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湖南农大组织胚胎学 习题集(带答案)

湖南农大组织胚胎学 习题集(带答案)
湖南农大组织胚胎学 习题集(带答案)


一. Single Choice

1. Which of the following are not the main research contents?

2. About embryology, which of the following answer is wrong?

A. Dealing with the development and maturation of gamets.

B. Dealing with how the gamets develop and become mature.

C. Usually regarded as the period starting with fertilization and ending with birth in mammals.

D. Usually ended with birth in mammals.

3. Which of the following constitute the development history of histology EXCEPT

A. Invention of light microscope.

B. Invention of electron microscope.

C. Contemporary histology.

4. Why do the medical students study the subject of animal histology and embryology EXCEPT

A. To complete the knowledge of body’s structures-from gross to microscopic.

B. Be able to understand how the different tissue’s function-the basis of physiology.

C. Can find the disease only after the normal structure is known-the basis of pathology.

D. It is a foundation of clinic sciences- for a good veterinary doctor needed in future.

5. About the light microscopy, which of the following is false?

A. Light microscopy includes two main parts: common light microscopy and special light microscope.

B. Optical part of the common light microscopy includes condenser, objective and eyepiece.

C. Mechanical part of the common light microscopy includes stage, focus adjustment knob, stage position adjustment.

D. The common light microscope can be adapted to observe paraffin section with hematoxyin and eosin (H-E).

and eosin (H-E).

6. Which of the following is not related to paraffin section?

A. Specimen-collecting and fixation

B. Dehydration and clearing.

C. Paraffin-infiltrating and embedding.

D. Sectioning and staining.

7. Hematoxyin and eosin (H-E) staining includes all of the following EXCEPT

8. Which of the following is not included in the special light microscope?.

A. Fluorescence microscope;

https://www.doczj.com/doc/66282517.html,ser confocal scanning microscopy;

9. About the comparison of the transmission electron midcroscope (TEM) and light microscope(LM), which is not true?

A. They are completely different in section preparation.

B. TEM using a beam of electrons.

C. Resolution of TEM is 0.1-0.5nm.

D. TEM using heavy metal salts to stain instead of H.



Histology(组织学); embryology(胚胎学).





4. Write out how to make a paraffin section.

5.How to study the subject of animal histology and embryology?

6.Write out several branches of embryology.


1. Which of the following is not one of the hot spots of cellular research?

C. Cell proliferation;

D. Cell differentiation;

E. Origin and evolution of cell.

2. About the cell structure, which answer is correct?

A. The cell includes cell membrane and nucleus.

B. The cell includes cell cytoplasm and nucleus.

C. The cell includes cytoplasm and nucleus.

D. The cell includes cell membrane and cytoplasm.

3. About the cell membrane, which of the following is not true?

A. Mainly composed of lipids and proteins in addition to little sugars.

C. It has the function in selective transport, protection, absorption, secretion and differentation.

D. It can acts as the barrier, receptor or antigen.

E. Fluid mosaic model is the typical structure of the cell membrane.

4. Which of the following is not an organelle of a cell?

A. Mitochondrion;


C. Reticulum;

D. Golgi complex;

5. About the nucleus, which of the following is true?

A. It is not spherical in general.

B.It does not include nuclear membrane, nucluoplasm, nucleolus and chromosome.

C. It is not the information of genetic center of the cell.

D. It is not the information of metabolic center of the cell.


Cell(细胞); organelle(细胞器); cell proliferation(细胞分化); phagocytosis(吞噬作用);

pinocytosis(胞饮作用); exocytosis(胞吐作用); cell senescence(细胞衰老)

cell apoptosis(细胞凋亡)









一. Single Choice

1. Basic tissues of the body include all of the following EXCEPT

A. epithelium

C. connective tissue

D. muscle tissue

E. nervous tissue

2. All of the following are features of epithelium EXCEPT

A. more cells and less intercellular substance

B. cells are tightly joined with a very narrow intercellular space

C. has a free surface and basal surface

E. covers the external and internal surface of the body

3. Simple squamous epithelium is lining of the all following structures EXCEPT the

A. blood vessels

B. peritoneal cavity

C. pulmonary alveoli

D. lymphatic vessels

4. Simple squamous epithelium relates to all of the following EXCEPT the

A. surface of the heart

B. endothelium

C. mesothelium

D. parietal layer of renal capsule

5. Simple cuboidal epithelium covers the surface of the

B. intestine

C. uterus

D. pulmonary alveoli

E. cornea

6. Simple columnar epithelium is lining of the

A. respiratory passage

B. seminiferous tubule

C. ureter

E. proximal tubules in kidney

7. Which is NOT a function of epithelium?

A. Absorption and secretion

B. Transport and excretion

C. Protection

D. Sensory reception

二. True or False

1. Covering epithelia cover the external and internal surfaces of the body, including the linings of vessels and other small cavities. (T)

2. Epithelium usually has a free surface and a basal surface, both of which possess the same structure but different function. (F)

3. Between the epithelium and the underlining connective tissue is the basement membrane. (T)

4. Blood vessels and nerves never pass through the basement membrane and penetrate into epithelial tissues. (F)

5. Epithelial tissues line most body cavities and tracts and also specialize to form glands.

6. Glands are mainly composed of glandular epithelia. (T)

7. The secretions of exocrine gland are discharged through a duct system and the secretions of endocrine glands are directly released into the bloodstream. (T)


Endothelium(内皮); mesothelium(间皮);tissue(组织)






一. Single Choice

1. The characteristics of connective tissue are all of the following EXCEPT

A. a small number of cells and a large amount of intercellular substance

C. it contains blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves

D. functions of support, connection, nutrition and defense

E. none of the above

2. All of followings are components of loose connective tissue EXCEPT

A. collagenous fibers

B. elastic fibers

D. fibroblasts

E. macrophages

3. The elastic fibers

B. consist of fibrils

C. are PAS positive

D. are argyrophilic

E. show periodic cross-bandings in EM

4. The commonest cells in loose connective tissue is the

A. mast cells

B. undifferentiated cells

C. macrophages

E. plasma cells

5. Which is NOT a characteristic of fibroblasts?

A. Large, stellate shape with processes

B. Located close to collagenous fibers

C. Have a large, pale nucleus with obvious nucleoli

D. Rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum and well-developed Golgi complex

6. Which is NOT a characteristic of the plasma cells?

A. Ovoid cell with eccentric nucleus

B. Has a strong basophilic cytoplasm

D. Derived from B lymphocytes

E. Rich in RER and well-developed Golgi apparatus

7. Which is NOT true of macrophages?

A. Have acidophilic cytoplasm

C. Are derived from the monocytes

D. Have numerous lysosomes and phagosomes

E. Are highly motile

8. Heparin is produced by which of the following cells?

A. Hepatocytes or hepatic cells

B. Undifferentiated cells

C. Macrophages

D. Eosinophils

9. Serum is different from plasma in that it is devoid of

B. erythrocytes

C. all proteins

D. hormones

E. leukocytes

10. The basis of classification of leukocytes is the

A. cell size

B. morphology of nucleus

D. non-specific granules

E. phagocytizing capacity

11. Which of the following statements is NOT true of neutrophils?

A. Account for 50%-70% of the total circulating leukocytes

C. They have a polymorphous nucleus with 2~5 lobes

D. They contain specific granules and azurophilic granules

E. Neutrophilic granules contain bactericidal phagocytins

12. Which of the following blood cells is increased in number after active invasion of bacteria?

B. Monocytes

C. Lymphocytes

D. Erythrocytes

E. Eosinophils

13. Which type of cells is associated with the allergic reaction and serves as an anticoagulant?

A. Platelets

B. Monocytes

C. Neutrophils

E. Eosinophils

14. Which of the following statements about eosinophils is FALSE?

A. Constitute about 0.5%-3% of the leukocyte population

B. Packed with coarse, pink-staining granules with Wright stain

C. Usually have a polymorphous nucleus with 2 lobes

D. May release histaminase to ease the effects in allergic reaction

15. Which of following statements is NOT true of basophils?

B. Contain large, dark blue-staining granules with Wright stain

C. Specific granules contain heparin and histamine

D. Nucleus may be not clear because of overlap with granules

E. May be associated with allergic reaction

16. Which of following statements does NOT refer to monocytes?

A. Account for about 3%-8% of the leukocyte population

B.They are the largest cells in blood

D. Have a horseshoe or kidney-shaped nucleus

E. Differentiate into macrophages when leaving out of blood vessels

17. Histamine in blood is mainly released by the

A. macrophages

B. eosinophils

C. mast cells

E. neutrophils

18. During parasite infection, the cells that are increased in number are

A. monocytes

B. lymphocytes

C. neutrophils

E. basophils

二. True or False

1. The cells in connective tissue usually have polarity. (F)

2. The only significant function of connective tissue is to provide structural support for other tissues. (F)

3. The fine structure of the fibroblast is typical of a cell involved in secreting steroid hormones. (F)

4. Mast cells exhibit the property of metachromasia when stained with certain blue basic dyes. (T)

5. Elastic fibers are also called yellow fibers because they are yellow in fresh state. (T)

6. Blood is a specialized form of connective tissue proper, consisting of blood cells and plasma. (F)

7. For examining the morphology of blood cells, blood smear is usually used and stained with Wright or Giemsa stain. (T)

8. According to having granules in their cytoplasm or not, leukocytes are classified into two groups: granulocytes and agranulocytes. (F)

9. The cytoplasm of basophils has specific granules containing heparin and histaminase. (F)

10. Monocytes are capable of crossing capillary walls, and differentiate into lymphocytes. (F)

三. 问答题:





一. Single Choice

1. With respect to cardiac muscle fibers, all of the following are true EXCEPT

A. the nuclei are centrally located

C. they are branched fibers

D. they contain abundant mitochondria

E. cross striations are found

2. A sarcomere consists of

B. 1/2 A band + I band + 1/2 A band

C. 1/2 I band + 1/2 A band

D. 1/2 I band + A band

E. I band + A band

3. Which of the following statements about the nucleus of skeletal muscle cells is true?

A. One nucleus located in the center of the cells

B. Several nuclei in the center of the cells

C. One nucleus beneath the sarcolemma

E. Many nuclei scattered in the sarcoplasm

4. All of the following are morphological features of skeletal muscle fibers EXCEPT

A. long cylindrical cells

C. distinct cross striations

D. rich SER

E. abundant mitochondria

5. The structural unit of skeletal muscle is the

A. sarcolemma

C. sarcoplasm

D. triad

E. T tubule

二. 名词解释:

Sarcomere(肌节); intercalated disc(闰盘)





一. Single Choice

1. About the neuron, which of the following is not true?

A. neuron is the structural and functional unit of the nervous system.

B. it is mainly composed of the cell body and the processes.

C. it is responsible for the reception, transmission, and release of neurotransmitters and other informational molecules.

D. the processes of the neuron includes two parts: dendrite and axon.

2. Which of the following description is not true?

A. Nissl body and neurofibril are the two special structures of the neuron.

C. Neurofibril contains microtubules and neurofilaments.

D. Dendrites are usually like the branches of a tree.

E. Axon is a single and usually long process conducting nerve implus.

3. About the synapse, which of the following is not true?

A. Information can be conducted by a synapse.

B. It is the connected site between the different kinds of neurons.

C. It is the connected site between the neurons and the muscles.

D. A synapse is composed of presynaptic element, postsynaptic element and synaptic cleft.


Neuron(神经元); synapse(突触); nissl body(尼氏体); neurofibril(神经元纤维); nerve fiber(神经纤维); Node of Ranvior(郎飞氏结)








一. Single Choice

1.About the nervous system, which of the following is not true?

A. The nervous system can be divided into central nervous system(CNS) and peripheral nervous system(PNS).

nervous system(PNS).

C. The nervous system consists of all nerve tissue.

D. Along with the endocrine system, it plays a key role in the reaction to the information, communication, integration and coordination.

E. The CNS includes the brain and the spinal cord; the PNS includes the nerve and the ganglia.

2. About the cerebellum(小脑) structure, which of the following is not true?

A. There are many fissures and sulci on the surface of the cerebellum.

the cerebellum.

C. The white matter is at the center of the cerebellum, but the gray matter is on the surface of the cerebellum.

D. About the neurons of the cerebellum, from the outer to the inner side it has three layers: molecular layer, Purkinje cell body and granular layer.

E. The cerebellar cortex has five kinds of neurons: stellate cell, basket cell, Purkinje

cell,granular cell and Golgi cell

3. Which of the following is not true?

A. The molecular layer has two kinds of cells: stellate cell and basket cell.

B. The Purkinje cell layer is the largest neuron of the cerebellum.

C. The granular cell and the Golgi cell are in the granular cell layer.

noradrenalinergic fiber.

E. The cerebellum has three kinds of efferent nerve fiber: climbing fiber, mossy fiber and the noradrenalinergic fiber.

4. About the spinal cord(脊髓) structure, which of the following is not true?

A. In transverse section of the spinal cord, the gray matter has the shape of a butterfly or H.

B. In the gray matter of the spinal cord, there are neurons and unmylinated fibers.

D. The white matter surrounds the gray matter, and it is mainly composed of myelinated fibers.

E. The white matter is mainly composed of myelinated fibers.






一. Single Choice

1. Which layer is responsible for renewal of the epidermis?

A. The cornified layer

B. The clear layer

C. The granular layer

D. The spinous layer

2. Subcutaneous injections are given in the

A. epidermis

B. dermis

D. deep fasciae

E. muscle

3. Which is NOT an epidermal derivative of the skin?

A. Nails

B. Sebaceous glands

D. Hair follicles

E. Sweat glands

二. True or False

1. Skin is the largest organ of the body, consisting of epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. (F)

2. Skin can be divided into the thick and thin types based on its thickness. (F)

3. Epidermis consists of two types of cells. They are non-keratinized cells and keratinized cells. (T)





一. Single Choice

1. All of the following are elements of digestive tract EXCEPT

A. mucosa

B. submucosa

C. muscularis externa

D. adventitia

2. Which of the following about the plicae circularis is FALSE?

A. Permanent folds

C. Covered by intestinal villi

D. Circularly oriented

E. Contain a core of submucosa

3. The layer that is most important for the function of the digestive tract is

B. lamina propria

C. submucosa

D. muscularis

E. adventitia

4. Which of the following is NOT true of the muscularis mucosae?

A. Usually thin layers of smooth muscle

B. Separates mucosa from submucosa

D. Permits local movement of the mucous membrane

E. Facilitates secretion of minor glands and absorption of nutrient

5. The villi have all of the following features EXCEPT that

A. intestinal glands invaginate toward the muscularis mucosae between their bases

B. grossly, their number causes the intestinal surface to look velvety

C. they vary in shape and height from one region to another

E. they contain capillary net and lymphatics

6. The features of epithelium of the gastric mucosa do NOT include that

A. epithelium is depressed forming a lot of gastric pits

B. cells are tall columnar, pale stained

C. 3-5 gastric glands open on the bottom of a gastric pit

D. the epithelium of gastric pits is continuous with that of gastric glands

7. The reason for acidophilia of the oxyntic cells in the stomach is

A. HCl


D. well developed Golgi complex

E. numerous lysosomes

8. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of acid producing cells of the stomach?

A. Also called the parietal or oxyntic cells

B. Numerous in the neck and body of the gastric glands

C. Relatively large cells

E. One or two nuclei in the center

9. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the chief cell of the stomach?

A. Situated in the base and body of gastric glands

B. Basophilic cytoplasm

D. In the H&E section the granules is dissolved resulting in a vacuolated appearance

E. Secretion is inactive pepsinogen

10. Which of the following is NOT true of the goblet cells?

A. Present in the small and large intestines

B. Increased in number toward the colon

C. Contain RER and Golgi apparatus

D. Mucus secreting

11. The small intestinal glands do NOT contain

A. columnar cells

C. goblet cells

D. endocrine cells

E. Paneth cells

12. Which of the following is NOT true of the Paneth cells?

B. Present only in small intestine

C. Located in groups in the bottom of the intestinal glands

D. Rich in coarse acidophilic granules in the apical portion

E. Secreting lysozymes

13. The stem cells in the lower part of small intestinal glands will NOT form the

A. absorptive cells

B. goblet cells

D. Paneth cells

E. endocrine cells

14. Aggregated lymphoid nodules are mainly present in the

A. esophagus

B. stomach

C. duodenum

D. jejunum

15. Which of the following statements pertaining to the acinar cells of pancreas is true?

A. The nucleus is located at apex of the cells

C. The Golgi complex is located on the basal side of the nucleus

D. The cells contain mucigen granules

E. The secretory granules contain active form of enzymes

16. Which of the following is NOT true of the duct system of the exocrine pancreas?

A. Long intercalated ducts

B. Intercalated ducts extend into the lumen of the acini

D. Interlobular ducts lined with simple columnar epithelium

E. Main pancreatic duct with high columnar cells and goblet cells

17. Which of the following is common to the liver and pancreas?

A. Cells are arranged in plates

B. Cells stain uniformly basophilic

C. Endocrine and exocrine cells are the same

E. Endocrine cells are clustered in groups

18. The classic structural unit of the liver is the

B. hepatic plate

C. hepatocyte

D. bile canaliculi

E. sinusoid

19. The central axis of the hepatic lobule is the

A. hepatic artery

C. hepatic vein

D. portal artery

E. bile duct

20. Which of the following statements is true of the bile canaliculus?

B. it is lined by Kupffer cells

C. It is lined by cuboidal cells

D. It is lined by simple squamous epithelium

E. It is found in the gallbladder

21. Which of following structures is NOT found in the hepatic lobule?

A. Hepatocytes

B. Bile canaliculi

C. Hepatic plates

D. Space of Disse

22. All of the following are features of the liver lobule EXCEPT

A. Each lobule is a prism 2 mm long and 1 mm across

C. The hepatic plates and sinusoids extend radially from the center to the periphery of the lobule

D. The hepatic plates consist of hepatocytes

E. Hepatocytes have acidophilic cytoplasm containing basophilic granules

23. Which of the following is NOT true of hepatic sinusoids?

A. The epithelium is fenestrated

C. The basal lamina is absent

D. Kupffer cells are located in the sinusoids

E. Blood of portal vein and hepatic artery is mixed in the sinusoids

24. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the space of Disse?

A. It is a narrow space between the endothelial cells and the hepatocytes

B. There is plasma in the space

C. The microvilli of the hepatocytes extend into the space

D. Fat-storing cells are found in the space

25. Kupffer cells function in a way similar to

A. absorptive columnar epithelial cells

B. pancreatic acinar cells

D. plasma cells

E. smooth muscle cells

26. The flow of the bile within the liver lobule is indicated by which of the directions listed below?

A. Toward the central vein

B. In the same direction as blood flow

D. Flows both with and against the direction of blood

E. Only along the periphery of the lobule

27. The exocrine secretions of the hepatocytes are released into the

A. central vein

B. sinusoid

C. portal vein

E. striated duct

二. True or False

1. The term mucosa or mucous membrane is used generally to describe a lining epithelium, which secretes mucus.(F)

2. The minor glands in the wall of the digestive tract are always located in the lamina propria.(F)

3. The main function of the stomach surface epithelium is to secrete mucus forming

mucus-HCO3- barrier.(T)

4. There is no skeletal muscle in the muscularis externa of the digestive tract (F).

5. The muscular wall of the small intestine consists of an inner circular and outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle.(T)

6. Nerve plexus can be found between the two layers of smooth muscle of the muscularis in the digestive tract to control the contraction of the muscularis mucosae and externa.


7. Pancreatic exocrine tissue contains acini that secrete enzymes and other acini that secrete mucus.(F)

8. The HCO3- in pancreatic juice is secreted by the lining cells of the minute ducts raining the exocrine acini.(T)

9. The liver cells around the central vein obtain blood supply last and are damaged by some harmful substances first. (T)

10. The lumen of each bile canaliculus is called the space of Disse.(F)

11. Plasma membrane of hepatocytes is the wall of the bile canaliculi.(T)

12. Although some hepatocytes exhibit polyploidy, most have the usual haploid number of chromosomes.(F)

13. Kupffer cells can be seen in the hepatic sinusoids.(T)


gastic gland(胃腺); plica(皱襞); intestinal villus(小肠绒毛); microvillus(微绒毛);

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