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中美家庭价值观对比研究On the Differences of Family Values between China and America

中美家庭价值观对比研究On the Differences of Family Values between China and America
中美家庭价值观对比研究On the Differences of Family Values between China and America


On the Differences of Family Values between China

and America





班级 2010级 3班

学号 201014015315




学生:潘婷指导教师:覃红霞 ( 讲师 )




On the Differences of Family Values Between China

and America

Abstract:Family is the most fundamental unit of human society, and it reflects the moral outlook of a society. Family value is the core in the research of cultural values, and it has a direct influence on people?s behaviour and thi nking.That is to say ,the values of the society ,to a large extent, depends on people?s Family values. However,because of the differences of geographical and historical background, traditional cultures, religious and belief, different nations have different family values.

With the rapid development of economic globalization, cross-cultural communication between china and America is becoming more and more important and frequent. However, because of different family values, misunderstanding happens commonly in the cross-cultural communication.so it is necessary to know the different family values in different countries. This paper paper aims to help Chinese people and American people to further understand each other by comparing the two counties family values and reduce unnecessary conflicts caused by misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication.

Key words:family values; relations between parents and children; marriage; family education; reasons


Introduction (1)

Chapter 1 Definitions of Family, Values and Family Values (2)

1.1 Definition of Family (2)

1.2 Definition of Family Values (3)

1.2.1 The decisive family value of China: collectivism (3)

1.2.2 The definitive family value of America: individualism (4)

Chapter 2 Differences between Chinese and American Family Values (5)

2.1 the differences of relationship between parents and children (5)

2.1.1 Chinese relationship between parents and children (5)

2.1.2 Ameiricans relationship between parents and children (6)

2.2 The concept of Family Education (6)

2.2.1 Chinese concept of family education (7)

2.2.2 American concept of family education (8)

2.3 The concept of Marriage (9)

2.3.1 Chinese concept of marriage (9)

2.3.2 American concept of marriage (10)

Chapter 3 Reasons for the Differences between Chinese and American Family Values (12)

3.1 Geographic reason ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.2 Historic reason ........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.3 religious reason........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Conclusion (14)

Bibliography (15)

Chapter1 Definitions of Family, Values and Family values (1)

1.1 Definiton of Family (1)

1.2 Definition of family values (2)

1.2.1 The decisive family value of China: collectivism (2)

1.2.2 The definitive family value of America: individualism (3)

Chapter 2 Differences between Chinese and American Family Values (4)

Chapter1 Definitions of Family, Values and Family values 1.1 Definiton of Family

Family is the cell of society, generally speaking, family should be defined as a group of people who lived together by bonds of blood, marriage or adoption, to form economicties, to fertilize and to bring up children. Also there is another explanation of family, it says in the word …Family? each letter stands for a definite meaning, and that is the letter …F? means father, the letter …A? stands for "and" ,the letter …M? is regarded as mother, the letter …I? is I, the letter …L? is considered as love, and the last letter …Y?

means "you", so the whole meaning should be …Father and mother I love you?. We can see that member in a family is made by three people, father, mother and their child in general. In a extended family, members may include father, mother, spouse, son daughter, aunt, uncle, cousin, nephew and grandparents.

In ancient society, the family is the basic unit of production ,in modern society, family plays a very important role in distribution ,consumption, and property inheritance ,because different cultures create different family. To understand the historical development of chinese and american families, the basic modal, and the relationship among the family members will undoubtedly help those who are in cross-cultural communication.

1.2 Definition of family values

Family values are political and social beliefs, as the core of the value system, family values are regarded as the family members? norm of behaviors, and the same time, it is also a standard of measuring the norm of conducts. With family values permeate the daily life of each family, both parents and children in a family should comply with the family values. “We know that the most basic relationship in a family is marital relationship, kinship, affinity, and it also includes the affectional and economic relationship generated from those basic relationships, so education, religion, faith and family financial burden-sharing are all included in the family values.”Family values mainly include marriage , relationship between parents and children and family education.Different countries have different family values. Due to the influence of the cultural context ,the relationship among members in china and America are completely different.In a word, Chinese people uphold collectivism while Americans advocate individualism.

1.2.1 The decisive family value of China: collectivism

Collectivism is the dominant ideology. Since the ancient times, Chinese people always adhere to the idea of "unified" or the idea of "datong". Throughout history, from Qin dynasty to unify the whole country to strengthen centralized to Dong zhongshu burn books and bury Confucian scholars alive, all these show that the ruler want to consolidate the rule of feudalism through a uniform system and thought. In the Socialist society, there is no exception. The difference is that the idea of "unification" of feudal society culture has changed into the socialist society "collectivism". For example, we advocate a harmonious society today, to build a harmonic society still embodies the cultural concept of "unification", and the starting

point is still the collective and society.(Jian,1999.05)

Chinese people put great importance to the collective. They pay more attention to the interest of whole family or the whole group than Americans, they emphasis the interests of the whole collective, in China, public interests are the interests of the individual; public wills are the wills of the individual ;and public values are the values of the individual. All the family members share food, property, and other material wealth, everyone is responsible for the success and prosperity of the whole family, they Shared difficulties and pressure, they think if they do something wrong, it is likely for them to have a bad effect on other members and the whole group ; and if they win a honor, they will probably give the credit to the other members and the whole group.

1.2.2 The definitive family value of America: individualism

In contrast to Chinese collectivism,Western culture is diverse. Most westerners are more attention to the development of things and diversity, they emphasize pluralism.In terms of getting along with people, westerners self-centeredness and a strong sense of independence is very obvious.They attaches great importance to personal rights ,interests and freedom, and take the opportunity to play as much as possible their own uniqueness. And the same time ,They tend to be responsible for themselves, they should live on themselves ,especially when they are 18, hand rely on their own ability to achieve success.Their way of survival and quality of life to a great extent, depends on their personal ability, So to some extent, this also promotes the development of their unique personality, which constitutes the diverse elements of western culture .In addition, Americans firmly believe that they can control their own?s destiny, and they pay more attention to their own freedom of activism than their relationships with other members of the family ,They deal with their own affairs by themselves . If they meet difficulties, they try to get support from their colleagues or experts who work in the relevant field rather than ask for help from their parents and their family members just give suggestions to them.

Chapter 2 Differences between Chinese and American

Family Values

2.1 the differences of relationship between parents and children

Whether Americans or Chinese people, families are particularly important for them.In a family, the most basic relationship is filial piety, marriage and family education. Any one family, if do not pay attention to this fundamental relationship, can not be seen as a complete family. Chinese families care more about seniority relation, and the interdependence between family members. Parents emphasis filial piety, the Chinese family believe that families with many children and grandchildren is happiness. On the contrary, in the United States, people pay more attention to individual equality, independence and individual rights, one of the most outstanding concepts are independence and equality. And the cultural differences between China and the United States resulted in the differences in family values, therefore, in order to reduce the misunderstanding in communication between the two countries, and promote the friendly relations between the two countries, it is very necessary to do a comparative analysis between the two countries family values.

Because on the concept of parents to educate their children between China and the United States is not the same, American parents focus on developing their children?s independence and consciousness and they respect the child's own choice. Chinese parents in their children's education more reflect on spoiling their children, they always like to design their children everything in accordance with their own wishes.

2.1.1 Chinese relationship between parents and children

China's family is usually composed of many people, there will be a lot of relatives in a family, family members are ranked according to seniority, the young should respect the elderly, the elderly care for the young. Respect for the old man is the traditional virtue of China.

In China, parents have the right to determine the child's everything, almost everything is determined by their parents, because many parents regard their children as their private property ,for example, what kind of friends they should make, what style of clothes they should wear, which university you should choose, which subject they should be major in at university , and where they should work after graduation, Chinese parents hope that their children?s work place can be closer to them, and even their marriage, parents hope that the couples coming from the families of equal status. Due to their high expectations for the children, When the child's performance gap with their demands, they complain or blame the child. They always want their children to be the best one in the class or even the whole school.

In China, father is the head of the family, and is the center of a home, it is not because the feudal ideology that man is superior to woman but because what man has earned is the main source of family?s incoming father's income much more than the mother's income , in a family, man is usually stern than woman.and speech less than woman and seldom communicate with their children, when children met difficulties in life or learning will first tell their mother instead of father, woman is often responsible for housekeeping, laundry, cooking, cleaning, although most household affair are decided by the mother, the most important thing is still determined by the

father, with their children, so mother has a more close relationship with their children than their father

2.1.2 American relationship between parents and children

American parents focus on cultivating their kids independence, from their children start to speak, to express their will, the parents do not regard him as a baby. They think children should learn to be independent, and let them know that he is equal with their parents. And parents need to encourage and respect their children ,which are often missing in Asian.they think that their kids should have their own thoughts and their own ideas, so American parents try to develop their children' confidence and independence when their kids are eighteen-year-old they can leave home to create their own career, in America, a lot of kids in high school started to work and earn pocket money, parents do not give money to their children any more, after the children grown up, they should leave their parents to live alone, they should rely on their own ability to buy a car, buy a house, or go to the bank to borrow money, and do not rely on their parents any more. In America, parents and children are friends, American families emphasize happiness and joy, at the same time ,they do not attach importance to filial piety.

Americans advocate democracy, equality and freedom. Everyone is equal before the God the relationship between family members is equal and independence, parents will not interfere with the child's affairs and father and mother have a equal right to make a decision on family affairs. However,American children was brought to live separately from their parents,and they are prone to feel lonely.

2.2 the concept of Family Education

From ancient times to modern times, family education has been playing a very important role in a country education, A great man Deng Xiaoping said, “The basis of a country?s modernization lies in talents, the basis of talents lies in education, and the basis of education lies in families.” therefore, more and more attention has been paid to family education, and family education has already become a very topic of the society. In life, the family is the first school where parents are children's first teachers. Children are the hope of a nation, family education is the foundation of education for children. In the world, there are many types of family education, family education in each country have demonstrated distinct characteristics, which is closely linked to its culture. American Family education is one of the most famous family education There are great differences in the concepts of education, methods of education aim of education and contents of education between American family education and Chinese family education. Different family education will gain different results.

2.2.1 Chinese concept of family education

Family education is the most fundamental position in education.In China, parents often tell their children, "To be a scholar is to be the top of society", "a young idler, an old beggar," " hope one's children will have a bright future ”or h opes for the daughter to grow up into a phoenix” which indicates that the Chines e parental expect too high of their children high, many parents only care about whether the children have a promising future , a good job , a good life or not .they believe the child?s primary task is to study diligently, and enter into a famous university they think their child to be admitted to a good university can win glory for the whole family , so Chinese parents would like to provide everything what they can for their children in the process of children?s growth .all in all , they are willing to sacrifice anything if their children can live better with their help.

With the rapid development of social and economy, more and more Chinese parents focus on the cultivating their children, the purpose is to hope that their children will be admitted to prestigious universities, and the same time, Chinese parents ignore the development of their children?s skills, such as the ability to live independently, social skills, life skills, though many Chinese students graduated from university and get a high diploma,they cannot live independently,and still rely on their parents.

In China, some parents regard their children as their private property, and to educate their children as a family affair, and connect study with the child?s personal future, family honor, happiness, the idea to teach the child for the country is not strong, children become parents tool to achieve the dream they did not achieve when they are young. “We were poor, we have no chance to go to university, so you have to study hard to go to college!" Most Chinese parents thinks like that., This seems to be the only expect of Chinese parents. Then from primary school to university, Chinese parents help to decide their children everything ,such as which university to choose , what major should they choose ,this is the result of Chinese family education, children are taught to listen to their parents. They do everything according to what they are told by their parents. Therefore, in the process of children?s growth, the most important thing the parents concerning is to pursue a promising future, except for caring children?s daily life . In order to make their children have a good performance in study , become outstanding , or even become a famous person in the future, they would not let children do anything except studying,except for the basic knowledge that children have to learn at school ,they have to learn various skill, for example, piano, violin, dance, drawing, and so on ,training course may de useful for some students, but the key point is whet her these skills are chosen based on the children?s interest or not.

Traditional Chinese family education stress kindheartedness and obedience. For example, in the film Gua Sha Treament, there is a scene that Datong orderded his son to apologize to his boss?s son when h e saw his son was fighting with his boss?s son .because h is son didn?t apologize to his boss?s son ,Datong slapped his son in the face , which shocked his boss very deeply . Because ,in America, it is illegal to beat children. They emphasis freedom and justice, and America children have more rights of autonomy.(guan,1998,5).

2.2.2 American concept of family education

In America, individualism plays a very important role in the family education.individual freedom and equality rank at the most important place. They believe that everyone should control their destiny by themselves, in American parents aim at cultivating children?s ability of independence and the the ability of adapting of environment instead of getting a high point at school, from they are children ,their parents begin to train their ability of independence, for example,the children fall down, parents will not put his arm up , but to encourage them to stand up for themself, they let their children to sleep alone from they are infants rather than Chinese parents, kids to sleep next to their parents .American children have right to decide what they like to do, for example,if they chose a career when they grow up ,their parents just give them suggestions instead of arranging their future.,the decisive right is in the hand of their children and the same time, American parents encourage their child?s to pursue personal interests with great energy . they regard the child as an independent and equal member in the family, and everyone is equal in the family. for example,if a mother and his daughter go to a music concert together,each of them may buy her own tickets instead of paying the tickets together.

American parents respe ct the child?s personality and dignity, and advocate the idea of self-responsibility and self-control. So American parents focus on cultivating their child?s ability of independence they believe that children should rely on their strength and effort to grow up.when American child is 18 year old,they can move out of their parents house and start to live on their own.The vast majority of children over the age of 18, they earn his tuition by doing part-time job, some people work part-time job during school to earn living expenses, the children think it is disgraceful to spend their parents money after they grow up and they would be looked down upon by others, and it is very embarrassed. Therefore, they must find a job to achieve economically independent.

In the U.S., parents pay attention to cultivate child?s self-confidence, develop child?s self-confidence is the primary task of family education, when children encounter difficulties or made a mistake, parents will encourage child to try it again rather than blame, they like to praise the child. when child has a certain self-confidence they are willing to learn. Besides, American parents emphasis develop child?s responsibility. Let the children learn to wash dishes, wash handkerchief, organize their own beds.Meanwhile, American families emphasis on training children to participate in various associations. and parents are active participants , organizers, service providers,and the same time. Adults encourage children to do logout, rock climbing, jump into the sea and other dangerous sports, kids are happy to participate in these adventures.

From an early age, American parents educate their children if you want something, you have to get it through your own efforts, there is no free lunch, parents generally do not give the child the right to inherit property. They think the worst thing

in life is to let the child sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others so that children do not have the opportunity to experience their own successes and failures, true happiness comes from their own efforts, even if the family economic situation is very good, parents encourage children to use their own hands labor money, let the children learn to pay insurance costs or part of the fees.

2.3 the concept of Marriage

Marriage is the union of a man and a woman, who commit to romantically love and care for each other , both of them have the same responsibility of bearing and rearing children together and sharing the burdens and benefits of domestic life. Once two persons get marriage, they should be obligated and loyalty to each other sexually and usually form the interdependent economic and domestic units. And the same time, it is not only the union of two persons ,it is also the union of two families, and the foundation for establishing kinship patterns and family names. However, different countries have different attitude towards marriage.

2.3.1 Chinese concept of marriage

Marriage is the most important event for most Chinese people, we can say that marriage is the best love between two people. Traditionally, status of wives and husbands are not completely equal in ancient China. Chinese women are considered as the attachments to their husband and they have no social status. A woman is faithful to her husband to the end and lives by “the three obedience and four virtues” Chinese people think that marriage is a major event in their lives and treat marriage as a serious moral question. Chinese parents emphasis on the factor that the families of the bride and bridegroom are of equal position in the economic situation and social scale,love is unnecessary part of a marriage. People over 20 years old should get married ,if a girl is 25 years old still single ,it is a great shame for the traditional Chinese family, for older people , do not get married will be seen as "alternative people", and for many modern young people, they are more likely to become "alternative people." When choosing marriage partners, whether male or female, the character is both valued factors, personality is the most important factor .In addition to the character, a lot of women tend to value the man's ability and economic strength, while men also valued characteristics of the woman's appearance.Chinese marriage is relatively stable. Chinese women wish to live with their husband in their lifetime once they get married. Because , marriage is very important for them,and once a Chinese woman commits to her partner she will follow her husband for the rest life of her. So they are incredibly loyal, As a consequences, Chinese divorce rate by far is much lower than that of the USA.besides,Chinese people emphasis a collective benefited family, and in their opinions, marriage is not a personal problem, but it contains many factors like morals, responsibility, sense of honor and other factors. That is quite different from American concepts of marriage.

But with the reform and opening up and development of the socialist market, Chinese modern concept of marriage has also been hit by western culture ,the most outstanding influence is the rising divorce rate, premarital cohabitation, single doctrine, Dink family, extramarital affairs and other social phenomena frequently appear, Chinese people's attitude towards marriage has become increasingly modernized, China's divorce rate is also increasing.

3.3.2 American concept of marriage

In America, love is the basis of marriage, without love, marriage is impossible. Many American couples get married as the result of the mutule attraction and affection rather than practical consideration. And they believe that they should find someone that they can live happily with. There is an American proverb, love and marriage, go together like a horse and carriage” if the couple do not love each ot her, it is impossible for them to get married. For American, marriage is a serious issue, they will swear before God at the wedding that they will love each and to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in death do us part. In America, the definitive family value is individualism , they believe everyone is equal, and parents have no right to interfere their marriage. because they believe that marriage is free and it is their individual right, affected by individualism ,American regard marriage as a purely personal matter, so they put individual happiness to the top priority ,they think it is brutal to force two person who do not love each other anymore to live together. Besides, they hold the view that marriage is an action of law, and it is protected by law, so in America, everyone should be responsible for their marriage, and the couple should respect each other. They pay great attention to their appearance not only when they are passionate in love but also after they got married. Unlike Chinese couple, they dress up themselves beautifully when they are passionate in love, but they became careless about their appearance after they are married.

In the relationship of marriage, sex is a very important part, but the Chinese and Americans attitudes towards sex is different, In China, people seldom talk about sex. parents would never talk about sex in front of children, they will be shy and their face will turn to red if someone talk about sex in front of them. while in the United States, "sex" is a very open topic, people will communicate with each other, sharing of experiences, to talk about their boyfriend or husband in bed and so on. And this is by no means superficial conversation, but detailed in-depth.In China, sex education classes to the children, it seems so many parents find it difficult to say, but in foreign countries, sex education is essential for a child growing up. It seems that in the United States, the children's education is the bounden duty of parents, many American parents think children should be introduced to the knowledge of sex by themselves, but many people also recognize the child's friends and the media are acting in this role,and the same time,American parents also pay attention to sexual safety education

Chapter 3 Reasons for the Differences between Chinese

and American Family Values

3.1 Geographic reason

China is a landlocked country, the land area ranks third in the world, due to the influence of the monsoon climate, warm spring, hot summer, autumn and winter is

cold, it is suitable for farming, so China's traditional farming developed, due to the excellent Chinese geographical environment, abundant mine resources, China is a large country with abundance resources.Since ancient times, China often suffer invasion from other ethnic minorities , so China began to build the Great Wall from the Qin Dynasty, in order to resist the invasion of Minorities, on the one hand, the Great Wall strengthen the border rule of china, on the other hand, the Great Wall cut off China's ties with the outside. In modern times, due to the invasion of Western countries, China began to implement a policy of seclusion, and reducing China's contact with the outside, therefore, Chinese culture is relatively conservative , Chinese people have a very strong exclusiveness to the external culture, it has rooted in almost every Chinese mind,and it is difficult to eliminate.

American surrounded by the sea, and has a developed marine industry, in addition, American mainstream culture sourced from Europe, the U.S. is a nation of immigrants, the American are composed of people who come from all over the world so Americans have a particularly strong sense of competition.Americans have a challenging and adventurous spirit, the United States advocated freedom and equality, which is conducive to the free development of American culture, while the United States will recruit overseas scholars and a lot of talents to meet the needs of domestic , which bring a variety of foreign cultures for the United States , but also produce a collision between different cultures,American culture is inclusive,they pay attention to absorb advanced culture outside to make their own culture more colorful.

3.2 historic reason

China has five thousand years of history and splendid culture, is a famous civilized country, in addition, China has thousands of years of feudal rule,which has a great influence on Chinese family value, and the Chinese people are very valued the origin of family, family members are not entirely equality, especially men and women, husbands and wives, parents and children, there is a certain level system, for example, parents can order the child,they can punish children because their parents have the right to interfere with the child, while in the United States, the relationship between parents and is equal .it is illegal to punish children.

America is an immigrant country, the American people come from around the world, where different cultures, races, religions fused to form a new kind of culture.because the United States did not experience the feudal society, their history is relatively short, only have two hundred years of history, is one of the earliest country to start the industrial revolution, therefore American industrialization, urbanization, technology are more developed than China. Did not experience the feudal rule, Americans are more open and free, after the War of Independence, the United States signed the Declaration of Independence, which conveys a strong desire for freedom and independence, "All men are created equal, no one can infringe other people?s life ,liberty, property and security”. the United States has created a culture of their own, set up their own government's image, since American individualism has a great

impact on their culture, they believe, men?s capabilities are unlimited, and they advocate freedom, equality and independence, they pursuit the liberation of personality, therefore, in the American family, everyone is equal,they respect family member?s personal values.

3.3 religious reason

Chinese people believe in Confucianism, Confucius is the greatest statesman, thinker and educator in China's history. His doctrine profound impact on every Chinese person's imagination and behavior patterns, the core of Confucianism is benevolence, he believes morality is the most valuable, and the highest ethics is benevolence. Confucius stress the importance of family in order to maintain the social order. He think the stable and productive of society is based on familial relationship, family is the core of society.

America is a religious country, it is influenced by three major religious groups, Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism. Americans value criteria, attitudes and ethics to a large extent affected by the three religious thought. According to a survey, “66% of people regard God as their judge watching their every action, 87% said they pray to God every day, they attribute their success of business, improvement of their lives, to the God ,they think it is the God protect them. For this reason people do things according to God's standards.When talking about the impact on their religious beliefs, 82% of people said: Thoughts and values the religion promote enhance their self-awareness and self-confidence. One called Adah Adams said: "My religious beliefs make me know who I am, where I came from, what the future should be ,” 83% of people say they know not only religious ideas.but also know that they should respect others, American traditional values, such as equality and freedom, friendship and mutual assistance, compassion for the weak, self-esteem, respect for others are all originated from the philosophy of value and norms the religion advocated.”(Youth Digest,2005)


Through this article, we know that in China the characteristics of Chinese family values is decisive collectivism, while the United States ,individualism played a decisive role in family values, therefore, China's family advocates harmony and solidarity between family members ,the young should respect the old. Parents have the power to decide children?s everything,and they neglect developing the independence of children. Besides, Chinese people have a strict hierarchy, each person has a specific location in the home. On the contrary, in the United States

everyone is equal, and they are also friends, they respect each other, the Americans stress equality, independence, and individuality. In the cross-culture communication, if you understand these cultural differences, regardless of the cultural context, you will not be puzzled and will be adaptable when facing all kinds of questions.

With the development of economic globalization, cross-cultural communication is becoming increasingly frequent and important, the communications between America and China is become increasingly frequent and important, due to the different cultural and family values, there may be a conflict on account of the different culture, but more and more people are aware of the differences and learn from each other. Chinese people began to cultivate children's independence, and the children began to get along as friends with their parents, and the Americans began to pay attention to family member?s intimacy. Through this compare, we can reduce conflicts and misunderstandings between the two countries and seeking an communicational bridge between the two countries. People should respect various cultures, so that we can reduce unnecessary conflict in the cross-cultural communication and build a harmonious society.


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中美家庭价值观的差异 摘要:家庭是社会的载体,家庭成员的价值观直接或间接地决定他们在社会交往中的行为和言语,其影响和作用十分广泛。本文试从家庭模式,家庭教育和婚姻模式三方面对中美家庭价值观作一粗浅的比较,为进一步研究中美文化差异这一论题奠定基础。 关键字:家庭模式家庭教育婚姻模式中美家庭价值观 家庭可称为人类社会最基本的社会细胞,也是一个社会稳定和发展的基础,家庭既是人的存在方式,又是人存在的寓所。因此,家庭成员的价值观直接或间接地决定他们在社会交往中的行为和言语。本文试图通过语言揭示人的家庭的序曲,着重探讨中美两国文化中的家庭价值观的差异,为进一步研究中美文化差异奠定基础。 每一个社会都有自己传统的价值观,不同文化的价值观也不尽相同。而中国人的价值观念的核心是强调集体主义,个人的利益要服从集体利益。中美两国家庭处在不同的文化国度中,受到不同社会的价值观念的影响,其成员在家庭中表现出的观念、行为也不尽相同,那么到底中美两国的家庭价值观有什么不同呢??本文将从从家庭模式,家庭教育和婚姻模式三方面寻找差异的根本原因。 一、家庭模式 在中美文化中,家的概念有天壤之别。传统的中国家庭大多几代同堂,祖孙几代住在一起,尊卑长幼非常明确。几千年的儒家文化造就了中国家庭中家庭成员对家的义务———父母尽责、儿女尽孝———以及家庭成员之间的相互支持和相互依赖;传统家庭模式的结构依据如下原则:以家中最年长的人为起点,其所有男性后代及其配偶、未出嫁的女性后代必须在一个家庭中生活,父祖在,子孙不许别籍异财,是三世同堂家庭的法律和伦理保证。尊老爱幼是中国家庭的传统美德,老年人希望也需要获得子女的关心与照顾,子女也需要退出生产领域的父母帮助料理家务和照看自己的孩子,在经济上和生活上仍然存在相互依赖、相互帮助的关系。因此,三世同堂仍然是现代中国家庭的重要模式。 传统的美国家庭所包含的仅仅是父母及未成年的子女,成年子女无论结婚与否一般都会选择搬离父母的家。美国家庭中的权利意识是指每一个成员以自己为中心,而不是以整个家庭为中心。美国人认为,作为个体的人,他应该有自己的尊严和独立的人格。在任何时候对任何人都不能轻易放弃自己的权利。它是个人、家庭或群体的心理需求与社会需求之一。有时它又是一种为实现某一目标而暂时需要的心理态势。 二、家庭教育 中美两国的父母对家庭教育都很重视,但两种文化下的人们采取的是不同的


第八章中美价值观的差异及原因 价值观作为一个人对周围的客观事物(包括人!事!物)的意义!重要性的 总评价和总看法,是人们对社会存在的反映"它支配和调节一切社会行为,涉及 社会生活的各个领域"价值观具有相对的稳定性和持久性,即在特定的时间!地 点!条件下,人们的价值观总是相对稳定和持久的"价值观不仅可以影响个人的 行为,还会影响到群体行为"由于价值观的不同,即使在同样的客观条件下,人 们在对于同一个客观事物也会产生不同的评价" 价值观是人们后天习得而来的,不同的社会环境和文化背景使人们形成了截 然不同的价值观,因此价值观反映的也正是时代精神"价值观也会随着社会生活的变化而变化" 不同的国家和民族各有其不同的价值观"当跨文化交际发生时,价值观的差 异必然会带来文化冲突,中美两国作为东西方文化的代表,由于历史发展的道路和地理条件等方面的差异,各自的价值观在本质上存在着极大差异"而我们知道, 价值观构成了文化的核心与社会结构的基干,人们可以通过了解价值观的不同, 加深对跨文化交际的理解" 第一节中国文化中的价值观及原因 中国半封闭的大陆型地理环境和小农经济对中国文化产生了巨大的影响"由 于古代生产力低下,以集体农耕为主,人们很少迁徙,产生了氏族制度,并慢慢 产生了封建家族制度"血缘关系在人们的生活中起着重要作用,家庭成员居住得比较集中,三代甚至四世同堂的大家庭是最常见的家庭结构"因此中国文化是建立在家庭制度之上,以/家0为基础"在几千年的中国封建社会历史中,家庭是 封建社会的最基本结构"/古代农业生产的一个显著特点,就是离不开日积月累 的生产经验,,有没有丰富的农时农事经验,对于农业收成的丰欠多寡,起着十 分关键的作用,,所以,在农业社会,老人既是德的楷模,更是智的化身"后 辈敬重和爱戴具有丰富经验的前辈长者,年轻者服从!侍奉老年人,乃是顺理成 章的事,对有生产经验的长者的尊从,对父亲!曾祖父的服从,内化为心理情感 第二节美国文化中的价值观及原因 美国开放性的海洋型地理环境和航海业!工商业的发展对美国文化产生了很 大的影响"新的个体生产取代了原始的集体协作生产,商业的发展促进了人们的法治公平意识,人们迅速摆脱了血缘关系的束缚,家庭成员居住得比较分散,家 庭结构多为核心家庭,人们更强调个体存在的价值和意义" 从历史来看,美国人民原本来自世界各地,是许多不同的文化!种族和宗教 在长期的共存中逐渐融合而成的"17世纪以前,美国的原著民多为印第安人, 但在经历了百余年的移民之后,这里己成为来自欧洲各国人民的新家园,最主要的是英国人建立的13州殖民地"后来为脱离英王的殖民统治而进行的独立战争(1754一1784)结束后,美国人民组成了新政府,以立法形式表达了他们的政治 观念,采用立法!行政!司法三种权力相互调和!制衡而防止中央权力过大"19 世纪初期,为寻求更好的生活,开拓者们向西扩张(1820一-1949)"之后,经历 了南北冲突(1850一1%9)的美国全国各地不再实行奴隶制度,,美国工业化与改革(1870一1916)开始,美国由一个农村化的国家变成了城市化的国家,机器代 替了手工,工商业经营扩大"#美国因为没有经历过封建社会,所以也就没有什么君主!等级!效忠概念,文化中的个人意识相对强烈,占据了文化的主流"


中美文化价值观差异 文化是一种社会范畴, 是指一个社会所具有的独特的信仰、习惯、制度、性格、思维方式等的总模式, 是一个社会的整个生活方式, 一个民族的全部活动方式。它为一个语言社会的全体成员所共有, 也为这个语言社会所独有[ 1] 。中华民族和美利坚民族, 是世界上两个伟大的民族, 有各自文化体系。下面主要总结一下:中美文化差异的具体体现;中美文化差异形成的原因。 中美文化差异的具体体现 (1)中美民族性格的差异。 中华民族和美利坚民族, 是世界上两个伟大的民族, 他们的共同特点都是勤劳、勇敢、热情而又积极进取。然而中美民族性格上是有差异的, 它是中美文化差异的一个重要组成部分。中国人看重的是群体意识, 注重整体价值。个人应为家庭和社会做贡献, 个人利益服从群体利益, 群体利益高于个体利益, 因此, 便形成了传统的公私义利的观念。美国人强调的是个人意识, 注重个人价值。美国的个人主义表现在:追求个人自由、个人自立、自由思考和选择自己想做的事情, 只要不超出法律范围, 就不会有人去干涉, 即使父母、兄长也无权干涉。这一点有其明显优越性, 它使美国家庭比中国家庭民主、平等得多, 父母很少为孩子决定什么事情, 而是与其协商或让孩子自己做决定。 (2)中美思维方式的差异。 傅雷曾经说过:“中国人和西方人之思维有基本分歧, 我人重综合, 重归纳, 重暗示, 重含蓄;而西方人重分析, 细微曲折的挖掘惟恐不尽, 描写惟恐不周”。中国人的思维模式是形象的、直观的、综合的, 美国人的思维模式是个体的、抽象的、独特的。 中美文化差异形成的原因 (1)自然环境和劳动方式的影响。 中国人的“天人合一”和“内向性主体精神”与美国人的“征服欲望”和“外显性客体精神”是由不同的自然环境孕育而成的。中国文化基于农业社会, 这种社会是一个复杂的等级社会, 强调等级与和谐;而美国不完全依赖于农业, 他们对工商业的依赖较大, 这些产业对个人特征的要求更高, 所以与此相适应, 美国人的思维取向是个人式的, 与中国人人际式的取向不同。 (2)民族历史的影响。 中国历朝历代推行的是一种“重农抑商”的政策, 农业经济增长缓慢, 不像商品经济下的财富积累暴起暴落, 因而人与人之间的分化和差异不那么显著。人们之间的连结容易趋于稳定, 再加上小农生产的特点, 形成了个人对于群体的依存关系, 这些都与中国人的群体意识的形成不无关系。与此相反, 美国人看重的则是个体的人。另外, 美国是一个以商品经济为主的社会, 人口流动性比较大, 人与人之间在生存、生活方面的依赖性逐渐削弱。 (3)传统思想的影响。 中国文化是建立在儒家思想上的内陆文化, 主张简约、和谐、中庸、对称与平衡。孔子主张“允执其中”,“过犹不及”。美国文化是建立在古希腊传统之上的海洋文化, 在思维方式上以亚里士多德的逻辑思维和分析思维为特征, 强调个人特性和自由, 是一种以个人主义


Differences of Family Values Between China and America Abstract :This paper tries to make a comparison of different family values between China and US, which appeared in many fields, for instance, the American emphasis the individualism but Chinese focus on the collectivism, the relationship between family members and their attitudes to each other are also quite different,the life style influenced by family values are varied. Reasons for these differences are complex, including different customs, cultures and social backgrounds and so on. Key words: family values, life styles, cultures, differences. Ⅰ.Introduction Family is the most basic unit of all human society. It reflects the ethical values of a society, its cultural characteristics and the unique features of a nation. People begin to learn anything about the world and their culture through the family they are brought up in. What you think, how you act, even your language, are all transmitted through the family from the wider cultural context. Family values are the core in the research of cultural values, and it has a huge influence on people’s thoughts and behaviors. So if we want to get a glimpse of the cultures of two different countries, it is necessary to know their different family values. In this paper we will analyze family values from different aspects, including the decisive family values, the attitude to the family members and their relationships, and the influences of family values. Ⅱ.The differences of family values. A.The individualism VS. the collectivism The American emphasize the personal independence, while Chinese emphasize on the whole family, not any individual member. Children in America have more freedom than that in China. Their parents rarely interfere with their private affairs, and usually try to enhance children’s all-around abilities when they are young. They


中美核心价值观比较 童海玲222009313011026 摘要 中国社会主义核心价值观主要包括经济核心价值观、政治核心价值观、文化核心价值观、生态核心价值观、社会核心价值观和人本核心价值观。美国资本主义核心价值观也同样包括经济价值观、政治核心价值观、文化核心价值观、生态核心价值观、社会核心价值观以及人本核心价值观。中美两国除了在生态核心价值观方面有着共同点之外,其他的核心价值观都存在着本质的差异。 关键词:中国美国核心价值观比较 中美文化的差异体现在方方面面,而其中价值观的差异也是十分明显的。因此,了解中美价值观的差异势在必行。下面我将从经济、政治、文化、生态、社会、人本这几个方面来分析比较中国和美国的核心价值观。 1、经济核心价值观比较 中国社会主义核心价值观的本质和最高抽象是“发展”和“富强”,而美国资本主义经济核心价值观的基础和主线是“富裕”和“私有”。发展和富强是现今中国的主题,是解决中国所有问题的关键所在,中国所追求的富强,包括富裕和强大,美国式的“富裕”也隐含着发展,这是两者的共同之处。但是两者有着原则上的差别。首先,中国社会主义经济发展是建立在公有制为主体,多种 所有制经济共同发展的基础之上而发展的,而美国资本主义经济发展则是建立在生产资料私人占有的基础之上的发展,这是两者之间具有决定意义的差别。从生产资料公有制是高度社会化发展这一必然要求上来看,中国社会生产力必将比美国式生产力发展得更高更快。中国不仅要强调发展生产力,同时也强调消灭阶级,消灭剥削,逐步实现全体人民共同富裕,而美国资本主义的“私有”性质则决定了美国式富裕是有差别的富裕,这是两者的根本界限所在。 2、政治核心价值观比较 中国社会主义政治核心价值观的生命和灵魂是“民主”和“法治,美国资本主义政治核心价值观的本质和要求是“民主”和“人权”。民主法治是中国政治文明建设的重要内容,也是社会主义的生命所系。社会主义法制的加强又保障了人民民主权利的实现,中国的民主法治与美国的“民主”“人权”虽然从字面上看意思差不多,但是两者的实质有着很大的差异。美国的民主,固然尤其进步的一面,但它却是以私有制为前提、以资本为前提的民主,人民的话语权往往被资本的话语权所淹没,是金元政治的民主,是少数人的民主,它从根本上否认了人民群众的主体地位。而社会主义民主则是以公有制为前提、以平等为前提的民主,是真正代表了广大人民根本利益的民主,它从制度和情理上真正实现了人民群众的当家作主。而美国式的“人权”,则是具有两面性、欺骗性和反动性的人权,代表的是整个资产阶级的根本利益,是资产阶级的人权,是典型的美国式虚伪民主和政治幌子。 3、文化核心价值观比较 中国社会主义文化价值观的主题和内在要求是“文明”和“先进”,美国资


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关于中美日韩四国高中生价值观比较调 研报告通用范本 使用指引:本报告文件可用于为规范管理,让所有人员增强自身的执行力,避免自身发展与集体的工作规划相违背,按固定模式形成日常报告进行上交最终实现及时更新进度,快速掌握所需了解情况的效果。资料下载后可以进行自定义修改,可按照所需进行删减和使用。 日前,中国青少年研究中心发布《中美日韩四国高中生价值观比较研究报告》。据悉,该研究调查对象为高中1—3年级的在校生,2507名中国高中生、1560名美国高中生、1845名日本高中生和1833名韩国高中生完成了调查问卷。数据发现,四国高中生认为对自己人生观影响最大的是父母,把爸爸和妈妈排在第一位合计最高的是中国(75.7%),其次是美国(62.4%)、韩国(49.2%)和日本(39.8%)。 这组数据启示我们,作为父母,责任重大。价值观是一个人个性心理结构的核心要


2011年第01期中美家庭价值观的差异 黄永媛 东北农业大学 黑龙江哈尔滨 150030 摘 要:家庭是社会的载体,家庭成员的价值观直接或间接地决定他们在社会交往中的行为和言语,其影响和作用十分广泛。本文试从家庭模式,家庭教育和婚姻模式三方面对中美家庭价值观作一粗浅的比较,为进一步研究中美文化差异这一论题奠定基础。 关键字:家庭模式 家庭教育 婚姻模式 中美家庭价值观 家庭可称为人类社会最基本的社会细胞,也是一个社会稳定和发展的基础,家庭既是人的存在方式,又是人存在的寓所。因此,家庭成员的价值观直接或间接地决定他们在社会交往中的行为和言语。本文试图通过语言揭示人的家庭的序曲,着重探讨中美两国文化中的家庭价值观的差异,为进一步研究中美文化差异奠定基础。 每一个社会都有自己传统的价值观,不同文化的价值观也不尽相同。而中国人的价值观念的核心是强调集体主义,个人的利益要服从集体利益。中美两国家庭处在不同的文化国度中,受到不同社会的价值观念的影响,其成员在家庭中表现出的观念、行为也不尽相同,那么到底中美两国的家庭价值观有什么不同呢??本文将从从家庭模式,家庭教育和婚姻模式三方面寻找差异的根本原因。 一、家庭模式 在中美文化中,家的概念有天壤之别。传统的中国家庭大多几代同堂,祖孙几代住在一起,尊卑长幼非常明确。几千年的儒家文化造就了中国家庭中家庭成员对家的义务———父母尽责、儿女尽孝———以及家庭成员之间的相互支持和相互依赖;传统家庭模式的结构依据如下原则:以家中最年长的人为起点,其所有男性后代及其配偶、未出嫁的女性后代必须在一个家庭中生活,父祖在,子孙不许别籍异财,是三世同堂家庭的法律和伦理保证。尊老爱幼是中国家庭的传统美德,老年人希望也需要获得子女的关心与照顾,子女也需要退出生产领域的父母帮助料理家务和照看自己的孩子,在经济上和生活上仍然存在相互依赖、相互帮助的关系。因此,三世同堂仍然是现代中国家庭的重要模式。 传统的美国家庭所包含的仅仅是父母及未成年的子女,成年子女无论结婚与否一般都会选择搬离父母的家。美国家庭中的权利意识是指每一个成员以自己为中心,而不是以整个家庭为中心。美国人认为,作为个体的人,他应该有自己的尊严和独立的人格。在任何时候对任何人都不能轻易放弃自己的权利。它是个人、家庭或群体的心理需求与社会需求之一。有时它又是一种为实现某一目标而暂时需要的心理态势。 二、家庭教育 中美两国的父母对家庭教育都很重视,但两种文化下的人们采取的是不同的方法,也有着不同的期望。美国家庭教育的着眼点在于培养孩子具有适应各种环境和独立生存能力的人。与美国相比,中国的教育观念有很大不同,中国的一些家庭育儿往往着眼于孩子将来有出息,有个好职业,一生能在顺境中度过。 中国家庭的教育方式表现在:孩子在家庭生活中较少有发言权、参与权、中国父母对孩子的要求就是守规矩、服劝导、不要有异见。中国孩子的选择权、自主权较小,许多事情都按父母的意愿去办或由父母包办代替。中国父母在家庭里往往以权威出现,因此与孩子的距离较远。中国家庭教育的教育目的是“望子成龙”,因此教育以说教为主,轻视实践活动的重要作用。 美国家庭的教育方式表现在:孩子在家里有发言权、参与权,美国父母鼓励孩子“保留意见”、“固执”、“不听话”,允许孩子“不听话”主要是指思维上的“不听话”,据美国心理学家托伦斯研究发现,创造力高的孩子特点之一就是淘气、处世固执。美国父母“望子成人”,因此在家庭教育中重视实际锻炼,强调在实践中培养孩子,而不是说教。父母经常利用节假日、周末带领孩子外出游玩,在玩的过程中开发智能如感知、想象、判断、推理和人的交际和情绪的调节等。 由于重视实践,美国孩子更能吃苦,具有战胜困难的勇气和毅力;遇事镇定沉着,能与周围人们和谐相处,有作为社会成员而独立存在的信心和勇气。因此我们应该在弘扬中华民族几千年灿烂文明的辉煌结晶的同时,也吸取西方国家的民主、开放的家庭教育观。自觉转变家庭教育中的落后观念,扩展家庭教育的领域,丰富家庭教育的内容,改善教育的手段、途径和方法,熔铸古今,汇通中西,我们才能造就出非凡的下一代。 三、婚姻模式 自由选择对象在张扬“个性”的美国人的婚姻观念中占有主导地位。对于恋爱、择偶,美国青年自然会有自己的要求与标准。他们找异性朋友,根本用不着别人介绍。尤其是在中学和大学的校园里,在学生活动中心随便坐坐就可以搭上一个周末出游的异性伴侣。当然由于社会习俗的原因,双方都不易得到向别人宣泄的机会,这种情感上的伤痕便无法弥合而全面崩溃,最终离婚也就不可避免了。 中国人与美国人对结婚的态度不同。中国人之所以与美国人的择偶方式不同,其中一个最主要的原因是他们对结婚的态度有显著的差异。对他们来说,结婚既是对家庭应尽的一种义务,更重要的是他们的一种个人权利。作为社会的一分子,他们有权利对自己的未来和各种需求负责。中国人一旦结婚一般或绝大数都要“从一而终”。 通过以上三方面对于中美家庭价值观的差异性对比,可以看出,在不同文化背景下,中美家庭在价值观方面确实存在着很多不同点。中国家庭的价值观更趋于聚合性,注重集体主义。而美国家庭价值观更趋于离散性,注重个人主义。当然,随着社会的发展和中美文化的不断交流融合,中美家庭价值观的认识也在发生着某些细微的变化。但是根本的观念仍然未发生改变。 参考文献: 1.胡文仲,跨文化交际学概论,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999. 2.梅任毅,美国研究读本,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002. 3.魏章玲,美国家庭模式和家庭社会学,北京:世界知识出版社,1990. 4.朱永涛,美国价值观—一个学者的探讨,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002. 5.李常磊,英美文化博览,上海:世界图书出版公司,2000.


结合本课谈谈中美核心价值观的差异 导致中美核心价值观的差异的原因具有多样性,我对其大致的分析讨论,得到了其下几个要点。 历史文化遗留。中美两国有着极大的历史文化差异。其一是:中国是有着五千年历史文化遗产的国家,人民主要的思想来自于亚洲的民族,历史上统治中国的思想主要是儒家思想。经过多个朝代道德思想的统治,儒家学说的思想已经深入中国民族的文化,拘束的思想难以得到改变。美国只有几百年的历史,本地居民大都是来自世界各地的移民者,所以思想极其具有多样化。为了稳定各种族之间的文化差异,美国演变出来了崇尚自由、民主的思想,这样便会相互尊重各民族之间的文化使其和谐相处。其二是:欧美国家受达尔文的自然选择理论影响极为深重,认为物种优胜略汰是大自然发展的规律,优秀的人获得较高的社会地位变的富有,而不优秀的人着这处于社会的低端。富有的人享有更高的社会待遇,而穷困的人享有较低的社会待遇,这样富有人的基因就得到了传承,也就是优秀的基因得到了传承。而中国接触现代科学的时间极短,并且没有参与欧洲多次的文化运动,且中国的儒家思想对达尔文的自然选择学说具有否定效应。所以产生了一定的价值观差异。 国家发展战略的不同。美国以资本主义核心价值观为发展主体,有资本家的出现必定就会存在被剥削和压迫的群体。而全部美国人作为一个利益团体,作为全世界最发达的国家,最大利益的发展战略便是对其他国家进行剥削压迫。共产主义的思想是最下化化剥削与压迫,共产主义的思想得到传播美国的利益也便会受到损失,所以美国会极力反对以共产主义为最终发展目标的社会主义国家。而中国建国只有几十年,落后的旧中国是资本主义成分极重,下层人民是在旧中国受到压迫的群体,而这个群体便是中国最大的利


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 高中英语任务型语法教学初探 2 从常见的中英文名字比较中英两国命名文化差异 3 浅析模糊语在商务谈判中的应用 4 Pragmatic Differences of Politeness in Intercultural Communication Between English and Chinese 5 礼貌原则在英汉语言文化差异中的应用 6 爱伦坡《泄密的心》的恐怖效果 7 《道林?格雷的画像》中的现实元素(开题报告+论) 8 中西方商务礼仪的差异 9 文化负迁移对翻译的影响 10 英汉习语的文化差异及翻译对策 11 种族沟通的桥梁——对《宠儿》中两个丹芙的人物分析 12 英语电影片名的翻译策略与方法 13 对《红字》中完美人性的求索--浅析海斯特与丁梅斯代尔的自我思想较量与精神升华 14 浅析英文商务信函的写作格式与文体风格 15 浅析国际商务谈判文化因素及其对策 16 商标的特征及其翻译的分析 17 苔丝之罪是谁之过 18 分析形成性评价在英语教学中的应用 19 论埃德加?爱伦?坡短篇小说的创作风格 20 Hip-Hop对美国社会文化的影响 21 文化差异视域下英语报刊硬新闻的翻译 22 德伯家的苔丝中人类的欲望——悲剧的根源 23 从关联-顺应理论视角研究旅游文本英译 24 从《嘉莉妹妹》看德莱塞的女性观 25 浅析商务谈判中的恭维语应用 26 The Application of Games in English Teaching for Young Learners 27 中学英语老师提问存在的问题及解决策略 28 从《大卫科波菲尔》的女性人物塑造看现实主义与浪漫主义的结合 29 哈里的迷惘与自我救赎——《乞力马扎罗的雪》的哲学解读 30 中西方饮食文化的比较研究 31 An Interpretation of China Boy from the Perspective of Post-colonialism 32 《太阳照常升起》中的“女性化”研究 33 体态语和跨文化交际—体态语在国际商务中的重要作用 34 《苍蝇》的叙事艺术及悲剧主题探究 35 论英语词汇学习策略 36 英语学习中的性别差异 37 论《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中的环境描写----从视觉和听学的角度 38 科技英语中被动句的语篇功能探析 39 从电影《阿甘正传》分析委婉语的交际功能 40 《论语》中“孝”的英译——基于《论语》两个英译本的对比研究 41 浅析美剧台词中幽默的翻译——以《绝望的主妇》为例


浅析中美家庭教育之差异摘要:父母是子女的第一任老师,家庭教育在人的教育中占有极其重要的地位,是任何其他教育所无法替补的。中美在家庭教育上存在着明显的区别,不同的观念和培养方式造成了中美两国的儿童在成人后存在着显著的差异。本文浅析其差异产生的原因并给出解决的建议性方法。 关键词:家庭教育;育儿观;传统;素质教育 家庭教育指的是在家庭互动过程中父母对子女的成长发展所产生的教育影响,也是全社会各个教育环节中最重要的一环,中美两国由于在文化传统、观念意识、生活方式以及社会习俗等方面存在着诸多不同之处,导致两国在家庭教育方面也存在着许多差异。 一、中美家庭教育差异及原因 1.两种不同的家庭成员关系 我国当代家庭教育受传统的家庭观念影响,家长总是意味着权威,作为统治者在家庭中处于核心地位。年长者一定可以教育年幼者,这就在家庭内部形成一种人际关系的不平等,儿童也由此学会了对不同的人说不同的话,懂得了父母比朋友重要,长者是权威的象征。而在美国家庭,家长更注

重自由与平等的相处。从小就尊重孩子,重视给孩子的个人自主权,让孩子学会在社会允许的条件下自己做决定,独立解决自己所遇到的各种问题。他们把孩子当做一个独立的个体平等对待,给孩子应有的尊重和理解。孩子在父母面前可以畅所欲言地发表自己的见解,所言有独到之处,父母还会给以适当的奖励。孩子有独立的时间和空间去自由的想像或进行创造性活动。 2. 两种不同的育儿观 中国式家庭教育往往着眼于孩子将来是否有出息,能否找个好职业。基于这种期盼,很多家长认为,父母对孩子的责任就是让他们生活得更好。若能给孩子创造最优越的生活条件,再苦再累也愿意。为此,父母在孩子成长过程中,除了生活上进行无微不至的照顾,还特别关心孩子的智商,至于孩子的独立生活能力、对未来生活的适应能力,以及公民意识等却很少考虑,认为孩子只要成绩好,什么问题都能解决。美国家庭的育儿观有很大不同,他们的着眼点在于培养孩子具有适应各种环境和独立生存的能力。十分重视孩子的自身锻炼。从小就注重培养锻炼孩子的自立意识和独立生活能力。诸如劳动锻炼、意志的锻炼等。但最根本的是适应各种艰苦环境和劳动能力的锻炼。 3. 两种不同的教育方式


Content I. Introduction (2) 1.1 Research Background (2) 1.2 Aims & Objectives (2) 1.3 The Scope of this Paper (2) II. The intercultural adaptation theory (3) 2.1 The process of adaptation (3) 2.2 Intercultural personhood (4) III. Conflicts between Chinese and Western Culture Reflected in Pushing Hands (6) 3.1 Plot of Pushing Hands—The independent space in Chinese and Western family (6) 3.2 Attitudes towards children (7) 3.3 Chinese and Western family’s attitude toward their elders (8) 3.4 The emotional expression of Chinese and Western Countries (9) IV. Conclusion (10) V. References (11)

I.Introduction 1.1Research Background Nowadays, the development of mass media provides a lot of opportunities for people to experience different cultures. Among mass media, movie industry makes the most powerful impact on human beings. Film-makers use film as a kind of art form to express their interpretations of life. Therefore, movies not only entertain us, but also influence our views on ourselves, others and the whole world. Movies, as an essential form of mass media, have played an important role in intercultural communication. 1.2Aims & Objectives Research on intercultural communication helps us to know how cultures permeate through our daily life, lead our behaviors, form our think patterns and influence our communications with people who have diverse culture backgrounds. Movies are the effective carriers to bring different cultures to audiences. A lot of Chinese directors stand out conspicuously in the world with their unique angle of views and techniques of expression to show Chinese traditional cultures to foreign audiences. Among them, Ang Lee is the most successful intercultural films’ director. With the background of growing up in Tai Wan and being educated in America, Ang Lee has his own cognitions of culture differences and integration. Many years of living experience in America offers him chances to go through the process of intercultural adaptation and to form the intercultural personhood. From his films, the audience could see not only the conflicts and integrations of eastern and western cultures bu t also Ang Lee’s understandings of the humanity. In his early films, eastern and western cultural conflicts are the main topics to discuss. And in his later films, he integrates eastern and western cultures and even is beyond eastern and western culture boundaries to explore and discuss humanity. With long time intercultural life experience, Ang Lee has formed intercultural personhood. 1.3The Scope of this Paper The first part introduces Ang Lee’s biography.Ang Lee’s intercultural background


郑州大学外语学院本科生论文开题报告题目:中美家庭观的差异 院系:外语学院 专业:英语 班级:2010级英语3班 学生姓名:孟庆银 学号:20103710310

题目The Differences of Family Values between China and America 综述一、选题的目的、意义及相关研究动态: 选题背景: 家庭是社会的最小单位,家庭的和谐稳定直接影响着社会的和谐与稳定。伴随着中国对外开放程度的加深,中国人各方面都受到其他国家的影响,特别是美国。美国是世 界上最发达的国家,美国文化和价值观通过各种方式(影视作品,文学作品等等)影响 着我们。本文通过对中美家庭观差异的研究,取其精华去其糟粕,适当的改变中国人的 家庭观,有助于构建和谐社会。 选题目的及意义: 1.正确认识中美家庭观差异及形成原因。 中美两国由于地理环境,文化传统,教育方式,生活习惯,人口种族等方面不同,因此形成了不同的家庭观。分析两国家庭观的差异可以使我们正确借鉴美国有益的家庭 观。 2.吸收借鉴美国优秀的家庭观,完善中国的家庭观 了解到差异后,发现美国优秀的家庭观并加以借鉴,改掉我们落后的家庭观,使我们的家庭观更完善,合理。 3.有助于家庭和社会的和谐,有助于提高国民素质 家庭对个人的影响很大,优秀的家庭观有助于家庭和睦,有助于塑造出高素质的公民,家庭和谐有助于社会的和谐。 4.有助于更好的理解美国文化和价值观 通过了解到家庭观的差异有助于我们了解美国文化和价值观,有助于进行跨文化交际 国内相关研究动态: 近几年我国有一些学者研究了中美家庭观的差异 1.李玉艳,李静在《浅谈中美家庭观的文化差异》中先从现代家庭制度、现代家庭 成员之间的关系、现代家庭的功能三个方面比较了中美两国的现代家庭的差异,然后分 析了家庭制度和社会文化制度的相互影响。 她们指出家庭制度方面美国是核心家庭,而中国则是夫妻平权制家庭、核心型小家庭等。家庭成员关系方面美国是民主家庭而中国家庭则是在向民主发展。家庭的功能方 面美国家庭是娱乐实体,中国家庭有5个功能:经济功能、生育功能、抚养和赡养功能、 教育功能。在家庭制度和社会制度方面:美国是一种“个人本位”的社会,家庭观念淡 薄,形成了人与人平等的关系,而且有利于社会制度和社会活动的发展,既推动了社会 分工的深化和社会合作的扩大,又促进了市民社会和立宪政治的建立和发展。负面效果 是导致了家庭伦理的破坏和


[摘要]不同的文化环境孕育不同的文化价值观,而家庭价值观是文化价值观的核心部分。本文试图从跨文化交际角度,探讨中国和美国这两个在不同文化价值观体系影响下形成的不同的家庭价值观及其对家庭生活,尤其是在对婚姻、教育孩子两方面的影响并分析其原因。 [关键词]家庭价值观文化价值观跨文化 copyright dedecms 一、引言亨廷顿认为:文化的核心是“由传统的观念所构成的,特别是同这些观念密不可分的价值观”。不同的文化群体由于受地理、宗教等方面的影响从而形成了持有不同价值观的文化群体。虽然价值观是后天形成的,每个人都有一套其独特的价值观,但在每一种文化中总有弥布于文化之中的普遍的价值观,这种价值观称为“文化价值观”,它使生活在该文化中的成员用不同的价值尺度来评判事物表明肯定、否定、喜欢、避忌或模棱两可等意向。文化价值观决定着人们的社会行为具有规范性质。家庭价值观是文化价值观研究的核心,因为家庭是文化价值观形成的最初环境,家庭成员的行为、观念等势必受到家庭的影响。家庭是社会形态的最基本单位,因而整个社会文化价值观的形成受家庭价值观的直接影响。中国文化是东方文化的一个典型代表,美国是西方文化的一个融合体,因而这两个不同的文化实体必然体现着不同的核心文化价值观。中国文化价值观强调以集体主义为核心,个人利益要服从集体利益。与之形成对比的美国文化价值观强调个人主义为核心,个人利益高于一切。中美家庭处于不同的文化环境中,因而受到不同文化价值观的影响,中美家庭所代表着不同的文化价值观。组成家庭的成员的个人的行为、观念由于受不同文化价值观影响必然不同。本文试图从跨文化角度对受不同价值观影响的中美家庭在婚姻、教育孩子两方面进行探讨,并对其差异形成原因进行分析。二、婚姻观婚姻关系是人际关系中最密切最长久的一种,是构成家庭的最基本的关系。(一)中国家庭价值观之婚姻观中国是集体主义为核心价值观的文化群体,个人利益需要服从集体利益,注重培养和谐、宽容的人际关系,因此中国家庭成员的行为观念大多数是以家庭这个小集体的利益为中心。家庭对于夫妻双方来说是共同努力的方向和目标,是一切活动的中心。多数中国家庭所追求的是那种温馨、其乐融融的天伦之乐,而这种幸福一定不是强调每个家庭成员的利益所能获得的,它需要成员之间的相互谦让、相互包容甚至忍让。由于受中国“三纲五常”思想的影响,家庭成员之间不是完全平等的,如在夫妻之间、父母与孩子之间等。婚姻对于中国夫妻来说是一件举足轻重的事情,所以无论是它的开始还是它的结束都将会对双方产生很重要的影响。总体看来中国的离婚率还是远远低于美国,因为中国人注重家庭这个集体的利益,婚姻已经不属于个人问题,它包含着道德、责任、荣誉感等因素。中国夫妻双方在考虑婚姻及家庭时大多数不会以个人的利益为重,这和美国家庭价值观大相径庭。(二)美国家庭价值观之婚姻观美国是具有几百年历史的西方文化尤其是古希腊罗马文化的集大成者,由于不同的历史发展道路和不同的自然地理条件等因素,形成了与中国完全不同的文化价值观念。美国家庭价值观贯穿着独立、权利及平等三大观念。美国人的天伦之乐的思想是以个人平等、独立发展和权利意识这些观念为基础的。其中最突出的观念是家庭成员之间的独立平等。这种家庭价值观和美国人的个人主义价值观是紧密相连、一脉相承的。许多人有这样的信条“Every man for himself and God for us”,所以单纯的个人才是美国人家庭价值观的出发点。因此在美国家庭生活中,美国人也崇尚独立性和一切靠自己的原则。总体看来,美国人的婚姻观与中国人的婚姻观有着极大的不同。美国人认为:婚姻纯属个人私事,任何人没有权利干涉;同时婚姻与道德问题没有关系。一个人有权去选择自己所爱的人,结婚后一旦发现现有的婚姻是一个错误,不幸福的婚姻,自己有权做出再一次的选择。如果夫妇一方爱上了第三者,任何一方都不会受谴责。在他们看来:强迫两个不相爱的人生活在一起是残忍的。因此,由于文化价值观的不同导致家庭价值观的不同,集体主义为核心价值观的中国家庭价值观和以个人主义为核心价值观的美国家庭价值观存在着很大的差异。在跨国婚姻中,这些问题是夫妻双方交际产生矛盾的根本原因。三、教育方式教育是文化的组成部分,受到文化的影响和制约。教育离不开文化传统,教育除了受一定社会的政治制度、经济发展的影响外,教育思想、教育制度、教育内容和方法无不留下文化传统的痕迹。文化价值观作为文化的核心,对教育具有深远的影响作用。而教育的实施除了在学校规范的进行外,还有大部分时间教

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