当前位置:文档之家› 中文名词性谓词语义角色标注



作者:李军辉, 周国栋, 朱巧明, 钱培德, LI Jun-Hui, ZHOU Guo-Dong, ZHU Qiao-Ming, QIAN Pei-De




英文刊名:Journal of Software



1.刘挺;车万翔;李生基于最大熵分类器的语义角色标注[期刊论文]-软件学报 2007(03)

2.Petrov S;Klein D Improved inference for unlexicalized parsing 2007

3.Surdeanu M;Harabagiu S;Williams J;Aarseth P Using predicate-argument structures for information extraction 2003

4.Xue NW;Xia F;Chiou FD;Palmer M The penn Chinese treebank:Phrase structure annotation of a large corpus[外文期刊] 2005(02)

5.Hajiě J;Ciaramita M;Johansson R;Kawahara D,Martf MA,Màrquez L,Meyers A,Nivre J,Pad6 S,Stepánek J,Stra(n)ák P The CoNLL-2009 shared task:Syntactic and semantic dependencies in multiple languages 2009

6.陈耀东;王挺;陈火旺浅层语义分析研究[期刊论文]-计算机研究与发展 2008(Suppl)

7.Mcycrs A;Reeves R;Macleod C;Szekely R,Zielinska V,Young B,Grishrnan R Annotating noun argument structure for NomBank 2004

8.Marcus MP;Marcinkiewicz MA;Santorini B Building a large annotated corpus of English:The Penn treebank


9.Toutanova K;Haghighi A;Manning CD Joint learning improves semantic role labeling 2005

10.Zhang M;Che WX;Aw AT;Tan CL,Zhou GD,Liu T,Li S A grammar-driven convolution tree kernel for semantic role classification 2007

11.Xue NW;Palmer M Calibrating features for semantic role labeling 2004

12.Carreras X;Màrquez L Introduction to the CoNLL-2005 shared task:Semantic role labeling 2005

13.Carreras X;Màrquez L Introduction to the CoNLL-2004 shared task:Semantic role labeling 2004

14.Palmer M;Gildea D;Kingsbury P The proposition bank:An annotated corpus of semantic roles[外文期刊] 2005(01)

15.Biker CF;Fillmore CJ;Lowe JB The Berkeley FrameNet project 1998

16.Wu DK;Fnng P Can semantic role labeling improve SMT 2009

17.车万翔基于核方法的语义角色标注研究 2008

18.Liu T;Che WX;Li S Semantic role labeling with maximum entropy classifier[期刊论文]-Journal of Software


19.Surdeanu M;Johansson R;Meyers A;Màrquez L,Nivre J The CoNLL-2008 shared task on joint parsing of syntactic and semantic dependencies 2008

20.Che WX Kernel-Based semantic role labeling 2008

21.Chen YD;Wang T;Chen HW Shallow semantic parsing research[期刊论文]-Journal of Computer Research and Development 2008(Suppl)

22.Ding WW;Chang BB Improving Chinese semantic role classification with hierarchical feature selection

strategy 2008

23.Xue NW Labeling Chinese predicates with semantic roles[外文期刊] 2008(02)

24.Xue NW Semantic role labeling of nominalized predicates in Chinese 2006

25.Xue NW;Palmer M Automatic semantic role labeling for Chinese verbs 2005

26.Pradhan S;Sun HL;Ward W;Martin JH,Jurafsky D parsing arguments of nominalizations in English and Chinese 2004

27.Kong F;Zhou GD;Zhu QM Employing the centering theory in pronoun resolution from the semantic perspective


28.Sun HL;Jurafsky D Shallow semantic parsing of Chinese 2004

29.Xue NW Annotating the predicate-argument structure of Chinese nominalizations 2006

30.Xue NW;Palmer M Annotating the propositions in the Penn Chinese treebank 2003

31.Jiang ZP;Ng HT Semantic role labeling of NomBank:A maximum entropy approach 2006

32.Pradhan S;Hacioglu K;Krugler V;Ward W Martin JH Jurafsky D Support vector learning for semantic argument classification[外文期刊] 2005

33.Narayanan S;Harabagiu S Question answering based on semantic structures 2004


1.徐靖.李军辉.朱巧明.李培峰中文名词性谓词语义角色标注的特征研究[期刊论文]-计算机应用 2011(6)

2.徐靖.李军辉.朱巧明.李培峰基于短语和依存句法结构的中文语义角色标注[期刊论文]-计算机工程 2011(24)


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