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九年级英语同步作文unit 9

九年级英语同步作文unit 9
九年级英语同步作文unit 9

Unit 9 When was it invented?








Telephone was invented in 1876.

The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison.

The light bulb is used for seeing in the dark.

They contributed to the development of our society.

Einstein made a great contribution to science.



3. 介绍一名发明家,需要介绍的方面较多。一般来说,需要介绍他们的主要发明,有关他


4. 写作时要注意要点突出,表达有序,正确使用过去时和被动语态。



What is the worst invention in the world?

In 2002, an English made a survey about what the worst invention was in your opinion. The result was plastic bag.

Plastic bags were invented by an Austrian scientist named Marx in the 1930s. Every year, people from the whole world use about five thousand million plastic bags. Because they are very

cheap, many people just use them for one or two time and then throw away. If the cows or horses find them in the field and eat them, it will be dangerous for their health. Many animals died because of eating plastic bags. If they are burned, they will give out poisonous gas that is bad for people’s health and pollute the air. Some people bury them, and this is bad for the soil, because plants can hardly grow here.

The only advantage of plastic bags is that they sometimes make life convenient. But they have too many disadvantages. So the name the worse invention suits them just fine.


My new invention

I would like to introduce my new inventions. I have invented a car that uses water instead of petrol. It uses a new kind of engine that can turn water into energy. The new engine is a bit expensive, and the cars won’t be able to drive very fast. But it will be improved. It is a new way of producing energy, so we will have to build ne w cars. It can’t be used for normal cars.This invention is great for the environment. Imagine how nice and clean our cities would be if we didn’t have the air pollution from cars.


Alfred Nobel

Alfred Nobel was a great Swedish scientist and inventor. He had a big company that made and sold plosives and can even made weapons. Surprisingly, he was the man who set up the Peace Prize.

Though he made a lot of money from selling weapon, he hated the war. He hoped that there would be no war in the world. When he died in 1876, he left behind him a lot of money. According to his will, most of his money was placed in his fund---the Nobel Prizes. He wanted the winners to be chosen from their work instead of the country they come from.

Alfred Nobel had given his whole life to his studies and work to do something good for mankind. He made money all by his efforts, but he left the world share his wealth. His inventions and wealth stay with the whole world for ever.



1. When was the telephone invented? 电话是什么时候发明的?

I think it was invented in 1876. 我认为它是在1876年被发明的。

2. Who was the car invented by? 汽车是由谁发明的?

It was invented by Benz. 它是由本茨发明的。

3. I think the most helpful invention is the light bulb. 我认为最有用的发明是灯泡。

4. What are they used for? 它们是被用来干什么的?

They are used for seeing in the dark. 它们是被用来在黑暗中看路的。

5. The potato chips were invented by mistake. 炸土豆片是由于差错而被发明的。

6. Did you know that tea was invented by accident?你知道茶是偶然被发明的吗?

Who invented tea? 谁发明了茶

7. Do you know when basketball was invented? 你知道篮球是什么时候被发明的吗?


1. Wood can be used for making paper.木材可以被用来造纸。

2. Today computers are used in both cities and villages. 城市和乡村现在都在使用计算机。

3. This kind of machine is used by farmers for getting in crops. 农民们用这种机器来收割庄稼。

4. The invention of the cell phone is very important to society. 手机的发明对社会有很重要的意义。

5. His 6,000 inventions included the electric light bulb, the phonograph, and the mimeograph machine. 他作出了六千项发明,包括电灯泡,留声机和油印机。

6. What do you think is the most important invention? 你认为什么是最有用的发明?

7. I wish I were an inventor. 但愿我是个发明家。

8. Thomas Edison was the inventor of the light bulb. 托马斯·爱迪生是电灯泡的发明人。

9. Human beings are creative animals. 人类是有创造力的动物。

10. It is believed that Bell invented the first telephone in 1876. 人们认为,贝尔于1876年发明了电话。



内容提示:1.When was it invented?

2.Who was it invented by?

3.How was it invented?






内容提示:1. 世界上原来没有纸,人们在石头或者木片、竹子上写字;

2. 中国的蔡伦发明了纸张,他教会人们用各种废料来造纸;

3. 纸的发明推动了人类文明的进步,人们会永远记住这位伟大的发明家。


_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ One possible version:

About two thousand years ago, there was no paper in the world. People used to carve characters in wood, stone or bamboo slip. The rich people wrote on silk or sheepskin.

A Chinese inventor named Cai Lun tried his best to invent and improve paper. He taught people to make paper from waste materials like bark, used cloth and fishing net. In the year around 105,paper of good quality was finally invented. It can be used for writing.

After the invention, books became more and more popular all around the world. The invention of paper is very important in the development of human civilization. Cai Lun is a great inventor we should remember all the time.





_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ One possible version:

In my opinion,the most important invention is car. The first car in the world was invented by a Germen inventor named Karl Benz in 1885.

Since its invention, car has become one of the most important means of transportation in the world. It can take people to places far away from home. It is also used for carrying goods.

It has many advantages. First, it changed the way we travel. In the past, animals like horses and donkeys were used for traveling and carrying goods, they were very slow. Now, people can go anywhere by car much more quickly than before. Second, cars make it possible to transport many people at one time. Third, the car industry provides thousands of jobs all over the world.

Of course, cars also have disadvantages. First, cars are one of the resources of air pollution. They lead to many serious environmental problems like air pollution and noise pollution. Second, cars may bring many accidents if the drivers are not careful enough.


_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ One possible version:

Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847 and died on October 18, 1931. He was a famous American inventor.

When he was a child, he liked to find out how things worked. He was in school for only three months. He asked his teacher a lot of strange questions. Most of them had nothing to do with his lessons. The teacher thought the boy was not bright and was not worth teaching. When he told this to Edison’s mother, she took her son out of school. As she had been a teacher, she taught him herself. The boy read a lot. Soon he became very interested in science. At the age of ten, Edison had already built a chemistry lab for himself. Ever since then, he never stopped searching for new and better ways to do things.

Edison has about two thousand inventions in his life. Most of his inventions such as the light bulb, rubber,phonograph and printing machine and so on have made great contribution to the progress of our society.


江山股份2020年上半年财务分析详细报告 一、资产结构分析 1.资产构成基本情况 江山股份2020年上半年资产总额为429,567.87万元,其中流动资产为228,518.04万元,主要以货币资金、应收账款、存货为主,分别占流动资产的35.51%、27.4%和18.56%。非流动资产为201,049.83万元,主要以固定资产、长期股权投资、无形资产为主,分别占非流动资产的59.19%、11.1%和10.89%。 资产构成表(万元) 项目名称 2018年上半年2019年上半年2020年上半年 数值百分比(%) 数值百分比(%) 数值百分比(%) 总资产 279,790.84 100.00 374,140.97 100.00 429,567.87 100.00 流动资产 101,481.08 36.27 213,690.84 57.12 228,518.04 53.20 货币资金14,220.19 5.08 75,337.36 20.14 81,145.38 18.89 应收账款42,595.07 15.22 48,756.14 13.03 62,605.13 14.57 存货39,139.47 13.99 54,055.72 14.45 42,411.01 9.87 非流动资产 178,309.76 63.73 160,450.12 42.88 201,049.83 46.80

固定资产 122,982.78 43.96 111,552.96 29.82 118,998.93 27.70 长期股权投资13,409.3 4.79 17,994.18 4.81 22,325.38 5.20 无形资产16,973.79 6.07 15,976.19 4.27 21,898.45 5.10 2.流动资产构成特点 企业持有的货币性资产数额较大,约占流动资产的37.24%,表明企业的支付能力和应变能力较强。不过,企业的货币性资产主要来自于短期借款及应付票据,应当对偿债风险给予关注。企业流动资产中被别人占用的、应当收回的资产数额较大,约占企业流动资产的27.7%,应当加强应收款项管理,关注应收款项的质量。 流动资产构成表(万元) 项目名称 2018年上半年2019年上半年2020年上半年 数值百分比(%) 数值百分比(%) 数值百分比(%) 流动资产 101,481.08 100.00 213,690.84 100.00 228,518.04 100.00 货币资金14,220.19 14.01 75,337.36 35.26 81,145.38 35.51 应收账款42,595.07 41.97 48,756.14 22.82 62,605.13 27.40 存货39,139.47 38.57 54,055.72 25.30 42,411.01 18.56 预付款项975.48 0.96 21,956.41 10.27 14,420.82 6.31 其他流动资产523.08 0.52 4,412.79 2.07 13,856.76 6.06


Unit1 在英语学习方面,你一定积累了很多的经验。请结合自己的学习体会,以“How to learn English well”为题写一篇120词左右的英语作文,给出有关 自己高效学习方法方面的一些好建议。请用“头脑风暴”的方式,写出你打算从 哪几个方面描述如何成为成功的英语学习者,这就形成了你独有的“mind map”。 How to learn English well It's difficult to learn English well. I think you can learn it well if you follow my advice. First,listen to your teacher carefully in English class. Pay attention to the main points and take notes. Then you can review your lessons after class. Second,increase your vocabulary by making flashcards so that you can recite them anywhere. Third,Try to listen to tapes every day. It's good for your pronunciation. Finally,practice and learn from mistakes. Remember,“Practice makes perfect”.Good learners will keep practicing what they have learned,and they are not afraid of making mistakes. If you are confident in yourself and practice your English in this way,I'm sure you can make great progress. Unit2 假如你是Chen Jun,你的美国笔友Jim向你了解中国的传统节日——春节。 现在请你用英文写一篇电子邮件,向他介绍春节。内容包含时间、庆祝活动、意 义与感受等。 注意: 1.邮件需涵盖以上所有要点,可适当发挥;2.文中不能出现真实的人 名和校名等相关信息;3.词数120词左右。 Dear Jim, There are many important festivals in China,such as Spring Festival,the Dragon Boat Festival,Mid-Autumn Festival and the Lantern Festival. Now I'm happy to tell you about our Chinese Spring Festival. Like Christmas,it happens every year,but not on the same day. We celebrate Spring Festival in January or February. It finishes at the Lantern Festival. A few days before Spring Festival,we are busy getting ready for it. For example,we clean the house and sweep the floor. It means that we sweep away bad luck. We make lanterns to welcome the new year. We also buy some new clothes,dessert and other kinds of food. Besides,we have a traditional family dinner on the evening before Spring Festival. I think that dumplings and Niangao are the best food to eat for dinner. After the dinner,we watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV.


初三上英语期末作文 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】

初三上期末英语作文范文 (一) 人的一生应以自信、自强、自立为重,请以“Believe myself, and I will win! ”为题,写一篇自己在学习或生活中遇到困难并战胜困难的文章。 要求:1.切合题意,内容完整; 2.表达清楚,书写规范; 3.词数不少于80个。 提示:1.你遇到了什么困难 2.你是如何克服困难的 3.你从中体会到什么 Believe myself, and I will win As an old saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way. There always are difficulties in our life and we have to face them. In fact, when I was a child, I always feel sad or nervous about the difficulties in my life .Then my parents told me that where there is a will, there is a way, they also told me that I should be confident. Now, I'm no longer a child and I begin to know t he real meaning of my parents’ words. To be confident means I should believe myself. If I do that, I will become a happy and brave person. Believe myself, there are hopes in my life. In the future, I won't be afraid of the difficulties in my life and I'm sure that nothing can beat me and I will win! Believe myself, and a beautiful future is waiting for me. (二) 假设你校即将开展“读好书,促成长”的活动,请你根据这次活动的主题,向全校同学发出倡议。请根据表格中所给信息,用英语写一篇倡议书。 读书的意义: 获取知识,增长见识,使人聪明,使人快乐,有助于学习,有助于成长 目前的状况: 听音乐,看电视,上网等占去了学生大部分的读书时间 发出倡议: 多读书,读好书 注意: 1. 词数80-100;倡议的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数)。 2. 倡议书须包括所有内容要点,但可适当发挥。行文连贯,表达流畅,书写美观。 参考词汇: gain knowledge, open one’s mind, take up (占去) My dear friends, Reading is very important in our life. We can gain knowledge by reading a lot of good books. It can not only open our minds but also make us cleverer and happier. Our study can be improved if we read more books. Reading also helps us grow up better.

人教版九年级英语unit 9原文

unit 9 section A 2d Jill: What are you doing this weekend, Scott? Scott: Not much. I suppose I will just listen to this new CD I bought. Jill: Oh, what CD is this? Scott: Well, it's all music. There's no singing. I like smooth music that helps me relax after a long week at work. Jill: Sounds nice. Well, if you have spare time, do you want to watch a movie with me? The director is really famous. Scott: Hmm, depends which movie. I only like movies that are funny. I just want to laugh and not think too much. You know what I mean? Jill: Oh, in that case, I will ask someone who like serious movies. Scott: What's the movie about? Jill: It's about World War two. I prefer movies that give me something to think about. 3a What do you feel like watching today? While some people stick to only one kind of movie, I like to watch different kinds depending on how I feel that day. When I'm down or tired, I prefer movies that can cheer me up. Comedies


外研版九年级英语上全册课文翻译 Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1: It’s more than 2000 years old. 托尼:我们给《世界奇观》节目打电话,加入讨论吧。我觉得自然奇观比人造奇观更有趣。而且我认为巨人之路是最神奇的自然奇观。 玲玲:嗯,我没有见过巨人之路,所以我不知道该不该同意你的看法。你为什么会喜欢它呢,托尼? 托尼:哦,两年前我浏览了巨人之路。它非常大,由大约4万多块石块组成,大多数石块都有六个面。巨人之路位于北爱尔兰东海岸,绵延数百米。 玲玲:听起来很神奇,但我认为非洲的维多利亚瀑布更壮观。瀑布宽约1700米,高约100米,数千米之外就能听到瀑布的巨响。 贝蒂:哇!那么大啊!但是,在我看来,人造奇观比自然奇观更激动人心。就说兵马俑吧,它们都有两千多年的历史了。 大明:我同意你的看法,贝蒂。我觉得三峡大坝也很神奇。大坝长约2300米,高185米,顶部宽15米。它为中国数百万的人口供电。 贝蒂:那现在谁来拨打热线? Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big . 自然界的一大奇观 我到那里时是大清早,天下着雨。我朝东边看了看,天空变得灰蒙蒙的。我下了车,穿过一道门,沿着一条黑暗的小路前行。虽然什么也看不见,但我知道它就在那里。 大约走了一英里,小路边出现了一个陌生人。我问道:“我走的路对吗?”他知道我要去哪里。他答道:“对,五分钟后你就能到达那里。”终于,我走到一些岩石前停了下来。我朝那片岩石望过去,但是一片寂静,还是看不见它。 突然,雨停了,云散了。太阳从我身后升起,照在岩石上。地面(仿佛在随着光线)向下延伸,(逐渐)退落到下面的一条河里。我在眺望着这自然界奇观之一的大峡谷。


初三英语期中考试作文复习 一, Unit 1 谈论学习 I hear you have some problems in learning English . Don’t worry . I think there are three good ways to learn English well . First , I think you should be interested in what you do(可以改成English ). If you are interested in something , your brain will be more active . If you like music , you can learn English by listening to English songs. Second , you should practice more and learn from mistakes . Practice makes perfect . Don’t be afraid of making mistakes . For example ,Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone by trying many times and learn from mistakes . Third , you should take notes in class. Notes can help you review what you have learned . You can take notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind maps. Learning is a lifelong journey . I believe you can improve your English if you work hard . Yours Tom 2, 你的英国笔友Frank想学汉语,请你给他写一封信,告诉他如何学习汉语。 要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工整。2.可用所提示的词语,也可以适当发挥 3. 词数:60-80(提示词语:go to Chinese classes, make friends, listen to the radio, dictionary, useful, read Chinese stories, talk with, difficult, ask a Chinese teacher for help…)Dear Frank, How’s it going? I miss you. I know you want to learn Chinese now. I have some good ideas. First, you can go to Chinese classes and make Chinese friends. Second , you must listen to the radio in the morning, and read Chinese stories. It's good for your listening and speaking. If you see some words , you can guess the words’ meaning by reading the sentences before and after it , or you can look them up in the dictionary. It's useful for you. Third, you can ask a Chinese teacher for help. Finally , you should practice Chinese more . Don’t be afraid of making mistakes . I hope you can learn Chinese well. Yours 二,Unit 2谈论节日(写作思路:1,节日地位。2,节日习俗。3,节日活动)(一),介绍你Spring Festival. There are many traditional festivals in China. My favorite festival is the Spring Festival . It comes in January or February . The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. Before the Spring Festival people often prepare something new and delicious food . On the eve of the Spring Festival , people often get together to have a big dinner . Chicken , fish and dumplings are special food . During the Spring Festival, family often go to visit their relatives and friends . Children can get much lucky money . I like the Spring Festival because I can spend a


【人教版新目标九年级英语课文翻译全一册】英语人教版九 年级全一册 一单元 SECTION A 1a 我通过制作抽认卡来学习。通过和朋友一起学习。通过听磁带。通过做抽认卡。通过向老师求助。通过读课本。通过制作单词本。 1c A:你怎么为考试而学习。B:我通过参加学习小组来学习。 2a 1、你是通过看英文录像学英语的吗? 2、你曾和朋友们练习过对话吗? 3、听磁带怎么样? 4、大声朗读以练习发音怎么样?5、我曾经通过参加学习小组的方式学习过吗? 2b A是的,我通过那种学习方式学到了很多。B、哦,是的,它提高了我说英语的能力。C、有时那样做。我觉得他有用。D、不。(通过看英语录像学习)太难了,无法理解录像中的人所说的话。 2c A你曾经通过参加学习小组来学习吗?B、是的,我参加赤字,通过那种方式我学到了很多。

Grammer Focus 你怎么为准备一场考试而学习? __听磁带。你怎样学习英语?我通过参加学习小组来学习。你通过大声朗读来学习英语吗?是的,我是。你曾和朋友们练习过对话吗?哦,是的,他提高了我说英语的能力。你曾经通过参加学习?小组来学习吗?是的,我参加过。通过那种方式我学习到了很多。 3a如何才能学得最好 这星期我们询问了新星高中的同学关于学习更多英语的最佳方法的问题。许多同学说他们通过使用英语为学习它,一些还有很特别的建议。比如,李莉莲说学习新单词的最好的方法是阅读英语杂志。她说记忆浒音乐的歌词也有一些作用。当我们问及学习语法的问题时,她说:“我从不学习语法。它太枯燥了。” 魏明有不同的看法。他学习英语已经6年了,并且确实喜欢英语。他认为学习语法是学习一门语言的一种好方法。他还认为观看英语电影也不错,国灰他可以看到演员说话的情形。但是,有时候他发现看英语电影是件很头痛的事情,因为那些演员说话太快了。


新版九年级英语一单元 作文 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

The ways to learn English well It’s important for us to learn English well,but how can we learn English well? Now, let me introduce my ways of learning English. First, I think we should be more brave. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or practice the pronunciation. And we can also practice English by reading aloud or listening to the tapes. I believe if we do it like this, we will be better at English pronunciation. It is also a good idea to connect English with the things you like, because interests are the best teacher. At last, we could try to improve our English by reviewing what we have learned every. This will help us to remember it more clearly and understand it better. Because in my opinion, repeating is the secrect to language learning. In a word, the more we practice, the better our English will be.Because practice makes perfect.


初三上英语期末作文 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

初三上期末英语作文范文 (一) 人的一生应以自信、自强、自立为重,请以“Believe myself, and I will win! ”为题,写一篇自己在学习或生活中遇到困难并战胜困难的文章。 要求:1.切合题意,内容完整; 2.表达清楚,书写规范; 3.词数不少于80个。 提示:1.你遇到了什么困难 2.你是如何克服困难的 3.你从中体会到什么 Believe myself, and I will win As an old saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way. There always are difficulties in our life and we have to face them. In fact, when I was a child, I always feel sad or nervous about the difficulties in my life .Then my parents told me that where there is a will, there is a way, they also told me that I should be confident. Now, I'm no longer a child and I begin to know t he real meaning of my parents’ words. To be confident means I should believe myself. If I do that, I will become a happy and brave person. Believe myself, there are hopes in my life. In the future, I won't be afraid of the difficulties in my life and I'm sure that nothing can beat me and I will win! Believe myself, and a beautiful future is waiting for me. (二) 假设你校即将开展“读好书,促成长”的活动,请你根据这次活动的主题,向全校同学发出倡议。请根据表格中所给信息,用英语写一篇倡议书。 读书的意义: 获取知识,增长见识,使人聪明,使人快乐,有助于学习,有助于成长 目前的状况: 听音乐,看电视,上网等占去了学生大部分的读书时间 发出倡议: 多读书,读好书 注意: 1. 词数80-100;倡议的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数)。 2. 倡议书须包括所有内容要点,但可适当发挥。行文连贯,表达流畅,书写美观。 参考词汇:gain knowledge, open one’s mind, take up (占去) My dear friends, Reading is very important in our life. We can gain knowledge by reading a lot of good books. It can not only open our minds but also make us cleverer and happier.

九年级英语人教版Unit 9 说课稿

九年级英语人教版unit 9 说课稿 各位评委老师,大家好! 今天我说课的题目是初中英语九年级“unit 10 by the time i got outside,the bus had already left”,整个说课我将分五部分进行讲述,即教材分析、教法、学法、教学程序、板书设计。 一、说教材 本单元主要围绕“april fool’s day”为话题,谈论发生在过去的事情,培养学生对发生的事情进行客观评价的能力,并学习自主解决问题的能力;通过讨论“发生在过去的事情”这个话题,学习过去完成时的构成和基本用法以及现在完成时和过去完成时的区别。而本课是本单元的第一课,初步接触过去完成时,并且过去完成时是英语中非常重要的一种时态,占据着相当重要的位置。 根据英语教学大纲的要求,我确定以下教学目标: teaching aims: knowledge objects(:知识目标) 1 new words and phrases:by the time,gotten,oversleep,got outside,start doing.; 2 target language: by the time i got outside,the bus had already left. by the time she got up,her brother had already gone into the bathroom. ability objects:(能力目标) 1 train the students’listening and speaking skills with the target language 2 train the students to narrate the past events with the past perfect tense 3 train the students’writing skills with target language moral objects:(道德目标) it’s a good habit to go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning.so you’ll never be in a hurry in the morning.also the whole day’s work depends on the plan in the morning. teaching key points(教学重点) 1 master the words:by the time,oversleep 2 master the target language by the time i got outside,the bus had already left. by the time she got up,her brother had already gone into the bathroom teaching difficult points(教学难点) 1 train the students to understand the listening material. 2 train the students to narrate past events with the past perfect tense 二、说教法 1.英语学习的目的重在更好地运用语言于实际的交流之中,单调地重复课文内容或机械地操练吸引不了我们的学生。为达到交流的目的,我采用情境教学法、直观教学法,



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九年级英语作文范文 Writing a story about famous people 书面表达(15分)王献之是东晋着名的书法家。由于其书艺超群,历来与其父王羲之并称“二王”。假设你校英语俱乐部正在开展“名人轶事我来讲”活动,请你根据以下提示写一篇英语短文,讲述王献之小时候练习书法的故事。 提示:①王献之7岁开始练习书法; ② 5年之后的一天,给父亲展示他写的“大”字,父亲添了一点,成为“太”; ③母亲说只有那一点像他父亲的笔迹。词数:80左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:calligraphy 书法;surpass 超越;dot 点;handwriting 笔迹Wang Xianzhi was the son of Wang Xizhi. He started practising calligraphy at the age of seven. He always dreamed of surpassing his father. One day five years later, Wang Xianzhi showed the character “大” he wrote to his father. His father didn’t think it was so good, so he added a dot and the character became “太”. Wang Xianzhi showed it to his mother. His mother said, “Only this dot is like your father’s handwriting.” Hearing the words, Wang Xianzhi starte d practising calligraphy even harder. And finally he achieved great success. He and his father were called the “Two Wangs” by people. 〖经典例题〗 乔纳森?斯威夫特是英国十八世纪杰出的政治家和作家。他以小说《格列佛游记》闻名于世界文坛。假如你是林辉,你准备参加市图书馆举办的英文故事演讲比赛,你选取了着名作家乔纳森?斯威夫特的一件趣事。请你根据下列提示内容,以Jonathan Swift and his servant为标题,用英语写一篇故事稿。 故事概要: 1.早上起床后,Swift看到他的鞋子上都是泥; 2.仆人认为没必要清理鞋子,因为天气很糟糕,它们很快又会变脏; 3.Swift没有让仆人吃晚饭;告诉他:“吃了饭,你很快又会饿的。 要求: 1.须包含所有要点,可适当添加细节,使行文连贯; 2.80词左右,故事开头已给出,不计入总词数。提示词汇:mud 泥 〖范文展示〗 Jonathan Swift and his servant The following story is about Jonathan Swift, who was a famous English writer. One morning, Swift stopped dressing when he found there was lots of mud on his shoes. He asked his servant, “Why didn’t you clean my shoes? They are so dirty.” “I thought i t was not necessary to clean them i n such bad weather,” the servant said. “The weather is so bad that they will get dirty again in a short time.” Later that day, the servant wasn’t allowed to have dinner. He wondered why he wasn’t allowed to do so. “I thought it was unnecessary for you to eat,” Swift said, “because you will become hungry in a short time.” Writing about family life 假如你是深圳某中学的初三学生王林。你的英国笔友Peter想了解在中国家庭成员之间是如何相 处的。请你根据下面的图表提示,以你的家庭为例,给Peter写一封信。 要求: 1. 须包含图表提示中所有内容,可适当发挥; 2. 词数80左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 One possible version:

九年级新目标英语Unit 9课文语法填空,短文改错

九年级新目标英语 U n i t9课文语法填空, 短文改错 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

Unit 9 语法填空: What Do You Feel Like__________( watch) Today? While some people stick to only one kind of movie, I like to watch different kinds _________(depend) on how I feel that day. When I’m down or tired, I prefer movi es that________( cheer) me up. Comedies like Men in Black or cartoons like Kung fu Panda have funny dialogues and usually have a happy_________( end). The characters_________ ( be not) perfect, but they try their best ____________( solve) their problems. After _________(watch) them, the problems __________(sudden) seem __________(little) serious and I feel much________( good) again. ___________(laugh) for two hours is a good way___________( relax)! I don’t watch dramas or documentaries when I’m sad or tire d. Dramas like Titanic make me _________(feel) even________( sad). Documentaries like March of the Penguins which________( provide) plenty of ____________(information) about a certain subject can be ___________(interest), but when I’m tired I don’t want to think too much. I don’t mind action movies like Spider-Man when I’m too tired_________(think). I can just _________(shut) off my brain,________(sit) back and________(enjoy)________(watch) an __________(excite) superhero who always__________(save) the world just in time. Once in a while, I like to watch movies that_________(be) scary. They can be fun, but I’m too scared __________(watch) them alone. I always bring a friend who ________( be not) afraid of these kinds of movies, and it doesn’t feel so scary anymore. Sad but Beautiful Last night one of my Chinese friends ________(take) me to a concert of Chinese folk music. The piece which __________(play) on the erhu especially ________(move) me. The music was________( strange) beautiful, but under the beauty I sensed a strong ________(sad) and pain. The piece had a simple name, Erquan Yingyue (Moon Reflected on Second Spring), but it was one of the most ___________( move) pieces of music that I_______ ever ________(hear). The erhu sounded like so sad that I almost________( cry) along with it as I listened. Later I looked up the history of Erquan Yingyue, and I began__________( understand) the sadness in the music. The music __________( write) by Abing, a folk musician who was born in the city of Wuxi in 1893. His mother died when he was very young. Abing’s father _________(teach) him_________( play) many musical instruments, such as the drums, dizi and erhu, and by age 17, Abing ___________( know) for his musical ability. However, after his father died, Abin g’s life grew_______( badly). He was very poor. Not only that, he __________(develop) a serious illness and became blind. For several years, he had no home. He lived on the streets and played music _________(make) money. Even after Abing got ________(marry) and had a home again, he continued _________(sing) and _________(play) on the streets. He performed in this way for many years. Abing’s __________(amaze) musical skills made him very popular during his lifetime. By the end of his life, he __________( play) over 600 pieces of music. Many of these were written by Abing_________( he). It is a pity that only six pieces of music in total___________( record) for the future world _________(hear), but his popularity ____________(continue) to this day. Today, Ab ing’s Erquan Yingyue is a piece which all the great erhu masters play and _________(praise). It_________( become) one of China’s national________( treasure). Its sad

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