当前位置:文档之家› 英语单词快速记忆-刘毅字根字典



113 个字首(Prefix)P-1 122 个字尾(Suffix)P-3 418 个字根(Root)P-5


113 个字首(Prefix)

1 a- = of

2 a- = on

3 a- = intensive (加强语气)

4 a- = ad- = to,at,for

5 a- = ab- = from, away

6 a- = ex- = out, extremely

7 a- = negative (否定) = not, without *母

音前为an- (参照1-14)

8 ab- = form, away form, off

9 ad- = to, at, for *表示方向、变化、完成、


字首[变化型] 借着后面的字音的同

化作用,而有一下变化:ab-, ac-, af-, ag-,

al-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-.

10 al- = all

11 ambi- = on both sides, about, around [变

化型] amb-

12 amphi- = on both sides, around

13 an- = negative (否定) = not, without [变

化型] a-, am-

14 ana- = upon, on, up [变化型] an-

15 ante- = before (与post-相反) [变化

型]anti-, ant-, anci-, an-

16 anti- = against, opposite to (与pro-相反)

17 arch- = chief [变化型]archi, arche-

18 auto- = self [变化型] auth-

19 be- = to make *把形容词、名词动词化

20 be- = to cover with *名次及物动词用

21 be- = upon

22 be- = by

23 be- = intensive (加强语气)

24 bene- = well, good (与male-相反) [同

义词]bon- = bonus = good

25 bi- = double, two [变化型]bin-

26 cata- = down, downwards, fully [变化


27 circum- = around, round about [变化


28 com- = together, with, wholly [变化型]

co-, col-, comb-, con-, cor-, coun-

29 contra- = against [变化型]contro,


30 de- = down, downward *由“往下”之



31 de- = apart, from *dis-变化型的一种,


32 deca- = ten *deci-表示“十分之一”的


33 demi- = half

34 di- = double, twice

35 dia- = through, between, across *和di-



36 dis- = apart, away *dis-是由拉丁文

duo = two的变形duis衍生而来,原本是




des-, di-, dif-, s-

37 duo- = two, double [变化型]do-, dou-,


38 e- *只是为了生意的完善而在s音之


39 en- = in, into, on, at, near *从【在中


成为】等,把表示to make之意的名词、形容词变为及物动词。[变化型] em- 40 epi- = upon, to, besides, among [变化


41 eu- = well [变化型] ev-

42 ex- = out of, fully [变化型] a-, e-, ec-,

ef-, es-, iss-, s-

43 extra- = beyond

44 for- = away from *由【分离】之意引



45 fore- = before [变化型] for-

46 forth- = towards

47 hecto- = hundred

48 hemi- = half

49 hetero- = other, different

50 hexa- = six

51 homo = same (与hetero-相反)

52 hyper- = above, beyond *含有excess


53 hypo- = under (与hyper-相反)

54 in- = in, into, on *[变化型] il-, im-, ir-

55 in- = negative (否定) = not [变化型]

en-, i-, im-, ir-

56 inter- = between, among [变化型]

enter-, intel-

57 intra-/intro- = within, inward (与extra-相


58 iso- = equal (相等的)

59 kilo- = thousand

60 macro- = large (大的), long (长的)

61 mal (e)- = badly, ill (与bene- 相反)

62 mege- = large, million

63 meta- = among, with, after *一般表


64 micro- = small

65 milli- = thousand, thousandth

66 mis- = wrong (ly), bad (ly), ill *一般



67 mono- = single, sole, alone [变化型]


68 mult (i)- = many, much

69 ne- = negative (否定) = not [变化型]

na-, n-, neg-

70 neo- = new

71 mon- = not

72 ob- = as, towards, at, before, upon, over,

about, near, against [变化型]为了因

应其后所接字音而变为o-, oc-, of-, op-,


73 octa-, octo- = eight, eighth

74 omni- = all

75 out- = out, beyond * 向【向外】引申而


76 over- = above, across, beyond *从【覆



77 pan (to)-all

78 para- = beside, beyond, against, contrary

[ 变化型] par-, pa-

79 pen- = almost

80 penta- = five

81 per- = through, thoroughly, away [变

化型] par-, pel-, pil-

82 peri- = around, round about

83 poly- = many

84 post- = after, behind (与ante-相反)

85 pre- = before

86 pro- = for, before, forth, forward * 原






87 prot (o)- = first * pro-的最高级。由


88 pseudo- = false

89 quadr (i)- = four

90 quasi- = partly

91 re- = again, back [变化型] red-,


92 retro- = backward

93 se- = away, apart

94 semi- = half

95 sept- = seven

96 sex- = six

97 step- = orphaned

98 sub- = under * sub- 是sup- 演变


supreme。Sub- 原为【高】的意思,如


极度;超越】之意。依照sub- 本来的意


的;使崇高)[变化型] 为了因应其


suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus

99 super- = above, over [变化型]

sop-, sove-, sur-

100 syn- = with, together * 相当于拉丁文co- 的字首,表示【一起、同时、相

似】之意。[变化型] sy-, syl-, sym- 101 tele- = far off

102 tetra- = four

103 trans- = beyond, across, over [变化型] tra-, tran-, tres-

104 tri- = three, threefold

105 twi- = two

106 ultra- = beyond

107 un- = no * 接在名词、形容词、副词前,表【否定】之意

108 un- = the reversal of an action * 置于动词前,表示这个动作的相反的动作109 under- = under, beneath * 由【在下面】、【下面的】演变为【不够地】意思110 uni- = one [ 变化型] un-

111 up- = up, aloft

112 vice- = in place of [变化型] vis- 113 with- = against, back


122 个字尾(Suffix)

(一) 名词字尾


1 -ain

2 -aire

3 -an, -ian, -ean * 该形式也多为形容词


4 -ant * 这种字尾也可作为形容词使用

5 -ar

6 -ard, -art

7 -ary

8 -ate

9 -ee * 和-er 相反,是【被…人】之意

10 -eer * 重音常在这个音节11 -en

12 -ent

13 -er

14 -ese * 放在专有名词后,表示【国民】、


15 -ess * 作为女性名词

16 -eur * 表示【人】的法文字尾

17 -herd * 管理家畜的人

18 -ier

19 -iff

20 -ist

21 -ite * 表【和…有关的人】,【属于…团


22 -ive * 形容词表示名词的字尾

23 -man, -sman * -sman 的s 不是复数,


24 -on

25 -or, -our

26 -ster

27 -y, -yer


* 加上这些字尾,可使名词带有【小的】、【可爱的】、【可亲近的】等意味,但有


1 -cle * 表示【个体】、【个别】

2 -el, -le

3 -en, -in

4 -et, -ette

5 -kin

6 -let

7 -ling

8 -ock

9 - (c)ule

10 -ie, -y * 作为专有名词的昵称


1 -ace

2 -ade

3 -age

4 -al * 把动词变成抽象名词

5 -ance, -ancy, -ence, -ency

6 -cy

7 -dom

8 -hood, -head

9 -ic (s) * 常用于学术用语的字尾

10 -ice, -ise

11 -ing

12 -ion

13 -ism, -asm * 用来表示【主义】、【学


14 -itude

15 - (i)um * 多用于元素的名称

16 -ment

17 -mony * 是ment的变化型

18 -ness *将形容词变为抽象名词

19 -o (u)r * [英] -our, [美] -or

20 -ry

21 -ship * 和“船”没有关系,而是古代

英语的-scipe (= shape)变来的,表示【…


22 -t, -th

23 -ty, -ety, -ity

24 -ure

25 -y


1 -age

2 -ary

3 -ry


1 -ace

2 -age

3 -ary

4 -dom

5 -ery

6 -ory

7 -um

8 -y

(二) 形容词字尾

1 -able, -ible * 表【有能力】、【易做】、



2 -al, -ial * 表【有关…】、【有…性质】


3 -an, -ian * 多接于专有名词之后,做形


4 -ant, -ent

5 -ar

6 -ary

7 -ate, -ete, -ute * 表【有…性质的】、

【有…味道的】之意。注意ate的发音8 -ed * 多接于名词之后,表【具有…】、


9 -en * 多接于物质名词之后,表【由…


10 -ern * 主要用于表示【方向】

11 -ese * 加在国名之后成为形容词及名

12 -fold * 加上数词,表【…倍的】、【…


13 -ful * 多加在名词之后,表【充满…】



14 -iac * 表【与…有关的】之意

15 -ic * 表【与…有关的】、【…的】等意

16 -ical * 表【有关】、【…性的】之意,


17 -id

18 -ile * 表示【易于…】的意思

19 -ine * 表示【具有…性质】的意思

20 -ing * 把动词变为形容词的形式

21 -ior * 这是拉丁文中用来表示比较级


22 -ique, -esque * 表示【…风格的】的意

23 -ish * 表示【带有…样性质的】、【有


24 -ite

25 -ive

26 -less * 由古英文leas而来的形式,表


27 -like * 表【象…样的】、【喜欢…的】


28 -ly * 加在名词后做形容词,加在形容


29 -most * 表示【最高级】的意思

30 -ory * 表示【带有…的性质】之意

31 -ous * 表示【充满了…】之意

32 -proof * 多加在名词之后,表【防…的】


33 -some * 这是same 的变化形,表


34 -ward * 主要用来表示【方向】

35 -y * 表示【充满…】、【有…性质】、


(三) 副词字尾

1 -ence * 表示from 的意思;-ither 则

表to 的意思

2 -ling, -long * 表示【在…方向】的意思

3 -ly * 从古英语lic (= like)而来的字


4 -s

5 -ward (s) * 表示方向

6 -way (s), -wise * 两者字源相同,表


(四) 动词字尾

1 -ate * 最常做动词字尾,其名词是


2 -en * 加上形容词、名词,表【使成…】

3 -er * 表示【反复】的声音或动作

4 -esce * 表动作开始或正在执行

5 -fy * 是拉丁文facere = (to make)的


6 -ish * 表【做…】的意思

7 -ize, -ise * 表【使成…装提】、【使…化】



8 -le * 表示【反复】读音多为[l]


418 个字根(Root)

1 acid, acr = sour (酸的), sharp (锐利的)

* 拉丁文acidus = (to be sour), acer (=


2 act = to act (行动) * 由拉丁文的

agere (= to do, to drive) 而来的,和


3 agogue = leader (领导者) * 希腊文

agogos (= leader)

4 al, ol, ul = to nourish (滋养) * 拉丁文

alere (= to nourish)

5 alt = high(高的)* 拉丁文altus =


6 alter, ali = other (其他的) * 拉丁文


7 am = to love (爱)* 拉丁文amare

(=to love)

8 ang = to strangle(勒死;窒息)* 拉

丁文angere(=to strangle)

9 angl, angul = angle(角)* 拉丁文


10 anim = breath(气息),mind(心)* 拉

丁文anima = (breath), animus (= mind) 11 ann = year(年)* 拉丁文annus(=


12 anthrop=man(人类)* 希腊文


13 apt = fit(适当的)* 拉丁文aptus(=


14 aqua = water(水)* 拉丁文aqua (=


15 arm = weapons(武器)* 拉丁文arme

(= weapons),armare (= to arm)

16 art = skill(技巧),art(技术)* 拉丁

文art (= art), ars (= skill)

17 aud = to hear(听)* 拉丁文audire (=

to hear)

18 aug = to increase (增加); to make to

grow (使产生;使增大) * 拉丁文

augere (= to increase, to make to grow), 过去分词是auctus

19 avi = bird (鸟) * 拉丁文avis (= bird)

20 band, bond = to bind (捆绑) * 梵文

bhand = (to bind)

21 bar = bar (横木) * 拉丁文barra (= bar)

22 bat = to beat (打) * 拉丁文battere (= to


23 bat, bas = to go (走) * 希腊文bainein

(= to go)

24 bell = war (战争) * 拉丁文bellum (=


25 bio = life (生命) * 希腊文bios (= life)

26 brew = short (短的) * 拉丁文brevis (=


27 cad, cid, cas = fall (落下) * 拉丁文

cadere (= to fall)

28 calc = lime (石灰) * 拉丁文calc,calx

(= lime)

29 camp = field (田野) * 拉丁文

campus (= plain,field)

30 cand = white (白色) , bright (光亮的) *

拉丁文candidus = white, bright

31 cant, chant, cent = to sing (唱歌) * 拉

丁文cannere (= to sing) , 过去分词


32 cap = head (头) * 拉丁文caput (=


33 cap = to take (取) *拉丁文capere (=

to hold, to take, to catch, to seize)

34 car = car (车), to run (跑) *拉丁文

carrus (= car), curere (= to run)

35 carn = flesh (肉) *拉丁文caro (=


36 cast = to throw (投掷) *中古英语

cast (= to throw)

37 cav = hollow (中空的) *拉丁文cavus

(= hollow)

38 cede, ceed, cess = to go (去), to yield

(让步) *拉丁文cedere (= to go, to yield), 过去分词为cessus

39 ceive, cept, cip, cipate = to take (取)

*拉丁文capere (= to take)

40 celer = swift (快速的) *拉丁文celer

(= swift)

41 cent = hundred (百) *拉丁文centum

(= hundred)

42 centr = center (中心) *拉丁文centum

(= center)

43 cern, cret = to separate (分离) *拉丁

文cernere = (to separate, to sift选拔;

淘汰, to decree 判定,to observe 观察) 44 cert = sure (确定的) *拉丁文certus

(= certain)是由前面所说的cernere而来


45 chron = time (时间) *希腊文khronos

(= time)

46 cide, cise = to cut (切) *拉丁文

caedere (= to cut)

47 circ, cyc = ring (环) *拉丁文circus

(= circle, ring)

48 cite = to call (呼叫), to urge (驱策) *

拉丁文citare = (to cause to move, to


49 claim, clam = to cry (大叫) *拉丁

文clamare (= to cry out)

50 clin = to bend (弯曲) *拉丁文clinare

(= to bend, to lean)

51 clud = to shut (关闭) *拉丁文

claudere (= to shut)

52 coct = to cook (煮;烹调) *拉丁文

conquere (= to cook)

53 cognis, gnos = to know (知道) *拉丁

文cognoscere,gnoscere (= to know)

54 commun = common (共同的) *拉丁

文communis (= common)

55 cord = heart (心) *拉丁文cor (= the


56 corp = body (身体) *拉丁文corpus

(= body)

57 cosm, cosmo = universe (宇宙) *拉

丁文kosmos (= order, universe)

58 count = to count (计算) *拉丁文

computare (= to count)

59 cover = to cover (掩盖) *拉丁文

cooperire (= to close, to cover)

60 cre, cresc = to make (制造) , to grow (生

长) *拉丁文creare (= to make), crescere (= to grow)

61 cred = to believe (相信) * 拉丁文

credere (= to believe)

62 crim = accusation (控诉),crime (罪行) *

拉丁文crimen (= accusation, crime)

63 crit = to judge (判断) * 希腊文krinein

(= to judge)

64 cruc = cross (十字;交叉) * 拉丁文

cruc, crux (= cross)

65 culp = blame (过失),guilt (罪过) * 拉

丁文culpa (= blame, guilt)

66 cult = to till (耕种) * 拉丁文cultivare

(= to till, to work at)

67 cumb = to lie down (横躺) * 拉丁文

cubare (= to lie down)

68 cur, course = to run (流;跑) * 拉丁文

currere (= to run)

69 cure = to take care (注意;留心) * 拉丁

文curare (= to take care of)

70 cuss = to strike (打击), to shake (摇动)

* 拉丁文cutere (= to strike, to shake),过


71 deb, du = to owe (负债) * 拉丁文

debere (= to owe)

72 dei = god (神) * 拉丁文deus (= god)

73 dem = people (民众) * 法文demos (=

the people)

74 dent = tooth (牙齿) * 拉丁文dent, dens

(= tooth)

75 derm, deerma, dermat = skin (皮肤) *

希腊文dermat, derma (= skin)

76 dic = to proclaim (宣称) * 拉丁文

dicare (= to proclaim, to tell)

77 dict, dit = to say (说) * 拉丁文dicere

(= to say)

78 dign = worthy (有价值的) * 拉丁文

dignus (= worthy)

79 divid, divis = to divide (分割) * 拉丁文

dividere (= to divide), 过去分词是


80 doc = to teach (教导) * 拉丁文docere

(= to teach)

81 dom = house (房屋) * 拉丁文domus (=


82 dom = to tame (驯服), to fule (统治) *

梵文dam (= to tame), 拉丁文dominus (= lord主人)

83 don, dot, dow = to give (给予) * 拉丁

文donare (= to give)

84 dorm = to sleep

85 dox = , dogma = opinion (意见) * 希腊

文doxa, dokein (= opinion)

86 draw = to draw (拉,引) * 拉丁文

trahere (= to draw, to pull)

87 drom = to run (跑), course (过程) * 希

腊文dramein (= to run), dromos (= racecourse跑道)

88 ducc, duct = to lead (领导) * 拉丁文

ducere (= to lead)

89 dur = to last (持续) * 拉丁文durare (=

to last)

90 dyn, dynam = power (力量) * 希腊文

dynamis (= power) 91 eco = house (家) * 希腊文oikos (=


92 ego = I (我), self (自己) * 拉丁文ego

(= I)

93 electr = electric (电的) * 拉丁文

electricus (= electric, amber琥珀)

94 em,empt = to take (取), to buy (买) *

拉丁文emere (= to take, to buy)

95 equ = equal (相等的) * 拉丁文aequalis

(= equal)

96 err = to wander (流浪;漂泊), to err (犯错)

* 拉丁文errare (= to wander, to err)

97 ess, est = to be (存在) * 拉丁文esse (=

to be)

98 fa, fabl, fabul = to speak (说) * 拉丁文

fari (= to speak), fabula (= story)

99 fac, front = face (面部,正面), forehead

(前额) * 拉丁文facies (= face), front, frons (= forehead, front)

100 fact, fect = to make (做), to do (做,为) * 拉丁文facere (= to make, to do), 和英

文的make, do等一样,是重要的动词101 fall, fals = to deceive (欺骗) * 拉丁文fallere (= to deceive), 过去分词是falsus 102 fam = to speak (说;论) * 拉丁文fari (= to speak)

103 fare = to go (走) * 古代英语faram (= to go)

104 fend, fest = to strike (打击) * 拉丁文fendere (= to strike)

105 fer = to carry (运;载), to bear (忍耐) * 拉丁文ferre (= to carry, to bring, to bear) 106 ferv = to boil (沸腾) * 拉丁文fervere (= to boil)

107 fess = to speak (说) * 拉丁文fari (= to speak)

108 fest = festival (节日;祝宴) * 拉丁文festum (= festival), 复数是festa

109 fict, fig = to feign (假装) * 拉丁文fingere (= to feign), 过去分词是fictus 110 fid, = to trust (相信) * 拉丁文fidere (= to trust), fides (= faith)

111 figur = to shape (形成), figure (形状) * 拉丁文fingere (= to shape, figure)

112 fil = thread (线), to spin (纺织) * 拉

丁文filum (= thread, to spin)

113 fin = to end (结束) * 拉丁文finire (= to end), finis (= end, bound)

114 firm = firm (坚固的) * 拉丁文firmus (= firm)

115 fix = to fasten (缚;固定) * 拉丁文figere (= to fasten), 过去分词是fixus 116 flam, flagr = flame (火焰), to burn (燃烧) * 拉丁文flamma (= flame), flagrare (= to burn)

117 flat = to blow (吹) * 拉丁文flare (= to blow), 过去分词是flatus

118 flect, flex = to bend (弯曲) * 拉丁文flectere (= to bend)

119 flict = to strike (打击) * 拉丁文fligere (= to strike), 过去分词为flictus

120 flor = flower (花) * 拉丁文flor, flos (= flower)

121 flu = to flow (流动) * 拉丁文fluere (= to flow)

122 foli = leaf (叶子) * 拉丁文follum (= leaf), 复数是folia

123 form = to form (形成), form (形状) * 拉丁文formare (= to form, fashion)

124 fort = strong (强壮的) * 拉丁文fortis (= strong)

125 found, fund = base (基础) * 拉丁文fundus (= base, bottom)

126 fract, frag = to break (打破) * 拉丁文frangere (= to break), 过去分词是


127 fug = to flee (逃走) * 拉丁文fugere (= to flee)

128 fuse, found = to pour (倾;倒) * 拉丁文fundere (= to pour), 过去分词为fusus 129 gam = marriage (婚姻) * 希腊文gamos (= marriage)

130 gener, gen, gent = to produce (制造;生产), race (种族) * 拉丁文generare (= to produce), genus (= race), gignere (= to bear, to beget生产)。希腊文genesis (= orgin, source)。在英语中,gen的形式


其演变而为“种、种族”等相关意思。131 ger, gest = to carry (运,载) * 拉丁文gerere (= to carry)

132 grad, gress = to walk (行走) * 拉丁文gradi (= to walk), gradus (= step)

133 gram,graph = to write (书写) * 希腊文gramma (= letter), graphein (= to write) 134 grand = grand (大的) * 拉丁文grandis (= grand, great, large)

135 grat = to please (喜好) * 拉丁文gratus (= pleasing), gratia (= favour)

136 grav = heavy (重) * 拉丁文gravis (= heavy)

137 gregat = to collect (收集) * 拉丁文gregare (= to collect), grex (= flock群、聚


138 hab, hibit = to have (拥有) * 拉丁文habere (= to have, to hold, to keep)

139 hap = luck (运气) * 古代挪威语happ (= good luck)

140 helio = sun (太阳) * 希腊文helios (= sun)

141 her = heir (继承人) * 拉丁文heres (= heir)

142 herb = grass (草) * 拉丁文herba (= grass)

143 here, hes = to stick (粘着) * 拉丁文haerere (= to stick)

144 horr = to tremble (发抖) * 拉丁文horrere (= to tremble)

145 hum, hom = man (人) * 拉丁文humanus (= human), homo (= man)

146 hum = ground (地面) * 拉丁文humus (= the ground)

147 hydr = water (水) * 拉丁文hydr, hrdro (= water)

148 hypno = sleep (睡眠) * 希腊文hypnos (= sleep)

149idio = personal (个人的), distinct (独特的) * 希腊文idios (= personal, distinct)

150 insul = island (岛屿) * 拉丁文insula (= island)

151 it = to go (走) * 拉丁文ire (= to go) 152 ject, jac = to throw (投掷) * 拉丁文

jacere (= to throw, to cast)

153 join, junct = to join (加入;连接) * 拉丁文jungere (= to join)

154 journ = day (一日) * 拉丁文dies (= day), diurnalis (= daily); 法文journee (= day)

155 jud = to judge (判断) * 拉丁文judicare (= to judge), judex (= judge)

156 jur = to swear (发誓) * 拉丁文jurare (= to swear)

157 just, juris = law (法律), right (正义) * 拉丁文jus (= law, right)

158 labor = to work (工作) * 拉丁文labor (= to work)

159 laps = to slip, to glide (滑;溜) * 拉丁文lapsare (= to slip, to glide)

160 late = to bring (带来), to bear (搬运) * 拉丁文latum (= to bring, to bear), 与


161 later = side (侧面) * 拉丁文latus (= side)

162 lav, lau = to wash (洗) * 拉丁文lavare (= to wash)

163 lax, lys = to loosen (放松) * 拉丁文laxare (= to loosen), 希腊文luein (= to loosen)

164 lect, leg = to choose (选择), to gather (集合), to read (读) * 拉丁文legere (= to choose, to gather, to read), 过去分词是


165 leg = to appoint (指定;任命), to send (送) * 拉丁文legare (= to appoint, to send) 166 leg = law (法律) * 拉丁文legalis (= lawful)

167 lev = to raise (升;举), light(轻的) * 拉丁文levare (= to raise), levis (= light) 168 liber = free (自由的) * 拉丁文liber (= free)

169 libr, lib = book (书籍) * 拉丁文libr, liber (= book)

170 lic = to be permitted (被允许;被批准) * 拉丁文licere (= to be permitted)

171 lig = to bind (绑) * 拉丁文ligare (= to bind) 172 lingu = tongue (舌头), language (语言) * 拉丁文lingua = (= tongue,


173 liqu = fluid (液体) * 拉丁文liquere (= fluid)

174 liter = letter (文字) * 拉丁文littera (= letter)

175 loc = place (场所) * 拉丁文locus (= place)

176 log, loqu, locut = to speak (说话) * 希腊文legein (= to speak), logos (= word,

speech, thought);拉丁文loqui (= to


177 long = long (长的) * 拉丁文longus (= long)

178 lud = to play (扮演;游戏) * 拉丁文ludere (= to play)

179 lumin = light (光) * 拉丁文lumen (= light), luminare (= to light up)

180 lust, luc = bright (明亮的) * 拉丁文lustris, lucidus (= bright), lustrare (= to



181 magn, maj, max = great (伟大的;壮大的) * 拉丁文magnus (= great), major (=

greater), maximus (= greatest)

182 man, manu = hand (手) * 拉丁文manus (= hand)

183 mand, mend = to order (命令), to entrust (委托) * 拉丁文mandare (= to

command, to entrust)

184 mari = sea (海) * 拉丁文mare (= sea) 185mark = to mark (作记号), boundary (边界) * 中古法文marquer (= to mark), 古代

英语mearc (= boundary)

186 matr = mother (母亲) * 拉丁文mater (= mother)

187 mechan = machine (机器) * 希腊文mechane (= machine)

188 med = to heal (治疗) * 拉丁文medicus (= to heal)

189 medi = middle (中间) * 拉丁文medius (= middle)

190 melan = black (黑色) * 希腊文

melan, melas (= black)

191 memor = to remember (记忆) * 拉丁文memor (= to remember)

192 ment = to think (想), mind (心智) * 拉丁文ment, mens (= mind)

193 merc = to trade (贸易), reward (报酬) * 拉丁文mercari (= to trade), merces (=

reward, pay), merx (= merchandise经营)。

这些字大都来自merere (= to gain, to buy, to purchase)

194 merge, mers = to sink, to dip (沉) * 拉丁文mergere (= to sink, to dip), 过去分


195 meter = to measure (测量) * 希腊文metron (= measure)

196migr = to remove (移动), to wander (漂泊) * 拉丁文migrare (= to wander)

197 milit = soldier (士兵), to fight (战斗) * 拉丁文milit, miles (= soldier)

198 min = to jut, to project (突出) * 拉丁文minere (= to jut, to project)

199 min = small (小的) * 拉丁文minutus (= small)

200 mir = to wonder (惊讶), to behold (看见) * 拉丁文mirari (= to wonder), mirare (=

to behold), 意为“惊讶的看”.

201 miss, mit = to send (送), to throw (投掷) * 拉丁文mittere (= to send, to throw),


202 mix = to mix (混合) * 拉丁文miscere (= to mix), 过去分词为mixtus

203 mod = manner (方法) * 拉丁文modus (= measure,manner, kind, way)

204 mon = to advise (忠告), to remind (提醒) * 拉丁文monere (= to advise, to

remind), 过去分词是monitus

205 monstr = to show (表示) * 拉丁文monstrare (= to show)

206 mor = custom (风俗;习惯) * 拉丁文mor, mos (= custom)

207 morph = form (形状;形态) * 希腊文morphe (= form)

208 mort = death (死) * 拉丁文mors (=

death), mori (= to die)

209 mount = mountain (山), to ascend (上升) * 拉丁文mont (= mountain)

210 mov, mob, mot = to move (移动) * 拉丁文movere (= to move), mobilis (= movable),motio (= movement)

211 muni = service (服务) * 拉丁文munus (= service)

212 mur = wall (墙) * 拉丁文murus (= wall)

213 mut = to change (改变) * 拉丁文mutare (= to change)

214 myst = mystery (神秘) * 拉丁文mysticus, 希腊文mythos (= mystery) 215 nat = born (出生;天生) * 拉丁文nasci (= to beborn),过去分词为natus 216 nau, nav = ship (船) * 拉丁文navis (= ship); 希腊文naus (= ship)

217 necro = death (死亡), dead (死亡的) * 希腊文nekros (= dead body)

218 nect, nex = to bind (绑,连接) * 拉丁文nectere (= to bind)

219 neg = to deny (否定) * 拉丁文negare (= to deny)

220 neur, neuro, nerv = nerve (神经) * 希腊文neuron, 拉丁文nervus (= nerve)

221 neutr = neither (两者都不) * 拉丁文neuter (= neither)

222 nihil = nothing (无;虚无) * 拉丁文nihil (= nothing)

223 noc, nox = to harm (伤害) * 拉丁文nocere (= to harm)

224noct, nox = night (夜晚) * 拉丁文noct, nox (= night)

225 nomin, nom = name (名字) * 拉丁文nomin, nomen (= name)

226 norm = rule (规则), norm (标准) * 拉丁文norma (= rule, norm)

227 nor = to mark (标示) * 拉丁文notare (= to mark), nota (= mark)

228 nounce, nunci = to report (报告) * 拉丁文nuntiare (= to report, to give a message)

229 nov = new (新的) * 拉丁文novus,

novellus (= new)

230 nul, null = nothing (无) * 拉丁文nullus (= not any)

231 number, numer = munber (数), to count (计数) * 拉丁文numerus (= mumber, to count)

232 nutri = to nourish (滋养;孕育) * 拉丁文nutrire (= to nourish)

233 ocul = eye (眼睛) * 拉丁文oculus (= eye)

234 onym = name (名字) * 拉丁文onoma (= name)

235 oper = to work, work (工作) * 拉丁文oper, opus (= to work, work)

236 opt = to wish (希望) * 拉丁文optare (= to wish)

237 opt, opto = eye (眼睛), sight (视力) * 希腊文ops (= eye)

238 ora = to speak (说话), to pray (祷告) * 拉丁文orare (= to speak, to pray)

239 order, ordin = order (顺序) * 拉丁文ordo, ordin (= to order)

240 ori = to rise (升起), to begin (开始) * 拉丁文oriri (= to rise, to begin, to grow) 241 orn = to decorate (装饰), to furnish (装备) * 拉丁文ornare (= to furnish)

242 ortho = straight (直的), right (正的) * 希腊文orthos (= straight, right)

243 oss, osteo = bone (骨) * 拉丁文oss, os (= bone), 希腊文osteon (= bone)

244 pact = to agree (同意), to fasten (系紧) * 拉丁文pacisci (= to agree), pangere (= to fasten)

245 pan = bread (面包) * 拉丁文panis (= bread)

246 par = to prepare (准备) * 拉丁文parare (= to prepare, to get ready)

247 par = equal (相等) * 拉丁文par (= equal)

248 par = to appear (出现) * 拉丁文parere (= to appear, to come in sight)

249 par = to bear, to give birth to (生) * 拉丁文parere (to give birth to)

250 part = part (部分), to part (分开) * 拉

丁文partem (= part), partire (= to part) 251 pass = to pass (通过) * 拉丁文passus (= pace), 古代法文(passer (= to pass) 252 passi, pati, path = to suffer (承受;忍受), feelings (感觉) * 拉丁文pati (= to suffer), 过去分词passus. 希腊文pathos (= feelings, emotion)

253 patr = father (父) * 拉丁文pater (= father)

254 ped = foot (足) * 拉丁文pes (= foot) 255 ped = child (儿童) * 希腊文paid, pais (= child)

256 pel, puls = to drive (驾驶->驱动,驱策) * 拉丁文pellere (= to drive), 过去分词


257 pen, pun = to punish (处罚) * 拉丁文poena (= penalty), punire (= to punish) 258 pend, pens = to hang (悬挂), to weigh (衡量) * 拉丁文pendere (= to hang, to weigh), 过去分词是pensus

259 peri = to go through (通过) * 拉丁文periri (= to go through, to try)

260 pet = to fly (飞翔), to seek (寻求) * 拉丁文petere (= to fly, to seek)

261 petr, petro = stone (石), rock (岩石) * 希腊文petros (= stone), petra (= rock) 262 phan, fan = appearance (外馆;出现) * 希腊文phantazein (= to appear)

263 phon = sound (声音); phe = to speak (说话) * 希腊文phone (= sound), phemi (= I speak)

264 photo = light (光) * 希腊文phot, plos (= light)

265 pict = to paint (描写), picture (画) * 拉丁文pingere (= to paint), 过去分词是

pictus, pictura (= the art of painting, picture)

266 plac, pleas = to please (取悦;使高兴) * 拉丁文placere (= to please)

267 plain, plaint = to beat the breast (捶胸) * 拉丁文plangere (= to beat one's breast), 过去分词是planctus

268 plant = to plant (种植), plant (植物) * 拉丁文planta (= to plant, plant)

269 plaud, plode = to strike (打;击), to clap (鼓掌;拍) * 拉丁文plaudere, plodere (= to strike, to clap)

270 plen, plete, ple, pli, ply = to fill (充满), full (满的) * 拉丁文plere (= to fill), plenus (= full)

271 plore = to flow out (流出) * 拉丁文plorare (= to make to flow, to weep)

272 ply, pli, ple = to fold (表“倍;重”之义) * 拉丁文plicare (= to fold)

273 polis = city (城市) * 希腊文polis (= city, state)

274 polit, poli = state (国家) * 希腊文polis (= city, state), polites (= citizen) 275 pon, pound = to put (放置) * 拉丁文ponere (= to put, to lay)

276 popul, publ = people (人) * 拉丁文populus (= people)

277 port1= to carry (运送) * 拉丁文portare (= to carry)

278 port2= gate (门) * 拉丁文porta (= gate)

279 pos = to place, to put (置;放) * 法文poser (= to place, to set, to put). 拉丁文

ponere (to place, to put).过去分词positus.

Pausare (= to pause) 由“停止”演变成


280 potent = powerful (有力的) * 拉丁文potentia (= power), potens (= powerful) 281 prec = to pray (祈祷) * 拉丁文prec, prex (= to pray)

282 preci = price (价值;价格) * 拉丁文pretium (= price)

283 preda = prey (掠食), to plunder (掠夺) * 拉丁文praeda (= prey, to plunder)

284 press = to press (压) * 拉丁文pressare (= to press)

285 prim, prin, prem = first (第一) * 拉丁文primus (= first)

286 pris, prehend = to seize (捉;握取) * 拉丁文prendere, prehendere (= to take, to seize). prendere 是prehendere 的简体287 priv = private (私有的), to deprive (使丧失) * 拉丁文privus (= private),

privare (= to deprive), 过去分词是


288 proach, proxim = near (接近) * 拉丁文prope (= near), proximus (= nearest)

289 prob, prov = to test, to try (试), to examine (检查;考试) * 拉丁文

probare (= to test, to try, to examine)

290 proper, propri = proper (适当的), one's own (自己的) * 拉丁文proprius (= proper, own)

291 psych, psycho = soul (心灵;精神) * 希腊文psyche (= soul)

292 pugn = to fight (战斗;打架) * 拉丁文pugnare (= to fight)

293 punct = to prick (刺) * 拉丁文pungere (= to prick). 过去分词是由“穿刺”引申


294 pur = pure (纯洁的) * 拉丁文purus (= pure, to purify)

295 purg = to purify (使清洁) * 拉丁文purgare (= to purify, to purge)

296 pute = to think (思考) * 拉丁文putare (= to think)

297 quer = to complain (抱怨) * 拉丁文queri (= to complain)

298 qui, quiet = calm (安静的), rest (休息) * 拉丁文quiet, quies (= quiet, rest)

299 quire, quisit, quest = to seek (追求) * 拉丁文quaerere (= to seek), 过去分词


300 quit = to free (使自由), to release (免除) * 古代法文quite (= free of, released) 301 rad, ras = to scrape (刮,擦) * 拉丁文redere (= to scrape), 过去分词是rasus 302 radi = root (根) * 拉丁文radix (= root) 303 radi = ray (光线) * 拉丁文radius (= ray)

304 rap, rav = to snatch (攫取) * 拉丁文rapere (= to snatch, to seize, to grasp) 305 rat, tatio = to reckon (推定), reason (理由;理性) * 拉丁文ratio (= to reckon, reason)

306 rect = right (公正的;正当的), straight (直的) * 拉丁文rectus (= right, straight)

307 reg = to rule (统治), king (王) * 拉

丁文regere (= to rule), rex (= king)

308 rept = to creep (爬行;蔓延) * 拉丁文repere (= to creep), 过去分词是reptus 309 rid, ris = to laugh (笑) * 拉丁文ridere (= to laugh), 过去分词是risus

310 rod, ros = to gnaw (咬;啮) * 拉丁文rodere (= to grow)

311 rog = to ask (询问;要求) * 拉丁文rogare (= to ask)

312 rot = wheel (轮子), to turn (旋转) * 拉丁文rota (= wheel)

313 rud = raw (天然的;粗糙的) * 拉丁文rudis (= rude, raw)

314 rupt = to break (打破) * 拉丁文rumpere (= to break, to burst)

315 rur, rus = country (乡村) * 拉丁文rur, rus (= open land)

316 sacr, sanct, secr = sacred (神圣的) * 拉丁文sacer (= sacred), sancire (= to render sacred). 过去分词是sanctus

317 sal = salt (盐) * 拉丁文sal (= salt) 318 sal, sult = to leap (跳) * 拉丁文salire (= to leap)

319 sal, san = whole (健全的) * 拉丁文sanare (= to heal), sanus (= whole), salus (= health)

320 sangui = blood (血) * 拉丁文sanguin, sanguis (= blood)

321 sat = full (充满的) * 拉丁文satiare (= to fill, full) satur (= full)

322 scan, scend, scal = to climb (登;爬) * 拉丁文scandere (= to climb)

323 sci = to know (知道) * 拉丁文scire (= to know), scientia (= knowledge)

324 scribe, script = to write (写) * 拉丁文scribere (= to write), 过去分词是


325 sect = to cut (切割) * 拉丁文secare (= to cut), 过去分词是sectus

326 sed, sess, sid = to sit (坐) * 拉丁文sedere (= to sit)

327 semin = seed (种子) * 拉丁文semin, semen (= seed) 328sen = old (老的,年长的) * 拉丁文sen, senex (= old)

329 sens, sent = to feel (感觉) * 拉丁文sentire (= to feel, to perceive), 过去分词


330 sequ, secut, su = to follow (跟随) * 拉丁文sequi (= to follow)

331 sert = to join (结合), to put (放置) * 拉丁文serere (= to join, to put), 过去分词


332 serv = to serve (服务), to keep (保持) * 拉丁文servire (= to serve), servare (= to keep, to protect)

333 sign = to mark (加上记号) * 拉丁文signare (= to mark), signum (= mark, token)

334 simil, sembl = like (类似), same (相同) * 拉丁文similis (= like)

335 sinu = curve (弯曲), sinus (窦) * 拉丁文sinus (= curve)

336 sist, stitut, sta, st = to stand (站立) * 拉丁文stare (= to stand), 希腊文sethn (= I stood), 梵文stha (= to stand)之类的例子

不胜枚举。"-st-"有"to stand"之意,源自

于印欧语族的STA (= to stand), 英语中




337 soci = companion (同伴), to associate (结交) * 拉丁文socius = (= companion, to associate)

338 sol = alone(单独的、独特的) * 拉丁文solus (= alone), sollus (= entire)

339 sol = sun (太阳) * 拉丁文sol (= sun) 340 solv, solut = to loosen (松的) * 拉丁文solvere (= to loosen), 过去分词solutus 341 somn = sleep (睡眠) * 拉丁文somnus (= sleep)

342 son = sound (声音) * 拉丁文sonus (= sound)

343 soph = wise (聪明的), wisdom (智慧) * 希腊文sophos (= wise, wisdom)

344 sort = kind (种类) * 拉丁文sort, sors (= lot, chance)

345 spec, spect = to see, to look (看见) * 拉丁文specere (= to see, to look)

346 sper = hope (希望) * 拉丁文sperare (= hope, to hope)

347 spers = to scatter (撒;散播) * 拉丁文spargere (= to scatter)

348 spher = ball (球;球状物) * 拉丁文sphaira (= ball)

349 spir = to breathe (呼吸) * 拉丁文spirare (= to breathe)

350 splend = to shine (发光;照耀) * 拉丁文splendere (= to shine)

351 spond, spons = to promise (约定) * 拉丁文spondere (= to promise), 过去分词


352 stell = star (星) * 拉丁文stella (= star) 353 still = drop (滴) * 拉丁文stilla (= drop)

354 stinct, sting = to prick (刺) * 拉丁文stizein (= to prick)

355 string, strict, strain, stress = to draw tight (拉紧) * 拉丁文stringere (= to draw tight, to compress), 过去分词为strictus.


356 stru, struct = to build (建筑) * 拉丁文struere (= to build),过去分词structus (原


357 suade = to advise (劝告) * 拉丁文suadere (= to advise), 过去分词suasus 358 sume, sumpt = to take (拿取) * 拉丁文sumere (= to take)

359 summ = sum (总数), highest (最高的) * 拉丁文summa (= sum), summus (= highest)

360 sur = sure (确定的), secure (安全的) * 拉丁文securus (= secure)

361 surge, surrect = to rise (立起) * 拉丁文surgere (= to rise), 过去分词surrectus 362 tac, tic = silent (安静的) * 拉丁文tacere (= silent), 过去分词tacitus

363 tail = to cut (切割) * 拉丁文talea (= to cut)

364 tang, tact = to touch (接触) * 拉丁文tangere (= to touch), 过去分词tactus 365 tain, ten, tin = to hold, to keep (保持) * 拉丁文tenere (= to hold, to keep)

366 techn (o) = art (技艺), skill (技术) * 拉丁文techne (= art, skill)

367 tect = to cover (遮蔽) * 拉丁文tegere (= to cover) 过去分词tectus

368 temper = to moderate (节制;调节) * 拉丁文temperare (= to moderate, to regulate, to qualify), 和拉丁文tempus (= time)有关,原为"合于时间的"

369 tempor = time (时) * 拉丁文tempus (= time, season, opportunity)

370 tempt, tent = to try (尝试) * 拉丁文temptare, tentare (= to handle, to touch, to try), 表" (用手)碰触以试验"的意思。371 tend, tens, tent = to stretch (张开) * 拉丁文tendere (= to stretch, to extend), 过

去分词为tesus, tentus.

372 tenu = thin (细薄的) * 拉丁文tenuis (= thin)

373 term = boundary (边界) * 拉丁文terminus (= bound, boundary, limit)

374 terr = earth (地) * 拉丁文terra (= earth)

375 terr = to grighten (使惊吓) * 拉丁文terrere (= to frighten)

376 test = witness (证据) * 拉丁文testis (= witness)

377 text = to weave (编织) * 拉丁文texere (= to weave)

378 the (o) = god (神) * 拉丁文theos (= god)

379 thes, thet = to place, to put (置放) * 希腊文tithenai (= to place, to put)

380 tim = to fear (害怕) * 拉丁文timere (= to fear)

381 ton = tone (音调) * 希腊文tonos, 拉丁文tonus (= tone)

382 tort = to twist (卷缠) * 拉丁文torquere (= to twist) 过去分词tortus 383 tour, torn = to turn (转动) * 拉丁文tornare (= to turn), tomus (= lathe旋盘) 384 tox = poison (毒) * 拉丁文toxicum (= poison)

385 tract, treat = to draw (拉曳) * 拉丁

文trahere (= to draw), 过去分词tractus 386 tribut = to pay (付), to bestow (赠与) * 拉丁文tribuere (= to assign, to pay, to bestow) 过去分词tributus

387 trop = to turn (转) * 希腊文tropos (= to turn)

388 trud, trus = to therust, to push (插入) * 拉丁文trudere (= to thrust, to push, to urge), 过去分词trusus

389 tum = to swell (肿胀) * 拉丁文tumere (= to swell)

390 turb = to disturb (扰乱) * 拉丁文turbare (= to disturb), turba (= crowd), 原


391 ultim = last (最后的) * 拉丁文ultimus (= last)

392 umbr = shadow (阴影) * 拉丁文umbra (= shadow)

393 urb = city (城市) * 拉丁文urbs (= city)

394 us, uti = to use (使用) * 拉丁文uti (= to use), 过去分词usus

395 vac, van, void = empty (空的) * 拉丁文vacuus (= empty, void), vanus (= empty)

396 vade = to go (走) * 拉丁文vadere (= to go)

397 vaga = to wander (流浪;漂泊) * 拉丁文vagari (= to wander)

398 val, vail = strong (强壮的), worth (价值) * 拉丁文valere (= to be strong, to be worth)

399 var (i) = diverse (不同的), to change (变化) * 拉丁文variare (= to vary), varisus (= various)

400 velop = to wrap (包;裹) * 拉丁文veloper (= to wrap up)

401 ven, vent = to come (来到) * 拉丁文venire (= to come)

402 venge = to avenge (报仇) * 古代法文

vengier (= to avenge)

403 vent = wind (风) * 拉丁文ventus (= wind)

404 ver = true (真实的;确实的) * 拉丁文verus (= true)

405 verb = word (字;词) * 拉丁文verbum (= word)

406 verg = to incline (倾向;倾斜) * 拉丁文vergere (= to incline)

407 vrs, vert = to turn (转移;改变;转向) * 拉丁文vertere (= to turn), 过去分词


408 vest = to clothe (穿衣), garment (衣服) * 拉丁文vestis (= garment), vestire (= to clothe)

409 vi, voy = way (路) * 拉丁文via (= way)

410 vict, vinc = to conquer (征服) * 拉丁文vincere (= to conquer), 过去分词victus 411 vid, vis = to see (看见) * 拉丁文videre (= to see),过去分词visus

412 vig, veg = lively (快活的;有生气的) * 拉丁文vigil (= awake);vigere (= to be lively); vigilare (= to watch), 由"没有睡"



413 viv = to live (生活;生存) * 拉丁文vivere (= to live), 过去分词victus, vita (= life)

414 voc, voke = to call (喊叫), voice (声) * 拉丁文vocare (= to call), vox (= voice) 415 vol = will (意志;意志力) * 拉丁文voluntas (= free will)

416 volve, volut = to roll (滚;卷) * 拉丁文volvere (= to roll, to turn about), 过去分


417 vor = to eat (吃) * 拉丁文vorare (= to devour, to eat)

418 vulse = to pluck (摘;采;拉) * 拉丁文vellere (= to pluck), 过去分词vulsus

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