当前位置:文档之家› 肯尼迪就职演讲修辞分析教材


[Tak ing the oath of Office]

1. Vice Preside nt Joh nson, Mr . Speaker , Mr . Chief Justice, Preside nt Eise nhower ,

Vice Preside nt Nixon, Preside nt Truma n, revere nd clergy, fellow citize ns:

2. We observe today not a victory of party , but a celebrati on of freedom --

symboliz ing an end , as well as a beg inning -- sig nifying ren ewal , as well as change . For I have swor n before you and Almighty God the same sole mn oath

our forebears prescribed n early a cen tury and three-quarters ago.

修辞分析:运用了An tithesis 的修辞手法,前后结构一致,语义相反,容易吸引观众的注

意,达到演讲词开篇引人入胜的目的。这里" a victory of party ”和"a celebration of

freedom ”,“ an end ”和“ a beg inning ”等等分别构成对照,强调这不是一个政党的胜利,而是自由的胜利,是结束也是开端,是更新也是变革。

3. The world is very differe nt now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to

abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the

same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe -- the belief that the rights of man come not from the gen erosity of the state, but from the hand of God.

修辞分析:该段子划线部分都运用了Repetiti on 的修辞手法。这里重复的使用主要是为了


4. We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the

word go forth from this time and place, to frie nd and foe alike, -- born in this century, tempered by war , disciplined by a hard and bitter peace,______________ proud of

our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of

those human rights _____ to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

修辞分析:该段落划线部分运用了Parallelism 的修辞手法。总共包括三组排比句,如段




5. Let every n ati on know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay __________________ any

price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any

foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty____________

修辞分析:这句话运用了Repetition 和Alliteration 双重的修辞手法。首先是头韵法,

女口段中阴影部分,“pay price ” “bear burden ” “survival success ” “friend foe”等这些头韵法的合理使用不仅使演说朗朗上口,富于乐感,从而抓住听众的注意力,而且通过在词首重复使用相同的辅音,使得音韵悠扬,节奏明快,增强了表现力,给人以深刻的印象,为演说增添了光彩。其二段中“any”的重复使用使演讲者观点紧凑,重点突岀,有能很有效


6. This much we pledge -- and more.

7. To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual orig ins we share, we pledge

the loyalty of faithful frie nds. Un ited there is little we cannot do in a host of____________ cooperative ventures. Divided there is little we can do -- for we dare not meet

a powerful challe nge at odds and split asu nder

修辞分析:段中划线部分运用了An tithesis 的修辞手法。这里主要是“ un ited "和"divided ”


8. To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge

their own freedom -- and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by rid ing the back of the tiger en ded up in side.

修辞分析:该段划线部分运用了Repetition 的修辞手法,“shall ”的重复使用使句式结



9. To those people in the huts and villages of half the globe struggli ng to break

the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required -- not because the Commu ni sts

may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but _________ b ecause it is right. If

a free society cannot help the many who are poor , it cannot save the few

who are rich

修辞分析:该段落划线部分中运用了Metaphor的修辞手法。该短语将“mass misery ”对世界各地人民的折磨隐喻为“bonds ”,即枷锁,形象生动地将抽象的事物变得简单易懂,


运用了Repetition 的修辞手法。该句中“because ”的重复使用一方面产生了音律美,使句式整齐匀称,另一方面突岀了演讲者所要表达的观点,调动了听众的情绪。

运用了An tithesis 的修辞手法。该句中句式非常对称整齐,读起来朗朗上口,简洁明了,音律和谐。同时通过语义上的对立突岀强调了“如果不能帮助处在贫困中的人们,美国也就不能拯救少数的富人”这一观点。

10. T o our sister republics south of our border , we offer a special pledge: to

con vert our good words into good deeds, in a new allia nee for progress, to assist

free men and free gover nments in cast ing off the cha ins of poverty . But this

peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or

subversi on any where in the Americas. And let every other power know that

this hemisphere intends to rema in the master of its own house.

修辞分析:该段落划线部分中和运用了Metaphor的修辞手法。句中将其他国家比作“sister ”,即兄弟姐妹,形象生动地将美国和南美国家的外交关系化抽象为具体,使听众


运用了Parallelism 的修辞手法。划线部分都运用了" let..know that ”的句式,使得演讲词非常的对称,读起来能够产生一种音律美和节奏感。

11. To that world assembly of sovereig n states, the Un ited Nati ons, our last best

hope in an age where the in strume nts of war have far outpaced the in strume nts

of peace, we renew our pledge of support -- to prevent it from becoming merely

a forum for invective, to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak, and to

enlarge the area in which its writ may run.

修辞分析:该段落划线部分运用了Parallelism 的修辞手法。段中"to..."引岀了三个排


12. Fi nally, to those n ati ons who would make themselves our adversary, we offer

not a pledge but a request : that both sides beg in anew the quest for peace,

before the dark powers of destructi on unl eashed by scie nee en gulf all

huma nity in pla nned or accide ntal self-destructi on.

修辞分析:该演讲辞中从第七段到第十二段开头粗体字部分运用了Parallelism 的修辞手法。又用了结构相似或相同的句子形成了排比。排比和反复的重叠使用使语意层层递进,增强了演讲的气势,突出了强调的内容,同时使演讲词读来韵律节奏分明,铿锵有力。

运用了An tithesis 的修辞手法。使得句式结构整齐匀称,节奏感强,同时强调了美国提岀的是一项要求而不是请求。

运用了Metaphor的修辞手法。这里将"nuclear weapons ”隐喻成了" dark power ”,生动形象地说明了原子武器的威力和危害性,也从侧面突岀了我们应该响应美国的号召追求和平,杜绝原子武器的危害。

13. We dare not tempt them with weak ness. For only whe n our arms are sufficie nt

beyond ___ d oubt can__we_be_certain ___ beyond ___ doubt that they will n ever be


修辞分析:段中划线部分运用了Repetition 的修辞手法。“ Beyond doubt ”的重复,有效地强化了语意,更富节奏感,使演讲更有气势,同时加深了听众的印象。

14. But n either can two great and powerful groups of n ati ons take comfort from our

prese nt course -- both sides overburde ned by the cost of moder n weap ons,

both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing

to alter that un certa in bala nee of terror that stays the hand of mankin d's final war.


节奏感,营造了一种音律美。同时结构上都是“both... ”开头的句子,句式非常整齐匀称,


15. So let us beg in anew -- rememberi ng on both sides that civility is not a sig n of

weak ness, and sin cerity is always subject to proof. Let us n ever ____________ negotiate out

of fear , but let us never fear to negotiate .

修辞分析:段中划线部分交错运用了Chiasmus和An tithesis 的修辞手法。首先句中使用了交错配列法,“negotiate "和“ fear "在句中交错岀现,传递了一种非常精炼,深层次的思考,使句子呈现出一种庄严和严肃的气氛,同时引导听众进行独立的思考。其二也用了对照,这里主要体现在语义上的对照,即不要因为恐惧而去谈判,而应不惧于去谈判。

16. Let both sides explore what problems un ite us in stead of belabori ng those problems which divide us.

修辞分析:段中划线部分运用了An tithesis 的修辞手法。该句子是“ explore what problems ”

和“ belabor those problems which divide us ”的对照,这一方面让句子结构比较整齐


17. Let both sides , for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for

the in specti on and con trol of arms, and br ing the absolute power to destroy

other n ati ons un der the absolute con trol of all n ati ons.

18. Let both sides seek to in voke the won ders of scie nee in stead of its terrors.

Together let us explore the stars , con quer the deserts , eradicate disease , tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce

修辞分析:段中划线部分运用了Parallelism 和Anticlimax 的修辞手法。首先这个句子中

多个动词短语构成了一个排比句,句式非常简洁明了,结构也非常对称,节奏感也比较强,有利于演讲者调动听众的情绪。其二渐降法,句子中“stars "“ deserts "“ disease "按事物的从大到小,从重到轻排列下来。

19. Let both sides un ite to heed, in all corn ers of the earth, the comma nd of Isaiah

--to "un ________ 1

修辞分析:演讲词从十六到十九段开头部分的" Let both sides "运用了Anaphora的修辞手法。首语重复的使用突出了演讲者的重点,创造了节奏感,表达了讲演者的感受和情感



“ heavy

burdens ”,化抽象为具体,生动形象的写岀了人民受到的欺压。

20. And, if a beachhead of cooperati on may push back the jun gle of suspici on, let

both sides join in creating a new endeavor -- not a new balanee of power , but a new world of law _______ -- where the strong are just, and the weak secure, _______________ and the peace preserved.

修辞分析:该段划线部分中运用了Personification 的修辞手法。句中“ push back ”即推动的意思,是人才能具有的动作属性,演讲者将beachhead拟人化,使的整个句子非常


运用了An tithesis 的修辞手法。对照在句中的使用使得句式整齐匀称,又使观点对立,突出了这份努力不是为了全球势力的均衡,而是为了建立一个法制新世界。

运用了Parallelism 的修辞手法。

21. All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days . Nor will it be finished

in the first one thousa nd days : nor in the life of this Admini strati on : nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.


(anaphora )的使用使得句式显得整齐匀称,音律和谐,强调了要完成这些任务的艰难性。

另一方面层进(climax)使得排列句子成分时,根据由浅入深,从小到大,从轻到重原则,依次排歹列“ one hundred days ” “ one thousand days ” “ in our lifetime ” ,使语义层层递增,


22. In your han ds, my fellow citize ns, more tha n mine, will rest the final success or

failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of America ns has bee n sum moned to give testim ony to its n ati on al loyalty. The graved—


修辞分析:句中划线部分运用了Hyperbole的修辞手法。这里“ the graves surround the

globe ” ,即坟墓包围了整个地球,显然是夸张的用法。而运用夸张的手法来强调为响应美国政府号召而献身的美国公民非常之多,一方面肯定了这些美国人的贡献,另一方面通过渲染气氛,弓I起听众内心的公民,从而呼吁更多的人响应美国政府的号召为之奋斗。

23. Now the trumpet sum mons us aga in -- not as a call to bear arms, though

arms we need -- not as a call to battle, though embattled we are -- but a call

to bear the burde n of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing_____ ___________ in hope; patie nt in tribulati on,” a struggle aga inst the com mon en emies of man:

tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.

修辞分析:这段采用了排比parallelism 的修辞,而且将排比与重复( repetition )融合


句中运用了Anticlimax 和Parallelism 的修辞手法。句中"tyranny ”"poverty “"disease ”

“ war "在融合使用排比之余还使用渐降法按重要性的大小从大到小排列下来,最后又回到

war 上面。

24. Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global allianee, North and

South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will

you join in that historic effort?

修辞分析:该段划线部分运用了Rhetorical question 的修辞手法。该段中修辞疑问句的

使用一方面强调突岀了美国和其他国家能够在全世界范围内建立起一个抗击敌人的联盟,同时表达演讲者的强烈情感和使得听众更好的参与进来以及激发他们的兴趣。另一方面,这个修辞的使用在某种程度上又充当了该演讲词中的Transitional device( 过渡)的作用,引导听众往下听,接下来便是演讲者给岀的解释和答案。

25. In the long history of the world, only a few gen erati ons have bee n gra nted the

role of defe nding freedom in its hour of maximum dan ger . I do not shr ink from

this responsibility -- I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would

excha nge places with any other people or any other gen erati on. The en ergy , the faith , the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our

country and all who serve it. And the glow from that fire can truly light the


修辞分析:该段划线部分运用了Parallelism 修辞手法。“ the energy ”“ the faith ”" the devotion ”为三个单词的排比,使得演讲词重点突岀,同时又具备了音律美。

运用了Metaphor的修辞手法。这里将"the energy,the faith,the devotion ”比喻成为

了“ fire ”。使这些非常抽象,晦涩难懂的词语变得生动易懂,从而能够清楚地表达演讲者想要表达的意思。

26. And so, my fellow America ns, ask not what -------- your cou ntry can do for you; ------------ ask-

what you can do for your country

27. My fellow citize ns of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what

together we can do for the freedom of man ___________

修辞分析:27和26段中划线部分都运用了An tithesis 的修辞手法。这三句话结构对称整齐,意义相反,加强了语气,而后两句还同时使用了“ ask not ”倒装结构,对仗工整、立意深刻,极富有感染力。

28. Fin ally, whether you are citize ns of America or citize ns of the world, ask of us here the same high

standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscienee our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, ask ing His bless ing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.




肯尼迪总统的就职演说是美国历史上非常著名的一次演讲,这次演讲不仅在当时引起了轰动,而且在后世对美国政治演说和公众演讲产生了深远的影响。以下是肯尼迪总统就职演说的语言特点探析: 语言简洁明了:肯尼迪总统在演讲中的语言极为简洁明了,没有使用过多的修辞手法和复杂的语法结构,使得演讲内容易于理解和接受。 语调铿锵有力:肯尼迪总统在演讲中的语调铿锵有力,声音富有节奏感,既能够表达出演讲者的情感,又能够引导听众进入演讲的情景,加强演讲效果。 常用重复:肯尼迪总统在演讲中多次使用了相同的词汇和短语,比如“ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”,这种常用重复的手法能够让听众更容易记住演讲内容,增强演讲的说服力。 用词精准:肯尼迪总统在演讲中使用的词汇非常精准,能够准确地表达出演讲者的意图和情感,增强演讲的说服力。 引用名言:肯尼迪总统在演讲中多次引用名人名言,如引用林肯的名言,“we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty”,这种引用名言的手法能够增强演讲的权威性和文化内涵。 总之,肯尼迪总统就职演说的语言特点是简洁明了、语调铿锵有力、常用重复、用词精准和引用名言等,这些语言特点使得演讲内容易于理解、说服力强,具有很高的艺术价值和实用价值。


[Taking the oath of Office] 1.Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, reverend clergy, fellow citizens: 2.We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom -- symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning -- signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago. 修辞分析:运用了Antithesis 的修辞手法,前后结构一致,语义相反,容易吸引观众的注意,达到演讲词开篇引人入胜的目的。这里“a victory of party”和“a celebration of freedom”,“an end”和“a beginning”等等分别构成对照,强调这不是一个政党的胜利,而是自由的胜利,是结束也是开端,是更新也是变革。 3.The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish①all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe -- the belief that the rights of man come ②not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God. 修辞分析:该段子划线部分都运用了Repetition的修辞手法。这里重复的使用主要是为了分清层次,加强演讲词的节奏感和音律美,使读起来朗朗上口。 4.We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, -- ①born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, ②proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights ③to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. 修辞分析:该段落划线部分运用了Parallelism 的修辞手法。总共包括三组排比句,如段中所示,第一组是过去分词引起的短语,第二组是形容词引起的短语,第三组是定语从句。 排比句结构平衡,音韵和谐,语义紧凑,高潮迭起,极富感召力与鼓动性。排比的大量使用既能起到突出演讲主题的作用,又能令句子流畅,读起来朗朗上口,极富音乐般的节奏和感染力。 5.Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty. 修辞分析:这句话运用了Repetition和Alliteration双重的修辞手法。首先是头韵法,如段中阴影部分,“p ay price”“b ear burden”“s urvival s uccess”“f riend f oe”等这些头韵法的合理使用不仅使演说朗朗上口,富于乐感,从而抓住听众的注意力,而且通过在词首重复使用相同的辅音,使得音韵悠扬,节奏明快,增强了表现力,给人以深刻的印象,为演说增添了光彩。其二段中“any”的重复使用使演讲者观点紧凑,重点突出,有能很有效


肯尼迪《就职演说》文体赏析 《肯尼迪总统就职演说》是美国历史上最具国际影响力的演说之一。当时的美国总统肯尼迪只有43岁,他的就职演说激励了国人, 让世界感受到了美国的英雄气概和勇气。肯尼迪的演讲词触动了众多听众,甚至连今天的美国总统都会提及他的演说,以此来激励国内民众。 《肯尼迪总统就职演说》内容主要涉及国家的前途和发展,他开场讲述了灾难后美国面临的困难,并指出未来只有“勇气”才能克服困难。他提到了明天需要重复“确信”,要有“无畏”来改善现状以 及调整社会风气,从而使美国重新站起来。他提到了一个新的世代,即“非战争”,以及一个新的世界,即“不贪污”。 肯尼迪总统就职演说秉持了强有力的信念,并向全世界发出了种种信息,他希望能够作为总统,把众多美国人的信仰重现,重新激活美国人的希望。他提到,美国应该把希望放在人类友好的未来,要说出实话,做出真实的努力,尊重客观事实,以求获得国际安全。 肯尼迪总统就职演说用简短而有力的语言,展现出激烈的感染力,他的演讲播放在电视和广播之上,吸引了全美的目光。读到他的就职演说,让人充满激情,有能力去实现他的设想,有可能一个新的美国,一个美好的未来,诞生于古老的土地。 从文体上讲,肯尼迪的就职演说用简洁的句子把激情和思想传达出来,清晰而有力,隽永而又影响深远。有关演讲词里不仅有美式英语,同时也有贴近民众感受的浅显口语,用简单的语言反复贴近美国

人的心灵,让他们重新找到美国的价值和理想。可以说,肯尼迪在演讲中运用了各种文学技法,做到了说服鏖战兼容。 总之,肯尼迪总统就职演说是一篇具有国际影响力的话语,承载了美国历史上的开创精神。该演说具有很强的时代感和通用性,是美国政治史上的里程碑之一,也是美国总统就职演说的典范。


肯尼迪就职演说分析 篇一:肯尼迪就职演说评析 美国第三十五任总统JohnFitzgeraldFrancisKennedy(1917-1963)约翰.弗.肯尼迪1961年元月20日在首都华盛顿国会大厦前发表“就职演说”时,我在读初中三年级,学的是俄语。直到1980年,我才在美国出版的“EnglishForToday”“今日英语”教材的第五册里阅读到了这篇演说,而且还听了这篇演说的实况录音。现在这篇演说已被一字未删地选入《advancedEnglish》“高级英语”(张汉熙主编,商务印书馆出版发行),《21centurycollegeEnglish》“二十一世纪大学英语”(复旦大学,交通大学主编;高等教育出版社,复旦大学出版社出版发行)英语教材里作为高等院校的英语学习教材。1980年,那时大学外语教学还是很原始落后的。我想得到英语版的联合国“人权宣言”,但在当时武汉的中南财经学院图书馆里没有。找到武汉大学图书馆,那里才只有一本油印的“人权宣言”小册子。我想得到英文版的“中华人民共和国刑法”这书,武汉的外文书店买不到。我托原北京地院外语老师去北京外国专家局找有关专家打听此书,专家说,《刑法》英文译文由他翻译,正在他手里,由于没有出版,他不能外借。肯尼迪“就职演说”是在演说之后十九年被我们看到。时过境迁,20XX年元月20日,全世界几乎所有的人都能从网上及各种媒体上听到,见到,读到美国第一位黑人总统奥巴马的“就职演说”。虽然有的人看

到的是被有些媒体屏掉了(RecallthatearliergenerationsfaceddownFascismandcommunismnotjust withmissilesandtanksbutwithsturdyalliancesandenduringconvictions.我们在此回忆先辈,他们战胜了法西斯主义和共产主义,靠的不仅是导弹,坦克;更是靠坚定的盟友和不移的信念。),(Tothosewhoclingtopowerthroughcorruptionanddeceitandthesilencingof dissentknowthatyouareonthewrongsideofhistorybutthatwewillextendahan difyouarewillingtounclenchyourfist.对于那些通过腐败,欺骗,压制异见来统治的人,你们应该知道你们站在了历史的对立面。但是,如果你们愿意放开紧攥的拳头,我们会向你们伸出一只手。)这些文字的演说,但是1961年那时代的人能听到,见到,读到的是完全不能与今天相比的了! 阅读翻译注释 1、mr.chiefJustice,PresidentEisenhower,VicePresidentnixon,PresidentTruma n,Reverendclergy,Fellowcitizens,weobservetodaynotavictoryofparty,butac elebrationoffreedom–symbolizinganendaswellasabeginning–signifyingrenewal,aswellaschange.Forihaveswornbeforeyouandalmighty Godthesamesolemnoathourforebearsprescribednearlyacenturyandthreequa rtersago.Theworldisverydifferentnow.Formanholdsinhismortalhandsthepo wertoabolishallformsofhumanpovertyandallformsofhumanlife.andyetthes amerevolutionarybeliefsforwhichourforebearsfoughtarestillatissuearoundt


肯尼迪就职演说背景 【篇一:肯尼迪就职演讲背景分析 the background meaning in john f.kennedy inaugural address】 the background meaning in john f. kennedy?s inaugural address 摘要:肯尼迪是美国历史上最年轻的总统,他的当选代表了二 战后的年轻主张.肯 尼迪的就职演讲被认为是美国总统就职演讲中最为精彩的篇章之一, 其语言简明、结构巧妙, 内容也反映了当时的政治,文化,社会背景,值得我们探究学习。 关键词:就职演讲;权利;核力量. abstract: kennedy was the youngest person elected u.s. president .his presidency came to represent the america youthful idealism in the aftermath of world war ii. and kennedy?s address was considered as one of the most wonderful in american history, the words in it is short, well-organized, inflected the political, culture, social background, and his sentences were worthing study. key words: inaugural address; rights; nuclear power. president kennedy was an excellent speaker and writer; kennedys speech object is global ,does not only aimed at the american citizen, moreover in view of international judgment. he applied various historics. such as, alleles, repetition, alliteration, antithesis, metaphor, synecdoche. and he used the first person, let people in the same standpoint, feel comfortable, so make it easy to win their support. he aroused americans sense of pride and responsibility, enabled the speech having strong sedition .in his address, we can learn the political, social, cultural situations at that moment; appreciate the art of his language. 1.kennedy?s victory is all the people?s victory. “we observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom--symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning--signifying renewal, as well as change…”(张汉熙,1995,51-56) kennedy emphasized that he become the


美国总统约翰·菲兹杰拉德·肯尼迪自幼受到良好的教 育,后毕业于哈佛大学。他发表于1961年1月20日的就职 演说中字字、旬句、段段都是经过精心雕琢,其中最大的特点 就是大量修辞格的运用。修辞就是运用语言的时候,根据特 定的目的精心选择语言的过程,力求把语言表达的清晰、生 动、精彩.它包含有各种修辞格。演说词中各种修辞格的运 用可使得演说词条理清晰,琅琅上口,气势恢宏,引人共鸣. 本文拟对肯尼迪就职演说中的修辞进行研究. 一、Parallelism{平行) 英语Parallelism,意即alongside one another(并排).其 基本用法是将结构相同或类似、意义相关或并重、语气也前后 一致的语言成分平行并列在一起。平行的构成可体现于各个 语言层次,如单词、短语、从句、句子。这篇演说词中平行的构成不仅体现在这些方面,而且还体现在段落之间。(黑体字部 分表示运用了修辞格,阻下与此相同)。 单词方面的有: The energy,the faith,the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will? 短语、从句方面的有: ?bom in this century,tempered by war,disciplined by a hard and bitter peace,proud of our ancient heritage,and unwilling

to wimess or permit the slow undoing ofthese human rights to which this nation has always been committed,and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. 仅仅这一段话就包含三组平行结构。第一组是过去分词 引起的短语,第二组是形容词引起的短语,第三组是个定语从 旬。 句子方面的有: Together let US explore the stars。conquer the deserts,eradi·cate disease,tap the OC,ean depths and encourage the arts and cofTmlerce 段落间的有: 这篇演说词6至11段之间的段落关系就属于平行关系。 从第6段开始就分别以“To those old allies卜·”T0 those new states?”“To those peoples?”“To our sister republics ?” “To that world assembly?“?to those nations?”开头。 除此之外,这篇演说词从15段到18段都是以“Let both sides?”开头。 平行结构是这篇演说词中运用最广泛的修辞格,这主要 是由于平行结构语气上紧凑、一致、绵绵不绝的效果,使人感 受到语言强大的力量。这篇演说词中大量平行结构在单词、 短语、从句、句子甚至段落的运用不仅使得这篇演说词读起来


肯尼迪就职演说:领导者的使命与责任 约翰··肯尼迪的就职演说是美国历史上最著名、最具影响力的演讲之一。这篇演讲于611月20日在华盛顿特区的国会山举行,标志着肯尼迪成为美国的第35任总统。他的演说充满激情和力量,鼓舞了一代人,引领着美国走向伟大的未来。 肯尼迪的演说首先回顾了美国建国的理想和原则,他醒我们这个是由勇敢的先辈们建立和捍卫的。他指出,“我们不会替我们问‘我能做什么?’而是问‘我们能为我们的做什么?’”这种使命感贯穿整个演讲,呼唤人与之间的紧密。 肯尼迪接着探讨了美国当前的挑战和困境,并出了他的愿景和战略。他呼吁全体美国公民在建设中发挥积极的作用。肯尼迪热切地表示:“请记住,你们的贡献是我们的前进的力量。”他鼓励人们以实际行动来推动变革,摆脱过去的局限。 肯尼迪还谈到了美国对外,特别是与全球竞争对手苏联的关系。他坚定地表示美国将坚持自由、民主和人权的原则,并愿意与全球伙伴共同努力,实现和平与繁荣。他的演说传达了对全球合作和理解的迫切需求。 肯尼迪的演说中充满了启发性的语言和鼓舞人气氛,他醒人们这个时代的变革正在到来,他们有能力应对挑战。他的演讲吸引了无数人的注意力,成为许多人心中的经典之一。 回顾这篇演说,我们可以从中汲取重要的领导和体验。一个领导者应该激励人民,鼓舞他们成为建设的积极参与者。肯尼迪以其力和激情影响了一代人,激励他们为的利益而努力。 领导者应该具备全球眼光和理解。肯尼迪明确表示美国将在全球舞台上担任重要角色,与他国合作,实现共同利益。这个观点对于当今全球化的世界依然非常重要,领导者需要展示全球合作的和勇气。 领导者需要坚定地坚持自己的核心价值观。肯尼迪在演讲中表达了他对自由、民主和人权的坚定信念,这些价值观成为美国外交的基石。领导者应该在任何情况下都坚守自己的原则,并以其行动来推动变革。 肯尼迪就职演说不仅仅是美国历史上的一个重要时刻,更是一个关于领导和治理原则的典范。它醒我们作为领导者,我们有责任激励人民、促进和平与繁荣,并始终坚持我们的核心价值观。肯尼迪的演说是时间的见证,它将永远激励着人们追求更好的未来。


约翰肯尼迪的就职演说 篇一:约翰肯尼迪总统就职演说 [演讲者简介]:约翰·肯尼迪是一位战争英雄,普利策奖获得者,整个五十年代,都是美国参议员。1960年11月,年仅43岁的他成为美国历史上由选举产生的最年轻的总统。1963年11月22日他在德克萨斯州的达拉斯遇刺身亡,是美国历史上第四位死于暗杀者的子弹的总统。 今天我们庆祝的不是政党的胜利,而是自由的胜利。这象征着一个结束,也象征着一个开端;意味着延续也意味着变革。因为我已在你们和全能的上帝面前,宣读了我们的先辈在170年前拟定的庄严誓言。现在的世界已大不相同了。人类的巨手掌握着既能消灭人间的各种贫困,又能毁灭人间的各种生活的力量。但我们的先辈为之奋斗的那些革命信念,在世界各地仍然有着争论。这个信念就是人的权利并非来自国家的慷慨,而是来自上帝恩赐。 今天,我们不敢忘记我们是第一次革命的继承者。让我们的朋友和敌人同样听见我此时此地的讲话:火炬已经传给新一代美国人。这一代人在本世纪诞生,在战争中受过锻炼,在艰难困苦的和平时期受过陶冶,他们为我国悠久的传统感到自豪——他们不愿目睹或听任我国一向保证的、今天仍在国内外作出保证的人权渐趋毁灭。 让每个国家都知道——不论它希望我们繁荣还是希望我们衰落一为

确保自由的存在和自由的胜利,我们将付出任何代价,承受任何负担,应付任何艰难,支持任何朋友,反抗任何敌人。这些就是我们的保证——而且还有更多的保证。 对那些和我们有着共同文化和精神渊源的老盟友,我们保证待以诚实朋友那样的忠诚。我们如果团结一致,就能在许多合作事业中无往不胜:我们如果分歧对立,就会一事无成——因为我们不敢在争吵不休、四分五裂时迎接强大的挑战。 对那些我们欢迎其加入到自由行列中来的新国家,我们恪守我们的誓言:决不让一种更为残酷的暴政来取代一种消失的殖民统治。我们并不总是指望他们会支持我们的观点。但我们始终希望看到他们坚强地维护自己的自由——而且要记住,在历史上,凡愚蠢地狐假虎威者,终必葬身虎口。 对世界各地身居茅舍和乡村,为摆脱普遍贫困而斗争的人们,我们保证尽最大努力帮助他们自立,不管需要花多长时间——之所以这样做,并不是因为共产党可能正在这样做,也不是因为我们需要他们的选票,而是因为这样做是正确的。自由社会如果不能帮助众多的穷人,也就无法挽救少数富人。 对我国南面的姐妹共和国,我们提出一项特殊的保证——在争取进行的新同盟中,把我们善意的话变为善意的行动,帮助自由人们和自由的政府摆脱贫困的枷锁。但是,这种充满希望的和平革命决不可以成为敌对国家的牺牲品。我们要让所有邻国都知道,我们将和他们在一起,反对在美洲任何地区进行侵略和颠覆活动。让所有其他国家都知


The Background Meaning in John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address 摘要:肯尼迪是美国历史上最年轻的总统,他的当选代表了二战后的年轻主张.肯尼迪的就职演讲被认为是美国总统就职演讲中最为精彩的篇章之一,其语 言简明、结构巧妙, 内容也反映了当时的政治,文化,社会背景,值得我们探究学习。 关键词:就职演讲;权利;核力量. Abstract:Kennedy was the youngest person elected U.S. President .His presidency came to represent the America youthful idealism in the aftermath of World War II. And Kennedy’s address was considered as one of the most wonderful in American history, the words in it is short, well-organized, inflected the political, culture, social background, and his sentences were worthing study. Key Words: Inaugural address; Rights; Nuclear power. President Kennedy was an excellent speaker and writer; Kennedy's speech object is global ,does not only aimed at the American citizen, moreover in view of international judgment. He applied various historics. Such as, alleles, repetition, alliteration, antithesis, metaphor, synecdoche. And he used the first person, let people in the same standpoint, feel comfortable, so make it easy to win their support. He aroused American's sense of pride and responsibility, enabled the speech having strong sedition .In his address, we can learn the political, social, cultural situations at that moment; appreciate the art of his language. 1.Kennedy’s victory is all the people’s victory. “We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom--symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning--signifying renewal, as well as change…”(张汉熙,1995,51-56) Kennedy emphasized that he become the president of America is not only a victory of a party but also embody the celebration of freedom. It symbolizing a new start , which fulfill hope, freedom. Equal rights. It is also the victory of all the

Inaugural Address肯尼迪就职演说修辞总结

synecdoche/si'nekdəki/:substituting a more inclusive term for a less inclusive one or vice versa Inaugural Address肯尼迪就职演说修辞总结 美国总统肯尼迪的就职演说辞沿袭古希腊,罗马的修辞及文风精心选用语言句式,注意音韵效果,字字句句经过刻意雕琢。 一、Alliteration是一种常见的反复类音韵修辞格,恰当使用Alliteration能赋予语言以音韵美和节奏美,起到演染气氛烘托感情加强语言表现力等效果, 如: •Let the word go forth.....that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans."(para3) •In order to assure the survival and the success of liberty … •Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce.(para17) •…both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom(para13) 二、Understatement Understatement的修辞功能在肯尼迪这篇演说辞中"首先体现在它是一种政界辞令"整篇文章"没有直截了当地对国际形势进行分析" 更没有一处提到一个国家的名字或具体事例"一切都隐晦委婉模糊不清"例如 三、1.We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed. (我们不敢以怯弱来引诱他们因为只有当我们毫无疑问地拥有足够的军事装备时我们才能真正有把握地确信永远不会使用武力)para12 一场规模空前的军备竞赛的动因被说成了We dare not tempt them with weakness. Understatement的运用变主动为被动变张牙舞爪为委曲求全 2. United there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided there is little we can do for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.para6 (团结,将使我们在许多合作事业中无往而不胜,分裂,我们将一事无成) 三、parallelism(平行结构) parallelism是将结构相同或相似,意义并重语气一致的语言成分、短语、句子乃至语段等并行排列的一种修辞手法,这种辞格可以使语言简洁明了,结构精致对称,声调铿锵有力、叙事生动逼真语意鲜明突出。 1、…not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. 并不是因为共产党可能在这样做,也不是因为我们需要他们的选票,而是因为这样做是正确的。(para8) 2、We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.(para3) 让我们的朋友和敌人都能听见我此时此地的话语,火炬已经传给新一代美国人,这一代人在


肯尼迪的演讲特点 文体学是一门运用现代语言学理论和方法研究文体的学科。文体分析不仅能够帮助我们深入领会文本的意义,而且可以为我们挖掘文本的美学价值提供比较客观的依据(秦秀白:2002:6)。美国总统就职演说是就职典礼的重要组成部分,在就职演说中,总统们宣布自己的施政纲领,并劝说公众接受并支持它们。就职演说影响广泛,意义深远,而且是发表在白宫新主人首次“公开亮相”的场合,每篇演说都事先经过了认真地准备,不仅展现了各位总统的个人风采,而且多数都堪称文中精品,具有相当的审美情趣。 约翰·菲茨杰拉德·肯尼迪是美国第35届总统。任内实施“新边疆”构想,振兴美国经济,全力维护美国的世界霸主地位,展示了其卓越的政治才华。而他的演讲口才也不同凡响,他的演讲技巧在1961年的就职演说中被发挥得淋漓尽致。此演说言辞华美,气势雄伟,极富感染力,一直被认为是一篇演讲中的经典之作。本论文将从文体学的角度对该演说进行分析,揭示其文体特征。以帮助大家更好地欣赏肯尼迪的演讲艺术,并学习一些演讲中的语言技巧,提高演讲水平。 一、词汇层面 肯尼迪演讲辞的总词汇量为1342个,其中六个字母以上的单词有349个,占总数的26%。接近于美国总统就职演说辞中六字母以上词的平均含词量:27·7%。英语中六个字母以上或三个音节以上的词常被看着大词。这些词往往来自于拉丁语,希腊语或法语,或者有着复杂的内部结构。大词在正式书面体中出现较多。在日常谈话,即席解说,甚至广告中,六个字母以上词的百分比都没有超过20%。因此,肯尼迪的就职演说具有较明显的书面语特征,这是由总统就职演说的内容,功能,发表场合,及发表方式所决定的。总统就职演说的内容涉及政治,发表场合较严肃,可以事先准备,避免了口语体的随意性。 就职演说属于鼓动性的语言,演讲者常常借助词汇手段达到自己的鼓动效果。形容词就是这样一种有效手段。在肯尼迪的演讲中,形容词数占到了总字数的7·8%,也接近于美国总统就职演说辞中形容词的平均含词量:7·4%。且其中绝大多数都是表主观判断和感情色彩的词,如:fruitful, peaceful,great, powerful, solemn, hard, steady,等·而解说文体中形容词的含量仅5%(王佐良:1987:221),且其中主要是形容时间顺序和方位,方向的,带有主观判断和感情色彩的词较少。另一方面,广告文体中,形容词的含量却高达30%。这些差别是由这些文体的不同功能所决定的。解说文体是进行客观讲解,广告文体旨在推销商品,而就职演说是宣扬政治主张。它不可能像解说那样客观,也不可能像广告那样花哨。 此外,第一人称复数代词的使用在肯尼迪的演说中也颇具特色。他的演讲中,使用得最多的是第一人称代词,尤其是第一人称复数代词“we”,及它的变体:“us, our, me”等。不少情形下,第二人称代词“you”的使用都由第一人称代词所代替了。例如: (1) We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution·(para2) (2) Nor will it be finished in the first one thou sand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our life time on this planet·But let us begin·(para20) 这是演说者所使用的一种语言技巧。第一人称复数代词“we”可以包括讲话人及听话人,使用”we”就等于把讲话人放到听话人的同一立场之上,或更精确地说,是把听话人拉到了自己的一边。这样一来就会使听众感到亲切,就更容易赢得听众的支持。 另外,第一人称复数代词还可以唤起一种团体意识,使团体内部的差异最小化,而强调团体内外的差异。(Michael Osborn:1988 :243)例如:”Let ev ery nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill,that we shall pay any price, bear any burde n, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe toassure the survival and the success of liberty·” (para4)该句的第一人称复数代词:”we, us”将美国人与其他各民族区别开来,唤起


肯尼迪就职演讲稿英文(共6篇) 篇一:肯尼迪总统就职演说(中英文) 肯尼迪总统就职演说(1961年1月20日) inaugural address of john f. kennedy january 20, 1961 vice president johnson, mr. speaker, mr. chief justice, president eisenhower, vice president nixon, president truman, reverend clergy, fellow citizens: 约翰逊副总统、议长先生、首席大法官先生、艾森豪威尔总统、尼克松副总统、杜鲁门总统、尊敬的牧师、同胞们: we observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end as well as a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change. for i have sworn before you and almighty god the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago. 我们今天所看到的,并非是某一党派的胜利,而是自由的庆典。它象征着结束,亦象征着开始;意味着更新,亦意味着变化。 今天,我们不敢有忘,我们乃是那第一次革命的后裔。此时,让这个声音从这里同时向我们的朋友和敌人传达:火炬现已传递到新一代美国人手中——他们生于本世纪,既经受过战火的锤炼,又经历过艰难严峻的和平岁月的考验。 let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. 这是我们矢志不移的承诺,且远不止此! to those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. united there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. divided


肯尼迪就职演说 篇一:肯尼迪就职演讲-中英对照-完美翻译-经典名句VicePresidentJohnson,mr.Speaker,mr.chiefJustice,PresidentEisenhower,V icePresidentnixon,PresidentTruman,Reverendclergy,fellowcitizens: weobservetodaynotavictoryofparty,butacelebrationoffreedom--symbolizin ganend,aswellasabeginning--signifyingrenewal,aswellaschange.Forihaves wornbeforeyouandalmightyGodthesamesolemnoathourforebearsprescribe dnearlyacenturyandthree-quartersago. 我们今天庆祝的并不是一次政党的胜利,而是一次自由的庆典;它象征着结束,也象征着开始;意味着更新,也意味着变革。因为我已在你们和全能的上帝面前,作了跟我们祖先将近一又四分之三世纪以前所拟定的相同的庄严誓言。 Theworldisverydifferentnow.Formanholdsinhismortalhandsthepowertoab olishallformsofhumanpovertyandallformsofhumanlife.andyetthesamerevo lutionarybeliefsforwhichourforebearsfoughtarestillatissuearoundtheglobe--thebeliefthattherightsofmancomenotfromthegenerosityofthestate,butfrom thehandofGod. 现今世界已经很不同了,因为人在自己血肉之躯的手中握有足以消灭一切形式的人类贫困和一切形式的人类生命的力量。可是我们祖先奋斗不息所维护的革命信念,在世界各地仍处于争论之中。那信念就是

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