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职称英语综合类补全短文第三篇The Value of Tears逐句翻译

职称英语综合类补全短文第三篇The Value of Tears逐句翻译
职称英语综合类补全短文第三篇The Value of Tears逐句翻译

The Value of Tears眼泪的价值

Tears can ruin make-up, bring conversation to a stop, and give you a runny nose. 泪水可以破坏妆容,使对话停止,让鼻子流涕。They can leave you embarrassed and without energy. 它可以让你毫不费力陷入尴尬。However,crying is a fact of life…and tears are veryuseful.但是,哭的确是生活的事实,眼泪也有很多用处。(1)Even when you're not crying, your eyes produce tears.即使当你不哭的时候,你的眼睛也会产生泪水。These create a film over the eye's surface.这些泪水在眼睛的表面形成一层层薄膜,This film contains a substance that protects your eyes against infection.这个薄膜包含一种物质,可以保护你的眼睛免受感染。

Tears relieve stress,but we tend to fight them for all sorts of reasons. 泪水可以缓解压力,但是人们为了各种原因抵抗流泪。"People worry about showing their emotions. They’re afraid that once they lose control, they’ll never get it back,”“人们担心会流露情感,担心一旦失控,就再也收不回来了,”explains psychologist Dorothy Rowe. (2)As children we were sometimes punished for shedding tears or expressing anger. As adults we still fear the consequences of showing emotions.”心理学家DorothyRowe解释道,“我们还是孩子的时候,就


Almost any emotion—good or bad, happy or sad—can cause tears.几乎任何情感——好的或者坏的,高兴的或者悲伤的——都能导致流泪。Crying is a way that we release built-up emotions.哭是我们释放日益强烈的情感的一种方式。Tears help you when you feel you are ready to explode because of very strong feelings. 当你感觉某种强烈的情感导致你要爆发时,眼泪就可以帮助你了。(3)It may explain why people who are afraid to cry often suffer more heart attacks than people cry more freely.它可以解释为什么害怕哭的人比自愿哭的人更容易得心脏病。

When some people become very stressed, however, they can’t cry.但是,当有些人感到压力大时,他们却哭不出来。They may be feeling shock,anger, fear, or grief, but they repress the emotion. 他们可能会感到惊恐、愤怒、担心或者悲伤,但是他们压抑情感。“Everyone has the need to cry,”says psychotherapist Vera Diamond. “每个人都有哭的需要”,心理治疗师VeraDiamond说。Sometimes in therapy sessions, patients participate in crying exercise 有时在治疗阶段,患者会参与到哭的练习中。(4) They practice crying so that they can get used to expressing emotion. 他们练习哭是为了能习

惯表达情感。Diamond says it’s best to cry in safe, private places,like under the bed covers or in the car.Diamond说最好-是在安全、私人的地方哭,像床罩下面或者车里。That’s because many people get uncomfortable when others cry in front of them. 这是因为许多人对于其他人在他们面前哭都会感到不舒服。In fact,they may be repressing their own need to cry.事实上,他们可能是在压抑他们自己哭的需要。

In certain situations, such as at work, tears are not appropriate. 在特定的场景下,比如在工作时,流泪就不合适了。(5)It’s good to hold back tears during a tense business discussion.在进行紧张的商业讨论时抑制住泪水是比较好的。“But once you are safely behind closed doors, don't just cry,”Diamond says, “但是一旦你安全地躲到关闭的门后,就不要仅仅哭泣”,Diamond说道。she suggests that you act out the whole situation again and be as noisy and angry as you like. 她建议,你可以让整个场景重现,并且尽你所愿地吵闹、生气。It will help you feel better.这会让你感觉更好。“And,”she adds, “once your tears have released the stress, you can begin to think of logical way to deal with the problem.”“并且,”她补充道,“一旦你的眼泪把你的压力释放出来,你就能开始考虑用合理的方法去解决问题。”

Tears are a sign of our ability to feel. You should never be

afraid to cry. 流泪是我们有感知能力的表现。你永远不应该害怕哭泣。


make-up n. 化妆(品)

psychotherapist n. 心理治疗师

runny nose 流鼻涕

infection n. 感染,传染

release v. 释放

built up 组合的,拼合的


1. …create a film over the eye’s surface :……在眼睛的表面形成一层薄膜。

2. …get it back…:……恢复……

3. …act out the wholesituation again…:……整个场景重现……


A It may explain why people who areafraid tocry often suffer more heart attacksthan people cry more freely.

B It’s good to hold backtears during a tense business discussion.

C Crying has good effects on the body.

D Even when you're not crying, your eyes producetears.

E They practice crying so that they can get used toexpressing emotion.

F As children we were sometimes punished for shedding tears or expressing anger.


1. D 此空的上一句讲到眼泪很有用,后一句讲到眼泪的具体用处,并且句首是these,所以所填的这句应该有眼泪,根据上下文只有选项D最适合。选项C与前一句话意思重复。

2. F 下文提到作为成人,我们仍然害怕流泪,所填的这句应该讲我们还是孩子时对流泪的恐惧。所以,答案是选项F。

3. A 上文讲到哭能够帮助我们发泄心中的强烈情感,所以经常哭的人会比不常哭的人获得某种益处,根据上下文,只有选项A比较贴切。

4. E 上文提到患者要练习哭,这里应该讲练习哭的原因。所以,答案是选项E。

5. B 上一句提到在某些场合哭是不合适的,所以此处也应该具体解释不适合哭的场景,答案是选项B。


2015年职称英语理工类C级考试真题及答案第一部分:词汇选项 1. The weather last summer was awful. A. bad B. fair C. dry D. hot 参考答案:A 2. The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. A. message B. guilt C. obligation D. punishment 参考答案:D 3. My piano playing has improved significantly since I had a new teacher. A. definitely B. generally C. certainly D. greatly 参考答案:D 4. There is a need for radical changes in education.

A. revolutionary B. long-term C. short-term D. systematic 参考答案:A 5. It frustrates me that I‘m not able to put any of my ideas into practice. A. discourages B. shows C. surprises D. frightens 参考答案:A 6. I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present. A. limit B. fear C. power D. fool 参考答案:B 7. He tried to assemble his thoughts. A. gather B. clear C. share D. spare


2016职称英语教材-卫生类C级完形填空及参考译文1 第一篇Better Control of TB Seen If a Faster Cure Is Found The World Health Organization1 estimates that about one-third of all people are infected with bacteria that cause tuberculosis . Most times, the infection remains inactive. But each year about eight million people develop active cases of TB, usually in their lungs. Two million people die of it. The disease has increased with the spread of AIDS and drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis. Current treatments take at least six months. People have to take a combination of several antibiotic drugs daily. But many people stop as soon as they feel better. Doing that can lead to an infection that resists treatment. Public health experts agree that a faster-acting cure for tuberculosis would be more effective. Now a study estimates just how effective it might be. A professor of international health at Harvard University2 led the study. Joshua Salomon says a shorter treatment program would likely mean not just more patients cured. It would also mean fewer infectious patients who can pass on their infection to others. The researchers developed a mathematical model to examine the effects of a two-month treatment plan. They tested the model with current TB conditions in Southeast Asia. The scientists found that a two-month treatment could prevent about twenty percent of new cases. And it might prevent about twenty-five percent of TB deaths. The model shows that these reductions would take place between two thousand twelve and two thousand thirty. That is, if a faster cure is developed and in wide use by two thousand twelve. The World Health Organization reductions the DOTS3 program in nineteen ninety. DOTS is Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course. Health workers watch tuberculosis patients take their daily pills to make sure they continue treatment. Earlier this year, an international partnership of organizations announced a plan to expand the DOTS program. The ten-year plan also aims to finance research into new TB drugs. The four most common drugs used now are more than forty years old. The Global Alliance for TB Drug Development4 says its long-term goal is a treatment that could work in as few as ten doses. 1.找到速效治疗剂可以更好控制结核病 世界卫生组织估计全球有大约三分之一的人感染了导致结核病的病菌。大多数时候,这种感染是不活跃的。但是每年大约有八百万结核病病例,通常是在肺部。两百万人因此丧命。结核病发病率由于艾滋病的传播和抗药型结核病的出现而增加。目前的治疗至少需要六个月。患病者不得不每日服用多种抗生素药品。许多人在稍感舒适后就停止使用药品,这么做可能导致抗药性感染。公共卫生专家一致认为针对结核病的速效治疗剂将会更加有效果。现在有一项研究评估这种速效治疗剂究竟效力有多大。这项研究由美国哈佛大学国际卫生方面的教授率领。Joshua Salomon说,疗程较短的治疗计划可能不仅仅意味着更多病人被治好,也意味着将感染传给别人的病人会更少。 研究者们设计了一个数学模型来检测两个月治疗计划的效果。他们以东南亚目前的结核病情况来检验这个模型。科学家们发现两个月的治疗可以防止大约20%的新病例,也可能防止大约5%因结核病引起的死亡。这个模型表明,如果速效治疗剂可以在2012年前研发出来并大规模使用的话,减少结核病例在2012年到2030年间就可以实现。 世界卫生组织在1990年制定了DOTS计划,DOTS意指短期直接观察治疗。卫生工作者监督结核病人每天服药,以确信他们继续治疗。今年年初,一个国际组织同盟宣布了一项扩大DOTS的计划。这个十年计划也旨在资助新结核药品的研究。现在四种最常用的药品也有四十多年的历史了。全球结核病药物开发联盟宣称它的长期目标是找到一种治疗方法,可以通过十次剂量就效果。


2017年职称英语理工类A类词汇练习题及答案2017年职称英语理工类A类词汇练习题及答案 1It is (ridiculous) to dispute about such things. A foolish B shocking C frightening D amusing 2It was (obvious) that she was not going home. A evident B necessary C possible D probable 3He (replied) that this was absolutely impossible. A stated B answered C said D claimed 4He (Confesses) that he has done it. A agrees B alleges C admits D answers 5He lacked the strength to (deal with) all these problems A think of B talk about C copy down D cope with 6He (purchased) a ticket and went up on the top deck. A bought B took C showed D made 7Foreign money can be (converted) into the local currency at this bank. A written B changed C moved D reported 8He looks like a (crazy) man. A lazy B patient C mad D happy 9We cannot permit such (conduct). A movement B words C principle D behavior 10 She (started) to clean the kitchen. A stopped B began C continued D kept 11 John (talked over) the new job offer with his wife. A discussed B mentioned C accepted D rejected 12 I (rarely) wear a raincoat because I spend most of my time in a car. A normally B continuously C seldom D usually 13 We (explored) the possibility of closer trade links at the conference. A rejected B investigated C proposed D postponed 14 He often (finds fault with) my work. A criticizes B praises C evaluates D talks about

2015年全国职称英语考试 理工类新增文章汇总 考试重点内容 word版 全网独一份

2015年全国职称英语考试理工类新增文章汇总 word版全网独一份 注:押题皇后王霞老师授意,新增文章仍然是考试热门文章,务必掌 握。 2015年职称英语教材理工类的变动比较小,一共只有5篇新增文章。2015年职称英语教材理工类新增的5篇文章,分布在阅读理解和补全短文:阅读理解理工C和理工B各新增一篇文章;补全短文理工A、B和C各新增一篇文章。完形填空理工类整体都没有新增文章。

理工C阅读理解新增文章 第九篇An Essential Scientific Process All life on the earth depends upon green plants. Using sunlight, the plants produce their own food. Then animals feed upon the plants. They take in the nutrients the plants have made and stored. But that’s not all. Sunlight also helps a plant produce oxygen. Some of the oxygen is used by the plant, but a plant usually produces more oxygen than it uses. The excess oxygen is necessary for animals and other organisms to live. The process of changing light into food and oxygen is called photosynthesis. Besides light energy from the sun, plants also use water and carbon dioxide. The water gets to the plant through its roots. The carbon dioxide enters the leaves through tiny openings called stomata. The carbon dioxide travels to chloroplasts, special cells in the bodies of green plants. This is where photosynthesis takes place. Chloroplasts contain the chlorophylls that give plants their green color. The chlorophylls are the molecules that trap light energy. The trapped light energy changes water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and a simple sugar called glucose. Carbon dioxide and oxygen move into and out of the stomata. Water vapor also moves out of the stomata. More than 90 percent of water a plant takes in through its roots escapes through the stomata. During the daytime, the stomata of most plants are open. This allows carbon dioxide to enter the leaves for photosynthesis. As night falls, carbon dioxide is not needed. The stomata of most plants close. Water loss stops. If photosynthesis ceased, there would be little food or other organic matter on the earth. Most organisms would disappear. The earth’s atmosphere would no longer contain oxygen. Photosynthesis is essential for life on our planet. 词汇: nutrient n.营养物 organism n.生物体,有机体 carbon dioxide n.二氧化碳 chloroplast n.叶绿体 molecule n.分子 vapor n.水蒸气 oxygen n.氧气 photosynthesis n.光合作用 chlorophyll n.叶绿素 glucose n.葡萄糖 cease v.停止 注释: 1.Then animals feed upon the plants.动物以植物为食。 练习: 1.In the first paragraph,the word “excess” means Aheavy. Bextra. Cgreen. Dliquid.


2014职称英语《理工B》真题及答案(代码22) 第一部分:词汇选项 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。 1. The majority of people around here are decent. A. real B. honest C. normal D. wealthy 答案:D 2. The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid. A. hidden B. traditional C. inflexible D. official 答案:C 3. The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation. A. furnish B. copy C. publish D. summarize 答案:A 4. Afterwards there was just a feeling of let-down. A. excitement B. disappointment C. anger D. calm 答案:B 5. Several windows had been smashed. A. cleaned

C. fixed D. broken 答案:D 6. The worst agonies of the war were now beginning. A. pains B. parts C. aspects D. results 答案:A 7. London quickly became a flourishing port. A. major B. large C. successful D. commercial 答案:C 8. She felt that she had done her good deed for the day. A. homework B. justice C. model D. act 答案:D 9. He led a very moral life. A. human B. intelligent C. natural D. honourable 答案:D 好学教育2015年职称英语考试过关课程课件汇总:https://www.doczj.com/doc/6013207348.html,/RhFad1W 10. His stomach felt hollow with fear.

职称英语综合类补全短文第四篇The First Four Minute逐句翻译

The First Four Minutes最初四分钟 When do people decide whether or not they want to become friends?人们什么时候决定他们是否愿意成为朋友?During their first four minutes together, according to a book by Dr. Leonard Zunin. In his book, “Contact:The first four minutes" he offers this advice to anyone interested in starting new friendships:“Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes. (1) A lot of people's whole lives would change if they did just that. ”按列奥纳多?祖尼博士的书中所说是在他们相处的最初四分钟。在他的书《接触:最初四分钟》里,他向所有对开始新的友谊感兴趣的人们提出了这样的建议:“每次你在社交场合遇到什么人时,全神贯注地注意他四分钟。如果这样做了的话,他们的生活就会完全不同。”; You may have noticed that the average person does not give his undivided attention to someone he has just met. 你可能已经注意到了,一般人都不会全神贯注地注意一个他刚认识的人。(2) He keeps looking over the other person's shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more.他不停地往其他人身后看,好像要在屋里其他地方找到更趣的人似的。If anyone has ever done this to you, you probably did not like him very much.如果有人对你这样,你大概不会很喜欢他。


2020年职称英语理工A概括大意真题及答案 Geothermal(地热)Energy 1.Since heat naturally moves from hotter regions to cooler ones, the heat from the earth's center flows outwards towards the surface. In this way, it transfers to the next layer of rock. If the temperature is high enough, some of this rock melts and forms magma(岩浆). The magma ascends in its turn towards the earth's surface. It often remains well below the earth's surface, creating vast areas of hot rock. In such regions, there are deep cracks, which allow rainwater to descend underground. Some of the heated rainwater travels back up to the earth's surface where it will appear as a hot spring. However, if this ascending hot water reaches a layer of impermeable(不可渗透的)rock, it remains trapped, forming a geothermal reservoir. If geothermal reservoirs are close enough to the surface, they can be reached by drilling wells. Hot water and steam shoot up the wells naturally, and can be used to produce electricity in geothermal power plants. 2.A few geothermal power plants depend on dry-stem reservoirs which produce steam but little or no water. In these cases, the steam is piped up directly to provide the power to spin a turbine generator. The first geothermal power plant, constructed at Lardarello in Italy, was of this type, and is still producing electricity today. 3.Most currently operating geothermal power plants are either "flash" steam plants or binary(双重的)plants. Flash plants produce mainly hot water ranging in temperature from 300° to 700°Fahrenheit. This water is passed through one or


职称英语新增文章一 职称英语文章一 1. On the night of August 17, 1959, at about 20 minutes before midnight, the ground in the vicinity of Yellowstone National Park began shaking violently. At the time there was a rumbling sound, something like a huge truck would make. Both the heaving of the ground and the noise were very frightening but lasted not quite 45 seconds. 1、1959年8月17日的晚上,大约午夜前20分钟,黄石国家公园附近大地开始猛烈 摇动。同时,大地发出如同重型卡车发出的轰响。大地的升降和啸叫都令人非常害怕,但 是一切不超过45秒。 2. What was even more frightening was the sound of huge boulders which began rolling down the steep mountain. In one part of the upper reaches of the Madison River, a whole mountain began shifting, then came crashing down to fill the deep valley and dam the great river with millions of tons rock and trees. 2、更令人害怕的是巨石开始从陡峭的山上滚下来的声音。在麦迪生河上游的一条支 流处,一整座山开始移动,之后,它崩塌下来填满深深的山谷,上百万吨岩石和大树如坝 般阻挡住大河。 3. A dozen or more campers along the river were buried deep beneath the great landslide. Others were able to climb to safety, some of them badly hurt, but were trapped by the slide. Finally these people were saved, many of them by helicopter. 3、十几个,或许更多沿河的露营者被深埋在大滑坡下。幸存的野营者开始爬向较安 全的地方,其中一些人伤得很重,仍然不时陷入滑坡。最后这些人都获救了,其中多人得 救于直升飞机。 4. This earthquake near Yellowstone Park was just one of nearly a million that happen every year all over the world. And as bad as this quake was, many have been worse. Earthquake experts say that the Yellowstone quake of 1959 was about as bad as the one which hit San Francisco in 1906.But the San Francisco quake caused more damage because it struck in a place where there were so many people living. In San Francisco 700 person lost their lives. An earthquake in Japan in 1923 took 160,000 lives. In china in 1920 an earthquake took 200,000 lives. It is easy to understand why earthquake are so feared.


职称英语考试理工类B级考试试题(1)2 第2部分:阅读判断(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分) 阅读下面这篇短文。短文后列出了7个句子。请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息。请在答题卡上把A涂黑:如果该句提供的是错误信息。请在答题卡上把B涂黑:如果该句的信息文章中没有提及。请在答题卡上把C涂黑。 The Smog(烟雾) For over a month. Indonesia was in crisis. Forest fires raged out of control as the country Suffered its worst drought for 50 years . Smoke form the fires mixed with sunlight and hot dry air to form a cloud of smog This pollution quickly spread and within days it was hanging over neighbouring countries including Malaysia.Singapore and Thailand When the smoke combined with pollution from factories and cars.it soon became poisonous (有毒的)。Dangerous amounts of CO became trapped under the smog and pollution levels rose. People wheezed f喘息)and coughed as they left the house and their eyes watered immediately. The smog made it impossible to see across streets and whole cities disappeared as grey soot (烟灰)covered everything.In some areas,water was hosed(用胶管浇)from high—rise city buildings to tIY and break up the smog.

职称英语补全短文 第3课时1

职称英语补全短文第3课时1 PASSAGE 8 Einstein Named "Person of Century" Albert Einstein,whose theories on space time and matter helped unravel the secrets of the atom and of the universe,was chosen as "Person of the Century" by Time magazine on Sunday. A man whose very name is synonymous with scientific genius,Einstein has come to represent_(1)_the flowering of 20th century scientific thought that set the stage for the age of technology. "The world has changed far more in the past 100 years than in any other century in history. The reason is not political or economic,but technological-technologies_(2)_," wrote theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking in a Time essay explaining Einstein's significance. "Clearly,no scientist better represents those advances than Albert Einstein." Time chose as runner-up President Franklin Roosevelt to represent the triumph of freedom and democracy over fascism,and Mahatma Gandhi as an icon for a century when


2020年职称英语理工类A级真题及答案(词汇选项)2020年职称英语理工类A级词汇选项考试真题及答案 第1部分:词汇选项(第1——15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. The revelation of his past ledto his resignation. A.imagination B. confirmation C.recall D. disclosure 答案为D. revelation(揭露)– disclosure(揭露) 2. Jensen is a dangerous man, and can bevery brutal. A.careless B. cruel C.strong D. hard 答案为B. brutal(残忍的) – cruel 3. You’ll have to sprint if youwant to catch the train. A.jump B.escape C. run D.prepare 答案为C. sprint (快速奔跑) – run(奔跑) 4. We are worried about this fluid situation full with uncertainty. A. changeable B. stable C.suitable D.adaptable

答案为A. fluid(不稳定的) –changeable (易变的) 5. The new garment fits herperfectly. A.haircut B. purse C. clothes D.necklace 答案为C. garment(衣服) –clothes(衣服) 6. The phobia may have its root in achildhood trauma. A.fear B. joy C. hurt D.memory 答案为C. trauma(精神上的创伤) – hurt(感情上的伤心或痛苦) 7. They have to build canals to irrigatethe desert. A.decorate B. water C.change D. visit 答案为B. irrigate(灌溉) –water(给…浇水) 8. Her overall language proficiencyremains that of a toddler. A.disabled B. pupil C.teenager D. baby 答案为D. toddler(学步的儿童) – baby(婴儿) 9. The coastal area has very mild winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold. A. warm B.severe C.hard D.dry


2020年职称英语新增文章:教材理工类第六篇 第六篇 The Apgar Test The baby was bom at 3:36 p. m. At 3:37,she scored 4 out of 10 on her first test. At 3:41,she scored 8 out of 10. The doctor was glad. Another baby, bom at 8:24 p. m.,scored 3 out of 10 on his first test He scored 4 out of 10 on his second test. He took another test at 8:34 and scored 5. 1 He called for help1. These newborn babies took a test called the Apgar test. This test helps doctors diagnose problems. 2 Most babies take two tests. The first is at 1 minute after birth, and the second is at 5 minutes after birth. If a baby’s score at 5 minutes is less than 6,the baby takes another test at 10 minutes after birth. The Apgar t est is not an intelligence test. It’s a test that shows a baby’s health right after it is bom. The Apgar test measures things such as a baby’s color, heart rate, and breathing. The test has five parts, and the score for each part can be 0,1,or 2. 3


2015职称英语理工类A真题及答案(完整版) 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class. A. control B. observe C. regulate D. accept 2. She showed a natural aptitude for the work. A. sense B. talent C. flavor D. taste 3. Most people find rejection hard to accept. A. excuse B. client C. refusal D. destiny 4. The organization was bold enough to face the press. A. pleased B. powerful C. brave D. sensible 5. They were locked in mortal combat. A. deadly B. open C. actual D. active 6. We were attracted by the lure of quick money. A. amount B. supply C. tempt D. sum 7. The procedures were perceived as complex and less transparent. A. clear B. necessary C. special D. correct 8. The Stock Exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling. A. Service B. danger C. disorder D. threat 9. He believes that Europe must change or it will perish. A. survive B. last C. die D. move


2020职称英语补全短文练习题(1) The Invader of AIDS The invader is small, even in the microscopic world of bacteria and viruses. It is alive only in the strictest sense of the world. It had no intelligence, no means of mobility, no methods of defense in the outside world. It is fragile, easily killed by common household bleach(漂白剂)and even short periods outside the body. 1 . It is the AIDS virus, and it is a killer. AIDS is a disease, caused by a virus that breaks down part of the body’s immune system, leaving a person defenseless against a variety of unusual life-threatening illnesses.2 . The body’s immune system normally provides us the weapons we need to win constant battles with invading viruses, bacteria and other invading organisms. His defense system is powerful but not perfect. 3 . We do not even know that anything is happening. But the AIDS virus acts differently from other invaders. It attacks the very cells that normally protect us. 4 . It turns our own white blood cells into mini-factories or making more viruses. Each time a cell is taken over, it fills up with thousands of new viruses, dies and releases those viruses, with attack more white blood cells. After enough attacks, our defense system is weakened and certain infections and conditions that we normally fight off with no problem take advantage of his weakness.

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