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长安大学2013年非英语专业硕士研究生学位英语考试试题(A卷)Non-English Major Graduate Student English Qualifying Test (GET)


一.本考试由两部分组成:试卷一(Paper One)包括词汇、完形填空与阅读理解三部分,共60题,按顺序统一编号;试卷二(Paper Two)包括翻译与写作两部分,共2题。两份试卷合并装订成试题册。


三.试卷二为主观评分题,答案一律写在主观答题纸ANSWER SHEETⅡ上。答题前,请仔细阅读试卷二前的注意事项。



试卷一(Paper One)

Part I VOCABULARY (10 minutes) (20 points)

Section A (1 point each)

Directions: There are ten sentences in this section. Each sentence has one word or a set of words underlined. Below the sentence are four words or phrases marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.

1. The police couldn’t control the turbulent demonstrations, so troops came to give them a hand.

[A] prevalent[B] crowded[C] disorderly[D] impatient

2. History was being catalogued here, the missed opportunities, blunders, and outright mistakes.

[A] attempts [B] mistakes [C] insults [D] arguments

3. As time goes on their work has been largely supplanted by the use of a computer program that fulfils the same function.

[A] replay [B] supported [C] supplemented [D] replaced

4. Helplessly she blinked up at him, feeling a slow lethargy creep through her whole body.

[A] provision [B] cylinder [C] exhaustion [D] contradiction

5. It’s useless, I can’t dragging my wayward brain back to the text.

[A] way-back [B] confused [C] weary [D] self-willed

6. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough melancholy to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

[A] melon [B] sorrow [C] meditation [D] virulently

7. People give their respect to these monuments which are a vital part of the cultural heritage of

the nation.

[A] event [B] tradition[C] inheritance [D] motivation

8. These results were based on 674 cancer deaths, so are unlikely to represent the kind of statistical oddity that can beset studies on cancer risks that sometimes create headlines

[A] prevent [B] protect [C] puzzle [D] produce

9. You must learn to keep your emotions in check, otherwise, you may put yourself in great trouble if you always act on your impulse.

[A] examine [B] control [C] supervise [D] investigate

10. The employer tried to bully his employees from staging strikes by threatening to close down the entire plant.

[A] intimidate [B] integrate [C] ridicule [D] humiliate

Section B (1 point each)

Directions:There are ten sentences in this section. Each sentence has something omitted. Choose the word or words from the four choices given to best complete each sentence.

11. The friend was exposed in the end to be a hidden rival who had been plotting against the company’s marketing in Hong Kong.

[A] declared [B] exclaimed [C] professed [D] announced

12. In U.S. the criminal courts possess a power to make compensation orders.

[A] discreet [B] discriminatory[C] discrete[D] discretionary

13. When I got back to our company the other day, I found a stranger ________ through the window into our manager’s office.

[A] poring [B] peeping [C] peering [D] perceiving

14. I had an uncle who died at a relatively young age in a workplace accident and I was asked to produce a newspaper article or verifying my claim.

[A] obituary [B] literary [C] laundry [D] legendary

15. The baby is learning to walk and he’s always over the floor.

[A] stumble[B] rambling[C] mumbling[D] tumbling

16. Crime and the fear of crime _______ the community, to which causes many sociologists and psychologists to attach importance.

[A] limit [B] focus[C] preoccupy[D] influence

17. There was no point ________about the possibility of them getting back together.

[A] thinking [B] speculating [C] talking [D] worrying

18. I got a new battery for my recorder only last week, but it seems to have already.

[A] worn out [B] gone off [C] knocked off [D] run down

19. Chinese often shake my hand and don't let go. They talk away contentedly, ______ of my discomfort and struggle to disengage my hand.

[A] oblivious [B] patent [C] obvious [D] pernicious

20. According to the witness’s ________, you were present when the crime was committed.

[A] discovery [B] reaction [C] testimony [D] performance Part II CLOZE TEST (10 minutes, 10 points)

Directions:Read the passage through. Then go back and choose one item of suitable word(s)

marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] for each blank in the passage. Mark the corresponding

letter of the word(s) you have chosen with a single bar across the square brackets on

your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.

Throughout the 19th century and into the 20th, citizens of the United States maintained a bias against big cities. Most lived on farms and in small towns and believed cities to be centers of 21 , crime, poverty and moral 22 . Their distrust was caused, 23 by a national ideology that 24 farming the greatest occupation and rural living 25 to urban living. This attitude 26 even as the number of urban dwellers increased and cities became an essential 27 of the national landscape. Gradually, economic reality overcame ideology. Thousands 28 the precarious (不稳定的) life on the farm for more secure and better paying jobs in the city. But when these people 29 from the countryside, they carried their fears and suspicions with them. These new urbanities, already convinced that cities were 30 with great problems, eagerly 31 the progressive reforms that promised to bring order out of the 32 of the city.

One of many reforms came 33 the area of public utilities. Water and sewerage systems were usually operated by 34 governments, but the gas and electric networks were privately owned. Reformers feared that the privately owned utility companies would 35 exorbitant (过度的) rates for these essential services and 36 them only to people who could afford them. Some city and state governments responded by 37 the utility companies, but a number of cities began to supply these services themselves. 38 of these reforms argued that public ownership and regulation would 39 widespread access to these utilities and guarantee a 40 price.

21. [A] eruption [B] corruption [C] interruption [D] provocation

22 .[A] disgrace [B] deterioration [C] dishonor [D] degradation

23. [A] by origin [B] in part [C] at all [D] at random

24. [A] proclaimed [B] exclaimed [C] claimed [D] reclaimed

25. [A] superb [B] super [C] exceptional [D] superior

26. [A] predominated [B] dominated [C] prevailed [D] commanded

27. [A] feature [B] peculiarity [C] quality [D] attribute

28. [A] deserted [B] departed [C] abolished [D] abandoned

29. [A] reallocated [B] migrated [C] replaced [D] substituted

30. [A] overtaken [B] overflowed [C] overwhelmed [D] preoccupied

31. [A] embraced [B] adopted [C] hugged [D] outbreaks

32. [A] chaos [B] chores [C] chorus [D] outbreaks

33. [A] at [B] by [C] out [D] in

34. [A] public [B] municipal [C] republican [D] national

35. [A] charge [B] take [C] cost [D] spend

36. [A] distribute [B] deliver [C] transfer [D] transport

37. [A] degenerating [B] generating [C] regenerating [D] regulating

38. [A] Proponents [B] Opponents [C] Sponsors [D] Rivals

39. [A] secure [B] ensure [C] reassure [D] incur

40. [A] fair [B] just [C] square [D] objective

Part III READING COMPREHENSION (50 minutes, 40 points)

Directions:In this part of the test, there are five short passages for you to read. Read each passage carefully, and then do the questions that follow. Choose the best answer [A],

[B], [C] or [D], and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the

square bracket on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.

Passage One

The term massage therapy (also called massage, for short; massage also refers to an individual treatment session) covers a group of practices and techniques. There are over 80 types of massage therapy. In all of them, therapists press, rub, and otherwise manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues of the body, often varying pressure and movement. They most often use their hands and fingers, but may use their forearms, elbows, or feet. Typically, the intent is to relax the soft tissues, increase delivery of blood and oxygen to the massaged areas, warm them, and decrease pain.

Massage therapy dates back thousands of years. References to massage have been found in ancient writings from many cultures, including those of Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Japan, China, Egypt, and the Indian subcontinent. In the United States, massage therapy first became popular and was promoted for a variety of health purposes starting in the mid-1800s. In the 1930s and 1940s, however, massage fell out of favor, mostly because of scientific and technological advances in medical treatments. Interest in massage revived in the 1970s, especially among athletes.

More recently, a 2002 national survey on Americans' use of CAM (published in 2004) found that 5 percent of the 31,000 participants had used massage therapy in the preceding 12 months, and 9.3 percent had ever used it. According to recent reviews, people use massage for a wide variety of health-related intents: for example, to relieve pain (often from musculoskeletal conditions, but from other conditions as well); rehabilitate sports injuries; reduce stress; increase relaxation; address feelings of anxiety and depression; and aid general wellness.

Massage therapy appears to have few serious risks if appropriate cautions are followed. A very small number of serious injuries have been reported, and they appear to have occurred mostly because cautions were not followed or a massage was given by a person who was not properly trained. Health care providers recommend that patients not have massage therapy before they consult their doctors about their own health conditions.

Scientists are studying massage to understand what effects massage therapy has on patients, how it has those effects, and why. Some aspects of this are better understood than others. There are many more aspects that are not yet known or well understood scientifically. More well-designed studies are needed to understand and confirm these theories and other scientific aspects of massage.

41. Which one of the following statements about massage is NOT correct according to the


[A] Many different practices and techniques can all be called massage

[B] Hands and fingers aide the only body parts that therapists use when practicing massage

[C] Soft tissues of the body are usually the target of massage

[D] Massage can do much more than just providing relaxation

42. In the survey mentioned in paragraph 3, we know that 9.3 percent of the participants ________.

[A] had used massage therapy at least once

[B] used massage therapy in 2004

[C] used massage therapy in 2002

[D] used massage therapy in 2001

43. Paragraph 4 is mainly concerned about ________.

[A] the training processes of a qualified therapists

[B] safety of massage therapy

[C] cautions that the therapists need to follow

[D] side effects and risks of massage therapy

44. From the passage, we know that the study of massage ________.

[A] have not got started yet

[B] can provide full explanations for therapy practice

[C] cannot explain therapy practice at all

[D] needs more research on therapy practice

Passage Two

What most people don’t realize is that wealth isn’t the same as income. If you make $ 1 million a year and spend $ 1 millio n, you’re not getting wealthier, you’re just living high. Wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend. The most successful accumulators of wealth spend far less than they can afford on houses, cars, vacations and entertainment. Why? Because these things offer little or no return. The wealthy would rather put their money into investments or their businesses. It’s an attitude. Millionaires understand that when you buy a luxury house, you buy a luxury life –style too. Your property taxes skyrocket, along with the cost of utilities and insurance, and the prices of nearby services, such as grocery stores, tend to be higher. The rich man’s attitude can also be seen in his car. Many drive old unpretentious sedans. Sam Walton, billionaire founder of the Wal–Mart Store, Inc., drove a pickup truck. Most millionaires measure success by net worth, not income. Instead of taking their money home, they plow as much as they can into their businesses, stock portfolios and other assets. Why? Because the government doesn’t tax wealth; it taxes income you bring home for consumption, the more the government taxes. The person who piles up net worth fastest tends to put every dollar he can into investments, not consumption. All the while, of course, he’s reinvesting his earnin gs from investments and watching his net worth soar. That’s the attitude as well. The best wealth-builders pay careful attention to their money and seek professional advice. Those who spend heavily on cars, boats and buses, I’ve found, tend to skimp on investment advice. Those who skimp on the luxuries are usually more willing to pay top dollar for good legal and financial advice. The self-made rich develop clear goals for their money.

They may wish to retire early, or they may want to leave an estate to their children. The goals vary, but two things are consistent: they have a dollar figure in mind—the amount they want to save by age 50, perhaps – and they work unceasingly toward that goal. One thing may surprise you. If you make wealth – not just income –your goal, the luxury house you’ve been dreaming about won’t seem so alluring. You’ll have the attitude.

45. Which of the following statements is true?

[A]Wealth is judged according to the life style one has.

[B] Inheritance builds an important part in one’s wealth.

[C] Wealth is more of what one has made than anything else.

[D] High income may make one live high and get rich the same time.

46.by the author’s opinion, those who spend money on luxury houses and cars.

[A] will not be taxed by the government

[B] live high and have little saved

[C] have accumulated wealth in another sense

[D] can show that they are among the rich

47.The rich put their money into business because .

[A] that is the only way to spend money yet not to be taxed by the government

[B] they are not interested in luxury houses and cars

[C] their goal is to develop their company

[D] they can get much in return to build their wealth

48.To become wealthy, one should .

[A] work hard unceasingly

[B] seek as much income as he can

[C] stick to the way he lives

[D] save up his earnings

Passage Three

Taking charge of yourself involves putting to rest some very prevalent myths. At the top of the list is the notion that intelligence is measured by you’re a bility to solve complex problems; to read, write and compute at certain levels, and to resolve abstract equations quickly. This vision of intelligence asserts formal education and bookish excellence as the true measures of self-fulfillment. It encourages a kind of intellectual prejudice that has brought with it some discouraging results. We have come to believe that someone who has more educational merit badges, who is very good at some form of school discipline is ―intelligent.‖ Yet mental hospitals are filled with patients who have all of the properly lettered certificates. A truer indicator of intelligence is an effective, happy life lived each day and each present moment of every day.

If you are happy, if you live each moment for everything with it’s worth, then you are an intelligent person. Problem solving is a useful help to your happiness, but if you know that given your inability to resolve a particular concern you can still choose happiness for yourself, or at a

minimum refuse to choose unhappiness, then you are intelligent. You are intelligent because you have the ultimate weapon against the big N. B. D—Nervous Break Down.

―Intelligent‖ people do not have N. B. D.’s because they are in charge of themselves. They know how to choose happiness over depression, because they know how to deal with the problems of their lives. You can begin to think of yourself as truly intelligent on the basis of how you choose to feel in the face of trying circumstances. The life struggles are pretty much the same for each of us. Everyone who is involved with other human beings in any social context has similar difficulties. Disagreements, conflicts and compromises are a part of what it means to be human. Similarly, money, growing old, sickness, deaths, natural disasters and accidents are all events which present problems to virtually all human beings. But some people are able to make it, to avoid immobilizing depression and unhappiness despite such occurrences, while others collapse or have an N. B. D. Those who recognize prob lems as a human condition and don’t measure happiness by an absence of problems are the most intelligent kind of humans we know; also, the most rare.

49. According to the author, the conventional notion of intelligence measured i n terms of one’s

ability to read, write and compute .

[A] will contribute to one’s self-fulfillment [B] will help eliminate intellectual prejudice

[C] is the root of all mental distress [D] is a widely held but wrong concept

50. It is implied in the passage that holding a university degree .

[A] may result in one’s inability to solve complex real-life problems

[B] does not mean that one is highly intelligent

[C] may make one mentally sick and physically weak

[D] does not indicate one’s ability to write properly worded documents

51. The author thinks that an intelligent person knows .

[A] how to avoid depression and make his life worthwhile

[B] how to find the best way to achieve success in life

[C] how to put up with some very prevalent myths

[D] how to persuade others to compromise

52. According to the passage, what kind of people are rare?

[A] Those who are aware of difficulties in life but know how to avoid unhappiness.

[B] Those who don’t emphasize bookish excellence in their pursuit of happiness.

[C] Those who measure happiness by an absence of problems but seldom suffer form N. B. D.’s.

[D] Those who are able to secure happiness though having to struggle against trying circumstances.

Passage Four

Those who welcomed the railway saw it as more than a rapid and comfortable means of passing. They actually saw it as a factor in world peace. They did not foresee that the railway would be just one more means for the rapid movement of aggressive armies. None of them foresaw that the more we are together-the more chances there are of war. Any boy or girl who is one of a large family knows that.

Whenever any new invention is put forward, those for it and those against it can always find medical men to approve or condemn. The anti-railway group produced doctors who said that tunnels would be most dangerous to public health: they would produce colds, catarrhs (粘膜炎)and consumptions. The deafening noise and the glare of the engine fire, would have a bad effect on the nerves. Further, being moved through the air at a high speed would do grave injury to delicate lungs. In those with high blood-pressure, the movement of the train might produce apoplexy(中风). The sudden plunging of a train into the darkness of a tunnel, and the equally sudden rush into full daylight, would cause great damage to eyesight. But the pro-railway group was of course able to produce equally famous medical men to say just the opposite. They said that the speed and swing of the train would equalize the circulation, promote digestion, tranquilize the nerves, and ensure good sleep.

The actual rolling-stock was anything but comfortable. If it was a test of endurance to sit for four hours outside a coach in rain, or inside in dirty air, the railway offered little more in the way of comfort. Certainly the first-class carriages had cushioned seats; but the second-class had only narrow bare boards, while the third-class had nothing at all; no seats and no roof; they were just open trucks. So that third-class passengers gained nothing from the few mode except speed. In the matter of comfort, indeed they lost; they did, on the coaches, have a seat, but now they had to stand all the way, which gave opportunities to the comic(滑稽的)press. This kind of thing: A man was seen yesterday buying a third-class ticket for the new London and Birmingham Railway. The state of his mind is being enquired into.

A writer in the early days of railways wrote feelingly of both second-and third-class carriages. He made the suggestion that the directors of the railways must have sent all over the world to find the hardest possible wood. Of the open third-class trucks he said that they had the peculiar property of meeting the rain from whatever quarter it came. He described them as horizontal shower-baths, from whose searching power there was no escape.

53. All boys and girls in large families know that ________.

[A] a lot of people being together makes fights likely

[B] people tend to be together more than they used to be

[C] a boy and a girl usually fight when they are together

[D] railway leads the world to peace

54. According to those who welcomed the railway, the railway itself should include the following

except ________.

[A] the railway enables people to travel fast

[B] the railway brings comfort to people

[C] the railway leads the world to war as well

[D] the railway makes the world peaceful

55. According to the anti-railway group, all the followings are true but ________.

[A] tunnels are dangerous to the public health

[B] to those with high blood-pressure, the rapid speed of the train causes them to die

[C] the rapid speed through the air does damage to people’s lunges

[D] the noise and glare of the engine fire may affect people’s nerves

56. We may safely conclude that ________.

[A] the author belongs to the for-railway group

[B] the author belongs to the anti-railway group

[C] the author speaks highly of the railway

[D] the author may never take train because if its potential danger

Passage Five

Research by the University of Exeter has revealed that ants have a big impact on their local environment as a result of their activity as ―ecosystem engineers‖ and predators(食肉动物). The study, published in the Journal of Animal Ecology, found that ants have two distinct(显著的)effects on their local environment.

Firstly, through moving of soil by nest building activity and by collecting food they affect the level of nutrients(营养物)in the soil. This can indirectly impact the local populations of many animal groups, from decomposers(腐生物,分解体)to species much higher up the food chain.

Secondly, they prey (捕食) on a wide range of other animals, including larger prey which can be attacked by vast numbers of ant workers.

Dirk Sanders, an author of the study from the university’s Centre for Ecology and Conservation, said: ―Ants are very effective predators which thrive in huge numbers. They’re also very territorial and very aggressive, defending their resources and territory against other predators. All of this means they have a strong influence on their surrounding area‖

―In this research, we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties(微妙) of it. What we found is that despite being predators, their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity of other animal groups. They genuinely play a key role in the local environment, having a big influence on the grassland food web,‖ Sanders said.

The study, carried out in Germany, studied the impact of the presence of different combinations and densities of black garden ants and common red ants, both species which can be found across Europe, including in the UK. It found that a low density of ants in an area increased the diversity and density of other animals in the local area, particularly the density of herbivores(食草动物) and decomposers. At higher densities ants had no or the opposite effect, showing that predation is counteracting the positive influence.

Dr Frank van Veen, another author on the study, said: ―What we find is that the impact of ants on soil nutrient levels has a positive effect on animal groups at low levels, but as the number of ants increases, their predatory impacts have the bigger effect — thereby counteracting the positive influence via ecosystem engineering.‖

Ants are important components of ecosystems not only because they constitute a great part of the animal biomass (生物量) but also because they act as ecosystem engineers. Ant biodiversity (生物多样性)is incredibly high and these organisms are highly responsive(敏感的,易受影响的)to human impact, which obviously reduces its richness. However, it is not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem. Ants are important in below ground processes through the alteration of the physical and chemical environment and through their effects on plants, microorganisms, and other soil organisms.

57. Why are ants compared to ecosystem engineers?

[A] Because they build their own nests.

[B] Because they collect food.

[C] Because they are predators.

[D] Because their activity affects the environment.

58. As predators, ants ________.

[A] prey on small as well as large animals.

[B] collect nutritious food from the soil

[C] collect food as decomposers

[D] prey on species much higher up the food chain

59. Dirk Sanders’ study centered on how ants ________.

[A] can manage to thrive in huge numbers

[B] produce such a big impact on the environment

[C] attack those invading animals for survival

[D] defend their resources and territory against other predators

60. What does paragraph 6 tell us?

[A] Ants bring about a negative influence to an area when their population is small.

[B] Ants’ predation counteracts the positive influ ence they may have on an area.

[C] Ants bring about a positive influence to an area when their population is small.

[D] At higher density, ants produce a positive influence on an area.

试卷二(Paper Two)


一、本试卷(Paper Two)答题一律写在主观答题纸(Answer Sheet II)上,草稿纸及试




Part IV TRANSLATION (25 minutes, 20 points)

Section A (10 minutes, 10 points)

Directions:Put the following two paragraphs into Chinese. Write your Chinese version in the proper space on Answer Sheet II.

1. Those who gain fame most often gain it as a result of exploiting their talent for singing, dancing, painting, or writing, etc. They develop a style that agents market aggressively to hasten popularity, and their ride on the express elevator to the top is a blur. Most would be hard-pressed to tell you how they even got there. Artists cannot remain idle, though. When the performer, painter or writer becomes bored, their work begins to show a lack of continuity in its appeal and it becomes difficult to sustain the attention of the public.

2. So computers can talk like us, they are also learning to ―feel‖ like us as well. Developments in what’s called affective computing are giving machines an increasing ability to simulate emotions, make moral judgments and use social skills. Obviously, scientists argue, the next stage is to link their brains to ours. Researchers have already managed to implant electrodes into monkey’s brain that allow the apes to send signals to computers just by thinking. From monkey to human beings is but a small step for neuroscience.

Section B (15 minutes, 10 points)

Directions:Put the following sentences into English. Write your English version in the proper space on Answer Sheet II.

1. 黄浦江漂浮的死猪使我们的环境保护意识遭受到了极大的挑战。(meet)

2. 此次地震给当地造成了很大的损失和破坏,已经有二十多只搜救队和几架直升机从邻近省市被派往地震灾区。(dispatch)

3. 培养青年学生在社会中的自我保护意识日显紧迫和必要。(cultivate)

4. 如果我们能对美好社会的幸福生活进行准确的报道,那么,新闻的作用就是通过我们所经历的事件来提升我们自己。(boost)

5. 我们面临的现实与其说是享受生命的报偿不如说是享受生命的进程。(not so much…as) Part V WRITING (25 minutes, 10 points)

Directions:Write a composition of no less than 180-200 words on the following topic and outline. Use the proper space on Answer Sheet II.

Is Our Moral Sense Declining?

You are to write in three parts:

1. Some examples of immoral behavior in public and one case that you have seen or experienced

2. The negative impacts of immoral behavior

3. Is Our Moral Sense Declining? How to improve it?


一、交际英语 1.--Have a cup of tea, ? --Thanks a lot. A don’t you B haven’t you C shall me D will you 2.-- ? --He is not very well. A Who is he B What is he C How is he D Who he is 3.—Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? -- . A Excuse me, my frie nd sent me a flower B Fine, I never go to birthday parties C Well, I don’t like birthday parties D Sorry, but my wife had a car accident 4.—This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. -- A You may ask for help B I’ll give you a hand C Please do me a favor D I’d come to help 5. -Could I ask you a rather personal question? -Of course, . A good idea B that’s right C never mind D go ahead 二、词汇与结构 6.I don’t know the park, but it’s to be quite beautiful. A.said B.old C.spoken D.talked 7.Mike is better than Peter swimming. A.for B.at C.on D.in 8.The young lady coming over to us our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that! A.must be B.can be C.woul be D.could be 9.Had you come five minutes earlier, you the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it. A.Would catch B.would have caught C.Could catch D.Should catch 10.Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have of fat. A.a large number of B.the large number C.a large amount D.the large amount 三、阅读理解 Passage 1 Snowflakes look like white stars falling from the sky. But there have been times when snow has looked red, green, yellow, or black. There have been snowflakes of almost every color. Think how it would seem to have colored snowflakes coming down all around you. Black snow fell in France one year. Another year grey snow fell in Japan. It was found that the snow was mixed with ashes. his made it look dark. Red snow had come down in other countries. When this happened, the snow was mixed with red dust. Most snow looks white, but it is really the color of ice. Snow is ice that comes from snow cloud. Each snowflake begins with a small drop of frozen water. More water forms around this drop. The way the water freezes gives the snowflakes its shape. No two snowflakes are ever just the same size or shape. Sometimes the snowflakes are broken when they come down. Other snowflakes melt as they fall. All snowflakes are flat and have six



College English Test Form B November, 2003 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 points) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. You will hear the conversation and the question only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: Man: Hello, Mary. This is John Smith at the office. Is Bill feeling any better today? Woman: Oh, yes, John. He's feeling much better now. But the doctor says he'll have to stay in bed until Monday. Question: Where is Bill now? You will read: A) At the office C) Home in bed B) On his way to work D) Away on vacation From the conversation, we know that Bill has to stay in bed until Monday. Therefore, C) “Home in bed” is the best answer. You should choose answer [C] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre. 1. A) He doesn’t have enough money to buy a car. B) He really doesn’t want to buy a car. C) He will have enough money for a car soon. D) He plans to buy a little car in a while. 2. A) $1 3.5. B) $9.00. C) $5.00. D) $ 4. 5. 3. A) At a restaurant. C) In a cafeteria. B) In the kitchen. D) At a market. 4. A) She thinks she’s a stranger here in New York. B) New York is a wonderful city. C) She thinks New York is not good. D) She doesn’t like it at all.

试题3 研究生 学位英语

试题3 Part IV READING COMPREHENSION (45 minutes, 30 points, 1 point each) Directions: In this part of the test, there are five short passages. Read each passage carefully, and then do the questions that follow. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Answer Sheet. Passage One Of all the accessories and adornments to clothes one perhaps pays least of all attention to buttons. Functional and often unexciting, replaced by zip fasteners or hooks and eyes, there is, one would think, nothing much to he said about the humble button. Yet it is very probable that buttons started life as ornaments; certainly it is not known that they had any practical function until the 13th century. By the 14th century buttons were once again ornamental, often wastefully so, to such an extent that it was by no means uncommon for a person of wealth and consequence to have as many as 300 buttons on a single article of dress. Unimaginable as it seems today, sewing superfluous buttons on clothes became a craze—not one that seems harmful to us though some Italians took a different view and a law against buttons was enforced in Florence. No buttons were to be worn on the upper arms penalty for disobedience—a sound whipping. (How often this had to be carried out. history does not relate!) Most of the buttons on modern clothes which could lie called decorative once did in fact serve a useful purpose. Buttons on boots are one good example. Sleeve buttons on men's coats are a reminder of the days when the fashion was for wearing shirts with frilly lace cuffs. On the tails of a modern tail coat there are indeed buttons which are purely ornamental but in earlier days horsemen used these buttons to keep the tails out of harm's way. With regard lo the side on which clothes are buttoned, originally both male and female dress was buttoned on the left hand side. Change came when men had to have access to their swords. So perhaps it is worth taking a look at buttons. 51. Which of the following statements is true regarding buttons? A. They have little function. B. They are the only useful accessory. C. They receive the least attention among accessories. D. They are one of the best adornments to any clothes. 52. According to the author, _______. . A. buttons are used as ornaments only in modern times B. buttons have been used as ornaments since the 14th century C. buttons were used as ornaments before the 13lh century D. buttons have been used as ornaments on and off throughout the history 53. It is implied that in the 14th century buttons ________. A. were a symbol of wealth B. were occasionally put on clothes C. began to have practical functions D. represented the wearers' artistic taste 54. In Florence, a city in Italy, buttons were once______. A. loved by every citizen B. banned because they were a craze C. considered harmful and nobody wore them D. forbidden on the upper arms 55. It seems to the author that buttons A. are worth a second look B. have never served any function


浙江大学学位英语考试指导 一、考试内容和形式 浙江大学学位英语考试包括六个部分,考试时间为120分钟。试卷分主观题和客观题。 1. 听力理解(20%) 共20 题,考试时间为20 分钟,分值为20%。听力理解由两节组成(Section A 和 Section B)。A节有10 道题,每题含一组对话,共两句,对话后有一个问句。每组 对话只读一遍。B节有三篇听力材料, 每篇材料读两遍。每篇听力材料后有3--4个 问题。听力部分每个问题后有约15秒的间隙,要求考生从所给的四个选项中选出 一个最佳答案。 2. 词汇(10%) 共20题,考试时间为15分钟。每题有一空格,要求考生从四个答案中选出一个最佳答案填空。这一部分主要测试学生认识和掌握词汇及常用词组的能力。 3. 语法结构(10%) 共20题,考试时间为15分钟。每题有一空格,要求考生从四个答案中选出一个最 佳答案填空。这一部分主要测试学生理解和运用语法结构的能力。 4.阅读理解(30%) 共15题,考试时间为30分钟。共三篇文章,每篇文章约有300个词左右。每篇文 章后有5个问题,考生根据文章内容从四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 5.英译汉(15%) 考试时间为20分钟。要求考生将一篇实用性的短文划线的5个英语句子译成汉语。 主要测试学生的理解、表达和实际应用能力。 6.汉译英(15%) 考试时间为20分钟。要求考生将5个汉语句子译成英语。主要测试学生的理解和应 用能力。 二、应试指导 1. 听力应试指导 对话部分:在简短对话部分,对话是在特定的语言环境中进行的,具有一定的情节;而由第三者提出的问题及所给的4个选项又使学生明确了选择范围。因此,考生只要在听音时善于捕捉关键词和关键信息,就能做出正确的选择。在此考生应注意以下几个方面:(1)要辩明谈话者之间的关系。如医生与病人大多谈论疾病有关的话题;夫妻之间大多谈论与家庭有关的话题等。 (2)要善于抓关键词。如对话中出现了menu, order, table for three, bill等词,则谈话的地点一定是与饭店有关。 (3) 预测提问的方式很重要。利用每段对话后的几秒时间迅速浏览下一个问题的四个选 项,通过四个选项的内容去预测听力内容和第三者的提问方式,从而在听时将注意力集中在与所提问题有关的关键词和关键信息上。 (4)要善于推测言外之意。 对话部分大体上分为五个类型:数字与计算;职业身份;地点,场所与方向;比较题; 推理判断。 数字与计算是浙江大学学位英语考试中最常考的考项之一,听力测试计算型的试题往往要求进行简单的加、减、乘、除四则运算,以加减为主。提问方式是:How much---? How


对外经济贸易大学成人本科英语专业学位英语考试纲要(附样题) 考试目的 检测我校成人教育本科英语教学水平及英语专业本科学生对英语知识掌握程度,以保证本科毕业生学士学位的授予质量。 适用对象 本大纲适用于对外经济贸易大学成人本科及合作院校英语专业本科学生。 考核内容 主要考核学生综合运用语言的能力以及学生对语法结构、词语用法的掌握程度。由于目前尚不具备口语考试和听力考试的条件,暂不进行听、说方面的考试。(相当于大学英语六级水平,以后逐渐过渡到大学英语六级) I.词汇与结构 (Vocabulary and Structure) 词汇与语法结构部分的目的是测试考生运用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。本部分的测试时间为30分钟。 II.辨别错误 (Error Identification) 辨别错误部分的目的是测试学生对词汇、短语、语法结构等的掌握情况及对错误的识别辨析能力。本部分的测试时间为10分钟。 III.完形填空 (Cloze) 完形填空部分的目的是测试学生综合运用语言的能力。在一篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文(200词左右)中留有15个空白,每个空白为一题,每题有4个选择项,要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上选择一个最佳答案,使短文的意思和结构恢复完整。填空的词项包招结构词和实义词。本部分的测试时间为15分钟。 IV.阅读理解 (Reading Comprehension) 阅读理解部分的目的是测试学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有一定的速度。在这一部分,考生在30分钟的时间内,阅读若干篇各种题材(社会生活、政治、经济、人物传记、科普等)和体裁(议论文、记叙文、说明文、应用文等)、生词不超过总词数3%,总阅读量在850词左右(四级)/1100词左右(六级)的中等难度的文字材料。要求考生理解所读材料的大意,掌握主要事实和有关的具体细节,辨别作者的基本态度或观点,根据有关信息进行一定的推理或判断。 V.英汉翻译(English-Chinese Translation) 英汉翻译是主观测试题。目的是测试学生正确理解英语并使用汉语进行笔头表达的能力,试题采用句子翻译的形式。本部分的测试时间为15分钟。


Test Seven, Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (15 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A) Mary is not here, because she is ill. B) No, it isn't. C) Yes, it is. D) We are ready. 2.A) I am not hungry. B) But the price is too high. C) I like doing some cooking. D) I want to have a rest. 3.A) No, you can't. B) Yes, you can. C) I want a seat near the window. D) That's all right. 4. A) Thank you. B) I agree with you. C) Me, too. D) A little better. 5.A) It's snowing now. B) I like it. C) Yes, the grounds are white. D) it sounds good. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 6.A) $16. B) $32. C) $8. D) $64. 7.A) Patient and doctor. B) Waitress and customer. C) Wife and husband. D) Secretary and boss. 8. A) Worried and frightened. B) Quite unhappy. C) Very relaxed. D) Angry with the professor. 9. A) The woman was late for coming. B) The woman asked the man to wait. C) The man was annoyed by her late coming. D) The man was quite all right. 10. A) Young people are quick in making decisions. B) They seldom stay long on one job. C) They are easy to lose jobs. D) They are too eager to succeed. Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you have heard. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. Dick was a sailor on a big ship. It went to Japan and Australia, so Dick was often on the ship for some months at a time. When he (11) up in the morning and looked out, he only (12) the sea, or sometimes a port. When he was twenty-three, Dick married and bought a small (13) with a garden in his wife's town. It was (14) away from the sea. Then he had to go back to his ship, and was away (15) home for two months. He went from the port to the town by bus, and was very happy to see his wife again.


浙江大学学位英语考试--中翻英部分15% 2009-04-12 00:49 由于学位英语是浙江大学自己出卷的,题型是于省三级考试是一致的,所以可以参考一下历年省三的卷子。 可以将一下的短句当作范文,背一下。 02-1 81.如果你在阅读中碰到生词,有时候你可以不查字典。 your answer: key: When you come across new words in reading, sometimes you may not consult dictionaries for them. 82.她正在找工作,我想她可能已从大学毕业了。 your answer: key:She is looking for a job. I think she may have graduated from college. 83.学习英语需要耐心和努力;若想在几个月内掌握一门外语是不可能的。 your answer: key:Learning English needs patience and efforts; it is impossible to have a good command of a foreign language within a few months. 84.我昨晚兴奋得睡不着觉,因为我的设计被采纳了。 your answer: key:I was too excited to fall asleep last night because my design had been accepted. 85.――你们什么时候熄灯就寝?――10点半,但周末例外。 your answer: key:-When do you turn off the light and go to bed?- At half past ten except on weekend. 02-6 81.我感到喘不过气来;我开窗你会介意吗? your answer: key: I can hardly breathe. Would you mind my (me) opening the windows? 82.你们应该理论联系实际,培养应用语言的能力。 your answer: key:You should combine theory with practice and develop the ability to use the language. 83.他将永远记得家乡解放的那一天。 your answer: key:He will always remember the day (when) his hometown was liberated.


1996 年同等学历人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试试题 Paper One 试卷一 (1996.6 A 卷 ) Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes, 15 points) 略 Part II Vocabulary (10 minutes, 10 points) Directions: In each question, decide which of the four choices given will suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark out choice on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 16. It was felt that the lacked the _____ t o pursue a difficult task to the very end. A. petition B. engagement C. commitment D. qualification 17. He does nothing that ____ the interests of the collective. A. runs for B. runs against C. runs over D. runs into 18. Though he views himself as a realist, Cetron says that his findings make him very about future. A. optimistic B. sympathetic C. objective D. precautions 19. In such a changing and complex society, formerly simply solutions informational needs become . most your to


Section A Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) . You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 16. The classroom needs______. A) clean B) to clean C) to be cleaned D) being cleaned 17.There is a nice-looking car there. I wonder ______. A) whom it belongs to B) whom does it belong to C) it belongs to whom D) whom does it belong 18. Wordsworth was one of the greatest poets ______ lived in the 19th century. A) which B) who C) those D) that 19. the population is too large, we have to take measures to control the birth rate. A) Although B) Since C) If D) Until 20. It is requested that every student ______ a paper on sustainable development. A) writes B) wrote C) writing D) write 21 .He said, "I ______ a lot of new poems by the end of last year." A) h ad already learnt B) have already learnt C) would have already learnt D) already learnt 22. As Edison grew ______, he became more and more interested in science. A) elder B) the elder C) older D) the older 23. Only in this way ______ catch up with your brothers. A) do you can B) can you C) you can D) you do can 24.No one, except his two best friends, ______ where he is. A) know B) knows C) to know D) knowing 25. Mr. John has decided that he will ______ the branch company set up in the small town. A) take over B) hand in C) put in D) lead to Section B Directions: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write .the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. 26. We started the attack when the enemy (cross) ______ the river. 27.My suggestion is that we (send) ______ a few people to help the other groups. 28.I am sorry to learn that you have made no (improve)______on the design at all. 29. I prefer (live) ______ in the country rather than in a city. 30. We had difficulty (carry) ______ out the plan. 31. Not(know) ______ her address, we couldn't get in touch with her. 32.Do you know the (high) ______ of St. Paul's Cathedral. 33. The great number of traffic accidents (emphasis) ______ the need for careful driving. 34. Many modern cars are equipped with an (automatically) ______ temperature control system. 35 .That one is no good; this one is even (bad) ______. Part ⅢReading Comprehension (40 minutes) Direction: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfil. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed. T ask 1 Direction:After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) or D) . You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a Single line through the center.


大理大学学位英语考试练习 Part I Writing (15%, 30 minutes) Directions: Write a composition on the topic of “Craze for Civil Service Examinations” based on the outline given below. You should write at least 150 words. 1. 现在有越来越多的大学毕业生报考公务员 2. 引起此现象的原因 3. 你的看法 Part II Listening Comprehension ( 20%, 30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear several short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Passage One Questions 1 to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard. 1. A. Heart disease. B. Cancer. C. Accidents. D. Medical Accidents. 2. A. Headache.


硕士学位英语考试试题 PAPER ONE PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (15 MINUTES, 15 points) Section A ( 1 point each ) 1. A. He was on vacation. B. He was moving furniture. C. He was sick. D. He was working for a new company. 2. A. He does not understand it. B. He does not like it. C. He is used to it. D. He does not have to take it. 3. A. He is interested only in her ideas. B. He will not accept a late paper from her. C. He wants her to hand in her paper immediately. D. He will accept a late paper from her. 4. A. In a kitchen. B. In a garden. C. At the pictures. D. In an office. 5. A. Five B. Four. C. Seven. D. Six. 6. A. She was experienced in riding a bicycle. B. She was riding very slowly at that moment. C. She was riding a new bike. D. Some passes-by help her. 7. A. She can't see. B. Her ears was hurt. C. She can’t hear. D. Her eyes hurt. 8. A. She feels that he won't accept anything. B. She thinks he has almost everything he wants. C. She's sure he already has a pocket calculator. D. She's afraid he wants more than she can afford. 9. A. At the jewelry store. B. Down the hall. C. From other customers. D. From a machine Section B ( 1 point each ) Question 10 through 12 are base on the following conversation. 10. A. Peter's research paper. B. Peter's composition. C.A library book. D. Peter's take-home exam. 11. A. By studying in the library. B. He was absent that day. C. He did very well. D. He did very poorly. 12. A. Talk to the professor. B. Quit working. C. Get a better-paying job. D. Try to get a job on the campus. Question 13 through 15 are base on the following passage. 13. A. The development of animals. B. The development of land animal. C. The origin of sea creatures. D. The origin of human beings 14. A. Stand on their heads. B. Swim backward. C. Move on their fins. D. Swim upside down. 15. A. The appearance of tile fish. B. The size and the color of fish. C. The way the fish swims. D. The way the Fish uses its fins. PART II VOCABULARY ( 10 MINUTES, 10 POINTS ) Section A ( 0.5 point each ) 16. Frank and Jauntier asked their science teacher to settle the dispute once and for all. A. temporarily B. permanently C. cautiously D. decisively 17.The police found it difficult to apprehend the criminal because of the incomplete details supplied by the witness. A. sketchy B. complicated C. stern D. artistic 18.In order to maintain physical well-being, a person should eat wholesome food and get sufficient exercise. A. fresh B. stale C. well-cooked D. healthful 19. Not afraid of being fired, John Smith continued to defy the boss. A. avoid B. admire C. oppose D. guide 20. Many pure metals have little use because they are too soft, rust too easily, or have some other drawbacks. A. properties B. behavior C. disadvantages D. performances 21. After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to quit. A. resign B. dismiss C. retire D. desert 22. The experiment shows this cathode emits electrons in a controlled environment. A. submits B. gives off C. rejects D. passes by . 23. To what place are you going to haul the furniture that you no longer need. A. sell B. put C. transport D. paint 24. The zealous demonstrators were ignored by all the media of this country. A. passionate B. colorful C. rude D. clever 25. In prehistoric times, eclipses of the moon and Sun were probably terrifying to people.

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