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Unit 4 Do You Like Pears ?

A Let’s learn









教学内容:人教版四年级下册Unit 4 Do you like pears ? A Let’s learn & Let’s play 教学目的:①能听说认读peach、pear、orange、watermelon等水果单词。能够用I like …来表达自己对某种水果的喜爱,还能用“It tastes good”来赞扬自己喜欢的水果。

②对名词的单复数有初步的认识;对句型“Mike likes …”有进一步的认识。

③能够用Do you like …? What about …? 来询问别人的喜好,能用Yes, I do./ No,

I don’t.来回答。



内容分析:本节课的内容是围绕“水果”这一常见的生活主题来开展的,并且是在学习了第一课时的句型“Do you like …? Yes, I do./ No,I don’t.”后的进一步深化巩固和应用,让学生提高对水果单词的认读能力,并能用学过的句型进行语言交流,在交流中巩固单词。此外,通过学习,让学生了解多吃水果对身体健康的好处。另外要说明的是,经过长期的教学实践,我和不少老师都发现三年级一开始先教26个字母,让学生会读会写,并能拼写单词,这对提高学生的认读能力有很大的帮助,并能使学生的记忆延长至四年级而不至于水过鸭背,很快忘记。加上由于种种客观原因,我们三年级的英语期末检测通常以书面形式来考察,这就更要求提高学生对单词的认读能力。在单词教学中,我让学生堂上拼写单词、记忆单词、课后抄写单词并不是要求学生能真正记忆单词,而只是加强对单词的认读罢了。




教学难点:①单词watermelon 、pear的认读。

②能在交际练习中进一步巩固句型“Do you like …? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.”。






赞赏法:多形式地表扬学生:语言表扬(Cool! Great! Very good! Super! Well done! Clever! Excellent! Good job!等);动作激励法:点头微笑法、大拇指称赞法、拍肩膀或摸头鼓励法等;各种贴纸奖励法……这利于学生整节课处于愉快的学习氛围中,更有益于学困生参与到学习中来。



1、Let’s sing:《An Apple a Day》(播放视频)


2、Let’s chant:(ppt课件出示,先整体学生一起说唱,再分组一问一答)

Do you like pears? Yes! Yes! I do.(动作:点头,双手轻拍胸膛)

Do you like peaches? No! No! I don’t.(动作:摇头,摆手)

Do you like apples? Yes! Yes! I do. (动作:点头,双手轻拍胸膛)

Do you like oranges? No! No! I don’t.(动作:摇头,摆手)



Today, Mother Monkey, let Little Monkey go down the hill. Little Monkey is very happy. He comes to the farm. Wow, so many fruits! What can you see ?(生说,不会的可以用中文) Little Monkey will pick many fruits and invite us to his fruit party. But we must learn these words and pass his test. Do you have a lot of confidences? Let’s go !

2、Let’s learn(注意多给学困生机会,并多形式表扬)



T: What’s this ?

Ss: It’s a pear .





T: Make some sentences with “pear”. (引导学生说:I have…/ I like…the pear is yellow/Where is the…/Do you like…/How many…can you see(do you have)?等句子。)T: Look, I have …(出示实物)

Ss: a pear .

T: Yes, I have a pear. The pear is yellow. I like pears. Hmm(作吃状),it tastes good.(学会tastes.)


https://www.doczj.com/doc/60270837.html,/i?word=%CB%AE%B9%FB&opt-image=on&cl=2&lm=-1&ct=201726592&ie =gbk



⑷ Play games




3、Activities & Practise (注意多给学困生机会,并多形式表扬)

T: Look, Little Monkey comes and examines you !

①Riddles : 猜水果名称(抢答)

a.看着是 green ,吃着是 red ,吐出是 black 。



d. 红红脸 ,圆又圆, 亲一口, 脆又甜。

e. 黄包袱,包黑豆,尝一口,甜水流。

②Let ’s play (用配套教材光碟出示)


T: Draw a watermelon. Colour it green.

学生画一西瓜并涂色,然后说:This is a green watermelon.

③Make a survey


T: Hello ,Tan Jian , do you like pears? S1: Yes, I do.

T: Do you like apples? S1: No, I don’t.

T: What about watermelons? S1: Yes ,I do.

T: What about oranges? S1: No, I don’t.

T: What about peaches? S1: No, I don’t.

T: Thank you, bye. S1: See you. 教师填好表格:

pears apples watermelons oranges peaches

Tan Jian

√ × √ × × 最后让学生看着表格跟同桌说一说,教师再指名检查。

师示范: Tan Jian likes pears and watermelons.

④: 完成下面的练习,再订正。


( )1、A. B.

( )2、A. B.

( )3、A. B.

听力材料:1、My mom likes peaches.

2、I don ’t like oranges.

Fruits Name

3、What a big watermelon! 二、圈出水果单词。

o p e a r c h e

w a t e r m e l o n k 三、选择。

( )1、Do you like peaches ?

A. Yes , I am .

B. Yes , I do .

( )2、Do you like hot dogs ?

A. No , I do .

B. No , I don’t .

( )3、I have orange and watermelon.

A. a , an

B. an , a


T: Let ’s go and see the Monkey. (欣赏新鲜水果、水果拼盘、水果沙拉。再简单介绍如何制作水果拼盘、水果沙拉。)


T: Read these words to little Monkey again !(看着黑板的单词读)

Little Monkey says you are very good! (让学生起立,竖起大拇指自己表扬自己:Good! Good! Very good! )

T: Let ’s sing 《An Apple a Day 》again !再看看little Monkey 给我们布置了什么作业? T: Say “goodbye!” to little Monkey. Bye!

Homework :






③画一个果园。 Writing on the board:长方形框框是单词卡片或句子卡片 Unit 4 Do You Like Pears ? A Let ’s learn

I have

I like

Tan Jian likes

p e o r a n g


watermelon orange s peach es watermelon s pear s Hmm …I t tastes good.

a pear a peach a watermelon an orange pear peach orange

Do you like …? Yes,I do./ No,I don’t.










Units1-3测试卷姓名 一、读一读,选出画线部分读音不同的一项。(5分) ( )1.A.potato B. island C. take ( )2.A.about B. uncle C. umbrella ( )3.Aidea B. leaf C. sea ( )4.A.library B. fight C. river ( )5.A.six B. rose C. see 二、按要求写单词(6分) 1.photo(复数) 2.potato(复数) 3.leaf(复数) 4.do(第三人称单数) 5.fight(现在分词) 6.swim(现在分词) 三、英汉互译(9分) 1.列清单 2.踢足球 3.乘上(车和船等) 4.take a photo 5.What about 6. take 7.What does she need? 8.I need a coat. What about you ? 9.The sheep is sleeping. 四、连线。(6分)五、看图写单词(10分) sunflowers grass tree flower bamboo potato 六、在适合句意的图片下方的括号里打对,并将相应的单词填在空格里。(12分) ()() 1.We want to play football .We need . ()() 2.It is windy. Why not take ? ( ) ( ) 3.It is raining. We need . ( ) ( ) 4.They want to have a picnic .They need . 七、用所给单词的恰当形式填空(10分) 1.There (be)an orange tree in my garden. 2.There (be)many flowers. 3. (be)there any snakes in your garden? 4.There (be)no snakes. 5. (be)there any bamboo? 八、用所给动词的恰当形式填空。(16分) 1.Ted is (sleep). 2.Are the birds (fight)? 3.They are (play). 4.Is the rabbit (jump)? 5.He is (run). 6.What are they (do)? 7.Is Wang Li( take)a photo? 8.Is she (cry)? 九、根据中文意思填空。(16分) 1.他需要什么? What he ? 2.他需要一个足球。 He a football. 3.有水吗? there any water? 4.他在睡觉。 He . 十、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F). Mike: What is in your garden, Bob? Bob: There is an apple tree, two sunflowers and some roses in my garden. I like my garden very much! Mike: Is there any grass in your garden? Bob: Yes, there is. What about you? Mike: There are two orange trees, some yellow roses and some grass in my garden. I like my garden, too. Bob: Let’s go to the park. Mike: Great! What do we need? Bob: It’s cloudy and cold. We need umbrella and warm coats. Mike: OK! Let’s go. ( )1.There is an orange tree in Bob’s garden. ( )2.There is grass in their gardens. ( )3.It’s cloudy and cold. ( )4.Mike’s roses are red. ( )5.Bob and Mike like their gardens.


听力部分(30分) 一、选出你听到的单词(10分) 1.( )A.parents B.brother C.sister 2.( ) A.next to B.north C.beside 3.( ) A.a bread shop B.a toy shop C.a noodle shop 4.( ) A.jelly B. Pancake C.soup 5.( ) A.head B. knee c.finger 二、选出你听到的句子(20分) 1.( )A.Help me ! I ’m hurt. B.She hurt her face. C. Don ’t get hurt. 2. ( ) A.I prefer Chinese food. B.Let ’s go to the fast-food restaurant. C.I prefer Western food. 3. ( ) A.It is like an English pancake. B.It is like an English salad. C.It is like a Chinese soup. 4.( ) A.What does your father do? B.What do you do ? C.He works in a clothes shop.

5.( )A.Go north. B. Go straight. C.Turn west. 笔试部分(70分) 三、根据中文意思,补全单词。(10分) ( )1. b_ _ ther ( 兄弟 ) A. or B. ro C. ri ( )2.be_ _de(在```旁边) A. so B.se C. si ( )3.sh_ _ (鞋子) A. oo B. oe C .od ( )4.s _l_d (沙拉) A. a,a B. e,a C. a,e ( )5.e_ _ t (东方) A.sa B. as C. es ( )6. c _ _ sin (表兄) A .ou B. or C. uo ( )7.s _ _ th (南方) A. oa B .ou C. Au ( 8. fing _ _ (手指) A.ar B.er C. or ( )9. kn_ _(膝盖) A.ee B. aa C. oo ( )10. h_rt (伤害) A.u B.o C.e 四、单项选择。(10分) ( )1. My uncle _____in a toy shop. A. work B. works C. worker ( ) 2. --Is it a cake shop ? --___________________. A. Yes ,it is. B.No ,it is . C. No, it doesn’t. ( ) 3.--_____you OK?


一、教材主要特点: 1、突出“动态”二字。 教材重点突出了“动态”二字。让小学生用英语开展活动,用英语做事情。 2、突出兴趣激发。 教材以激发小学生的学习动机和兴趣为宗旨。以实际生活为切入点,注入学生熟悉的内容,让他们感到亲切易懂;根据学生年龄的特点提供了有时代气息的语言材料,让他们时时处处能用英语进行思维和表达心声,以听、说、读、写、玩、演、唱、画、跳和做等儿童喜爱的形式不断激发、巩固学习兴趣,提高学习自信心。 3、融合学科内容。 教材在对小学生进行道德品质、情感因素培养的同时十分注意渗透自然、人文、社会和科技等一系列跨学科的知识,让学生既学习英语又丰富了多学科、多文化的知识,开拓了视野,有力的促进学生全面和谐发展。让学生逐步学会用英语思考、学习和做事。 4、强调语言运用。 教材根据小学生校内外的实际生活,为小学生提供了生动活泼的学习情景和真实有效的学习任务,激发学生在这些有目的、有任务的实际活动中综合运用英语。 5、注重探究式学法指导。 教材十分注意对小学生学法的指导。注意引导学生开展探究式学习,培养学生学会观察,发现,分析,归纳,总结的学习能力和方法,让学生具有主动获取知识的能力和与他人合作的能力。 6、注重评价的激励作用。 教材强调评价对学生的激励作用。在关注过程与结果相结合的同时,更关注评价对学生进一步发展的作用,力求体现学生的主体性和评价的多元性。让小学生希望参与,乐于参与,渴望参与评价活动。 二、本册教材介绍: 本教材以话题作为贯穿整套书的主线,全套教材采用模块(module)→单元(unit)→课(lesson)→任务(task)的编排方式。本册教材安排了三大教学模块。每个模块都突出一个共同的功能。每个模块包含三个单元和一个复习课。本册教材共九个单元覆盖了9个话题(Green leaves can make food. What do we need for camping? It’s fun on the farm. It’s windy today. How is the weather? We’re going to the beach. Let’s buy a gift for him. How much is it? It is a Monkey King.),三个复习课。每个单元围绕一个共同的话题分为三课。第一课是语言的呈现,提供语境,用陈述形式表述一个情景,其中包含表达所需的基本新句式;第二课是语言的扩展;第三课是语言的宗合运用,包括阅读、书写和语音等内容。每一课都设有学生的活动内容。每个单元的复习课涵盖了本单元的主要学习内容,最


湘鲁版六年级上册期末必备 Unit 10 一、单词默写: 九月______________ 十月_______________ 十一月_______________ 七月______________ 八月_______________ 十二月______________ 二、补全问答句并背诵 1、What’s your favuorite month? _________________________________________ 2、When is the Mid-autumn Festival? It’s usually in September. 3、When is Tree-planting Day? It’s on March 12th. 4、When is Christmas . It’s on December 25. 5、When is Teachers’Day? It’s on September 10th. 6、What do people usually do on Tree-planting Day? People plant trees. 7、What do people usually eat on the Mid-autumn Festival? People eat moon cakes. 8、Do people usually give gifts to their mothers on Mothers’ Day? Yes , they do 三、中英互译 中秋节______________________ 感恩节___________________________ 国庆节______________________ 植树节____________________________ 圣诞节______________________ 教师节____________________________ 母亲节______________________ 万圣节____________________________ 期望________________________ 擅长于____________________________ Summer holiday ________________ plant trees__________________________ 明亮的_____________ 重要的_______________ 庆祝________________________ 四、连线 the Mid-autumn Festival 万圣节on March 12th Tree-planting Day 母亲节on December 25 Christmas 教师节usually in September Teachers’Day 圣诞节on September 10th Thanksgiving Day 植树节the fourth Thursday in november National Day 国庆节in may Halloween 感恩节on October 31th Mothers’ Day 中秋节on October 1st


Unit 1 John has two aunts 约翰有两个阿姨 Unit 2 Harry finds the way 哈利找路Unit 3 What does your uncle do?你的叔叔是干什么的? Unit 4 It is like an English pancake 它像英式煎饼 Unit 5 I prefer western food.我更喜欢西餐 Unit 6 I hurt my knee 我的膝盖受伤了Unit 7 I am ill today 我今天生病了 Unit 8 It is upstairs 在楼上 Unit 9 I'm good at sports 我擅长运动Unit 10 Do you enjoy playing tennis? 你喜欢打网球吗? Unit 11 When is your birthday? 你什么时候生日? Unit 12 What's your favourite month? 你最喜欢的月份是什么? 重点词组与句子 Unit 1 John has two aunts 1.John has two aunts.约翰有两个阿姨。 2.They are coming to visit us next week . 他们下周要来拜访我们。 3.I have two sisters .我有2个姐妹。 4.Who are they ? 他们是谁? 5.They are Aunt Maggie and Aunt Lucy. 他们是麦吉阿姨和露西阿姨。 6.Who is Cousin Harry ?谁是哈利表弟? 7.He is Aunt Lucy’s son.他是露西阿姨的儿子。 8.They are from the UK .他们来自英国 9.She has got curly yellow hair . 她留着黄色卷发。 10.It is 5:00pm. 下午五点。 11.They must get on the plane at 5:30. 他们必须在5:30上飞机。 12.They are going to China.他们要去中国。 13.Are they going to China? 他们要去中国吗? 14.They cannot find one another .他们不能找到对方。15.She has a round face and big eyes , 她有圆圆的脸和大大的眼睛。 Unit 2 1.He is from England .他来自英格兰。 2.I’m taking Harry around our city . 我带哈利参观我们的城市。 3.Good idea ,好主意 4.Let’s go to the big bookstore. 我们去大书店吧 5.We can take a bus to the south .我们做公交车去南边。 6.That sounds very interesting .听起来很有趣。 7.Beside the shopping mall is a famous park .商场旁边是名湖。 8.It’s in the north of the city. 在城市的北边。 9.Go and stand next to Joe . 去站在乔的旁边。 10.See you later .待会见 11.Can you find us ?你能找到我们吗? 12.Go north .往北 13.Turn west and go straight !向西拐并直走 14.You will see a hospital . 你将会看到一家医院。 15.We are in the bookshop next to the temple .我们在寺庙旁边的书店里。 Unit 3 1.What does your father do?你爸爸是干什么的? 2.He works in a small shop .他在小店工作 3.Where is Harry’s father ?哈利的爸爸在哪 4.I don’t know.我不知道 5.Is it a cake shop ? Yes ,it is /No,it isn’t.是蛋糕店吗?是的/ 不是 6.He smiles at all the children .他对所有孩子微笑 7.What can I do for you ?我能为你做点什么? 8.It is a friendly shop .它是一家友好的店。 9.Let’s look in this telephone shop.我们在电话店看看吧! Unit4 1.This is a Chinese cold dish .这是一道中式


Units4-6测试卷姓名 一圈出画线部分读音不同的一项。(5分) . fight B. swim C. wind ( ) . sun B. buy C. study ( ) 3. A. when B. what C. who ( ) . buy B. umbrella C. study ( ) . go B. do C. hello ( ) 二、看图写单词。(4分) 三、连线(12分)四、选出不同类的单词。(5分) sunny ( ) . cool B. cold C. book cloudy ( ) B. Chinese C. Friday rainy( ) . cloudy B. rainy C. supermarket foggy ( ) B. hot C. weather windy ( ) B. sun C. wind snowy 五、英译汉(8分) pool home basketball books favourite sport and sunny Saturdays to the supermarket 六、选词填空(8分) is am are 1.What the weather like 2.I going to watch TV. 3.They going to swim. 4.Jack going to study English. 5.What day it today 6.Where John and Amy going 7. You going to the park 8.I reading. 七、仿照例子,写一写。(5分) 例:sun----sunny 1.cloud---- 2.snow---- 3.fog---- 4. ------windy 5. ------rainy 八、用动词的适当形式填空。(20分) (go)to school at seven o’clock. ’s 6 o’clock .They are (eat)supper. usually (get)up at 7:00. (live)in Beijing. (be)singing now. 6. (be)there a book on the table father (watch)TV every evening. father is (make)toys now. 9 Amy (like)apples sometimes (go)to the park with her sister.九连词成句(15分) 1.you,are,do,to,this,evening,going,what() 2.my,clean,going,room,am,to,I(.) 3.to,am,I,going,the,zoo(.) 4.visit,is,going,he,aunt,his,to(.) 十、单项选择(6分) () are you going to do this weekend I am going my grandmother and grandfather. A .visit B. to visit C. visiting ( ) 2. I’m going to the park. A.Where are you going B. Where are you going to ( )3. I ususlly play football. A.What are you going to do B. What do you do on Staturdays 十一、根据要求写句子(12分) I am going to the library. 改为一般疑问句: 作肯定回答: 作否定回答: 对画线部分提问:


教材简介 湘鲁版教材是严格按照《英语课程标准》(实验版)中的二级目标联合编写而成的。 对象是五年级学生。教材遵循“话题――功能――任务”的模式,以话题作为贯穿整套书的主线,注重学生学习兴趣的培养。教学内容适度,难易程度适中,从听说入手,逐步向读写展开。仍然采用TPR的教学方法,符合小学生的认知特点。改编后的教材特别用四线格来规范学生的书写,符合教学要求。 本册教材共12个单元,2个评价。每个单元主要由Look, listen and act---Listen and say---Activity 1---Activity 2---listen and do---Activity 3---Read and write---Read and spell---Activity 4 九个板块组成。覆盖了12个话题( I like my new school, Where’s the zoo I have many new friends. Let’s tidy up! What do you usually do on weekends I often walk to school. I want to be a policeman. What does your father do Do you like meat You should eat more vegetables. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!It’s Spring Festival again!) Unit 1 I like my new school. 教学重点: 1.单词:building,garden,map,nice,playground,rectangle,round,square. 2.词语: Class 1 , Grade 5


湘鲁版四年级下册英语复习资料 单词 Unit1 need ( ) coat ( ) take ( ) umbrella ( ) kite ( ) cloud ( ) cloudy ( ) shoe ( ) library ( ) cold( ) camp ( ) tent ( ) Unit2 garden ( ) grass ( ) tree ( ) flower ( ) tell ( ) about ( ) plant ( ) uncle ( ) sunflower ( ) bamboo ( ) potato ( ) rose ( ) leaf ( ) kid ( ) Unit3 river ( ) fight ( ) island ( ) boat ( ) sheep ( ) Unit4 weather ( ) different ( ) city ( ) sun ( ) sunny ( ) hot ( ) rain ( ) rainy ( ) snow ( ) snowy ( ) wind ( ) windy ( ) fog ( ) foggy ( ) world ( ) cool ( ) humid ( ) warm ( ) Unit5 Monday ( ) Tuesday ( ) Wednesday ( ) Thursday ( ) Friday ( ) Saturday ( ) Sunday ( ) week ( ) day ( ) study ( ) Maths ( ) also ( ) Art ( ) when ( ) day ( ) usually ( ) sport ( ) Unit6 supermarket ( ) lake ( ) buy ( ) Unit7 should ( ) know ( ) sweater ( ) trousers ( ) skirt( ) scarf ( ) watch ( ) him ( ) Unit8 shorts ( ) schoolbag ( ) blouse ( ) drink ( ) Unit9 summer ( ) hometown ( ) village ( ) live ( ) farm ( ) visit ( ) aunt ( ) grandpa ( ) grandma ( ) building ( ) house ( ) pig ( ) Seasons :Spring ( ) Summer ( ) Autumn ( ) Winter ( ) Months :January ( ) February ( ) March ( ) April ( ) May ( ) June ( ) July ( ) August ( ) September ( ) October ( ) November ( ) December ( ) 词组 make a list ( ) Why not······? ( )


湘鲁版小学英语五年级上册教案 篇一:湘鲁版五年级英语 复习I like my new school. 教学重点: 1.单词: building,garden,map,nice,playground,rectangle,round,squar e. 2.词语: Class 1 , Grade 5 3(句型: I like?. What’s this??Where’s the ?? 4( 单词的书写 P5 教学难点: 1. 能听懂课文并表演出来 2. 学会熟练地运用句型 突破方法: 1.利用图片, 单词卡片和实物进行词汇教学。 2.利用教学网站来学习round, rectangle, square和其他扩充的shapes. 1 3. 利用chant 来复习巩固shapes 4. 提倡互动学习,培养合作精神:老师提供书本的图片由 学生谈论: What’s this rectangle? It’s my classroom. Where’s the playground?The square. 复习 Where's the zoo? 教学重点:

1.单词:straight, left, right, which, way, sign, live, will, halt,march 2.词语:go straight, turn left ,turn right, far away, close by , role play, capital city 3(句型:Which is the way to the?? Where is…? 4. 单词的书写 P9 教学难点: 1. 表方位的词组: go straight, turn left, turn right 2.学生在实际生活灵活地运用,学会指路和准确地做答。 突破方法: 1.词汇教学:老师说单词,学生相应举起左手或右手;老 师藏一只橡皮或其 它在某一手中,问“Where’s the pencil?”,让学生猜; 带学生“开火车”跳兔子舞;为盲人指路 2 2.融会话教学于情景表演之中,师生一起在表演中教,在 表演中练,在交际 活动中用 3.创造情景进行教学,让学生学会使用句型。 4.学生分组绘制简单的图,用英语进行练习问路。 复习 I have many new friends. 教学重点:


三年级上册 Unit1 hi / hello / I / too / Ms / my / be / am / is / are / it / pen / book / bag / pencil / goodbye / bye / a / an Unit2 touch / nose / mouth / eye / ear / look Unit3 in / guess / toy / turtle / no / have / has / big / panda / long / arm / and / leg / monkey / yes / dad / head / small Unit4 who / she / new / teacher / ruler / eraser / desk / that / pupil / he / Mr / our Unit5 go to school / OK / where / on / the / table / red / chair / colour / blue Unit6 egg / apple / please / green / yellow / mum / There are Unit7 look at / cake / for / card / gift / beautiful / basketball / they / draw Unit8 PE / like / me / shoot / goal / English / Chinese / Music Unit9 fish / ugly / cool / cat / cute / dog 三年级下册 Unit1 close / door / open / window / sit down Unit2 classroom / great / friend / Miss / horse Unit3 to / run / jump / read / write / do / sleep / watch TV / sing Unit4 rice / or / noodle / bread / love / partner / a box of / a bag of / a piece of / watermelon Unit5 ice-cream / water / cup / candy Unit6 crayon / one / cut / paper / scissors / boy / together / glue / black Unit7 call / her / number / in the park / school / his / at school / at home / in the classroom Unit8 pet / bird / animal / snake / help / duck / rabbit / cow Unit9 elephant / so / cap / zoo / tiger / go to the zoo / want / see / go to the park 四年级上册 Unit1 can / blackboard / computer / bear / car Unit2


第2页/(共6页) 考号: 考场: 座号: 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 东边中学第一次月考六年级英语试题 旅馆 银行 6 7 8 9 10 三、单项选择(30分) ( )11. My mother and my father are my . A.cousins B. parents C. grandparents ( )12. My grandmother and my grandfather are my . A.cousins B. parents C. Grandparents ( )13. My uncle is my father ’s . A.brother B. sister C. aunt ( )14. — are they ? —They are Aunt Lucy and Aunt Maggie. A.Who B.Where C. How ( )15. — do they come to China ? —By plane . A.Who B.Where C. How ( )16. We are the east of the city .. A.on B. in C. At north aunt uncle east west 5

()17. Next to the zoo a famous temple. A.is B. are C. be ()18. There a big park and a small hotel beside the lake. A.is B. are C. be ()19. There is a school the bank the bookshop. A.between, and B. from, to C. next, to ()20. The bank is a police station . A.next B. between C. Beside 四、补全单词(10分) 21.s n (儿子)22. br th (兄弟)23. ter (姐妹) 24.d t (女儿)25.be de (在……旁边) 五、圈出与众不同的一项(10分) 26. sister brother plane 27. father baby mother 28. north south sound 29. go straight go south finally 30. bank east hotel 六、选词填空(10分) 31.I have two . 32.Who is Harry ? 33.Grandpa has an old . 34.That very interesting! 35.and go straight. You will see our new school. 七、翻译下列句子(15分) 36.I have two aunts. 。 37.Who is Cousin Harry? ? 38.Do you have any aunts or uncles? ? 39.It’s in the north of the city. 。 40.Go south. You will see a factory. 第3页/共6页第4页/共6页



教材简介 湘鲁版教材是严格按照《英语课程标准》(实验版)中的二级目标联合编写而成的。 对象是五年级学生。教材遵循“话题――功能――任务”的模式,以话题作为贯穿整套书的主线,注重学生学习兴趣的培养。教学内容适度,难易程度适中,从听说入手,逐步向读写展开。仍然采用TPR的教学方法,符合小学生的认知特点。改编后的教材特别用四线格来规范学生的书写,符合教学要求。 本册教材共12个单元,2个评价。每个单元主要由Look, listen and act---Listen and say---Activity 1---Activity 2---listen and do---Activity 3---Read and write---Read and spell---Activity 4 九个板块组成。覆盖了12个话题( I like my new school, Where’s the zoo I have many new friends. Let’s tidy up! What do you usually do on weekends I often walk to school. I want to be a policeman. What does your father do Do you like meat You should eat more vegetables. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!It’s Spring Festival again!) Unit 1 I like my new school. 教学重点: 1.单词:building,garden,map,nice,playground,rectangle,round,square. 2.词语: Class 1 , Grade 5 3.句型: I like…. What’s this… Where’s the … 4.单词的书写 P5 教学难点: 1. 能听懂课文并表演出来 2. 学会熟练地运用句型 突破方法: 1.利用图片, 单词卡片和实物进行词汇教学。 2.利用教学网站来学习round, rectangle, square和其他扩充的shapes. 2


20XX年六年级上册期中测试卷 姓名:班级: 听力部分(30分) 一、选出你听到的单词(10分) 1.()A.parents B.brother C.sister 2.( ) A.next to B.north C.beside 3.( ) A.a bread shop B.a toy shop C.a noodle shop 4.( ) A.jelly B. Pancake C.soup 5.( ) A.head B. knee c.finger 二、选出你听到的句子(20分) 1.()A.Help me ! I’m hurt. B.She hurt her face. C. Don’t get hurt. 2.( ) A.I prefer Chinese food. B.Let’s go to the fast-food restaurant. C.I prefer Western food. 3.( ) A.It is like an English pancake. B.It is like an English salad. C.It is like a Chinese soup. 4.( ) A.What does your father do? B.What do you do ? C.He works in a clothes shop.

5.( )A.Go north. B. Go straight. C.Turn west. 笔试部分(70分) 三、根据中文意思,补全单词。(10分) ( )1. b_ _ ther ( 兄弟 ) A. or B. ro C. ri ( )2.be_ _de(在```旁边) A. so B.se C. si ( )3.sh_ _ (鞋子) A. oo B. oe C .od ( )4.s _l_d (沙拉) A. a,a B. e,a C. a,e ( )5.e_ _ t (东方) A.sa B. as C. es ( )6. c _ _ sin (表兄) A .ou B. or C. uo ( )7.s _ _ th (南方) A. oa B .ou C. Au ( 8. fing _ _ (手指) A.ar B.er C. or ( )9. kn_ _(膝盖) A.ee B. aa C. oo ( )10. h_rt (伤害) A.u B.o C.e 四、单项选择。(10分) ( )1. My uncle _____in a toy shop. A. work B. works C. worker ( ) 2. --Is it a cake shop ? --___________________. A. Yes ,it is. B.No ,it is . C. No, it doesn’t. ( ) 3.--_____you OK?


复习I like my new school. 教学重点: 1.单词:building,garden,map,nice,playground,rectangle,round,square. 2.词语: Class 1 , Grade 5 3.句型:I like…. What’s this…? Where’s the …? 4.单词的书写P5 教学难点: 1. 能听懂课文并表演出来 2. 学会熟练地运用句型 突破方法: 1.利用图片, 单词卡片和实物进行词汇教学。 2.利用教学网站来学习round, rectangle, square和其他扩充的shapes. 3. 利用chant 来复习巩固shapes 4. 提倡互动学习,培养合作精神:老师提供书本的图片由学生谈论: What’s this rectangle? It’s my classroom. Where’s the playground? The square.

复习Where's the zoo? 教学重点: 1.单词:straight, left, right, which, way, sign, live, will, halt,march 2.词语:go straight, turn left ,turn right, far away, close by , role play, capital city 3.句型:Which is the way to the…? Where is…? 4. 单词的书写P9 教学难点: 1. 表方位的词组:go straight, turn left, turn right 2.学生在实际生活灵活地运用,学会指路和准确地做答。 突破方法: 1.词汇教学:老师说单词,学生相应举起左手或右手;老师藏一只橡皮或其 它在某一手中,问“Where’s the pencil?”,让学生猜;带学生“开火车”跳兔子舞;为盲人指路 2.融会话教学于情景表演之中,师生一起在表演中教,在表演中练,在交际 活动中用 3.创造情景进行教学,让学生学会使用句型。 4.学生分组绘制简单的图,用英语进行练习问路。

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