当前位置:文档之家› 澳洲旅游签证申请需要哪些材料(材料清单)


























大人材料清单: 1.1419CHS表(大写英文填) 2.54家庭成员表(中文填一份,大写英文填一份) 3.照片一张(2寸白底) 4.护照相片页黑白复印件一份 5.护照彩色复印件一份(护照相片页、里面所有有签证的和盖章的都要有) 6.户口本彩色复印件一份(地址页、增减页、所有人员页都要有) 7.身份证正反面彩色复印件一份 8.工资卡半年流水账单(每一页都盖银行的章) 9.信用卡最近半年账单,一张额度3万,一张额度8千(网上的对账单) 10.房产证的黑白复印件一份(1份) 11.行车证 12.中文的在职证明,盖公章,人事部主管签字(内容要有:姓名、年龄、入职时间,请假 时间,职位,年龄,护照号、公司名字、地址、固定电话) 13.机票订单(沈阳-墨尔本、墨尔本-凯恩斯、悉尼到沈阳) 14.酒店预订单(墨尔本、凯恩斯、悉尼) 15.预计行程表 16.保险 小孩材料清单: 1.1419CHS表(资金填写父母提供) 2.54家庭成员表 3.1229表 4.2寸白底照片一张 5.护照相片页黑白复印件一份 6.护照彩色复印件一份(护照相片页、里面所有有签证的和盖章的都要有) 7.户口本彩色复印件一份(和我同一本户口,我复印的一式二份) 8.出生证明彩色复印件一份 9.结婚证彩色复印件一份 10.不同行的父亲身份证正反面彩色复印件一份 11.房产证黑白复印件一份(1份) 12.工资卡半年流水账单(同大人) 13.父亲工资卡半年流水账单 14.行车证 15.信用卡最近半年账单的黑白复印件(同大人) 16.中文的在读证明,盖公章(内容要有:姓名、年龄、就读年级,请假时间,护照号、学 校名字、地址、固定电话,班主任签字和手机) 17.机票订单(沈阳-墨尔本、墨尔本-凯恩斯、悉尼到沈阳) 18.酒店预订单(墨尔本、凯恩斯、悉尼) 19.预计行程表 20.保险


876 (Design date 07/09) - Page 1 ? COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2009Important – Please read this information carefully before you complete your application. Once you have completed your application we strongly advise that you keep a copy for your records. No fee is payable for an application for an Australian transit visa. Who completes this form? You should complete this application form if you intend to remain in Australia no longer than 72 hours and if you can establish that the principal purpose in entering Australia is:?to pass through Australia in transit to another country (where a ‘stopover’ is intended, you should apply for the appropriate visa in a visitor class instead); or ?to pass through Australia to join a vessel as a crew member.Children included in a parent’s passport need not complete a separate application form. Details of such children can be included on their parent’s/guardian’s application form. Children not included in a parent’s or guardian’s passport must fill in a separate application. Please answer all questions fully and correctly. An incorrect answer, or failure to provide an answer to any question, will be taken into account when your application is being considered and could lead to the refusal of your application. T ravel agents may complete this form for you but you must sign the declaration. For information on the making and processing of visa applications, see the information form 1025i Making and processing visa applications. Integrity of application The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (the department) is committed to maintaining the integrity of the visa and citizenship programs. Please be aware that if you provide us with fraudulent documents or claims, this may result in processing delays and possibly your application being refused. What is needed with the application? Persons other than the crew joining a vessel You must enclose with your application: a passport valid for travel to Australia issued to, or including, each person in the application; a recent passport-type photograph of each person included in the application form (the photograph must be signed on the back by the person to whom it refers);an itinerary; evidence of confirmed onward booking to continue your journey from Australia to a third country within 72 hours of arrival; and/or correct documentation (eg. visa) for entry to that third country . Persons joining as crew of a vessel From 1 July 2007, foreign members of crew employed on foreign non-military ships which are in Australia during an international voyage are required to hold an Australian maritime crew visa. A maritime crew visa may only be applied for while the applicant is outside Australia. A maritime crew visa is valid for multiple entries to Australia for 3 years from the date it is granted and only permits travel to Australia by sea. Crew who need to travel to Australia by air to join a ship may apply for a transit visa to travel to Australia but applicants will be checked by immigration officials to ascertain if they hold a maritime crew visa. If you do not hold a maritime crew visa after 1 July 2007 when you apply for a transit visa, you may be refused a transit visa to travel to Australia. Your application should be accompanied by:?a passport; and ?documentary proof that you are employed on, or are to be employed on, the ship you are joining in Australia.The following details are to be supplied by the local shipping/handling agent: ?the names of the person joining the vessel as crew;?the names of the persons they are replacing; ?the name of the company employing the applicant;?the name of the vessel being joined; ?the date of arrival in Australia of the persons to be visaed;?the port and date they are expected to join the vessel;?if they are not the vessel’s owner, a copy of the request for crew from the vessel’s agent in Australia. The request should contain the details of the crew members applying for visas.Your transit visa, if granted will permit you to travel to Australia by air for single entry only. Your maritime crew visa will allow you a period of 5 days to sign onto your vessel after you arrive in Australia. If you fail to sign onto your vessel in that time, your maritime crew visa will cease and you may be liable to removal from Australia. Form 876 Application for Transit visa for Australia (subclass 771) Continued on the next page


申根签证-短期停留 YES/有 NO/没有 N/A/不适用1 SCHENGEN VISA APPLICATION FORM Fully completed (preferable PRINT) in English or German language Personally signed by the applicant (minors: signed by legal guardian) 申根签证申请表 一张用英文或者德语填写的申请表,申请表必须完整、如实填写(建议机打) 申请者本人在指定的位置签名,(未成年人则必须加上法定监护人的签字) https://www.doczj.com/doc/612632772.html,/pdf/Schengen_Visa_form_for_Beijing_and_Guangzhou_020715.pdf 2 TWO RECENT AND IDENTICAL PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPHS Colour, 35x45mm, white background, undamaged, no headpiece 两张护照尺寸近期照片 35x45mm, 白底彩照,无损坏,不可配戴帽子 http://www.icao.int/Security/mrtd/Downloads/Technical%20Reports/Annex_A-Photograph_Guidelines.pdf 3 PASSPORT Issued within the previous 10 years. Minimum two blank visa pages. Valid for at least 3 months beyond the validity of your visa request. PP must be signed by its owner. Copy of data page; copies of pages showing visas and/or exit/entry stamps. Submission of previous passport(s) is appreciated. 护照十年内签发的有效护照,至少连续两页空白页。签证到期后护照的有效期至少3个月有效。 由申请人签字,首尾页的复印件以及使用过所有页的复印,建议提交旧护照。 4 MEDICAL INSURANCE Minimum coverage of EUR 30.000 for medical costs and repatriation. Valid in all Schengen Countries during the validity of the visa requested. Applicants for Business Visa and long-term validity/multiple entries may proof coverage for the initial travel only, together with a statement, declaring the awareness of the need of medical insurance for each subsequent travel. 医疗保险 足够支付在事故及疾病情况下的医疗和转运费用,保险数额为每人至少30000欧元。 覆盖整个申根国家,签证有效期内有效。申请商务签证和长期有效签证/多次签证的申请人应该提供至少首次旅行的保险, 同时提交一份声明以说明其知道每次旅行均需要医疗保险。 5 TRAVEL ITINERARY Itinerary covering the whole stay in Austria and Schengen area, stating the dates and places of stay. In case of two or multiple entries, documentation of travel route outside the Schengen area. 旅游行程 涵盖逗留在奥地利和申根地区的行程,写明日期和逗留地点。如果申请两次或多次入境,需提供申根地区以外的行程及相关文件。 6 PROOF OF ACCOMMODATION Covering the whole period of the stay in Schengen area and indicating the applicant’s name. 住宿证明涵盖在申根国家停留的全部期间,需显示申请人的姓名。 7 ROUND-TRIP FLIGHT TICKET RESERVATION FROM/TO CHINA Indicating the applicant’s full name, all departure/destination airports and time of travel. In order to avoid unnecessary expenses, it is recommended to confirm your flight ticket only after issuance of visa. 往返中国的机票预订单 需显示申请人的姓名,所有出发/到达的机场及出行时间。为避免不必要的损失,机票应在签证签发之后出票付款! 8 EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE/STUDY (ORIGINAL) In English or German language or in Chinese with E/G translation on official company paper with stamp, signature, position and contacts of a responsible person in the company stating name of applicant, position, salary, years of service, approval for leave, purpose of visit and confirmation of position after return. 在职证明(原件)/在读证明/退休证(原件) 由雇主/学校出具的证明信(英文或德文件,或中文附上英文或德文翻译),需使用公司/学校正式的信头纸并加盖公章,负责人签字,职位和联系方式;并写明申请人的姓名,职位/所在年级,薪资收入,工作年限/就读年限,准假证明,访问目的及公司/学校将为申请人保留职位/学位的证明。退休人士提供退休证原件。



1)户口本 2)身份证 3)结婚证 4)定期存单 5)活期账单 6)车产、房产证明(可选) 7)营业执照副本复印件 8)在职证明及最近三个月的工资单 9)生活照(全家福、著名景点合影照片等) 10)行程计划 11)根据您的个人情况,其他有价值的支持性文件 另外,特别提醒您在办理美国签证时关注如下注意事项: 1、美国签证需提前预约面试时间,通常为提前一个月. 2、对帐单上需要明确显示持卡人的姓名和卡号并加盖银行章,显出示送签当月的交易记录,建议余额在十万元以上,越多越好 3、所有支持材料尽量充分准备,原件请于面试时带齐,便于签证官核查;根据个人情况不同,材料准备也有侧重点,欢迎您向咨询更详细的信息。

美国旅游签证所需要的材料美国旅游签证B2申请详细材料清单 一、上交给领事馆的必备材料: 1、护照原件:护照在归国后还有半年以上的有效期,末页必须有持证人中文签名(不可用铅笔),护照至少需要留有1页空白签证页(复印件1份)(如何办理护照?护照办理流程和步骤) 2、DS-160表格的确认页(激光打印)(美国B2旅游签证DS160表格填写教程(图文)) 3、51mm×51mm白底签证照片(2张\人,貌似DS-160表格确认页上如果照片上传成功,就不需要再上交纸质照片了)(乐途商旅网对美国签证照片要求的重要提醒) 4、面谈预约单(预约后,将预约单打印出来) 二、面签时自带的辅助材料: 1、身份证原件 2、户口簿原件 3、结婚证原件(已婚提供) 4、学历、学位、各类资格证书原件 5、中英文旅游行程单(含预算)1份(美国旅游签证要用的中英文旅游行程单模板(含预算)) 6、个人名片1张或工作证1张(有就提供) 7、公司在职证明1份(内容含收入证明和准假证明的中英文版)(需用含有公司名称的抬头信纸打印并加盖公章)(办理美国签证怎么开在职证明?) 8、公司营业执照/组织机构代码证/税务登记证复印件(尽量提供,需加盖公章) 9、公司宣传册1份(有就提供) 10、申请人名下5万元及以上定期存单或存折原件(若有) 11、申请人名下信用卡近半年的对账单1份(银行开具) 12、申请人名下活期存折或银行卡的近半年流水帐单1份(银行开具) 18、申请人名下房产证原件(若有)


美国旅游签证材料清单 去年在众信那边办的美国签证,办的很顺利,面签前的说明会讲的很尽责,销售检查资料检查的也很认真!材料越全越好! 个人身份证明 ?护照 ? 1.1本原件有效期至少半年以上,护照后需有个人本人签名 2.有旧护照,则必须提供原件,老护照后也必须本人签名 3.若申请人旧护照遗失,则必须提供旧护照的遗失证明(即客人自己写一份遗失说明并签字或者公安机关 开具的遗失证明) 4.若申请者在以往申请欧洲签证过程中,有被拒签的记录显示,请提供说明。(即客人自己写一份拒签理 由并签字即可。) 5.有2 张以上的空白可用页 ?美国照片 ?1、纸质照片:半年内拍摄的5.1cmx5.1cm白底彩照2张(照片背面签字)。 2、电子照片 (1)照片像素尺寸必须按照正方形的比率(即高度与宽度必须一致)。最小不得小于600 *600像素。最大不得超过1200 *1200像素。 (2)彩照(24位/像素)必须为sRGB 色空间(多数数码相机的一般性输出)。 (3)文件格式必须为JPEG 的*.JFIF文件。 (4)文件大小必须小于等于240千字节。照片必须包含申请人正面的整个面部,颈部和肩膀。照片必须为申请人(6个月内)近照。 ?资产证明 ? 1.如提供配偶的资产,需提供结婚证复印件; 2.提供至少10万元的存折或存单或有价证券原件及复印件(存款日须早于签证申请日半年以上, 存款金额 与个人收入相符的情况下, 越多越好; 定期存单的存期应在半年以上; 活期存折须显示至少6个月以上的交易记录, 银行卡请打印至少半年以上的对账单明细, 要求对账单上体现申请人的姓名且加盖银行业务用章) 3.需提供房产证或车辆行驶证等复印件 4.有工资存折请一定提供工资存折 ?户口本 ?1、全家户口本复印件(请用A4纸复印), 如夫妻不在同一户口本上,需提供配偶的完整户口本复印件,且需提供结婚证复印件 2、请清晰的复印包含户口本首页、户主页、本人页、配偶页、子女页,不可缺页或断页。 注意:如果是集体户口,请提供集体户口本户主首页及本人信息页复印件 ?结婚证 ?已婚人士需提供结婚证复印件,如丢失,请提供结婚证件丢失说明(派出所或街道开具) ?暂住证


COVER LETTER 24Mar, 2015 Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to submit my application of Training and Research Visa (Subclass 402). My application comprise of the following: 1 Form 1402 2Invitation letter from the University of Queensland (includingSponsorship Application ID) 3 Passports 3-1Passport for me 3-2 Passport for my wife 3-3 Passport for my son 4Certified copy of Passport Bio-page 4-1 Copy of Passport Bio-page for me 4-2 Copy of Passport Bio-page for my wife 4-3 Copy of Passport Bio-page for my son 5Certified copy of the birth certificate 5-1 Copy of the birth certificate for me 5-2 Copy of the birth certificate for my wife 5-3 Copy of the birth certificate for my son 6Certified copy of National Identification Cards 6-1 National Identification Card for me 6-2 National Identification Card for my wife 7Copy of Household Registers 7-1 Household Register copy for me 7-2 Household Register copy for my wife 7-3 Household Register copy for my son 8Certified copy of my university degree certificates 9Certified copy of my Marriage Certificate 10 Copy of Curriculum vitae / resume 11 Copy of letter of support from the Shandong University of Science and Technology 12Copy of my Financial Certificatefrom the Shandong University of Science and Technology 13 Copy of my saving account from my bank indicating access to approximately AUD $31,000 (150,000 RMB) 14 Original Chinese police clearance certificate 14-1 Original Chinese police clearance certificate for me 14-2 Original Chinese police clearance certificate for my wife 15 Two Colour passport photographs for me, for my wife and my son 16The postal remittance receipt of correct application fee for review Office 17The postal remittance receipt of service fee for the Australian visa


(提醒:此为样本,仅供参考,旅行计划不需要统一模板,但是请根据情况填写,有可能会抽查询问您的出行计划。请牢记,务必回答和计划一致。) 旅行计划1 旅行计划2 篇二:美国,旅游签证 /retype/zoom/d3f342f376eeaeaad1f3302b?pn=2&x=0&y=1268&raww=300&rawh=100&o=png_6_ 0_0_108_63_283_95_892.979_1262.879&type=pic&aimh=100&md5sum=032954639c7ff949bfde 53803410fa9d&sign=8fd30b7909&zoom=&png=23665-47329&jpg=0-0" target="_blank">点此查看 /retype/zoom/d3f342f376eeaeaad1f3302b?pn=3&x=0&y=1268&raww=300&rawh=100&o=png_6_ 0_0_108_63_283_95_892.979_1262.879&type=pic&aimh=100&md5sum=032954639c7ff949bfde 53803410fa9d&sign=8fd30b7909&zoom=&png=47330-&jpg=0-0" target="_blank">点此查看 1.签证申请人如曾经有过出境记录,需提供在所访问国家拍照的照片(本人须在照片中,并有当地标志性建筑物); 2.公司宣传手册或加盖公章的单位简介(成立时间、性质、规模、产品、效益等); 3.学历证书,荣誉证书; 4.旅行计划书:旅行的细节(旅行日程),请详细提供。 签证注意事项 1.面试:美国签证需要申请人亲自到使馆面谈,并提前预约好面谈时间;面试时请携带所有提交材料的原件(包括身份证,户口本,结婚证,退休证,学生证,工作证等) 2.凡申请过移民或非移民签证的客人,无论其以前的申请是否被批准,都必须如实说明; 3.由于申请人人数并不固定,面谈需要等待的时间也不尽相同,少则几天,多则几个星期。因此,请在预定出发的日期前尽早申请。 4.面试预约需要提供:个人资料表,护照首页,身份证号码,是否首次申请赴美(如果不是,请提供以前赴美的签证记录) 5.美国使馆已经取消可以跨领区面试的规定:申(转载于:美国签证旅行计划书)请人必须在所属的领区参加面试。否则使馆将不处理申请人的面试请求。 6.预约美国面试时间任何领区都不可以再用旧护照约签,申请人约签时必须持距回国日期半年以上的有效护照约签。 7.申请预约面谈时需先在任一家中信银行分行购买申请费收据(此收据不可转让或退款)。预约中心会根据申请人的收据上的号码(红色,位于右上角)预约面谈的日期和时间。 注:(报名时可提供复印件,面试时必须带原件)篇三:美国旅游签证材料清单 美国旅游签证材料清单 去年在众信那边办的美国签证,办的很顺利,面签前的说明会讲的很尽责,销售检查资料检查的也很认真!材料越全越好! 个人身份证明 ? ? 护照1.1本原件有效期至少半年以上,护照后需有个人本人签名 2.有旧护照,则必须提供原件,老护照后也必须本人签名 3.若申请人旧护照遗失,则必须提供旧护照的遗失证明(即客人自己写一份遗失说明并签字或者公安机关开具的遗失证明) 4.若申请者在以往申请欧洲签证过程中,有被拒签的记录显示,请提供说明。(即客人自己写一份拒签理由并签字即可。)


-QUESTIONNAIRE FOR A SCHENGEN VISA申请申根签证补充材料问题清单 申请申根签证补充材料问题清单 (to be completed by the applicant in French or in English and to be joined to the application form)(需申请人本人用法文或英文填写,随 同申请材料一并提交)) 同申请材料一并提交 1/- Identity 身份: name 姓: ………………………….. surname名 : ………………………………… date of birth 出生日期:………………………… 访友 Family visit 探亲 Professional visit 公务 Individual tourism 旅游 Business商务 Other (please 其它 : 请加以说明 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3.1 What is your present professional status ? 当前的职业状况 ? employee工薪人员 retired 退休 unemployed 无业 student 学生 housewife 家庭妇女 other 其它 3.2 If other, please specify : 如是其它, 请加以说明 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3.3 If you are employee, please specify the name and address of your employer ? 如您是工薪人员,请填写您的雇主姓名和地址? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Telephone number : 电话号码………………………………………………………Fax number : 传真号码………………………………………………. 3.4 How long have you been working for your employer ? 您从什么时候开始为该雇主服务 ? ……………………………………………………….. 3.5 What is the activity of your company ? 这家企业经营什么业务 ? …………………………………………………………………………………….. 3.6 If your purpose of travel is business : How long has your company been co-operating with the inviting company?如果您的旅行目的为商务:您的公司与邀请公司之间已经有多长时间的业务往来?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3.7 What is your profession/job ? 您的职务和工作性质…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3.8 Your monthly income (RMB) 每月收入 (人民币 :元) : - Salary or professional income 工资和其它性质的劳动报酬 - Retirement pension 退休金 - Rental income 出租所收租金 - Other income (spouse, parents, scholarship) 其它收入(伴侣、父母、股市) 3.9 Have you been granted leave ? 您是否是休假 ? yes是 no 不是 If you have answered yes, is it a paid leave ? 如是,是否带薪 ? yes 是 no 不是 4/- Family status 家庭状况 : 4.1 What is the nationality of your spouse? 您伴侣的国籍? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.2 Do you have any children ? 你们有孩子吗 ? yes 是 no 不是 4.3 If you have answered yes, how many ? : 如有, 几个 ? 4.4 If you have answered yes, do they travel with you ? 如有,他们跟您一起旅行吗 ? : yes 是 no 不是 4.5 Where do they live?他们的定居地点? China中国 France or in a Schengen State 法国 或另一个申根国家 Other foreign country其它国家 5/- Your housing in China 您在中国的住所: 5.1 Are you owner ? 您是 房主 ? yes 是 no 不是 tenant ?承租人 ? yes是 no 不是 5.2 Since when do you live at this address? 从什么时候开始您住在这个地址 ?………………………………………………………………………. 6/- Your stay in the Schengen Space countries 您这次去申根国家 : 6.1 : You are travelling 您旅行是 : alone独自 with family or friends 同亲人或跟朋友一起 with colleagues 跟单位同事一起6.2 : Do you have family in the Schengen Space ? 您在法国或在另一个申根国家有亲人吗 ? yes 有 no 没有 6.3. If so, where does your family live ?如果有,他们的居住地址?……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6.4 How long has your family been living there?他们在那里已经居住多久?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..




备注: 1.填写上述内容要完整、字迹清晰; 2.若表格填写空间不足,请另附纸张填写。 本人声明:以上所填内容完全属实,否则本人接受被取消申请资格并由本人承担因此造成的所有风险和损失! 填写日期:申请人签名:

公司名称或使用公司抬头纸 在职证明 尊敬的新西兰驻华大使馆签证官阁下: ....先生/女士系我单位正式员工,....年...月...日入职。....先生/女士计划自....年...月...日至....年...月...日前往新西兰旅游。....先生/女士在出国期间,单位将保留他/她的职位和薪酬。 他/她赴新西兰的所有费用将由本人承担。我们单位保证他/她会遵守当地法律法规并将按时返回中国。对您的予以签证表示感谢。 他/她的情况如下所列: 单位名称: 单位地址: 电话: 传真: 总经理/其他领导(非上述申请人):(机打名字+手签名) ......(公司名称+盖章) 年月日

公司名称或使用公司抬头纸 Certificate To Embassy of New Zealand Hereby we certify that Mr./Ms. **(姓名)is an official employee of our company. He /She has worked in our company since **. He/She is permitted to visit New Zealand for tourism from ** to **(具体往返日期). His/Her position and salary in our company will be kept during the time. He/She will be responsible to cover all the travel expenses of him/her.We hereby guarantee that he/she will abide by the local laws and back to China on time. It would be greatly appreciated if you could grant his/her visa. His/Her details are listed as follows. Unit Name: Address: Tel: Fax: General Manager/other leader(非上述申请人): (此处机打名字+手签名) Company Seal: Date:


Document list for Visa application for J2 J1 Document s (主申请人材料) A Required documents 必备材料 J1-1. Photocopy of DS-2019 form DS-2019表复印件 J1-2. Photocopy of Visa to enter U.S. 入美签证复印件 J1-3. Photocopy of I-94 card I-94表复印件 J1-4. Photocopy of Passport 护照复印件 J1-5. SEVIS I-901 Fee Receipt Confirmation SEVIS费收据确认页 B Supporting documents 支持性材料 J1-6. Photocopy of Bank Statement for last three months 银行流水清单 J1-7. Photocopy of Rental payment 租房付款复印件 J1-8. Photocopy of ID at the University of Maine 校园卡复印件 J1-9. Photocopy of Social Security Card 社会安全卡复印件 J1-10. Photocopy of Medical Insurance Card 医疗保险卡复印件 J1-12. Photocopy of Invitation Letter from University of Maine 邀请函复印件 J1-13. DS-160 Application Form DS-160申请表确认页 J1-14. Photocopy of China Scholarship Certification 留学基金委资助证明 J2 Required documents Document s (申请人材料) A Required documents 必备材料 J2-1. Passport 护照(封面用胶带粘贴1张照片) J2-2. DS-160 Application Form with receipt DS-160申请表确认页,带收据 J2-3. DS-2019 form DS-2019表 B Supporting documents 支持性材料 【亲属关系证明材料、家人在美合法身份证明(即J1的必备材料)、充足资金证明等】


美国旅游材料清单(在职/退休/学生人员) (以下材料为参考材料,请根据自身情况增加或减少材料) 1.有效护照(在距您预计抵美日期的六个月内有效),旧护照(如有,请提供) 2.照片两张(6个月内拍摄的(51毫米x51毫米)正方形白底彩色正面照(与提供的电子版照片相同); 3.DS---160 申请表,预约确认信;暂住证/居留证(若有) 4.身份证原件,户口本原件,离婚证(离婚者若有请提供); 5.结婚证原件(已婚者),退休证(退休者),学生证(在读学生); 6.在职证明(中英文对照,有公司抬头的信纸开具,标明申请人职位,工资,入职时间,是否获准休假赴美目的,领导签字并注明公司地址和电话,加盖公章) 7.单位营业执照或组织结构代码复印件(加盖公章),名片两张(若有); 8.学生请提供英文在读证明及学生卡/证原件; 9.资金证明原件(以下是资金材料可根据自身情况增加或减少,尽量多提供): A:有正常存取记录的存折或银行流水账单,打印近半年之内的,银行盖章B:工资单(在职人员需提供最近三个月的);退休金流水(退休人员) C:车产(车辆行驶证);房产(房产证或购房合同) D:固定存款单,企业产权证,纳税单 10. 若有同行人,提供同行人护照首页和签证页复印件,若是朋友提供合影照片; 11. 请提供个人中英文简历(领事馆经常抽查看); 12. 高学历毕业证书原件,相关工作职业的证书(艺术行业可提供些作品照片); 13. 如您是商务类型,请另外提供邀请函原件(若有相关项目的合同,或者合作协议等证明文件也可以作为辅助材料提供);公司简介(若有) 14. 若是旅游类型,建议提供全家福照片和以往出境国家的旅游照片; 15. 若是探亲访友类型,请提供邀请函,邀请人护照首页及美国签证页,及证明邀请人身份的材料(例如:绿卡,学生签证页,在读证明,在职证明等等)16. 若是探亲类型:请提供与邀请人的关系证明(如:户口本,结婚证,照片,关系公证书等等);访友类型:请提供与朋友的合影等等。 小提示:为增加过签率,建议您尽可能准备齐全。

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