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IM Talk在线学英语:读故事学英语,20天背完5000单词G-1 gage/gauge n.标准尺寸,规格;量规,量表

galaxy n.星系;一群(杰出或著名的人物);[the G-]银河(系) gallery n.长廊;画廊,美术馆

gallon n.加仑

gallop v./n.奔驰,飞跑

gamble n./v.投机,冒险;赌博

gang n.一帮,一群,一伙

gap n.间隙,缺口

garage n.车库,飞机库;修车厂

garbage n.垃圾

garment n.(一件)衣服

gaseous a.气体的,气态的

gasoline/gasolene n.汽油

gasp n.喘息,气喘v.喘息;气吁吁地说

gathering n.聚会,集会

gay a.快乐的,愉快的n.同性恋

gaze v./n.凝视,注视

gear n.齿轮,传动装置v.(to)调整,使适合

gene n.基因

in general 通常,大体上

generalize/generalise v.归纳,概括;推广,普及generate v.产生,发生

generation n.产生,发生;一代(人)

generator n.发电机,发生器

generous a.宽宏大量的,慷慨的

genius n.天才

gentleman n.绅士,先生

genuine a.真正的,名副其实的

Words:27 Phrases:1 Total:28

Mr. Adams’s pictures about the Galaxy were shown in a famous gallery. He was a genius and he won his fame very early. And it was generous of him to contribute a lot of money every year. The lamps of the gallery were full of gaseous neon, which made the light colorful. The opening ceremony was the biggest gathering of the season. A galaxy of artists attended it. All of them wore in nice garments. At the same time, a gang of gays was on the way to the gallery. In general, there was a generation gap between the gays and their parents. Furthermore, some people regarded them as garbage. This hatred was generated by prejudice. In fact, one could not generalize a conclusion from a few facts. Studies showed that a person’s sex intention was decided by his or her genes. Fortunately, a new opinion was being generalized in this regard. That is, the ethics should be geared to the society’s needs. These men were gay at the thought of seeing the show when suddenly a gear of the generator was broken. They gambled to drive the car to the garage for repair before their gasoline had been used up. A worker fixed their car and added 2 gallons of fuel to their car by using a gauge. Soon, the car galloped along the road again like a horse. Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the gallery, gasping for breath. All of the people including Mr. Adams gazed at them with surprise. But as a genuine gentleman, he welcomed them sincerely.



IM Talk在线学英语:读故事学英语,20天背完5000单词G-2

geographic(al) a.地理(学)的

geography n.地理(学)

geology n.地质(学)

geometry n.几何(学)

germ n.微生物,细菌

gesture n.姿势,姿态,手势v.做手势

get across 解释清楚,使人了解

get along/on with 进展;相处融洽;生活,过活

get around/round 走动,旅行;(消息)传开

get around/round to 找时间做,开始考虑

get at 得到,接近;意思是

get away 逃脱,离开

get by 通过,经过

get down (从……)下来;写下

get down to 开始,着手

get in 进入;收获,收集

get into 进入,陷入

get off (从…)下来;离开,动身,开始

get out of 逃避;改掉

get over 克服,(从病中)恢复过来

get the better of 占上风,胜过

get through 结束,完成;接通电话

get together 集合,聚集

ghost n.鬼魂,幽灵

giant n.巨人口.巨大的

Words:8 Phrases:17 Total:25

The school was said to be haunted by a giant ghost. A student did encounter it. The news got around quickly. Somebody did not see what the student got at, so he got down what he saw to get his encounter across. “That evening, after I got through my geometry examination, I got around to doing my geography homework. That was the duty I could not get out of. I got down to some geographical questions. However, I have more interest in geology. And I will get around to explore more places. Ok, I get back to the subject. My homework was getting along much better. Somebody called my name, and I saw a ghost getting in the classroom while gesturing at me! I got off the classroom as quickly as I could. It was surprising that the ghost moved aside to let me get by. I climbed to the top of a tree. The ghost could not get at me, so he waited. How on earth did I get into such a ridiculous situation? I knew I could not let the ghost get the better of me. If only I could get out of my timidness, I would feel better.

I managed to get over my fear then got through to the police with my mobile phone. The police car came soon. The policemen got off the car. They got together under the tree. The ghost got away. Then I could get down from the tree. I went home. I got a cold that night. Colds are spread by germs. I got over my illness very slowly.”



IM Talk在线学英语:读故事学英语,20天背完5000单词G-3

gifted a.有天赋的

gigantic a.巨大的,庞大的

give away 泄露;分送

give back 送还,恢复

give in 交上;投降,屈服

give off 放出,释放

give oneself away 泄露,露马脚

give oneself up 自首,投降,投案

give out 分发;放出

give up 停止,放弃

give way to 给……让路,对……让步;被……代替

glance v.(at,over)扫视,n.匆匆看,一瞥,一眼

glare n./v.怒视,瞪眼;闪耀,闪光

glide n./v.溜,滑行?

glimpse n./v.一瞥,瞥见

glitter n.光辉,灿烂v.闪耀

global a.全球的,世界的

globe n.球体,地球仪;地球,世界

gloomy a.阴沉的,阴暗的

glorify v.赞美,颂扬

glorious a.壮丽的,辉煌的;光荣的

glory n.光荣,荣誉

glove n.手套

glow v.发热,发光,发红n.脸红,发热;光辉

glue n.胶,胶水v.胶合,粘贴

Words:16 Phrases:9 TotaI:25

It was winter morning. The rising sun looked liked an orange globe. It glittered in the gigantic sky. Its light glared on the ice. The skaters glided gracefully over the ice. Charles glorified the glorious scene. There was a glow of health in his face. He put on his gloves then went to work. Charles was a gifted technician. He was a glory of his profession. No one knew he was a business spy. He didn’t give himself away so far. The secretary gave out newspapers. He glanced at the headlines in it. Then he saw one of them, “It was criminal to give away business secrets!”Charles glared at the newspaper, feeling gloomy about his future. Though the air-conditioner gave off warm air, he felt cold. A glimpse of his face would tell you that he was worried. He gave back the newspaper to the secretary. Finally, Charles gave in. He gave up his criminal mind. His evilness gave way to his conscience. He made up his mind to give himself up. So he wrote a letter and then glued a stamp onto the envelope. Next, he sent it to the police.


IM Talk在线学英语:读故事学英语,20天背完5000单词G-4

go after 追求

go ahead 开始,前进,领先

go along with 陪同前往,随行

go around/round 足够分配

go back on 违背

go by 过去

go for 竭力想取得,喜爱;支持;拥挤

go in for 从事,致力于;追求,沉迷于

go into 进入;研究,调查

go off 爆炸,发射;动身,离开

go out 外出;熄灭

go through 经历,经受;详细检查

go under 下沉,沉没;失败,破产

go with 伴随;与……协调

go without 没有……也行

golf n.高尔夫球

as good as 和……几乎一样,实际上等于

for good 永久地

good for 有效,适用,胜任

goodness n.善良,仁慈int.天哪

gossip n.流言蜚语;说长道短的人v.传播流言蜚语;说长道短govern v.统治,管理;决定,支配

governor n.总督,州(省)长

grab v./n.(at)抓(住);夺(得)

grace n.优美,文雅;恩惠,恩泽

graceful a.优美的,文雅的

Words:8 Phrases:18 Total:26

Mr. Carson was a governor of M state. He went in for governing. He used to be a military officer. In a battle, a bomb went off just behind him but he survived. The state went for Democrats. Two years ago, the state went through a test. Schistosomiasis was popular in M state. A female doctor went deeply into it. She went through many documents then invented a kind of medicine that was good for it. She managed to go without others’help. Somebody gossiped that she grabbed at the opportunity of becoming famous. But in fact she did it out of the goodness of her heart. There were enough medicines to go around. So schistosomiasis had been wiped out for good in M state. To appreciate the doctor, Mr. Carson visited her, and two assistants went along with him. He wore a new tie to go with his suit. The police examined their car and allowed them to go ahead. The doctor was a graceful woman. She went for classical music. Also, she went in for playing golf. She played golf as good as a professional. She even went for the golf championship that year. They talked and Mr. Carson knew something about her father. The doctor’s father had no head for business, and he went under. He had gone off to Edinburgh. The candle had gone out and Mr. Carson said goodbye to the doctor. But he had made his mind to go after her. He was not the sort of man who would go back on his word. Two years went by, and they married.



IM Talk在线学英语:读故事学英语,20天背完5000单词G-5

gracious a.亲切的,客气的;宽厚的,仁慈的

gradual a.逐渐的,逐步的

graduate n.(大学)毕业生,获(学士)学位者v.(使)(大学)毕业;获学位a.毕了业的;研究生的

grain n.谷物,谷类;颗粒,细粒

gram/gramme n.克

grammar n.语法,语法书

grammatical a.语法的

grand a.盛大的,豪华的;重大的,主要的

grant v.同意,准予;给予,授予n.授予物

take…for granted 想当然,认为理所当然

grape n.葡萄

graph n.图表,曲线图

grateful a.(to,for)感激的;感谢的

gratitude n.感激,感谢

grave n.坟墓a.严肃的,庄重的

gravity n.重力,引力;严肃,庄重

gray/grey a.灰色的n.灰色

grease n.动物脂,油脂,润滑脂v.抹油,润滑

greedy a.贪吃的,贪婪的;渴望的

Greek n.希腊人,希腊语a.希腊(人)的,希腊语的

Words:19 Phrases:1 Total:20

Davy was a Greek. He was a graduate of Athens University. He learned a lot of things in the university. For example, the grammar teacher stressed grammatical rules in each lesson. The physics teacher drew a graph to explain gravity. Davy made progress gradually. The commencement was held in the grand hall. That was the gravest occasion Davy had ever taken part in. Each graduate behaved with gravity at it. The gracious principal made a speech. His hair had turned gray, so he put grease on it to make it shiny. Davy was assigned to the countryside.He was granted many privileges to cultivate crops. At that time, corn was the most important grain in his village. But the greedy birds kept eating it. It seemed that they took it for granted. The peasants could not bear wasting a grain of rice. To solute the problem, Davy cultivated a new kind of corn which the birds disliked its taste. The peasants were grateful to him for what he did. To show their gratitude, they gave him a big basket of grapes. A girl gave him a gold necklace of ten grams to express her love. If Davy’s mother knew it from the grave, she would feel happy for him.


IM Talk在线学英语:读故事学英语,20天背完5000单词G-6 greenhouse n.温室

greet v.致敬,敬意,迎接;扑(鼻),人(耳),触(目) greeting n.问候,致敬

grieve v.使悲伤,使伤心

grind v.磨(碎),碾(碎)

grip v./n.紧握,抓紧

groan v./n.呻吟

grocer n.食品商,杂货商

grocery n.杂货店,杂货

gross a.总的,毛(重)的;粗鲁的,粗俗的n.总额

grown-up a.成长的,成熟的,成人的n.成年人

growth n.生长,增长,发展

guarantee n.保证,保证书v.保证,担保

on guard 警惕,防范

guidance n.引导,指导

guilty a.(of)有罪的,内疚的

gulf n.海湾

gum n.树胶;口香糖

gunpowder n.火药

guy n.家伙,伙计

gymnasium/gym n.体育馆,健身房

Words:20 Phrases:1 TotaI:21

A grocer built up a greenhouse nearby a gulf. On the day the greenhouse was open to the public, the grocer greeted the guests at the door. The greeting to all the guests took more than half an hour. His wife ground coffee beans for the guests. The smell greeted every one. All of the guests spent a wonderful day. But that night, the greenhouse caught fire. The frightened wife gripped her husband’s arm. It grieved them to see the greenhouse burning into ashes. The couple groaned in pain. They should be certainly on guard. The gross of the damage was 50 thousand dollars. The next day, the arsonist was arrested at a gymnasium. He was a guy who chewed gum all the time. His language and behavior were gross. He exploded the gunpowder for fun but it caused the fire. The arsonist was only 14. He wasn’t grown-up. He needed some guidance in his growth, but his parents died years ago. Having known everything, the grocer gave up the prosecution. Instead of this, he wanted to adopt the boy! Then the boy felt guilty. He gave his guarantee that he would never do bad things again.



胡敏读故事记单词(六级)1 abbreviation n.缩写, 缩写词 abide vt. 容忍 abide by 遵守,履行 abnormal a.反常地,异常地 abolish vt. 废止, 废除(法律、制度、习俗等) abortion n. 流产, 堕胎 abound vi. 1. 大量存在 2.(in,with)充满,富于 abreast ad. 并列,并排 keep abreast of 与……齐头并进,了解……地最新情况 abrupt a. 1. 突然地,意外地 2.(举止、言谈等)唐突地,鲁莽地 abstain vi. 1.弃权 2.(from)戒除 absurd a. 荒谬地,荒唐地 abundance n. 大量,丰富,充足 in abundance充足,丰富 accessory n. 1.附件,零件,配件 2.[常pl.](妇女手提包之类地)装饰品 3.同谋,帮凶,包庇犯 acclaim vt. 向……欢呼,为……喝彩 n. 称赞,欢迎 accommodate vt. 1.容纳 2.向……提供住处(或膳宿) 3.使适应,顺应 accomplice n. 共犯,从犯 accountable a. 负有责任地 ace n. 1.(纸牌等中地)幺点,“A”牌 2.(网球等比赛中)发球得分 3.(在某方面地)佼佼者 a. 第一流地,杰出地 acoustic a. 1.听觉地,声音地 2.(乐器)原声地 acquaint vt. (with)使认识,使了解,使熟悉 acquit vt. 1.宣判……无罪 2.(oneself)使(自己)作出某种表现 activate vt. 使活动起来,使开始起作用 Accommodating a Pregnancy Xiaomin never thought abortion was a big deal. As he became acquainted with American politics , however , he realized you have to work hard to keep abreast of changing value s to truly understand how absurdly controversial this issue has become. He found out from his American friends that opinions are in abundance of how to teach people to be accountable for their actions, how to make people abide by Family Planning laws, and even how to teach people just to abstain from sex. The significance of this issue became abruptly clear when Xiaomin's best friend, Jeff, got his girlfriend pregnant. Jeff was an acclaimed graduate student who was living an abnormal life from other Americans just by attending a Chinese university to get his Ph.D.(Ph.D. is an abbreviation for Doctor of Philosophy, the highest degree available in a university). Jeff was also an ace soccer player and acoustic guitar player. There was also alway an abundance of women around him. This is how he met Sarah. When Sarah became pregnant with Jeff, his friends suddenly treated him as if he was an accessory to murder. Jeff also felt as if he needed to be acquitted of some crime. But he decided in the end that he and his accomplice, Sarah, would keep the baby. According to Jeff and Sarah, the life of their child was more important than their career. Xiaomin was amazed. Keeping the child would abolish any chance of a successful career for Jeff. And in Xiaomin's eyes, one could activate the process for an abortion with a simple visit to the doctor even though there might be lines, three people abreast . But Jeff and Sarah were firm in their decision and Xiaomin had to abide his friends' decision. Life abounded in surprises. Now Jeff and Sarah were leaving school and returning to the United States. They would do everying they could to accommodate themselves to their new situation.精品文档收集整理汇总版权文档,请勿用做商业用途 选择生孩子 小民从来没想过流产是个大事.但是,当他了解美国政治之后,他认识到得下很大地工夫才能一直了解不断变化着地价值观念,真正理解关于这个问题地争议是多么地荒唐可笑.他从美国朋友身上发现人们对许多问题地看法是很丰富地,如怎样教人们对自己地行为负责、如何使人们遵守计划生育地法律规定、甚至如何教人们节制性生活.小民最要好地朋友杰夫使女朋友怀孕了,这件事情使上述问题地重要性突然变得清楚了. 杰夫是位颇受赞扬地研究生,他地生活和其他美国人相比是有些反常,因为他在一所中国大学里读博士学位(Ph.D.是Doctor of


高中英语词汇——看故事记单词(二) Mr. Bacon used to be a music CD agent. He got the job through an employment agency. By accident, he heard some African music. The music was agreeable to the ear. From then on, he was in an agony of longing. Africa was a mysterious land attracting him. His heart agitated for adventure. Mr. bacon had a friend name Jack. Jack was an alert alien. They were much alike in character. Both of them never touched alcohol. Both of them were aggressive, but Jack was stronger. In the 400-meter match , he got ahead of Mr. Bacon every time One day, Mr. Bacon received airmail from Jack. In the airmail, Jack described the beauty of Africa. Mr. Bacon affirmed that what he said was true. Three days afterward they met at the airport. According to the agenda, they arrived in Africa the next day. They found that the lack of rain aggravated the serious shortage of food. The agricultural commodities were deficient that year. There were rumors in the air that it was punishment from God. Next, on the way to hotel, they were shocked to see a dead man on the road. They alarmed the police at once and waited for the aid from the police. It's really a bad journey! 培根先生曾是一个音乐CD的代理商。他通过一个职业代理处得到这份工作。偶然地,他听到一些非洲音乐。那音乐非常令人愉快。从此,他陷入了热望的苦恼中。非洲成了一块吸引他的神秘土地。他的心煽动着要求冒险。培根先生有一个名为杰克的朋友。杰克是一个机灵的外侨。他们在性格方面非常相像。两个人都不沾酒。两人都很好斗,而杰克更胜一筹。在400米赛跑中,每次都是他领先培根先生。一天,培根先生收到了来自杰克的航空邮件。信中,杰克描述了非洲的美丽。培根先生肯定他说的是真的。三天以后他们在机场碰头。按照议事日程,他们第二天到了非洲。他们发现干旱使食物短缺加重了。那年的农业产品不足。有谣言在流传,说是来自上帝的惩罚。接着,他们在去旅馆的半路上震惊的发现一个死人。他们立刻向警方报警并等候援助。这真是倒霉的旅行! The college admitted Steve when he was 15. The news was all over the small village.Not only he himself,but also his parent felt happy for this. They always fought alongside him. There was a bill along with the college notice, which upset them. The family was not rich at all; they had no radio, let alone a television. But they went all out to afford the higher education for him. After all, they had only one son. Fortunately, the college made allowances for Steve's situation and awarded him an allowance of five thousand dollars. When everything was all right, Steve went to college. In all, there were 30 students in his class. Steve learned a lot at class. He knew brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Besides this, he knew sometimes hemp was used to alleviate pain. Also, he could read the Latin alphabet correctly. Steve liked all the subjects but history. He had heard enough such as “Britain in alliance with France once defeated a number of smaller countries.”, “Britain was an ally of America in both World Wars. They were allied countries.”, and so on. But allowing for the graduation, he still got A in every subject. The teacher allocated duties to all the students evry Monday, and Steve always finished his part first. So the teacher alleged that Steve was the most promising student in the class. 一所学院在史蒂夫15岁时接受了他。这个消息遍及了村庄。不但他自己,而且他的父母都为此高兴。他们总是与他并肩作战。与大学通知书一起来的一张账单让他们心烦。这个家庭一点也不富裕,他们没有收音机,更不用说电视了。但他们竭尽全力为儿子提供高等教育。毕竟,他们只有一个儿子。幸运的是,学员体谅史蒂夫的处境并发给他一项5000美


50个有趣小故事帮助记忆形近单词 1. 马戏团的鹦鹉 它一岁的age(年纪)会说人的language(语言),头脑很懂manage(经营),要求增加wage(薪水),惹得老板rage(发怒)把它关进cage(笼子)。 2. 败家女的生活 天生就很lazy(懒惰的),生活就爱cozy(舒适的),上街血拼crazy(疯狂的),体胖心感uneasy(不安的),减肥虚脱dizzy(头晕眼花的),成天沉溺fantasy(幻想)。 3. 贫农发家史 地下播下seed(种子),种出却是weed(杂草),只能当作feed(饲料),生存无法proceed(继续),冒险去采seaweed(海带),脚被刺伤bleed(流血),拼命加快speed(速度),回来销售succeed(成功),见财心生greed(贪婪)。 4. 武术冠军擒贼 那天我骑着cycle(自行车),见有人偷旧bicycle(自行车),还美其名曰recycle(回收利用),我便鼓起了muscle(肌肉),八卦掌划出semicircle(半圆)擒贼,被写进了article(文章)。 5. 英国的过去 大英帝国无bound(边界),英联邦国家abound(大量存在),流通货币是pound(英镑),随处英语的sound(声音),满城绅士牵hound(猎狗)。 6. 超级逃兵 行军方向forward(向前的),他的方向backward(向后的),逃跑方式awkward(笨拙的),其实是个coward(懦夫)。 7. 掌舵手 有一个volunteer(志愿者),把船来steer(驾驶),快乐是sheer(纯粹的),神情却queer(古怪的),高傲像deer(鹿)。 8. 码头黑老大 野心相当large(大的),想把地盘enlarge(扩大),要想在这discharge(卸货),保护费要overcharge(多收),谁敢把我charge(控告)。 9. 便宜无好货 话说有个student(学生),旅行需要tent(帐篷),去到商店rent(租借)只要几百cent(分),野营发生accident(事故),原来没有vent(通风孔),骨架还全bent(弯曲),奸商让人resent(愤恨)。 10. 排骨抢劫案


胡敏读故事背雅思单词1(abandon-accomplish) An honorable entry The acclaimed academic, Dr. Sir Walter T.J. Fitzbody, accompanied the equally accessible expert of aboriginal history, Dr. Mugambe H. C. Carriky, slowly to the platform to accept his National Science Foundation Award. Both were noted for their absenteeism, rarely seen in public and still marveled at for their abnormal usage of double abbreviations in their names. That it was Dr. Carriky, the former pupil of Dr. Fitzbody who was receiving this life-time award before his mentor was only minor. Dr. Fitzbody knew that academia was not always fair and, having always been rather accommodating for his favorite student anyhow, was taking the event as an honor to his work as well. When Dr. Carriky accidentally tripped over the toe of a person with his leg extended too far into the aisle, the gasps of the crowd conveniently covered the abusive words that came out of Dr. Carriky's mouth. The man did not take the abuse kindly, however, and abandoning all respect, began to rise to respond to the guest of honor. Dr. Fitzbody, sensing trouble, quickly accelerated towards the stage. It did not matter that an accessory of his robe was lost to the floor as they escaped. The rest of the audience, sensing a need for accommodation, politely gave clear access so that no further mishaps would occur. Having accomplished their entry, Dr. Fitzbody began his introduction of Dr. Carriky. He gently smiled and said a joke that related the fall to a historical abstraction. The crowd laughed in relief and breathed easily as they knew that honor and dignity had been restored. 体面的入场 广受赞誉的学者沃尔特.T.J.费茨博迪博士陪同同样平易近人的土著历史研究专家穆甘贝.H.C.克里奇博士缓缓走向领奖台领取国家科学基金奖。这俩人都以离群索居、很少在公共场合抛头露面出名,他俩姓名当中非常规地使用了两个缩写更使人感到不可思议。克里奇博士是费茨博迪博士的前学生,他在导师之前获得这项终生奖项并没有什么不妥,因为费茨博迪博士知道学术界并不总是公平,加上他平时总爱在得意门生面前行个方便,他把这件事也看成了对他的工作的肯定。


背单词的书推荐 在日常学习英语中,背单词,应该找那些书籍。 1、新东方-胡敏读故事记单词系列。这套书是新东方教育集团总裁、北京新东方学校第二任校胡敏编著的,他主张在英语培训领域提出自己独特的教学理念改进学习方法、提高应试技巧、加强英语实,升华事业人生,这一理念在新东方的课堂上得以贯彻并为广大学员所认可。书中是一些内容各异、即兴创作的故事,且借故事帮助读者记住单词和它们的一些用法。此套从书由易到难,有初中、高中、大英四级、六级和托福等五本书,建议同学们觉得自己平时就爱看小说、故事之类书籍的选择,而且可以根据自己的英语水平选择套中的不同书本,循序渐进地学习。 2、李阳疯狂英语口语突破系列之突破单词。这本书是的目的是突破核心单词,口语更胜一筹。书中包括数十种高效的单词记忆法:方法穿插全书。建议平时背单词时喜欢边读边背,不读背不出的同学选择。 3、新经典智库的爱上背单词丛书。这套丛书特别适合刚刚开始学习英语的中小学生;曾学过英语,但由于种种原因被迫放弃者;深受传统英语教学方法束缚,学习不得法,甚至失去兴趣者。它满足了读者背单词的两个根本目的:一是“记住”,二是“会用”。丛书包括基础关键词、进阶关键词和高考关键词三本,如果同学有觉得自己需要从头开始学

英语,背单词的,又愿意找到一个好方法认真学的,可以考虑这套书。甚至跟自己的孩子们比比看谁学得快,不知道你们有没有勇气呢。 4、词根记忆书。词根记忆是英语单词记忆中非常重要的一种记忆方法,英语中的很多单词都具有相同的词根,因此记住词根,并根据词根来记忆单词,可以实现背一即背十的目标,而且掌握了词根后,即使在考试、日常的阅读中碰到不会的单词,也可以用词根法来推断它的意思。以词根记忆单词的书籍,我推荐新东方出的《大学英语考试CET-4:四级词汇词根+联想记忆法》,还有六级版的、英语词汇速记大全、TOEFL词汇等几本。还有声名很好的《星火式四六级词汇巧记速记》。建议平常就看推理的同学,喜欢举一反三的同学用。 5、口袋书系列。我看过的口袋书都还挺不错的,如吴铭方英语词汇书,一小本,装在口袋里,有空的时候就拿出来看看,或者每天给自己一个任务,背完10页,一小本书很快就过了。而且书里也有各种单词的记忆法提示,和提醒你循环背诵的时间表。 其实“背单词”从来就是学英语不可或缺的一部分,只是母语孩子不像我们几十年前(写下这个数字的时候真是辛酸,青春还没享受呢怎么就没了)学英语那样,刻苦就是抱着“红宝书”啃下单词列表。现在大家耳熟能详的Phonics(见


80个小故事巧记高考词汇 高中考纲词汇共有3500个,核心词汇985个,想要全部背下来工程量不小,其中还有大量相似词汇,不仔细很容易出错,今天,就为大家分享80个趣味小故事,几乎包含了高中阶段所有相似词汇,大家可以利用空闲时间记一下! 相声大师 有一个sailor(海员),爱研究humor(幽默),成为了bachelor(学士),这并非rumor(谣言)。 三国时的好汉孙权 研究结果recent (新近的),带有江南accent (口音),具有欧洲descent (血统),住在宫殿magnificent (宏伟的),和大江是adjacent (邻近的)。 金星旅行 想请太阳halt(暂停),皮肤晒出salt(食盐),解开腰上belt(皮带),铁环被晒melt(熔化)。 嫌犯在拘禁中 不承认guilt(有罪),掀开了quilt(被子),拉监狱门bolt(闩),被电击高volt(伏特),引起了revolt(反抗)。 器官移植成功后

有一个merchant(商人),做器官transplant(移植),在自己plant(工厂),把圣歌chant(咏唱),感觉是triumphant(得意洋洋的)。 小巨人姚明 是一个giant(巨人),前途是brilliant(灿烂的),老师教育欺负同学的学生,错误进行criticize(批评),令他立即apologize(道歉),对弱者表示sympathize(体谅),并且对他energize(激励)。 诸葛亮失街亭 很少时间spare (空闲的),责任重大aware (意识到的),为胜利在prepare (准备),失街亭是nightmare (恶梦),引起敌人massacre (大屠杀),血染许多acre (英亩)。 总统的核密码箱 箱子是portable(手提式的),手感很comfortable(舒适的), 也显得valuable(贵重的),密码是adjustable(可调整的), 内有本Bible(有权威的书),讲应急方案flexible(灵活的) 虽然是bubble(空谈),沉重如pebble(卵石)。 莎士比亚的一生 文章是coherent(条理清楚的),下笔犹如torrent(洪流), 顺应时代current(潮流),勤奋是成功parent(根源), 没什么可repent(后悔)。 电影里演教授的卓别林

胡敏 读故事记单词 考研英语词汇

1. The Time of Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America. He is remembered for many things, including his log-cabin home, his absurd looking clothing accessory, a top-hat, but Lincoln?s absolute most important contribution to America?s history was to abolish slavery, a very hard task to accomplish at that time. In the middle of the 19th century, America was split by an abstract border. The country was cut into two parts: the North and the South. There were an abundance of differences which caused this abnormal separation. For instance, the North held all of the Universities and Military Academies whereas in the South, access to such institutions was limited. Also, Northerners spoke standard American English while Southerners spoke with a Southern accent. But the largest difference that abound between the North and the South at that time was slavery and all of the aspects that accompanied it. The North thought that the South should abandon slavery because mint most cases, slaves faced daily abuse from their owners. Most Northerners tried to abide by the rule that “All men are created equal.” These reasons largely account for the American Civil War. The Civil War was a long, brutal war with a very high casualty rate. Many young men from both the North and the South were killed on the battlefield; the death toll was also accelerated by the fact that small Army hospitals could not accommodate so many wounded soldiers. The Civil War was filled with heroes on both sides of the battlefield. Names like U.S.Grant, General Sherman, and the acclaimed Southern General Robert E. Lee. All of these men fought bravely and made harrowing decisions on their own accord. But Lincoln is probably most often associated with his leadership of the country during this difficult period. He was a firm believer that slavery was wrong and he fought hard to stop it. In 1863, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation which legally granted freedom to all slaves living in America. But in 1865, Lincoln?s life came to an abrupt ended while he was watching a play at Ford?s Theater in Washington D.C. His death was not an accident; he was assassinated by a man named John Wilkes Booth. Not long after Lincoln?s death, the North defeated the South and the Civil War was ended. The South was no longer thought of as another country, but part of America. And all of the slaves living and working in the South were freed and absorbed into society. 2. Mike — a Story of Personal Change Mike could hardly be described as your typical adolescent. He would casually acknowledge to his few friends that he liked to watch DVDs, although perhaps a more accurate description was that he was a DVD addict. Over the last six months, Mike had accumulated thousands of DVDs. When he was not at school, he had become accustomed to spending his time wandering the streets of the city, acquiring more and more films. Indeed, it became a joke that if asked for his address, he would give the address of the DVD shop adjacent to our school since he spent so much time there. Mike hated attending school. In his eyes, its only advantage was its location. During lessons, he adopted a rather cool demeanor towards most of his classmates and was often accused of being aloof. All he seemed concerned about was adding to his DVD collection. In truth, Mike had not adapted to life at the school very well. Perhaps he felt that he still needed adequate time to adjust to a new environment although no one could work out why he harbored such an acute feeling of self-pity.


X寒假英语学习计划安排 计划的安排应合理、科学,尽量不要让你的时间浪费。下面是整理的X年寒假英语学习计划安排,仅供参考! 寒假英语学习计划安排(一) 1."循序渐进"——就是人们按照学科的知识体系和自身的智能条件,系统而有步骤地进行学习。它要求人们应注重基础,切忌好高骛远,急于求成。循序渐进的原则体现为:一要打好基础。二要由易到难。三要量力而行。 2."熟读精思"——就是要根据记忆和理解的辩证关系,把记忆与理解紧密结合起来,两者不可偏废。我们知道记忆与理解是密切联系、相辅相成的。一方面,只有在记忆的基础上进行理解,理解才能透彻;另一方面,只有在理解的参与下进行记忆,记忆才会牢固,"熟读",要做到"三到":心到、眼到、口到。"精思",要善于提出问题和解决问题,用"自我诘难法"和"众说诘难法"去质疑问难。 3."自求自得"——就是要充分发挥学习的主动性和积极性,尽可能挖掘自我内在的学习潜力,培养和提高自学能力。自求自得的原则要求不要为读书而读书,应当把所学的知识加以消化吸收,变成自己的东西。 4."博约结合"——就是要根据广搏和精研的辩证关系,把广博和精研结合起来,众所周知,博与约的关系是在博的基础上去约,在约的指导下去博,博约结合,相互促进。坚持博约结合,一是要广泛阅读。二是精读。 5."知行统一"——就是要根据认识与实践的辩证关系,把学习和实践结合起来,切忌学而不用。"知者行之始,行者知之成",以知为指导的行才能行之有效,脱离知的行则是盲动。同样,以行验证的知才是真知灼见,脱离行的知则是空知。因此,知行统一要注重实践:一是要善于在实践中学习,边实践、边学习、边积累。二是躬行实践,即把学习得来的知识,用在实际工作中,解决实际问题。


我们可以通过自编故事把要记忆的单词串联起来,用这种方法背单词,操作简单有趣而且记得牢靠。 比如,我们记忆一组单词: dog 狗 bog 沼泽 cog 小船 fog 雾 hog 公猪 jog 轻撞 log 原木 mog 撤走 nog 木钉 tog 衣服 wog 东方佬 【自编故事】 有一天,一只dog和一只hog上山玩,谁知途中天上fog很浓,正当他们想mog的时候,hog 不小心jog了一下dog,dog跌进了bog里。hog很惊怕,他想拿来一块log,不知为什么却拿来一块nog,向dog里一扔……结果nog扔到了dog的头,当场晕倒。hog用绳子拉上了dog,这时走来了一位wog,对hog和dog进行了一番说教,于是dog感谢了hog,两位好朋友又一起开心地下山了。 再如,我们记忆一组单词: baby 婴儿

balcony 阳台 bank 银行 bathroom 浴室 beach 海滩 bear 熊 bedroom 卧室 beg 乞讨 believe 相信 boat 船 【自编故事】 婴儿baby在银行bank的阳台balcony上乞讨beg,熊bear相信believe海滩beach的船上boat有卧室bedroom和浴室bathroom。 这些自编故事有时显得有些莫名其妙、怪诞、幼稚甚至弱智,但却极为管用。很多时候,你在编故事的过程中就已经把成堆的单词记住了。如果这个方法融会贯通了,那天底下还真就没有记不住的单词。 最后,再给二组例子: 1) best最好 lest免得 nest鸟巢 jest恶作剧、笑话

pest害虫 rest休息 test检测 vest女装背心 west西边 zest热心、风味 【自编故事】 在west西方有一群zest热心人搞了一个jest恶作剧,用pest害虫去test测试nest鸟巢,这种方法可以test测试出best最好的nest鸟巢,这个做法主要是lest免得那些穿vest V 型背心的女孩们rest休息的时候去掏nest鸟巢。 2) direct v. 引导;adj.直接的 disarm v. 缴械;消除(敌意 disarming adj. 消除敌意的 disarrange v. 扰乱 disarray v./n. 杂乱;混乱 disaster n. 灾难 disastrous adj. 灾难性的;悲惨的 disband v. 解散(军队) disburse v. 支付,支出;分配 discard v. 丢弃 【自编故事】 诸葛亮direct军队disarm了孟获的军队,disarming的孟获终于投降,disband了军队,


1. 马戏团的鹦鹉 它一岁的age(年纪)会说人的Ian guage(语言),头脑很懂man age(经营),要求增加wage (薪水), 惹得老板rage(发怒)把它关进cage(笼子)。 2. 败家女的生活 天生就很lazy(懒惰的),生活就爱cozy(舒适的),上街血拼crazy(疯狂的),体胖心感uneasy(不安的),减肥虚脱dizzy(头晕眼花的),成天沉溺fantasy(幻想)。 3. 贫农发家史 地下播下seed(种子),种出却是weed(杂草),只能当作feed(饲料),生存无法proceed (继续),冒险去采seaweed海带),脚被刺伤bleed(流血),拼命加快speed(速度),回来销售succeed(成功),见财心生greed(贪婪)。 4. 武术冠军擒贼 那天我骑着cycle(自行车),见有人偷旧bicycle(自行车),还美其名曰recycle(回收利用),我便鼓起了muscle(肌肉),八卦掌划出semicircle(半圆)擒贼,被写进了article(文章)。 5. 英国的过去 大英帝国无bound(边界),英联邦国家abound(大量存在),流通货币是pound(英镑),随处英语的sound(声音),满城绅士牵hound(猎狗)。 6. 超级逃兵 行军方向forward(向前的),他的方向backward(向后的),逃跑方式awkward(笨拙的),其实是个coward(懦夫)。 7. 掌舵手 有一个volunteer(志愿者),把船来steer(驾驶),快乐是sheer(纯粹的),神情却queer(古古怪的),高傲像deer(鹿)。 8. 码头黑老大 野心相当large(大的),想把地盘enlarge(扩大),要想在这discharge(卸货),保护费要overcharge(多收),谁敢把我charge(控告)。 9. 便宜无好货 话说有个student(学生),旅行需要tent(帐篷),去到商店rent(租借)只要几百cent(分),野营发生accide nt(事故),原来没有vent(通风孔),骨架还全be nt(弯曲),奸商让人rese nt(愤恨)。 10. 排骨抢劫案 教堂旁边的shop(商店),正大声播放pop(流行音乐),卖美味红烧chop(排骨),口水好像要drop(滴下),无奈没有钱shop(买东西),抢一盘朝外hop(跳跃),越过绊脚的mop(拖把),猛地撞上了bishop(主教),被抓住交给cop(警察)。 11. 登山队员 购买装备时bargain(讨价还价),买到次货是certain(必然的),正当要翻越mountain(山脉),装备坏了直complai n(抱怨),价格把质量con tai n(包含),悔不听商家explai n(解释)。


胡敏读故事记单词第13篇 WORD plead vi.1.恳求,请求 2.申诉,答辩,辩护 vt.1.为……辩护 2.提出……为理由(或借口) plight n.困境,苦境 pluck vt.1.拔,摘,采 2.拔除……的毛 3.弹,拨,弹奏 vi.(at)拉,拽,拉扯 ?n.勇气,胆量,决心 plum n.李子,梅子 a.待遇好的 plumber n.管子工,水暖工 plume n.1.(升上空中的)一缕(烟、尘土等) 2.羽毛,羽饰 plump a.丰满的,胖乎乎的 vi.1.(down)扑通倒(或坐)下,蓦地摔下 2.(for)选定 vt.1.使扑通倒(或坐)下,蓦地摔下 2.(up)轻轻拍打使(枕头等)变得鼓起来 plunder vt.劫掠……的财物,掠夺 n.1.劫掠物,赃物 2.劫掠,抢夺pneumonia n.肺炎 poignant a.令人痛苦的,辛酸的,惨痛的 poise n.1.稳重,镇定 2.(优美)姿势,姿态 3.平衡,平稳 vt.使平衡,使平稳,平稳地拿 poke vt.1.戳,捅 2.用……戳(或捅),把……戳向 3.伸出,突出 vi.伸出,突出? n.戳,捅 poke about/around 搜索,探问 poke fun at 拿……开玩笑,取笑 poke one's nose into 探问,干预 polar a.1.地极的,近地极的 2.磁极的 3.正好相反的,截然对立的 polyester n.聚脂(纤维),涤纶

ponder v.思索,考虑,沉思 pony n.矮种马,小马 popcorn n.爆玉米花,炒苞米 pope n.[常the P_](天主教)教皇,罗马主教 porcelain n.瓷,瓷器 porch n.门廊 pore n.毛孔,细孔 vi.(over)仔细阅读,审视 The Lucky Plumber The plumber had always been lucky at games. But the day he went to the carnival with the polar bear it all came to a poignant end. It started when he was poking about looking for a game to play. He had already done the pony ride, eaten popcorn, and plucked a plum from a tall tree using a feather to won a porcelain doll of the Pope. But now he was pondering if he could win a guessing game to win the polyester jacket that the game host was wearing as he sat on his porch. When he decided to try the host began to poke fun at him that he would lose his poise and not be able to guess his weight. And he was right. The plumber was wrong with his guess. He pleaded for a second chance and even paid to guess again. When he guessed wrong again a plump woman with a bright orange plume on her hat stepped in to try as well. The plumberpoked her in the side and told her not to poke her nose into other peoples business. He was still playing and she wasn't going to plunder the prize that he thought was his! But the plumber just could not win the guessing game. When he finally acknowledged his plight, the pores on his skin were all worn out from sweating so much! I hear he was never the same again and that he died of the pneumonia he caught that night a few weeks later. Some people just

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