,衣食住行,英语是模式化的语言,固定场景只会用固定词汇,分场景总结记忆,听力场景词汇,归纳总结是十分必要的。 1.学习选课场景 Day course 白天的课, Evening course 晚上的课 科目或专业:mathematic 数学,history 历史,chemistry 化学,Literature 文学,Physics物理, Chemistry 化学, Biology生物, Politics 政治, History历史, Geography地理 Math 数学 Final exam 期终考试, middle exam 期中考试, test测验,quiz 小测验,oral test 口试drawing near考试临近, delay / be off / hold up / postpone / put off考试延期或取消public school 公立学校, private school 私立学校, 学校中的人: president 校长, dean 院长, headmaster 中小学校长,professor 教授, lecturer 讲师 doctor 博士, master 硕士, bachelor 学士,freshman 大一新生, middle school student中学生,primary school student小学生 have a lecture 上课, cut a class/play truant 逃课, miss a class 错过了课, scholarship 荣誉奖学金, homework, exam, test, mid-term/ final examination, marks, text book, playground, department, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Doctor’s degree, Campus, lecture, dormitory, term, dining-hall, swimming-pool, courses, foreign language, gym,

译林高二上 译林选修六Unit3重点词汇讲解和练习(含答案)

重点词汇讲解 本单元重点词汇讲解: 1. … and hens are thought to ensure good luck for the marriage. (p34) ensure (ensured, ensured, ensuring) ①保证;担保 [+that][+v-ing]: To make sure or certain; insure ensure success [safety, supplies] 保证成功[安全,供应] 1) I can't ensure his being on time. 我不能保证他的准时。 2) I can't ensure that he will be there on time. 我不能担保他会及时到那儿。 3) This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep. 这药将保证你一晚睡眠良好。 ②使安全,保护 [(+from/against)] These are safety devices to ensure workers against accidents. 这些安全设施是为了保护工人不出事故。 2. … And everyone congratulated t he new couple because it was considered very lucky. (p34) ①祝贺;恭喜 [(+on/upon)] 1) I congratulate you on your great discovery. 我祝贺你的伟大发现。 2) I want to congratulate you with all my heart. 我衷心地祝贺你。 ② (后接oneself)自我庆幸 [(+on)] He congratulated himself on having survived the air-crash. 他庆幸自己在空难中幸免于死。 3. Another difference is that while we serve food, soft drinks,tea and coffee,alcohol is not permitted at the wedding reception—in fact, alcohol is altogether prohibited in Brunei. (p34) permit (permitted, permitted, permitting) ⑴及物动词vt. ①允许,许可,准许[O1][+v.-ing] [O2] 1) They permitted her to leave. 他们允许她离开。 2) I don't think they would permit this. 我想他们不会准许这事。 ② (不用被动式,常用物做主语)允许,容许 These stores do not permit sales of alcoholic beverages. 这些商店不准出售含酒精饮料。 ⑵不及物动词vi. 允许,容许[(+of)] 1) I will write another novel if my eyes permit. 如果我的视力许可,我还要再写一本小说。 2) We'll discuss both questions if time permits. 如果时间允许,我们将把两个问题都讨论一下。 [拓展] allow与permit的用法区别


重点英语词汇的讲解分析 词都是由一个或几个语素构成的。构成语素分两种,一种叫词根,指的是意义实在、在合成词内位置不固定的不成词语素和成词语素。以下是与英语相关的重点词汇分解,欢迎大家阅读! 重点英语词汇的讲解分析 1. seem/ look (1) seem一般着重于以客观迹象为依据,意思是“似乎、好象、看起来…”。 The baby seems to be happy.婴儿看上去似乎很高兴。 He seemed to be sorry for that.他似乎为那件事感到抱歉。 seem能与to do结构连用,而look不能。 It seems to rain. 似乎要下雨了。 They seemed to have finished their work.他们似乎已经完成了工作。

在it作形式主语的句型中只能用seem。 It seems that he is quite busy now.他现在看起 来很忙。 It seems to us that there is nothing serious. 在我看来没什么大不了的。 (2) look用作“看起来;好像”时,常从物体的外观 或样貌上来判断,是以视觉所接受的印象为依据的。 The room looks clean.这间房看起来很干净。 The girl looks like her mother.那女孩看起来向 她的妈妈。 2. such/ so Don’t be such a fool.别这么傻。 He is such a clever boy.他是如此聪明的一个男孩。 (2) so是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词。 He is so kind! 他真好心! Why did you come so late? 你为何回来得如此晚?


英语听力必备场景词汇精选A.校园 1. subject n. 学科 2. major n. 专业 3. course n. 课程 4. math/maths/mathematics 数学 5. physics n. 物理 6. chemistry n. 化学 7. biology n. 生物 8. politics n.政治 9. history n.历史 10. geography n.地理 11. computer n. 电脑 12. literature n.文学 13. art n. 艺术 14. P.E.(physical education)n. 体育 15. science n. 科学 16. middle-term exam n. 期中考试 17. final exam n. 期末考试, 18. test n. 测验 19. quiz n. 小测验 20. marks/grades 分数 21. homework/assignment n. 家庭作业 22. task n. 任务 23. lecture n. 演讲 24. text book 课本 25. campus n. 校园 26. public school 公立学校, 27. private school 私立学校, 28. term/semester 学期 29. president/headmaster/principal 校长, 30. professor 教授31. lecturer 讲师 32. primary school student小学生 33. middle school student中学生 34. freshman 大一新生 35. monitor n. 班长 36. assistant n. 助手,助理 37. scholarship 奖学金 38. tuition n. 学费 39. classroom n. 教室 40. playground n. 操场 41. dormitory n.寝室 42. dining-hall n. 食堂,餐厅 43. lab/laboratory n. 实验室 44. library n. 图书馆 45. language lab 语音室 46. reading room 阅览室 46. Bachelor’s degree 学士学位 47. Master’s degree 硕士学位 48. Doctor’s degree 博士学位 49. Students’ card 学生证 50. have a lesson 上课 51. cut a class 逃课 52. be absent from class 缺课 53. preview vt. 预习 54. go over/review vt 复习 55. take an exam 参加考试 56. pass the exam 考试及格 57. fail(in) the exam 考试不及格 58. take part in the English Speech contest 参加英语演讲比赛 B. 图书馆 1. library n. 图书馆 2. librarian n. 图书管理员 3. library card借书证 4. bookshelf n.书架 5. author/writer 作者/作家 6. novel小说 7. story-book故事书 8. picture book图画书 9. science fiction科幻小说10. newspaper报纸 11. magazine杂志 12. reference book参考书 13.borrow books借书 14. keep the books for two weeks 书借两周 15. renew vt 续借 16. return the books 还书 17. overdue借书逾期 18. pay a fine 交罚款 C.交通运输 1. means transportation 交通工具 2. by plane/airplane/air 乘飞机 3. by train/express train 乘火车/特快列车 4. by taxi/cab 乘出租车 5. by bus 乘公交车 6. by coach 乘长途汽车 7. by bike /bicycle 乘自行车 8. by boat/ship/sea 乘船9. by subway/underground 乘地铁 10. walk/on foot 步行 11. airport n. 机场 12. railway station /train station 火车站 13. subway station 地铁站 14. bus stop 公交站点 15. booking office/ticket office 售票处 16. waiting room 候车室

牛津9A Unit 3 重点词汇解析

牛津9A Unit 3 重点词汇解析 ■江苏李建高 1. refuse 【解析】refuse既可作不及物动词,也可作及物动词,意为“拒绝,不愿”。refuse作及物动词时,其后可接名词、代词或动词不定式。refuse to do sth. 表示“拒绝做某事,不愿做某事”。如:He asked her to marry him but she refused. 他向她求婚,可是她拒绝了。 I really didn’t want to refuse his help, but I still did. 我并不想拒绝他的帮助,但我还是拒绝了。I don’t think she’ll refuse me. 我想她不会拒绝我的。He refuses to do any extra work. 他拒绝做任何额外的工作。 【练一练】根据提示,完成句子。 ⑴我们邀请他来参加我们的聚会,但他拒绝了。 We invited him to come to our party, but he ______. ⑵Daniel refused ______ his bike yesterday. A. to let me ride B. me to ride C. my riding D. that I should ride 2. receive & accept 【辨析】receive和accept都有“收到”的意思。但receive只表示客观上“收到(某物)”,是被动“收到、接到”,与主观愿望无关,而accept表示主观上“乐意接受(某物)”,强调主动或自愿“接受”,或者说是经过考虑后同意接收。如: I received a letter from my parents yesterday. 昨天我收到父母的来信。 I cannot accept the fact that I didn’t pass the examination. 我无法接受考试不及格的事实。 【练一练】用receive或accept填空。 ⑴If she _____ the doctor’s advice, I’m sure she will get healthier. ⑵I _____ an e-mail from my parents yesterday. 3. hardly 【解析】hardly作副词,意为“几乎不”,常用在any, ever, anybody等词的前面。此外,hardly是表示否定意义的词,它后面的附加疑问句要用肯定形式。如: He was so excited that he could hardly say anything. 他激动得几乎说不出话了。 There was hardly any soup in the bowl. 碗里几乎没有汤了。 She could hardly speak any English at that time, could she? 那时她几乎不会说英语,是吗? 【练一练】选择填空。 ⑴I can ______ believe that he works so ______. A. hardly; hardly B. hard; hard C. hardly; hard D. hard; hardly ⑵— Can you catch what I said? — Sorry, I can ______ understand it. A. almost B. hardly C. nearly D. never ⑶They hardly did ______ yesterday, ______ they? A. something; did B. something; didn’t C. anything; did D. anything; didn’t 4. doubt


高中英语短语重点词汇 A abandon:①abandon doing sth 放弃做某事 absence:①absence of mind 心不在焉②be absent from 缺席,不在 absorb:①be absorbed in 沉浸于 access:①have access to a car/computer有可供使用的车/电脑 ②gain/get access to能够得以见到某人/某物或进入某地 accord:①according to 根据,按照 account:①give an account of 描述②take account of sth 考虑到某事 ③on account of 因为④on no account 决不 accustomed:①be accustomed to 习惯于……(强调状态) ②get accustomed to 习惯于……(强调动作) acknowledge:①acknowledge doing/having done sth 承认做了某事 ②acknowledge sb as/to be 认为……是…… ③It is acknowledged that 人们普遍认为 adapt:①adapt oneself to sth 使自己适应或习惯某事 ②adapt sth for sth 把某物改编、改写或改装为…… add:①add sth to sth 把……添加到……②add to sth 增加某事物 ③add (sth) up (两个或两个以上的数或量)加起来④add up to sth 总计,共达 ⑤add fuel to the flames火上浇油 addict:①be addicted to沉溺于 addition:①in addition to 除……以外 admit:①admit doing sth 承认做某事②admit sb to do sth允许某人做某事 ③admit sb to/into sth 接纳/承认某事 advantage:①take advantage of sb/sth 利用某人/某物②have the advantage of 有……的优点 ③advance to 向……推进④in advance 提前 advertise:①advertise for 为征求……登广告 afford:①afford to do sth 有足够的(时间/金钱等)条件(做某事) agree:①agree to同意(后接计划,建议,安排等词)②agree with同意(一般后接人或what 从句)③agree on在……方面取得一致意见(主语必须是协调的双方或多方)ahead:①go ahead 前进②think ahead 事先考虑 aim:①take aim at sb/sth 瞄准某人/某物②aim to do sth 力求达到 ③be aimed at doing sth 旨在做某事 all:①in all总共②all in all 总的来说③above all 首先④first of all 首先 ⑤at all竟然⑥not at all 一点也不⑦after all 到底,毕竟 allow:①allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事②allow doing 允许做某事 amazed:①be amazed at/by 对……大为惊讶 ambition:①ambition to do sth/of doing sth 有做……的目标/夙愿 anxious:①be anxious about/for 担心②be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事 appeal:①sb appeal(to sb)for sth 恳求/呼吁某人某事②sth appeal to sb(对某人)有吸引力 ③make an appeal to sb for sth 恳求/呼吁某人某事④lose one’s appeal for失去吸引 力 apply:①apply oneself to doing sth 专心致志做某事②apply to sb for sth 向某人申请… ③apply sth to sth 将……应用于……④apply oneself to 致力于……


高考听力高频单词 1、学习选课场景Day course 白天得课, Evening course 晚上得课 科目或专业: mathematic 数学, history 历史, chemistry 化学, Literature 文学,Physics物理, Chemistry 化学, Biology生物, Politics政治, History历史, Geography地理Math 数学 Final exam 期终考试, middle exam 期中考试, test测验,quiz 小测验, oral test 口试drawing near考试临近, delay / be off / hold up / postpone / put off考试延期或取消public school 公立学校, private school 私立学校, 学校中得人: president 校长, dean 院长, headmaster 中小学校长,professor 教授, lecturer 讲师doctor 博士, master 硕士, bachelor 学士,freshman 大一新生, middle school student中学生,primary school student小学生 have a lecture 上课, cut a class/play truant 逃课, miss a class 错过了课, scholarship 荣誉奖学金, homework, exam, test, mid-term/ final examination, marks, text book, playground, department, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Doctor’s degree, Campus, lecture, dormitory, term, dining-hall, swimming-pool, courses, foreign language, gym, 2、图书馆场景lend / borrow借书reference book参考书, renew续借, overdue过期, return还书, fine罚金, librarian图书管理员, subject主题, author作者,library图书馆, reading-room阅览室, book-shelf书架, novel小说, story-book故事书, picture-book图画书,science fiction科幻小说newspaper 报纸, magazine杂志, periodical期刊library card借书证 3、交通运输场fare 车票, license 驾照, rush hours 高峰时间, traffic jam 交通堵塞one way street 单行道, over speed 超速ticket 罚单express way 高速公路traffic police交警, 交通工具(出现频率从高到低) plane / train / bus / bike / walk / taxi tunnel / channel 隧道, ring road 环线, subway(美) / underground (英) 地铁Used car 旧车, afford买得起, Give sb a ride搭车Taxi/cab出租车, break down抛锚, flat tire爆胎rush hour 高峰期, traffic jam堵车, car accident事故fix/repair修理, garage 修车场, damage损害dead 报废, survive 活下来, minor injury 轻伤boat, ship, transportation, timetable, journey, speed, 4、电话场景mobile phone 手机, pay phone 公用电话, telephone box/booth 电话亭yellow page 黄页, dial/ press(拨/按电话号码) , put through 接通, wrong number记错号码,hold on 不要挂断, take / leave a message 留言, hang up ,挂断answering machine自动答录机, long-distance call 长途电话,overseas call 越洋电话,mobile / cell phone 手机give sb a call / ring 给某人打电话the line is busy 占线operator 接线员The line is bad/ busy、It kept a busy line、电话占线 5、机场场景 flight航班Wele on board 欢迎登机plane 飞机, book 订票, timetable 时间表, destination 目得地safe landing 安全着陆, board 登机, take off 起飞, departure 离港safety / seat belt 安全带, land 着陆, arrival 进港, pick up 接机security check 安检, see off 送行, keep in touch 保持联系one way ticket 单程票, round trip ticket 来回票,non-stop / direct flight 直航, check in 登记,behind schedule晚点luggage, baggage(行李), airline(航线), airport, passport(护照), railway/train station(火车站), express train(快车), platform(月台), sleeping car(卧车), Gate 1, flight number(班机号码), arrival time(到达时间), conductor(售票员), ticket office, passenger; warning light(警报灯), road sign(路标), motorway(高速公路)。 6、打工场景 job vacancy 有空缺职位, letter of application 求职信, resume 简历 resume包括:basic / personal information、基本信息/个人资料,academic background 教育背景,work experience 工作经验, certificates证书

高一英语牛津版必修3 Unit1 The world of our senses 重点词汇讲解及配套练习

U1 重点词汇讲解 Welcome to the unit 1.the world of our senses sense: n.(1)感官,感觉 She has a good sense of smell. 她有良好的嗅觉。 (2)(对某物的)感觉 I had the sense that he was lying. 我有种感觉,他在说谎。 【拓展】 common sense 常识 a sense of achievement 成就感 a sense of humor 幽默感 make sense 有意义,讲的通His argument doesn’t make sense. 他的论点没有意义。 make sense of 理解,了解Can you make sense of the difficult article? 你能理解这篇较 难的文章吗? v. 感觉到 sense sth. / that sense danger感觉到危险 I sensed that he was lying. 我感觉到他在说谎。 Reading 1.The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far. truth: n. 真实,事实to tell you the truth 说实话 true: adj. 正确的,真正的Finally my dream has come true. 最终我的梦想实现了truly: adv. 真实地,真正地 2.As Polly observed the passengers on the train, she sensed that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat. observe: vt. (1) 观察observe sth./sb.; observe that The teacher observed that some students were asleep. 老师发现一些学生睡着了。 observe (see, watch, notice) sb. do sth. 观察某人做某事(强调过程,动作的结果) sb. doing sth. 观察某人做某事(强调动作正在进行) (2) 遵守(规则、法令等) Everyone should observe the traffic rules. 每个人都应遵守交通规则。 (3) 庆祝 How will you observe your birthday? 你将如何庆祝你的生日? observer: n. 观察者 observation: n. 观察,观察力 3.While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she glanced at the faces around her. rest: n.

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