当前位置:文档之家› 闽教版小学英语第五册教案(超级完整版)



Unit 1 Getting Ready for School

Lesson 1


Teaching Aims:

1. Can say the words: pen,pencil,pencil-box,ruler,supermarket,bookstore,school,bag,schoolbag,

a story book;

2. Can understand and say the sentence pattern:

A:Were you in the supermarket?

B:Y es,I was.I bought a schoolbag.


学习重点:How to use was/were to describe what happened in the past.

学习难点:the past tense


教师准备 a tape recorder, a tape , word cards

学生准备text books, exercise books


Teaching Procedure:

Step One: W arm-up

1. Greetings between the students and teacher


Step Two: Presentation

1.show students a thing, and ask them"what's this?"and "how to say it in English?",next,lead students to read"pen"and "one/a pen";

2.according to the above way, lead students to read"ruler"and "a/one ruler";"pencil"and "three pencils"; "pencil-box"and "a pencil-box";"school";"bag";----"schoolbag"; (pencil-case; basketball;football. etc) "in the supermarket";"in the bookstore"; “book”---"a story book";----“in the bookstore”

3.ask some students to read the above new words;

4.introduce a sentence pattern which is used to describe what happened in the past by wawere,bought,and lead students to read the sentence pattern :

A:Were you in the supermarket just now?

B:Y es,I was.I bought a schoolbag.

Step Three: Consolidation

1. Look and say.

2. Play a guessing game.

3. Say a rhyme: Were you in the supermarket?

S tep Four: Homework

1.write the above new words 3 times

2.Finish the exercise book of Lesson 1.

3.Try to recite Part 1.

On the blackboard:

Unit 1 Getting Ready for School

a/one pen A:Were you in the supermarket?

school a/one ruler B:Yes,I was.I bought a schoolbag.

bag three pencils in the supermarket

schoolbag a/one pencil-box

a/one story book in the bookstore

Unit 2 Back to School

Lesson 4


Teaching Aims:

1.Can say the words:

Australia the USA China

2.Can understand and say the sentence pattern:

Where are you from?

I’m from…

He’s from…


学习重点:new words: Australia the USA China

new sentences: Where are you from?

I’m from…

He’s from…

学习难点:Australia, he’s from… I’m from…

课前准备教师准备word cards; the flags of four countries; tape recorder 学生准备text books, exercise books


Teaching Procedure:

Step 1. W arm- up


2.Chant: Did Y ou Have a Good Time?

3.Review: the past tense

4.Lead to today’ lesson: Lesson 4

Step 2. Presentation

1.Teach words: Australia the USA

T: Today th ere is a new student comes to Miss Gao’s class.( point to the Peter) This is Peter, a

new student. He’s from Australia. And this is Sally, she’s from the USA.

1)Show the word cards: Australia; the USA, practice in different ways. Stick the cards on the

blackboard, put the flag under each word.

2)China; England

3)Game--- Pat words

2.Teach sentences:

He’s from Australia.

I’m from the USA.

Peter---- a new student---- He’s from Australia.

Sally---- This is Sally.----- She’s from the USA.

Game---- 一触即发

3.Listen to the tape, then read after the tape.


Do you like your school?

I have many friends at school.

Listen to the tape again, try to recite.

Step 3. Consolidation

1.Play a game.

I’m from…

Flags: Australia China the USA England

2.Say a rhyme

School is Here.

1)Listen to the tape for one time, explain the main idea.

2)Listen to the tape again, read after the tape.

3)Mini- teacher.

3.Listen and circle the right answer.

Before listening, let Ss understand each question.


1)Talking together, then writing down. Remind the Ss to have the right spellings of the past


2)Invite two Ss to give presentations.

Step 4. Homework

1.Read the Text 3-5 times, try to recite Part1 and Part


2.Copy the words of Unit2 five times.

3.Finish the Exercise book of today’s lesson.

On the blackboard:

Unit 2 Back to School

Lesson 4

Australia the USA China England

Where are you from?

I’m from…

He’s from…

She’s from…

Unit 3 A Visit to the Zoo


Teaching Aims:

1.say the words: bamboo, kangaroo, penguin, the South Pole, eat ;

2.understand and say the sentence pattern:

What’s your favorite food?

Where are you from?

I’m from


学习重点:the new words: bamboo, kangaroo, penguin, the South Pole, eat ; 学习难点:talk about animals.

课前准备教师准备 a tape recorder, a tape , word cards 学生准备text books, exercise books


Teaching Procedure:

Step One: W arm-up

1.Greetings between the students and teacher


Step Two: Presentation

1、Teacher ask students : Where are you from ?

2、I’m from China / Englan d / Australia /the USA .

(drill in different ways)

3、Review the names of animals

Show the pictures: monkey, lion, tiger, horse, hen, rabbit,

rooster and so on.

T : Now we are going to visit the zoo and know about more animals. Today we are going to learn Unit3 A visit to the zoo. Lesson5.

3、T:There are many animals at the zoo. Today we are going to know about two new friends .One is kangaroo .The other is penguin .

( teaching : kangaroo penguin ) (raising tone or fall tone )

T: Panda /kangaroo/penguin is coming .Can you tell me panda/kangaroo/penguin is from (China /Australia /the South Pole ).

teaching: the South Pole)

Then teach students Panda /Kangaroo /Penguin's favorite food is ( grass / fish )。

4、Show different pictures of the anima ls, then ask students to say :Where are you from? What’s your favorite food

----Where are you from ?

----I'm from------.

----What's your favorite food ?

Can drill in pairs.、

5、Learning part 1 Learn to say .

On page 21 , Play the tape . Listen point and read. Play the tape again. Read after the tape .Read

together .The girls ask ,the boys answer .(change)

Step Three: Consolidation

1、Play the tape. Read after the tape. Then ask some pairs to work it out. Part 2 play a game.

2、Part 3 Look and write.

1)Look at the picture and say it .Then write .

2)2) Ask some students to say it . Then correct .

3、Read and answer on page 24

4、Step Four: Homework

1.Write and recite new words.

2.Finish the exercise book of Lesson5.

3.3.Recite Part 1.

Unit4 Making Phone Calls




(1)词汇:speak. Mid-Autumn Day

(2)句型:May I speak to…, please?Speaking.


(1)能运用“Hello. This is…”

May I speak to …, please?”



二、教学重难点:May I speak to…,,please?



1. Greetings

T:Good morning .Boys and girls.

S: Good morning .Ms Chen.

2.Free talk

T: Hello! (先面向一二两组的全体学生)

S: Hello!

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you ,too.

T: What’s your favorite food?

S: …

T: What’s your favorite festival? (面向三四组的全体学生)


T: Do you like Spriing Festival?

S :Yes,I like../No,I don’t like.

T: On Spring Festival. We get pocket money. And we say Happy New Year. I say Happy New Year. You say(这时候走到一学生的旁边请他来说)S:Happy New Year.

T: Here’s your pocket money.(说着把红包给学生)

Let’s look .On Spring Festival, Chen Ling say Happy New Year to her grandma. They are making a phone call.

3. Leading

a.引出课题Today we’re going to learn Unit4 Making Phone Calls Lesson7

T: Mid-Autumn Day is coming. (边说边显示中秋的图片)

Chen Ling is inviting Peter to come to her house .They are making a phone call.Now let’s listen.开始播放课文VCD录像,先让学生听、看课文一遍。然后再让学生看一遍。第二遍看课文录像时,好的同学可以小声跟读。第二遍看完以后。提出问题:

(1)Who’s calling?

(2)What time do they have dinner together?

(3)Why do they have dinner?

让学生带着这三个问题打开书本再把课文看一遍,然后回答问题.当学生回答第三个问题时开始教授Mid-Autumn Day

b.教授Mid-Autumn Day


c.On Mid-Autumn Day we eat moon cake.

开始教授moon cake. 先手指着评价上的月亮带读moon 然后拿出一块月饼教授moon cake.先领读两遍,抽一小组和整排来读,通过各种游戏的形式来操练:先让学生把两单词读完,再把那两个单词的元音去掉,让学生试着来拼读

d.T:On Mid-Autumn Day, Chen Ling is calling to Peter.

What does Chen Ling say? What does Peter say?

Let’s listen again.


T:What does Chen Ling say? 然后把要教的句子说出来

Hello. This is Chen Ling. May I speak to Peter,please? Speaking.



操练May I speak to …,please?Speaking

e.把班上所有学生的照片都放在一张幻灯片中。然后让全班学生来读May I speak to …,please?这个句子,当老师点到某位同学的相片的时候,全班一起说出May I speak to …? 这位同学就要立马起来说Speaking!然后再由这位同学接着点其他的同学的照片。操练2~3次


T:Open your book, read after the tape.







1.运用所学的句型Hello. This is…

May I speak to …,please? Speaking与家人、朋友打电话.


3. 完成活动手册P2


Unit 5 Lesson 9

Asking the Way

一、教学内容:闽教版小学英语第五册Unit 5 Lesson 9



①词汇:left, right, turn left, turn right, go straight.

②句型:Excuse me. Where is the……?Where are the…?

Go straight. Then turn left.

Thank you. You’re welcome.




能听懂会说Where is the…… ?Where are the……?

Go straight. Then turn left / turn right.


能准确运用句子Where is the……?与Where are the……?


1、卡片:left, right, straight, turn left, turn right, go straight.




Step 1、Warming up



3.Sing a song.


Step 2、Presentation and the new lesson

1.教学单词left, right

(1)由兔子舞引出left, right。

(2)师呈现教学卡片,左手拿left , 右手拿right,让学生自己试着拼读。师再教学left,right. ( 3 ) Read and act.

( 4 ) 游戏:照镜子。

2.教学词组turn left, turn right, go straight.

(1) 师出示turn left, turn right卡片并进行教学。

(2) .课件播放turn left, turn right, 各一遍,学生跟读go straight.两遍后,师出示卡片教go straight。

(3) I do, you say .

(4) 游戏:优秀连长选拔赛。

(5) 游戏:军训。请优秀连长给全班队员进行训练。


(1) 揭示课题.

(2) 教学新课

(3) 阅读课文,找出不理解的地方,学习句子“You’ll see句子“You’ll see it.”“Excuse me .”

(4) 跟读课文两遍。

(5) 分角色朗读对话。

Step 3.Consolidation

1.课件显示动物园画面。做P43 Ask and answer练习

2.游戏: 大家都来帮帮他。

3.Sum up.

4.Sing a song: Follow me

Step 4.Homewok



3. 画出学校到家里的路线图,欢迎同学们到家里做客。


Unit 5 Lesson 9

Asking the Way

A: Where is the zoo ?

B: Go straight.

Turn left.

Turn right.

Unit 5 Lesson 10


词汇:library, bank, get to

句型:How can I get to the… ? Go str aight.

It’s on the right. It’s on the left.




1.Words : library, bank,

2.Sentences: How can I get to the … ?

It’s on the right. It’s on the left.


1. 单词卡片:bank, library, park, school, zoo, supermarket

2. 指明方向的图标卡片turn left, turn right, go straight

3. 课件


(一)Warming Up

1. Sing a song --- Follow me

2. Say and do the actions 用卡片来边说边做动作

3. 评价,揭示课题。


1. T:Do you want to go the zoo ?

Look, Li Hong and Wang Tao are also at the zoo. Wang Tao wants to see the lion. Where’s the lion?

用课件出示动物园的图片-Wang Tao 可以移动到狮子的门口

S: Go straight. Turn left.

T: Yes, it’s on the left. 课件打出这个句子,教师板书,生跟读。

2.T:Li Hong wants to see the ze bra. Where’s the zebra ?

用课件,Li Hong 走到斑马处

S: Go straight. Turn right.

T : Yes, it’s on the right.


3.Guessing game: Where is it ? 课件出示,学生猜图片在左边或右边。



Library, library, library,… we should keep silent in the library.



T : Now the library is here.

How can I get to the library ?


5.T :Now let’s play a guessing game. Where is it ?



T : bank, bank, …. We always line up in a queen in the bank.


T :Now the bank is here. How can I get to the bank ?


6.T : Now let’s listen to a chant.

课件播放chant. P54


7.Listen to the text and read the dialogue.





T:I am a tour guide. 师拿着小旗,戴帽子。

Who likes to be the tourists ? 鼓励学生当小游客。

T:Ok, let’s go to the park ?

Tourists : How can I get to the park ?师带领小游客去公园。

Class : go straight, go straight, turn left, turn left, it’s on the …


Invitation –打电话邀请


C: Hello, this is Chen Ling. May I speak to Peter ?

P: Speaking.

C: Please come to my birthday party tomorrow.

P: OK, How can I get to your house?

C: Go straight, turn left, turn right, it’s on the left.

P: Thanks.

C: You’re welcome.



2.P47 Listen and circle the right answers

3. P48 Learn to write.


1. Listen and read the dialogue.

2. Recite the words : bank, library



Unit 5 Lesson 10

How can I get to the librar

Go straight. Turn left. Turn right.

It’s on the right. It’s on the left.

Unit 6 Asking the Way (2)

Lesson 11



句型:How can I get to the … ?

It’s far away . You can take a bus.

Which bus? Bus No. 51.





Step 1. Warming up

1、Review: turn left, turn right ,go straight (看词卡,说词并做动作)

2、Let’s review some words: bank , supermarket, bookstore, library, station…(单词抢答)

3、Let’s play a game: Dragon Game.(接龙游戏:教师出示表示地点的卡片,请一位学生升降调读

词,该同学所在的组同学说句子:How can I get to the …?其它同学根据课件上图示说:Turn left.

Turn left. It’s on the left.

4、Chant: How can I get to the zoo?

Step 2. Presentation

1.教学句型Which bus? Bus No. 8.

1) 由Chant引出Which bus? Bus No. 8.的教学。

2) Guessing game.(教师告诉学生自己想去的地点,并提供两至三路车,请学生猜应该乘几路车

可以到达,操练Which bus? Bus No….)



2)听第一遍录音回答问题:Where does the woman want to go?

3)听第二遍录音回答问题:How does she ask the way ?

T: How does she begin the question?

引出:How can I get to the train station ?

It’s far away.You can take a bus. (利用卡片bike, plane, train替换操练) T: Beijing is very beautiful. I want to go to Beijing. How can I get there? What do you suggest?(教师说明自己想去的地点,请学生建议可以用哪种交通工具到达,练说It’s far away.You can take…) T:(出示课文插图)She wants to go to the train station. She can take a bus. Which bus ?

S:Bus No. 51.

T:Where is the bus stop?

S:Turn right.



Step 3 Practice: Memory Game(教师出示二至三个公交站牌,它们分别到达不同的地点。让同学们先记住哪路车能到达哪个地点,游戏时运用学过的句型提问,根据同学们的提示猜出地点,看谁的记忆力最棒。

S1: How can I get there?

Ss: You can take a bus.

S1: Which bus?

Ss: Bus No. …

S1: It’s…

Step 4 Consolidation

Look at the screen . Make up similar dialogues according to Lesson 11. First work in pairs, then in the whole class.

Step 5 Summing-up

Step 6 Home work

1、听录音跟读Lesson 11 十遍,家长签字。

2、完成活动手册Lesson 11。



Unit 6 Asking the Way (2)

Lesson 11

How can I get to the train station ?

It’s far away. You can take a bus.

Which bus?

Bus No. 51.

Unit 8 Months of the year (2)





掌握本课新句型:How is the weather in fall/winter?

It is hot/cool/not too cold/very cold.











Step1: Warming up


2、Sing a song 《Little Red Bird in the tree》


1、Seasons: spring、 summer、 fall、 winter

2、Weather:warm 、hot、cool、cold

3、Say a chant

4、Months: January、February、March 、April、May、June、July、August、December.



2、Short forms of 12 months.

①、T:出示Sunday,变Sun.What’s this?


由星期缩写导入月份缩写,January---Jan. February---Feb. May---May




①、出示September先指导学生发元音音素,运用小声到大声来操练。T:What holiday is in


S:Teachers’Day is in September.

②、同样运用拼读音节法教October与November的发音,用升降调,一触即发形式来操练单词,复习holiday (National Day. Thanksgiving Day)



②、巧记单词:September October November


b.October---10 November---11 December---12

③、Guess:Which month? a. 出示ber b. 出示ember

c. 出示cember


①、利用所学的句子How is the weather in spring/summer?引出新句型 How is the weather

in fall/winter?

T:But,in FuJian We wear T-shirt and shorts in September. So It’s hot in September.It’s cool in October and November.(板书)

②、引出回答It’s hot ∕cool ∕not too cold ∕very cold.







1.Do a survey:the month of your birthday.

Report: My birthday is in….

2.Listen and circle the right answer

3.Talk about the picture.

Step5 Summing-up



2、背诵单词 September、October、November




Lesson 16 Months of the Year(2)

September How is the weather in fall?

October It’s hot in September.

November It’s cool in October and November.

Part1:Fill in the blank.

hot cool cold September December

⑴、A: How is the weather in fall?

B: It’s in .

It’s in October and November.

⑵、A: How is the weather in winter?

B: It’s not too cold in _____ .

It’s very ______ in January and February.


2016学年第一学期三年级期末考试英语试卷 一. 给下列图片选择正确的单词20% A.dog B.hen C.rooster D. phone E.kite F.bag G. pig H.ice-cream I. monkey J.duck ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、把下列中文与英文意思相对应的连上线。8% 铅笔盒 window apple 雨伞 窗户 zoo umbrella 苹果 动物园 star noodles 香蕉 星星 pencil-box banana 面条 三、把下列英文单词翻译成汉语12% grandpa grandma father mother brother sister _______ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ 四、按下列单词涂上相对应的颜色。16% 五、写出下列字母相应的大写或小写字母。16% D______F______G______ H_____ J_____ M_____ O_____ T_____ e _____ a ______ i ______r_____ n_____ u _____ x ____ p_____ 六、把不同类的单词选项填在括号内5% ( ) 1.A. cat B.orange C.rabbit D.lion ( ) 2.A. pen B.book C.frog D.bag ( ) 3.A. jeep B.one C.two D.three ( ) 4.A.teacher B.boy C.girl D.egg ( ) 5.A.eight B.fish C.five D.six ( ) 3.A. jeep B.one C.two D.three ( ) 4.A.teacher B.boy C.girl D.egg


闽教版小学英语三年级上册的知识点 为了让教师们更好地了解教材,利用教材所提供的资源,福建教育出版社小学《英语》编委会特向大家介绍第一册教材的结构。 第一册由九个单元和一个故事组成,每三个单元安排一个复习。故事单元供学有余 力的学生使用,也可以作为英语兴趣小组学习表演的材料。全学期有十九周的时间,扣 除国庆节、期考复习等时间,估计可以用于教学的时间为十四周左右,教师可以灵活安 排教学进度。教材中的Learn to say. 部分是教学内容的呈现部分,一定要教,而所 安排的一些教学活动,如:游戏、猜谜等仅供参考,教师可以自行决定是否进行。教师 还可以设计符合自己班级实际情况的教学活动。复习单元的教学时间可以根据学生的情况决定,可长可短,作为一个调节教学进度的阶段。 每个单元的结构如下: ?每个单元由两个课文组成?每个单元一个话题 ?每个单元有主要句型、语法、歌曲和童谣?每个单元一个听音练习 ?每个单元学习2-3个字母?每个单元一个自我评估 第一册在第91页提供英语字母书手写体的总表,在第96页提供印刷体的英语字母表(含配读单词),在教学过程中教师可以提醒学生参考。在第98、99页提供图画词典,把有关的单词归类,供学生记忆。在第100页提供按照A到Z顺序排列的单词表,在第103页提供按照单元顺序排列的单词表。在录音带中,每个单元的课文录音 后面提供各个单元的单词带读。全书的单词量为122个。第一册对学生的书写要求为:正确书写26个字母的大小写,对单词拼写不做要求。 我们将根据教学进度,同步介绍每个单元的教学重点、难点和要求。欢迎广大教师 参与教学交流。 小学《英语》第一册第一单元教学要点 Unit 1 Hello 话题介绍自己 语法I am… What’s your name? 功能问候、介绍自己 主要句型Hello, I’m... Glad to meet you. What’s your name? My name is …


闽教版小学英语三年级下册教学计划 一、学生情况分析: 在启蒙学习阶段,小学生是否能保持浓厚的学习兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯,形成有效的学习方法,这对于他们打好基础,学好英语将起着极为重要的作用。在教学过程中一定要坚持面向全体学生,深入研究他们的年龄和心理特点,正确 理解,把握和处理教材,采用生动活泼的教学方法,营造宽松和谐的学习气氛,用爱的情感,爱的行为和爱的艺术去帮助他们构建知识,提高技能,磨练意志,活跃思维,发展心智和拓展视野。所以,在教学中,教师应该以学生的发展为宗旨,以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点,面向全体学生,始终把激发学生 的学习兴趣放在首位。通过上个学期的学习,学生们对英语已经有了一定的了解, 并掌握了一些日常对话用语和一定量的词汇。但是仍然有一部分学生对学习英语 有一定的困难,需要本学期来加强学习英语的能力。同时本学期应该在课堂上加 强学生的英语口头表达能力。 二、指导思想 认真学习教育教学理论,全面贯彻党的教育方针政策,认真学习新课改的精神,采用符合学生年龄、心理特征和语言规律的教学方法。 三、小学英语课程的教学目的: 根据小学生的生理和心理特点以及发展需求,小学阶段英语课程的目的是激 发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习 英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础;使他们形成初步 用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。同时,注重培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想 象和创造能力。适当介绍中西文化,培养学生学生爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为进一步学习打下基础。 四、课程标准对本学段的要求 (一)、总体目标 对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。能根据教师的简单指令做游戏、做动作、做事情(如涂颜色、连线)。能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。能书写字母和单词。对英语学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。 (二)语言技能一级目标 听做:


新闽教版小学英语三年 级知识归纳精编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】

三年级上、下册语言知识归纳(词汇分类) 校名_________ 班级_________ 姓名 _________ 1.动物类: cat 猫dog 狗pig猪hen 母鸡lion 狮子monkey猴子fish鱼bird鸟 baby duck小鸭子 2.食物类: apple 苹果banana 香蕉orange橙grape葡萄egg 蛋noodles 面条rice 米饭cake蛋糕 hamburger 汉堡ice cream冰激凌 3.数字类: one 一two 二three三four 四 five 五six六seven 七eight八 nine九ten 十eleven 十一 twelve 十二 4.人物类: boy 男孩girl 女孩pupil小学生teacher 教师 mother 母亲father 父亲grandpa 爷爷grandma 奶奶 brother 兄弟sister姐妹 5.颜色类: red 红色yellow 黄色green绿色blue 蓝色 pink粉红色orange 橙色white 白色black 黑色

6.学习用品类: book 书pen 钢笔pencil 铅笔 pencil-box 笔盒 bag 书包ruler 尺子crayon 蜡笔 story book 故事书 7.物品类: violin 小提琴star 星星light 灯kite 风筝 window 窗户clock 钟card 贺卡umbrella雨伞 present礼物 football 足球bike 自行车boat 小船 8.服饰类: jacket 夹克shirt 衬衫T-shirt T恤sweater 毛衣 skirt 裙子sports shoes 运动鞋 9.身体部位类: head 头face 脸eye 眼睛nose 鼻子 ear 耳mouth 嘴arm 手臂hand 手 leg 腿foot 脚 10.场所类: park 公园zoo 动物园 11.动作类: sing 唱dance 跳舞stop 停ride 骑 swim 游泳skate 滑冰run 跑draw 画画 jump 跳fly 飞play 玩boat 划船 12.其他: party 派对



闽教版小学英语五年级下册知识点 Unit 1 一.单词与词组 was am,is 的过去式 were are 的过去式 China 中国 went go的过去式 parent 父,母;家长 hometown 故乡 took take 的过去式 tour 旅行;旅游 Sun Moon Lake 日月潭 lake 湖 did do的过去式 swam swim的过去式 take a boat tour 乘船游览 二.重点句型与语法 1. How was your winter vacation? 你的寒假过得如何? 2.It was wonderful. I visited the Great Wall. 好极了,我参观了长城。 注:was 是is 的过去式。 *动词的过去式分规则和不规则动词 (1)规则动词:一般在动词原形末尾直接加上-ed。如: look-- looked, visit--visited, watch--watched 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,只需加-d。如:live--lived。 (2)不规则动词的过去式需要记忆。如:am/is--was, are--were, go--went, come--came, take--took, have(has)--had. 3.How about you ? Were you in China? 你呢?你在中国吗? 4.No, I wasn’t. I went to Australia. 不,我不在中国。我去了澳大利亚。 5.How was the weather there? 那里的天气如何? 6.It was hot. It was summer there. 那里天气很热,是夏天。 7.I went to Taiwan with my parents. 我和父母一起去了台湾。 (with 介词,意思是和,跟,随着) 8.Is it your hometown? 台湾是你的故乡吗? 9.Yes, it is. 是的,是我的故乡。(it 指代前面提过的台湾。) 10.I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake. 我乘船游览了日月潭。 Unit2 一.单词与词组 elephant 大象 map 地图 over there 在那边


闽教版小学英语三年级下册练习 姓名_______________ 班级_________________ 分数___________________ 一、给下列的单词选择正确的中文意思。 ()1、twelve A. 十二 B. 十一 ()2、sports A. 鞋子 B. 运动()3、shirt A. 衬衫 B. T恤衫()4、park A. 动物园 B. 公园()5、small A. 小的 B. 大的()6、child A. 儿童 B. 小孩()7、head A. 手 B. 头 ()8、hand A. 手 B. 头 ()9、wear A. 穿 B. 穿上()10、story A. 对不起 B. 故事二、根据句意选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入括号内。 ()1、What size do you __________? A、wear B、put on ()2、I __________ like red. A、am not B、do not ()3、I like __________. A、grape B、grapes ()4、A:What’s the time?B:____________ A、It’s three o’clock. B、It’s twelve o’clock. ()5、A:You are late. B:____________ A、Sorry. B、Great. ()6、My shoes are ________ small. A、to B、too ()7、Touch your two__________. A、foots B、feet ()8、Happy _________ Day! A、Children B、Children’s ()9、I can play ________ football in the park. A、/ B、the ()10、—Let’s go to the park. —____________ A、Good idea. B、Yes. ()11、—___________ —He is flying a kite. A、What’s the time? B、What is he doing? ()12、儿童节到来时,我们可以对小朋友说:___________ A、Happy New Year. B、Happy Children’s Day. ()13、He ________ a boy. A、is B、are ()14、你想问对方正在做什么时,可以这样说:___________ A、What are you doing? B、What’s this? ()15、Touch my ________. A、ear B、ears


英语三年级下册知识点 班级:学生姓名:家长签字: Unit 1 Birthday(生日) 1.重点单词与词组 Birthday(生日),buy(买),present(礼物),card(卡片),football(足球),here(在这里),bird(小鸟),cake(蛋糕) 2.重点句型与问答 1.Please come to my birthday party. OK. 请(大家)来参加我的生日派对。好的。 2. Let’s buy a present. And a birthday card. (让)我们买一个礼物和一张生日贺卡吧。 3.What about a football?Oh,no/Good idea. 买(足球)怎么样?噢,不(要)。/好主意。 4.Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐! 5.Here’s a present for you. 这是(送)给你的礼物。 6.What’s this/that?It’s a rabbit. 这/那是什么?这/那是一只兔子。 7.Where’s the cat? In the hat. 猫在哪里?就在帽子里。 Unit 2 Ability(能力) 1.重点单词与词组 can(能,会),swim(游泳),draw(画画),run(跑步),skate(滑冰),dance(跳舞),sing(唱歌) 2.重点句型与问答 1. I’m a dog. I can/can’t swim. 我是一只小狗。我会/不会游泳。 2.I can ride a bike , too. 我也会骑自行车。 3.Can you skate? Yes,I can./No,I can’t. 你会溜冰吗?会的,我会。/不,我不会。

(完整word版)闽教版小学英语单词(五年级 上册)

Unit 1 tall 高的 beside 在……的旁边pupil 小学生 Australia 澳大利亚Behind 在……的后面Short 短的;矮的 long 长的 hair 头发 Unit 2 Where 哪里 Sitting room 客厅lovely 可爱的 panda 熊猫 September 九月tomorrow 明天Teacher’s Day 教师节kind 亲切的;和蔼的near 附近 flower 花;花朵 paper 纸 picture 照片;图画photo 照片 smile微笑 Unit 3 National Day 国庆节Holiday 假日 Uncle 叔叔、伯伯Won’t=will not 将不Tell 告诉 About 关于 July 七月 August 八月 October 十月There 那里 Turn on 打开 find 找到、发现thing 东西Internet 因特网 Unit 4 Cinema 电影院 sit down 坐下 put on 戴上glasses 眼镜 film 电影 afraid 害怕welcome 欢迎museum 博物馆cook 烹调 player 球员 chess 象棋 play chess 下象棋c ome on 来吧 Unit 5 April 四月 March 三月 June 六月 May 五月 month 月份December 十二月January 一月 easy 容易的remember 记住November 十一月February 二月

Unit 6 Excuse me.请问/劳驾 get to 到达 station 车站 far away 很远 or 或者 station 的士 young 年轻的 man(复数men)男人 You’re welcome. 不用谢。hospital 医院 nearby 附近 go straight 一直往前走turn 朝向;翻转 right 右边的 left 左边的 bus stop 公交车站 Unit 7 speak 说话;讲话 wait 等候;等待 minute 分钟 page 页 write 写字 word 词 sorry 对不起 time 次数 call 呼叫 mobile 手机 way 路 on my way 在我去……的路上city 城市Unit 8 the USA 美国classmate 同班同学understand 理解;明白know 知道 see 明白


闽教小学英语全套教材需掌握单词 以下为闽教版小学英语全套教材单词表中标有红色的需掌握的单词 第一册 Unit 1 apple苹果banana 香蕉 Unit 2 cat 猫dog 狗boy 男孩girl 女孩egg 蛋 Unit 3 one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五fish 鱼hen 母鸡 Unit 4 ice cream 冰淇淋jeep 吉普车kite 风筝 Unit 5 father 父亲mother 母亲lion 狮子monkey 猴子noodle 面条 Unit 6 frog 青蛙duck 鸭子rooster 公鸡orange 橙子pig 猪 Unit 7 red 红色yellow 黄色green 绿色orange 橙色blue 蓝色pink 粉红色black 黑色white 白色rabbit 兔子star 星星teacher 老师 Unit 8 ruler 尺子bag 书包pen 钢笔pencil-case 笔盒pencil 铅笔book 书window 窗户 Unit 9 card 贺卡sing 唱歌dance 跳舞zoo 动物园 第二册 Unit 1 uncle 叔叔;伯伯;舅舅bike 自行车present 礼物like 喜欢ride 骑swim 游泳run 跑 draw 画画bird 鸟fly 飞;放飞(风筝) Unit 2 birthday 生日party 聚会doll 玩具娃娃story 故事书cake 蛋糕 Unit 3 grape 葡萄melon 西瓜carrot 胡萝卜peach 桃子hot dog 热狗hamburger 汉堡包


apple苹果banana 香蕉 cat 猫 dog 狗 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 egg 蛋 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 fish 鱼 hen 母鸡 ice cream 冰淇淋jeep 吉普车 kite 风筝father 父亲 mother 母亲 lion 狮子 monkey 猴子 noodle 面条 frog 青蛙 duck 鸭子 rooster 公鸡 orange 橙子 pig 猪 red 红色 yellow 黄色 green 绿色 orange 橙色 blue 蓝色 pink 粉红色 black 黑色 white 白色 rabbit 兔子 star 星星 teacher 老师 ruler 尺子 bag 书包 pen 钢笔 pencil-case 笔盒 pencil 铅笔 book 书 window 窗户 card 贺卡 sing 唱歌 dance 跳舞 zoo 动物园

uncle 叔叔伯伯舅舅bike 自行车 present 礼物 like 喜欢 ride 骑 swim 游泳 run 跑 draw 画画 bird 鸟 fly 飞;放飞(风筝)birthday 生日 party 聚会 story 故事书 doll 玩具娃娃 cake 蛋糕 grape 葡萄 melon 西瓜 carrot 胡萝卜 peach 桃子hot dog 热狗 hamburger 汉堡包 head 头 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 nose 鼻子 neck 脖子 face 脸 mouth 嘴巴 leg 腿 hand 手 foot(复数feet) 脚 knee 膝盖 arm 手臂 art 美术 zebra 斑马 cow 奶牛 horse 马 sheep 绵羊 milk 牛奶 wool 羊毛 sweater 毛衣 skirt 裙子 sock 袜子 shirt 男衬衫 shoe 鞋子 put on 穿(戴)上 take off 脱掉 wear 穿着 hat 帽子 T-shirt T恤衫 jacket 夹克衫 park 公园 swing 秋千 slide 滑梯 boat 小船;划船 seesaw 跷跷板



中区小学五年级英语科(2013 —2014 学年第一学期) 教 学 计 划 2012年9 月 3 日订

一、情况分析: 学生会书写单词,背诵字母,能根据简单的指令做动作,做事情或做游戏,能在游戏中用英语进简单的交际,能唱简单的英语歌曲,说简单的英语单词句子,但也存在不少的问题,由于每班的学生数均超过60人,他们的英语水平不相一致,每个班都有3~7人没接触过英语,连26个字母也不会念。另外,一大部分学生虽然学了一年或两年的英语,但他们音不太准,书写不会区分大小写,读的能力比较差。只有一小部分学生能跟上课本知识,理解老师的上课思路。 本教材以“题材——功能——结构——任务”为编写原则,以主要人物为线索,围绕最常用的日常生活会话,话题切合生活实际,但本教材知识跨跃比较大,句型多,句子长,语法知识渗透面宽,对于我们学生难度很大,要学好更是难上加难。很难处理教学进与学生掌握基础知识的关系。

二、教学目标: 培养学生学习英语的持续兴趣和爱好,使他们能用简单的英语互相问候,交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的信息,能根据指令做出适当的反应,能在图片帮助下听懂、读懂或讲述简单的小故事,能表演、朗诵简单的歌谣,演唱简单的英语歌曲,能根据图片或提示写简单的句子。在学习中,乐于参与,积极合作,主动请教,乐于了解异国文化。 二、提高质量措施: 1.教学中不断激发生的学习兴趣,帮助他们树产树立自信心。 2.采用直观形象的教学具,调动学生的主动性和积极性。 3.尝试阅读英语故事及其它英语课外读物。

授课时间 单元课题教时单元(组)目的要求教学重点、难点、关键教具 学 具 周次起讫日期 一9.2~9.6 Unit1 Getting Ready for School Lesson1 Lesson2 2 1.Words: 动词过去式 Schoolbag , bookstore, yesterday, just now. 2.Dialogs: Were you in the supermarket? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.Where did you go yesterday? I went to the supermarket. 动词过去式 二9.9~9.13 Unit2 Back to School Lesson3 Lesson4 2 1.Words: visit, took, photo,swam,sea , Australia, USA… 2.Dialogs: Did you have a talk about good time in your summer vacation? Yes, I did. Talk about the summer vacation.


Lesson 1 CONTENTS: U1 L1 Learn to say. AIMS: 1.FUNCTION: Introduce the school. https://www.doczj.com/doc/632820728.html,NGUAGE: Where is our classroom? In the new building. Class One, Grade Four. This is our librarymusic roomcomputer room. 3.VOCABULARY: classroom, building, really, grade, lucky, clean, bright, library, music, room, piano, LANGUAGE FOCUS: Where is our classroom? In the new building. Class One, Grade Four. DIFFICULT POINT: This is our librarymusic roomcomputer room. AIDS: tape, recorder, cards, some photos.

Lesson 2 CONTENTS: Unit1 Lesson2 Ask and answer &Look and read & Sing a song &Listen and learn the English sounds AIMS: 1.FUNCTION: Introduce your class. https://www.doczj.com/doc/632820728.html,NGUAGE: Are you in Class__,Grade___? Yes, I am. No, I am not. What class are you in? I am in ____. 3.VOCABULARY science LANGUAGE FOCUS: Are you in Class__,Grade___? Yes, I am. No, I am not. DIFFICULT POINT: What class are you in? I am in ____. AIDS: tape, recorder, cards, some photos.


闽教版小学英语全套教 材单词表 集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#

闽教小学英语全套教材需掌握单词 以下为闽教版小学英语全套教材单词表中标有红色的需掌握的单词 第一册 Unit 1 apple苹果 banana 香蕉 cat 猫 dog 狗 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 egg 蛋 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 fish 鱼 hen 母鸡 ice cream 冰淇淋 jeep 吉普车 kite 风筝 father 父亲 mother 母亲 lion 狮子 monkey 猴子 noodle 面条 frog 青蛙 duck 鸭子 rooster 公鸡 orange 橙子 pig 猪 red 红色 yellow 黄色 green 绿色 orange 橙色 blue 蓝色 pink 粉红色 black 黑色 white 白色 rabbit 兔子 star 星星 teacher 老师 ruler 尺子 bag 书包 pen 钢笔 pencil-case 笔盒 pencil 铅笔 book 书 window 窗户 card 贺卡 sing 唱歌 dance 跳舞 zoo 动物园 第二册 uncle 叔叔;伯伯;舅舅 bike 自行车 present 礼物 like 喜欢 ride 骑 swim 游泳 run 跑draw 画画 bird 鸟 fly 飞;放飞(风筝) birthday 生日 party 聚会 doll 玩具娃娃 story 故事书 cake 蛋糕 grape 葡萄 melon 西瓜 carrot 胡萝卜 peach 桃子 hot dog 热狗 hamburger 汉堡包head 头 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 nose 鼻子 neck 脖子 face 脸 mouth 嘴巴 art 美术 leg 腿hand 手 arm 手臂 foot(复数feet) 脚 knee 膝盖 zebra 斑马 cow 奶牛 horse 马 sheep 绵羊 milk 牛奶 wool 羊毛


五年级上、下册语言知识归纳(单词) 单词 (1)动词的过去式 原形过去式 是 是 去 带走 做 看见 吃 获得 跑 游泳 (2)数词 基数词序数词 一 1 第一 二 2 第二 三 3 第三 四 4 第四 五 5 第五 六 6 第六 七7 第七 八8 第八 九9 第九 十10 第十十一11 第十一 十二12 第十二 十三13 第十三 十四14 第十四 十五15 第十五 十六16 第十六

十七17 第十七 十八18 第十八 十九19 第十九 二十20 第二十(3)月份 一月二月三月 四月五月六月 七月八月九月 十月十一月十二月 (4)表情的形容词 自豪的难过的 疲倦的生气的 高兴的饥饿的 幸运的渴的 (5)名词 父,母;家长故乡 湖大象 小山地图 动物花园 水照相机 天空云 楼层桥 日期米 赛跑河 . 夫人,太太画 日历人,人们 旅行;旅游山 草节日 建筑物邻居 花纸 眼镜出租车 手机照片 照片,图画同班同学

熊猫小学生 叔叔,伯伯月份 男人 (6)动词 上颜色藏 攀爬尝试 喝微笑 猜烹调 喊叫写 (7)形容词 高的矮的长头发 短头发年轻的可爱的 (8)介词 在…..里面在……上面在……旁边 在……后面 (9)地点词 客厅博物馆电影院 火车站医院 市图书馆公交车站 (10)其他 在......下面棕色的 快忙的 仅仅也 困难的在......之前 (11)专有名词 日月潭复活节兔子 运动会中国 复活节长城 国庆节澳大利亚 美国’ 教师节 (12)短语 寻找捡起 跳远跳高

客厅打篮球 在那边紧挨着 上车跌倒;跌下 振作起来 a 看电影 踢足球 a 照相 a 画画下象棋 直着走向右转 向左转打开 坐下戴上 重点句型 1) ? 你的寒假过得怎样? . I . 太棒了。我参观了长城。 2) I . 我去了澳大利亚。 3) I . 我参观了博物馆。 4) I . 我看了电视。 5) I . 我和父母亲去了台湾。 6) I a . 我坐邮轮逛了日月潭。 7) a . 那儿有张地图。 8) . 在树下有一些熊。 9) I a a . 我拍了一张小象宝宝的照片。 10) ? 你看到了什么动物? . 我们看到了老虎。 11) ? 你们有喂猴子食物吗? , ’t. 不,我们没有。 12) I’m . 我打算给蛋涂色。 13) I’m . 我打算把蛋藏起来。 14) . 她准备做家庭作业。 15) . 他们打算去滑冰。 16) . 他们打算去找蛋。 17) . 他们正在找蛋。


Unit 1 Hello Part A 教学目标 ◆语言知识目标 1. 学习字母Aa 和Bb。 2. 学习单词apple和banana。 3. 初步运用hello(hi),Miss,I’m=I am,nice,meet,you等单词。 4. 学说句子Hello,I’m…. Nice to meet you. 5. 学说歌谣:A B C D。 6. 功能:问候和自我介绍。 ◆语言技能目标 1. 能认读和正确书写字母Aa 和Bb。 2. 能根据图片说出apple和banana,并能看图识词。 3. 能用英语说自己的名字,能用英语称呼英语老师Miss/Mrs./Mr.…。 4. 能用Hello, I’m …/ Hi, I’m …打招呼和自我介绍。 5. 能用Nice to meet you.进行问候。 ◆情感态度 帮助学生养成主动问好的良好习惯,做个讲文明、讲礼貌的好孩子。 ◆文化意识 对英语国家的称呼和问候方式感兴趣,乐于接触异国文化。 教学用具 本课对话中人物的头饰,苹果和香蕉的头饰、教学VCD、单词卡片 教学过程 Step1 Warming up 1.欣赏一首英语儿童歌曲。 2.Greetings 3.揭示并板书课题:Unit 1 Hello Part A。 Step2 Presentation (一)句型教学 1. 教师出示卡片,热情地向学生挥手并说:“Hello!” 和“ Hi!”。板书hello和hi,并告诉学生hello和hi 的使用场合。 2. 教师向学生自我介绍,说:“Hello!I’m …”,并把自己的中文名字和汉语拼音写在黑板上,告诉学生可以这样称呼老师:“Miss/ Mr./Mrs. ….”。 3. 游戏——开火车。 (二)课文教学 1. 教师播放课文录音或教学光盘,学生边看边听录音。然后请学生说出对话中的人物名字。 2. 教师再播放录音,教学Nice to meet you.




一、选择题 1.Were you in the supermarket?—___________. A.Yes , I were. B. No, I wasn’t. C.No, I was. 2.Where did you go yesterday?—I went to __________. A.the supermarket B.a schoolbag C.orange 3. What’s your favorite color? It’s _______. A. book B. banana C. blue 4. Did you have a good time in your summer vacation? A. Yes, I did. B.Yes,I do. C.No, I did. 5. What did you do in your summer vacation? A.I visit Big Ben. B.I visited the Great Wall. C.I do my homework. 6. I’m from _____. A. the USA B.summer C.the Shanghai 7. Do you like your school,Sally ? A. No,you do. B.No,you don’t. C.Yes,I do. 8.Where are you from, Miss Panda? A.I’m from China. B.I’m here. C.Yes. 9. Excuse me , Sir. How can I get to the zoo? A.In China. B. Go straight,then turn right C.At school. 10. Thank you. —_________. A.You’re right. B.You’re welcome C.Thank you. 11.Are you from Australia?_________ A.Yes ,you are. B.No,I am. C.Yes,I am. 12.Were you in Beijing in summer? A.I am sorry. B.No,I was in Hainan. C.Yes,I am in Beijing. 13. What’s your favorite month? ___ __ ___ A.Sunday B.Tuesday C.March 14. When is your birthday, Li Hong? It’s __ _ _. A.April. B.Monday C.eight 15. How is the weather in spring? It’s ______. A.warm B.cold C.cool 16. When is Children’s Day? A.May 1st B.June 1st C.July 1st 17.翻译词组“向左转”。_________ A.Turn left. B.Turn right. C.Turn on. 18.翻译“十月份”___ ___ A.September B.October C.November 19.It’s Mid-Autumn Day. 翻译:-_____________- A.今天是国庆节。B.今天是中秋节。 C.今天是劳动节。 20.What’s your favorite food,Panda? _________ A.Fish B.Grass C.Bamboo 21.Where are you from, Kangaroo? I’m from _____. A.Australia B.China C.Janpa


闽教版小学英语四年级第三册教案汇总 L1 Learn to say、AIMS: 1、FUNCTION: Introduce the school、 2、LANGUAGE: Where is our classroom? In the new building、 Class One, Grade Four、 This is our library/music room/computer room、 3、VOCABULARY: classroom, building, really, grade, lucky, clean, bright, library, music, room, piano, LANGUAGE FOCUS: Where is our classroom? In the new building、 Class One, Grade Four、DIFFICULT POINT: This is our library/music room/computer room、AIDS: tape, recorder, cards, some photos、PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPUOROSESWarm up 1、Make a dialogue、2, Sing a song The Morning Song 1、T: The new term begins, welcome back to our school、 Nice to see you again、S: Nice to see you too、Ss say and do the action、 2、 Sing the morning song、通过对话、歌曲使学生很快回到课堂中来。自然引入新课的教学。Revision1, Review the words: nice, again, all right, new,2, Review the sentence Where is …? 1、Ss look and say


一、选择题 1.Were you in the supermarket?—___________. A.Yes , I were. B. No, I wasn’t. C.No, I was. 2.Where did you go yesterday?—I went to __________. A.the supermarket B.a schoolbag C.orange 3. What’s your favorite color? It’s _______. A. book B. banana C. blue 4. Did you have a good time in your summer vacation? A. Yes, I did. B.Yes,I do. C.No, I did. 5. What did you do in your summer vacation? A.I visit Big Ben. B.I visited the Great Wall. C.I do my homework. 6. I’m from _____. A. the USA B.summer C.the Shanghai 7. Do you like your school,Sally ? A. No,you do. B.No,you don’t. C.Yes,I do. 8.Where are you from, Miss Panda? A.I’m from China. B.I’m here. C.Yes. 9. Excuse me , Sir. How can I get to the zoo? A.In China. B. Go straight,then turn right C.At school. 10. Thank you. —_________. A.You’re right. B.You’re welcome C.Thank you. 11.Are you from Australia?_________ A.Yes ,you are. B.No,I am. C.Yes,I am. 12.Were you in Beijing in summer? A.I am sorry. B.No,I was in Hainan. C.Yes,I am in Beijing. 13. What’s your favorite month? ___ __ ___ A.Sunday B.Tuesday C.March 14. When is your birthday, Li Hong? It’s __ _ _. A.April. B.Monday C.eight 15. How is the weather in spring? It’s ______. A.warm B.cold C.cool 16. When is Children’s Day? A.May 1st B.June 1st C.July 1st 17.翻译词组“向左转”。_________ A.Turn left. B.Turn right. C.Turn on. 18.翻译“十月份”___ ___ A.September B.October C.November 19.It’s Mid-Autumn Day. 翻译:-_____________- A.今天是国庆节。B.今天是中秋节。 C.今天是劳动节。 20.What’s your favorite food,Panda? _________ A.Fish B.Grass C.Bamboo 21.Where are you from, Kangaroo? I’m from _____. A.Australia B.China C.Janpa

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