当前位置:文档之家› vhdl设计中的常见错误




1 提示:VHDL syntax error:expected choice in case statement

Case语句中没覆盖到所有的情况,要加whe n others=> null;

二.在verge hdl语句中



1. Found clock-sensitive change during active clock edge at time

原因:vector source file中时钟敏感信号(如:数据,允许端,清零,同步加载等)在时钟



措施:编辑vector source file

2. Verilog HDL assignment warning at : truncated value with size to match size of target (

原因:在HDL设计中对目标的位数进行了设定,如:reg[4:0] a;而默认为32位,将位数裁定到合适



3. AII reachable assignments to data_out(10) assign 'O', register removed by optimization


4. Follow ing 9 pi ns have nothing, GND, or VCC drivi ng datai n port -- cha nges to this conn ectivity may cha nge fitt ing results



的设计中这些端口就是这样用的,那便可以不理会这些warni ng

5. F ound pins functioning as un defi ned clocks an d/or memory en ables





措施:如果clk不是时钟,可以加"not clock”的约束;如果是,可以在clock setting当中加入;在某些对时钟要求不很高的情况下,可以忽略此警告或在这里修改:Assig nme nts>Timi ng

an alysis sett in gs... >ln dividual clocks...>...

注意在Applies to node中只用选择时钟引脚一项即可,required fmax 一般比所要求频率高5% 即


6. Ti ming characteristics of device EPM570T144C5 are prelim inary

原因:因为MAXII是比較新的元件在Quartusll中的時序並不是正式版的,要等Service Pack


7. Warning: Clock latency analysis for PLL offsets is supported for the current device family, but is not en abled

扌昔施:将sett ing 中的tim ing Requireme nts&Opti on-->More Timing Sett in g-->sett in g-->E nable Clock Latency 中的on 改成OFF

8. F ound clock high time violatio n at 14.8 ns on register

"|cou nter|lpm_cou nter:cou nt1_rtl_O|dffs[11]"

原因:违反了steup/hold时间,应该是后仿真,看看波形设置是否和时钟沿符合steup/hold 时间


9. war ning: circuit may not operate.detected 46 non-operati onal paths clocked by clock clk44 with clock skew larger tha n data delay


措施:sett in g-->ti ming Requireme nts&Opti on s-->Default required fmax 改小一些,如改至U


10. Desig n contains in put pin(s) that do not drive logic


11. Warning : Found clock high time violation at 8.9ns on node 'TEST3.CLK'


12. War ning: Found 10 no de(s) in clock paths which may be acting as ripple an d/or gated clocks -no de(s) an alyzed as buffer(s) result ing in clock skew




13. Critical Warning: Timing requirements were not met. See Report window for details.


措施:双击Compilation Report-->Time Analyzer--> 红色部分(如clock setup:'clk'等)-->左键单击list path,查看fmax的SLACK REPOR再根据提示解决,有可能是程序的算法问题或fmax设置问题

14. War ning: Can't find sig nal in vector source in put pin |whole|clk10m

原因:这个时因为你的波形仿真文件(vector source file )中并没有把所有的输入信号(input pin)加进去,对于每一个输入都需要有激励源的

15. C an't achieve minimum setup and hold requirement along path(s). See Report wi ndow for details.


措施:利用Compilation Report-->Time Analyzer-->红色部分(如clock hold:'clk'等),在slack 中观察是hold time 为负值还是setup time 为负值,然后在:Assignment-->Assignment Editor-->To中增加时钟名(from node finder),Assignment Name中增加和多时钟有关的Multicycle 和Multicycle Hold 选项,如hold time 为负,可使Multicycle hold 的值>multicycle, 如设为2和1。

16: Can't an alyze */*.v is miss ing



17. War ning: Can't find sig nal in vector source in put pin |whole|clk10m

原因:因为你的波形仿真文件( vector source file )中并没有把所有的输入信号(in put pi n) 加进去,对于每一个输入都需要有激励源的

18. Error: Can't name logic function scfifo0 of instance "inst" -- function has same name as current desig n file



19. War ning: Using desig n , which is not specified as a desig n the curre nt project, but contains definitions for 1 design units and 1 entities in project Info: Found entity 1: Ipm_fifo0

原因:模块不是在本项目生成的,而是直接copy 了别的项目的原理图和源程序而生成的,



20. Ti ming characteristics of device are prelim inary




21. Timing Analysis does not support the analysis of latches as synchronous elements for the curre ntly selected device family

原因:用analyze_latches_as_synchronous_elements setting 可以让Quaruts II 来分析同步锁存,




22. W ar nin g:F ound xx output pins without output pin load capacita nee assig nment


解决方法:该功能用于估算TCO和功耗,可以不理会,也可以在Assignment Editor中为相应


1 Warning: VHDL Process Stateme nt warning at ran dom.vhd(18): sig nal reset is in stateme nt, but is not in sen sitivity list

----没把sin gal 放到process ()中

2 Warning: Found pins ing as un defi ned clocks an d/or memory en ables

Info: Assu ming node CLK is an un defi ned clock


3 Error: VHDL In terface Declarati on error in clk_ge n. vhd(29): in terface object "clk_sca n" of mode out cannot be read. Change object mode to buffer or ino ut.

--- 信号类型设置不对,out当作buffer来定义

4 Error: Node in sta nee "clk_ge n1" in sta ntiates un defi ned en tity "clk_ge n"

--- 引用的例化元件未定义实体——en tity "clk_ge n"

5 Warning: Found 2 no de(s) in clock paths which may be acting as ripple an d/or gated clocks -no de(s) an alyzed as buffer(s) result ing in clock skew

Info: Detected ripple clock "clk_ge n: clk_ge n1|clk_i ncr" as buffer

Info: Detected ripple clock "clk_ge n: clk_ge n1|clk_sca n" as buffer

6 Warning: VHDL Process Statement warning at ledmux.vhd(15): signal or variable "dataout" may not be assig ned a new in every possible path through the Process Stateme nt. Signal or variable "dataout" holds its previous in every path with no new assignment, which may create a comb in ati on al loop in the curre nt desig n.

7 Warning: VHDL Process Stateme nt warning at divider_10.vhd(17): sig nal "c nt" is read in side the Process Stateme nt but isn't in the Process Stateme nt's sen sivitity list


8 Warning: No clock tran siti on on "coun ter_bcd7:co un ter_co un ter_clk|q_sig[3]" register

9 Warning: Reduced register "co un ter_bcd7:co un ter_co un ter_clk|q_sig[3]" with stuck clock port to stuck GND

10 Warning: Circuit may not operate. Detected 1 non-operational path(s) clocked by clock "class[1]" with clock skew larger than data delay. See Compilation Report for details.

11 Warning: Circuit may not operate. Detected 1 non-operati onal path(s) clocked by clock "sig n" with clock skew larger tha n data delay. See Compilati on Report for details.

12 Error: VHDL error at counter_clk.vhd(90): actual port "class" of mode "in" cannot be associated with formal port "class" of mode "out"


13 Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "class_sig[2]" in desig n.

-- 没有编写testbench文件,或者没有编辑输入变量的值testbench里是元件申明和映射

14 Error: VHDL Bin di ng In dicati on error at freqdetect_top.vhd(19): port "class" in desig n en tity does not have std_logic_vector type that is specified for the same gen eric in the associated comp onent


15 Error: VHDL error at ton gbu.vhd(16): can't infer register for sig nal "gate" because sig nal does not hold its outside clock edge

16 Warning: Found clock high time violati on at 1000.0 ns on register

"|fc oun ter|lpm_co un ter:temp_rtl_0|dffs[4]"

17 Warning: Compiler packed, optimized or syn thesized away node "temp[19]". Ig nored vector source .


18 Warning: Reduced register "gate~reg0" with stuck data_in port to stuck GND

19 Warning: Desig n contains 2 in put pin(s) that do not drive logic

Warning: No output depe ndent on in put pin "elk"

Warning: No output depe ndent on in put pin "sig n"


20 Warning: Found clock high time violation at 16625.0 ns on register "|impulcomp|gate1"

21 Error: VHDL error at impulcomp.vhd(19): can't implement clock enable condition specified using binary operator "or"

22 Error: VHDL Association List error at period_counter.vhd(38): actual parameter assigned to formal parameter "alarm", but formal parameter is not declared

---- 连接表错误,形参"alarm"赋值给实参,形参没定义,可能是形参与实参的位置颠倒了,规定形参在实参之前。

23 Error: Ignored con struct behavier at period_co un ter.vhd(15) because of previous errors

-------------- 因为前一个错误而导致的错误

24 Error: VHDL error at period_co un ter.vhd(38): type of ide ntifier "alarm" does not agree with its usage as std_logic type

---------------------- "alarm"的定义类型与使用的类型不一致

25 Error: VHDL error at shift_reg.vhd(24): can't synthesize logic for statement with conditions that test for the edges of multiple clocks

---- 同一进程中含有两个或多个if(edge)条件,(一个进程中之能有一个时钟沿)

26 Error: Can't resolve multiple con sta nt drivers for n et "data in _reg[22]" at shift_reg.vhd(19)

27 can't i nfer register for sig nal "num [0]" because sig nal does not hold its outside clock edge

28Error: Can't elaborate top-level user hierarchy

29 Error: Can't resolve multiple con sta nt drivers for n et "cs_i n" at led_key.vhd(32) -------- 有两个以上赋值语句,不能确定" cs_in”的值,

30 Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresp onding node n ame "over" in desig n.

--------- 在源文件中找不到对应的节点“over ”。

31 Error: Can't access JTAG chain


32 Info: Assu ming node "clk" is an un defi ned clock

1.Found clock-sensitive change during active clock edge at time

原因:vector source file中时钟敏感信号(如:数据,允许端,清零,同步加



措施:编辑vector source HDL assignment warning at : truncated

with size to match size of target (< nu mber>

原因:在HDL设计中对目标的位数进行了设定,如:reg[4:0] a;而默认为32位,



3. All reachable assig nments to data_out(10) assig n '0', register removed by optimizati on


4. Following 9 pins have nothing, GND, or VCC driving datain port -

cha nges to this conn ectivity may cha nge fitt ing results



如果你的设计中这些端口就是这样用的,那便可以不理会这些warni ng

5. F ound pins ing as un defi ned clocks an d/or memory en ables




措施:如果clk不是时钟,可以加"not clock ”的约束;如果是,可以在clock


里修改:Assig nmen ts>Ti ming an alysis sett in gs... >ln dividual clocks...〉...

6. Ti ming characteristics of device EPM570T144C5 are prelim inary


等Service Pack


7. War ning: Clock late ncy an alysis for PLL offsets is supported for the curre nt device family, but is not en abled

措施:将setting 中的timing Requirements&Option-->More Timing Sett in g-->setti ng-->E nable Clock Late ncy 中的on 改成OFF

8. Found clock high time violation at 14.8 ns on register

"|cou nter|lpm_cou nter:cou nt1_rtl_0|dffs[11]"


合steup/hold 时间


9. war ning: circuit may not operate.detected 46 non-operati onal

paths clocked by clock clk44 with clock skew larger tha n data delay


措施:sett in g-->tim ing Requireme nts&Opti on s-->Default required


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