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A/D Analogue to Digital Converter**模数转换

AA Auto-Answer**自动应答

AA1Adaptive Antenna**自适应天线,一种天线提供直接指向目标的波束,能AA2Assert Acknowledge**断言应答

AAA Authentication,Authorization,Accounting**认证、授权和计费

AAD Address Adder**地址加法器

AB Address Bus**地址总线

AB1Arithmetic Bus**运算总线

ABC Automation of Bibliography through Computerzation**计算机化自动编ABR Available Bit Rate**可用比特率

AC Access Control**存储控制

AC1Address Carry**地址进位

AC2Access Cycle**存储周期

AC3Add Carry**加法进位

AC4the Atlantic Cable**大西洋海底电缆

AC5Authentication Centre**鉴权中心

AC6Access Code**存储码

ACCH Associated Control Channel**随路控制信道

ACD Automatic Call Distribution**自动呼叫分配

A-CDMA Asynchronous Code Division Multiple Access**异步码分多址

ACI Adjacent-Channel Interference**邻频干扰

ACIR Adjacent Channel Interference Ratio**邻信道干扰比


ACL Asynchronous Connectionless Link**异步无连接

ACLR Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio**邻信道泄漏比

ACLR1Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio**邻信道泄漏功率比

ACLR2Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio**邻信道泄漏比

ACLR3Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio**邻信道泄漏功率比

acoustic amplitude logger acoustic amplitude logger**声波幅度测井仪

acoustic amplitude logger1acoustic amplitude logger**声波幅度测井仪

ACP Adjacent Channel Power**邻道功率

ACP1Adjacent Channel Power**邻道功率

acquisition time acquisition time**取数据时间

acquisition time1acquisition time**取数据时间

ACR Average Cell Rate**平均信元率

ACR1Allowed Cell Rate**允许的信元率

ACR2Average Cell Rate**平均信元率

ACU Antenna Combining Unit**天线组合单元

ACU1Acknowledgement Signal Unit**证实信号单元 表示正确地或

ACU2Antenna Control Unit**天线控制器

ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter**摸数转换器

ADC;DAMPS North America digital cellular system**北美数字蜂窝系统

ADFE Automatic Decree Feedback Equalizer**自适应判决反馈均衡器 一种利ADM Add Drop Multiplexer**分插复用器,一种新型的网络单元,将同步复用ADM1Add-Drop Multiplexer**上/下路复用器

ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation**自适应差分脉冲编码调ADR Analogue-Digital Recorder**模拟-数字记录器

ADR1Address Digit Receiver**数字地址接收器

ADR2Advisory Route**建议路由

ADR3Analogue Data Recognition**模拟数据识别

ADRC Automatic Call Distribution Remote Capture**自动呼叫分配(分布)ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line**不对称数字用户线

ADSL2Asymetric Digital Subscriber Loop**非对称数字用户环路技术

ADSS All Dielectric self-support**全介质自承式光缆 主要应用在强电场合AEB Analog Expansion Bus**模拟扩展总线

AEIR Application Entity Installer and Remover**应用实体安装和拆除

AFC Automatic Frequency Control**自动频率控制

AFT Automatic Frequency Tune**自动频率调谐

AG Audio Gateway**语音网关

AGC Automatic Gain Control**自动增益控制

AGCH Access Grant Channel**允许接续信道

AIS Alarm Indication Signal**告警指示信号

AIUR Air Interface User Rate**空中接口用户速率

AJ Anti-Jamming**抗干扰

AKA Authentication and Key Agreement**鉴权和密钥同意

alarm summery panel alarm summery panel**报警汇总画面

ALC Auto Level Control**自动电平控制

ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown**自动激光关闭 在再生段光缆断开的情况下,ALT Automatic Link Transfer**自动链路转移

AM/CM Administration Module/Communication Module**管理/通信模块

AM1Amplitude Modulation**振幅调制

AM-ADDR Active Member Address**活动的成员地址

AMI Aliernate Mark Inversion Code**交替传号反转码

AMI1Alternate Mark Inversion**信号交替反转码 一种数字传输中常用的编码AMPS Aduanced Mobile Phone System**高极移动电话系统

AMPS 2Advanced Mobile Phone Institute**先进移动电话业务

AMR Automatic Meter Reading**自动抄表

AMR1Adaptive Multi Rate**自适应多速率

AMRC Adaptive Multirate Codec**自适应多码率编译码器

AN1Access Node**接入节点

ANSI1American National Standard Institute**美国国家标准局

AN-SMF AN system management function**接入网系统管理功能

AN-SMF1Access Network System Management Function**接入网系统管理功能ANT1Antenna**天线

AON Active Optical Network**有源光网络,属于一点对多点的光通信网络,AON1All Optical Net**全光网 就是网中直到端用户节点之间的信号通道仍然AON2All Optical Network**全光纤网络

AOWC All Optical Wave Converter**全光波长转换器 是指不经过电域处理,直AP1Access Point**接入点

APD1Avalanche Diode**雪崩光电二极管 利用雪崩倍增效应使光电流得到倍增APD2Avalanche Photo Detector**雪崩光电探测器

API Application Programming Interface**应用编程接口

APOC Advanced Paging Operator Code**先进寻呼操作码

APON ATM Passive Optical Network**无源光网络,一种结合ATM多业务多比特APON1ATM-Based PON**ATM无源光网络

APP A Posteriori Probability**后验概率

APR1Automatic Programming and Recording**自动程序设计与记录

APR2Automatic Position Reporting**自动位置报告

APS Automatic Protection Switching**自动保护倒换

APSK Absolute Phase Shift Keying**绝对相移键控

AR Alternative Routing**迂回路由选择

AR1Agent Request**代理请求

AR2Access Rate**接入率

ARA Average Response Amplitude**平均响应幅度

AR-ADDR Access Request Address**访问请求地址

ARB All Routes Busy**路由全忙

ARC Automatic Remote Control**自动遥控

ARC1Alternative Route Cancel**消除迂回路由

ARDT Automatic Remote Data Terminal**自动远端数据终端

ARF Access to the Resources Function**资源访问功能

ARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number**完全的无线频率信道号码ARFCN1Absolute RF Channel Number**绝对频道号 以整数表示的绝对射频信道号ARI Access Rights Identity**存取权识别

ARIB Association of Radio Industry Businesses**无线行业企业协会

ARL Acceptable Reliability Level**合格的可靠性(标准)

ARM1Asynchronous Response Mode**异步应答方式

ARP Address Resolution Protocol**地址解析协议

ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency**(美)高级研究计划署

ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network**(美)高级研究计划署网络ARPANETq Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork**(美国国防部)高级研究ARPS Advanced Real-Time Processing System**高级实时处理系统

ARQ Automatic Repeat Request**自动重复请求

ARS Address Resolution Server**地址解析服务器

ART1Alarm Reporting Telephone**报警电话

ARTq Average Restoration Time**平均恢复时间

AS1Anti-Spoofing**反电子欺骗 通过对P码进行加密处理,防止非授权用户干ASCI Advanced Speed Call**GSM phaseII+ 标准指定的新业务,其中包括优先ASE Application Service Element**应用服务单元 在单个应用联系上对一指ASEAT Autoregressive Spectral Estimation Acquisition Technique**自回归ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit**专用集成电路

ASK Amplitude Shift Keying**振幅键控(幅移键控)

ASK1Amplitude Shift Keying,Amplitude Shift modulation**幅移键控ASN.1Abstract Syntax Notation One**抽象语法定义,在采用开放系统OSI通信ASON Automatic Switched Optical Network**自动交换光网络

ASP1Application Service Provider**应用服务提供商

ASR1Automatic Send-Receiver**自动收发机

ASR2Automatic Send and Receive**自动收发

ASR3Automatic Speech Recognition**自动语音识别

ASR4Answer Seizure Ratio**应答占用率

ASR5Access Service Request**访问业务请求

ASRTE Alternative Select Route**迂回选择路由

ASTN Automatic Switched Transport Network**自动交换传送网

ATI Automatic Transmitter Identification**自动发射机识别

ATM Alternative Test Method**(光纤、光缆)替代测试法(ATM)

ATM 2Asynchronous Transfer Mode**异步传输模式

ATM1asynachronous transfer model**同步传输模式

ATME automatic transmission measuring and signalling testing equipmen atmosphere Personal Digital Cellular**个人数字蜂窝系统

ATPC Automatic Transfer Power Control**自动发信功率控制 技术的要点是微ATR Asynchronous Transfer Region**异步转移(传递)区

ATR1Answer To Reset**回答到复位

ATR2Answering Time Recorder**应答时间记录器

ATR3Automatic Traffic Recorder**自动话务量记录器

ATU Adapter Unit**适配单元

ATU-C ADSL transceiver unit,central office end**ADSL局端发送接收单元 位ATU-T ADSL transceiver unit,remote terminal end**ADSL远端发送接收单元 ATU-T1ADSL transceiver unit,remote terminal end**ADSL远端发送接收单元ATX AteXternal**是由Intel 公司首创以提升微机主板整体性能的

AU Access Unit**访问单元

AU1Administrative Unit**管理单元,提供高阶通道层和复用段层之间适配功AUC Authentication Center**鉴权中心

AUG Administrative Unit Group**管理单元组

AUL Average Useful Life**平均使用寿命

AU-n Administrative Unit-n**管理单元

auroral Packet Randem Access Channel**分组随机接入信道

AVL Average Voice Level**平均话音电平

AVL1Automatic Vehicle Location system**自动车辆定位系统 车队的某一车AWF All Wave Fiber**全波光纤 消除了光纤1383nm的水峰,这样就在1350-1 AWG Array Waveguide Grating**阵列波导光栅

AWG1array wave guide**阵列式波导光栅

AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise**加性高斯白噪声

BA Booster(power) Amplifier**光功率放大器 可补偿光复用器的损耗,提高BA1Booster Amplifier**光功率放大器,可补偿光复用器的损耗,提高入纤功BAIC Barring of All Incoming Calls supplementary service**限制所有呼入BAOC Barring of All Outgoing Calls supplementary service**限制所有呼出BB Baseband**基带

BBER Background Block Error Ratio**背景误块比 对于一个确定的测试时间而BBS Bulletion Board System**电子公告栏

BC Billing Center**计费中心

BCC Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Colour Code**基站代码

BCCH Broadcast Control Channel**广播控制信道

BCD Binary Coded Decimal**二进制编码的十进制

BCH Bose,Chaudhuri&Hocquenghem Type of code**博斯-乔赫里-霍克文黑姆BCH1Broadcast Channel**广播信道

BCJR Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv**算法

BCP BTS Control Processor**BTS控制处理器

BDPSK Binary Differential Phase Shift Keying**二相差分相移键控

BER BIT ERROR RATIO**误比特率 二值信号的差错比值。注:过去惯称为误码BER1Bit Error Rate**误码率

BFSK Binary Frequency Shift Keying**二进制频移键控

BF或 BPF Band-pass Filter**带通滤波器

BG Border Gateway**边缘网关

BGP Border Gateway Protocol**边缘网关协议

BGRAN Broadband Generalized Radio Access Network**通用宽带无线接入网络BH Bury Heterogeneous**掩埋异质结

BHCA Busy Hour call atternpt**忙时呼叫

BHCA1Busy hour call attempts**一天中容纳的最大话务量的一小时里,用户试BIC-Roam Barring of Incoming Calls when Roaming Outside the Home PLMN Cou BITEs Backward Interworking Telephone Events**后向互通电话事件

BLADES Buffalo Laboratories Application of Digitally Exact Spectra**数字BLER Block Error Ratio**块误码率,误块率

BLER1Block Error Rates**块误码率

Bluetooth Bluetooth**蓝牙(一种无线局域网)标准 由设备制造商联合制定的一种BMU Basic Measurement Unit**基本测量单位

BOIC-exHC Barring of Outgoing International Calls except those directed to bps1bits per second**位每秒

Bps2bytes per second**比特每秒

BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying**二进制相移键控

BPT British Post and Telecommunication Standard**英国邮政与电信标准BR Basic Rate**基本速率,ITU-T定义为窄带ISDN的一种速率,也BR1Binding Request**绑定请求

BRA Basic Rate Access**基群速率

BRAS Broadband Remote Acces Server**宽带接入服务器

BRAS1Broadband Remote Access Server**宽带远程接入服务器

Brew1Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless**无线应用下载

BRI Basic Rate Interface**基群速率接口(北美和日本)

BS Base Station**基站

BSC Binary Symmetric Channel**二进制对称信道

BSC1Base Station Controller**基站控制器

BSC2Base Site Controller**基站控制器

BSID Base Station Identity Code**基站识别码

BSMAP BS Mobile Application Part**基站移动应用部分

BSR Bootstrap Router**引导路由器

BSS Broadcasting Satellite Service**广播卫星业务

BSS1Base Station System**基站子系统

BSSAP Base Station System Application Part**基站子系统应用部分

BSSGP Base Station System GPRS Protocol**基站子系统GPRS协议

BSSMAP Base Station System Management Application Part**基站子系统管理应BT Bandwidth Time**带宽时间

BTC block turbo codes**分组turbo码,是turbo码一个新的发展方向

BTO Blocking-Tube Oscillator**电子管间歇振荡器

BTS Base Transceiver Station**基站收发信机

C Band 4 GHz to 6 GHz**C波段(4GHz到6GHz)

C Band1 C Band**C波带 即工作波长在1525~1560nm范围内,带宽约35nm。

C Container C Container**C 容器 装载各种速率业务信号的信息结构,表示为C-n(11 C/Ku-Band Compatible C/Ku-Band Compatible**C/K波段兼容

CA Cell Allocation**小区分配

CA0Computer assisted ordering**基于库存和客户需求信息,利用计算机进CAC Channel Access Code**信道访问码

CAD1Computer Aided Design**计算机辅助设计

CAE Computer Aided Engineering**计算机辅助工程

CAI Computer-assisted instruction**计算机辅助教学

CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing**计算机辅助制造

CAMEL1Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic**移动网CAP1Carrierless Amplitude and Phase Modulation**无线波调幅与调相

CAS Channel Associated Signaling**随路信令

CAS1Conditional Access System**条件接收系统

CATV Cable Antenna Television**有线电视 利用通信线路向用户提供电视节目CATV1Cable Television OR Community Antenna Television**有线电视

CB Cell Broadcast**小区广播

CBR Constant Bit Rate**固定比特率

CBSR Candidate BSR**后选BSR

CC Copper Cable**铜线电缆

CC1Country Code**国家码

CC2Call Control**呼叫控制

CCBS Completion of Call to Busy Subscribers**对忙时用户的再呼叫

CCCH Common Control Channel**公用控制信道

CCH Control Channel**控制信道

CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee**国际无线电咨询委员会CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee**国CCITT1Consultative Committee, International Telegraph and Telephone**国CCP Call Control Processor**呼叫控制处理器

CCR Continuity-check--request signal**请求导通检验信号

CCS Common Channel Signaling**共路信令

CCTrCH Coded Composite Transport Channel**编码合成传输信道

CD-I CD-Interactive**交互式光盘

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access**码分多址

CDPD Cellular Digital Packet Data**蜂窝分组数据系统

CDR Call Detail Record**呼叫详细记录

CD-ROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory**只读CD存储器

CDTV Commodore Dynamic Total Vision**Commodore公司的动态全视视盘CDVT Cell Delay Variation Tolerance**信元时延变化容限 建立ATM连接时业CEIR Central Equipment Identitity Rejester**中心设备识别寄存器

CELP Code Excited Linear Prediction**码激线性预测

CEPT Conference of European Post and Telecommunication Administration

CERNET CHINA Education Research Network**中国教育科研网络

CFNRc Call Forward when No Reachable**遇移动以后不可及呼叫前转

CFNRy Call Forward when No Reply**无应答呼叫前转

CFNRy1Call Forwarding on No Reply**无应答呼叫前转


CFS Container freight station**拼箱货物拆箱、装箱、办理交接的场所CFU Call Forwarding Unconditional**无条件呼叫前转

CG1Charging Gateway**计费网关

CGA Color Graphic Adapter**彩色图形适配器

CGF Charging Gateway Function**计费网关功能

CGI Common Gateway Interface**公用网关接口

CGM Circuit group supervision message**电路群监视消息

CGSA Cellular Geographic Service Area**蜂窝地理服务区域,即系统运营商CHESS1Correlated Hopping Enhanced Spread Spectrum**增强型相关跳频扩频Chirp1Chirp**啁啾 当单纵模激光器工作于直接调制时,注入电流的变化会引起CHS cylinder/head/sector**(磁盘的)柱面/磁头/扇区

CI Command Identifier**命令标识符



CIR Carrier to Interference Ratio**载波干扰比(载干比〕

CIRC Cross-interleave Reed-Solomom Code**交叉交织RS编码

CLIR Calling Line Identification Restrication**主叫号码识别限制

CLIR1Calling Line Identification Restriction**主叫线识别限制

CMIP Common Management Interface Protocol**公共管理接口协议

CMIP1Common Management Information Protocol**公共管理信息协议,是OSI网CMIS Common Management Information Service**公共管理信息服务

CMISE Common Management Information Service Element**公共管理信息服务元CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor**互补金属氧化物半导体CMRS Cellular Mobile Radiotelephone Service**蜂窝式移动无线电话业务CMTS Cable Modem Termination System**电缆调制调器终结系统

CN Core Network**核心网

CNR(C/N )(Carrier to Noise Ration)**载噪比

CNR1Carrier to Noise Ratio**载噪比,在没有经过任何调制之前,载波电平CO1Central Office**中心局


CODEC1Coder Decoder**编解码器

COF Ciphering Offset**加密补偿

COFDM Coded Orthogonal Frequency Devision Multiplexing**编码正交频分复CoLR Connected Line Identification Restriction**被叫线识别限制COMSAT Communications Satellite Corporation**美国通信卫星公司

COMSAT1Communication Satellite Corp.**(美)通信卫星公司

COO1Cell Of Origin**源小区

CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture**公共对象请求代理体系结COR-PSK Correlative Phase Shift Keying**相关相移键控

COT Central Office Terminal**局端机

CP Circular Polarization**圆极化

CP1Cross Polarization**交叉极化。两个天线系统使用相同的频率,但一个CPFSK Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying**连续相位频移键控

CPM Continuous Phase Modulation**连续相位调制


CPU1Central Processing Unit**中央处理器

CPW Circular Polargation Wave**圆极化波

CQT Call Quality Test**呼叫质量拨打测试

CR Call Reference**呼叫参考值

CR1Connect Request**连接请求

CRA Circuit group Reset--Acknowledgement message**电路群复原证实消息CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check**循环冗余校验码

CRC1Cyclic Redundancy Code**循环冗余编码

CRP Continuous replenishment program**连续库存补充计划

CRS Circuit group Reset message**电路群复原消息

CS Circuit Switched**电路交换

CS1Communication Satellite**通信卫星

CSA Carrier Service Area Or Carrier Serving Area**电信公司服务区或营CSA1Carrier Service Area Or Carrier Serving Area**电信公司服务区或营CS-ACELP Conjugate Structure-Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction**共CSC Cell Site Controllor**小区控制器

CSCW Computer Supported Cooperative Work**计算机支持的协同工作

CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access**载波检测多址(CSMA)

CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance**载波侦听CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection**载波侦听CSMF Common Single Mode Fiber**单模光纤 满足ITU-T.G.652要求的单模光纤CSPDN Circuit Switched Public Data Network**电路交换公共数据网

CT Call Transfer**(对第三者)呼叫转移

CT-2Cordless Telephone System Second Generation**第二代无绳电话系统CTI Computer Telecommunication Integration**计算机电信集成

CTI1Computer Telephony Integration**计算机通讯集成

CTIA Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association**蜂窝电信工业协CTP Cordless Telephony Profile**无绳电话应用

CTP1computer to print**计算机直接印刷

CTR Common Technical Regulation**通用技术规定

CTS communications and trackingsubsystem**通信及跟踪子系统

CUG Closed User Group**闭合用户群

CVSD Continuous Variable Slope Delta Modulation**连续可变斜率增量调制CVSD1Continuously Variable Slope Delta modulation**连续可变斜率增量调CW Call Waiting**呼叫待时 在通信过程中,保留原有的通信对方,应答新入CW1continuous wave(transmission)**连续波 [传输]

D/A Digital/Analog Conversion**数字模拟转换

D/C Down Convertor**下变频器

DAB1Digital Audio Broadcast**数字音频广播

DAC Device Access Code**设备访问码

DAC1Digital-to-Analog Conventer**数模转换器

DAC2Digital to Analogue Converter**数模转换


DAMA Demand Assignment Multiple Access**按申请分配-多址联接

DAMPS Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System**数字先进移动电话系统

D-AMPS Digital-Advanced Mobile Phone System**北美数字式进阶移动电话系统DAP Digital Access Protocol**数 字 访 问 协 议

DAV Data Above Voice (transmission)**话上数据[传输]

DAVID1Digital Audio/Video Interactive Decoder**数字音频/视频交互式译码Db1deciBel**分贝,表示对数比例值

DBF Digital Beam Forming**数字波束行成

dBi dB antenna gain relative to anisotroppoc source**天线的增益(相对DBR Distribute Bragg Reflection**分布布拉格反射

DBS Direct Broadcasting Satellite Service**直播卫星业务

DBS1Direct Broadcast Satellite**直播卫星

dBW dB power relative to one mili watt**相对于1W的功率的dB值

DC Direct Current**直流

DCA Dynamic Channel Assignment**动态信道分配

DCCH Dedicated Control Channel**专用控制信道

DCCH1Digital Control Channel**数字控制信道

DCE Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment**数据电路端接设备

DCE/DTE data terminal equipment/ data circuit terminating equipment**数据DCF Dispersion Compensating Fiber**色散补偿单模光纤 是具有大的负色散DCF1Dispersion Compensation Fiber**色散补偿光纤

DCH Dedicated Channel**专用信道

DCI Default Check Initialization**缺省的检错初始值

DCME-ADPCM Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment Adaptive Differential P DCN Data Communication Network**数据通信网

DCS Digital Cross-connect System**数字交叉连接系统

DCS1800Digital Cellular System at 1800MHz**1800MHz数字蜂窝系统

DDL Double Dither Loop**双抖动环

DDN Digital Data Network**数字数据网

DDN1Digital Date Network**数字数据网


DDS Direct Digital Synthesizer**直接数字式频率合成器


DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication**数字增强型无绳通信DECT1Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications**数字增强无绳电话DECT2Digital European Cordless Telephone**泛欧数字无绳电话系统

Demod Demodulation**解调

DEMUX De-Multiplexer**解复用器


DFB Distributed Feedback**分布反馈

DFF Dispersion-flattened Fiber**色散平坦光纤 将从1.3um到1.55um的较宽DFH Differential Frequency Hopping**差分跳频

DFT Discrete Fourier Transform**离散傅立叶变换

DG Differential Gain**微分增益

DGPS Difference Global Positioning System**差分全球定位系统

DH Data-High Rate Data**高速率数据

DH1Double Heterogeneous**双异质结

DHCP Dynamical Host Configure Protocol**动态主机配置协议

DHCP1Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol**动态宿主配置协议

DHTML Dynamic HTML**动态HTML文件

DIAC Devoted Inquiry Access Code**专用查询识别码

dielectric test dielectric test**介质试验 绝缘试验

DIY do it yourself**自己动手作

DL Data Link (layer)**数据链路层

DLC Digital Loop Carrier**数字用户线路倍增器

DLL1Delay-Locked Loop**延迟锁定环

DLL2dynamic link library**动态链接库

DM Data-Medium Rate Data**中速率数据

DMA Direct Memory Access**直接存储器存取

DMC Discrete Memoryless Channel**离散无记忆信道

DMT discrete multitone**离散多载波

DNS Domain Name System**域名系统

DNS1Domain Name System Server**域名服务器

DoCoMo Do Communication More**沟通更多一种移动通讯创新服务模式

DOCSIS Data over Cable Sevice Interface Specification**电缆数据业务接口Domsat Domestic Communi-Salellile**国内通信卫星

DPCCH Dedicated Physical Control Channel**专用物理控制信道

DPDCH Dedicated Physical Data Channel**专用物理数据信道

Dpi dots per inch**每英寸点数

DPN Digtial Packet Network**数 字 分 组 网

DPSK Differential Phase Shift Keying**差分相移键控

DPT Dynamic Packet Transport**动态包传输技术。这是CISCO公司提出的一种


DPX Diplexer**双工器

DQPSK Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying**差分四相相移键控

DR Diversity Receiver**分集接收 分集接收就是将相关性较小的(即同时发DRP Distribution requirements planning**配送需求计划

DRP1Distrlbution resource planning**配送资源计划


DRX Discontinuous Reception**非连续的接收

DS Digital Section**数字段

DSA Digital Signature Algorithm**数字签名算法

DSB double sideband**双边带

DSCH Dedicated Shared CHannel**专用共享信道

DSF Dispersion-Shifted Fiber**色散移位光纤 称为1550nm性能最佳单模光纤DSI Digital Speech Interpolation**数字话音插空

DSL Digital Subscriber Line**数字用户线

DSP Digital Signal Processor**数字信号处理器

DSP1device stop**设备停止

DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum**直接序列扩频

DST device start**设备启动 使指定的终端设备启动。

DSU Digital Service Unit**数字业务单元

DSU-R Digital Service Unit-Radio**用户无线数字业务单元是双向数字用户无DT Data Terminal**数据终端

DTAM Document Transfer And Mainpulation user**文件传送和管理操作用户DTAP Direct Transfer Application Part**直接传送应用部分

DTCH Dedicated Transmission CHannel**专用传输信道

DTE Data Terminal Equipment**数据终端设备

DTH Directive To Home**直接到家

DTM Dynamic Synchronous Transfer Mode**动态同步传送模式。一种基于高速DTMF Dual-Tone Multifrequency System**双音多频制

DTMF1Dual-Tone Multifrequency Signaling**双音多频信号


DTS1Digital Test Sequence**数字测试序列

DTX Discontinuous Transmission**非连续发信

DUT Device Under Test**测试中设备

DUV Data Under Voice (transmission)**话下数据[传输]

DUV1Data Under Voice(transmission)**话下数据[传输]

DV Data Voice**数据语音

DVB Digital Video Broadcasting**数字视频广播

DVD Digital Video Disk**数字多功能光盘

DW Device Wait**设备等待 使指定的终端设备暂停。

DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing**密集波分复用

DWDM1Dense Wave length Division Multiplexing**密集波分复用 是利用不同DWDM2Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexer**高密度波长多工分工器

DXC Digital cross connect equipment**数字交叉连接器 具有一个或多个准DXC1Digitak Cross Connect Equipment**数字交叉连接器。具有一个或多个准E/O Electrical/Optical**电光信号转换器

E/O1Electronic/Optical Conversion**电/光转换

E0S Electronic order system**不同组织间利用通讯网络和终端设备以在线联EA Electricity Absorb Modulation**电吸收调制器 损耗调制器,工作在调E-ADPCM Embedded Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation**嵌入式自适EB Error Block**误块 在SDH网络中对于高比特率通道的误码性能是以块,即EBU European Broadcasting Union**欧洲广播联盟

EC Electronic Commerce**电子商务

Ec/No Ratio of energy per modulating bit to the noise spectral density

ECC Embedded Control Channel**嵌入控制通路 传递网管信息的嵌入式控制通ECF Excentric Core Fiber**偏心光纤

ECL Emitter Coupled Logic**射极耦合逻辑

ECM Electronic Countermeasures**电子对抗

ECR Efficient customer response**有效客户反应

ECS European Communications Satellite**欧洲通信卫星

EDACS Enhanced Digital Access Communications System**加强的数字接入通信EDFA Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier**掺铒光纤放大器 制作光纤时,采用特殊EDFL Erbium-doped Fiber Laser**掺铒光纤激光器 光纤激光器的一种,其出射EDFL1Erbium Doped Fiber Laser**掺铒光纤激光器

EDGE Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution**GSM演进的增强型数据率

EDI Electronic data interchange**通过电子方式,采用标准化的格式,利用EDI1Electronic Date Interchange**电子数据交换:是将贸易、生产、运输、edu edu**网址后缀为edu为教育网站

EEP Equal Error Protection**同等的错误保护

EFS error free seconds**无差错秒

EIA Electronic Engineers Association**电子工业协会

EIR Equipment Identifier Register**设备识别寄存器

EIR1Equipment Identity Register**设备标识寄存器

EIRP effective isotropic radiated power**有效全向辐射功率

EIRP1Effective Isotropic Radiation Power**等效全向辐射功率

EIRP2Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power**等效各向同性辐射功率ELF1extremely low frequency**极低频

EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility**电磁兼容性

EMI ElectroMagnetic Interference**电磁干扰

EML Electroabsorption Modulated Laser**电吸收调制激光器

EMRP effective monopole radiated power**有效单极辐射功率

EMS Element Management System**网元管理系统

ENI Equivalent Noise Input**等效噪声输入

EOQ Economic order quantity**通过平衡采购进货成本和保管仓储成本核算,EOTD Enhanced Observed Time Difference**高级时差检测技术

EoVDSL Ethernet over VDSL**铜线以太网(其速率为10Mb/s,传输距离为750m) EPIRB Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon**应急示位无线电信标 移EPON Ethernet-Based PON**Ethernet无源光网络

EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory**可擦除的可编程只读存储器ERMES European Telecommunications Standards Institute**欧洲无线电信息系ERP Enterprise resource planning**企业资源计划

ERP1effectve radiation power**有效辐射功率

ERP2Echo Return Loss**回波损耗

ERP3Effective Radiated Power**有效辐射功率

ES errored second (In-service condition)**差错秒(开业务状态)

ES1Errored Second**误块秒 当某1秒具有一个或多个误块时,就称该秒为误ESD Energy Spectral Density**能量谱密度

ESD1electrostatic discharge**静电放电

ESG electronic sweep generator**电子扫描振荡器

ESN Electronics Serial Number**电子串号

ESN1Electronic Serial Number**电子串号

ESR Errored Second Ratio**误块秒比 对于一个确定的测试时间而言,在可用ET Exchange Termination**交换终端

ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute**欧洲电信标准委员EUT Equipment Under Test**被测设备 用受控数据码型进行测试的电路或系统EXW EX WORKS**工厂交货

f.p.a.free fromparticular average**平安险

f/D Focal-Length-to –Diameter ratio of a reflector**卫星抛物反射面焦FA Foreign Agent**外部代理

FA1Frequency agility**频率捷变 指发射系统能够根据外部条件改变而自动FACCH/F Fast Associated Control Channel/Full rate**快速随路控制信道/全速FACCH/H Fast Associated Control Channel/Half rate**快速随路控制信道/半速FAQs Frequently Asked Questions**常见问题

FAS Flexible Access System**灵活接入系统


FAT1File Allocation Table**文件分配表,它的作用是记录盘中有关文件如何FAT2Flexible Access Termination**灵活接入终端

FB Frequency correction Burst**突发频率校正

FBG Fiber Bragg Grating**光纤布喇格光栅


FCA1Fixed Channel Allocation**固定信道分配

FCC Forward Control Channel**前向控制信道

FCC1Federal Communications Commission**(美国)联邦通信委员会

FCL Full container load**一个集装箱装满一个托运人同时也是一个收货人的FCS Frame Check Sequence**帧检查序列

FCSN Fiber Channel Storage Network**光纤通道存储网络

FD/SSMA Frequency Diversity/Spread Spectrum Multiple Access**频率分集扩展FD/SSMA1Frequency Diversity/Spread Spectrum Multiple Access**频率分集扩展FDD Frequency Division Duplex**频分复用

FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface**光纤分布数据接口


FDDI2Fiber Distributed Data**分散式数据光纤介面网路

FDM Frequency Division Multplexing**频分复用

FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access**频分多址

FDR Frequency Domain Reflectometry**频域反射计

FE Front End**前端

FEC Forward Error Correction**前向纠错

FEC1Forward Error Correction Code**前向纠错码

FER Frame Error Rate**误帧率

FEXT Far-end Cross Talk**远端串音

FF Feed Forward**前馈

FF1Fluoride Fiber**氟化物光纤

FFH Fast Frequency Hopping**快跳频

FFT Fast Fourier Transform**快速傅立叶变换

FH Frequency Hopping**跳频

FHS Frequency Hop Synchronization**跳频同步

FHSS Frequency-Hopped Spread Spectrum**跳频扩频

fiber cladding fiber cladding**光纤包层

fiber core fiber core**纤芯

fiber optics fiber optics**纤维光学

fiber optics cobnector fiber optics cobnector**纤维光学连接器

fiber optics connector classification fiber optics connector classification**纤维光学连接器分类

FIFO first in ,first out**先进、先出队列

FIFO1First In First Out**先进先出

FIS Fixed一interval system**按预先确定的订货间隔期间进行订货补充的一FITEs Forward Interworking Telephone Events**前向互通电话事件

FLEX1Flexible Paging System**可变速寻呼系统

FLL Frequency Locked Loop**频率锁定环

FM Frequency Modulation**调频(频率调制)

FMC Fixed-Mobile Convergence**固定与移动通信融合

FMCW Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave**调频连续波

FNS Fixed Networks Services**固定网路通讯服务


FOC Fiber Optical Cable**光纤电缆

FOCC Forward Control Channel**前向控制信道

FPC Full Period Correlation**全相关

FPLMTS Future Public 、Land Mobile Telecommunication System**未来公用陆FQS Fixed一quantity system**当库存量下降到预定的最低的库存数量(订货FR Frame Relay**帧中继

FR1Full Rate**全速率

FRDTS frame relay data transmission service**帧中继数据传输业务

FRS Family Radio Service**一种用于家庭内部短距离通讯的双向无线电装置FSAN Full Service Access Network**全业务接入网

FSC Fixed Satellite Communications**固定卫星通讯

FSI EQUIVALENT STEP INDEX PROFILE,ESI-PROFILE**等效突变型折射率分布FSK frequency shift telegraphy**频移电报

FSK1frequency shift keying,frequency shift modulation,frequency shif FSK2Frequency Shift Keying**频移键控

FSK3Frequency-Shift Keying**频移键控

FSN Full Service Network**全业务网络

FSS Fixed Satellite Service**静止卫星业务

FST Fixed Terminal**MObitex 网络中的固定终端,遵循MDOT协议进行数据通FSU Final Signal Unit**最终信号单元


FTA1Fault Tree Analysis**故障树分析

FTAM File Transfer,Access and Management**文件的传输、存取和管理

FTM-M Point To Multi-point Multicast**点对多点组播业务

FTP Service Point To Point Service**点对点业务

FTP1File Transfer Protocol**文件传输协议

FTP-CONS Connection-mode Network Service**PTP 点对点面向连接网络业务

FTTB Fiber-To-The-Building**光纤到大楼技术

FTTB1fiber to the building**光纤到大楼(一般指居民楼

FTTC fiber to the curb**光纤到路边


FTTH Fiber-To-The-Home**光纤到家

FTTH1fiber to the home**光纤到户

FTTL fiber in the loop**光纤用户环路

FTTO fiber to the office**光纤到办公室

FVC Forward Voice Channel**前向话音信道

FW Firmware**固件

FWA fixed wireless access**固定无线接入 固定业务节点到用户终端之间部FWHM Full Width Half Maximum**半幅值全宽

FWM Four-wave Mixing**四波混频 四波混频(FWM)亦称四声子混合,是在因不同GaAs Gallium Arsenide**砷化镓

GAP Generic Access Profile**通用访问应用

GCRA Generic Cell Rate Algorithm**通用信元速率算法

GCSN Gateway GPRS Support Node**GPRS网关支持节点

GDMO Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects**管理对象定义规GE Gigabit Ehternet**千兆以太网

GEO Geostationary Earth Orbit**对地静止轨道

GFP Generic Framing Procedure**通用成帧规程

GFSK Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying**高斯频移键控

GIAC General Inquiry Access Code**通用查询访问码

GIF Graphics Interchange Format**图形交换格式

GIF1Graded Index Fiber**渐变型多模光纤 光线以正弦形状传播,带宽可达1-GII Global Information Infrastructure**全球信息基础结构

GM Group Management**组管理

GMSC Gateway MSC**移动交换中心网关

GMSK Gaussian minimum shift keying**高斯最小频移键控

GMSK1Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (modulation)**高斯最小频移键控(调GOEP Generic Object Exchange Profile**通用对象交换应用

GOS Grade of Service**服务等级

GPRS General Packet Radio Service**通用分组无线服务

GPS Global Positioning System**全球定位系统

graded index fiber graded index fiber**渐变型光纤的纤芯折射率从中心向外逐渐变低GRQ General request message**一般请求消息

GSC Golay Sequential Coding**格雷码

GS-EDFA Gain Shifted Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier**增益平移掺饵光纤放大器GSM GSM**中国移动电话网络

GSM PLMN GSM Public Land Mobile Network**GSM公用陆地移动网络

GSM1Pan-European ditigal cellular land mobile telecommunication syst GSM2Global System for Mobile**数字式移动通讯系统

GSM3Global System for Mobile Communications**泛欧数字蜂窝移动通信系统GSTN General Switched Telephone Network**通用交换电话网

GTFM generalized tamed frequency modulation**通用平滑调频

GTO Government telecommunications Organization**政府电信组织

GTP GPRS Tunnelling Protocol**GPRS隧道协议

GUI1graphical user interfaces**图形用户接口

GUI2Graphic User Interface**图形用户接口

GVD Group Velocity Dispersion**群速度色散 在高速大容量的光纤通信中,GW Gateway**网关

HA1Home Agent**本地代理

HCA Hybird Channel Assignment**混合信道指配方式

HCI Host Controler Interface**主控制器接口

HDDS high-density dats system**高密度数据系统

HDLC High Level Data Link Control**高阶数据链路(连接)控制

HDLC1High-level Data Link Control**高级数据链路控制

HDSL2High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line**高速数字用户回路

HDSL3High-rate Data Subscrible Line**高速数字用户线

HDSL4High-rate Digital Subscriber Line**高比特率数字用户线

HDSL5High-data-rate Digital Subscriber Line**高数据速率数字用户线

HDT Host Digital Terminal**局用数字终端

HDTV High Definition Television**高清晰度电视

HEC Header-Error-Check**头校验码

HEO Highly Elliptical Orbit**高椭圆轨道(高轨)

HFC Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial Cable**混合光纤与同轴电缆

HFC1Hybrid Fiber/Coax**混合光纤同轴

HFRDF High-Frequency Repeater Distribution Frame**高频中继配线架 中继站HID Human Interface Device**人机接口设备

high voltage electric power equipments high voltage electric power equipments**高压电力设备

high voltage technique high voltage technique**高电压技术

highest voltage for equipment highest voltage for equipment**设备最高电压

HLR Home Location Register**本地位置寄存器

HMSC Home Mobile Services switching Centre**原籍移动无线局

HPA Higher Order Path Adaptatio**高阶通道适配

HPF High Pass Filter**高通滤波器

HPT Higher Order Path**高阶通道终端

hr Half Rate**半速率

HRDS Hypothetical Reference Digital Section**假设参考数字段 即为具有一HS Headset**戴在头上的耳机或听筒

HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data**高速电路交换数据

HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access**高速下行链路分组接入

HSS Home Suscriber Server**本地用户服务器

HTML Hyper Text Mark-up Language**超文本标记语言

HTML1HyperText Markup Language**超文本标识语言

HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol**超文本传输协议

HTTP1HyperText Transfer Protocol**超文本传输协议

HTTPS Secure Http**安全Http协议

HV High quality Voice**高保真语音

HW Hardware**硬件

I&D Integrate-and-Dump**积分冲洗

I/O Inprt/Output**输入/输出

IAC Inquiry Access Code**查询访问码

IAM Initial Address Message**初始地址消息

Ias Internet protocol Access System**MOBITEX网络中的ip服务器网关,广IBASIC Instrument BASIC**仪器BASIC语言

IDC Instantaneous Deviation Control**瞬时频偏控制

IDE Integrated Device Electronics**一种磁盘驱动器的接口类型

IDEA1International Data Encryption Algorithm**国际数据加密算法

IDEN Integrated Digital Enhanced Networks**数字集群调度专网 iDEN系统于IDLC Integrated DLC**综合数字环路载波 宽带有源光网络,即综合数字环路载IDNS Integrated Distribution Network System**综合布线网络系统

IDR Intermediate Data Rate**中等数据率,一般认为在64kbps到44.763Mbps IDU Idle Signal Unit**闲置信号单元

IEC International Electrotechnics Committee**国际电工委员会

IEE Institution of Electrical Engineers**电气工程师协会

IEEE Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers**电气与电子工IEEE 802.11IEEE 802.11**无线局域网标准 97年颁布的无线局域网技术标准,IEEE80 IEEE 802.3IEEE 802.3**CSMA/CD局域网,即以太网标准。

IETF Internet Engineering Task Force**Internet 工作任务组

IFFT Inverse Fast Fourier Transform**逆快速傅立叶变换

IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol**因特网ORB之间的协议

IKE Internet Key Exchange**网间密钥交换

IMA Inverse Multiplexing Access**反向复用板

IMBE Improved Multi-Band Excitation**改进的多带激励编码

IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity**国际移动用户识别码

IMT International Mobile Telecommunications**国际移动通信

IN1Intelligent Network**智能网

insertine optical fiber (cable) coonectof insertine optical fibe r (cable) coonectof**插入式光纤(缆)连接器InterNIC Internet Network Information Center**国际互联网网络信息中心

ION1Intelligent optical network**智能光网络

IP Internet Protocol**网际协议

IPSec Internet Protocol Security**网际协议安全

IR Infared**红外辐射

IRC Internet Relay Chat**网络聊天

IrCOMM Infra-red Communications**红外通信

IrDA Infra-red Data Association**红外数据联合会

IrMC Infra-red Mobile Communications**红外移动通信

IrOBEX Infra-red OBject Exchange**红外对象交换协议

IRQ Interrupt Request**中断请求

ISB independent sideband**独立边带

ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network**综合业务数字网


ISI Inter-Symbol Interference**码间串扰

ISM I interface Subscriber Module**I接口用户模块


ismg internet short message gateway**互联网短信网关


ISO International Organization for Standardization**国际标准化组织

ISO1International Standard Organization**国际标准化组织

ISO2International standardization Organization**国际标准化组织

ISP Internet Service Provider**因特网服务提供商

ISP1Internet Server Provider**因特网服务提供者

ISU Initial Signal Unit**初始信号单元 多单元消息的第一个信号单元。ISUP ISDN User Part**ISDN用户部分 是ISDN内的公共信道信令方式的用户部分ISV Independent Software Vendor**独立软件提供者 通常指开发不属于计算ITE Information Technology Equipment**信息技术设备

ITS1Intelligent Transportation System**智能型运输系统由先进之电脑、资ITU International Telecommunication Union**国际电信联盟

ITU-R International Telecommunication Union – Radiocommunication Sect ITU-T ITU-Telecommunicaiton Standardization Sector**ITU电信标准化组织IUT Implementation Under Test**在测试实现

IWE Inter-Working Equipment**互联设备

IWF InterWorking Function**互连功能

IXIT Implementation Extra Information**执行额外信息

JEDEC Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council**联合电子设备工程委员JIT Just一in一time 1ogistics**一种建立在准时制(JIT)管理理念基础上的JIT1Just in time**在精确测定生产各工艺环节作业效率的前提下按订单准确Jitter Jitter**抖动 SDH光传输网络重要传输特性之一,其定义为数字信号各有JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution System**联合战术信息分发K Band K Band**K波段,10G-12G,用于卫星通信。

Kc Ciphering Key**密钥

Ki Subsicriber authentication Key**用户鉴权密码

KTS Key Telephone System**按键电话系统

Ku Band Ku Band**Ku波段,12G-14G,用于多卫星通信。

L2CA Logical Link Control And Adaptation**逻辑链路控制和适配

L2CAP Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol**逻辑链路控制和适配L2ML Layer 2 Management Link**第二层管理链路(OSI数据链路层)

L2R Layer 2 Relay**第二层中继

L2TP Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol**第二层隧道协议

LA Line Amplifier**光线路放大器 中继线路上补偿光纤损耗的光放大器。LA1Location Area**位置区域

LAC Location Area Code**位置区域码

LAN Local Area Network**局域网

LANE1LAN Emulation**局域网仿真。ATM交换与以太网进行交换时,需要对ATM信LANE2Local Area Network Emulation**局域网仿真

LAP1Low Address Part**低地址段

LAP2LAN Access Point**局域网接入点

LAP3Link Access Protocol**链路接入协议

LC Link Controller**链路控制器

LCAS Link Capacity Adjusting Scheme**链路容量调整方案

L-CH Logical Channel**逻辑信道

LCL Less than container load**一个集装箱装入多个托运人或多个收货人的LCP Link Control Protocol**链路控制协议

LCSP Link Controller Service Signaling**链路控制器服务信令


LD-CELP Low Delay-Code Excited Linear Prediction**低时延码激励线性预测编LE Local Exchange**本地交换

LEAF1Large Effective Area Fiber**大有效面积光纤 单模非零色散位移光纤,LED2Light Emitting Diode**发光二极管

LEO1Low Earth Orbit**低轨

LE-OpS Local Exchange Operation System**本地交换运行系统

LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register**线性反馈移位寄存器

LGN Logical Group Node**逻辑群节点

LIAC Limited Inquiry Access Code**有限查询访问码

LIC Line Interface Circuit**线路接口电路

LIM Line Interface Model**线路接口模块

LL Link Layer**链路层

LLC Logical Link Control**逻辑链路控制

LLG Logical Line Code**逻辑线路组

LM Logic Module**逻辑模块

LM1Link Manager**链路管理

LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution Service**本地多点分配业务 非常流行LMDS1Local Multipoint Distribution Services**本地多点分配业务

LMDS2Local Multipiont Distribution Service**本地多点分配业务。利用扩频LMP Link Manager Protocol**链路管理协议

LMR1Land Mobile Radio**陆地移动无线电

LNA Low Nosie Amplifier**低噪声放大器

LOF Loss of Frame**帧丢失 当帧失步状态持续3ms后,SDH设备应进入帧丢失LOP1Loss of Pointer**指针丢失 当连续8帧没有找到有效指针,或者监测到8 LOP2Low Power Oscillator**低功率振荡器

LOS Loss of Signal**光信号丢失 当接收光信号功率在给定的时间内(10us或LOS1Line of Sight**视距

LOSRRL(Line-Of-Sight)Radio-Relay Link**[视距]无线电中继链路

LP Logic Port**逻辑端口

LP1Linear Programming**线性规划

LP2Language Processor**语言处理器

LPC Linear Prediction Coding**线性预测编码

LPC1Linear Predictive Coding**线性预测编码

LPD Low Probability of Detection**低检测概率

LPE Liquit Phase Epicaxy**液相外延

LPF Low Pass Filter**低通滤波器

LPI Low Probability of Intercept**低截获概率

LPPF Low Probability of Position Fix**低定位概率

LPSE Low Probability of Signal Exploitation**低溯源概率

LPT Lower Order Path Termination**低阶通道终端

LRP Logistics resource planning**物流资源计划

LSB Least Significant Bit**最低位

LSB1Lower Side Band**下边带

LSI Large Scale integration**大规模集成电路

LSU Lone Signal Unit**单一信号单元 传送一单元消息的信号单元。

LT Line Termination**线路终端 至少包含终结一个数字传输系统一端的发送LTE Local Terminal Emulator**本地终端模拟器

LUF Lowest Useful Frequency**最低可用频率

MA1Mobile Allocation**移动分配

MAC Medium Access Control**介质访问控制

MADT Mean Accumulated Down Time**平均累积不可用时间

MAI Mobile Allocation Index**移动分配索引

MAIO Mobile Allocation Index Offset**移动分配索引偏移

MAN1Metro Area Networks**城域网

MAP1Maximum A Posteriori**最大后验概率

MAP2Mobile Application Part**移动应用部分

MAPI Messaging Application Procedure Interface**信息应用过程接口MAVAR mixer amplification by variable reactance**脉伐,可变电抗混频放大MBE Molecular Beam Epitaxy**分子束外延

MBMMR Multi-Band Multi-Mode Radio**多频段多模式无线电台

MCC Mobile Country Code**移动业务国家号码

MCM Multi-Carrier Modulation**多载波调制

MCPC Multiple Channel Per Carrier**每载波多路

MCS Mobile Control Station**移动控制站

MCU Multipoint Control Unit**多点控制单元 能使两个以上的会议电信终端MCVFT Multi-Channel Voice-Frequency Telegraphy**多路音频电报 在电话通路ME1Management Entity**管理实体

MEMS Micro Electronic Mechanical System**微电-机系统

MEMS1Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems**微机械光开关

MEO Middle Earth Orbit**中地球轨道

MEO1Medium Earth Oribt**中轨

MES Mobile Satellite Earth Station**移动地球站 卫星移动业务中专供移动MF Matched Filter**匹配滤波

MGCP Media gateway control protocol**媒体网关控制协议,VoIP的IETF标准MGW Media Gateway**媒体网关

MHS Message Handing System**消息处理系统

MHX Main exchange**Mobitex网络中的主交换机

MI Modulation Instability**调制不稳定性 调制不稳定性瞬断一个连续波(MIN Mobile Identification Number**移动识别码

MIT1Management Information Tree**管理信息树

MLCM Multi-Level Coded Modulation**多电平编码调制 一种复杂的编码调制方MLSE Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation**最大似然序列估计

MLSR Maximum-Length Shift Register**最长移位寄存器

MM Mobility Management**移动管理

MMDS multichannel multipoint distribution services**多信道多点分配业务MMDS1Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service**多信道多点分配业务MMDS2Multichannal Multipiont Distribution Service**多信道多点分配业务MMF Multi-Mode Fiber**多模光纤

MMF1Multi Mode Fiber**多模光纤 在所考虑的波长上能传播两个以上模式的光MMI Man Machine Interface**人机接口

MMI1Men Machine Interface**人机接口

MMS Multimedia Messaging Service**多媒体信息服务

MNC Mobile Network Code**移动电话网号码

MOCVD Metalorgnic Chemical Vapour Deposition**金属有机化学汽相沉积MOD Movie on Demand**点播电影

monomode fiber monomode fiber**单模光纤

MOS Mean Opinion Score**主观平均得分

MoU Memorandum of Understanding**谅解备忘录

MOVPE Metalorgnic Vapour Phase Epitaxy**金属有机化学汽相沉积

MPE Multimedia signal Processing Equipment**多媒体信号处理装置

MPE LPC Multi-Pulse Excited LPC**多脉冲线性预测编码

MPEG Moving Picture Expert Group**活动图像编码专家组

MPLS Multiple Protocol Label Switch**多协议标签协议

MPLS1Multi-protocol label switching**多协议标签(记)交换

MPSK Multiple Phase Shift Keying**多值相移键控

MPT Ministry of Post and telecommunications**邮政与电信部

MPTY Multi-ParTY telecommunication**多方通话

MQAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation**多进制正交幅度调制 多进制正交幅MQW Multi-Quantum Well**多量子阱

MRP Material requirements planning**一种工业制造企业内物资计划管理模MRP1Manufacturing resource planning**制造资源计划

MRT Mean Repair Time**平均修理时间 修理时间的期望值。

MS Managed Solution**管理方案

MS1Multiplex Section**复用段 两个复用段路径终端功能之间(包括这两个MS2Mobile Station**移动台

MSA Multiple Service Access**多业务接入模块

MSA1Multiplex Section Adaptation**复用段适配

MS-AIS Multiplex Sections Alarm Indication Signal**复用段告警指示信号

MSAN Multi-Service Access Network**多业务接入网

MSAT Ultra Small Terminal Mobile Satellite Communication System**超小MSB Most significant Bit**最高位

MSC Message Sequence Chart**消息序列表

MSC1Mobile-Service Switching Center**移动业务交换中心

MSC2Mobile Switching Centre**移动无线局

MSC3Mobile Satellite Communications**移动卫星通讯

MSE maintenance sub-entity**维护子实体

MSIN Mobile Station Identification Number**移动台识别码

MSISDN Mobile Subscriber ISDN Number**移动用户ISDN号码

MSK Minimum hase frequency Shift Keying**最小相位频移键控

MSK1Minimum Shift Keying**最小频移键控

MSN Multiple Subscriber Number**多用户号码

MSOH Multiplex Section OverHead**复用段开销

MSP Management Service Provider**管理业务提供者

MSP1Multiplex Section Protection**复用段保护

MSP2Multiplexer Section Protection**复用段保护 SDH光纤通信的一种保护MSRN Mobile Station Roam Number**移动台漫游号码

MSRN1Mobile Station Roaming Number**移动台漫游号码

MSS Mobile Satellite Service**移动卫星业务

MST Multiplex Section Termination**复用段终端

MSTP multi-service transport platform**多业务传送平台

MT Message Transfer**消息传送

MT1Mobile Terminal**移动终端

MTA Message Transfer Agent**消息传送代理

MTE Microwave Transport Equipment**微波传输设备

MTI moving targets indication radar**动目标显示雷达

MTP Message Transfer Part**消息传输部分

MTP2Message Transfer Part Layer II**消息传输子层II

MTP3Message Transfer Part Layer III**消息传输子层III

MTS Message Transfer System**消息传送系统

MTSO Mobile Telephone Switching Office**移动电话交换局

MTTF Mean Time To Failure**平均失效前时间 失效前时间的期望值

MTTFF Mean Time To First Failure**平均首次失效前时间 首次失效前时间的期MTTR mean time to restoration;mean time to recovery;mean time to repa MTU Maximum Transmission Unit**最大传输单元

MUD1Multi-User Detection**多用户检测

multimode fiber multimode fiber**多模光纤

MUM1Multi-Unit Meassge**多单元消息

MUSE1Multiple sub-Nyquist Sampling Encoding**多重子奈奎斯特抽样编码MUSICAM Masking-pattern Universal sub-band Intergated Coding And Multipl MUT Mean Up Time**平均可用时间 可用时间的期望(值)。

MUX Multiplexer**复用器

MUX/DEMUX Multiplexer/Demultiplexer**复接器/分接器

MVDS Multipoint Video Distribution Service**多点视频分配业务 UK开发的MZ Mach-Zehnder**马赫曾德尔调制器 该调制器将输入光分成两路相等的信号NA NUMERICAL APERTURE**数值孔径,子午光线进入或离开--光学元件或系统NA1Numerical Aperture**数值孔径 表示光纤接收和传输光的能力

NAK Negative Acknowledge**消极确认


NAP1Network Access Point**网络接入点

NAP2Non-significant Address Part**不重要的地址部分

NAS Network Access Server**网络接入服务器

NAS1Network Attached Storage**网络附加存储

NBAP Node-B Application Part**Node-B 应用部分

NC Network Connection**网络连接 网络连接由子网连接和/或链路连接级联NCC Network (PLMN) Colour Code**网络(PLMN)色码

NCU Network Control Unit**网络控制单元 网络控制功能的专用线路通信终端NCU1Network Control Unit**网络控制单元 网络控制功能的专用线路通信终端NE Network Element**网元

NE1Network Element**网元

NEL Network Element Layer**网元层 最基本的管理层,负责单个网元的配置NEL1Network Element Layer**网元层 最基本的管理层,负责单个网元的配置NEXT Near-end Cross Talk**近端串音

NEXT1Near-end Cross Talk**近端串音

n-FSK n-condition frequency shift keying**n态频移键控

n-FSK1n-condition frequency shift keying**n态频移键控

NGI Next Generation Internet**新一代国际互联网

NGI1Next Generation Internet**新一代国际互联网

NGN Next Generation Network**下一代网络

NGN1Next Generation Network**下一代网络

NII National Information Infrastructure**国家信息基础结构

NII1National Information Infrastructure**国家信息基础结构

NISDN Narrow-band ISDN**窄带ISDN

NISDN 1Narrow-band ISDN**窄带ISDN

NMC Network Management Center**网管中心

NMC1Network Management Center**网管中心

NML Network Management Layer**网络管理层 管理、监视、控制所辖区域协调NML1Network Management Layer**网络管理层 管理、监视、控制所辖区域协调NMS Network Management System**网络管理系统

NMS1Network Management System**网络管理系统

NMSI National Mobile Station Identify**国内移动台识别号码

NMSI1National Mobile Station Identify**国内移动台识别号码

NMT Nordic Mobile Telephone**北欧移动电话系统

NMT1Nordic Mobile Telephone**北欧移动电话系统

NMT450/NMT900Nordic Mobile Telephone System**北欧移动电话系统

NMT450/NMT900 1Nordic Mobile Telephone System**北欧移动电话系统

NN Neighbor Node**邻节点

NN1Neighbor Node**邻节点

NNI Network Node Interface (Network-to-Network)**网络节点接口

NNI1Network Node Interface**网络节点单元。既可以是只有复用功能的简单NNI2Network Node Interface (Network-to-Network)**网络节点接口

NNI3Network Node Interface**网络节点单元。既可以是只有复用功能的简单nominal voltage of a three-phase system nominal voltage of a three-phase system**三相系统的标称电压nominal voltage of a three-phase system 1nominal voltage of a three-phase system**三相系统的标称电压

NRZ nonreturn**非归零码

NRZ1Non Return Zero**非归零


NRZ4Non Return Zero**非归零

NSP Network Service Proivder**网络服务提供商

NSP1Network Service Proivder**网络服务提供商

NSS Network Switching System**网络交换系统

NSS1Network Switching System**网络交换系统

NT Network Termination**网络终端 在UNI接口网络侧的功能群。

NT1Network Termination**网络终端 在UNI接口网络侧的功能群。

NTSC National Television Systems Committ**全国电视系统委员会制式NTSC1National Television Systems Committ**全国电视系统委员会制式

NTU Network Termination Unit**网络终端点

NTU1Network Termination Unit**网络终端点

NZDF Non Zero Dispersion Fiber**非零色散光纤

NZDF1Non Zero Dispersion Fiber**非零色散光纤

NZDSF Non Zero Dispersion Shifted Fiber**非零色散位移光纤 满足ITU-T.G. NZDSF1Non Zero Dispersion Shifted Fiber**非零色散位移光纤 满足ITU-T.G. O&M Operations & Maintenance**操作与维护

O&M1Operations & Maintenance**操作与维护

O/E Opto/Electronic Conversion**光/电转换

O/E1Opto/Electronic Conversion**光/电转换

OA Office Automation**办公自动化

OA&M Operations , Administration and Maintenance**操作、管理和维护 一OACSU Off Air Call Setup**非占空呼叫建立

OADM Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer**光上/下路复用器

OADM1Optical Add Drop Multiplexe**光波分插复用器 其功能是从传输设备中OAM Optical Access Network**光接入网


OAMC-OpS OAMC operation system**OAMC运行系统

OAO on-line analog output**在线模拟量输出

OBD Optical Branching Device**光分路器 无源光功率分配器(耦合器),将OBEX OBject Exchange Protocol**对象交换协议

OBS Optical Burst Switching**光突发交换

OCh Optical Channel**光通道

ODM Optical Division Multiplexer**光分用器 把多个波长分用到各根光纤中ODU Optical Data Unit**光数据单元

OEIC Opto-Electronic Integrated Circuit**光电子集成

OEM Original Equipment Manufacture**原始设备制造商。

OFA Optical Fiber Amplifier**光纤放大器 是指运用于光纤通信线路中,实OFC Optical Fiber Communication Conference**光纤通信国际会议

OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing**正交频分复用

OFS Optical Fiber Sensors**光纤传感器

OFS1Out of Frame Second**帧失步秒 具有1个或多个OOF事件出现的秒称为OF OLE Object Linking and Embedding**对象连接与嵌入技术

OLT Optical Line terminal**光线路终端。提供网络侧与本地交换机之间的接OLT1optical line terminaton**光线路终端

OM Optical Multiplex**光复用 把多个波长复用到一根光纤里传输。

OMC Operation and Maintenance Center**操作维护中心

OMG Object Management Group**对象管理组织

OMSP Optical Multiplex Section Protect**光复用段保护。这种技

ONT Optical Network Termination**光网络终端

ONU Optical Network Unit**光网络单元。为光接入网提供用户侧接口,并与OOF Out of Frame**帧失步 当输入的比特流中的帧定位字节的位置不能确知时OOK On Off Keying**开关键控(通断键控)

OPDU Optical packet data unit**光分组数据单元

OPGW Optical Power Grounded Waveguide**地线复合光缆 (又称光纤架空地线OPGW1Optical Power Grounded Wave-guide**地线复合光缆

OptiCaI fibe r connectof OptiCaI fibe r connectof**光纤(缆)固定接头方面的术语

optical cable connecto r optical cable connecto r**光缆连接器

optical fiber optical fiber**光纤(光导纤维)

OQPSK,SQPSK offset QPSK spaggered QPSK**偏置四相相移键控 交错四相相移键控

OS Operation System**运行系统

OS/MD Operations Systme or Mediation Device**操作系统或协调装置

OSC Optical Supervisory Channel**监控信道 完成网管、公务电话及其他信OSF Operation System Function block**运行系统功能块 处理与电信管理有OSF/MF Operations System Function or Mediation Function**操作系统功能或OSF1Operations System Function**运行系统功能


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