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比赛学生:开福区三角塘小学五年级12人(赛前不见面) 抽签内容:《湘少版小学英语》五年级下册Unit 3 抽签顺序:第11个




Unit 3 There’s a policeman near the post office.(第一课时) 一、课前热身、复习旧知

T: I have some cards.(出示单词卡)

Let’s read, OK?

S: OK!

T: Ready? Go!(快速抽动卡片)

S: on?on the roof?above?above the chimney?behind?

behind the tree


T: Very good!


Look at the blackboard.(指着黑板上的图片)

What’s this?

S: A picture.

T: Yes, it’s Peter’s pict ure.

Now, Peter is drawing a picture of the street.

Let’s have a look, OK?(播放课件)

S: OK!


T: Look at Peter’s picture. (指着黑板上的图片)

What’s this?(做手势、指着路)


S: Road.(跟读)

On the road. (展开短语卡、粘贴)

T: Is there a bus?(看着黑板上的图片,做瞭望动作) S: No.

T: Good!(板书句型卡片Is there …?和No, there isn’t.)


T: Read after me.

Is there a bus?(拿着bus的图片,贴到黑板图片里,带读) S: Is there a bus?(跟读)

T: Is there a bus on the road? (带读)

S: Is there a bus on the road?(跟读)

T: Now, is there a bus on the road?(指着已经贴了bus的图) S: Yes.

T: Good!(板书句型卡片Yes, there is.)

T: Yes, there’s a bus on the road.(播放课件、带读) S: Yes, there’s a bus on the road.(跟读)

Is there a bus

T: Where’s the taxi?(拿着taxi的图片,贴到bus后面) S: Behind the bus.(贴短语卡behind the bus)

T: Is there a taxi …?


S: Is there a taxi behind the bus?

T: Yes, there’s a taxi behind the bus. (播放课件、带读)

T: Look, what’s this?(指着角落)


S: Corner.(跟读)

At the corner.(展开短语卡、粘贴)

T: Where’s the car? (拿着car的图片,贴到角落) S: At the corner. T: Is there any c ar …?

S: Is there any car at the corner?(播放课件)

T: Yes, there’s …

S: There’s a car at the corner.(播放课件)

Is there any car


T: What’s this?(指着邮局)

Post office.

S: Post office.

T: Who’s he?

S: A policeman.

T: Is the policeman far or near?(通过动作猜) S: Near.

T: Yes! Near the post office.(粘贴短语卡)

T: Is there anyone …?

S: Is there anyone near the post office?(播放课件) T: Yes, there’s a …

S: There’s a policeman near the post office.(播放课件)

Is there anyone?

T: Who’s she?

S: A woman.

T: Is the woman inside or outside? (通过动作猜)


S: Outside.

T: Yes! Outside the post office. (粘贴短语卡)

T: Is there anyone …?

S: Is there anyone outside the post office?(播放课件) T: Yes, there’s also a …

S: There’s also a woman outside the post office.

Is there anyone?


T: Look at the picture.

I’ll give you one minute. Listen!(示范)

Is there a girl at the corner?

Yes, there’s a girl at the corner.

T: Are you ready? Go!

S: 看图说句子



Unit 3 There’s a policeman near the post office.

on the road

behind the bus

Is there …? at the corner

near the post office outside the post office Yes, there is.

No, there isn’t.




最新英语学科(小学)资格证练习篇目--14篇(含各个课型的试讲真题及对应教案和试讲稿解析) 一、 1.题目:语音教学试讲 2.内容: Hush, little baby, don’t say a word, Papa’s going to buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird won’t sing, Papa’s going to buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns to brass, Papa’s going to buy you a looking-glass. If that looking-glass gets broke, Papa’s going to buy you a billy-goat. If that billy-goat runs away, Papa's going to buy you another today. 3.基本要求 (1)朗读所给语篇; (2)配合教学内容适当板书; (3)针对划线部分所给的形式,设计相应的语音呈现与操练的教学活动; (4)用英文试讲; (5)试讲时间10分钟。 二、 1.题目:听力教学试讲 2.内容 Do you want to know about my morning? Well, I usually get up at around 6:15. I do my homework at 6:30 and then, I eat breakfast at around 7:30. At around 8 o’clock. I go to school. School starts at 9 o’clock. Please write and tell me about your morning. 3.基本要求: (1)朗读所给段落; (2)配合教学内容适当板书; (3)针对选取段落内容,设计相应的听力理解教学活动; (4)用英文试讲; (5)试讲时间10分钟。 三、 1.题目:Traffic light 2.内容: Red light, red light stop, stop, stop; Yellow light, yellow light wait wait wait;


怎样进行片段教学 每个学科有每个学科的特点,因此,执教者首先要树立“大学科”“大课堂”的教育新理念,从知识积累入手,关注学生的内心需求,将兴趣作为学科学习的起点。其次,教师要准确地把握单元和本课的知识点,恰到好处地引导学生进行合作、探究式学习,在较短的时间内以最优化的组合完成既定的教学任务,把教学的亮点展示出来,这也是片段教学的精髓。第三,如果片段教学前要求说课,那么教者可先用一些时间简要介绍片段教学设计,然后用较多时间进行片段教学(一般可按规定时间安排)。教者要善于创设(虚拟)课堂教学情境,力求教学生动、简练,富有流动感和层次感。如果要求片段教学后进行说课,那么片段教学就可以用足给定的时间。下面具体说一说怎样进行片段教学: 1、表现崭新教学理念 在课改的背景下进行片段教学,必须表现新的教学理念。比如教学目标,就要根据三维目标来确定;教学方法,就要采用启发式、讨论式,就要充分发挥学生的主体作用,积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,而不能满堂灌;教学内容,也要采用新视角挖掘教材,体现新课程理念下的教学价值取向,而不能老生常谈。只有用新理念来指导片段教学,才跟得上教育教学新形势,片段教学才有学术价值。 2、注重片段教学设计 片段教学的内容或由教者自定,或由评委指定,但无论如何,都要吃透教材,做好片段教学设计,只有这样才能在教学时胸有成竹,做到有的放矢,从容不迫。教学设计涉及教学目标、教学重点难点、教学方法、教学步骤等。其中最应重视的是教法和步骤,教法可以体现你的教学理念,是突破重难点实现教学目标的途径,步骤则是教法的具体操作程序,安排好步骤可以使教学过程合理流动,有条不紊,富有层次感。在教学设计时,还要注意导入语设计、问答设计、活动设计、板书设计等,还可以考虑将平时自行设计、制作并已被教学实践证明是十分有效的实验仪器、可动式幻灯片等道具溶入教学片断之中,使之增色添彩。 3、善于虚拟教学情景 虚境型片段教学没有真正的学生,教者必须虚拟教学情景,让教学逼真地进行到底。教师可以让某生进行朗读,停顿片刻后,通过评价该生朗读的长处与不足来完成虚拟的朗读情景。教师可以提出一个问题让某生回答,停顿片刻后,通过评析该生的回答来完成虚拟的答题情景。教师可以让学生进行讨论,并在课堂上稍作巡视,通过对不同观点的评论来完成虚拟的讨论情景。还可以虚拟争论,虚拟质疑,虚拟辩论,虚拟活动等情景,使课堂教学师生互动,生生互动,生动活泼,给人置身其境的感觉。虚拟教学情景可以通过教师的口头语言、肢体语言、间歇停顿等来建构,再现真切的教学情境,忌用提示语加以说明。 4、注意运用教学语言 既然片段教学是教学活动,不是说课,也不是课后总结,所以语言应注意准确性,如"我在教学中采取了什么样的教学方法"和"准备采取的方法"在片段教学时候是十分 忌讳的。特别要强调的是,片段教学要运用课堂教学语言,要像上课那样,有声有色,


小学英语教师资格证 试讲稿全英范例 先进教室,然后回答两个问题,老师会说开始你的试讲就可以开始了。 这是整个的试讲流程 开场: good morning,ladies and gentleman! i am no.6, i am glad that i can h ave a chance to stand here ,and hope you can like my lesson. shall we start it ,ok! 讲课: hello,boys and girls,how are you doing today? yes ,i am great ,thank y ou! i hope all of you can be happy in our english class,and hope you can e njoy the english trip! ok,let’s sing a song which we have learned last w eek,little star,are you ready? ok , ready go! twinkle twinkle little star,how i wonder what you are. up above the w orld so high,like a diamond in the sky. oh,wonderful ,you did a good job!

now let’s have a short review. last class ,we learned a new topic ,do y ou still remember ? yes,we talked about weather last class,so what is the weather like tod ay? who can answer my question? any volunteer? wow ,jack ,please. good,yes,it is sunny today,but a little cold.because it is winter now ,we should put on more clothes because it is so cold outside .sit down,ple ase ,jack. ok , now please look at the blackboard , today we will learn unit 4 whe re is my schoolbag? please look at me ,there is a big picture in my hands,can you guess w hat is this? yes,it is a classroom,it is a big nice classroom. what can yo u see from this picture? ruler,yes, desk,good,football ,wonderful,schoo lbag,great,pencil box,fantastic! keys,very good! yes,we can see many things from this picture and we also can find that they are in the differ ent places. how to say it in english? now ,let’s learn a new lesson. firstly,please look at some word c ards in my hands,there are 3 word cards,they are on ,in ,under, so ca n you guess what is the meaning ? i think you got it ,right? ok, cindy,o n, linda,in, angela ,under. very good ! now,let’s look at the classroom


《桥》十分钟片段教学设计 长沙市雨花区天华寄宿制学校方琼电话 一、教材分析: 小小说《桥》是小学语文人教版课标本第10册第四组教材中的一篇课文,本单元主题为“他们让我感动”,其他几篇文章均为革命传统教育故事。本组单元训练重点为两个方面:一是体会文章表达的思想感情;二是领悟文章表达思想感情的方法。 本文作者满怀深情地塑造了一位普通的老共产党员的光辉形象,面对狂奔而来的洪水,他以自己的威信和沉稳,果断指挥,将村民们送上跨越死亡的生命桥。他高风亮节,把生的希望让给别人,把死的危险留给自己,用自己的血肉之躯筑起了一座不朽的桥梁。这座桥梁是我们党以老支书为代表的优秀共产党员密切联系群众的“桥”,这正是课文以“桥”作题目的深刻内涵。 这篇课文情节跌宕起伏,扣人心弦;语言简练生动,极富韵味。在表达方法上有三个突出的特点: 1.构思新颖别致,设置悬念,前后照应。 2.本文多用简短的句、段来渲染紧张的气氛。 3.大量运用比喻、拟人等修辞方法,增强表现力。 选编这篇课文的目的,一是继续引导学生在感人的故事中受到情感的熏陶和感染,体会作者表达的思想感情;二是帮助学生在读书思考中领悟作者的表达方法。 二、教学目标

1.抓住“揪”、“推”等重点词语,体会作者语言表达简洁而丰富的特点。 2.有感情地朗读课文,体会灾难面前的村支书忠于职守,舍己为人的高贵品质。 三、教学重点 抓住文章中令人感动的句子,体会村支书的性格特点和高贵品质。 四、教学过程 一、理解“拥戴”初步感知人物的高贵品质 1、导语:突如其来的山洪像一匹受惊的野马,从山谷里狂奔而来, 袭向村庄,惊醒了熟睡的人们。人们四处逃窜。可是,东面、西面、南面都没有路了,仅仅只剩下北面这座窄窄的木桥,正当所有人跌跌撞撞拥向木桥时,有一个人站在了木桥前,指挥大家。 这个人是谁呢?(生回答:老汉/村支书) 2、这个老汉是受到全村人拥戴的老汉。(板书“拥戴”)谁能说说 “拥戴”的意思?(生说:拥护爱戴) 3、你从文中哪些地方看出全村人拥戴老汉?(生说:人们停住脚, 望着老汉。竟没人再喊……) 这可是危险紧急的时刻,这里可只有一条路能让大家逃生呀!但是,大家都听从老汉的指挥,让我们感受到全村人确实很——(生读“拥戴”)——老汉。 二、品读“拥戴”,猪猪老汉的动作更深层次地体会人物的性格特


小学英语试讲稿 ——————-小学英语教师招聘面试必背模版 Good morning ladies and gentleman. I’am No.____. May I begin? Good morning boys and girls. How are you? I am fine, too. Thank you. Sit down please. 导入提问 What’s your favourite season? Yes, you please. OK now sit down thank you. First, Let’s sing a song. “What’s your favourite season?”summer winter spring and fall.. Ok, stop. Do you like it? 根据歌谣提问 What’s your favourite season? Do you? Sorry You? Sorry It’s doesn’t matter Now, this class, we’ll learn about-______ in the new unit. Unit____(板书并慢速口述标题) Before our class, I’ll devide you into two groups(手势)group girls and group boys. Now look ,this for boys, this for girls. If you can ask me question correctly and actively, you can get one apple. Clear, yes. Ok now, let’s begin our class 由旧识引入新内容What’s the weather like today? What the temperate today? Can you? Oh sorry, ok thank you sit down, Let’s listen to a tape and to know the temperate today. Listen carefully, Let’s report. 针对听力提问题引入要学的新内容。 Can you speak in English?


小学二年级英语十分钟试 讲教案课程 The final revision was on November 23, 2020

Class: Name: ( )1. Good morning! ! ! ! ! ( )2. Nice to see you again ! . are you to see you , too . do you do ( ) night,mom ! ! night ! evening . ( ) do you do are you ,thanks . do you do ( ) many story books do you have have 10. can see 10. yuan. ( ) you have new teachers ,we do . ,we don’t. ,we have . ( )’s your art teacher Zhu. Zhu. ’s tall. ( )’s he like ’s tall and strong . ,he is. Zhu. ( ) your English teacher young

,she isn’t. ,she is . ,she is. ( )10. Her name is Chen Jie. ’s your name ’s she name ’s her name ( )11. I like Chinese,math and English. classes do you like do you like are you like ( )12. We have English and . do you have on Mondays do you have do you have on Monday ( )13. It’s Monday. is it today day is it today day is today ( )14. I watch TV and do my homework. do you do do you do in Mondays do you do on Sundays ( ) I have a look ! you are . ( ) math teacher is Canada. ( ) three new teachers. ( )’s Chinese teacher like ’re ( thin. ( ) are days in a week.


教师招聘面试十分钟片 段教学试讲 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】

一.情境导入(30S以内,快速导入) 创设生活情境。给出难题,任务驱动。 这节课我们一起学习:~~~~~~~~(板书课题) 二.新授 1.第一个知识点(布置完学生自学再板书)(2M) 请打开文档,参照书本X页,做~~~~,时间2分钟。(学生自主学习) 时间到,谁来演示一下操作步骤。好,你来。(学生教学生) 这位同学很善于思考,完成的非常棒。(给予表扬) 接一下让我们看看完成效果,请仔细观察,你有什么新发现(发现新问题,引入第二个知识点) 是的,(简单阐述问题),那么,如何解决这个问题请同学们以四人为一组,探讨解决问题的方法,时间3分钟。开始!(小组合作学习) 2.第二个知识点(布置完学生合作再板书)(3M) 时间到!完成的小组举手。好!这一组派一位同学上来演示一下修改的方法。其他组仔细观察(生回答对,提出表扬,不对,也给予表扬老师再来指出不对之处)下面我们一起来总结方法。(学生合作学习结合老师讲解) 经过一番努力,~~~~~~~终于完成了,可是又有困难了。

三.学生活动:(知识强化,学生合作做任务)(4M) 创设生活情境。四人为一组,5分钟时间,赶紧动手吧,看哪一组完成的又好又快。 时间到!完成的小组举手。来给大家展示一下你们的作品。(查看学生知识掌握情况) 大家觉得这一组做得怎么样呀给一点改进的意见(互评) (根据学生完成具体情况,进行评价)同学们很认真,作品做得很漂亮。(师评)四.总结(15S以内,快速总结) 通过同学们的共同努力,我们帮明明解决了两个大难题,也学会了~~~~~~~~~。希望同学们在以后的生活中也多加思考,努力做出更漂亮的~~~~~。下课!同学们再见!(总结,迁移到生活)


小学英语试讲示范 Step 1. 歌曲导入 Good morning my class. How is your Monday morning? Sleepy? Oh, really? Then let’s sing a song together to wake you up. Ok? Ok, then let’s sing a “Ten Indians” together. 1, 2, 3 go! One little, two little, three little Indians. Four little, five little, six little Indians Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians Ten little Indian boys Wow, your voices are so beautiful. Wake up now? Very good. Step 2. 新授句型 Remember our friend Wu Yifan and Amy? Their class went to have a picnic last weekend.

And they took a video. Let’s see what they are doing. Ok? Ok. What can you see? You see Wu yifan and Amy? Anything else? Kites? Yes, we can see many beautiful kites. Then what did Wu Yifan ask Amy? He asked “How many kites do you see?” (边板书边读)What does this sentence mean? Yes, if you want others to tell you the number of something, you can ask by “How many…can you see?” For example, if you want to know the number of books, you can ask by “How many books can you see?” clear? Good. The n how did Amy answer Wu Yifan. Yes, she can see twelve kites. Ten and two, that’s twelve. (板书) Pay attention to the pronunciation. Twelve. Ok, very good. Now, let’s watch this video again and read after it. Nicely done. Step 3. 练习活动 活动1 Dear class, I have a magic box here. Let me open it. See?There’s nothing in it. But if I shake it, it will change. let’s see what’s in it now? Yes, they are flowers. But how many flowers can you see? Jack please. You see 2? Is he right? Yes, very good. Sit down please. And now let’s shake it again! Peter,what’s in it now? Card?. Oh, beautiful cards. And how many cards can you see? You see 9? Count it again. Oh it’s actually ten. You correct yourself. That’s very clever. You did a very good job.


Class: Name: ( )1. Good morning! ! A.Morning ! B.Hello ! C.Hi ! ( )2. Nice to see you again ! . A.How are you ? B.Nice to see you , too . C.How do you do ? ( )3.Good night,mom ! A.Night ! B.Good night ! C.Good evening . ( )4.How do you do ? A.How are you ? B.Fine,thanks . C.How do you do ? ( )5.How many story books do you have ? A.I have 10. B.I can see 10. C.Thirty yuan. ( )6.Do you have new teachers? A.Yes,we do . B.Yes,we don’t. C.Yes,we have . ( )7.Who’s your art teacher ? A.Mr Zhu. B.Miss Zhu. C.He’s tall. ( )8.What’s he like? A.He’s tall and strong . B.Yes,he is. C.Mr Zhu. ( )9.Is your English teacher young? A.No,she isn’t. B.Yes,she is . C.No,she is.

( )10. ? Her name is Chen Jie. A.What’s your name ? B.What’s she name ? C.What’s her name ? ( )11. ? I like Chinese,math and English. A.What classes do you like? B.What do you like? C.What are you like ? ( )12. ? We have English and P.E. A.What do you have on Mondays ? B.What do you have ? C.What do you have on Monday? ( )13. ? It’s Monday. A.What is it today ? B.What day is it today ? C.What day is today ? ( )14. ? I watch TV and do my homework. A.What do you do ? B.What do you do in Mondays? C.What do you do on Sundays ? ( )15.May I have a look ? A.Sure.Here you are . B.Look ! C.Here you are . ( )16.Our math teacher is Canada. A.from B.in C.at ( )17.I three new teachers. A.has B.am C.have ( )18.What’s Chinese teacher like ? A.you B.your C.you’re ( )19.My P.E.teacher is thin. A.too B.so C.very ( )20.There are days in a week. A.six B.seven C.eight ( )21.There are month(月)in a year(年).

白杨 10分钟片段教学

白杨 一.谈话导入,激发兴趣: 师:同学们在我们祖国的西北,有一碧千里的草原,有昔日辉煌的丝绸古道,还有那茫茫的大戈壁,在那茫茫的大戈壁上生长着一种和神奇和特别的植物,你们知道是什么吗? 生:白杨 师:不错今天我们就来看看生长在茫茫戈壁滩上的白杨,它有何神奇特别之处。 二、初读课文,整体把握 1、快速浏览课文 2、交流讨论:a 课文讲了一件什么事情 b 白杨树的特点是什么?(直大高生长环境恶劣) 3、汇报交流成果:从课文找出句子回答。你还喜欢文中的句子,把它找出来。 三、指导重点语句,体会作者感情 师:哥哥最后一个问题,看上去并没有什么特别的地方但为什么却引出爸爸一番意味深长的话。爸爸是怎样回答小男孩的,全班齐读爸爸的回答。 师:大家读的都非常不错,但是读的好还不够,你们在读的时候读懂了吗?那我现在考考你们“爸爸只是向孩子们介绍白杨树吗” 生:不是,他也在表达他自己的心声。 师:那他是要表达自己怎样的心声呢? (爸爸看到戈壁滩上高大的白杨树,触景生情,以白杨自勉,在托物言志。勉励自己要像白杨一样扎根边疆,建设边疆,不软弱,也不动摇。他的表白正是无数边疆建设者身上令人肃然起敬的奉献精神。) 师:是啊,爸爸这种立志像白杨树学习,扎根西部的精神是很值得我们尊敬和学习的。文章的最后写到,爸爸笑了。他为什么会笑呢? (在课文的结尾处,作者再一次通过父亲神情的变化,来借物喻人,托物言志。爸爸自己已扎根边疆,献身边疆,他希望自己的子女如小树一样经受锻炼,成为建设边疆的栋梁之才。反映了老一辈的西部开拓者“献了青春献终身,献了终身献子孙”的博大胸怀。) 师:看来大家都是聪明董事的好孩子。一看课文就明白了“爸爸的意思”他先是借白杨树比喻自己,以此托物言志的同时也教育了自己的孩子要像白杨树学习。现在我们再带有感情的把爸爸的话读一遍。 四、总结 同学们,虽然在我们生长的城市难得见到白杨一面,但从课文中,相信大家对白杨树有了一定的了解,从作者点点滴滴的记叙中我想大家不仅对生长在西部,新疆的树和人有的不仅是喜爱,还些许的


小学英语教案格式1 ●教学内容分析(Analysis of the teaching contents): ●学生分析(Analysis of the students): ●教学目标(Objectives) 1.语言知识目标(Language knowledge): 2.语言技能目标(Language skills): 3.情感态度目标(sentiment): 4.学习策略目标(Learning strategy): 5.文化意识目标(Cultural consciousness):(不一定每课写) ●教具(Teaching Aims): ●教学过程(可按实际情况写,每步骤后写目的): 一、热身准备(Warming –up): 二、呈现与操练(Presentation and practice): 三、巩固(Consolidation) 四、发展(Development) 五、作业(Homework): ●板书设计: ●附上练习: 范例一:Unit3 Let’s talk 第一课时小学三年级 教学重点:How are you? Fine, thank you. 等问候语的学习。 教学难点: 1、How are you? 的得体运用。 2、Fine, thank you.中 fine 一词字母 i 的发音不容易到位。 教具准备:1、本课Let’s tal k/A 部分的教学课件。 2、教师为学生准备3—4个扩音器。 3、本课时教学配套的录音带,以及歌曲“Hello” “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”的录音带。 4、Mr. Black, Miss White, Miss Green 的头饰 教学过程: 1、热身、复习 (Warming-up/Revision) (1)师生共同唱歌曲 Sing an English together.“Head, shoulders, knees and toes”,复习人体部位的单词,并集中学生注意力,调动学生学习兴趣。 (2)游戏Do a game. “SIMON SAYS” 指令可以是一二单元Let’s do (A/B) 的内容。(3)师生同唱歌曲“Hello”。教师可以边唱边用手势示意学生,将歌曲中的人名改为同班同学的名字。 (4)教师用头饰介绍人物。例如:教师举起Mr. Black的头饰说:This is Mr. Black. 然后戴上Mr. Black的头饰说: Good mo rning, boys and girls. I’m Mr. Black. Nice to meet you . 让学生回答:Nice to meet you ,too.


小学二年级英语十分钟 试讲教案 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

Class: Name: ( )1. Good morning! ! A.Morning ! B.Hello ! C.Hi ! ( )2. Nice to see you again ! . A.How are you B.Nice to see you , too . C.How do you do ( )3.Good night,mom ! A.Night ! B.Good night ! C.Good evening . ( )4.How do you do A.How are you B.Fine,thanks . C.How do you do

( )5.How many story books do you have A.I have 10. B.I can see 10. C.Thirty yuan. ( )6.Do you have new teachers? A.Yes,we do . B.Yes,we don’t. C.Yes,we have . ( )7.Who’s your art teacher A.Mr Zhu. B.Miss Zhu. C.He’s tall. ( )8.What’s he like? A.He’s tall and strong . B.Yes,he is. C.Mr Zhu. ( )9.Is your English teacher young? A.No,she isn’t. B.Yes,she is . C.No,she is. ( )10. Her name is Chen Jie. A.What’s your name B.What’s she name C.What’s her name ( )11. I like Chinese,math and English. A.What classes do you like? B.What do you like? C.What are you like

小学英语教师面试 10分钟试讲 个人方法总结

小学英语教师面试10分钟试讲个人方法总结 进场开始:Good morning every leaders. I am candidate number__ applying for primary school English teacher , I am ready for my English lesson presentation , may I begin? Thank you . Boys and girls, it's time for our English class, are you ready? okay , let’s start .Today we are going to learn Unit... 热身暖场:At the beginning ,let me introduce myself..... → Okay ,now back to today’s topic How are you today ? Do you have a good weekend ? As a tradition, let’s sing a English song together at the beginning .Have you heard the sound of a donkey ? Donkey’s voice is “” , yeah it’s very funny , there is a funny song about donkey’s voice , do you want to listen ? Good,let’s sing together , when I sing “heehaw” , you sing “heehaw” , okay ? yeah , let’s go . ”......”Wonderful , you are all clever boys and girls . 阅读课文:turn to page__ and read the passage after me. / read after me ..... →Good , now read by yourself , then I will ask someone to show his voice , all right ? Yeah , begin . 要求实践:个人练:let’s do some practice , everyone should use this ..... to ..... / imitate me ! 2人小组:I want everyone to do practice with your partner , you should ask each other questions in the patterns .... A/B组:Do you like apples ? Yeah of course . I will divided you into two groups,boys group A and girls group B / this half group A and that half group B, which group do better , I will give more apples . 要求展示:Okay , you please / Oh this brave...and your partner , you act ... you act ... / group A act... and.... , please.... Okay time is up , please stop. / Ding Dong, just now have seen all of you did your best . /Well done , my children . So , which one wants to come here and show... ? Any volunteers to act out your dialogue ? Who wants to try ? Good job , you read very well , but please pay attention to the vowels “i:” and “i” / your pronunciation , remember to do more exercise , sit down please . / Perfect , you give us a good example . Anybody else ? 回顾:So we have learned all the things of today , let’s review them . First ,we have learned new words “”, second we have leaned useful sentences “” . 作业:For today’s homework,we should copy...and use the pattern... to make ...sentences ,are you clear?remember it. 课程结束:Oh , the class time is up, I must say goodbye to you . Goodbye , everybody, see you next time. Ladies and gentlemen , all the previous is my English lesson presentation , please give comments , thank you . 开始:begin , start , do it , ready go 好的(可承前启后):all right , okay , yes , so , now 理解:clear ? following ? understand ? 时间:at first , beginning , before , first step , → next step → after a while , sometime later →by now , time is up 肯定:very well , good →Good job,well done → wonderful , cool → let’s clap for them 鼓励:Don't be afraid / failure is the mother of success / practice makes perfect / come on 全过程:热身→呈现→课本学习→作业关键:放松,即使卡壳了,也要一笑置之 呈现部分:陈述→激趣→正式导出→引申解释→实践→学生展示 板书陈述:First , we should learn some new words and phrases , please look at the blackboard ,read after me please . →After the new words , we should learn some new sentences .... 故事陈述:At the beginning,let’s invite our old friend SanMao.Hi,my classmates,I’m your friend https://www.doczj.com/doc/603915780.html,e SanMao to ask question to students or lead in the key knowledge....Okay,this is SanMao’s...,from his story we have learned.... 数数陈述:let’s count , the next one is ... 激趣:just now SanMao ask us.... , how can we .../ can you ... / if.... , how or what we .... 正式导出:板书文字+图画:直观联结事物形象、空间形象、时间形象、情感形象 引申解释:So if we want to ..... / If.... ,you can say or do.... ; if someone ask / you need to.... , you can answer or ask ... / 1 and 2 make 3 解释数字/ 实践:现实情景化是实践的核心,也是设计导入激趣环节的核心 模拟思维法:展现教师思维→让学生模拟思维→学会使用句型,进行提问回答 动作游戏法:I say ....you do... 联结空间位移、运动变化、直观感觉角色扮演法:

白杨 10分钟片段教学说课讲解

白杨10分钟片段教 学

白杨 一.谈话导入,激发兴趣: 师:同学们在我们祖国的西北,有一碧千里的草原,有昔日辉煌的丝绸古道,还有那茫茫的大戈壁,在那茫茫的大戈壁上生长着一种和神奇和特别的植 物,你们知道是什么吗? 生:白杨 师:不错今天我们就来看看生长在茫茫戈壁滩上的白杨,它有何神奇特别之处。 二、初读课文,整体把握 1、快速浏览课文 2、交流讨论:a 课文讲了一件什么事情 b 白杨树的特点是什么?(直大高生长环境恶劣) 3、汇报交流成果:从课文找出句子回答。你还喜欢文中的句子,把它找出来。 三、指导重点语句,体会作者感情 师:哥哥最后一个问题,看上去并没有什么特别的地方但为什么却引出爸爸一番意味深长的话。爸爸是怎样回答小男孩的,全班齐读爸爸的回答。师:大家读的都非常不错,但是读的好还不够,你们在读的时候读懂了吗? 那我现在考考你们“爸爸只是向孩子们介绍白杨树吗” 生:不是,他也在表达他自己的心声。 师:那他是要表达自己怎样的心声呢?

(爸爸看到戈壁滩上高大的白杨树,触景生情,以白杨自勉,在托物言 志。勉励自己要像白杨一样扎根边疆,建设边疆,不软弱,也不动摇。 他的表白正是无数边疆建设者身上令人肃然起敬的奉献精神。) 师:是啊,爸爸这种立志像白杨树学习,扎根西部的精神是很值得我们尊敬和学习的。文章的最后写到,爸爸笑了。他为什么会笑呢? (在课文的结尾处,作者再一次通过父亲神情的变化,来借物喻人,托物言志。爸爸自己已扎根边疆,献身边疆,他希望自己的子女如小树一样经受锻炼,成为建设边疆的栋梁之才。反映了老一辈的西部开拓者“献了青春献终身,献了终身献子孙”的博大胸怀。) 师:看来大家都是聪明董事的好孩子。一看课文就明白了“爸爸的意思”他先是借白杨树比喻自己,以此托物言志的同时也教育了自己的孩子要像白杨树学习。现在我们再带有感情的把爸爸的话读一遍。 四、总结 同学们,虽然在我们生长的城市难得见到白杨一面,但从课文中,相信大家对白杨树有了一定的了解,从作者点点滴滴的记叙中我想大家不仅对生长在西部,新疆的树和人有的不仅是喜爱,还些许的

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