当前位置:文档之家› 2018-2019学年上海市浦东新区南汇中学高二上英语期中试卷解析




II. Grammar and Vocabulary (20%)

Section A

Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blank, use one word that best, fits each blank

US author Henry Rollins once wrote: “Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better." Indeed, in the eyes of artists, loneliness never seems to go out of style. There are paintings that portray loneliness songs that (18) (inspire) by loneliness and many works of literature that center around this theme.

In the eyes of UK economist Rachel Reeves, however, loneliness is far from romantic. Instead, it's a “giant evil” that's become a serious problem in the country.

On Jan 17, UK Prime Minister Theresa May appointed politician Tracey Crouch as the country's very first “Minister for Loneliness”. Her job is (19) (deal) with the loneliness that the country's been feeling—a problem which, according to UK government research, is affecting more than 9 million people in the country, and (20) be more harmful to one's physical and mental health than smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

Back in 2014, the UK was given the title of the “ loneliness capital of Europe" by The Telegraph. A survey carried out by the newspaper found that British people were (21) (likely) to get to know their neighbors or build strong relationships with people than those from other European countries.

But this doesn't mean it is the problem (22) (affect) Britons only. In fact, we're all suffering from loneliness now more than ever. in spite of most of the world now being linked to the Internet, (23) has enabled us to be more connected than ever,

(24) we need, according to Kim Leaer, sister of the late UK politician Jo Cox, is to have "proper human connections.”

Our lives nowadays are so busy. We spend the vast majority of our time on our phones and on our laptops. (25) busy we are, we need to press pause on that and actually sit down and speak to human beings." Leaer said at an event last year

But the first steps toward (26) (fight) this problem are to accept its existence and not be ashamed or frightened by it. After all, (27) loneliness, many beautiful paintings, songs, and literary works wouldn’t leave exist. Whether it is “evil” or not, being lonely is simply part of the experience of being human.

【答案】18.are inspired19.to deal20.can/may21.less likely22.affecting

23.which 24.what 25.no matter how 26.fighting 27.without


18.考察谓语动词,作定语从句中谓语成分。inspire与主语即是先行词paintings之间是被动关系,且时态为一般现在时,故填:are inspired。

19.考察非谓语,由固定搭配one’s job is to do sth,故此填:to deal。


21.考察形容词比较级,根据下文,英国被称为“欧洲的孤独首都”根据句意,“由报纸进行的调查发现英国人没有比其他的欧洲国家的人更有可能了解邻居建立密切的关系”,表示不那么有可能,故此填less likely。




25.考察让步状语从句引导词。根据句意为“不管我们有多忙,我们需要按下暂停键…”,此处填no matter how。

26.考察非谓语动词。toward是介词,介词后+doing sth,故此填fighting。

27.考察介词。根据句意“如果没有孤独,很多优美的画,歌曲,和文学作品将不会存在”;故此填without。Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note, that there is one word more than you need.

A. admitted

B. participated

C. promised

D. enroll

E. refer

F. fee

G. resulted I. making I. compete J. disqualifying

K. cheating

Organizers of the 2017 Beijing International Marathon have confirmed several (28) scandals during the event and (29) an investigation into China' s top-ranking marathon.

Pictures posted online show at least five different runners (30) in the Sept 17th race, wearing the same ID number. D0198.

“Now we are looking through the videos and photos to find evidence and try to connect with the real owner of the ID number,” said Wang Jian, general manager of China Olympic Road Running Co, a marathon organizer.to

prevent the bad behavior, the organizer has adopted fluorescent (荧光的) ant-counterfeiting(防伪的) technology and ordered video surveillance (监督) for the entire route.

Wans said judges confirmed some runners were wearing fake ID numbers during the race om Sunday, (31) them with the help of fluorescent technology.

As marathon running is becoming increasingly popular in China, it is becoming necessary to limit the number of people who can (32) .

In all, 98,687 runners applied for the 00l in the race this year This (33) in the creation of an online lottery to decide who would be (34) to the race

It’s reported that people who (35) early on a marathon have been found sell their slots for as much as 2,000 yuan ($303.5) online. The normal (36) is around 100 yuan.

This is not the first scandal connected to marathons in Chinese cities. A number of cases have emerged in recently years, including racing under fake names and (37) up different numbers to enter a race without paying.

【答案】28-32KCBJI 33-37GADFH


28.考察动词。cheating 作弊。根据句意:2017年国际马拉松组织者已经证实在比赛期间有几起作弊丑闻,而且承诺会调查中国最高等级的马拉松比赛。



31.考察动词。qualifying 取消资格。根据句意:王说评委们证实了一些运动员在星期天的比赛期间穿了伪造的号码,因此取消了他们的资格因为使用了荧光技术的帮助。

32.考察动词。compete 比赛,竞赛......。根据句意:因为马拉松比赛在中国不断的受欢迎,限制参赛人的数量变得有必要了。

33.考察动词。resulted in导致。根据句意:这就导致了一个网上的乐透的产生去决定谁将被批准入赛。




37.考察动词。making up编造。在最近几年里,很多事件已经出现了,包括用假的名字比赛,为了不交费用,


III. Reading Comprehension (45%)

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.

Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Stay out of the Sun to Look Young

Forget drinking countless gasses of water or getting your beauty sleep. The secret of looking young is simply to stay out of the sun. A study of hundreds of women has revealed that those who avoided the sun's rays looked up to 20 years younger than they actually are.

However, other supposed rules for a youthful complexion, from drinking lots of water to sleeping well and exercising regularly, failed to (38) the hands of time Only keeping out of the sun, and wearing sunscreen when this wasn't possible, made a (39) the American Academy of Dermatology’s annual conference will hear today. The interesting finding comes from study of 231 women of all ages who were quizzed about their lives, including whether they were sun-loves When researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital in the US --- commissioned by skincare firm Olay guessed how old the women were, they found those who (40) in the sun tended to have aged more slowly. A lucky four had so few wrinkles and age spots, and such a fresh complexion, that they appeared to be a full two decades younger than they really were.

Researcher Dr Alexa Kimball, a professor of dermatology (BK7) said the (41) advice that we drink lots of water to stay healthy is actually a myth(谬见), and the body is ‘pretty good’ at judging how much we need.

Previous research by the British Nutrition Foundation reached a (42) conclu sion. Experts there said: “Just drinking water for the sake of drinking water rally has no effect on improving the appearance of skin.” It isn't clear why the women who slept well didn't have younger looking skin, But it may be that the question they were asked was too (43) and didn't take into account their long-term sleep patterns.

A second study, also by Olay, suggested that low-level day to day exposure to the sun is more ageing than

(44) intense exposure. Finally, DNA examination of tiny samples of the women's skin helped understand the

(45) done by the sun. A gene called CDKN2A was more active in facial skin that is exposed to the elements than in samples taken from the bottoms. This gene was also more active in women who said they loved the sun and in those who looked older. Dr Kimball said CDKN2A activity (46) that a cell is ‘tired out’ and urged women should protect their skin year round and not just when on a beach holiday.

Dr Frauke Neuser, principal scientist at Olay, which has used the research to develop is latest face creams, said: “ This research gives us a detailed picture of the effect of sun exposure on skin ageing and illustrate the importance of protection on a (47) basis’.

38.A. add to B. benefit C. depend on D. hold back

39.A. mistake B. proposal C. difference D. comment

40.A. cheer up B. were exposed C. made trouble D. took care

41.A. faulty B. popular C. helpful D. conflicting

42.A. better B. similar C. false D. satisfactory

43.A. hard B. apparent C. narrow D. serious

44.A. occasional B. limited C. potential D. initial

45.A. good B. damage C. treatment D. miracle

46.A. trend B. possibility C. sign D. chance

47.A. temporary B. personal C. daily D. strict

【答案】38-42DCDBB43-47 CABCC




40.D 注意,小心。他们发现那些在阳光下比较小心的人有老得更慢一些的趋势。

41.B 受欢迎的,流行的。根据句意,之前比较流行的说法:多喝水能够保持健康,其实是一个谬见。

42.B 相似的。之前由英国营养基金会的研究得出一个相似的结论。

43.C 狭隘的但是可能是因为他们被问的问题太狭隘了,而且没有把他们长期的睡眠模式考虑进去。

44.A 偶尔的。也是由Olay做的另外一个研究表示低水平的日复一日的暴露在太阳下的人要比偶尔,强烈的暴露在阳光下的人更老。

45.B 损害。最后,一个女人皮肤的小样本的基因测试,帮助理解了阳光给皮肤造成的伤害。

46.C 迹象。Dr Kimball说CDKN2A活动是一个细胞“既疲力尽”的迹象。

47.C 日常的。这个研究给了我们一个关于太阳暴露对于皮肤衰老的影响的细节图片,而且也说明了日常的基础护理的重要性。

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished

statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

Making list is relaxing. It makes you feel important --all those things to do. It calms you down (it’s OK, it's on a list somewhere) and it makes you feel good when you cross something off.

The world divides into two types of list-makers. Type A makes orderly lists, priorities and calmly sets to work on them. Type B waits until panic sets in, grabs the nearest envelope and writes all over it, sighs with relief and promptly loses it.

The more you have to do, the more you need a list, and few people with high-powered jobs get by without them.

Julie Rost, chief executive of a large chain of supermarkets, says, “ Before I go to bed, I have to write down everything that's going to stop me sleeping. If I write something down, I feel I won't forget it, so my lists are a great comfort."

Jane Levy used to write lists, but she would forget where she put them and then waste precious time looking for them. Then a couple of years ago she came up with a new system. Now she writes key words on the back of her hand! “At least I can't lose it”, she says. True, but too many trips to the bathroom could have disastrous results.

Des O'Brien, a self-employed business consultant, uses another method for organizing his time. He writes a list of things to do and then organizes them into categories: things that have to be done straight away; other things that it would be good to do today; things that are important but don't have to be done immediately; and things that he can put off but that he doesn't want to forget. “Using categories to order the world is the way the human mind works,” he says.

So what are you waiting for? There's no better time than the present to take control of your work and life. So, get out your pencil and paper and make a list.

48. Type A list-makers and Type B ones are different in .

A. how the lists they make help them calm down

B. whether they can handle the panic they are faced with

C. how they deal with the lists they make after using them

D. whether they list what they are going to do in an organized way

49. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE concerning making lists?

A. Crossing things off brings greater comfort than making lists.

B. Most people who hold important positions at work make lists.

C. Forgetful people shouldn't keep lists to save time spent looking for them.

D. More research needs to be done about how human mind works to make lists.

50. Des O'Brien categorizes the things he needs to do according to the degree of .

A. urgency but not importance

B. importance but not urgency

C. both urgency and importance

D. neither urgency nor importance

51. The passage is mainly intended to .

A. persuade people to make lists

B. classify the ways of making lists

C. introduce the people good at making lists

D. give tips on how to make lists effectively



48.根据文章第二段第二句“Type A makes orderly lists,priorities......Type B waits until panic sets in......loses it.”可归纳总结出,故选D。

49.根据文章第三段“The more you have to do.......with high-powered jobs get by without them.”故选B。

50.根据文章第六段第二句“He writes a list of things to do and then organizes them into categories.......he can put off but that he doesn’t want to forget.”主要讲解他分类是依据事情的紧急性和重要性来划分的,故选C。51.根据文章第七段“So what are you waiting for?,,,,,,So,get your pencil and paper and make a list.”,故选A。Section C

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

A. On a professional level, there is no way one doctor can be an expert in everything.

B. It was not until he turned to the Internet that he managed to identify his condition.

C. This condition was the very one that made him unable to speak.

D. Appearance provides only ten percent of the information needed to make a diagnosis.

E. Do not underestimate the value of talking to people ----doctors and telephone helplines will help you put what you read into context.

F. To sum up, if you doctor refuses to talk to you, the Internet will help you find a better solution.

Google is my doctor

When illustrator Scott Adams lost his voice, his doctors were confused. (52) It turned out that Scott was suffering from spasmodic dysphonia With the help of Google alerts and advice from his doctors. Scott got into touch with an expert in the US and had special surgery on his throat to cure his problem He is now a firm believer of using the Internet for self-diagnosis

Adams is one of an increasing number of people who have started using the Internet to get health advice. The advantages of this are numerous, starting of course with the obvious convenience of getting a diagnosis from the comfort of your own home. (53) The Internet provides a vast number of specialized experts, and Googling can help you tap in to that.

Diagnosing minor medical problems from information on the Internet can also have an impact on society's medical costs. You can compare insect bites with Internet pictures, ask what type they are and whether they are dangerous without wasting your busy doctor's precious time.

However, it must be said that diagnosis is tricky., and comparing your rash (疹子) with an online photograph may lead you down the wrong path. (54) Doctors also take into account your medical history, state of mind, etc. No computerized symptoms checklist can equal a complete professional assessment.

In conclusion, the Internet is a good starting point in diagnosing your health problems, but you should always consult your doctor before acting on anything you find there. (55)



52.由上一句“When illustrator Scott Adams.....were confused..”图解者Scott Adams.失去他的声音,他的医生感觉非常疑惑,紧接着下文说道,证明是患有痉挛性发声障碍这种疾病。所以中间讲到是如何知道这是什么病的:直到他求助于电脑他才成功地鉴定。所以选B。

53.由下一句“The Internet provides a vast number of convenience of getting a....”.因特网提供了大量的专业专家,还有谷歌可以帮助你点击,跟A选项中说到,从专业的角度来说,一个医生不可能在每一个方面都是专家,两句进行对比,突出因特网的优势,故选A。


55.所选应该是主旨句,概括总结了本段的主旨,主要是因特网对于病情诊断的一些特点,所以选E 。IV. Summary Writing (10%)

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Are You a Textaholic?

Do you spend over an hour each day texting your friends? Do you frequently neglect work, study and leisure activities to check your phone for text messages? Do you get moody and emotional if you are separated from your mobile phone? Do you hardly ever use your phone to talk anymore, and do your thumbs sore from texting too much?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, then the chances are that you are a textaholic. A textaholic can be defined as someone who is addicted to sending and receiving text messages The main symptoms are , strong will to text that takes precedence (优先) over everything else and withdrawal symptoms if messages fail to come in, leading to anger, depression and a lack of self-respect Other problems include sleeplessness, eye strain (疲劳) and repetitive strain injury due to constant messaging, not to mention expensive phone bill The root of the problem. s with many addictions, is the desire to escape from emotional difficulties such as stress, anxiety and relationship problem. Experts warn that text addition is likely to become the most common form of addiction in the future, especially among the young.

So what can you do if you think you may be a textaholic? The key is to get your life back in balance. Make sure you resist the urge to answer every message you receive. and consider leaving your mobile phone behind occasionally when you go out. Most importantly, make a point of spending quality time while friends and family and make time to re-learn the art of face-to-face conversation instead of conducting you relationships by means of text messages. Not only will you save time and money, but you may also rediscover the pleasure of true communication.

【答案】Textaholics are those obsessed with text messages (要点1),without which they may suffer physical and mental problems, showing various symptoms (要点2). The primary cause of being textaholic is their desire to get away from emotional trouble (要点3). To solve the problem, one can live a balanced life by leaving cell phones behind(要点4) and having more face-to- face communication with others(要点5).(56 words)


V. Translation (15%)

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

57.你怎么能指望和个言面无信的人合作? (word)

58. 我们认为完成这项任务所投入的时间与辛劳是值得的。(involve)

59. 为了使学生更好地掌握工程学知识这位教授利用图表来说明该系统在实践中是如何运作的。(illustrate)【答案】

57.How can you expect to cooperate with a man/person who breaks his word/who doesn’t keep his word?

58.We believe/think the time and effort/hard work (which are/were) involved in completing such an assignment/a task are worthwhile.

59.To make students have a better command of knowledge in engineering,the professor illustrated how the system operates/works in practice with a chart/diagram.


57.指望:expect to do sth。言而无信:break one’s word/not keep one’s word

58.投入:sth involved in doing sth

59.更好地掌握:have a better command of knowledge in sth/doing sth···。说明:illustrate sth...。

VI. Guided Writing (25%)

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.





Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m Wang Lei, writing to offer my humble opinions on the improvement of the school English radio. As a loyal fan, listening to the school English radio has become a daily routine for me. Unfortunately, it appears that the school English radio is becoming less and less appealing to students, including me. From my point of view,the declining popularity of the school radio is owing to the following reasons.

First, the school radio starts at 1pm, which is inconsiderate or unreasonable. At this time. most students feel sleepy, desiring to take a nap before the afternoon classes begin. Second, the radio programs lack innovation and variety, making students feel bored. Third, the recap section, designed to help students recap the content of the previous day, is a big waste of time.

Based on these drawbacks. I'd like to propose my solutions to them. I suggest the school radio start at 12 o'clock at noon when students are having lunch at the dining hall. In this way, it will not only help students to get relaxed, but also provide topics for students' conversation over lunch. Latest popular English songs and live interviews by celebrities should be broadcast more often. The recap section should be removed once for all from the program list.

I’d appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration and hope our school radio will become popular again on campus.

Yours sincerely.

Wang Lei


第二学期期中考试 高二英语试题 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What kind of poems does the man dislike? A. Realistic poems. B. Romantic poems. C. Humorous poems. 2. What is the woman doing? A. Enjoying her music. B. Preparing for a contest. C. Looking for her earphones. 3. Where are the speakers? A. In a post office. B. In a hotel. C. In a taxi. 4. What time is it now? A. 1010. B.1030. C. 1100. 5. What does the woman mean? A. She wants to practice French with the man. B. She will move to the quiet section. C. She won’t do what the man asks. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听 完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6-7题。 6. Which place is the woman looking for? A.A hotel. B. A street. C. A park. 7. Where will the woman turn right? A. On the next block. B. At the second street. C. At the very end of the street. 听第 7 段材料,回答第8-9题。 8. How did the man intend to change his appointment? A. By cancelling it. B. By changing it to another day. C. By making it earlier that day. 9. When did the man decide to see Dr. Benjamin in the end? A. At 300 p.m. on Wednesday. B. At 430 p.m. on Wednesday. C. At 1000 a.m. on Thursday. 听第 8 段材料,回答第10-12题。 10. Where is the woman going for her vacation? A. To New ealand. B. To Australia. C. To Spain. 11. How long did the woman’s mother travel with the man in Spain? A. For two months. B. For two weeks. C. For six months. 12. Who might Terri be? A. The woman’s mother. B. The man’s aunt. C. The man’s wife. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13-16 题。


高二英语期中考试试卷分析 一、试卷总体情况分析 本次期中考试试卷主要考查英语模块3所学内容,试卷总分150分。试题内容丰富,知识覆盖面广,题型较多,包括听力、完形填空、阅读理解、语法填空、短文改错和作文,和高考题型保持一致。考点知识既源于教材,又聚焦高考,全面考查了学生读、写等方面的能力。试卷以新课程理念为指导,既关注高考,又强调知识与能力并重。总体而言,试卷难度稍微偏大了点,下面以我校英语考试为抽样分析样本,对本次试卷做一个简要的分析。 二、学生各项题型得分情况及主要失分点分析 (一)试卷各大题得分情况统计(如下表): 从表中的数据看,阅读得分相对好一点,但也不是很理想,所以我们平时要重视基础知识;而完形填空、阅读理解这两项综合运用题的得分不高,高一学生语篇语境理解的能力较弱,综合运用能力差在

意料之中,虽然客观上这两项的难度的确大了些,但我们在教学中仍不可忽视这一点,即要在立足课本的同时,应重视学生的课外阅读。短文改错和作文得分一般,这提醒老师在教学中仍要加强课外阅读指导和训练,加强作文和短文改错的训练。 (二)各大题主要失分点及其原因分析: 第一部分:听力 听力既与学生所学教材紧密联系,又聚焦高考,与高考题型保持一致。听力语速较慢难度不大,但得分率不算高。本项失分较多的题目分别为:第3、5、6题,其中3、6题得分率最低。 第二部分:阅读 本次阅读理解包括四篇短文,一篇七选五,体裁涉及议论文和记叙文,所选文章具有一定的思想性和可读性,事实细节题、推理判断题和主旨大意题等各种题型均有涉及,注重考查学生的阅读理解能力。其中16、23、26题得分率比较低。 第三部分:完型填空 完形填空主要考查学生在阅读理解的基础上对语篇、语法和词汇知识的掌握情况,要求学生能够综合运用所学的词汇、语法等知识选出最佳选项,是综合性能力比较强的题型,也是学生难得高分的题型。本篇完形填空选用的夹叙夹议文体,选材精当,内容感人,问题设置非常巧妙。主要考查了三种能力:阅读理解能力;利用上下文线索进行分析和推理的能力;学生语言基础知识的运用能力。总的来说,材料偏难,达不到锻炼的效果。难题占了一半以上,其中41、42、47、50最难。 第四部分:语法填空与短文改错 这两道题考场学生的综合能力,难度较大,也是高考的难点与易错点。得分率非常的低。学生对一些语法点和语言点掌握的不牢固,需要不断加强训练,总结答题技巧。 第五部分:写作和书面表达 本次作文不是很好写,尤其对于刚上高中的学生来说更是很难,甚至出现了很多0分现象。在评卷的过程中我们还发现下面所存在的


高二下学期英语期中考试试卷、考试分析及自我反思 高二下学期英语期中考试试卷、考试分析及自我反思 一、试卷评价 本次考试试卷质量较高,切合高考难度及重点。该套试卷按照高考题型及命题原则命题,考察了学生的听、读和写以及语言知识综合应用能力,体现了高中英语教学目的和新改教学精神。 二、试卷分析 本套试卷按照高考题的标准,主要分为一卷单选和二卷语法填空,改错和书面表达。首先分析本次的一卷。一卷主要包括听力,阅读理解和完型填空三个大题。其中听力共20小题,30分;阅读理解4篇共1题30分,七选五小题,10分;完形填空20题,30分。本次一卷失分最重的是听力。听力难度比较大,很多都没有直接答案,而且表达时间的词,如inutes left,和生词hesi,get arried,学生直接就听不出。本套试卷的听力,考察时间的3小题,难度都较大。本题主要考察学生对信息的整体把握以及理解,这正是一二区学生的能力缺乏的地方。所以失分较多。阅读理解题较简单,细节理解的题目较多,推理判断题目适中。整体说虽然阅读理解难度有所降低,但是很多题设计很灵活,比如说第二篇,失分非常多,但是通过简单的推理排除就能从中把答案都排除掉,仍然很多人做错。阅读理解是英语的半边天。

也是学生的难点,应继续练习。本套试卷中的七选五难度较高,不是简单的根据关键词或者首句判断,而是考察学生对整个语篇的理解,以及掌握。但是考察语篇的理解已经渐渐成为高考重点,应该强掉让学生练习这一方面的能力。本套题的完型填空难度较大,提示词较少,且理解较为困难,出错较多。 本套题二卷主要包括语法填空,改错以及书面表达三个大题。本套题的语法填空考察知识主要包括代词bth,副词修饰动词,形容词修饰名词,固定搭配,非谓语,非限制性定语从句以及形容词性物主代词加名词。较为简单。改错主要考察学生的语感以及跟语法填空相似的语法考察。本次改错考察介词后加ding,nthing和sething却别,se+名词复数,固定搭配,连词,时态以及副词修饰动词等。虽然难度较小,但学生做题量不够,不能第一时间找出错点。本次试卷的作涉及题型为书面表达。题目较为简单。谈论喜欢的运动,但是学生普遍失分较多。 总体说本套题难易相宜,且非常贴合高考难度,质量较好。 英语考试分析 本次考试科英语被一区落下221分。从成绩上分析,问题主要集中在二卷,被落下3分。但是一卷也没有达到理想成绩。听力部分和完形填空部分失分较多,问题严重。二卷失分较严重。 附分数表 班级>100 90-100 80-90 70-80 平均分 三班7 9 9 13 786


Ⅱ. Grammar and V ocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper from of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. A Movie Review: The Wandering Earth In the near future, the sun is dying, leaving the freezing planet on the edge of destruction. __21__ is left of humanity is huddled in underground cities created with an eye-catching combination of steam-punk(蒸汽朋克), brutalist(野兽派的), and futurist influences by the production designer. The United Earth ?Government, __22__ is never seen and represented only by a French voice, has decided the only solution is to propel the planet to another galaxy 4.2 light years away. __23__ depends on 10,000 giant rocket thrusters being kept alight for the 2,500 - year journey. Liu Peiqiang, a widowed astronaut played with appropriate solemnity by “Wolf Warrior” series superstar Wu Jing, is sent to a space station and tasked with navigating Earth’s path through the solar system, leaving behind young so Liu Qi and father - in - law Han Zi’ang. Seventeen years later, Liu’s still in orbit, while Liu Qi (Qu Chuxiao) has become an angry young man and self-proclaimed genius who blames his mother’s early death __24__ his absent father. On the very day when his dad is due to finish stint and return home, Liu Qi and adopted teenage sister Duoduo sneak away to see the frozen surface for the first time. As they __25__ (take) in the spectacular sights of ice-covered Beijing, a major rocket thruster malfunction sends Earth into the gravitational pull of Jupiter. __26__ a miracle occurs in the next 37 hours, it will be Goodbye Earth. ...... ‘The Wandering Earth’ Chinese commercial cinema reaches a significant landmark with its first-ever sci-fi megahit. Director Frant Gwo’s adaptation of the 2000 novella by Liu Cixin is no genre classic, but its furious pace, spectacular visuals, and fanciful plot deliver decent escapist entertainment. After accumulating an astronomical $640 million - plus domestically - plus a tidy $5 million on limited North American screens - since Feb. 5, this display of capability from China’s commercial film sector was snapped up by Netflix for future release on the streaming giant’s platform. A hyperactive mixture of doomsday films ranging from ‘50s classic. “When Worlds Collide” to Micheal Bay’s bombastic “Armageddon” and, ___27___ (notably), lshiro Honda’s 1962


英语期末考试分析 一、试卷结构 本此考试时间为120分钟,分值为150分。由完形填空(30分)、阅读理解(34分)、任务型阅读训练(10分)、语法填空(15分)、单词拼写(20分)、短文改错(10分)书面表达(31分)部分组成。从试卷的整体看难度适中,基础知识部分注重对学生现阶段复习的语法知识点的考查,结构比较合理。 二.试题得分情况 高二理一最高分125分,高二文一班最高分139分,平均成绩为81和92。 三、试卷各大题得分情况统计 1、阅读理解A、B篇得分较好,这是教师和学生一阶段以来共同重视和努力的结果,也是同学们对所复习语法知识的积累的体现。这次阅读理解的文章题材多样,且篇幅较短,相对容易理解。A篇是广告类文字,选项一目了然。B篇是生存小常识,非常有趣,C篇是家庭教育故事,设题的角度也很直接,设题基本覆盖了阅读能力考查的几个方面,有细节题,主旨大意题,推理题,词义猜测题。学生得分情况较理想。

2、完型填空得分较差。重考查学生对篇章的理解能力和对所学语言知识的判断理解及综合运用能力。考虑到期中考试的目的除了检查学生半学期的掌握情况,更重要的是对学生起到鼓舞的作用,所以在挑选试题时就选了相对简单的学生又有背景知识的文章。选项单词集中在动词,形容词和连词三种词性,都是常规词汇,难易适中。这反映了学生对文章具体语境的揣测能力和对文章的整体理解、把握能力及对上下文的逻辑关系的判断能力都有待于进一步的加强;对于书面表达有一部分学生欠缺的端正的学习态度,再有就是基础词汇知识的太大的欠缺,再有就是对文章顺畅及谋篇布局的能力。 四、试卷主要失分题分析 1. 完形填空 完形填空是对学生综合语篇阅读和知识点考查,是对知识点的灵活运用。它要求学生快速浏览全文,从整体上把握文章的脉络,把握作者的思维轨迹,以获取最重要的信息。因此,对很多学生来说做好完形填空是较为困难的。期中考试的完形填空是一篇记叙文。它讲述一位在圣诞节到来之际,没有妈妈相伴的女孩如何在朋友的爱的感召下摆脱伤感的心境的故事。该内容贴近学生的生活,很有教育意义。对大多数学生而言,理解


2016-2017学年内蒙古乌兰察布市集宁一中西校区高二(下)期 末英语试卷 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节)第一节(满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.1.(6分)Many countries follow special custos when a child's baby teeth fall out.Many of these customs tell stories about animals taking the teeth. For example,Koreans have the custom of throwing the fallen tooth onto the roof of a house so that a magpie (喜鹊)can take the tooth away and bring a new tooth for the child.This custom is also followed by some other Asian countries,such as Japan and Vietnam. Other countries,though,have tooth customs about other animals.In Mexico and Spain,for example,it is thought that a mouse takes a fallen tooth away and leaves some money.But in Mongolia,it is dogs that take children's teeth away.Dogs are highly respected in Mongolian culture.It is believed that the new tooth will grow strong if the baby tooth is fed to a dog,so parents in Mongolia will puttheir children's fallen teeth in a piece of meat and feed it to a dog. In France and the USA,a child will put a fallen tooth under his or her pillow before going to bed.It is thought that in the early morning,when the child is still sleeping,the Tooth Fairy will take the tooth away and leave something else under the pillow.What she will leave is hard to know.It is said that in France the Tooth Fairy may leave some candies;however,in the United States,she may leave money. 1.In Vietnam,if a child's tooth falls out,he or she will. A.throw it onto the roof of a house B.feed it to a mouse C.put it in a piece of meat and feed the meat to a dog D.leave it to the Tooth Fairy 2.From the last paragraph,we can know that in France and the USA.


英语学科试卷分析 本次英语试卷的出题学校是鞍山一中,试题难度适中,符合目前我们学生的 学情,除了完形填空一题偏难之外,其他题目同学们都能正常发挥。在这次试卷 中,同学们最容易得分的部分是语法填空,改错还有作文。此次作文题目出的中 规中矩,让同学们有话可说,有句型可写,所以普遍得分在15 分以上。而失分 最多的部分是完形填空,因为文章内容抽象,选项中生词偏多,所以对于词汇量 一般的同学来说正确率只能达到百分之六十。此次考试,教师也和同学们同步答题,反应也和同学们一样,觉得完型对于现阶段的同学来说还是偏难,在理解上 有较大的困难。但是在此次考试中,也不乏有得高分的同学,最高分达到了142 分,文科前四十分的平均分也到达了120 分以上,与兄弟院校差距较小。由此说明英语尖子生还是非常的突出。 目前英语试卷的高考题采用的是全国卷二,难度较以往偏简单,但是拉分的 项目还是在于完形填空,因此在此题的难度设置上会有所提高,而此次试卷的出 题意图也和高考试卷的命题方向不谋而合。 针对现阶段高考命题的思路,下一步的工作还是要从扩大学生词汇量上入手, 夯实基础,在此之上,要加大学生的阅读量,巩固语法知识。除了要进行每周的 周测之外,还有有步骤的对全年级同学进行单词的测试。与此同时,还要提高作 文的写作能力。将阅读课与写作课相结合,从阅读中,获得灵感,启发写作思路, 积累句型。在接下来的一年半中,英语学科已经进入复习阶段,会让学生们更进 一步夯实基础,再对单项进行强化,达到质的飞跃。但是对于层次不同的同学,还 是要采取不同的教学方法。 100 份以上的同学,要强化阅读和完型,平时多布置这 方面的习题,把阅读错题量控制在两个以内,完型控制在三个以内。一百分以下 的同学,还是要加大词汇量,语法上进行强化。对于英语学科瘸腿的同学, 要进行单独约谈,从心理上着手,让他们克服心理障碍,改变学习态度,争取做 得更好。


浙江绍兴一中2016-2017学年高二上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 一、阅读理解 1、阅读理解 According to body language expert Robert Phipps, the way people sleep at night actually determines a lot about the type of personality they have. Phipps has identified four sleeping positions that affect personality. Phipps found that worriers, those who stress the most, tend to sleep in the fetal (胎儿的) position. He found that this is the most common bedtime position, with nearly 58 percent of people sleeping on their side with knees up and head down. The more we curl up (蜷曲), the more comfort we are seeking, according to Phipps. The second most common position is the log. Sleeping with a straight body, with arms at each side, as if they are standing guard at Buckingham Palace, indicates stubbornness, and these people (the 28 percent who sleep this way) often wake up stiffer than when they went to sleep. “The longer you sleep like this, the more rigid your thinking is and you can become inflexible, which means you make things harder for yourself,” according to Phipps. Yearner (向往) sleepers are next on the list. About 25 percent of people sleep in this style—on their side with arms stretched out in front, looking as if they are either chasing a dream or perhaps being chased themselves. Yearners are typically their own worst critics, always expecting the best results, explained Phipps. These people often wake up refreshed and eager to face the challenges of the day ahead. Perhaps the most peculiar (奇怪的) of sleep styles is the freefaller position. This sleep style makes up 17 percent of the population. They sleep face down with arms stretched out. These people, according to Phipps, feel like they have little control over their life. Not only is this the strangest of sleep styles, but also the least comfortable, and people may wake up feeling tired and have no energy. Inconclusion, Phipps has only one more thing to add: “A good night's sleep set you up for the following day and our sleeping positions can determine how we feel when we wake.” 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案,并将选定答案的字母标号填在题前括号内。 (1)Which sleeping position indicates that the sleeper tends to seek perfection? A、The fetal position. B、The log position. C、The yearner position. D、The freefaller position. (2)Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? A、A good night's sleep sets you up for the following day B、Your personality depends a lot on how you sleep at night C、How you sleep at night affects what you do the next day D、Which sleeping position helps you sleep comfortably 2、阅读理解 Our room was on the second floor but you could still hear the roar of the ocean and see the stars at night. I

上海市上海中学2017-2018学年高二上学期开学考试英语试卷 Word版含解析

2017-2018学年上海中学高二第一学期开学测试 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the other answer that best completes the sentence. 25.Excuse me,would you please tell me . A.when the sports meet is taken place B.when is the sports meet going to be held C.when is the sports meet to begin D.when the sports meet is to take place 26.Time flies like an arrow,and time lost . A.never has returned B.never returned C.never returns D.is never returning 27.If the factory the river,there will be no fish in it soon. A.left polluting B.leaving polluting C.is left polluting D.leaves to pollute 28.What really flatters a man is you think him worth flattering. A.that B.whether C.what D.how 29.Time tries friends fire tries gold. A.when B.as C.like D.what 30.I have pleasure in introducing to you the man without generosity your club would cease to exist. A.whose B.that C.which D.this 31.Learning is a natural pleasure,inborn and instinctive, of the essential pleasures of the human race. A.which B.one C.each D.any 32.In the past decade ,geologists have come loser than ever to the age of the earth. A.calculate B.calculating C.be calculating D.have calculated 33.He insisted on Dr.Turner instead of Mr.Turner. A.his being called B.him to be called C.his calling D.him to call 34.There something wrong with the engine of the car,we had to go to the park by taxi. A.having been B.being C.is D.was 35.A person who begins a job that he isn?t going to like it or is sure that he is going to fail is exhibiting a weakness which can only hold back his success. A.convinces B.convince C.convinced D.convincing 36.Optimism and pessimism are both powerful forces ,and each of us must choose we want to shape our outlook and our expectations. A.what B.which C.that D.when 37.There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home all the greatest virtues of human society are created,strengthened, and maintained. A.that B.where C.which D.with 38.As we go into the new century,we need to be ready to go with the winds of trust,conscience and intuition, we are open to the unexpected and are alert and are adaptable,life will become a wonderful journey.


高二下学期英语期末考试英语试卷 一、阅读理解 1. 阅读理解 Low-cost Gifts for Mother’s Day Gift No. 1 Offer to be your mother’s healthfriend. Promise to be there for all doctor’s visits whether she has a diseaseor needs a regular medical check-up. Most mothers always say there is no need,but another set if eyes and ears is always a good idea at a doctor’s visit. Thebest part? This one is free. Gift No. 2 Help your mother organize all of hermedical records, which include the test results and medical information. Putthem all in one place. Be sure to make a list of all of her medicines and whattime she takes them. “Having all this information in one place could endup saving your mother’s life,” Dr. Marie Savard said. Gift No. 3 Enough sleep is connected with generalhealth conditions. “Buy your mother cotton sheets and comfortable pillowsto encourage better sleep,” Savard said. “We know that good sleep isvery important to our health.” Gift No. 4 Some gift companies such as Presentsfor Purpose allow you to pay it


2008扬州市高三英语二模试卷分析 2008-5-5 一、总体评价 (一)试卷特点 扬州市第二次模拟考试英语卷采用了苏、锡、常、镇四市联考的试卷,在题型、词汇范围、分值、侧重点等方面与一模保持一致,但难度有所降低,这份试卷更贴近高考,透着时代气息。 总体来说,二模试卷有以下几个特点: 第一、较好地体现08年江苏高考英语《考试说明》的主要精神,突出对实际运用英语能力的考查,阅读理解中突出了对文学作品的欣赏。注重考查学生交际、获取信息和应用信息的能力。如单选题不是纯粹的考语法知识,而是更加侧重通过设置一个语境,让考生从语境中选择出正确答案。 第二、强调了对基础知识和基本技能的掌握。试卷在单选和写作部分都突出了对基本词汇的使用和基本句型的掌握的检查,偏、难、怪题几乎没有。 第三、阅读理解部分突出了对思维能力的考查。学生在做题时要善于观察、分析、推理、概括。如果没有一定的归纳能力,即使看懂了文章,也很难确定正确答案。这类题目较为全面地考查了学生的综合能力。 第四、具有强烈的时代气息。完形填空是08年热点话题--奥运会,学生必须了解这种具有时代气息的国家大事,才能较好地完成试卷,这也是新课标的要求。 (二)试卷得分情况统计 试题各项得分情况如下表: 表一:各分项均分统计 由上表可知,本次考试中得分率由高到低排列如下:听力、任务型阅读、阅读理解、完形填空、书面表达和单选。最低的是书面表达和单选,而这两项最能反映学生的书本基础是否扎实;听力和任务型阅读得分率非常相近,反映出学生对输入信息的反应和处理能力较强;完形填空的得分率也较低。 二. 试卷分析 (一) 听力部分 表二:听力各小题得分统计(全市考生) 本次听力测试语速恰当,难度适宜,考生都能接受,反映很好。在设题上侧重考查学生在规定时间内对所听到的语言材料的反应能力和理解能力。证明学生已经具备了在一定语境或情景所表现出的快速反应、推理判断能力。错误率最高的19题考查了学生听取地名和归类的能力,难度较高,学生听不出来情有可原;但第10题考查学生对说话人语气的把握,对话中的爸爸说道:“My god! Where do you suppose I can find them?”由此可以推断出平时是妈妈在照顾全家。


20XX年高中测试 高 中 试 题 试 卷 科目: 年级: 考点: 监考老师: 日期:

第I卷(三部分共115分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the woman mean? A. She praises the boy. B. She likes more cake C. She will give another cake to the boy. 2. How does the man find the woman? A. She is neither pretty nor ugly. B. She is very pretty. C. She is very ugly. 3. What do you know from the dialogue? A. God always stays at their home when the father gets home. B. God is in the bathroom when the father knocks at the door. C. Bathroom is always used when the father wants to use it. 4. What does the woman mean? A. She'd like a sandwich. B. She has


高平市特立中学高中新课程模块结业考试 试卷质量分析(英语必修5) 一、本次考试的基本情况 1.试题结构: 试题结构表(本试卷共100分) 题型内容分值(分)得分情况第一部分听力测试分三节20 集中在10到15分之间第二部分知识运用分两节 30 集中在15到25分之间 (单项填空 与完形填空) 30 集中于15分到20分之间 第三部分阅读理解主观阅读与 客观阅读 第四部分写作分两节20 集中于10到15分之间 第一卷:合计共十节100 50到75分之间 2.考试情况 第一部分:对于高二学生而言,英语听力是一个薄弱点,多数学生受高考听力所占比重下降的影响,平时思想上没能高度重视,导致这次听力得分普遍较低,真正听懂的题更是少数, 分值集中于10分左右,15到20分之间的学生凤毛麟角。 第二部分:知识运用这一部分是对学生基础知识及综合运用能力的考查,多数学生基础比 较薄弱,所以是学生英语考试的重灾区,部分学生在牢固掌握基础知识的基础上在理论转化为实践的过程中二者出现了脱节现象,失分现象比较严重,学生得分集中在15到25分之间。 第三部分阅读理解这一部分分为主观阅读与客观阅读,客观阅读生词量不是很大,完全符合新大纲对词汇的要求,理解不是很困难,部分学生由于时间安排不合理导致阅读理解时间过于紧张,没能认真完成阅读任务,导致失分较多,多数学生分数集中于15分到20分之间。 第四部分写作这一部分分为连词成句和作文两小节,第一小节较之去年课外的句子有所 增加,难度也有所加大,学生基本得分3分,主要受汉语思维的影响,组成的句子不合乎英语语法的要求。第二小节作文,本次题目较简单:How to Learn English Well ,这个问题

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