当前位置:文档之家› 深圳中考前18题训练一





1.-2014的相反数是( ) A.2014

1- B.20141 C.-2014 D.2014 2.从权威部门获悉,中国海洋面积是299.7万平方公里,约为陆地面积的三分之一,299.7

万平方公里用科学计数法表示为( )平方公里(保留两位有效数字)


103? B.7103.0? C.6100.3? D.61099.2?

3.如图是一个正方形被截去一角后得到的几何体,它的俯视图是( )

4.若x ,y 为实数,且011=-++y x ,则2015???? ??y x 的值是( )






学成绩进行统计分析,在这个问题中,样本是指( )





6.如图,AE 是△ABC 的角平分线,AD ⊥BC 于点D ,若∠BAC=128°,∠C=36°,

则∠DAE 的度数是( )






面的点数,下列属必然事件的是( )





8.下面说法正确的是( )

A.b a ab ?=

B.当x >0时,反比例函数x

k y =的函数值为y 随自变量x 取值的增大而减小 C.)0(122≠=?-a a a

D.不等式2-x >1的解集为x >1

9.如图,O 为原点,点A 的坐标为(3,0),点B 的坐标为(0,4),⊙D 过A 、B 、O 三点,点C 为ABO 上一点(不与O 、A 两点重合),则cosC 的值为( )





4 10.如图,点A 、B 、C 、D 、O 都在方格纸的格点上,若△COD 是由△AOB 绕点O 按逆时针

方向旋转而得,则旋转的角度为( )





11.如图,矩形ABCD 中,E 是AD 的中点,将△ABE 折叠后得到△GBE ,延长BG 交CD 于点

F ,若CF=1,FD=2,则BC 的长为( )







规律继续拼下去(如图3),....,则第n 个图形的周长是( )

A.n 2

B.n 4


+n D.22+n



12++-=x x y 中自变量x 的取值范围是_____________. 14.如图,边长为2的正方形ABCD 的中心在直角坐标系的原点O ,AD//x 轴,以O 为顶点且过A 、D 两点的抛物线与以O 为顶点且过B 、C 两点的抛物线将正方形分割成几部分。则图中阴影部分的面积是______________.

15.从-2,-1,0,1这四个数中任取两个不同的数作为一次函数y=kx+b 的一次项系数k 和常数项b 。那么一次函数y=kx+b 图象不经过第三象限的概率为_____________.

16.如图,正方形OABC 的顶点O 是坐标原点,顶点A 的坐标为(1,0),OD//AC,AD=AC,则点D 的坐标为_______________.


17.计算:()()20150120133330cos 2-+-?--+?π.


? ??---+x x x x x x ,其中x 是不等式组???++15204<>x x 的整数解.


2019中考模拟测试题(一) 第一卷选择题(60分) I.词汇测试(15分) i.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项||。(共8小题||,每小题1分) ()1. — Lucy||,thanks for your suggestions. They are valuable. —You’re welcome. I’m glad I can help you. A. enough B. rich C. useful ()2. — Mom||,I can’t solve this problem. —Don’t worry. I will help you after I finish doing the dishes. A. work out B. work with C. work as ()3. — Dad||,come and play with me. —Sony||,dear||,I am working at the moment. A. just now B. later C. now ()4. — How long have you lived in Beijing||,Tom? —For nearly two years. I came here in June||,2019. A. over B. about C. exactly ()5. — It is impossible to finish the work in such a short time by yourself. — Maybe||,but I will try my best. A. at last B. on your own C. without money ()6. — Why did they spend an amount of time on the project? —Because it was difficult and they didn’t get any help. A. a bit of B. plenty of C. half of ()7. — My father left for London on business yesterday. —Why not ask your mother to the parents’ meeting instead? A. arrived at B. came back to C. went to ()8. — Why did you give up collecting model planes? —Because it took me a lot of time and money. A. stop B. start C. keep ii.根据句子意思||,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子||。(共7 小题||,每小题1分) ()9. If a person has a new_______ of solving a problem||,he or she has a new way to solve it. A. method B. machine C. note ()10. I don’t think he _______ how dangerous this is to him. A. replies B. realizes C. respects ()11. — How do you like the new park? —It’s_______. I want to visit it again. A. empty B. fantastic C. simple ()12. — A man killed a nurse and hurt a doctor at a hospital in that city. —So it is necessary to take steps to_______ the safety of medical workers. A. protect B. spread C. increase ()13. — What do I need to run a shop? —You need money and time. _______||,you need to work hard.


2020年中考数学压轴题精选解析 中考压轴题分类专题三——抛物线中的等腰三角形 基本题型:已知AB ,抛物线()02≠++=a c bx ax y ,点P 在抛物线上(或坐标轴上,或 抛物线的对称轴上),若ABP ?为等腰三角形,求点P 坐标。 分两大类进行讨论: (1)AB 为底时(即PA PB =):点P 在AB 的垂直平分线上。 利用中点公式求出AB 的中点M ; 利用两点的斜率公式求出AB k ,因为两直线垂直斜率乘积为1-,进而求出AB 的垂直平分线的斜率k ; 利用中点M 与斜率k 求出AB 的垂直平分线的解析式; 将AB 的垂直平分线的解析式与抛物线(或坐标轴,或抛物线的对称轴)的解析式联立即可求出点P 坐标。 (2)AB 为腰时,分两类讨论: ①以A ∠为顶角时(即AP AB =):点P 在以A 为圆心以AB 为半径的圆上。 ②以B ∠为顶角时(即BP BA =):点P 在以B 为圆心以 AB 为半径的圆上。 利用圆的一般方程列出A e (或B e )的方程,与抛物线(或坐标轴,或抛物线的对称轴)的解析式联立即可求出点P 坐标。 中考压轴题分类专题四——抛物线中的直角三角形 基本题型:已知AB ,抛物线()02≠++=a c bx ax y ,点P 在抛物线上(或坐标轴上,或 抛物线的对称轴上),若ABP ?为直角三角形,求点P 坐标。 分两大类进行讨论: (1)AB 为斜边时(即PA PB ⊥):点P 在以AB 为直径的圆周上。 利用中点公式求出AB 的中点M ; 利用圆的一般方程列出M e 的方程,与抛物线(或坐标轴,或抛物线的对称轴)的解析式联立即可求出点P 坐标。 (2)AB 为直角边时,分两类讨论: ①以A ∠为直角时(即AP AB ⊥): ②以B ∠为直角时(即BP BA ⊥): 利用两点的斜率公式求出AB k ,因为两直线垂直斜率乘积为1-,进而求出PA (或PB )的斜率 k ;进而求出PA (或PB )的解析式; 将PA (或PB )的解析式与抛物线(或坐标轴,或抛物线的对称轴)的解析式联立即可求出点P 坐标。 所需知识点: 一、 两点之间距离公式: 已知两点()()2211y ,x Q ,y ,x P , 则由勾股定理可得:()()2 21221y y x x PQ -+-= 。 二、 圆的方程: 点()y ,x P 在⊙M 上,⊙M 中的圆心M 为()b ,a ,半径为R 。 则()()R b y a x PM =-+-= 22,得到方程☆:()()22 2 R b y a x =-+-。 ∴P 在☆的图象上,即☆为⊙M 的方程。 三、 中点公式: 四、 已知两点()()2211y ,x Q ,y ,x P ,则线段PQ 的中点M 为??? ??++22 2121y y ,x x 。 五、 任意两点的斜率公式: 已知两点()()2211y ,x Q ,y ,x P ,则直线PQ 的斜率: 2 12 1x x y y k PQ --= 。 中考压轴题分类专题五——抛物线中的四边形 基本题型:一、已知AB ,抛物线()02≠++=a c bx ax y ,点P 在抛物线上(或坐标轴上, 或抛物线的对称轴上),若四边形ABPQ 为平行四边形,求点P 坐标。 分两大类进行讨论: (1)AB 为边时 (2)AB 为对角线时 二、已知AB ,抛物线()02 ≠++=a c bx ax y ,点P 在抛物线上(或坐标轴上,或抛物线的对 称轴上),若四边形ABPQ 为距形,求点P 坐标。 在四边形ABPQ 为平行四边形的基础上,运用以下两种方法进行讨论: (1)邻边互相垂直 (2)对角线相等 三、已知AB ,抛物线()02 ≠++=a c bx ax y ,点P 在抛物线上(或坐标轴上,或抛物线的对 称轴上),若四边形ABPQ 为菱形,求点P 坐标。 在四边形ABPQ 为平行四边形的基础上,运用以下两种方法进行讨论: (1)邻边相等 (2)对角线互相垂直


2018年深圳市中考英语试卷及答案 第一部分选择题(60分) I. 词汇(15分) i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分) 1. —More than 400 street gardens will be built in Shenzhen, —Good news! Our city becomes more and more beautiful. A. Over B. Around C. Nearly 2. —Tim, you spent too much time on computers. It is harmful to your eyes. —I see. Thank you. I will do more sports instead. A. is good for B. is bad for C. is helpful to 3. —Hi, John! Would you like to go hiking with me tomorrow? —Sounds great! It’s a good way to keep fit. A. lively B. active C. healthy 4. —Mr. Li, I feel a little nervous before the coming exam. —You’d better take a break from studies and relax yourself. A. rest B. breath C. walk 5. —I dream to be a great dancer when I grow up. —That’s great. But it requires confidence and practice. A. gets B. has C. needs 6. —Excuse me. Could you please tell me how to get to the Concert Hall? —Sure. Go down the street, and you’ll find it close to the Book City. A. behind B. opposite C. near 7. —Tony, have you a plan for the summer vacation? —Not yet. Perhaps I’ll go to my hometown with my family. A. Maybe B. Actually C. Generally 8. —Our English club will put on a famous art play during the School Art Week. —Really? I can’t wait to watch it. A. work on B. act out C. make up ii. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共7小题,每小题1分) 9. —Simon always reads for half an hour before bedtime every day. —That’s a good ________. Reading makes a full man. A. dream B. wish C. habit 10. —Do you still remember our primary school teacher, Mrs. Liu? —Yes, she always encouraged us and gave us support ________ we met difficulties. A. whenever B. whatever C. however 11. —I’m looking forward to the final of the 2018 World Cup. —Me too. I hope the German team will be the ________. It’s my favorite. A. player B. winner C. loser 12. —The piano lessons are too hard for me, I nearly give up. —You should be ________. I believe you’ll make it. A. careful B. helpful C. patient


中考数学第18题专项练习 1.在Rt ABC △中,903BAC AB M ∠==°,,为边BC 上的点,联结AM (如图3所示).如果将ABM △沿直线AM 翻折后,点B 恰好落在边AC 的中点处,那么点M 到AC 的距离是 .(2009年中考) 2.已知正方形ABCD 中,点E 在边DC 上,DE = 2,EC = 1(如图所示) 把线段AE 绕点A 旋转,使点E 落在直线BC 上的点F 处,则F 、C 两 点的 距离为_ _______.(2010年上海中考) 3.Rt △ABC 中,已知∠C =90°,∠B =50°,点D 在边BC 上,BD =2CD .把△ABC 绕着点D 逆时针旋转m (0<m <180)度后,如果点B 恰好落在初始Rt △ABC 的边上,那么m =_________.(2011年上海中考) 4.如图所示,Rt ABC 中,90C ∠=?,1BC =,30A ∠=?, 点D 为边AC 上的一动点,将ABD 沿直线BD 翻折,点A 落 在点E 处,如果DE AD ⊥时,那么DE = .(2012年上海中考) 5.如图4,⊙A 、⊙B 的圆心A 、B 都在直线l 上,⊙A 的半径为1cm , ⊙B 的半径为2cm ,圆心距AB =6cm. 现⊙A 沿直线l 以每秒1cm 的速度 向右移动, 设运动时间为t 秒,写出两圆相交时,t 的取值范围: .(2010,宝山二模) l (图4) B A C D A B E 图 C B D A

6.在Rt △ABC 中,∠C =90o ,BC =4 ,AC =3,将△ABC 绕着点B 旋转后点A 落在直线BC 上的点A ',点C 落在点C '处,那么A A '的值为 ; (2010,奉贤二模) 7. 已知平行四边形ABCD 中,点E 是BC 的中点,在直线BA 上截取2BF AF =,EF 交BD 于点G ,则GB GD = .(2010,虹口区二模) 8.如图,在ABC ?中,∠ACB =?90,AC =4,BC =3,将ABC ?绕点C 顺时针旋转至C B A 11?的位置,其中B 1C ⊥AB ,B 1C 、A 1B 1交AB 于M 、N 两点,则线段MN 的长为 .(2010年,黄浦区二模) 9.如图2,在△ABC 中,AD 是BC 上的中线,BC =4,∠ADC =30°,把△ADC 沿AD 所在直线翻折后点C 落在点C ′ 的位置,那么点D 到直线BC ′ 的 距离是 .(2010年,金山区) 10.如图,半径为1且相外切的两个等圆都内切于半径为3的圆,那么图中阴影部 分的周长为 .(2010年,静安区二模) 11.如图,在△ABC 中,AB = AC ,BD 、CE 分别是边AC 、AB 上 的中线,且BD ⊥CE ,那么tan ∠ABC =___________. (2010年,闵行区二模) A 1 N M C B A B 1 C / B D C A 图2 A B C D E


2017年深圳英语中考试题(及答案) ( ) 1. Ancient Greeks used a giant wooden horse to capture the city of Troy. A. Huge B. wonderful C. wide ( ) 2. —I worked as a volunteer in the school library last Friday afternoon. —Really? Can I go with you next time? A. Had B. made C. was ( ) 3. —I have difficulty in learning Chinese. Could you give me some help? —Sure. Reading a lot will help you improve your Chinese. A. Questions B. Problems C. tasks ( ) 4. —China’s first large passenger plane C919 flew successfully on May 5. —Yes. What’s more, it was built on our own in Shanghai. A. with some help B. from our friends C. by ourselves ( ) 5. —Hi, Bob! What’s going on over there? —Oh, Tom and Dick are playing chess, with a crowd of students watching them. A. Happening B. appearing C. working ( ) 6. —Ding Ning beat Miu Hirano, a Japanese player, in the 2017 World Table Tennis Championship entering the final. —We were all excited at the good news. A. fought with B. won against C. lost by ( ) 7. —Did you see the movie Dangal last weekend? —No, I hardly go to the cinema these days. I am busy writing a book report. A. Often B. Always C. seldom ( ) 8. —In Shenzhen the city center will be connected to all the districts by metro in several years.—Great, I’m proud of living in Shenzhen. A. closed to B. joined to C. added to ( )9. You are beautiful today. your shoes color __________ your dress color. A. Catches B. matches C. meets ( ) 10. __________ is the quality to be brave when you are facing difficulties. A. Courage B. Pride C. Humor ( )11. —It’s going to rain. Remember to __________ your umbrella with you when you go to school, dear. —All right, Mum. Bye! A. take B. buy C. put


21、直线y= -x+m 与直线y=3 3 x+2相交于y 轴上的点C ,与x 轴分别交于点A 、B 。 (1)求A 、B 、C 三点的坐标;(3分) (2)经过上述A 、B 、C 三点作⊙E ,求∠ABC 的度数,点E 的坐标和⊙E 的半径;(4分) (3)若点P 是第一象限内的一动点,且点P 与圆心E 在直线AC 的同一侧,直线PA 、PC 分别交⊙E 于点M 、N ,设∠APC=θ,试求点M 、N 的距离(可用含θ的三角函数式表示)。(5分)

21、已知△ABC 是边长为4的等边三角形,BC 在x 轴上,点D 为BC 的中点,点A 在第 一象限内,AB 与y 轴的正半轴相交于点E ,点B (-1,0),P 是AC 上的一个动点(P 与点A 、C 不重合) (1)(2分)求点A 、E 的坐标; (2)(2分)若y=c bx x 7 362 ++- 过点A 、E ,求抛物线的解析式。 (3)(5分)连结PB 、PD ,设L 为△PBD 的周长,当L 取最小值时,求点P 的坐标及 L 的最小值,并判断此时点P 是否在(2)中所求的抛物线上,请充分说明你的判断理由。

22、(9分)AB 是⊙O 的直径,点E 是半圆上一动点(点E 与点A 、B 都不重合),点C 是 BE 延长线上的一点,且CD ⊥AB ,垂足为D ,CD 与AE 交于点H ,点H 与点A 不重合。 (1)(5分)求证:△AHD ∽△CBD (2)(4分)连HO ,若CD=AB=2,求HD+HO 的值。 O D B H E C

2006年 21.(10分)如图9,抛物线2 812(0)y ax ax a a =-+<与x 轴交于A 、B 两点(点A 在点B 的左侧),抛物线上另有一点C 在第一象限,满足∠ACB 为直角,且恰使△OCA ∽△OBC . (1)求线段OC 的长. (2)求该抛物线的函数关系式. (3)在x 轴上是否存在点P ,使△BCP 为等腰三角形?若存在,求出所有符合条件的P 点的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由.


2010年初中毕业生学业考试 英语试卷 第一部分选择题(60分) 测试时间:年月日学生姓名: I.选择填空 1.—________ apple a day keeps the doctor away! —What do you mean? I have never heard of ________ saying before. A.An, a B. An, the C. A, the D. A, a 2.—What ________ you usually have for breakfast? —________ and a cup of coffee. A.do, Three bread B. do, Three pieces of bread C. are, Three breads D. are, Three piece of bread 3. —Your bag looks the same ________ mine. —Oh, re ally? It’s a gift ________ my father. A.with, to B. with, from C. as, on D. as, from 4. —The weather report says there is going to ________ a typhoon tonight. —So we had better ________ out. A.be, not go B. have, not go C. be, not to go D. have, not to go 5. —________ people are taking action to protect the environment now. —Yes. ________ of my classmates come to school by bike now. A.More and more, Four fifth B. Less and less, Four fifth C. More and more, Four fifths D. Less and less, Four fifths 6. —Mary, would you like to ________ this game? —I’d love to, but I have to finish ________ the composition first. A.join in, to write B. attend, writing C. join, to write D. take part in, writing 7. —The number of the students in our class ______ fifty-six. —How many of ______ are girls? A.is, them B. are, them C. is, they D. are, they 8. —Is Mr. Smith in his office now? —No, he _______ there. I _______him in the library a minute ago. A.may be, saw B. can’t be, see C. mu stn’t be, see D. can’t be, saw 9. —________ is your opinion on the film “Avatar”?—It’s amazing! I was ________ moved. A.What, deep B. How, deep C. What, deeply D. How, deeply 10. —Do you know _________ buy the book Harry Potter? —The book is ________ popular that you can buy it at any bookshop. A.where can I, so B. where can I, such C. where I can, so D. where I can, such 11. —Paper ______ wood. We should not waste paper. —I agree. I always use ______ sides of paper. A.is made of, either B. is made from, both C. makes of, both D. makes from, either 12. —Have you ever ______ Australia? —Yes, I have. It’s really interesting _______ with kangaroos. A.been to, to play B. gone to, played C. been to, play D. gone to, playing 13. —Let’s go to the zoo by taxi, ________?—Maybe we can go there _________. It’s not far. A.won’t you, on foot B. won’t you, by foot C. shall we, by foot D. shall we, on foot 14. —Can you help me ________ my cat while I am away? —No problem. Just bring it to my house _______ you leave. A.look after, before B. look for, until C. take care of, since D. take off, after 15. —I am sorry for being late. —________ A.That’s right. B. You are welcome. C. It doesn’t matter. D. You should be sorry.


18题 1.(2015普陀)如图6,在矩形纸片ABCD中,AB

4.(2016闵行)如图,已知在△ABC 中,AB = AC ,1tan 3 B ∠=,将△ABC 翻折,使点C 与点A 重合,折痕DE 交边BC 于点D ,交边AC 于点E ,那么BD DC 的值为 . 5.(2015崇明)如图,在ABC ?中,CA CB =,90C ∠=?,点D 是BC 的中点,将ABC ?沿着直线EF 折叠,使点A 与点D 重合, 折痕交AB 于点E ,交AC 于点F ,那么sin BED ∠的值 为 . B C

6.(2015松江)如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC=5cm,BC=6cm,BD平分∠ABC ,

BD交AC于点D.如果将△ABD沿BD翻折,点A落在点A′处,那么△D A′C的面积为_______________cm2. 7.(2015宝山)在矩形ABCD中,15 AD,点E在边DC上,联结AE, = △ADE沿直线AE翻折后点D落到点F,过点F作AD FG⊥,垂足为点G,如图5,如果GD DE AD3 =,那么


中考英语模拟试题 Ⅰ.词汇测试(15分) I. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共8小题,每小题1分) 1. --- Are you available tonight? Let’s go and see the film The Fast and the Furious 7! --- I’d love to, but I have mountains of homework to do! A. free B. spare C. busy 2. The two businessmen were very happy that they made the deal. They decided to hold a party to celebrate it. A. agreement B. suggestion C. pronunciation 3. The speech would begin soon. Doctor Green surveyed himself in the mirror, and then walked onto the stage confidently. A. glanced at B. watched quickly C. looked carefully at 4. My win at chess raised my spirits a little. A. gave me a hand B. cheered me up C. let me down 5. Mr. Smith’s car broke down on his way to work, so he had to take a taxi. A. was dead B. stopped working C. went off 6. Scientists have no ideas about how the trees communicate with each other. A. learn from B. get things from C. send messages to 7. Many students are unaware of the importance of developing good reading habits. A. don’t realize B. forget about C. are unable to know 8. Langlang took up learning playing the piano at the age of four, and soon he proved he was talented. A. started B. continued C. practiced II. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共8小题,每小题1分) 9. An __________ is a short film on television or short article on radio that is intended to persuade people to buy something. A. argument B. announcement C. advertisement 10. __________ is the activity or business that involves styles of clothes and people’s appearance. A.Fair B. Fashion C. Fantasy 11. Jane didn’t know how to get along with her new classmates. She felt __________. A.up and down B. out of place C. on fire 12. Many wild plants and animals are endangered now. We can’t just ___________ and do nothing! A.sit up B. wait for C. lie around 13. If you ________ something to someone, you make the person know it for the first time. A. introduce B. explain C. serve 14--- I’ll go back to visit my parents this weekend. I haven’t seen them for a long time. --- Really? Please __________ me to your parents!


深圳十年中考数学压轴 题汇总 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

图10 200621.如图9,抛物线2812(0) y ax ax a a =-+<与x轴交于A、B两点(点A在点B 的左侧),抛物线上另有一点C OCA∽△OBC. (1)(3分)求线段OC的长. 解: (2)(3分)求该抛物线的函数关系式. 解: (3)(4分)在x轴上是否存在点P,使△ 条件的P 解: 200622.(10分)如图10-1⊙M交x轴于A B 、两点,交y轴于C D 、两点,且C为AE的中点,AE交y轴于G 点,若点A的坐标为(-2,0),AE8 = (1)(3分)求点C的坐标. 解: (2)(3分)连结MG BC 、,求证:MG∥BC 证明: (3)(4分) 如图10-2,过点D作⊙M的切线,交x 上运动时, PF OF 解: 200722.如图6,在平面直角坐标系中,正方形AOCB 轴上,且OD OB =,BD交OC于点E. (1)求BEC ∠的度数. (2)求点E的坐标. (3)求过B O D ,, 2525 5 55 == 1 ==== 都是分母有理化) 200723.如图7x相交于 A B ,两点. (1)求线段AB的长.

(2)若一个扇形的周长等于(1)中线段AB 的长,当扇形的半径取何值时,扇形的面积最大,最大面积是多少? (3)如图8,线段AB 的垂直平分线分别交x 轴、y 轴于C D ,两点,垂足为点M ,分别求出OM OC OD ,,的长,并验证等式 222 111 OC OD OM +=是否成立. (4)如图9,在Rt ABC △中,90ACB =∠,CD AB ⊥,垂足为D ,设BC a =, AC b =,AB c =.CD b =,试说明:222 111 += . 2+ bx 为(31. (1)求这个二次函数的表达式. (2)经过C 、D 两点的直线,与x 轴交于点E ,在该抛物线上是否存在这样的点F ,使以点A 、C 、E 、F 为顶点的四边形为平行四边形?若存在,请求出点F 的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由. (3)若平行于x 轴的直线与该抛物线交于M 、N 两点,且以MN 为直径的圆与x 轴相切,求该圆半径的长度. (4)如图10,若点G (2,y )是该抛物线上一点,点P 是直线AG 下方的抛物线上一动点,当点P 运动到什么位置时,△APG 的面积最大?求出此时P 点的坐标和△APG 的最大面积. 200922.如图,在直角坐标系中,点A 的坐标为(-2,0),连结OA ,将线段OA 绕原点O 顺时针旋转120°,得到线段OB . (1)求点B 的坐标; (2)求经过A 、O 、B 三点的抛物线的解析式; (3)在(2)中抛物线的对称轴上是否存在点C ,使△BOC 的周长最小?若存在,求出点C 的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由. (4)如果点P 是(2)中的抛物线上的动点,且在x 轴的下方,那么△PAB 是否有最大面积?若有,求出此时P 点的坐标及△PAB 200923.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,直线l :y =-2x -8A ,B 两点,点P (0,k )是y 作⊙P . (1)连结PA ,若PA =PB ,试判断⊙P 与x (2)当k 为何值时,以⊙P 与直线l 角形? 201022.(本题9分)如图9,抛物线y =ax 2+c (a >0点,梯形的底AD 在x 轴上,其中A (-2,0),B (- (1)求抛物线的解析式;(3分) (2)点M 为y 轴上任意一点,当点M 到A 、B 两点的距离之和为最小时,求此时点M 的坐标;(2分) 图7 图8 图9


绝密★★使用前 2018年深圳市初中毕业生学业考试 英语试卷 说明:1.答题前,请将姓名、考生号、考场、试室号和座位号用规定的笔写在答题卡指定的位置上,将条形码粘贴好。 3imiKQjgCZ 2.全卷分二部分,第一部分为选择题,第二部分为非选择题,共8页。考试时间90分钟,满分85分。 3.考生必须在答题卡上按规定作答;凡在试卷、草稿纸上作答的,其答案一律无效。答题卡必须保持清洁,不能 折叠。3imiKQjgCZ 4.考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一卷 (选择题,共65分> I.从下面每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。<共5分,每小题1分)3imiKQjgCZ 1. Ted is a smart boy. He always does very well in the exams.3imiKQjgCZ A. clever B. brave C. polite D. friendly3imiKQjgCZ 2. Mary refused Tom’s invitation to his birthday party. It made him unhappy.3imiKQjgCZ

A. said thank to B. said no to C. said hello to D. said yes to3imiKQjgCZ 3. If you want to lose weight, you’d better not to eat too much meat.3imiKQjgCZ A. become fatter B. become taller C. become thinner D. become prettier3imiKQjgCZ 4.-Where was water from in the first place? -It came from the sea. A. in the end B. in the beginning C. in the middle D. in its place3imiKQjgCZ 5. John F. Dancer waited and waited. At last, a fireman showed up.3imiKQjgCZ A. appeared B. lined up C. stayed up D. disappeared3imiKQjgCZ II. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白 处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。<共15分, 每小题1分)3imiKQjgCZ 6. ---Is your mother gong to cook_______ supper for you today?3imiKQjgCZ ---Yes. We are going to have_______ big dinner. A. a; / B. /; the C. the; / D. /; a3imiKQjgCZ


中考数学第18题专项练习 1.在 Rt ABC △中,903BAC AB M ∠==°,,为边BC 上的点,联结AM (如图3所示).如果将ABM △沿直线AM 翻折后,点B 恰好落在边AC 的中点处,那么点M 到AC 的距离是 .(2009年中考) 2.已知正方形ABCD 中,点E 在边DC 上,DE = 2,EC = 1(如图4所示) 把线段AE 绕点A 旋转,使点E 落在直线BC 上的点F 处,则F 、C 两 点的距离为_ _______.(2010年上海中考) 3.Rt △ABC 中,已知∠C =90°,∠B =50°,点D 在边BC 上,BD =2CD .把△ABC 绕着点D 逆时针旋转m (0<m <180)度后,如果点B 恰好落在初始Rt △ABC 的 边上,那么m =_________.(2011年上海中考) 4.如图所示,Rt ABC 中,90C ∠=?,1BC =,30A ∠=?, 点D 为边AC 上的一动点,将ABD 沿直线BD 翻折,点A 落 在点E 处,如果DE AD ⊥时,那么DE = .(2012年上海中考) 5.如图4,⊙A 、⊙B 的圆心A 、B 都在直线l 上,⊙A 的半径为1cm , ⊙B 的半径为2cm ,圆心距AB =6cm. 现⊙A 沿直线l 以每秒1cm 的 速度 向右移动,设运动时间为t 秒,写出两圆相交时,t 的取值范 围: .(2010,宝山二模) 6.在Rt △ABC 中,∠C =90o ,BC =4 ,AC =3,将△ABC 绕着点B 旋转后点A 落在直线BC 上的点 A ',点C 落在点 C '处,那么A A '的值为 ; (2010,奉贤二模) 7. 已知平行四边形 ABCD 中,点E 是BC 的中点,在直线BA 上截取2BF AF =,EF 交 BD 于点G ,则 GB GD = .(2010,虹口区二模) 8.如图,在ABC ?中,∠ACB =? 90,AC =4,BC =3,将ABC ?绕点C 顺时针 则线 旋转至C B A 11?的位置,其中B 1C ⊥AB ,B 1C 、A 1B 1交AB 于M 、N 两点, 段MN 的长为 .(2010年,黄浦区二模) 9.如图2,在△ABC 中,AD 是BC 上的中线,BC =4, ∠ADC =30°,把△ADC 沿AD 所在直线翻折后 点C 落在点C ′ 的位置,那么点D 到直线BC ′ 的 距离是 .(2010年,金山区) l (图4) B A A 1 N M C B A B 1 C / B D C A 图2 D A B E 图4 B D A

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