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书面表达旨在测试学生的英语书面表达能力。高考的书面表达是一种指导性写作。试题对写作的目的,对象,体裁及字数等都有明确的规定。提供给学生的材料形式为文字,图画或图表。试题要求学生根据所给的情景和要表达的意义,写出一篇140 字左右的文章。高考中常见的文体为记叙文、说明文、议论文和应用文等。



1. 时间、地点、人物、事件,这几个要素在写作时要交代清楚。

2. 人称:记叙文一般可以有第一人称和第三人称两种叙事方式:第一人称是作者以当事人的口吻,把文章中的事情以“我”的所见所闻的方式来叙述,第三人称是写作者从旁观者的角度来叙述,反映事件中的不同人的感受和见解。

3. 记叙文的线索一般为时间,即按照事件的发展顺序来写。以可以按照地点的线索来写,即以地点的转移为顺序。

4. 重点突出,层次分明,详略得当。

5. 注意文章的完整性。

6. 所用的时态通常为一般过去时。


注意:1. 短文必须包括所有图片的主要内容,短文的内容要连贯,完整。

2. 短文单词数130左右。

3. 参考词汇:货摊stand 抢夺snatch 逮捕arrest


1. 审题:理解图意,将几幅图连成一个完整的故事。

2. 列出要点:




3. 将要点扩展成文,注意上下文的连接,用适当的连词,副词。

4. 通读一遍,改错。

Possible Version:

One Sunday morning, there were some people in Zhongshan Park. At a stand, a woman was buying an ice cream when a young man behind her snatched her handbag away. She shouted, “Stop the th ief! He’s snatched my bag!” Hearing this, a few people began to run after him. There was an old man sitting quietly on a bench nearby. As the snatcher was running past him, the old man quickly picked up his umbrella and put it between the snatcher’s legs. The young man fell down on the ground hard. Soon two policemen came in a police car and arrested him. The woman thanked the old man, and the people around praised the old man for his cleverness.



1. 观点鲜明,文章一定有一个明确的中心论点。

2. 层次分明,一个中心论点通常有几个分论点支持,不同层次之间要分明,过渡清晰自然。

3. 最后一段一般要总结全文,得出一个符合逻辑的结论,突出中心思想。

4. 一般采用一般现在时。

5. 语言简洁有力,一般不采用口语。


目前,学校存在少数学生考试作弊现象。某英文杂志社拟对此现象向中学生征文,标题是“My opinion on Cheating in Examinations”,请根据下列提示用英语写一篇征文稿。





1. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;

2. 短文标题与开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;

3. 词数:100左右;

4. 参考词汇:作弊cheat (v.)


1. 首先审题,确定要点——本文的中心论题是:My pinions on Cheating in Examinations ,所以首先要提出中心论题,点题。

2. 接下来从两方面来讨论这个问题,可以分做两段,现分析这种现象的产生原因,然后很自然地过渡到自己的看法。在讲述自己看法时要有鲜明的观点及支持观点的论据。

3. 最后对自己的观点做简短的总结,点题。

Possible Version:

My opinions on Cheating in Examinations

It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.

As students, we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and don’t work hard at their lessons. So when taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.

In my opinions , it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools. We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations. What’s more, we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations.

In a word, it is wrong to cheat in examinations.












1. 回信中不能使用“江城”以外的地名。

2. 词数:100左右。信的开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入词数。

3. 参考词汇:经济economy

Dear Bob,

It’s very kind of you to write me and let me know about our beautiful city. Now I’d like to tell you something about my hometown Jiangcheng.


Xiaohua 写作思路:

1. 首先确定这是一篇描述地方的说明文。

2. 确定写作要点:根据所给信息,大体可以分为三个部分——城市简介,可以按照地理位置、自然环境、城市面貌和变化发展这样的逻辑顺序写,接下来写你看到的问题,最后写你的一些看法和建议。

3. 各层次之间注意使用恰当的连词,让过渡自然,结构合理。比如:however, in my opinion 等。Possible Version:

Dear Bob,

It’s very kind of you to write me and let me know about our beautiful city. Now I’d like to tell you something about my hometown Jiangcheng.

The city stands on the bank of the Changjiang river. It is a beautiful place for people to live in. Its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years. New factories, houses, and roads have been

built. More schools and hospitals are available for its people. However, there are still some problems, such as water and air pollution and heavy traffic in rush hours. In my opinion, Jiangcheng should develop its economy scientifically. I would also think that the growth of its population should be brought und er control so that we’ll have a better hometown in future.





1. 写好开头,提一提来信里谈到的各项事情,顺笔写来。

2. 一般先答复对方的问题,然后再谈自己想要说的话。

3. 结束信时要向对方表示友善或亲切的问候。

4. 语言要自然、平实、简洁。

Useful Expressions:

1. I’m very pleased to hear from you yesterday.

2. I’m sorry I’ve taken so long to answer your last letter.

3. We were all so pleased to hear you will be coming to visit us.

4. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

5. Please write back soon.

6. Do write to us when you have time.

7. We hope to hear from you soon.

8. Give my best wishes to the family.


注意:1. 信的开头已为你写好。

2. 字数不少于60。

Dear Jeff,

I’m Li Hua from Beijing Hongxing School. I’m very happy to learn that you’re going to stay with my family while you’ re in Beijing.


1. 审清图意信的内容包括以下几点:住宿、上学、就餐和课后活动。

2. 信可以分为三段来写,力求结构清晰,思路完整。

3. 注意语言亲切自然,避免使用过于书面的语言,比如过多的从句或过于华丽的词汇。Possible Version:

Dear Jeff,

I’m Li Hua from Beijing Hongxing School . I’m very happy to learn that you’re going to stay with my family while you’re in Beijing.

While you are here, we’ll provide you with a room of your own with a bed, a desk, a couple of chairs and a TV. You’ll also have your own bathroom. Our school is quite close to our home, so we could go to school together by bike. At noon we’ll eat at the school dining hall. I’m sure you’ll like the delicious Chinese food there, and enjoy talking with friends over lunch. Classes in our school usually finish at 4:00 in the afternoon. You can then join other students in playing games or swimming. It will be a lot of fun.

If you have any questions or requests, please let me kno w. We’ll try our best to make your stay here in Beijing a pleasant experience.

Best wishes,

Li Hua (2)通知的写作




Ladies and gentlemen

Boys and girls

May I have your attention , please?

I have something important to tell you.

结尾时会以以下句子结束:That’s all. Thank you.










May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. The Students’ Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, July 13, to welcome our friends from the United States. The party will be held in the roof garden of the Main Building. It will begin at 7:30 PM. There will be music, dancing, singing, games and exchange of gifts. You may bring along a small gift for this purpose. Remember to wrap it up, sign your name and write a few words of good wishes.

Don’t forget:7:30, Saturday evening, roof garden, Main Building. It’s sure to be a lot of fun. Everybody is welcome.


高中英语作文写作技巧方法 导读:本文高中英语作文写作技巧方法,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 审题是做到切题的第一步。所谓审题就是要看清题意,确定文章的中心思想、主题,并围绕中心思想组织材料。 高中英语作文写作技巧方法:构思并列出简单的提纲审好题、立好意后,就要写提纲,打造文章的骨架。文章布局要做好几件事:安排好层次段落,铺设好过渡,处理好开头和结尾。 高中英语作文写作技巧方法:扩展成文根据字数多少扩展成篇。扩展的内容一定要紧扣主题,千万不要写那些与主题不相关的内容。展开的方式包括:顺序法、举例法、比较法、对比法、说明法、因果法、推导法、归纳法和下定义等。可以根据需要任选一种或几种方式。 在这一步骤中还需注意三方面问题: 1)确保提纲中段落结构的思路与各段主题句的一致性。只有这样,才能保证所写段落不 偏题、不跑题。 2)要综合考虑各个段落的内容安排,避免段落内容的交叉。 3)用好连接词,注意段落间、句子间的连贯性。要做到所写文章层次分明,思路清晰, 文字连贯,就需要在句与句之间、段与段之间架起一座座桥梁,

而连接词起的正是桥 梁作用。 在扩展的过程中也有些窍门,以下几点可供参考: 1)在整篇文章中,避免只是用一两个句式或重复用同一词语。英语中存在着极为丰富的同义词,准确地使用同义词可以给读者清新的感觉。同时要灵活运用各种句式,如 倒装句、强调句、省略句、主从复合句、对比句、分词短语、介词短语等,从而增加 文章的可读性。 2)使用不同长度的句子。如果一个意思用一句话写不清楚的话,通过分句和合句或用两 句、三句来表达,增强句子的连贯性和表现力。 3)改变句子的开头方式,不要总是以主、谓、宾、状的次序。可以把状语至于句首,或 用分词等。 4)学会使用过渡词。 (1) 递进furthermore,moreover,besides,in addition,then,etc (2) 转折however,but,nevertheless,afterwards,etc (3) 总结finally,at last,in brief,to conclude,etc (4) 强调really,indeed,certainly,surely,above a11,etc (5) 对比in the same way,just as,on the other hand,etc


关于高中英语的写作技巧的介绍 【英语写作指导】 Writing skills.( 写作) a. We have to accumulate abundant materials before we write something, say, learning by heart crowds of articles. 写作需要有很多素材,积累素材很重要.要多背课文. b. Try to express one meaning in various ways. 努力用多种方式表达一种意思. c. Keeping English diary if possible. 写英语日记. a) Prepare some new words, expressions and good sentences to be used before writing something. 在写作前准备一些要用的好词汇,好句子. - b) We may also make some English pen pals to establish English communication relationship through some media like newspaper and magazines. 结交英语笔友,写英文信.这种方法容易坚持,还很有意思.不仿一试,好处多多-----到英语情人交友中心找你的笔友... 英语作文,英语范文中国人学习英语很累,也很费时间,但是效果一直都不好,我也一样。 我有一个深切的体会,就是如果有英语环境的话,其实并不需要很多时间和经历来学习的,如果能够通过短时间内的突击学习效果会很好的。我中学高三以前英语很少及格,甚至很少达到50分,但是经过高三整个暑假的学习(每天将初一到高二的英语单词和课文大声朗读1小时左右),高三第一次考试就及格了,高考时打了79分,这虽然在全班同学当中仍然是倒数第几名,但对于我自己来说是一个很大进步,后来在大学里也有较大的信心。工作之后由于有机会与外籍专家一起工作了几个月时间,感觉自己听力进步很快,所以,我认为现在大学的英语教学确实走进了“应试教育”的死胡同- 英语作文范文


2008-2012广东高考英语基础写作、读写任务及范文 一、基础写作 2008年广东高考英语基础写作 第一节基础写作(共1小题,满分15分) 你很荣幸地成为2008北京奥运会的一名志愿者,负责编写奥运比赛项目的英语介绍。 [写作内容] 请根据以下中文提纲,编写射击项目的英语介绍: Version 1 Shooting, originated as a means of survival, developed into a sport only in the late 19th century. The sport first appeared in 1896, but none were contested during the 1904 and 1928 Games. The sport returned to the Olympics in 1932. Women were first allowed to compete in the Olympic shooting in 1968. The sport has grown steadily from just three shooting events at the 1896 Olympic Games to 17 today. Version 2 It was not until at the end of 19th century that shooting, originated as a means of survival, earned its status as a sport. Shooting became an Olympic event officially in 1896. Yet, twice in history (1904, 1928) shooting was suspended at the Olympics. It returned to the Games in 1932, and women were first allowed to participate in the competition in 1968. The sport has been growing steadily from 1896's three events to today's seventeen. 2009年广东高考英语基础写作 第一节基础写作(共1小题,满分15分) 你是校报小记者,最近进行了一次采访。以下是这次采访的情况: 时间:上周末 对象:眼科医生(eye-doctor)王教授 主题:我国中小学生近视(short-sightedness)问题 基本信息:(1)发生率:略高于50% (2)人数:世界第一 专家解读:(1)原因:很复杂 (2)治疗:没有哪一种药物能治愈近视 (3)建议:不要过度用眼;多参加户外活动 (4)特别提示:如何握笔也和近视有关 [写作内容] 根据以上情况写一篇采访报道,并包括如下内容: 1.采访的时间、对象和主题; 2.中小学生近视的发生率及人数; 3.专家解读。


广东高考英语语法填空专题训练语法填空(每篇共10小题;每小题1.5分,每篇满分15分) 阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空, 并将答案填写在答题卡上标号为1—10的相应位置。 Passage (1) Cars are too expensive for many people around the world to own. Not only that, many cities are already full of traffic, and many country areas have rough roads. So 1 do people travel those distances that are too far to walk? They use public transportation. If you ride the subway or bus 2 you live, you can appreciate some of the benefits of public transportation. With many people 3 (share) one bus or train, there is less traffic and, more 4 (importance), less pollution. Which of the types of mass transit 5 (describe) below are you familiar with? If a regular bus can hold dozens of people, imagine what a bus 6 (two) the size can hold! In Great Britain, there are many buses that are known as double-deckers (cars with two floors). Buses in Haiti are often very crowded. It’s not 7 (common) for passengers to actually sit on the rooftops. Buses are sometimes called “tap-taps”, because the 8 (ride) on the roof tap(敲击)when they want to be dropped off. Many large cities around the world take advantage of the space beneath the streets and run underground trains. People in Paris, Mexico City and Tokyo may use the subway system to get to school, to work, or to visit friends in other 9 (neighbor). Both the Japanese and French have developed High-speed trains to link various cities. While electric trains in North America average 130 kph, the French TGV (high-speed-train) is the world’s fastest, 10 (average) over 270 kph! Passage (2) Australia, the last continent, was discovered by ships 1 (belong) to some European nations in the seventeenth century. These nations were 2 (little) interested in changing it into a colony than in 3 (explore) it. As in the early history of the United States, it was the English 4 set up the settlements in Australia. This history and the geography of these two British colonies have some other things in common as well. Australia and the United States are about the same in size, and their western lands are both not rich 5 soil. It was on the eastern coast of Australia and America that the English first settled, and both colonies soon began to develop towards the west. However, this westward 6 (move) took place 7 because the English were searching for better land than the population was increasing. Settlements of the west part of both countries developed quickly after gold 8 (discover) in America in 1849 and in Australia two years later. Although the development of these two countries has a lot in common, there are some 9 (strike) differences as well. The United States gained its independence from England by revolution while Australia won its independence without having to go to war. Australia, 10 (like) the United States, was firstly turned into a colony by English prisoners and its economic development was in wheat growing and sheep raising. By 1922, for example, Australia had fifteen times more sheep than it had people or almost half as many sheep as there are people today in the United States. Australia and the United States have more in common with each other than either one has with most of the rest of the world.


写作技巧:句子与句子之间要环环相扣 Dear Join: I’m sitting here at my desk writing to you .Next to my desk is a big window.Outside my window is a big lawn.Surrounded by three,and in the middle of the lawn is a flower bed.It was full of daffodils(水仙花)and tulips(郁金香)in the spring. You’d love it here,you must come and stay sometimes and we’ve got plenty of room. 语言表达准确: John kissed marry. Marry was kissed by John. It was John who kissed marry. Who John kissed was marry. Marry,John kissed her. 结构越复杂表达内容越丰富: What time did you leave the building? What I did at five thirty was leave the building? 写作提升的21法则: 1.动词词组替换动词的原则。 2.高中替换初中原则 3.词性转换原则

4.多用具体词原则。 5.朴素易懂原则。 6.使用限定原则 7.准确合适色彩原则 8.紧凑原则 9.变化原则 10.简洁原则 11.长短句结合原则 12.不用疑问,感叹句原则 13.简单句为主的原则 14.固定句型原则 15.动词画面敢原则 16.避免重复原则 17.洋味十足原则 18.中心突出原则 19.逻辑第一原则 20.结构平衡原则 21.搭配合理原则 作文总结: 背诵重点词汇,短语,句型,翻看历次练习,重新修改。确认自己的写作风格,有自己的语篇套路。基本没有时间打草稿,限时训练。


高中英语写作技巧-英语作文如何写长句 一、如何写长难句 How to develop complex sentences. 1. 写出key words,确认中心骨架 2. 逻辑排列,logical arrangements 3. 加工润色,colorize 例句:绝大部分学生相信业余工作会使他们有更多机会发展人际交往水平,这对他们未来找工作是非常有好处的。 Most of (A majority of) students believe (hold the view) that part-time jobs can provide them with opportunities机会to/and develop (improve/better) communication ability水平(social abilities/interpersonal skills人际关系技巧),which is good for (is beneficial to有益于) their looking for jobs (job-hunting求职) in the future (after their graduation). 二、拓展长句的三大方法 The most important factor因素 we have to take into consideration is sth./that… The most important thing I want to talk about is that…sth./ that… It is also of great importance to pay close attention to…that Besides what is mentioned above上诉的,it is necessary to think about…


基础写作指导 一、写一个完整的句子。 这几句是正确的句子吗? 如果你认为有误, 该怎么改? 1.The meeting will until 3:00. 2.Work hard, you will succeed. 3.I have a brother, who is a doctor. 4. There are only 4 students take part in the class. 二、句子类型。 简单句: 只包含一个主谓结构的句子. 并列句: 主谓结构+ 连词(and, but, so, or……) +主谓结构(或更多的主谓结构) 复合句: 引导词+主谓结构, 主谓结构 (从句) (主句) 三、五种基本的简单句。 1.主语+不及物动词 Birds fly. Buses run from dawn till midnight. We are studying hard. 2. 主语+及物动词+宾语 We have read many books. They do shopping at the weekend. We are learning English. 3. 主语+系动词+表语 We are students. He became a scientist. That sounds good. 4. 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 He gave Tom a present. He offered me a job. 5. 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 We made him our monitor. The manager thinks the plan practical. He will have his bike repaired. I won’t have you speaking to your mother like that. 四、过渡词 (1)表并列关系的过渡词: and, also,as well, as well as,or, too, not only…but also, both … and, either … or, neither…nor (2)表递进关系的过渡词: besides, in addition(加之,除……之外), moreover(此外,而且), what’s more,what’s worse (3)表转折对比的过渡词: but, however, yet, instead, on the other hand, on the contrary, although, different from, despite, in s pite of, whereas, unlike, nevertheless, not only…but also, here…there, years ago…today, this…that, the former…the latter, then…now, the first… whereas the second, once…now, on the one hand … on the other hand, some…others

广东省高考英语语法填空专题 (共28篇)

广东省高考英语语法填空专题(共28篇) 语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 (1) (2008年佛山二模改编) Several men hit the Sao Paulo Museum of Art just before dawn on December 20th , 2007,and __1__ shocked the authorities as it took the thieves just three minutes to steal paintings __2__ two world— famous artists, Pablo Picasso __3__ Candido Poninari,__4__ are worth millions of dollars. Images from the secret camera show that two men began their action at 5∶09 a. m. ,__5__ the guards in the museum were going through their shift change(换岗). They broke through two glass doors,__6__(run) to the museum?s top floor and grabbed the two paintings from different rooms,somehow __7__(avoid) nearby guards. The alarm never rang,and by 5∶12 a. m. ,they were making their escape. After __8__,the police were interviewing the 30 museum employees. “Everything indicates thieves were sent to do it by some wealthy art lover for __9__ own collection. He was not rich enough to buy the paintings,__10__ he was wealthy,” said the lead police officer,Marcos Gomes de Moura. 1.[解析]第二分句前有and,说明前后句为并列句,用人称代词it,代替前句内容。[答案]it 2.by 3. and 4.[解析]第二分句前无连词,说明此处是非限制性定语从句,用which 引导。 [答案]which 5.[解析]引导时间状语从句,意思是:当博物馆的保安换班的时候。 [答案]when 6.[解析]broke,ran,grabbed三个动词作并列谓语。


高考英语作文写作实用技巧 导读:本文高考英语作文写作实用技巧,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 (一)掌握技巧: (1)注意篇章结构,合理布局 开始部分(opening paragraph)——说出文中的要点、核心问题。 正文部分(Body paragraphs)——围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。 结尾部分(concluding paragraphs)——对全文的总结和概括。 要做到全文中心突出、段落之间必须是有机地联系,内容完整、连贯。前后呼应,祛除与主题无关的内容. (2)确定主题句 主题句是对全文的概括,是文章的主旨。它能在文章中起到“画龙点睛”的作用。通常主题句出现在一篇文章的开头,而后,全文对主题句所提出的内容进行解释,扩展。 写主题句应注意以下几点: ①归纳出你要写的文章的几个要点 ②提炼出一句具有概括性的话 ③主题句应具有可读性,抓住、吸引读者。 (二)巧用连接词 要想使文章有整体性、连贯性,就要学会正确使用连接词 表示罗列增加

First, second, third, First, then / next, after that / next, finally For one thing … for another…, On (the) one hand…on the other hand, Besides / what’s more / in addition / furthermore / moreover / another / also, Especially / In particular, 表示时间顺序 now, at present, recently, after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days, at first, in the beginning, to begin with, later, next, finally, immediately, soon, suddenly, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment form now on, from then on, at the same time, meanwhile, till, not…until, before, after, when, while, as during, 表示解释说明 now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, moreover furthermore, in fact, actually 表示转折关系


高中英语作文写作技巧总结 (名师总结写作技巧+满分背诵范文,值得下载 每天背诵,提高英语语感) 一、英文作文写作提分要点 有些学生学习英语在词汇、短语、句型的记忆量是足够,他们在 其他题型比如听力、完型、阅读等方面做题的正确率能够达到百分之九十以上,唯独英文写作这一块总是欠缺,这直接导致他们的成绩始终无法达到一个新的高度。本文总结了英文写作提分的要点,希望大家能根据自己的实际情况审视自己,找出不足之处并不断学习提升自己的写作水平。 一篇优秀的作文有以下表现: 1.内容切题,文章结构完整,有较好的谋篇构段框架,转承衔接 自然。 2.书写规范工整、字迹清晰。 3.层次分明,语言流畅,内容充实且逻辑性强。 4.用词丰富广泛,句型句式有变化,遣词造句得当,字数符合要求。 5.语法基本正确,基本正确,句与句、段与段之间过渡连贯。 一篇较差的作文有以下表现: 1.文章不通顺、偏题、无段落结构、主题不明显。

2.书写潦草,卷面不整洁。 3.文章没有逻辑性,仅是将一些不连贯的词汇拼凑在一起。 4.作文内出现很多基本语法错误和拼写错误。 5.词汇量小,词不达意,缺乏表达能力。 一.写作总体思路 当我们拿到作文题目的时候,首先要审题要点在于要根据题目要求进行思维联想,分析题目表达的主要内容和主旨。接着草拟提纲, 谋篇构段。通过分析题目的内容和主旨,将大脑中形成的信息、资料 分类整理,列出写作提纲、主题句,进行文章段落的筹划。再讲以上 的构思内容、提纲、相关主题句通过句子拓展,初步整理成一篇文章。最后再加工修改,润色定稿。 二.段落清晰,句词准确是高分作文的关键。 写好段落和文章的重要标志就是能否有效的应用词汇来拓展句子。词句运用要注意以下几点:用词简洁凝练,不要冗长,要在清楚 表达意思的前提下砍掉那些不必要的词。也就是说凝练简洁不在于句子的长短而是取决于是否高效的运用文字来说清楚问题,使文章通俗易懂,避免华而不实。 三.查漏补缺,修正错误。 短文写完后要查漏补缺,看看要点是否齐全;从宏观上以他人的眼光来审视自己的文章,看看表达的内容是否清晰,用词是否妥当, 找出错误进行修正。最后要誊写清楚,以保证卷面的整洁美观,从而 吸引阅卷老师的眼球。


2017 年广东省普通高中学业水平考试英语科考试大纲 I. 考试性质 广东省普通高中学业水平考试是衡量普通高中学生是否达到高中毕业要求的水平测试。考试成绩可作为普通高中学生毕业、高中同等学力认定和高职院校分类提前招生录取的依据。 II. 命题指导思想 命题以中华人民共和国教育部2003 年颁布的《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》七级要求和本大纲为依据。试题体现普通高中新课程的理念,反映本学科新课程标准的整体要求,适用于使用经过全国中小学教材审定委员会初审通过的各版本普通高中课程标准实验教科书的考生。试题考查考生英语的基础知识及应用,注重考查考生在篇章的层面上对英语基础知识的掌握程度和应用能力,符合水平性考试的规律和要求。 III. 考核目标与要求 一、语言知识 要求考生根据《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》中高中英语课程七级目标要求,了解和掌握《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》附录中所列出的各项内容,包括语音项目、语法项目、功能意念项目、话题项目和词汇。 二、语言运用 (一)阅读 要求考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能: — 1 —

— 2 1)理解主旨和要义 (2)理解文中具体信息 (3)根据上下文推断生词的词义 (4)做出简单判断和推理 (5)理解文章的基本结构 (6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度 (二)写作 要求考生根据提示进行书面表达。考生应能: (1)清楚、连贯地传递信息,表达意思 (2)有效运用所学语言知识 IV. 考试范围与考试内容 依据中华人民共和国教育部 2003 年颁布的《普通高中课程方案(实验) 中英语课程标准(实验)》,按照高中英语课程标准规定的必修课程(即 5”五个模块),确定考试内容。 V.考试形式 闭卷,笔答;考试时间为 90 分钟,试卷满分 100 分。 VI. 试卷结构和题型 全卷共五大题,46小题。其中第I 、II 和III 题为选择题,合计70分,占70% ;第IV 和V 题为非选择题,合计 30分,占 30%。 I.情景交际 》和《普通高 “英语 1 ”至“英语


作文经典写作技巧 1.假设你是李华,现在你正在高考考场上,场下你的父母正殷切期待着你。中学生活即将结束,在这个特殊时刻,请你按以下内容要点给自己的父母写一封感谢信。 内容要点: 1、感谢父母多年来,特别是高三这一年来无微不至的关怀。 2、自己近期学习一直十分刻苦,进步不小。这次高考考试也都很顺利,发挥出了自己的水平,希望父母放心。 3、高考之后一定多帮父母做些家务,还要让父母品尝一下自己亲手做的菜。 注意:1、词数120左右; 2、可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 范文: Dear parents, Now I know clearly that you both are expecting me anxiously. I can say nothing but thanks to you both on this special occasion, because words have failed me when I want to express my thanks to you both for the loving care you have shown for me, especially since I went to Senior Three. These days I have been studying hard and have made some progress. And everything has got along well with my college entrance examination. I have performed my ability in this exam. I hope you both can set your mind at rest. After this exam, I intend to help you do some housework which I have seldom done before. And I also mean to learn to cook in order to prepare a dinner for you both in person. My dear parents, everything is going on well with me and do have a rest! Best wishes, Yours Li Hua 2. 假设你是李华,你在5月2日去一家商店买衣服。当你请一个王姓服务员帮你找适合你的型号的衣服时,她以忙为借口让你自己找,你说你找不到才来让她帮忙,她说你找不到就说明没有。你对这位服务员的服务态度十分不满,并写信向该商店的销售经理投诉该服务员。注意:1、词数120左右; 2、信的开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数; 3、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 范文: May 5, 2007 Dear Sales Manager, This letter is a complaint concerning the actions of one of your salespersons. On Tuesday, May 5, 2007, around 2 P.m.., I went to your store to look for a T-shirt. When I asked a salesperson, Ms. Wang for help in finding my size, she informed me that she was busy and I would have to find one myself. I explained that the reason why I came to her was that I couldn’t find one. She then said in a rude tone that if I couldn’t find one, it meant that the stor e didn’t have it, and that I needed to look somewhere else. I felt that Ms Wang was rude. I hope that you will look into the matter: I shop frequently at your store and I look forward to a more pleasurable shopping experience next time. Yours sincerely Li Hua 3. 假如你是李华,写一封信邀请你的一位外国朋友Mike今年暑假来你的家乡陕西旅游,先向他表达邀请之意,再向他介绍陕西的一些情况: 1、由于西部大开发, 陕西这些年变化很大; 2、陕西有许多旅游景点,如华山、兵马俑等;还有许多地方风味小吃;


高考英语写作技巧 在考试考议论文的最多,几乎全部都是的!议论文恰巧又是相对比较难的,所以我就着重介绍一下议论文的写法给你吧 一个清晰地思路和好的结构很重要的,一定要记得开篇点题,阐述自己的观点和看法、 然后另起一段阐述理由支持自己的观点,最好吧理由分开,用first,second.....之类的词依次铺叙开来 第三段再次点题,思路基本上和写中文议论文的格式一样。 ps:这些建立在语法正确,词汇拼写正确的基础上,一定要在作文中出现一些经典词组.句式好额亮点词汇。(适用于所有类型的作文题目) 如果遇到应用文,比如书信或者介绍信之类的,一定要注意格式和用词的恰当!! 一、真实性的起源 20 世纪70 年代, 随着交际教学法的出现,widdowson( 1978) 提出了语言教学的真实性问题。80- 90 年代, 随着语言交际测试法的出 现,morrow(1991)bachman(1990)等人提出了语言测试的真实性问题[1]。 二、真实性测试 要测量学生语言运用能力, 测试就必须遵循真实性原则。所谓真实指测试应尽可能复制出显示生活中语言使用的种种特征, 考试的语言行为要复线真实生活中而不是考试的语言行为。这就要求输入的真实性( 测试文本、测试任务) 、输出的真实性和情景的真实性[2]。 三、写作的性质

写作测试作为一种行为测试( performance test) , 测量的是学生实际运用语言的能力, 给教学带来的是非常积极的正面反拨作用。写作测试是一门综合性测试, 它不仅能考查考生的输出性技能( productive skill) , 同时也能考查考生的接受性技能( receptive skill) [3]。它能同时测试语言的各个层次和范畴。它不仅可以测试考生的词汇、用法、语法等语言要素, 而且可以测验学生的组织能力、分析能力、表达能力、逻辑推理、对各种语体的掌握等。 四、写作的形式 写作形式包括话题作文、材料性作文、开放性作文、命题作文。话题作文指的是用一段提示语, 指明写作范围, 启发思考, 激活想象的一种命题形式。这是一种既开放, 又有所限制的命题形式。强调要围绕话题, 从不同角度进行联想和想象话题作文一般的写作要求, 不限文体。 材料作文, 一般是指出题者只给出一些文字或图画材料, 要求应试者根据所给文字或图画的内容自己命题进行写作。命题作文, 一般是指出题者给出一个既定的题目, 要求应试者根据这个给定题目进行写作。开放性作文是指思维和内容都更具有开放性。不限制学生们的思考[3]。 五、写作的命题原则 从表面上看, 出一道写作题可能比起其他题型容易, 但是实际上并非如此。一个好的写作题, 应该能够为所有考生提供一个展现写作能力的机会, 为使用考试结果的人提供一个考察考生写作能力的有效途径, 还要能给阅卷人员提供明确合理的评分标准[4]。在讨论写作测试时, hughes( 1989: 75) 强调了三个方面的问题。我们可以把它作为写作直接测试的三个基本原则。———setting writing tasks that are properly representative of thepopulation of tasks that students should be able to perform;———eliciting samples of writings that can truly represent students’writing ability.———ensuring that samples can be and will be scored reliably[6].


广东省高考英语语法系列冠词复习 一、考点聚焦 1.不用冠词的情况 (1)专有名词、物质名词、抽象名词、人名、地名等名词前,一般不加冠词。 China , America, Smith Air is matter. (2)可数名词前有物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格等限制时,不加冠词。 This dictionary is mine. (3)季节、月份、星期、节日、假日、一日三餐名称前一般不加冠词。 March, May Day, National Day, Children’s Day, Women’s Day Have you had supper? Spring is the best season of the year. (4)称呼语或指家用雇用的nurse、cook等名词前及表示头衔职务的名词作宾语、补语及同位语时,一般不加冠词。 What’s this, Father? We made him our chairman. Ask nurse to put the child to bed. Professor Li. (5)学科名称、球类、棋类名称前不加冠词。 Do you study physics? He likes playing football/chess. (6)复数名词表示泛指一类人或事物时前不用冠词。 They are peasants/ workers. (7)在与by连用的交通工具名称前不加冠词。 by car, by bus,by bike, by train, by air/ water/ land 但:take a bus, come in a boat, on the train/ bus需注意。 (8)某些固定词组中不用冠词。 ①名词词组中: husband and wife, brother and sister, body and soul, day and night, knife and fork ②介词词组中: to(at, from) school, in (to)class, in (to,at, from)university(college),to (in, into, from)church, to(in,into, out of)prison(hospital, bed), to(at, from, out of)work, to(in, from) town,at (from)home, to(at)sea, at night(noon, midnight), by car (bus, bicycle, plane), on foot 注意:在有些词组中,有无冠词含义不同。 in hospital 住院(因病) in the hospital在医院(工作、参观等) in front of在前面,指某物体之外 in the front of在前部,指某物之内 in charge负责,主管 out of question没问题 in the charge由……负责 out of the question不可能 (9)as引导的让步状语从句中,作表语的名词不带冠词。 Child as she is, she knows a lot of French. (10)系动词turn(作“变成”解)后作表语的单数可数名词前习惯不用冠词。

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